Nov 26 CView

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November 26, 2014

Ground Meat Croquettes (Croquetas de Carne Picada) We really hope you'll have a very nice Thanksgiving Day and that you really enjoy it with family and friends. Today we want to share with you a very easy and popular recipe in Spain, ground or minced meat croquettes . You can find them in every local bar in town.You will love them. It is the perfect starter for a nice meal.We promise you that once you start, you cannot stop eating them ;-) they are really delicious!. Here you have the recipe and we really hope you prepare them and enjoy them! Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 60 minutes Difficulty: Easy

by Pilar Ruiz / You can find more of her recipes at

INGREDIENTS: * 250 gr. (9oz) ground meat, half pork and half veal * 1 medium size yellow onion * 1 clove garlic * 4 tablespoons wheat flour * ¾ litre (3 ¼ cups) milk * ½ broth stock (bouillon) cube * Ground nutmeg * Some salt * Ground Black pepper * 1 egg * Bread crumbs * Mild olive oil

HOW TO PREPARE: * We are going to start by frying the finely chopped onion and the clove of garlic in a frying pan with three spoons olive oil on medium heat * Once they are translucent, we are going to add the ground meat, stir it and then sauté it several minutes until it is well done. * We add then the flour and stir it to slightly toast it. * We are going to season it with the salt, ground nutmeg and black pepper. * We will warm up the milk and then add the ½ bouillon cube dissolved in ½ cup (125 ml) warm water. Then we are going to start adding it slowly to the pan while stirring. We will just see how the croquette dough begins to thicken. We will keep on stirring until we see that the mixture no longer sticks to the side of the pan. * We take it off of the heat, pour it on a baking tray and set aside to cool and then we put it into the fridge for a couple of hours. * Now it is the moment to make our meat croquettes, we cut the dough into about 3 ¼ inches by 3 ¼ inch (8 cm) squares and then make the shape of the croquettes by hand. * We are going to dredge them first in a beaten egg bath and then cover them with the bread crumbs. *And then, to finish with, we are going to fry them in hot olive oil, though not too hot or they will burn immediately. We will let them drain on absorbent paper. And ready to serve at the table and to enjoy them! By the way, if you have a special wish about any recipe you would like to learn to cook, please let us know. My mother and I will cook it for you in this section :o) You can contact us at

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November 26, 2014

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November 26, 2014 C

A Meeting of Minds and Moorish Magnificence by Moonlight (Article and photos, by Fiona Flores Watson (except Alhambra at night photo below), reproduced with her permission and published on November 14, 2014. This article and her blog “Scribbler in Seville” can be found at



The Alhambra at night by Chrobatos,


hen you work from home, as I do, Social Media isn’t just for watching hilarious viral videos of animals falling off bicycles, comparing notes about X Factor, and poring over photos of your friends’ kids. It’s a lifeline to other, like-minded people with the same interests, in the same field of work, often in broadly the same region. Anyone who sits alone in their house, shuttered away in an office/cubbyhole/sitting room/garden shed in front of a computer for a large part of the day, will know what it feels like to operate in a vacuum. No one else to bounce ideas off, commiserate, celebrate, or just ruminate with. So, when you’re largely isolated, and you live abroad too, an online forum of people who live in the same country as you, speak the same language as you, and have an enormous collective knowledge base to which you contribute and which you benefit from, is a godsend. I’m lucky enough to be a member of one such Facebook group.Who’d have thought that Zuckerberg’s beast, great for selling unwanted furniture and stalking ex-boyfriends (plus engaging with customers, as any SM consultant will tell you), would be a launch pad for such a dynamic collaborative meeting of minds. Entrepreneurs, marketers, writers, bloggers, and creative types who live in Spain, and are passionate about the country. The name is WABAS: Writers and Bloggers about Spain. Last year I attended the group’s second national annual get-together, in Malaga, which was hugely enjoyable, interesting and constructive.

This year the WABAS venue was Granada. Friends, wine, expertise and the Alhambra. Meeting online friends in person (do they look like their photo? Are they what I expected?). It’s a winning combination. We learned about topics relevant to media-savvy expats in business.We talked.We listened.We agreed.We disagreed. We ate. We drank. We drank some more. And we visited the Alhambra. At night. It was only my second time in this wondrous complex of Moorish and Renaissance palaces, the first having been nine years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. As an occasional tour leader in Seville, I was delighted that we were taken around the Alhambra by an excellent guide, Maria Angustia from Cicerone Tours. As this native granadina informed us, Maria Angustia is the patron saint of Granada. She also told us that the Alhambra, which dates from the 13th century when this part of Spain was ruled by the Moors – cultured Islamic rulers from north Africa – was self-sufficient; its own independent mini-city. With no natural water source, usually an essential factor in establishing a settlement, the hill above Granada wasn’t an obvious location to build a palace; a river fed by the Sierra Nevada had to be diverted to provide water for the sultan’s new palace. But the Nasrid ruler Muhammed I obviously had a vision in mind. Titbits like these, about how the monument was initially planned, bring history to life. We started our tour at the Palace of Carlos V, King of

Spain and the first Holy Roman Emperor, for whom the phrase “the empire on which the sun never sets” was coined. He also built the Casa Consistorial (original Town Hall) in Seville and held his wedding to Isabel of Portugal in the Alcazar of Seville. This 16th century palace, a few centuries more recent than the Nasrid Palaces which are the main draw of the Alhambra, is unusual in that it was the first building to be square on the outside, and round inside. The Palacio Carlos V is used for concerts and exhibitions. Entering the first section of the Nasrid Palaces, the Mexuar Palace, we saw examples of the extraordinarily complex, multi-layered decoration for which the Alhambra is famous as the most perfect example of a Moorish palace in the world. A combination of geometricalicatado tiles with designs made from tiny pieces of ceramic; the intricate white relief sections, often with plant motifs and Arabic calligraphy inscriptions, called arabesque; the coffered artesonado wood ceilings, with their gold details; and coloured mocarabedecoration, and you have a dazzling array of never-ending abstract art, 360 degrees, on every surface. Maria called it “an explosion of imagination”. We visited the rooms occupied by Washington Irving when he lived in the Alhambra as the US Consul. Most well-known outside Spain as the writer of books such as Rip Van Winkleand The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Irving’s Tales of the Alhambra brought the then-largely abandoned, but mercifully still intact, palace to the attention of a worldwide audience, drawing visitors to a then-unknown part of Spain for many years to come. This American author and hispanophile – he wrote several books about the country – is revered in Andalucia, and you can even follow a Washington Irving route across the region. One of the most celebrated monuments within this UNESCO World Heritage Site is the Fountain of the Lions, recently restored. Each of the 12 carved marble animals is different, but the fountain wasn’t lit up at night when we there, so it was difficult to see their faces, with individually modeled eyes and mouths. Maria explained that the water has to be to very carefully controlled to ensure that it flows out of the lions’ mouths at precisely the same speed. As always with such fabled beasts, theories abound as to why there are 12 – signs of the zodiac is one possibility. The Alhambra was very busy on the night we visited, too much so for my liking, and Maria told us that 50 visitors enter the complex every five minutes – that’s 600 an hour – and that the palaces are open for 14 hours a day. Three million visits per year. Afterwards, we went out for tapas, as you do in Spain. Networking in real life and online is a necessity for today’s freelancers, and if you can do it with the surroundings of such a legendary city like Granada, all the better.

November 26, 2014

The view from CView KORE Dress Shop Kore is a relatively new dress shop on Calle Valdés, across from the hospital in Puerto de Santa María. The shop specializes in large sizes: mainly Spanish sizes 50 to 56. This shop has a nice selection of very wearable clothes; modern and stylish at moderate prices.You will find pants, tops, suits and dresses. Stop by and get acquainted with Lola, the owner. She will be happy to show you what she has to offer and help you find what you want. I am sure you will like what you see.

The Shamrock Bar & Eatery, The Shamrock Bar & Eatery, in El Puerto de Santa Maria Its proprietor Stevie wants to thank everyone for a very successful 1st anniversary party celebrated last 8th of November. The bar-restaurant was full to the brim and the customers enjoyed up until late that night the live performance of Gwyddel, a great Irish music band. To thank all its customers for such great turn out, The Shamrock Bar & Eatery will offer tomorrow Thursday 27th Nov. a special Thanksgiving menu at an unbeatable price: Turkey with seasonal vegetables and traditional trimmings followed by one of our homemade desserts, including a pint of beer at a set price of 10€! To enjoy this limited promotion, don't hesitate to make your reservation now. Pizzería Gallego Pizzería Gallego is well established with more than 30 years experience in the restaurant business. From its beginnings until now, this brand has improved installations, products and customer service in order to guarantee

