Volume XVIII, Issue: 7| Date: October 8,2014
THE KEY CHAIN The Official Newsletter of the Egg Harbor Township High School Key Club
Dinner is at Key Club so Don’t Be Late Pg. 3 & 4
Volume XVIII, Issue 7| October 8, 2013
T H E K E Y C H AI N Hey Cubs!
3-4|Intro to induction Dinner and color run
Happy Autumn! With the weather going on these days it feels like autumn in the morning and turns into summer weather in the afternoon. Hopefully this persists during our 5 – day weekend coming up next week! Then we’d have nice weather for our Fall Rally trip! Speaking of Fall Rally, I hope everyone is excited! This year we have exactly 100 general members, 3 district board members, and 3 advisor/ chaperones attending to represent our EHTHS Key Club! With all our spirit we will reclaim the spirit stick for Division 1b! In other news, remember to sign up for projects ONLY when you are sure you have rides and can make it to an event. DO NOT SIGN UP AND CROSS YOUR NAME OUT THE DAY, HOUR, OR SECOND BEFORE THE EVENT. We will be deducting hours for such behavior. We have some fun projects like the Color Run, the Skullville Hayride, and many more coming up! If you have any questions, concerns, or simply want to ask more about key club you can Facebook message me or one of my officers, or text us! Our information is in the back of the newsletter.
5| flyer for tools for school
Yours in Caring, Love, and Service
6| reminders and contacts
Vi Nguyen
Only 5 more days till FALL RALLY
EHTHS Key Club President 2013-2014
1|Contents and President’s and editor’s letter ! 2| Polaroid Explosion
Hey Cubs ! How are you all ? Okay let’s start by saying I can’t wait for FALL RALLY ! Also we have many fun projects coming up like the COLOR RUN !!! As well as the walk at Ocean City for Breast Cancer and even more. Also our oh so ever Famous Induction dinner. Which will take play on November 7th and our theme for this year is Hawaii. I can’t wait to see all out new members introduced and welcomed to the family. I hope to see you all at Fall rally and on time remember if the bus is moving and your running we will not stop so have fun. Remember be punctual and ready for a day of fun. Lets cheer for our LTG she’s going to be Buttercup from the Power puff girls so im so excited. Yours in Caring and Service Cristel Villagarcia EHTHS Bulletin Editor
Volume XVIII, Issue 7| October 8, 2013
Intro to induction dinner
As you all know Induction Dinner is still a month away, but that doesn't mean you can’t come up with some ideas to help plan this tropical event. General members make up our club so why not tell our amazing president Vi and our excellent Vice President Josh some ideas you may have for our Hawaii theme. Remember if you bake anything for induction dinner you will receive half an hour for 12 cupcakes and for 24 you will get 1 hour. As well , remember to bring money for induction dinner for the bidding. You will get to bid on all the officers and some of the Committee Chairs.
List of Members being bid on
1| Officers
2|Committee Chairs
3|District members
Vi Nguyen
Anthony Hoang
Kelly Tran
Josh Perez
Jessica Pamfilo
Pak Chau
Cristel Villagarcia
Kelly Ma
Nicole Foresta
Cynthia Thurairajah
Sing Lee
Austin Samuel
Ahsan Ikram
Hai Le
Shenelle Alexsander
Shirley Luo
Jasmine Lee
Honson Tran
Michael Tran
Tyler Loges
Induction dinner is when you have a great time you dance see your friends perform and eat and most of all get inducted into our club. For people who joined key club for the first time they will all get a membership card and pin signifying they are now members of our cub family. After that we do the bidding and this year we hope to have the best induction ever with our special events committee planning everything. Hawaii is coming to EHTHS Key Club.
Volume XVIII, Issue 7| October 8, 2013
This year Key club is going to be helping one if the most happiest 5k’s you will ever hear of the COLOR RUN it will be on October 19, 2013. The color run is an amazing charity being held this year in Atlantic City. If you sign up for this project you will be throwing paint at the runners. This is known around the world as the Happiest 5k Run. I hope to see you all there on October 19th.
Volume XVIII, Issue 7| October 8, 2013
CONTACT YOUR OFFICERS Vi Nguyen President (609) 576-0645 KCPresident.vi@gmail.com
JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Join the EHTHS KEY CLUB group to receive updates and meeting reminders.
Josh Perez Vice President (609) 241-8246, Joshperezg@gmail.com
Be sure to check our new display case!
Cynthia Thurairajah Division 1B Lieutenant Governor(609) 440-3366, Cynthia.ltg1b@gmail.com
SIGN-UP SHEETS FOR PROJECTS All upcoming projects will be posted on Stevenson's door at E117.( Please do not interrupt his classes. Or cross your name off the day before or last minute hours will be taken away)
Shirley Luo Corresponding Secretary (609) 334-5850, Luo.Shirley.11@gmail.com Jasmine Lee Treasurer (609) 331-8333, Jmlee716@gmail.com Michael Tran Recording Secretary (609) 788-4845, Michdaotran@gmail.com
Memberships All membership packet are due by October 22, 2013. Please make sure to have your money in an envelope and hand it into MR. Stevenson or an officer.
Cristel Villagarcia Bulletin Editor (609) 385-7803, Editor1b.cv@gmail.com Honson Tran Webmaster (609) 798-1806, Honsontran@gmail.com
Next General Meeting : October 22 , 2013 Tyler Loges Sergeant-at-Arms (609) 412-7505, Tyler2loges@gmail.com
Next OCC Meeting : October 15, 2013 See you all soon !
“Caring - Our Way of Life”
www.keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS