brand guidelines
welcome we’re Equita.
Equita, Inc. is building an end-to-end platform to enable women in technology to become effective leaders, while equipping them with essential resources to assemble top notch gender-balanced teams. This document contains all you need to know about how the basic elements that make up the Equita brand should be used in various environments ensuring it remains consistent throughout. Using the Equita brand correctly is very important to us so we ask that the guide is always referred and adhered to. Have a read, it will help you get to know us a little better.
June 1st 2014
welcome CONTENTS
/Our Motif The motif The brand role The experience
2 3 4 5
/How we look Overview Master brand logo Horizonta logotype Monochromatic logo Logotype don’t s
6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
Primary type Hierarchy and color On-line typography
/Visual Style Imagery Colour Brand architecture Visual elements
June 1st 2014
16 17 21 23 25
Our motif
Our motif
/mō’tēf/ A SINGULAR, FINITE ELEMENT THAT UNIFIES AS A WHOLE. The motif is a small atomic unit that serves as the inspiration for everything that we do.
Our motif Brand role Experience attributes
No one does it alone Our motif is the experience of not being alone in the entrepreneurial journey. The experience of receiving guidance at every step and knowing that someone’s there for support even when we’ll be apart. For us it is something iconic and a part of the very first interaction that the users have with our brand.
Our brand role The brand role is our public statement that guides what we actually do, how we look and how we talk to the world. Our whole purpose is to support female founders and to address their specific needs throughout our programme and beyond it. Our brand role also serves as the descriptive brand tagline, summing up our sell.
Our motif Brand role Experience attributes
We’re advancing women in technology
The Equita experience To make sure that we’re “advancing women in technology” we need to craft a specific experience behind our band, in tone with the motif. The Equita experience is based upon these atributes(characteristics): SMART - it’s assistive and efficient + Outwardly simple, inwardly curative + Clear, bright and useful EMPOWERING - it’s always on, supporting entrepreneurs’ needs + Encourages the users to transform their lives + A strong, healthy and positive experience VERSATILE - it’s an everlasting developing environment +Builds sustainable human and professional connections +Crafts adaptive skills
Our motif Brand role Experience attributes
Smart Empowering It’s assistive and efficient
It’s always on, supporting entrepreneurs’ needs
It’s an everlasting developing environment
How we look
Brand elements overview
Overview Master brand logo Logotype dont’s
Master brand logo
Our brand identity is made up of a number of elements. The images we use, the colours we choose, the type, our words and so on. Each has a specific role to play, but the real magic happens when they’re used together.
Encourages the users to transform their lives Type
FS Sinclair AaBbCc0123
Clear and useful
/HOW WE LOOK Logotype
Master brand logo
Overview Master brand logo Logotype dont’s
Master brand logo
Our logo is the one element that unifies and represents our organisation and our brand.
We associate entrepreneurial pathways with labyrinths. Each entrepreneur has it’s own path which involves a necessary state of mind, focus and vision. A labyrinth is not designed to be difficult to navigate but it may be long and there is only one path (unicursal) which leads to the center. Clearspace: to preserve the integrity for the Primary Logotype, it’s important that no other elements invade it’s space. The clearspace around the logo is an integral part of it’s design and ensures that the logo can be seen quickly and uncluttered.
Minimum size: The symbol will not reproduce legibly at any size smaller than 0.4”(45px wide)
Construction and Clearspace
The Equita logo is distinct and reinforces the idea that Equita supports entrepreneurs while they navigate their entrepreneurial pathways.
The clearspace around the logo is half(1/2) the horizontal/vertical size of the Equita symbol.
White logotype
Minimum size Minimum print size: 0.4 inch(10mm) Minimum digital size: 45px wide
/HOW WE LOOK Logotype
Horizontal logotype
Overview Master brand logo Logotype dont’s
Horizontal black logotype
Horizontal black logotype
Construction and Clearspace
Minimum size
If it’s impossible to use the primary logotypeyou can use the horizontal one. It’s perfect in situations like headers or footers, landscape imagery or narrow aspect ratios. Clearspace: to preserve the integrity for the Primary Logotype, it’s important that no other elements invade it’s space. The clearspace around the logo is an integral part of it’s design and ensures that the logo can be seen quickly and uncluttered. The clearspace around the logo is half(1/2) the horizontal/vertical size of the Equita symbol. Minimum size: The minimum size for print is 10mm. For digital is 45px wide. The symbol will not reproduce legibly at any size smaller than that.
