Portfolio || June 2016

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GI PAN GI 2016 --------------------------Gi Pangi is my fianl project for art class. We worked towards an exhibition around the theme of being underway. I interprented this as a philosophical journey into aldulthood and I wanted to translate this process into film, as this format is also moving itself. I divided my idea up in four parts and chose a different way of viusalisation for each, for one of which I simply inserted a mirror into my exhibition to symbolize the self-reflection that changes. For the three video’s I made one, ‘Gi Pangi’, that showed the story of a girl seeing a piece of fabric and following it. When she finally reaches it, she’s reached aldulthood: it’s a symbol from Marron, where girls receive this kind of a fabric when they reach a certain age. So in this process her perception of the world also changes, which I chose to visualize via nature and a gradual increase in complexity and clarity. The last part is about the change of emotion, for which I filmed pieces of fabric to show the chaning of colours and patters that occur during the period of coming of age. For all video’s and a video on the process insight, see http://gipangi.tumblr.com.

EI TJ E 2016 --------------------------I created a short film called eitje as a group project; I was the director of photography, did all of the camera work and post-production and a great deal of the music choices are mine. We wanted to make a film that would enable us to play with lightening in the film, so we opted for a story where there was a party-like setting, which we later tried to contrast by a bright bedroom. From our concept we created a script, consisting mostly of descriptions of atmosphereic shots. Then I started drawing out the shots we wanted to shoot as accurate as possible. When we were ready to film, there was always a lot of improvisation required, which had to do both with inexperience and poor planning. This was a factor which made the process harder, but it was also very

the official promotion poster

educational as I was often forced to come up with creative solutions on the spot. The same thing was true for the montage: as we knew the film would only come to life within the montage (since a big part of the film was xxx of this) it turned out to be quite a puzzle. This was even more so because we had decided not to use any text except for the last scene, so the images themselve had to explain everything. I eventually did manage to get the story across in the montage by adding music and making some big changes in the original script for the sake of tention build-up and aestetics. ame_lnd

Making this short film got me very exited about the process of making it and encouraged me to start filming more. I made, for example, a little film about a family getaway to Ameland in order to practice both my photographic and montage skills.

P I ER R E’ S M AGAZ I N E 2016 --------------------------Pierre’s is a single-edition and independent magazine for the young and curious in and around Utrecht. It was curated, written, photographed and designed for my final college project. I’ve always really liked the way magazines are designed and I figured that since I had to do a big project, this was the perfect opportunity for me to create my own and do everything myself. I started with doing research on the relevance of magazines in this era and on how I could best make one myself. I then set out to do so: I collected and created written material, did interviews, made pictures and eventually designed the whole thing. For a digital publication, see http://pierresmag.tumblr. com/mag

a physical copy of the printed magazine

‘ EPO S 2014 - 2016 --------------------------For two years I’ve been designing our school’s paper, ‘Epos. Since it is aimed at ages 12-18 it has a rather silly character, which I also implement in my lay-outs, using a lot of patterns and playfull fonts. The second year I was also in charge of the complete process after the individual pieces were written and I helped with the photography. In addition to that, I trained two younger members of the team so that they can take over after I’m gone.

M I R ROR M IRRO R 2016 --------------------------This is a set design I created for my final piece for drama class. I wanted to get a slightly creepy but also extravagant and blanced atmophere, so I inserted bright colours in the lightening and used aluminium foil to play with the reflection. In the two bottom pictures are my sketches of the design and of the play itself, which we based on a poem by Delia Sherman and was inspired by the play Alice by Abbatoir FermĂŠ.


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GR A PH I C D ESI GN 2013 - now --------------------------A compilation of designs that I made for my own use or for a client. Mostly for promotional purposes.

Te n m i n s t e h o u d b a a r t o t : j u n i 2 0 1 6



NAC H T VAN CINETIK 2014 - 2016 --------------------------Every other year we organize a small film-festival with our school’s film class. I have twice taken up the PR, mostly through social media, and did all of the design neccesary for the promotion of the event. I also took on a leading function in samenstellen the program, which consisted of short and full-feature films.

SKETC H ES 2014 - now --------------------------These are all very quick sketches that I like to do mindlessly. I like looking at people and studying their faces and in that way I make an attempt at getting closer to a certain person that I may or may not actually know. I don’t like spending a lot of time on these kinds of drawings as I enjoy having one shot at a line. That makes it interesting for me to see how I can portray someone in a matter of minutes without it having to be perfect. I also like working this way as it helps me understand how to look at a person and how their body’s are shaped.

http://crismollee.tumblr.com: portfolio website, partly my own design

themes I created for tumblr + left borrom: sketches for a furture design for my own website.

EVO LUTIO N O F LIGH T 2016 --------------------------I very much enjoy installation art, especially when it uses light and video. I’ve done a project on this for art history, exploring the role of light in modern art. We collected pieces of art to display in a superficial museum that showcase the increasing [not my design]

prominency of light in (mostly) installation art and also looked at the future of light in different art disciplines. The project can be found at http://meesterproef.tumblr.com.

WEB D ESIGN 2012 - now --------------------------Web design is something I’ve always found to be rather challenging, especially since it’s very much focused on a direct interaction with a user. I feel that this is both limiting and liberating: you have to establish a user interface before you can go wild with a design, but at the same time there are a lot of opportunities that this gives you. Another factor that’s made me a little reticend when it comes to design is that, hower I like coding, it takes a lot of time and as my skills are far from what they could one day be, it’s quite exhausting. I often come up with designs on paper, like the bottom left image, but more often than not they don’t get turned into an actual web page. I started leaning coding when I did a self-employed project around the age of thirteen. This was offered by my school at the time and since we could do just about anything that we wanted, I decided to challenge myself and learn to make themes for Tumblr blogs.

I N STAGRAM 2011 - now --------------------------I’ve always liked creating a collection of images where there is an obvious style or sense of coherentness. I currently take a more abstract approach when it comes to my instagram profile; I like to create a simple image, where it’s not always clear what it is exactly or where it is located. I’m always looking for ways to manipulate an image so that it gets abstracted from reality. I like to do this at the moment of taking a picture, but I also love editing images after they’ve been shot to make them look better or simply different than what was behind the camera.

IN SP I R AT ION --------------------------I get my inspiration from things that happen in my own life, but I am also very much influenced by the media I consume. I really like magazine designs and so I decided to paste magazines and posters on my bedroom walls and ceiling. I also get my inspiration from images and other media that I find online, for example on my tumblr: http://lixthe.tumblr.com.

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