CView April 10 2014

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April 10, 2014

Holy Wee H

Story by A.M. テ」ila a

oly Week (Semana Santa) celebrations in usually consist of an annual commemo of the Passion of Jesus Christ by Ca religious brotherhoods (hermandades) and fra organizations (cofradias). They perform pe processions on the streets of almost every S city during the last week of Lent, which is the immediately before Easter Sunday. This practice dates back to the 16th century the Catholic Church decided to present the of the Passion of Christ in a way that the layp could understand. It was decided that the best w do this would be a series of processions throu streets, depicting scenes from the story of the f rise of Jesus Christ.The brotherhood and frater ganization membership is usually open to any Ca person and family tradition is an important el in becoming a member or "brother" (herman one time, these brotherhoods were secret so and their memberships were limited to males. no longer are secret and many are now open to men and women. Holy Week is not only a religious, cultural, and event but it is also a touristic one. Many visitors inside and outside Spain travel to attend the cro processions. Though the style and mood of Se Santa in Spain varies from city to city, the basic ponents remain the same. Each day there are s processions, one from each brotherhood in th made up of floats which are carried from their c to the cathedral and back again. Each procession is different and each one has it particular followers. The floats are heavy, especi in Andalusia. Men, called costaleros, carry the but with the procession lasting many hours, it is ficult experience for them. The suffering experi is likened to that experienced by Christ and th consider it a great honor to carry the float. Histo dock workers (i.e. costaleros, persons who c costales or bales) were hired to carry the "pasos." that task has been universally taken over by the bers of the brotherhoods that organize each proc A common feature in Spain is the almost general of the penitential robe by the Nazarenos for so the participants in the processions. This garmen sists of a tunic, a cone-shaped hood (capirote) u conceal the face of the wearer, and sometimes a The exact colors and forms of these robes d on the particular procession.These Nazarenos u carry lit, processional candles. During the proce the typical conical hoods cover the faces of the renos so that the public cannot identify them. manner, the personツエs display of devotion and re truly remains a personal matter and not a publi The Nazarenos, however, are distinguished, as me of the brotherhood who are showing their devot accompanying the image, from the Penitentes w

April 10, 2014

ek in Spain

and photos by María Higuero Tocón

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engaging in some other form of penitence. Normally the Penitentes wear a head covering that, although conical in shape, lies flat across their backs. They might be seen walking barefoot, dragging leg chains, or carrying a large wooden cross. The other common feature of the processions is that every brotherhood carries magnificent “pasos” or floats with sculptures that depict different scenes from the gospel related to the Passion of Christ or the Sorrows of Virgin Mary. Many of these floats are magnificent pieces of art created by Spanish artists, and have been owned and preserved, by the brotherhoods, or fraternal organizations, for centuries. Sometimes, the "pasos" are accompanied by drums and trumpets which play very solemn music. Occasionally someone spontaneously sings a mournful Saeta dedicated to the floats as it makes its way slowly round the streets. A saeta is an element of Semana Santa which is particular to Andalusia and especially to Seville. It is an outburst of flamenco song that is sung from one of the balconies or by a member of the crowd in the narrow streets of the city. In the past, they were spontaneous outbursts where the singer was so overcome with emotion that only a flourish of flamenco was sufficient to convey what they felt. Today, they are invariably pre-planned. The procession will stop and listen to the song until it is over. Semana Santa sees its most elaborate celebrations in Andalusia, particularly in Malaga and Seville. The Semana Santa religious celebrations in Málaga are famous countrywide Their processions include huge ornate "tronos" (floats) which can weigh more than 5,000 kilos and are carried by more than 250 brotherhood members. Holy Week in Málaga is very different from that celebrated in other Andalusian cities, since it is not lived with meditation and silence, but is full of happiness, noise, cheer, and spontaneous applause as the images pass by. There are also military participants in these processions. One of these participants is that of the Spanish Foreign Legion, which parades the image of The Christ of the Good Death (El Cristo de la Buena Muerte) together with the Legion's military band and Honor Guard. Holy Week in Seville, however, arguably holds some of the most elaborate processions and is notable for featuring the procession of their unique “pasos.” These "pasos" (which usually weigh over a metric ton) are physically carried on the neck of “costaleros.” The "costaleros" can number from 24 to 48 and are hidden underneath the platform of the "paso," so that it appears to move on its own. Information regarding the time and routes of these processions can be usually found on the website of the City which you wish to visit. If you intend to attend one of these celebrations, it is important to note that Semana Santa is an outdoor event and rainfall is bad news. Since many of the floats are very old and easily damaged, processions are called off with even the slightest drop of rain.

April 10, 2014

The view from CView Konsell Abogados & Asesores, Lawyers and Tax Advisors, is a Professional Services Firm, operating with international clients delivering specialist international services to both individuals and companies, and to other legal bodies. We are located at Jerez de la Frontera, only 20 minutes from Rota.

