CView January 29 2015

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January 29, 2015


Stuffed Potatoes with Blue Cheese and Bacon As we promised you in our last published recipe, Salmon and Shrimp meatballs in Homemade Tomato sauce, this week we are cooking and sharing with you “Stuffed Potatoes with Blue Cheese and Bacon”. This dish is very tasty and yummy and is really easy to prepare as you will now find out. These are great to serve as an appetizer or to accompany meat, fish or fowl :-)


But before we share our recipe, we’d like to recognize some of the benefits of including potatoes, today’s protagonist, in our diet. One medium-size potato has just 110 calories and is absolutely fat-, sodium and cholesterol free, making them downright essential for any diet. But the power of the potato doesn’t stop there. Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C (45% of the Daily Value (DV)), which is more vitamin C than one medium tomato (40% DV) or sweet potato (30% DV). Besides, potatoes are a good source of potassium…more potassium than a banana. by Pilar Ruiz Text/US measures collaborated w/ Glenn Ferguson You can find more of her recipes at

One medium potato with the skin contributes 2 grams of fiber or 8% DV per serving. Potatoes are also a good source of vitamin B6, with one medium potato providing 10% of the recommended DV. Additionally, one medium potato provides 6% of the recommended daily value of iron. And now it is time to show you our recipe. We really hope you enjoy it:

INGREDIENTS: * 6 Potatoes * 2½-3 oz. (75 grs.) Blue Cheese, crumbled * 3½ oz. (100 grs.) Bacon, roughly 3-4 slices uncooked bacon, chopped * 1 Leek * 1/2 of a Zucchini * 2 Eggs * 2 Tbls. Whole Milk * 2 Tbls. Olive Oil * Ground Black pepper * Salt

PREPARATION: * We are going to start by washing the potatoes and then we are going to bake them, unpeeled, in an oven preheated to 355 ºF (180ºC), for 45 minutes until they get fork tender. * Remove from the oven and let them cool down. Carefully cut the tops off of the potatoes. Carefully spoon out a nest for the filling, taking care that our potatoes don’t break apart, and then we cut up the removed potato pulp into small dices. * We are now going to prepare the stir fried filling. We crack the eggs and separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Retain both. * We peel the 1/2 zucchini, wash it, dry it and then we are going to grate it. * We then clean the leek, wash it and dice it too. * In a frying pan we are going to add some olive oil, place on med-high heat, then begin by sautéing the diced leek, then add the diced bacon. Stir often and sauté for 8 minutes. * We add the zucchini and continue sautéing for 3 more minutes. * Remove from the burner, and then we add the potato pulp, the crumbled blue cheese, the milk, the egg yolks and some salt and black pepper. Stir. * We whip the egg whites until firm peaks form and stir into the mix. * We then fill the potatoes with this stuffing mixture and then we are going to grill them in the oven until the tops are golden brown. And they are ready to serve at the table as starter or as side dish for meat or fish dishes. Enjoy your meal and have a great week.

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January 29, 2015

What is “B

cludes beverages with an alcoho over 15% by volume and it is obtain distillation of diverse natural prod tural origin. For example, whiskey various cereals, rum is distilled fro gin is distilled from beet molasse distilled from potatoes. Brandy de is a result of the distillation of gra and that is why it is called an “alco It is made from what is considered wine,” which is the first, young “wi from the initial fermentation of the Brandy Tasting - Vicky Miller The distillation of wine produced randy de Jerez is an alcohol wine-spirit that and Palomino grape varieties is ca is produced in only one area of the world – per stills known as “alquitaras” (a here in Andalusia, Spain (more specifically, word for a “still”). within the "Sherry Triangle" that lies within the After distillation, and transformatio municipal boundaries where we live - Jerez de la spirit,” the Brandy de Jerez is the Frontera, El Puerto de Santa Maria, and Sanlucar wood casks, known as “botas,” al de Barrameda). There are references, in old Span- previously contained various typ ish documents, to a “Wine-Spirit Tax” which date wines. This is a key factor in the Brandy de Jerez since this type o back as far as 1580. The name “brandy” is derived from a Dutch word the natural development of prope which means “burned wine.” Brandy de Jerez color, bouquet, and taste to be i is produced by distilling wine and grapes, and brandy by the wine-soaked wood. A generally contains 35–60% alcohol per volume. aging produces a smoother taste similar reasons, these Sherry wine The origin of brandy in Spain is clearly tied to the development of the distillation process. There is no doubt that the Moors (who, in the year 711, invaded Spain at a point very near to the town of Jerez) introduced the technique of distillation to the Western world. The Moors distilled the wines found in the Jerez region in order to obtain “alcohol” (a word of Moorish origin) not only to make perfumes but also for antiseptic and medicinal use. The town of Jerez was later re-conquered by King Alfonso X “The Wise” in 1264. The definition of an “alcohol spirit” in-

