Condor Chronicles May - June 2015

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The Condor Chronicles May –June 2015 Journalists: Ariela Layne Mikela Dina Julio Rose Editor-­‐in-­‐Chief: Ms. Tina Table of Contents: Ar6cles Pages 2, 8, 9, 13, 24-­‐26 Interviews Pages 3-­‐6, 11, 14, 12-­‐21 Events Page 7 Stories Pages 10, 20 & 23 Comic Page 27

Imagine if cows gave green soda instead of milk By Layne The world would probably have many weak people because milk contains calcium. But the world itself would be more polluted because of the cans, sure they could be recycled, but does the world recycle that much today? I mean be honest. Also we would probably drink the green soda and would need the den6st more so… there really is no bright side to the no milk thing, everybody loves milk! Well almost everybody…basically what I am saying is we would have cavi6es

Waking up in another country By Julio

If I woke up in another country and I didn’t understand a word people said I would call my mom and tell her to tell the police so they can fly where I am and rescue me. If I didn’t have a phone I would get a dic6onary of the language they speak at the random country, learn words and tell the police there to fly me home. But I would get the dic6onary by going to the library looking in windows checking if there are lots and lots of books. Then I would tell the police to fly me home. 1

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015 If I were president I would … By Dina and Mikela 1. Nobody would have homework. 2. Kids would have recess all day! 3. Kids would wear street clothes 4. Everything would be free! 5. You could bring your iPhone to school. 6. People would be forced to save the earth. 7. Everyone would be happy. 8. There would be peace every where in the world. 9. Nobody would have a boyfriend or a girlfriend 10. No one could make anyone sad or else they get arrested. Waking up in another country By Julio

If I woke up in another country and I didn’t understand a word people said I would call my mom and tell her to tell the police so they can fly where I am and rescue me. If I didn’t have a phone I would get a dic6onary of the language they speak at the random country, learn words and tell the police there to fly me home. But I would get the dic6onary by going to the library looking in windows checking if there are lots and lots of books. Then I would tell the police to fly me home. 2

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Meet our Primary School Principal Interviewing Ms. Rachel By Dina and Layne What do you think about before you fall asleep? Normally I think about my day. Whether it’s been a good day or a bad day, whether there is anything else I need to do or not, that way I can go to bed with a clear mind and a happy heart. Who is your best friend? I have three best friends and they are all over the world. My lifelong best friend is my big sister Denise and my best friend, who I’ve known for a long 6me, Shauna and she works in Indonesia, so when I move I will be closer to my best friend. And Ms. Kristy is one of my best friends here. Would you rather only be able to whisper or shout? Definitely whisper, I think when you whisper you get more people listening than when you shout. Would you rather have hair that goes past your feet or be bald? I think I’d look pre]y good being bald. Only kidding I much prefer the hair that goes past my feet. I’d have to 6e up thought so I don’t stand on my high heels on it so that would cause a pre]y big accident. 3

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Would you rather have to mix up your food before you eat it or eat everything (even your drink) with a spoon? I can go with mixing things up as long as I don’t have to mix my drink in with my spoon. What is your favorite color? Green Water boAles or water fountains? If we’re thinking the environment water fountains are be]er but because Lima gets quite hot in the summer we need water bo]les because otherwise kids would get too thirsty and they’d be in and out of class to much, so I guess depends where you live in the world What's the best book you’ve ever read? Any book by Malcolm Gladwell, he’s wri]en The Tipping Point and David & Goliath, I like he’s thinking. What was the scariest moment of your life? I haven’t had many scary moments. I do remember we were on a field trip with my 5th grade students in England and someone played a trick on me. We were on a ghost walk in the city of York and someone was talking about a ghost that used to put hands around people’s necks and someone was holding an ice cube and just right at the 6me they put their hand around my neck, which made me get pre]y scared. Would you rather be a plumber or a roofer? Definitely a roofer cause then you go]a deal with blocked up toilets and that wouldn’t be any fun 4

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

What do friends call you? Rach. What’s your favorite pizza? I like pizza with bacon, pepper, onions. I don’t think it’s got a name though. What can you teach me? I can teach quite a lot of things: any kind of dancing, about stuff at school and I can also teach you how to work with other people but I’d be curious to know what you can teach me What are you good at besides teaching? Dancing Where are you going aEer the school year? Aeer the school year I am going to move to a country in Asia called the Phillipines, which is a series of Islands and I’m gonna be living in the capital city in Manila Would you rather paint with your toothbrush or your hands? Depends what Im pain6ng Would you rather be a teacher or a cashier? Definitely a teacher 5

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015 Will you miss Roosevelt when you leave? Absolutely What will you miss the most? Definitely the students. I’ll miss my hugs and my ‘Good morning Ms. Rachel!" Would you rather have nuts on your ice cream or candy? Candy because I am allergic to nuts Would you rather go to a children’s museum or a water park? Children’s museum, much more fun Do you like ficHon or non-­‐ficHon beAer? I like both

We interviewed Ms. Rachel through a video!


