Cview april 2nd

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April 2, 2015


Rice Pudding (Arroz con Leche) And we continue with the recipes of Lent, preparing Rice Pudding, which is delicious and very sweet :-) Along with French toast and fried milk, the favorite dessert to enjoy during Holy Week is rice pudding. It is very soft, creamy and sweet, accompanied by a glass of anise ;-) Although this rich dessert is prepared and eaten throughout the year, it is during this week when it is prepared in every house, almost as if it were an obligation.When my mother prepares it, the aroma coming from the kitchen takes us back to our childhood and Holy Week. And now we will learn a little more about this dessert and its tradition. As we read in the blog Blog.20minutos. es, ... If we would travel around Spain from one end to the other end, you would see how we have different types of sweets in each province, that are cooked during these dates (French toast, Lenten fritters, rice pudding, pestiños...) all quite high in calories. by Pilar Ruiz Text/US measures collaborated w/ Glenn Ferguson You can find more of her recipes at

But the mass consumption of sweets during these days was something specific and exclusive to Holy Week and Lent (the forty day period from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday (Domingo de Ramos)). Centuries ago it was mandatory during Lent to perform acts of sacrifice and penitence known as 'fasting' and 'abstinence'. Fasting consisted of consuming one main meal a day (except Sundays) during the period of Lent and this was obligatory to all those persons who had reached the age of seven (currently it is from age 14) to 59.Also exempted

were those who were sick or women who had just given birth. Moreover, abstinence marked the prohibition of eating meat any Friday during the duration of Lent. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday were the days in which both fasting and abstinence should be practiced. During those days, it was allowed to eat small portions of food that were made with eggs, milk (which was made from almonds, so as not to have animal content), flour or honey, and it was a generous energy source, especially for those workers who had to endure long working hours (which lasted from dawn to dusk) with a single meal in the body. Today, while fewer people follow the strict sacrifice and penitance guidelines (in comparison to past) and we don't need that extra energy that supplies extra calories to go all day without eating, the custom of preparing homemade sweets has become a characteristic tradition of Holy Week. And here's the recipe from my mother, which needs to be made with ample time, patience and love!

INGREDIENTS • 1 heaped Cup (250 grs.) Round Rice • 8 1/2 Cups (2 litres) of Whole Milk • 6 Tablespoons White Sugar • 2 Sticks Cinnamon • Peel from 1 Lemon • 1 Pat of Butter • 2 Tablespoons of Cream • 1 Pinch of Salt • 1 Splash of Anise • Cinnamon powder

PREPARATION: • In a tall pot we are going to start heating a liter (4 1/4 cups) of milk and once it starts boiling we will add the rice, the lemon peel (trying to avoid the white skin part because it is bitter) and cinnamon sticks. * We reduce the heat to medium and begin to stir it so that the ingredients come together and also so that the milk does not stick to the pot. • Little by little, we will be adding another liter (4 1/4 cups) of milk that we previously heated. • The total cooking time will be 45 minutes. • Ten minutes before the end of cooking we will add the butter, the cream and the sugar, and we will continue stirring, especially now since sugar gets very easily sticky. • And finally we add the splash of anise which will give a very rich taste to our rice. • It is time now to distribute the rice with milk in different bowls, we use earthenware bowls, sprinkle with a little cinnamon powder and we recommend letting it cool to be served at the table :-) And you can already see how tasty it is. Take your spoon and we are sure that you can not stop eating ;-) Looking forward, as always, to hearing from you to see how it turned out. Have a very nice Holy Week and Happy Easter.