B Casks of Brandy - Vicky Miller

Consejo Regulador de Brandy

Casks of Brandy from Jerez - Co

January 29, 2015


Brandy de Jerez?” By A.M. Ávila

olic strength of ned through the ducts of agriculy is distilled from om sugar cane, es, and vodka is e Jerez, in turn, apes and wine, ohol wine-spirit.” d to be a “base ine” that results e grape harvest. from the Airen arried out in copanother Moorish

on into a “wine en aged in oakll of which have pes of Sherry e production of of aging allows erties relating to imparted to the Also, prolonged sensation. For “botas” are also

used to age the most select whiskeys in Scotland. According to tradition, American oak from the Appalachian Mountains is generally used since it is less porous than other oak woods. Criaderas and Solera - is the name given to the traditional aging system utilized in the Jerez region. It is unique in the world and is the system that has been used to produce wine in the Jerez region for centuries. It is also the system which local wine producers use in order to age their brandy. It basically consists of rows of brandy casks grouped according to the age of the brandy. The casks are set out in rows placed one on top of the other. The bottom row, which rests closest to the ground, is known as the Solera. The word “solera” is derived from the Spanish word “suelo” which means “floor.” The casks in the Solera contain the oldest brandy and are followed, in order of decreasing age, by the casks which make up the different “Criaderas” (the first, second, third…). It is the brandy contained in the Solera casks which is periodically extracted when required for bottling, but only a small amount is taken from each cask. This operation is known as the “Saca” (the extraction). The amount of brandy withdrawn from these casks is replaced by an equal quantity taken from the casks in the row above, known as the First “Criadera” (Spanish for “nursery”). In turn, the volume withdrawn from this row is then replaced by an equal quantity from the Second Criadera, and so on. The final Criadera, which is at the top row of the stack of barrels, is ultimately reached, and it is here where the youngest distilled brandies are deposited to replenish the system. This replenishment of wines in each Criadera is known as the “Rocio.” By using this fractional aging system it is possible to maintain the identical quality, characteristics of taste, and bouquet for each

onsejo Regulador de Brandy - Wikipedia

type of brandy. The quantities taken from each one of the casks in the Solera row, generally less than ¼ of its total content, are combined and then bottled. This constant movement of the brandies between the Criaderas and Solera facilitates greater aeration and oxidation of the brandy, thereby enhancing its aging. It is also important to point out that this continuous blending process ensures that the small portion of the Solera which is bottled will ensure that what is bottled contains proportions of very brandy which can sometimes be as old as sixty years. The only disadvantage of this system is its complexity and its elevated cost. Current annual production of Brandy de Jerez is around eighty million bottles per year, of which more than twenty million are exported. The quality-rating system, applied to Brandy de Jerez, categorizes various brandies according to length of their aging. The Brandy de Jerez Regulatory Council identifies them as follows: a Brandy de Jerez Solera has undergone an average aging period of one year; a Brandy de Jerez Solera Reserva has undergone an average aging period of three years; and a Brandy de Jerez Solera Gran Reserva has undergone an average aging period of ten years. In addition to the quality-rating system, Brandy de Jerez has a legally-protected “denomination of origin.” A “denomination of origin” is awarded to a food or drink product whose main characteristics are acquired due to its production in a determined geographic area. In the case of Brandy de Jerez, its main characteristics are acquired due to the fact that it is produced and aged in the wine-producing region which is referred to as the “Sherry Triangle.” In the past, and prior to the establishment of the denomination of origin for Brandy de Jerez, the word “cognac” was sometimes used in Spain to refer to Brandy de Jerez. However, Brandy de Jerez should not be confused with French “Cognac” or “Armagnac.” Although both are brandies and are produced in an almost similar fashion as Brandy de Jerez, both “Cognac” and “Armagnac” have their own legally-protected denomination of origin. Accordingly, "Cognac" is the exclusive name used for brandy produced and distilled in the Cognac area of France, and the name "Armagnac" is used for brandy from the Gascony area of France. They both also have a traditional quality rating system, which are often indicated on the bottles with initials such as A.C., V.S, V.S.O.P., and X.O. For more information in English regarding Spain´s premium product, Brandy de Jerez, go to the following website:

Offices of the Brandy de Jerez Regulatory Council - Mao06 - Wikipedia

The Toro de Osborne - Grez - Wikipedia


January 29, 2015

The view from CView Travel to India with all your senses India is not only a large country, its heritage is rich, its people diverse and its cuisine reflects all that. Shanza III chooses India´s most traditional cuisine with dishes from the Punjab region in Northern India. This particular cuisine originated after the Mongolian invassion.

Shanza III offers Tandooris, Kormas and other delicacies complemented with different Nan breads and Basmati rices. The word "Curry" is a British adaptation of the Tamil word "Kari". You shouldn´t use Curry to describe Indian food in general. Immerse yourself in colorful senses, tasting and smelling wonderful Indian cuisine at Shanza III, located right by the hands monument in Rota. Sushi takeout from Como en Casa Como en Casa is located in El Puerto de Santa María, Camino del Águila 4. They prepare lots of local dishes but also elaborate shushi almost daily, You can call them to ask if they have any to take home at 956 877 574 or 666 210 558. They also cater parties and special ocassions, have cooking courses, and have chefs for hire.