Minimum print size: 0.6 inch(15mm) Minimum digital size: 80px wide
/HOW WE LOOK Logotype
Monochromatic logo
Overview Master brand logo Logotype dont’s
Monochromatic black logotype
Monochromatic white logotype
The monochromatic logotype should be used when there are not enough colors to reproduce the Primary Logotype. \
Logotype artwork: Do not attempt to redraw or recreate any element of the logotype.
Horizontal black logotype
Horizontal black logotype
Horizontal black logotype x/2
Minimum primary size Minimum print size: 0.4 inch(10mm) Minimum digital size: 45px wide
Minimum horizontal size Minimum print size: 0.6 inch(15mm) Minimum digital size: 80px wide
/HOW WE LOOK Logotype
Logotype dont’s The composition of the logotype, the representation of it’s components and its colours may not be altered. Under no circumstances may the logo be modified, distorted or recreated.
Overview Master brand logo Logotype dont’s
Don’t separate the symbol from the type
Only use specified colors when working with the logotype
Don’t skew, rotate or sketch the logotype
Don’t use the logo on a red background
Avoid stylizing the logotype using glow, blur or anything else
Respect the distance and clearspace guidelines so each element has breathing room
Don’t use gradients on the logo
Don’t reposition the symbol
Inconsistent use of the Equita logotype detracts from our brand equity and recognition Some examples of unacceptable modifications and incorrect uses of the logo are shown below.
FS Sinclair OT
Bb W v
Primary typeface We use FS Sinclair Medium OT for all texts: headlines, headers, subheaders etc. FS Sinclair Medium OT Use FS Sinclair Medium for applications FS Sinclair Regular OT Use FS Sinclair Medium for applications FS Sinclair Light OT Use FS Sinclair Medium for applications
Primary typeface Online typography Complementary type
FS Sinclair Medium OT
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789!@#$% FS Sinclair Regular OT
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789!@#$%
FS Sinclair Regular OT
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789!@#$%
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789!@#$%
Primary typeface Online typography Complementary type
Hierarchy & Color
Type can lend clarity to the message. The examples give some guidance in type hierarchy:
Welcome, we are Equita
a. Different point sizes/Same weight b. Same point sizes/Different weight b1. Same point sizes/Different weight in the same phrase/paragraph c. Different point sizes/Different weight In general, mentain a balanced contrast between titles, subtitles and body copy. Color: We recommend using the primary colors for text. Play with the secondary colors for creative copy,especially inside headers.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. We are Equita Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
36pt medium 18pt medium
14pt regular 14 pt light
Welcome, we are Equita and we’re building an end-to-end platform to enable women in technology to become effective leaders.
Welcome, we are Equita
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
24pt regular 14 pt light
Online typography As the web relies on client text rendering, we can never know if a certain typeface is available on a particular users’ system. There are however a set of fonts known to exist on most clients’ systems.
Complementary type
Primary typeface Online typography Complementary type
Online typeface table
Proxima Nova, Arial
Running text: Proxima Nova, Arimo Monospaced: monospace
The simplest most awesome secondary font that we recommend to combine FS Sinclair with is Arimo(Google Fonts) or Proxima Nova.
Line height:
Welcome, we are Equita
With both FS Sinclair and Proxima Nova line height is a very important element to consider for balanced paragraphs and good use of clearspace.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat
Proxima Nova light regular 12 pt
Welcome, we are Equita
Proxima Nova semibold 24pt
FS Sinclair medium 24pt
Please use line height equivalent with the font size you’re using in headers and headlines that go on multiple rows.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat
Proxima Nova regular 12pt
Visual Style
Images speak for themselves
portraying entrepreneurship and collective effort real and fun
/HOW WE LOOK Photography
Photography overview We see the imagery surrounding Equita as setting a clear visual definition of how Equita communicates. In combination with the other visual elements, Equita’s photography style should make it clear that it’s about Equita above any other brand. When portraing women entrepreneurs think about their personality. Equita portrays a broad range of people and personalities and that should be reflected into the imagery. Profiles, if micro, should be fun an authentic. No studio photography, no over retouched photos. Entrepreneurship is about focus and hard work which is the exact opposite of glam. We encourage mobile photography to reflect Equita’s style. When depicting entrepreneurs while working, same rules apply. Never show people working alone, never show women alone(without men around) except when profiling them. Working is about team effort. They’re never alone.
