This is the Good Momming! Design Manual.
Identity and Lockups
Clearspace Minimum clearspace must be maintained surrounding the logo.
Colors and Secondary Colors
Main color CMYK: 0,60,100,0 RGB: 240,130,0
Warm Grey
Secondary colors CMYK: 45,45,45,30 RGB: 125,111,105
CMYK: 0,30,100,0 RGB: 255,190,0
CMYK: 70,0,0,0 RGB: 130,210,250
CMYK: 0,70,40,0 RGB: 240,110,110
CMYK: 40,0,100,0 RGB: 175,200,10
Typography The GoodMomming! font is Gotham Rounded Family (from light to bold). For situations where Gotham Rounded can’t be used, Verdana becomes the second choice.
Gotham Rounded
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU abcdefghijklmnopqrstu 1234567890
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
Correct/Incorrect Uses
Don’t change the position of the symbol.
Don’t add other colors or gradients to the symbol.
Don’t rotate the symbol. The rotatet symbol appears only separated from the logotype, when it is contained by the comic book bubble.
Photography Style The GoodMomming! photo style is natural, using light colors and natural situations of babies and parents.
We don’t want to use studio photos and forced concepts.
Advertising Style
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec mauris est, sit amet dictum risus. In hendrerit, erat in aliquet ultricies, mauris justo hendrerit lectus, ac accumsan lacus quam vel elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec mauris est, sit amet dictum risus. In hendrerit, erat in aliquet ultricies, mauris justo hendrerit lectus, ac accumsan lacus quam vel elit.
Logo on background colors and photos While the logo cannot appear in different colors, the background from the logo can be any color from the design manual. On a colored background, the logo becomes white.
As much as possible, the logo will appear in color, on photographs with lots of white and light colors. When we have photos with darker colors, we will use the white logo for better contrast.
Logo in various contexts