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April 2, 2015


Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Southern S By A.M. Ávila / Photos by María Higuero


his weekend you will be able to witness events which mark the culmination of Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Spain. These events are celebrated in observance of Viernes Santo (Good Friday), Sabado Santo (Holy Saturday), and Domingo de Pascua or Domingo de Resurrección (Easter Sunday). There will be events held in all of the Andalusian towns that surround us, as well as in other towns through-

out Spain. Holy Week in Spain constitutes the annual commemoration of the Passion of Jesus Christ celebrated by many Catholic religious brotherhoods and fraternal organizations that perform penance processions on the streets of almost every Spanish city and town during the last week of Lent, which is the week immediately before Easter. Throughout history, Spain has traditionally been a

Catholic country. Accordingly, after the passage of time, some argue, the Holy Week traditions have become more of a Spring-time custom rather than a fervent religious celebration. However, for many, Holy Week continues to be a very important part of a practicing Christian´s faith. Celebrations in Spain, and throughout the world, are considered to be an integral part of a renewal and reaffirmation of their belief in Christianity. The celebrations of Holy Week in Spain focus almost exclusively on the processions of the brotherhoods or fraternal organizations. Some of these associations can trace their origins back to the Middle Ages, and their membership is usually open to any Catholic person. Family tradition is an important element in the decision to become a member or "brother" (hermano). Some major differences between the celebrations in various Spanish regions are noticeable in these events, for example, most of the elaborate and glamorous celebrations can be found in Andalusia, the southern region of Spain, particularly in the towns of Malaga and Seville. In contrast, those in Castile and León in the north of Spain, typically hold more somber and solemn processions, for example those in Zamora and Valladolid. A common feature in Spain is the almost general usage of the “nazareno” or penitential robe for some of the participants in the processions. This garment consists of a tunic, a hood with a conical tip (known as a “capirote”) used to conceal the face of the wearer, and sometimes a cloak.The exact colors and forms of these robes depend on the particular procession and the brotherhood or fraternal organization which sponsors the procession. The robes were widely used in the medieval period for penitents, who could demonstrate their penance while still masking their identity. These “nazarenos,” who carry processional candles or rough-hewn wooden crosses, may walk the city streets barefoot, and, in some places, may carry shackles and chains on their feet as penance. In some areas, sections of the participants wear dress inspired by the uniforms of the Roman Legion. Another common feature is that every brotherhood or fraternal organization will usually carry, and accompany, magnificent “pasos” or floats with sculptures that depict different scenes from the gospels related to the Passion of Christ or to the Sorrows of the Virgin Mary. Brotherhoods and fra-

ternal organizations have some of these "pasos" for processions of these "pa by bands performing "ma specific type of musical c the images.

In southern Spain, the tow having some of the most during Holy Week. The t the mid-1500´s. Semana noted for the procession ing of lifelike painted wo depict specific events th the time of Christ´s ent his burial. There are also the Virgin Mary showing of the images are truly ar are very old. These "paso over a metric ton) are ph neck of “costaleros.” The to the large burlap sacks t of transported goods in t Historically, dock worke were accustomed to carr were hired to carry the “p (generally anywhere from underneath the platform it appears to travel down Also for more than 500 ye tions in Malaga have bee culture. Processions star continue until Easter Sund and solemn are those that (today) and Good Friday. I of Christ are carried on (floats or thrones). Some than 5,000 kilos and are ca members of a brotherho zation. Drums and trump and occasionally someon a mournful “saeta” (a spe religious song) dedicated makes it way down the st in a form of a “street stag pageantry. Holy Week in M from that celebrated in o Those who go to Malaga f surprised, since Holy Wee meditation and silence, bu noise, cheer, spontaneous as the images pass by. The military procession spo Española” (The Spanish L deployment force and su Foreign Legion. Member the image of “El Cristo de Christ of the Good Death companied by the Legion's Honor Guard. It is very among tourists, locals, and Every year, Holy Week in these amazing celebratio experiences are such tha by many of our senses: t processional “pasos” or “t that rhythmically sway alo uncountable numbers of them with lit candles prov color and contrast with the sounds of procession variety of bands, as well as and flowers that fill the air by. All of these sensory pe thousands of people in Sou alongside the routes. T Spanish experience which


e owned and preserved r centuries. Usually, the asos" are accompanied archas procesionales" a omposition devoted to