Chicken Muglait. Chicken in coconut sauce with nuts.

Chicken Tandoori. Chicken marinated in bbq flavoured yoghourt and Shanza mix grill with Tandoori chicken, lamb and shrimp.

Sushi variety tray prepared at Como en Casa

Live Music Tomorrow at Molly Malone Friday 30th of January after 9:00pm, come check out Nico Gomez & Slow Train. Also coming up next Friday the 6th of February Thai night from 6:30pm Superbowl at The Shamrock Bar & Eatery Superbowl 2015! Enjoy the final game live Sunday night the 1st of February. Watch Seattle Seahawks vs New England Patriots. The most televised event in the U.S.

Different Naan breads

Let us hear from you about your favorite places or coming events. We do like hearing from you! Send an email to net or give a call to 607-564132. Support your paper by supporting the advertisers.


Astronomy and Photography Days. “Time and Space within your Reach” Photographic collective exhibition until Saturday, 31 January “Salón Multiusos” at Luna Castle Tour the Bay by Sail Boat This two hour trip leaves at midday and sunset. Price is 15€ per person with a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 5 Information and reservations, Tourism Office, tel 956 846345 organized by Diverta Sail Drone Flight. Manuel J. Saborido andFrancisco Serrano. Drone exhibition at Bartolomé Pérez Square 11:00, Saturday, 31 January Salón Multiusos at Luna Castle Guided tours of the Luna castle Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00 and 19:00, prior reservation needed (call 956 84 63 45 or email Flea Market Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Central Market. To get a table, you must sign up previously in the bar in the Central Market. Flea Market Sundays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Calle Sargento Céspedes, Chorillo Beach Picobarro Second Hand Market Second hand market “El Chorrillo” Association. Sundays from 10.00 am. to 2.00 pm. Sargento Céspedes Street. Oil Painting Workshop Date: From November to June Timetable: Mondays and Wednesdays, from 6.00 pm. to 8.15 pm. Place: Headquarters of the Association “Base Natural y Cultural de Rota”. Registration and information: At the headquarters of the Association “Base Natural y Cultural de Rota”, situated in Santiago Guillén Moreno Avenue 13, 2º, (Virgen del Mar). Telephone 666 907 935 (workshop) y 658 840 689 (oil painting workshop) or e-mail: basenaturalyculturalderota@gmail. com Teacher: Marieta Kirwan..

a short bus trip, at a vineyard in the countryside and explain how the vineyard operates, later at the bodega a wine tasting accompanied by tapas and an explanation of the elaboration process, this last taking place in the famous Caballero bodega. ww Reservations: 649 882 288 - 956 853 960, - Guided tour and wine sampling concentrating on Fino, Amontillado, Oloroso, Cream, Moscatel Soleado y Pedro Ximénez Price: 6€ per person Information and reservations: 956 852 852 / 659 755 701 Web: Email: Natural Park Los Toruños Avda. del Mar, 7 - Valdelagrana Kayak rentals. Weekends 5€. More info at: parquedelabahia@juntadeandalucia. es Tel.: 856580524


Tribute to General George G. Meade Plaza de España, January 30 at 12:00 p.m. Tribute to General George Gordon Meade, hero of the civil war in the United States who was born in Cádiz. This year marks the bicentennial of the birth of George G. Meade, a name that may not tell us anything a priori, however he is the general who won the battle of Gettysburg. Gettysburg was a decisive battle in the American civil war. With this victory, Meade prevented that the southern states separate from the rest of the country and the United States could become the great country that it is today. George G. Meade was born on December 31, 1815 in Cadiz, Spain and was baptized a few days later in the Church of Rosario. The act is sponsored by and Ayuntamiento de Cádiz.


Flea Market on Sundays at Alameda Vieja s/n from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dramatized visits to the Alcázar Every Sunday at 12:00. Learn some of the history of Jerez and get to know some of the important historical persons. Visit last approximately one hour. Tickets: 1,80€; children under 14 free. Archaeological Museum Plaza del Mercado,W s/n. C.P. 11.408 956 14 95 60


San Marcos' Castle Plaza del Alfonso X . Free guided tours on Tuesdays 11:30 (English) -12:30 -13:30 h. With reservation (627 569 335), de Wednesdays to Fridays: 10:00 12:00h. Thurs. y Sat.-10:30 -11:30h (inglés). 12:30- 13:30 6€ adults y 3€ children Guided Tour, Path of the Senses This 4 and ½ hour tour explores the origins of the Sherry wines of El Puerto and it´s progress from the vine to the barrel. Oenologists meet you, after

"George G. Meade Standing" by Mathew . Brady - Wikipedia

The Soloists of London. Friday 30th of January at 8:30PM at the Palacio de Congresos. Mozart Cycle.

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