CView July 2

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July 2, 2014

Two Hundred and T


iving in Spain can change your perspective on time, and on the passage of time. There is no doubt that organized bands of humanity, such as the Phoenicians and Tartessans, existed here at least 3,000 years ago. There is no doubt that about 2,000 years ago Romans walked on the very land that we walk on today. And there is also no doubt that persons like Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and Americo Vespucci created history from some of the towns that we live in, or that are within our sight, every day. To me, it is worthwhile to ponder on these things and to realize that, at some point in time, great things occurred that should be remembered. But, unfortunately, I also realize that many of these great things are often more likely to be forgotten. This week we will celebrate the “4th of July.” It is a very significant day for all Americans, for a number of reasons. Many, will remember enough about history to tell you that it is the anniversary date of our nation´s independence. Others will even remember that the “Declaration of Independence” was signed on July 4th, 1776. How many of us, though, have actually read the Declaration of Independence and pondered on the meaning of its words? Having been a lawyer for 25 years, I could not help but slowly read and analyze the words of that document. I continue to be amazed at the depth and clarity with which our founding fathers thought about and wrote what is contained in some of our historical documents. I have found a copy of the Declaration of Independence online and invite you to ponder, with me, upon the meaning of words that were written exactly two hundred and thirty eight years ago: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary

for one people to dissol nected them with one an of mankind requires that impel them to the separa thirteen of the British co declared independence fr ing that the relationship no longer exist. What is this “declaration” and the which motivated these p words in the document “We hold these truths created equal, that they certain unalienable Right and the pursuit of Happi saying was that what fol which they believed to really need any explana men (and women) are c (whomever those men a be), granted them certai not, be taken away; and 3 the pursuit of Happiness “That to secure these rig Men, deriving their just erned.” They continue, above (Life, Liberty and that in order to make su forms of government ar given to these governm


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July 2, 2014

Thirty Eight Years Ago By A.M. Ávila

lve the political bonds which have connother ... a decent respect of the opinions t they should declare the causes which ation." With these words, among others, olonies in North America unanimously rom British rule by very eloquently statbetween Britain and its colonies should most significant, though, is the basis for e explanation of the underlying rationale persons to make such a declaration.The continue: to be self-evident: That all men are y are endowed by their Creator with ts, and that among these are Life, Liberty iness.” In other words, what they were llowed was a list of concepts and ideas be things that are obvious and don´t ation or discussion. That is 1) that, all created as equals; 2) that their Creator, and women believe to their Creator to in basic rights that could not, or should 3) that those rights are Life, Liberty, and s. ghts, Governments are instituted among powers from the consent of the gov, by referring to the rights mentioned d the pursuit of Happiness) and stating ure that those rights are not taken away, re created and that the power that is ments comes directly from the people

who agree to obey their laws and to follow the decisions that are made by those governments. And, finally, they state: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. This means that if the form of government that is created does not protect those basic rights that were mentioned above, then there exists yet another right: the right of the people to change the form of government, or get rid of it, and to create a new government that will protect them from tyranny and ensure that the people can live happily. (Fortunately, we haven´t yet found a reason to change our form of government). Amazing…if you ask me. You do not have to be a lawyer to appreciate the fact that the words above were not written overnight; that the persons who signed their name to the document, bearing these words, read it more than once; and that, more importantly, they whole-heartedly agreed with, and believed in, what was contained in the document. What is most amazing to me is that these words ARE (not “were,”they still ARE or, at least, they should be) the foundation for what now exists as one of the greatest nations and advanced civilizations on the planet. We are that nation. We belong to that civilization. We should continue to represent all the good, strength, and resolve that went into the “declaration” that was created only two hundred and thirty eight years ago. Think about it, celebrate who We are, and have a happy “Fourth of July.”