wn of Seville is known for t elaborate processions tradition dates back to Santa in Seville is also n of its “pasos” consistooden sculptures which hat occurred between try into Jerusalem and o very famous images of g restrained grief. Most tistic masterpieces that os" (which usually weigh hysically carried on the e word “costales” refers that contained a variety the days of sailing ships. ers (“costaleros”), who rying these heavy loads, pasos.” The "costaleros" m 24 to 48) are hidden m of the "paso" so that n the street on its own. ears, Holy Week celebraen part of its people´s rt on Palm Sunday and day. The most dramatic occur on Holy Thursday Images from the Passion n huge ornate "tronos" e of them weigh more arried by more than 250 ood or fraternal organipets play solemn music ne spontaneously sings ecial form of Flamenco d to a float as it slowly treet. The scene results ge” full of art, color, and Malaga is very different other Andalusian towns. for the first time will be ek there is not lived with ut rather with happiness, s “saetas,” and applause ere is also a very special onsored by “La Legión Legion) which is a rapid uccessor to the Spanish rs of the Legion, parade e la Buena Muerte” (The h) on Holy Thursday, acs own military band and impressive and popular d military veterans. n Southern Spain takes ons to the streets. The at they are perceptible the impressive sight of tronos” carrying images ong their entire routes, f penitents that follow viding striking images of their traditional robes, nal marches played by a s the aromas of incense r as the processions pass erceptions are shared by uthern Spain who crowd They constitute a truly h should not be missed.

April 2, 2015



April 2, 2015

The view from CView Holy Week Today, Holy Thursday, and tomorrow, Good Friday are the biggest days for processions so try to experience them.There are beautiful processions in Rota, El Puerto and Jerez. You can find Rota’s schedule at proximos-eventos. The Schedule for El Puerto is at http://www.turismoelpuerto. com/ and look for itinerarios Semana Santa 2015. For the schedule in Jerez, go to and look for Semana Santa 2015.You can download a pdf. Black & White Lounge and Gastro Bar

Black and White Lounge and Gastro Bar is now open. This is a place to go, enjoy some food and drink, relax and spend time. As soon as you come in, you get a welcoming feeling that makes you want to sit down and relax. It is a place for the whole family with a play area for children that is a bit separated from the main area and on weekends there will be a person to supervise their play. Monika and Robinson want you to feel at home and I am sure you will. There is an inviting outdoor terrace, a covered porch with lounge chairs and an indoor room with high tables, a bar and a pool table. Their private parking lot is right next door. The menu is short, but interesting and the prices are great. Most of the items are made for sharing.There are various salads,

chicken wings, rice with chicken (arroz con pollo), several toasts, artichokes, a gourmet burger etc. They plan on changing the menu every month, month and a half so you will never get tired of the offering. The prices of drinks are also good: Cruz Campo beers are 1.20€, normal long drinks are 4.50€ and cocktails are 5€. Saturdays there is live music at around 15:30. The kitchen is open from 13:00 to 16:30 and from 21:00 so food can be ordered during those times. However if a group wishes to come at other times, it can be arranged, just call or email. Speaking of groups; it is also possible to reserve a bus and leave the driving to them if you schedule two days in advance. Black and White Lounge and Gastro Bar opens every day from noon on, except Tuesdays which is their day off. Black and White is in Puerto de Santa María and their GPS coordinates are: 36.618891, -6.262051For information or reservations call 856 049863 or you can email


