Code4alltransnational project meeting romania nov 2017

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“CODE4ALL” ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID 2017-1-IT02-KA219-036645_1 MINUTE OF MEETING MINUTE OF MEETING: Transnational Project Meeting 1 MEETING LOCATION: Scoala “Alexandru Ivasiuc”, Baia-Mare, Romania

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DATE OF MEETING: LENGTH: 06/09/2017 3 DAYS WRITTEN BY: Maria Floarea Pop, project coordinator

MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE MEETING: - To discuss and plan the project activities for students and teachers - To share best practices and outputs of the coding activities carried out from the beginning of the project and partners’ specific expertise related to the project topics - To discuss roles and tasks of the partners, monitoring, dissemination and communication strategies. - To establish the quality management plan - To work on team building, strengthen relationships and cultural diversities. PARTICIPANTS: ITALY: Istituto comprensivo Carrara e Paesi a Monte, Carrara (3 teachers) PORTUGAL: Agrupamento de Escolas de Seia, Seia (3 teachers) SWEDEN: Klagshamns rektorsområde, Klagshamn (5 teachers) ROMANIA: Scoala Alexandru Ivasiuc, Baia Mare (9 teachers) TURKEY: Sehit Polis Volkan Sabaz Ilkokulu, Kocaeli (3 teachers) POLAND: Szkola Podstawowa nr 2 im. I Dywizji T. Kosciuszki, Elk (3 teachers) SLOVAKIA: United Nations Elementary School, Nitra (3 teachers) COPIES TO: Project coordinators of all school partners ENCLOSURES: ERASMUS+ CODE4ALL_ACTIVITIES_NOV 2017.pdf


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SUMMARY OF THE TOPICS DISCUSSED: 1. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES: - Official opening of the work sessions with the presence of the local authorities (deputy mayor of Baia-Mare): presentation of the project, transnational goals and participants. - Presentation of each school partner’s progress on coding and robotics and specific activities carried out during the EU CodeWeek following the videoconference held in September 2017. 2. MOBILITIES: The dates of the mobilities have been set up in order to be able to plan the activities. The dates for the first mobility in Poland are considered confirmed, while there will be flexibility for the other dates, especially for the second year (2018/2019). Anyhow, they have to be confirmed months in advance. - Discussion about the focus of the activities to be carried out with students and teachers in each country according to the “Activities plan” distributed and enclosed here. - Selection criteria for teachers and students participating to the mobilities: Teachers are recommended to be literate in English and coding, possibly different for each mobility in order to enlarge the target. Students will be chosen from the classes involved in the activities according to internal criteria of the school and a short composition about the importance for them of being European citizens and cooperate with other European students using digital skills. Priority will be given to students with less economic possibilities. Students with special needs and girls will be encouraged to participate. - Logistics and organization of the mobilities was discussed. Poland is supposed to send a summary of the conditions and proposals from host families to be shared with the schools and families of the students taking part in the mobility. The same will be done by the other host countries. Any special requests or legal requirements concerning students have to be communicated in advance. 3. COMMUNICATION: For a constant and good communication within the partnership, partners agreed to have a videoconference once a month on the last Friday of the month at 2 pm (Italian time). A whatsapp group CODE4ALL including country coordinators has been created for quick messages, while main communication and all project documents will be present on the etwinning platform. Files for each topic will be arranged by Poland as coordinator and each partner will upload files according to the agreements and deadlines. 4. TEACHERS TRAINING: there will be training sessions for teachers during the mobilities and also at distance through webinars. The coordinators of teachers training (Romania and Sweden) will collect the proposals from each partner according to the needs. Partners agreed to take up the first proposal of training done by Italy, through webinar with video tutorials held by a highly skilled professor on coding Alessandro Bogliolo, ambassador coordinator of Europe Code Week, on unplugged coding activities. A course register will be drafted and evidence of the training done by each partner school (number/names of the participants) will be collected by the project coordinator. Other experts will be involved during the 2 years of project. Any optional training courses can be posted by partners on the shared social networks to improve teachers skills and bring new ideas of activities on coding and robotics. CLASS Activities: partners shared ideas on the activities to be implemented with the classes. One proposal agreed upon was to participate at the EUCodyGame to be held on 30 Nov at 11.00 with classes in the whole Europe. The laboratory of robotics proposed by the host country gave new ideas to the partners. 5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: a project management framework including files for each task/action will be shared with partners on twinspace. A Quality Management team and plan will be created by the end of November 2017: each country appoints a Quality Manager within the Erasmus+ project team, communicates the name so that the project coordinator can organize the team


