Volume XVIII, Issue: 6| Date: September 24,2014
THE KEY CHAIN The Official Newsletter of the Egg Harbor Township High School Key Club
For Scholarships to better futures
Welcome all to the place we call HOME ! Pg. 3 & 4
Volume XVIII, Issue: 6| Date: September 24, 2013
Table of Contents 1-2| Table of contents President and editor’s letter. Re-cap 4-H fair & 5k run re-cap 3-4| Welcome to paradise & Fun project PICTURES !!!!
President’s Letter
5-6|Reminders and contacts, as well as Polaroid explosion!!!!!!!!!
Hey Key Cubs!
Editor’s Letter Hi Cubs ! I’m ecstatic to be your editor for this year. I hope all the new and returning members are ready for a year of excitement and more. This year is going to be one of the best years yet. We have new ideas fro projects such as a Day of the dead and more. I hope everyone is ready for fall rally! You made the right choice by joining Key Club, we’re not your average community service club were more than that by the end of this year your going to say “ I only joined this club for friends but now I stayed to be come a EHTHS Key cub. Can’t wait to meet all of you.
welcome new and returning members to the first general meeting of the school year! I am excited to work with all of you this year! For this service year began in April and will end in April of next year, we are already half way through our service term. Do not fret! You can look forward to many fun events such as Yuda Band Sale, Induction Dinner, Unicef, Holiday Circle, and of course the ever popular Volleyball-a-thon. Also look at our social sites, which can be found on the back of the agenda! If you have any questions, concerns, or simply want to talk don’t be afraid of message me or approach me. Yours in Caring, Love, and Service Vi Nguyen EHTHS Key Club President
Yours in Caring, and Service Cristel Villagarcia EHTHS KEY CLUB Bulletin Editor
I walking on Key Club Spirit !
Volume XVIII, Issue: 6| Date: September 24, 2013 This past August, there was a 4-H fair. The fair consisted of carnival rides and various booths that sold food. It was a great opportunity for Key Clubbers from different schools in Division 1B to work with the Galloway Township Kiwanians. We had our own Key Club booth and helped serve food, such as hotdogs and meatball subs, to hungry customers. BY: JASMINE LEE Position: Treasurer
This year is the first year I have ever been to, or participated in the 4-H Fair, and it was great! The 4-H fair is a family- fun event, where you can see animals and celebrate summer, all while helping a good cause. Volunteering at the 4-H Fair was a blast; it was fun working with other students from other schools and clubs to help support 4-H. I met great new people, and came together with some friends I haven’t seen in a while; and I believe that is what the 4-h fair is meant to do, it is meant to bring people together for a great time. Therefore, I will be coming back next year, and the many years to follow, because the memories that are made there are priceless and I want to continue being apart of them! BY: DIANNA TORRES Position: Cedar Creek Secretary
5K Run Today at the 5K run we did a lot of fun and trouble some things. We handed out water to the runners as well as lead them and tell them where to go. Some of the troubles we encountered were looking for keys, but that's what makes these projects fun. I had a lot of fun helping with the 5K run i hope to do it again sometime. The 5K run is for EHTHS education foundation to raise money for scholarships for our seniors. This is so the sport athletes and other students can get a better future. Without having to worry about the financial cost. An opportunity come like this only once in a lifetime. I'm glad i got to be part of the experience. 5k RUN FOR BETTER FUTURES !
Better Futures
BY: AUSTIN SAMUEL POSITION: Committee Chairmen of Special events
Volume XVIII, Issue: 6| Date: September 24, 2013
Welcome to Paradise ! During this year you will notice we do lots of fun things like during October we do UNICEF as well as FALL RALLY. Also in November we have Induction Dinner and it’s Kinda like a dance but also a introduction and welcoming all new members. Point is were not your average club were more, and over the time your in Key Club you learn to love it. Your reason for joining change. I know people who joined Key Club for the soul; purpose of hours and ended up with memories and more. Let’s all make this an incredible year together.
Polaroid EXPIERENCE !!!!!!!
Volume XVIII, Issue 6| September 24, 2013
CONTACT YOUR OFFICERS Vi Nguyen President (609) 576-0645 KCPresident.vi@gmail.com
JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Join the EHTHS KEY CLUB group to receive updates and meeting reminders.
Josh Perez Vice President (609) 241-8246, Joshperezg@gmail.com
Cynthia Thurairajah Division 1B Lieutenant Governor(609) 440-3366, Cynthia.ltg1b@gmail.com
SIGN-UP SHEETS FOR PROJECTS All upcoming projects will be posted on Stevenson's door at E117.( Please do not interrupt his classes.)
Shirley Luo Corresponding Secretary (609) 334-5850, Luo.Shirley.11@gmail.com Jasmine Lee Treasurer (609) 331-8333, Jmlee716@gmail.com Michael Tran Recording Secretary (609) 788-4845, Michdaotran@gmail.com
Memberships All membership packet are due by October 22, 2013. Please make sure to have your money in an envelope and hand it into MR. Stevenson or an officer.
Cristel Villagarcia Bulletin Editor (609) 385-7803, Editor1b.cv@gmail.com Honson Tran Webmaster (609) 798-1806, Honsontran@gmail.com
Next General Meeting : October 8, 2013 Tyler Loges Sergeant-at-Arms (609) 412-7505, Tyler2loges@gmail.com
Next OCC Meeting : October 1, 2013 See you all soon !
“Caring - Our Way of Life”
www.keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS