CView March 5th

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March 5, 2015


Cod “Ajoarriero” with Shrimp in Tomato Sauce We have come back to the kitchen to prepare a dish from Northern Spain that we really enjoy, Cod “Ajoarriero” with shrimp in homemade tomato sauce. The “ajoarriero” cod is a simple dish made with cod fish, cooked in a frying pan with various vegetables, the principal ones being tomato and garlic.There are many variations of this dish, to include choice of principal vegetable ingredients and side dishes, and will depend on the region, the Chef, the season or the taste of the diner. There is no fixed recipe. It is served very hot, and traditionally in a clay dish. The origin of this dish is not very clear, but its name possibly began in the activity of the carriers or muleteers (people responsible for transporting various goods with mules and different animals to different geographical locations) and possibly they were collecting the ingredients of the dish along the way. Another theory is that it is so called by the employment of the Ajoarriero sauce (also called Ajada in Galicia) that has similar ingredients.The dish is mainly cooked in Northern regions of Spain; Leon, Aragon, Navarra, Cuenca and part of the Basque country. by Pilar Ruiz Text/US measures collaborated w/ Glenn Ferguson You can find more of her recipes at

When thinking about what to serve to accompany this delicious dish, there are many different recipe choices, such as sliced hard-boiled eggs, crusty bread slices, French fried potatoes, etc. We have chosen a rich cast of basmati rice, first boiled and then sautéed with garlic, to accompany this delicious Cod dish.Very tasty ;-) And we start now with the recipe that we hope you will enjoy as much as we did:

INGREDIENTS: * 1 1/2 lbs (700 grs.) desalted cod or fresh cod * 2/3 lbs (150 grs.) peeled shrimp * 4 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced * 2 green bell peppers * 1 onion * 7/8 cups (200 ml). homemade fried tomato sauce * 7/8 cups (200 ml.) olive oil * 1 chilli pepper * 1 full tablespoon fresh minced parsley * Black ground pepper * Salt

PREPARATION: * To begin with we will peel and chop the onion and cut it into very thin slices. * We cut the green peppers lengthwise, remove the seeds and fiber and we slice them. * We then heat half of the olive oil (100 ml.) in a frying pan and add the onion and the green peppers. We season with salt and fry it all for 15 minutes over low heat. We remove them, drain and set aside. * We heat the remaining olive oil (100 ml). in an earthenware “cazuela” dish on the stovetop. Add the sliced cloves of garlic, and when they begin to get color, we take them away from the heat, and reserve them for later. * We let the oil cool down and add the cod. We will move the Casserole constantly to mix the sauce well. * We add the preparation of onion and green peppers, tomato sauce and the chilli pepper. We cook for 5 minutes more while moving the dish. * Two minutes before we finish cooking, we add the shrimp, the golden slices of garlic and the chopped parsley. * We correct the seasoning if necessary and will serve our cod very hot, along with the garlic re-fried basmati rice. And ready to serve and enjoy at the table. Many thanks to you all, and have a very happy week :-)

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March 5, 2015

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry, Bu

by A.M


hat do the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, Buffalo Soldiers, and the Tuskegee Airmen have in common? They were all U.S. military units that were primarily made up of AfricanAmerican service members which distinguished themselves in time of war to form a permanent and honored part of American history. Unfortunately, at one time in our country´s history, War Department tradition and policy mandated the segregation of African-Americans into separate military units. The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was one of the first official African-American units that fought

during the Civil War. The story of the 54th was the subject of a 1989 Academy-Award-winning, film entitled “Glory.” Formation of the regiment was authorized in March, 1863 by the Governor of Massachusetts and was commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. The volunteer soldiers were recruited by slavery abolitionists who encouraged free black men to enlist. As it became evident that many more recruits were coming forward than were needed, the medical exam for the 54th was described as "rigid and thorough" by the Massachusetts Surgeon-General. This resulted in what he described as the most "robust, strong and healthy set of men" ever mustered into service in the

"Tuskegee airmen 2" by Frissell,Toni, 1907-1988, photographer. Original uploader was Jake Wartenberg at en.wikipedia

