Coach Carter

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10th form

COACH CARTER A. While watching the film Coach Carter, fill in the blanks or choose the correct option: 1.

Ken Carter agrees to coach the basketball team of _____________ high school.


Former coach White describes his players as being: a)

well-behaved and motivated


angry and undisciplined


lost but willing to learn.


Principal Garrison informs Coach Carter that his salary will be $__________ and he will be coaching for a period of _______ months.


Coach Carter asks the principal for ________ copies to be made of a contract to hand to the players.


The previous year, the team had won ____ ____ games and had lost _________ games.


Coach Carter believes in the concept of “student athlete” so in the contract he asks his players and their parents to sign, he states players




have to achieve a ___________ grade point average to be allowed to play;

sit in the______________ row of every class;

go to ________ classes;

wear a ___________________ and ________ on game nights.

Who is sent out of the gym on the first day? a)

Battle Junior


Timo Cruz


Jason Lyle

Does every player agree to sign the contract? a)




Battle Junior arrives late. What is his punishment? a)

20 suicides and 250 push-ups


100 suicides and 70 push-ups


50 suicides and 100 push-ups

10. Coach Carter’s son, Damien, withdraws from St. Francis School. He proposes to get a 3.5 grade average, but his father only agrees if promised to maintain a __________ his grade average. 11. Coach Carter gives names of women to his game tactics. For example,  when he wants his players to play pressure defence, he uses the name ____________  when he wants his players to play trap defence, he uses the name __________________ 12. Before playing the first game, Coach Carter advises his players to: a) attack b) defend c) run Extensive Reading and Viewing: Coach Carter


10th form 13. For Timo Cruz to return to the team, he has to do __________ suicides and __________ push-ups, till Friday. 14. On Friday, Cruz doesn’t complete the task. He still has to do __________ push-ups and __________ suicides. 15. Battle Junior’s Science teacher compares him to: a) the sun b) a solar eclipse c) the stars 16. Principal Garrison tells Coach Carter that the Academic Performance Index of the school has been level ________ (on a scale of 1 to 10) for the past seven years. 17. The final score of the Bay Hill game is: a) Richmond – 76 / Bay Hill - 78 b) Richmond -79 / Bay Hill - 80 c) Richmond – 80 / Bay Hill - 79 18. The progress reports Coach Carter receives are: a) good b) bad c) average. 19. _____________________ decides to leave the team once again, when Coach Carter informs the players that there will be no games and the gym will remained locked, until they improve their academic performance. 20. Coach Carter believes that education is of the outmost importance and gives his players the following statistics, so they can reflect about their future: 

_______% of the students at Richmond High School will graduate;

_______% will go to college

_______% of black males between the ages of 18 and 24 get arrested

_______% of Afro-Americans living in Richmond will most likely go to prison than graduate.

21. Timo Cruz deals drugs for his cousin, Renny who: a) is shot and dies in the street b) dies of a heart-attack c) is sent to hospital and survives. 22. There is a Board Meeting to deliberate on the lockout. The Board has to vote. The final count is: a) 3 votes in favour of the lockout, 3 votes against it. b) 2 votes in favour of the lockout, 4 against it. c) 4 votes in favour of the lockout, 2 votes against it. 23. After the lockout is terminated, the players: a) decide to play b) decide to continue studying to improve their grades c) decide to criticize Coach Carter. 24. The players finally improve their grades and go back to playing basketball. In the state tournament, they play against St Francis High School’s basketball team, considered the best team. What is the final score? a) St Francis - 67 / Richmond – 68 b) St Francis - 68 / Richmond – 67 c) St Francis - 70 / Richmond – 68 Extensive Reading and Viewing: Coach Carter


10th form 25. The team won 5 college scholarships and 6 team members went to college. - Junior Battle went to San José State University on a full scholarship. - Jason Lyle went to San Diego State University and graduated with a degree in Business Administration. - Timo Cruz attended Humboldt State University where he became a starting guard. - Jaron “worm” Willis received a scholarship to San Francisco State University, where he played point guard for four years. - Kenyon Stone attended Sacramento State University and received a degree in Communications. - Damien Carter went on to break the Richmond High School scoring and assist records previously held by his father. Upon graduation he received scholarship to the US Military Academy at West Point.

In the gym, after the end of lockout, Timo Cruz recites a famous poem and finally answers Coach Carter’s persistent question: “What is your deepest fear, young man?” Our deepest fears are not that we may be inadequate. Our deepest fears are that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine, as children do. It is not just in some of us. It is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. And as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others. B. Now complete this planning frame and write your opinion on the film: FACTUAL DETAILS: Name of film: ___________ Produced by: Paramount, MTV Films production, Tollin / Robbins Production FACTUAL SUMMARY: Main Actor: _______________________ Category: Action / Comedy / Drama / Horror / Science Fiction PLOT SUMMARY: (3 OR 4 LINES ABOUT THE STORYLINE) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Extensive Reading and Viewing: Coach Carter


10th form

PERFORMANCES: (WHAT YOU LIKED/DISLIKED ABOUT THE ACTORS) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ THE FILM’S STRENGTHS: (WHAT YOU ENJOYED BEST – SETTING, LOCATION, SPECIAL EFFECTS, ETC.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ THE FILM’S WEAKNESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY: (CLOSING STATEMENT EXPRESSING YOUR OVERALL VIEW ON THE FILM AND ON THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ________________________________________________________________________, no. __________

Extensive Reading and Viewing: Coach Carter


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