Gilbert Stuart Williamstown Portrait of George Washington

July 2, 2014

The view from CView

Holy Week Itinerary. Please check for events/times:

Happy 4th of July to All! The Running of the Bulls The beginning of July also brings the world famous running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. The festivities kick off on the 6th of July with the inaugural activities and then from the 7th through the 15th the actual runnings of the bulls take place. You can watch them live on Spanish TV1 at 8 a.m. sharp. It is always a very exciting thing to watch and personally I am happy not to be any closer than a TV screen. The whole thing doesn’t last 15 minutes, but they are intense.

Photo by Toomas jörvet /

Orange – Tarjeta Mundo You get the best rates for calling the USA from a cell phone with the “Tarjeta Mundo” from Orange. You can call cell and land phones in the States for 0.01€ a minute and a connection fee of 0.30€. Within Spain your call to other “Tarjeta Mundo” phones are free during 30 days after you do one recharge. Your call to other national operators are also free with a .18€ connection fee if you recharge every seven days. If you don’t recharge, your calls will cost 0.08€/minute with a connection fee of 0.30€ For internet browsing you can choose one of their data packs: 500 Mb for 6€/30 days; 1 GB for 9€/30 days or 2 GB for 15€/30 days. If you don’t contract any browsing option you only pay 0.36€ for 10 Mb during a 24 hour period. You can get your “Tarjeta Mundo” right outside the Rota Gate in the Gate Agency. Check it out now. Anything you want us to pass along? Let us hear from you about your favorite places or coming events. We do like hearing from you! Send an e-mail to Karen@ or give a call to

The appearance of advertising in this newspaper does not constitute endorsement of products or services by the Department of Defense, U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Station Rota, Spain or its publisher. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation


Young Theatre "Drácula" Day: 10th of July Timetable: 22: 00h Place: Patio of Luna Castle Flamenco Show And Dinner every Friday from 19:30 to 21:30 in Bar La Feria. 42, Mina Street. Price: 30 € per person. Reservation Tel. 699 508537 / 644 026525. Actiba 2000 Summer Courses Kitesurf: Course of 2 days x 4 hours. From 18 years old Windsurf: Course of 5 days and 3 days x 2 hours Paddle surf .: Course of 3 days x 1, 5 h. Surf: Course de 3 days x 1 h. Vela Colectiva: Course of 5 days. Minimum 6 people Pneumatic Walk: Walk of 3 hours. Catamarán: Course of 5 y 3 days Kayak: 1 hour. Catamarán: 1 hour. Place.: Playa de la Luz Hotel - Diputación Avenue - Telf.: 697125092 Contact.: actiba2000 Tlfn: 956 101212 www.actiba2000. com Annual Photo Marathon: July 19th and 20th. Annual Photo Marathon “Villa de Rota” is an event rewarding photographers

or any other non-merit factor of the purchases, user, or patron." If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. All ads in this insert are paidfor advertisements in compliance with contract N68171-13-C-6001 between Karen Lucas Johnson and the U.S. Navy.

of all skill levels and ages for their best efforts in depicting Rota in six categories in a period of 24 hours. Awards will be given out for artistic photographs that display the typical aspects or our town. Registration will take place at the Municipal Tourist office Or the same day at the marathon starting point. Price: 9€ (10€ if the sign up the same day as the Marathon) . Information: Tourism Office. Municipal Palace Castillo de Luna. Luna Street,2. Tel: 956 84 6345 Botanical Garden “Celestino Mutis” from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 14:00 and again from 16:30 to 18:30


Jam Session Night Every Saturday at Molly's Bring your instrument and join in! Enjoy a different night at Molly's.


“Sanlúcar...Descúbrela”. Activities and guided tours by Sanlúcar. Essential booking in advance. Information on its wide range of activities and reserve in: „Sanlúcar...Descúbrela.. Mar, 8 St. Bodegas Argüeso.630765483.

To contact Cview: Karen Lucas Publisher 607 564 132 Ramón Morant Advertising 653 780 296 Cristina Pamplona Graphics & Design 678 415 673

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