AICM 2022 Risk report

Page 56

Managing credit risk for improved cash flow in the digital age Nikki Dennis MICM Managing Partner/Co-Founder SalesCRED

We live in an increasingly complex and digital

Within the current credit risk climate, the timing

driven society. If you’re like most people, you

couldn’t be better to explore how this new and

spend on average 5.5 hours of your day looking at

emerging digital technology may be applied

your phone screen. Think about that for a second;

for more effective cash flow and collections

taking the average life span, that’s 17 years of your


life spent on your phone! Yet despite this, digital receivables and collections technology is still very

And for those who question, is the market ready

much underutilised within Australia, and in fact,

for this? Let’s reflect on how ready for this we are!

around the world. At a time when we are facing emerging credit risk

Living in the digital age

from the largest quarterly and annual increase in

From the minute we wake up most of us are on

inflation we’ve seen in Australia since 2000. Not

our phones turning off our alarms and checking

to mention rising fuel prices from the ongoing

our news feed or messages. Digital communication

crisis in the Ukraine, labour shortages from the

is everywhere. We use our phones to check

continuing pandemic fallout, and recent figures

the weather so we can dress appropriately, to

from the Australian Energy Regulator showing

get us to work quicker by dodging traffic hold

average debt for gas and electricity rose 12% in

ups. We are emailed with updates on our child’s

the past year alone – it is essential that as credit

day at school, get reminded when our dentist

professionals, we review and keep abreast of new

appointment is due, when our account is going to

ways in which we can respond to, and better

be debited with the latest phone bill, and when our

manage these risks.

evening curry is being delivered. No wonder we are on our devices for roughly 33% of our waking

Ask many credit professionals what they think


digital communication is and they will usually say SMS and email. But that is at its most simplistic

How many of us receive regular letters now or

and missing the real advantage of advanced digital

answer phone calls from unknown numbers? If

solutions. We now find ourselves on the brink of

you’re like most people, the answer is very rarely

an explosion in digital capability across the credit

or never. According to a recent study, 87% of

industry that incorporates AI, machine learning

people won’t answer the phone any more to

and other popular platforms such as whatsapp,

numbers they don’t recognise and Australia post

live chat bots, and conversational AI, to take

have reported over a 50% decline in letters being

communication with customers to the next level.

sent since 2008.


AICM Risk Report 2022

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