Report of the 3rd exchange in Portugal Nov 2016

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Activity and Eating-

small steps to a Healthier you

Exercise your Local Options

ia ecundรกr Escola S

de Seia

16 0 2 L A G U P ORT


Memories of a Week full of Activity in Portugal as well as eating. All together we Exercised Local Options and it is a motivation to continue being active and healthy. Each of us has to find ways, strategies to be active. Schools and Projects like ours can influence students to be more physically active and healthy. I'm very grateful to my family and friends and all who contributed to make this Exchange possible and successful. Host families, Students involved, Erasmus Students, Teachers, Boarding school, Municipality, Local businesses, Escola Superior de Viseu; Resort & Spa AquaVillage; Escola Superior de Turismo e Hotelaria; Students of Professional Course of Reception and Vocational Course of Tourism;


Portugal hosted the 3rd Short-Exchange of Groups of Pupils from 13 to 19 November. The partner countries, Poland, Hungary, France and Italy arrived in Seia on Sunday evening and the students met their Portuguese mates. In this exchange took part 31 people. 5 students and 2 teachers from IISS “V. Lilla” Francavilla Fontana, Italy; 5 students and 3 teachers from Zespol Szkol Gimnazjalnych im. Trzech Wieszczow w Trzebini, Gimnazjum nr 2 Trzebinia, Poland; 5 students and 2 teachers from BME Két Tanítási Nyelvü Gimnázium Budapest, Hungary and 25 students and 9 teachers from Agrupamento de Escolas de Seia – Seia, Portugal. The host families were at the Hotel waiting for their "daughters and sons" during a week.

In the evening Teachers had dinner at the AquaVillage Health Resort & Spa followed by a guided visit to the Resort and the thermal Spa by its Director Francisco Cruz. What a great night with excellent food, company in a peaceful place which invites us to a long stay within nature and new ways of relaxing body and mind.


The week was carefully prepared with different activities not only for teachers but also and specially organized to engage students in Exercise Local Options in Seia, and cities like Coimbra and Viseu. The school colorfully embellished opened its gates to the special partners of this project.


On day 1

The students met at the school library.


During the morning each school presented a PowerPoint presentation on the second and third steps of the project, that is to say Exercise your local Options and Be Active your Way.

Fascinating presentations but long time seated, so let’s get some fresh air and a surprise came from the schoolyard.

A flash Mob and Let’s dance with the P.E teacher Raquel Lopes.


The morning then was completed with the work in the International Exhibition of photographs, documenting the tours and all forms of activities taken under the implementation of the 2nd and 3rd Step activities of the Project, titled EXERCISE YOUR LOCAL OPTIONS.


and then‌Vising the school the teachers

and the students‌


The afternoon for students was quite busy in the workshop to create an International Dance under the heading Challenge your Inspiration. Each school presented and danced the traditional music and afterwards decided to use some of the movements of each to make a new one.


The last activity of the day was the reception at the City Hall.


On day 2 On Tuesday,15 November 2016 the Erasmus groups went on a Bus trip to the city of Coimbra, one of the most important cities on the centre of Portugal. There we visited the University of Coimbra, one of the oldest universities in the world- and well-known for its academic traditions- Iron Gate, Palรกcio das Escolas, Library, Academic Prison, S.Miguel Church, Great Hall of Acts, Via Latina and Armory.


There was time to stop on Quebra-costas stairs and listen to “Fado de Coimbra�, pass through Almedina arch and visit the old gate Tower.


A Boat trip in Mondego river was worth and we could admire both sides of the city in the afternoon.


On day 3 On Wednesday, 16 November 2016 we started with a Walk to C.I.S.E where JosĂŠ Conde , the Biologist of the Centre, welcome all delegations and the group could visit the Centre of Interpretation of Serra da Estrela.


After a short walk the group got into the Train of Bread Museum to an enchanted visited through the History of the bread in which fantasy is linked to reality. This Museum is a real success. kids are able not only to watch the bread cycle and its bakery process, but also to bake their own breads.

After lunch it was the perfect time to go into the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela and visit the Natural Museum of Electricity which was recently open and it is located at Senhora do Desterro, in the municipality of Seia, Serra da Estrela, Portugal.


This museum transports tourists to the year 1907, when the construction of the first water central began in Serra da Estrela. Seia received electricity for the very first time only in 1909.

Then, the biologist, JosĂŠ Conde brought us into the woods along the river and dam of Sra do Desterro, with a stunning sightseeing with the beautiful colours of autumn trees reflected in water. Hiking is popular in this area so we experienced Exercise Seia Local options in the Natural park of Serra da Estrela, in Mata da Sra do Desterro. JosĂŠ Conde, who taught us about the fauna and flora and showed enthusiastically some species we found through the tracks. He took this opportunity to make us aware of the importance of respecting nature and the living species inhabiting this area.


In the evening all students and teachers involved in this Erasmus Exchange were invited to meet in Escola Superior de Turismo e Hotelaria, a relaxed and casual yet elegant environment, where we had a truly wonderful Portuguese dining and cheerful moments.


On day 4 On Thursday, 17 November 2016 the Bus Trip head us to Golf Montebelo Club near Viseu. A Golf Professional, Rui Bazílio, taught the basics of Golf and all had the chance of practising sport, having fun, and socializing.

In the afternoon we attended Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu for a Lecture on “The Physical Exercise and Health” by Professor Abel Figueiredo.


Then students ended the day with another sports adventure Ice-rolling skate in Palรกcio do Gelo, Viseu.


On day 5 On Friday,18 November 2016 Students attended their mates’ classes. On this last day we offered our guests and the community another Exhibition “Challenge your Roots”, in which local products related to Eating and Wellness were present and all the community enjoyed the diversity of products.


Then Students practised the international performance in the Workshop “ Challenge your Inspiration” .

Meanwhile Teachers had their meeting and then attended a Training Workshop named “ eTwinning- as a support of Erasmus Projects” with the eTwinning ambassador, Teresa Lacerda. This workshop allowed us to understand how twinspace platform can help to support Erasmus+ projects, learn how to integrate web2.0 tools and collaborate through twinspace.


In the afternoon the Closing session began with the delivery of Certificates of Attendance both in the workshop and in the 3rd Short term Exchange in Agrupamento de Escolas de Seia , in Seia.


Afterwards, Students presented the international dance followed by Traditional Portuguese Folk dance with the Group “Rancho Folclórico de Paranhos da Beira”. The Mayor of The Municipality, Mr. Carlos Filipe Camelo and the Vice were present as well as parents and the school community. This moment of socialization continued with the PicNic with portuguese food .

At first they will aks why you’re doing it. Later they’ll ask how you did it.

“At first they will ask why you’re doing it. Later they’ll ask how you did it.”

Seia, 2016-11-24

By Cristina Nunes Almeida 23

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