United States. The 54th left Boston with fanfare on May 28, 1863, and arrived to more celebrations in Beaufort, South Carolina. The regiment's first battlefield action took place in a skirmish with Confederate troops on James Island, South Carolina, on July 16th. The regiment stopped a Confederate assault, losing 42 men in the process. The regiment gained further recognition on July 18, 1863, when it spearheaded an assault on Fort Wagner near Charleston, South Carolina. 272 of the 600 men who charged Fort Wagner were "killed, wounded or captured." Colonel Shaw was included in that list of regimental casualties. Although Union forces were not able to take and hold the fort (despite taking a portion of the walls in the initial assault), the 54th was widely acclaimed for its valor during the battle, and the event helped encourage the further enlistment and mobilization of African-American troops, a key development that President Abraham Lincoln once noted as helping to secure final victory. Decades later, Sergeant William Harvey Carney was awarded the Medal of Honor for grabbing the U.S. flag as the original flagbearer fell, carrying the flag to the enemy ramparts and back, and inspiring his fellow soldiers to continue with the assault by exclaiming "The old flag never touched the ground!” Carney's act of bravery is the earliest military action for which the Medal of Honor was awarded to an African-American. “Buffalo Soldiers” originally were members of the U.S. 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments of the United States Army that were formed on September 21, 1866 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. During the American Civil War, the U.S. government had formed regiments known as the “United States Colored Troops” composed of Black soldiers. After the war, Congress reorganized the Army and authorized the formation of two regiments of Black cavalry with the designations of the 9th and 10th U.S. Cavalry. Sources disagree on how the nickname "Buffalo Soldiers" came to be. According to the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum, the name originated with the Cheyenne warriors in the winter of 1877, the actual Cheyenne translation being "Wild Buffalo." Another documented account originates with Colonel Benjamin Grierson, who founded the 10th Cavalry regiment and who recalled that during an 1871 campaign, against Comanches and Apaches, the Native-American warriors called the members of the new cavalry units “buffalo soldiers” because they had curly hair ”like that of a bisons´mane." Other sources assert that the nickname was given out of respect for the fierce fighting ability of the 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments. From 1866 to the early 1890s, these all-Black regiments served at a variety of posts in the Southwestern United States and in the Great Plains region. They participated in most of the military activity in these areas and earned a distinguished record.Thirteen enlisted men and six of-

fi o t v r U f C T m C m f G “ b a m s T a d

March 5, 2015


uffalo Soldiers, and Tuskegee Airmen

M. Ávila Field and were also educated at the Tuskegee University in the State of Alabama. Before the formation of the Tuskegee Airmen, no African-American had been a U.S. military pilot. In 1941, when appropriation of funds for aviation training created opportunities for pilot candidates, the War Department and the Army Air Corps created the first all-Black flying unit, the 99th Pursuit Squadron. In June of 1941, the Tuskegee University aviation program began training the 99th Pursuit Squadron which consisted of 47 officers and 429 enlisted men, and was backed by an entire service arm.The 99th was shipped out of Tuskegee on 2 April 1943, bound for North Africa, where it would join the 33rd Fighter Group. Given little guidance from battle-experienced pilots, the 99th's first combat mission, on June 2, 1943, was to attack the small but strategic island of Pantelleria, located in the Mediterranean, in order to clear the sea lanes for the Allied invasion of Sicily in July 1943. The subsequent surrender of the garrison of 11,121 Italians and 78 Germans due to the air attack was the first of its kind.The 99th Pursuit Squadron earned three Distinguished Unit Citations during World War II for operations over Sicily, Monte Cassino, and for successfully fighting off the German jet aircraft that were introduced toward the end of the war.