Holy Thursday (2 nd April) Our Lady of Sorrow and Holy Christ of the Charity (One float ) Chapel of the “La Caridad” Departs : 19:15. Arrives: 00:30 ”I Solidary Race “ Maria Auxiliadora” Date: Sunday, April 26th The day of the race, every runner will bring 2 kg of food (pasta, rice or olive oil bottles) for Rota’s soup kitchen. Registration and bases of participation on: The XXX Half Marathon “Costa de la Luz” Day: Sunday, April 12th. Starting point: Plaza de España (Rota). Finish Line: .Chipiona Time: 10:00 h . Registration on-line:, Tour the Bay by Sail Boat This two hour trip leaves at midday and sunset. Price is 15€ per person with a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 5 Information and reservations, Tourism Office, tel 956 846345 Guided tours of the Luna Castle Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00 and 19:00, prior reservation needed (call 956 84 63 45 or email Flea Market Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Central Market. To get a table, you must sign up previously in the bar in the Central Market. Flea Market Sundays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Calle Sargento Céspedes, Chorillo Beach Picobarro Second Hand Market Second hand market “El Chorrillo” Association. Sundays from 10.00 am. to 2.00 pm. Sargento Céspedes Street. Winery “El Gato” Dramatised Tour By “Bombastic Teatro” Day: Thursdays at 7.00 pm Price: 6€ adults and 2€ children.


, Holy Week 2015 From today through Sunday, 5 April The Hermandades de Nazarenos will move in procession through the streets of downtown El Puerto. All processions will pass through the official street which this year has been installed in the C. Neveria and the Plaza Isaac Peral in front of the El Puerto de Santa Maria town hall. Metropolitan Park Los Toruños Various activities: bike tours, train tours, nature photography, kayaking & more. More info at: San Marcos Castle Plaza del Alfonso X .Free guided tours on Tuesdays 11:30 (English) -12:30 -13:30 h. With reservation (627 569 335) servicios., deWed. to Fridays: 10:00 -12:00h.Thurs. and Sat.-10:30 -11:30h (English). 12:30- 13:30 6€ adults and 3€ children Guided Tour, Path of the Senses This 4 and ½ hour tour explores the origins of the Sherry wines of El Puerto and it´s progress from the vine to the barrel. Oenologists meet you, after a short bus trip, at a vineyard in the countryside and explain how the vineyard operates, later at the bodega a wine tasting accompanied by tapas and an explanation of the elaboration process, this last taking place in the famous Caballero bodega.

ww Reservations: 649 882 288 - 956 853 960, - Guided tour and wine sampling concentrating on Fino, Amontillado, Oloroso, Cream, Moscatel Soleado y Pedro Ximénez Price: 6€ per person Information and reservations: 956 852 852 / 659 755 701 Web: Email:


River Navigation Route 'Sanlúcar- River Guadalquivir-Doñana'. Ship “Real Fernando” Center of atention and museum “Fábrica de Hielo” (The Ice Factory). Office “Buque Real Fernando”. Information, seat reservation and pick-up of tickets 30 minutes before the boarding. Reservation required. Please call 956 36 38 13. / E-mail: Length of the trip: 3 hours and 30 minutes. Prices: Normal fee: 17’27 €. Retired and students: 12’09 €. Children from 5 to 12 years old: 8’64 €. Jeep Tour Doñana Travel Agency. San Juan Street, number 20. 956362540 - 956362541 E-mail: Please book in advance. Price: 40 € per person. Charter Boat Sailing trips, mini cruises, fishing ..Info. reservations 673476272 f.romeropesca@


Flea Market on Sundays at Alameda Vieja s/n from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dramatized visits to the Alcázar G P S C o o rd i n a t e s : 3 6 . 6 8 0 3 4 3 ° N 6.139732°W Every Sunday at 12:00. Learn some of the history of Jerez and get to know some of the important historical persons. Visit last approximately one hour. Tickets: 1,80€; children under 14 free. Archaeological Museum Plaza del Mercado,W s/n. C.P. 11.408 956 14 95 60

Photo by Jonsson / Wikipedia


Hop-On Hop-Off Cadiz Bus Tour Company: City Sightseeing International Duration: The loop lasts approximately 1 hour Tickets & Passes, Tours & Sightseeing Once the departure point for explorers sailing to the New World, the 3,000-yearold city of Cadiz is now more famous for its Moorish charm. Your sightseeing bus pass offers convenient stops for Cadiz Cathedral, the ancient city walls, and the bay area.

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