We have experience in legal and tax issues connected to one or several jurisdictions, as well as in matters related to Public Administrations, Government, Foundations,Associations, Mercantile Companies, and the like. Our values focus on enhancing technical expertise, respecting all cultures, providing excellence in customer care, and delivering

a quality service to resolve client issues by customizing our proposals and solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. Our advice aimed at finding the best solution possible in each given situation, avoiding unnecessary conflict, and resolving any contention that arises swiftly and efficiently. Konsell provides services for US- Spanish Tax matters, Filing of returns, giving Tax Advice, filing Appeals, and attending to Inspections. Our two main areas of practice are: International Tax - You must be aware that your personal / family and business decisions can have very different outcomes on terms of tax and economic; Improved understanding of this area can help to reduce your tax bills. By getting proper tax advice you could save hundreds / thousands of Dollars / Euros. Understand how Spanish Tax regulations charge tax residents and tax non-residents and how the application of International Tax Treaties can affect your operations in Spain or even in third countries. Conflict of Laws and International Private Law - Frequently, international clients with interests in Spain do not take into account how their personal / family / business matters can be affected by being subject to Spanish Courts and/or Law. Sometimes it is worthwhile taking

Holy Week Itinerary. Please check for events/times:


Holy Week Itinerary. Please check for events/times: horarios-itinerarios-ssanta14 En Ruta trekking association. RUTA DEL RÍO GUADALMESÍ 8:00, Saturday, 12 April departing from El Mayeto Park. Difficulty: medium/high. Distance:11,5 Km. Price: 12 € members, 17€ non members. For more information: “La Forestal” Sports Center from Monday to Thursday from 17:30 -18:30 Tel.: 619 958 214. E-mail: asociacionenruta@ Blog: Tour The Bay By Sail Boat This 2 hour trip leaves at midday and sunset Price is 15€ per person with a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 5. Information and reservations, Tourism Office, tel 956 846345. Organized by Diverta Sail Flamenco & Dinner at Bar La Feria, Calle Mina, 42, every Friday 19:30 – 21:30. 30€ per person. For reservations, call 664 026525.


Holy Week Itinerary. Please check for events/times: http://www.turismoelpuerto. com/index.php?page=898 IV Raid Master's El Puerto-Marrakech Saturday, 12 - Saturday, 19 April This year the race is open to motorcycles

as well, more information available at www. Tapa Route `Cucharón y Paso Atrás´ Saturday, 15 March through Sunday, 14 April Many gastronomic eateries of the town, together with the Ayutamiento, have orgainized this route so that we can have a tapa and a drink (beer, fino wine, red wines and soft drinks) for a 2.50€ price. Details will follow. Special Fish Night at Molly´s Good Friday April 18Th Special Fish Night.Live American band for your listening pleasure. International Burger Weekend at Shamrock's. Shamrock's is having a taste of burgers from around the world. Large Variety of burgers.


April Special Events in Al Lago Restaurant & Hotel Check out the various events for this montht. See or call Mona for more info and details.

advice on the arrangements that can be made to avoid or foster one jurisdiction or another in order to take advantage of opportunities and avoid disadvantages. This is applicable to individuals, families and companies, in areas such as inheritance, succession and investments, and some others.We do recommend you take proper specialized advice. Our team includes experts in these matters. Apart from these two main areas of our practice, we also provide legal advice for cases related to : 1.- Civil issues, including: real estate acquisition, Lease / Rental Contracts, Purchase Sale Contracts, Debtor Creditor matters,Wills and Estates, Consumer Defense, Insurance contracts and claims, Construction contracts, Damages claims, Injunctions, Mediation, Registration matters, previous to Court Arrangements, Transactions and Agreements. Litigation. 2.- Business Law – Corporations, Companies, Entrepreneurs,Agencies, Mercantile Contracts, Insurance matters, Banks, Foundations, Associations,Trade Law. Creditors Meetings and Administration matters, Previous to Court Claims and Negotiations. Litigation. 3.- Administrative Law - Administrative ProceThe appearance of advertising in this newspaper does not constitute endorsement of products or services by the Department of Defense, U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Station Rota, Spain or its publisher. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchases, user, or patron." If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising

dures and Penalties,Administrative Claims and Remedies, Complaints and Appeals, Council matters, Regional Government matters,Town Planning arrangements and claims, Building and Operation Licenses, Economic and Administrative Claims, Compensation Boards and other Urban Planning Bodies representation, Social Security claims and appeals. Different Public Administration Inspections and Procedures. For your convenience, as mentioned, we are located at Jerez de la Frontera , only 20 minutes from Rota. You may get an appointment with us through and we will answer your queries in 24 working hours. Our phone numbers are 902 555 037 and 956 33 00 83 Molly Malone Restauran & Pub Spend Good Friday at Molly´s and enjoy their special Fish Night accompanied by an American live band. Also every Saturday Jam Session, bring your instruments or just come enjoy live music. International Burger Weekend at Shamrock's. Shamrock's is having a taste of burgers from around the world. Large Variety of burgers. from that source until the violation is corrected. All ads in this insert are paid-for advertisements in compliance with contract N68171-13-C-6001 between Karen Lucas Johnson and the U.S. Navy. To contact Cview: Karen Lucas Publisher 607 564 132 Ramón Morant Advertising 653 780 296 Cristina Pamplona Graphics & Design 678 415 67

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