"Tuskegee airman poster" by Darwinek at en.wikipedia

ficers from these four regiments earned the U.S. Medal of Honor during the Indian campaigns. In addition to their military function, the "Buffalo Soldiers" served a variety of other roles along the frontier from building roads to escorting travelers, and even to protecting the U.S. Mail. On April 17, 1875, regimental headquarters for the 9th and 10th Cavalries were transferred to Fort Concho, Texas. The “Tuskeegee Airmen” were the first African-American military aviators in the United States Armed Forces. Collectively, they formed a group of African-American military pilots (both fighter and bomber pilots) who fought in World War II. They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the “United States Army Air Forces” (which subsequently became the “United States Air Force.”) The nickname also makes reference to the navigators, bombardiers, mechanics, instructors, crew chiefs, nurses, and other support personnel that were part of these units. The Tuskegee Airmen were referred to as such because all Black military pilots who trained in the United States during World War II trained at the Tuskegee Army Air

"Tuskegee airman2" by Toni Frissell - Wikimedia

"332ndFighterBriefing1945" by Toni Frissell -Wikipedia

By the end of February 1944, the all-Black 332 Fighter Group, consisting of three fighter squadrons, joined the 99th Fighter Squadron in its efforts. The 332nd Fighter Group escorted bombers which conducted heavy strategic raids into Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Germany. The 332nd Fighter Group also flew missions over Sicily,Anzio, Normandy, the Rhineland, the Po Valley, and Rome-Arno. Flying escort for heavy bombers, the 332nd earned an impressive combat record.The Allies called these airmen "Red Tails" or "Red-Tail Angels," because of the distinctive crimson unit identification marking which was prominently displayed on the tail section of all of the unit´s aircraft. Individual pilots of the 332nd Fighter Group earned 96 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 14 Bronze Stars, 744 Air Medals, 8 Purple Hearts, and at least one Silver Star. In all, 992 pilots were trained at the Tuskegee University from 1941 to 1946; 355 were deployed overseas; 68 pilots were killed in action or accidents, 12 were killed in training and non-combat missions, and 32 were captured as prisoners of war. Movie depictions of their heroism include a 1995 HBO film entitled The Tuskegee Airmen and a 2012 George Lucas film entitled Red Tails.


March 5, 2015

The view from CView Ue Succession Regulation That May Af fect You Coming Into Force This Year Successions with cross-border elements are usually characterized by their high complexity, as laws on such matters vary considerably from one EU country to another. For anyone who has the misfortune to be involved with a cross-border estate it can be a complex and frustrating process, not least because the inheritance laws of different countries may apply to different assets within the estate. Further to this, you may know that the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union passed a Regulation (EU Regulation 650/2012 on International Successions, adopted on 4th of July 2012) which will come into force on 17th of August 2015. This leaves only a few months for individuals and couples to assess their situations and, possibly, to determine which law should apply to their succession. Time is of the essence because checking one’s status, deciding what is appropriate, determining estate arrangements, adapting one’s marriage contract, strengthening it with a will, etc., all require reflection and time to accomplish the necessary formalities. This will help significantly in simplifying inheritance settlement and avoiding disputes when the will of the deceased involves the legal systems of more than one Member State, and will provide certainty as to which law will apply in governing a succession.

It would be wrong to consider that the EU Regulation has no relevance to citizens from the UK, Ireland, Denmark, or non-EU countries before it becomes fully effective in August 2015. Anyone with interests in a country within the EU Regulation Zone, such as Spain, would be wise to consider suitable choices of law now. Indeed, the Regulation enables people to choose in their will to have the law of their native country applied to the whole of their estate. The choice of law cannot be assumed! An express provision for it must be drafted in the will.

The main advantage to you is that this EU Regulation enables you to choose the law of the country of your nationality to govern your succession. The person drawing up a will has the option of having his or her will read under the law of his or her country of origin.This will give EU citizens in general a new right, which is seen as a major improvement, as it will allow anyone living abroad within the EU to retain close links with their home country and ensure that specific national provisions, such as rules governing gifts made during a lifetime, are respected. Furthermore the law chosen does not need to be the law of another Member State of the EU. Despite the fact that the UK, Ireland and Denmark have opted out of this EU Regulation, it will still have relevance for citizens of these countries, and even for nationals from outside the EU. It will apply to those who are habitually resident in Spain or have some connections/interests in our country. Even citizens with assets in Spain, who were habitually resident here within the previous 5 years, will be subject to this EU Regulation and the jurisdiction of our courts. CONCLUSION - MAKE IT SIMPLE, USE THE CHOICE OF THE LAW OF YOUR NATIONALITY PROVISION NOW.

Las Dunas The Fact that Las Dunas is advertising Father’s Day may have gotten your attention. In Spain, Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day. When in Spain, do as the Spanish so celebrate Father’s Day twice this year and surprise dad. Las Dunas Mall is located on the outskirts of Sanlúcar de Barrameda as you come from El Puerto de Santa María.

We therefore advise that you take action and seek proper legal advice to put in place a Spanish will which is in accordance with your own jurisdiction rules and aligned with your will in your country of origin. Make sure that a competent legal firm, acquainted with several jurisdictions, helps you to complete not a standard Spanish will, but one which complies with the new EU Regulation and the will made in your own country. Should you wish to know more about this matter, please do contact by email, and we will send you a brief report free of charge, without any commitment on your part. You may also wish to make an appointment, and it will be a pleasure for us to hold a conference call or agree a date for a meeting in our offices.

French Bread Tasting At Le Croissant Francés This Saturday March 7th from 9:00 to 20:30 without interruption. Swing by and taste walnut bread, lemon rye bread, fig bread and Muestli bread. Le Croissant Francés is located in downtown Puerto de Santa María in front of the Prioral church (right side when looking at the front of the church). Their phone number is 956 973 872. You can also check out their Facebook page for more details. Anything you want us to pass along? Let us hear from you about your favorite places or coming events. We do like hearing from you! Send an e-mail to Karen@ Support your paper by supporting the advertisers.


Carnaval Gala 21:00, Friday, 6 March Auditorium “Alcalde Felipe Benítez”. Entrance is 12€. Tour the Bay by Sail Boat This two hour trip leaves at midday and sunset. Price is 15€ per person with a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 5 Information and reservations, Tourism Office, tel 956 846345 Guided tours of the Luna castle Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00 and 19:00, prior reservation needed (call 956 84 63 45 or email Flea Market Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Central Market. To get a table, you must sign up previously in the bar in the Central Market. Flea Market Sundays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Calle Sargento Céspedes, Chorillo Beach Picobarro Second Hand Market Second hand market “El Chorrillo” Association. Sundays from 10.00 am. to 2.00 pm. Sargento Céspedes Street. Winery “El Gato” Dramatised Tour By “Bombastic Teatro” Day: Thursdays at 7.00 pm Price: 6€ adults and 2€ children.


XIX Festival De Flamenco In March from Saturday the 1st to Saturday the 7th. Villamarta Theater.Info:Tel 956 14 96 86.


VI Fair of Red Wine from Cádiz 7th and 8th of March at IES Santo Domingo, C/Santo Domingo, 29 Tasting stands, taste paired Andalusian typical dishes, an engraved wine glass will be given with your ticket. This year spiced Old Roman wines for tasting!! Tickets will be sold at IES Santo Domingo on 3rd March, from 16:30... Hurry up, they run out! Basic ticket (tasting at stand + engraved wine glass) 3€ Taste session and stands (tasting session paired with meal + engraved wine glass) 10€ Flamenco Scene `Rancapino Chico Y Tamara Tañé´ in Teatro Pedro Muñoz Seca 21:00, Friday, 6 March Teatro Municipal Pedro Muñoz Seca - Plaza del Polvorista, 4 These two singers provide the great hope for the continuation of pure flamenco. more information: Metropolitan Park Los Toruños Various activities: bike tours, train tours, nature photography, kayaking & more. More info at: San Marcos Castle Plaza del Alfonso X .Free guided tours on Tuesdays 11:30 (English) -12:30 -13:30 h.With reservation (627 569 335), deWed. to Fridays: 10:00 -12:00h.Thurs. and Sat.-10:30 -11:30h (English). 12:30- 13:30 6€ adults and 3€ children

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