quality service to everyone. The key to success is the guarantee of quality products, raising so called “fast foods” to a new level of quality and taste with economical prices. Some of the dishes you can enjoy are juicy grilled meats, sandwiches, roast chicken and tasty homemade pizzas. If you would like to visit Pizzería Gallego, it is located on Higuereta (La Costilla area in the center of Rota). Actually there are two places:

number 55 (Gallego Grande) and number 59 (Gallego Chico). In addition to the two places, there is an adjoining room for private parties. Here you can choose between the regular menu or a special menu can be arranged. If you are interested in reserving this private room, don’t hesitate calling 956813612 from noon to midnight. Remember: Rota is a place to enjoy beaches, pine forests and monuments, but don’t forget to delight your pallet with the culinary offerings of Pizzería Gallego. Molly Malone Molly Malone will openThisThursday at 13:00 for Thanksgiving dinner. A full 3 course traditional dinner will be available to all. Enjoy an exceptional homemade meal in a relaxing atmosphere. Join us for this celebration. Matías Lebrón Jewelers This Holiday season Matías Lebrón Jewelers have some big specials. Everything in one of their windows is 50% off. Here you will find lots of watches and silver jewelry. In addition there is 20% off on gold jewelry and 10% off on top brand watches. Some of the brands they carry are: Pandora, Michael Kors, Ferrari, Tommy Hilfiger, Gant and Seiko. Matías Lebrón has long been a favorite of Americans because of price, quality and friendly service. This shop is located in the central hall of El Paseo Mall. Stop by and check out their special offers. A gift of jewelry is always treasured.


Milagro Ventura 21:00, Friday, 28 November Tickets: 3€ Municipal Auditorium “Alcalde Felipe Benítez” San Fernando Avenue, unnumbered. Tel. 956 810022. Ii Dance Congress “Rota II Dance Congress “RotaBaila” based Latino and African rhythms. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 28, 29 and 30 November Date: 28th , 29th y 30th November Location: “Sala Pandero” Organization of Congress: Danzee Dance Association, More than 15 workshops, shows, festivals and live music will be offered in this II RotaBaila. Rate: If you attend all three days - 20 € (if tickets are purchased before November 20 After that date cost will be 25 € Registration and Information:Tel.: 654 54 34 66 or 645 99 12 34. Exhibition and Sale Of Handmade Sweets 10:00-14:00 and 17:00 - 21:00, Saturday and Sunday, 29 and 30 NovemberExhibition and sales of handmade sweets by Nuns of the Monastery “Espiritu Santo” Multiuse Hall Municipal Palace Castillo de Luna. Tour The Bay by Sail Boat This two hour trip leaves at midday and sunset Price is 15€ per person with a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 5Information and reservations, Tourism Office, tel 956 846345 organized by Diverta Sail

Botanical Garden “Celestino Mutis” from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 14:00 and again from 16:30 to 18:30 Guided tours of the Luna castle Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00 and 19:00, prior reservation needed (call 956 84 63 45 or email


I Traditional Andalusian B e e r Fe s t i v a l S a l a M i lw a u ke e 17:00-01:00, Friday, 28 November 12:00-01:00, Saturday, 29 November 12:00-17:00, Sunday, 30 November For 3 days beer culture, the artisan work of Zec, Art exhits by Daniel Sueiras, photography of Sharon Minkoff and Mila Parodi and much more. Musical concerts, gastronomic delights from the Rincon del Jamon. Entrance is 2€ for the three days and a tapa entrance with 5 tapas costs 4,50 € Sala Milwaukee - Avda. Bajamar, 10 F l a m e n c o S h o w " To d a U n a V i d a " S a l a M u c h o Te a t r o 1 7 : 3 0 , S u n d a y, 3 0 N o v e m b e r Sala Mucho Teatro - C/ Mise"ricordia, 12 Price: 6 € (with unassigned seating) and 3 € (without seating) Scottish Dance Classes: Mondays 7:30-8:00p.m., beginners & step practice; 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 classes for everyone. Classes are held at the Instituto Santo Domingo. More information call Carol at 665 353260. Come and celebrate Thanksgiving with CBLingua! This Thursday at 14:30 at CEEI offices Bahia de Cadiz Open to members of the public.

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