I, Robot

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10th form

I, ROBOT PRE-VIEWING A. Watch the film trailer and answer the questions. 1. Does this film have an age restriction or can it be viewed by all audiences? 2. Which of the following studios presents the film? a) Spyglass

b) Miramax c) Twentieth Century Fox

3. Who or what does them refer to in: “we trust them with our homes; we trust them with our children; we trust them with our our lives”? 4. “Can they be trusted?” What do you think? 5. Who plays the role of “the one man who saw it coming”? 6. What impact did this trailer have on you? What expectations did it create? After watching the trailer, are you interested in watching the film? Why/why not? BACKGROUND INFORMATION The film I, Robot, was based on the script Hardwired by Jeff Vintar, but was inspired by Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, which is a collection of nine science fiction short stories, first published in 1950 in an edition of 5,000 copies. The stories originally appeared in the American magazines Super Science Stories and Astounding Science Fiction between 1940 and 1950. Several of the stories feature the character of Dr. Susan Calvin, chief robopsychologist at U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc., the major manufacturer of robots. The stories are woven together as if Dr Susan Calvin is telling them to a reporter (the narrator) in the 21 st century. Though the stories can be read separately, they share a theme of the interaction of humans, robots and morality, and when combined they tell a larger story of Asimov's fictional history of robotics. The film’s plot is not related in any way to Asimov's short story collection; it merely contains a lot of characters with similar names and some of his ideas about robots, such as the unique feature of his robots, which are the Three Laws of Robotics, hardwired in a robot's positronic brain. All robots in Asimov’s fiction must obey this set of rules of ethics to ensure that the robot does not turn against its creators. The laws states: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. http://literature.wikia.com/wiki/I,_Robot

Extensive Reading and Viewing: I, Robot

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