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and work plan. The quality team will be in charge of drafting questionnaires, grids, collect data and establish indicators to monitor and assess the progress and the outputs of the project. The Quality Management plan will be shared on twinspace. Discussion on budget, monitoring and administrative documents and tools. 6. DISSEMINATION: Poland and Portugal coordinate the dissemination strategies agreed upon with all partners and draft a Dissemination plan. Turkey coordinates the social media actions (webpage, platforms etc) and Slovakia the events. It has been agreed upon the creation of a Facebook group that all partners can access and post content on. A newsletter will be drafted and sent three times a year. Discussion on social media contests to be organized frequently in order to keep high the participation and enlarge the users’ target. Links to existent blogs, forums, networks. Discussion on goals and dissemination strategies at local, regional, national level that each member is supposed to implement. At European and International level the coordinators will take the lead. The selection of the logo for the project will be done through a social media contest. Each country has worked in classes on logo proposals and selected one that goes to the final selection. The 7 logos will be uploaded on twinspace by 15th November and they will take part in the competition on social media. The partners decided that each country will promote only the other 6 logos at local level (not its own logo) and the winner will be the most-liked logo on social media platforms. Posters/banners and even a flag with the QR code connected to the project website will be placed in each partner school. 7. ASSESSMENT: discussion on strengths and weaknesses of the project meeting. Suggestions for improvement. Questionnaires on the organization of the meeting have been distributed and filled in by all participants. CONCLUSIONS/ AGREEMENTS: Action Carry out the transnational mobilities according to the following schedule:

Partner in charge


- LTTA1 in Poland from 4th to 10th March, 2018 - Project meeting 2 in Slovakia from 14th to 17th May 2018 - LTTA2 in Sweden from 23rd to 29th September 2018 - LTTA3 in Portugal from 2nd to 8th December 2018 - Project meeting 3 in Turkey from 11th to 14th March 2019 - LTTA4 in Italy- before 21st May 2019 Set up a social media contest to choose the logo for the project from the seven proposals.

Each partner at national level Turkey -coordinator

- Country logo proposal uploaded by 15th Nov 2017 - Contest ends up on 29th Nov


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2017 Create social media tools (Facebook page and group, website)


30th Nov 2017

Hold a videoconference with all country coordinators on the Italy- coordinator last Friday of each month.

Set up the Quality Management Plan


30th Nov 2017

Roles and tasks within the project agreed upon by the partners:

Romania & Sweden- coordinators

ITALY: Project coordinator Management coordinator Budget supervisor Activities plan coordinator POLAND: Etwinning platform coordinator Dissemination coordinator ROMANIA: Meeting coordinator Teachers training coordinator SLOVAKIA: Events coordinator Project outputs coordinator TURKEY: Social media coordinator Project output coordinator SWEDEN: Meeting coordinator Teachers training coordinator PORTUGAL: Activities coordinator Dissemination coordinator Carry out shared teachers training through webinars

Italy- the first training - the first proposal on training session unplugged coding to be concluded activities


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by January 2019 Draft the Dissemination plan

Poland, Portugal

15th December 2017

Set up the Project management plan


30th Nov 2017

FOLLOW-UP: - Select teachers and students for the mobility in Poland - Poland: a short description of conditions in the host families - Draft a shared Coding lesson plan - Share course register for teachers training through webinars - EUCodyGame 30 Nov at 11.00. Online activity with classes - Create virtual classroom on twinspace - Proposals of events on coding to be organized at local level (each partner coordinated by Slovakia) - Dissemination at local level Next meeting date: Videoconference on last Friday of November (to be confirmed one week in advance)

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