Protography overview
Modern smart close-up and macros
Collaborative/collective and authentic working environments
Fun but authentic
/HOW WE LOOK Photography
Rule #1 Tell stories when portraing founders. A single photograph (or a series of them) has the ability to convey stories to those that view them.
Protography overview
Close-up portraits
Macro story portraits
Primary colours Transparency
Primary colours
Our colours give us personality. We’re bright bold and confident. Equita’s colours are loud and clear. Our main color is Summer Red: a bold, optimistic tone that’s easly recognizable, highly visible and universally available. Our other distinctive color is, as we like to call it, Summer Yellow. Summer Yellow will always be used separately from Summer Red, as it reflets the “FUND” child of Equita’s parent brand. We encourage the use of both Red and Yellow for solid backgrounds. Secondary Palette The complementary palette works best as a foundation for highlights or accents. They should not be used as a dominant color specifically green and purple hues.
Equita summer red
Equita summer yellow
Equita black
C0 M93 Y85 K0 R255 G18 B38 HEX: #FF1226 Websafe: #FF1122
C0 M20 Y100 K0 R255 G217 B0 HEX: #FFd900 Websafe: #FF1122
C40 M45 Y40 K70 R46 G42 B46 HEX: #2e2a2e Websafe: #333333
Pantone Solid Coated 1788 C
Pantone Yellow 7406 C
Pantone Solid Black C
Secondary palette
SOLID WHITE C98 M25 Y0 K1 R3 G171 B228 HEX: #03ABE4 Websafe: #00AADD
C0 M57 Y95 K0 R220 G134 B52 HEX: #FF6E0D Websafe: #FF6E0D
C0 M0 Y50 K100 R125 G43 B139 HEX: #7D2B8B Websafe: #773388
C0 M100 Y K100 R77 G157 B82 HEX: #4D9D52 Websafe: #559955
Brand Arhitecture We chose a monolithic brand architecture for Equita. Equita is the main, strong master brand. Brand extensions will make use of the parent’s identity and generic descriptors. Current extensions:
Brand Extensions
The Fund
Fund Fund
Network Fund Fund
Fund Fund
Primary colours Transparency
Dark background
To increase the visibility of the logo on photography, you use color with multiple transparency over black and white photos. On other photos you can find the perfect spot that gives contrast to the logo.
50% transparency
When the logo is used on different dark backgrounds, the ring of the logo uses transparency. The upper side is 50% transparent and the lower side is 80% transparent.
80% transparency
On photography there is a 10% change. The upper side is 60% transparent and the lower side is 90% transparent.
Bright background 50% transparency
80% transparency
/HOW WE LOOK Visual elements
Visual elements exemples Fin
Play with Color
/HOW WE LOOK Visual elements
Visual elements There’s various ways to create visual elements that you can use around the identity to play with. We encourage you to play with them.
Visual elements exemples Fin
/HOW WE LOOK Visual elements
Visual elements There’s various ways to create visual elements that you can use around the identity to play with. We encourage you to play with them.
Visual elements exemples Fin
/HOW WE LOOK Visual elements
Visual elements There’s various ways to create visual elements that you can use around the identity to play with. We encourage you to play with them.
Visual elements exemples Fin
/HOW WE LOOK Visual elements
Visual elements There’s various ways to create visual elements that you can use around the identity to play with. We encourage you to play with them.
Visual elements exemples Fin
/HOW WE LOOK Visual elements
Visual elements There’s various ways to create visual elements that you can use around the identity to play with. We encourage you to play with them.
Visual elements exemples Fin
fin This guideline was created to anticipate many of the common scenarios for which brand guidance is required. If you’re ever in doubt please refer back to this document. We think it’s a pretty flexible system that encourages creativity. Give it you’re best shot and remember, you’re not alone.
For any queries, please contact Annamaria Konya-Tannon CEO & Co-founder at
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