The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Movie Night By Ariela & Rose

This Semester the library organized Movie Night. We loved the popcorn, the bake sale, being cuddled up in warm blankets and being with friends. The movie was Ponyo this is what we thought about it: Ariela: A boy named Sosuske finds a “goldfish” he names Ponyo. Then Ponyo escapes and tries to become human. Se succeeds and is reunited with Sosuske. In the end Ponyo and Sosuske live together happily ever aeer. I liked the part when Ponyo is a girl with Sosuske, but I didn’t like the part when she first into a human. Rose: The movie is about a fish that turns into a girl. I liked it because it was anime and my favorite part was at the end when Ponyo turns into a girl. I give it 5 stars. Next 6me we would like to see Castle In The Sky and The Cat Returns. 7

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

All about ice cream By Ariela -­‐  Americans consumed 53 billion gallons of frozen products (including ice cream in 2011). -­‐  The most popular flavor is vanilla. -­‐  June is the month that ice cream is produced. -­‐  It is is made out of milk, cream, fruits and other ingredients. -­‐  The largest ice cream cone was 2.81 meters high. -­‐  It can be sweetened with corn syrup, cane sugar and beet sugar. -­‐  July 21st is na6onal ice cream day. -­‐  It was invented at the 1904 World Fair in St. Louis

Made using Make Your Own Ice Cream from h]p://


The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015 All about doughnuts By Rose -­‐  It is a circle with a hole in the middle. -­‐  It is a dessert. -­‐  Hanson Gregory invented the doughnuts. -­‐  It can be breakfast. -­‐  A doughnut is like a bagel. -­‐  There are many flavors. -­‐  A doughnut has a lot of sugar.

Made using Donut DecoraPon from

What Would Happen If Animals Could Talk? What Would You Ask Them? By Dina and Mikela This are the ques6ons we would like to ask them. 1.What do you like most about you? 2.Do you like being a food for humans? 3.Do you like being an animal? 4.What is your favorite food? 5. What is your favorite color? 6. What is your favorite book? 7.What is your favorite toy? 8.Who is your friend? 9.How’s life? 10. How many friends do you have? 11. What is your favorite place to sleep? 12. Where is your favorite place to hang out? 13. What do you play with your friends? 14. Do you have a boy friend? 9

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Diary of a sock By Layne, Dina and Mikela

Monday. Today was like the usual , I got put on a s6nky foot. Of course my owners foot was sweaty because he NEVER takes a shower and…. He never cleans me!! Tuesday. Today was a horrible day, because I got taken to THE HUGE SOCCER GAME. It was awesome but bad and PAINFUL. “SOCKS HAVE FEELINGS 2 YOU KNOW!” Wednesday. Today was soooo BAD! The boy who was wearing me threw me onto the top shelf, I CAN’T SEE MY MOMMY! Wednesday to Friday. Nothing changed, s6ll on the top shelf. But then I see my owner’s mom, she took me off the top shelf and put me in the laundry room. Saturday. Now I’m all clean because my owner’s mom washed me. I’m so happy. I mean his sister’s socks like me now that I’m clean. The boy won’t wear me anymore because he hears me and my friends that are girls talking. Sunday. Now me and my girls are inside the washing machine singing! THE END 10

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Art and the FDR Community May is the month of the museum, during that month we asked the FDR Community some ques6ons about art. This is what they had to say. Favorite museum Ms. Sarria à Larco Museum, MALI and MAC (Lima, Peru) Ms. Maribel à MALI (Lima, Peru) Mr. Rongcal à Egyp6an Museum (Cairo, Egyp) Ms. Jo Nelson à Natural History Museum (London, England) Ms. Uchi à Museo de la Nación (Lima, Peru) Favorite arSst Ms. Sarria à Goya Ms. Maribel à Escher, Monet and Dali Ms. Jo Nelson à Hundertwasser Favorite work of art Ms. Sarria à Fusilamiento de Mayo Ms. Maribel à Monet’s water lilies Ms. Jo Nelson à A pain6ng my step mom did


The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Market Place

By Dina, Layne, Mikela, Ariela & Rose What did you sell? Mikela: Photos Ariela: Peter Beads & Bookmarks Dina & Layne: Cookies Rose: Wooden Le]ers Why did you choose to sell that? Mikela: Because kids like photos Ariela: Because they are craes Dina & Layne: Because we love cookies Rose: I knew we would have a profit Did you sold all your products? Everyone: Yes!! My experience… Mikela: I didn’t know we would sell that much! Ariela: It was a lot of fun and I know we made a profit that we will give to charity Dina & Layne: It was a lot of fun. It was a great way to learn how to sell things. Rose: It was awesome, I wouldn’t change a thing. 12

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015 If animals could talk, we would ask them By Dina and Mikela 1.  What do you like most about you? 2.  Do you like being a food for humans? 3.  Do you like being an animal? 4.  What is your favorite book? 5.  What is your favorite toy? 6.  Who is your friend? 7.  How’s life? 8.  How many friends do you have? 9.  What is your favorite place to sleep? 10.  What do you play with your friends? If I were a Superhero By Rose, Ariela and Layne

I could: fly, hypno6ze people and save them, create snow days, never bleed. I would have a laser beam and I would be able to shie shapes. I would wear an awesome uniform and a magic-­‐transpor6ng-­‐ring. I would live in an invisible fortress with 14 cats and my loyal friend the unicorn. All my cats would be name Mr. Fluffybuns and the unicorn would be named Pearl White. By Dina and Mikela

I would be able to shape shie. I would turn into different animals. I would have a costume that turned small when I turn into an animal and the clothes would go big when I turn into a big animal. My costume would be purple. 13

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Supervillain idenSty Can you guess the Condor Chronicles journalist Supervillain iden66es? I am Flower Power and I can shoot flowers from my hands! My secret weakness are bananas. The colors in my costume are violet, pink, yellow, green, blue and turquoise. I got my powers 5 years ago in my aunt’s garden. I am Evil Dr. Rainbow and I shoot rainbows and neon cats out of my fists. My secret weakness is garlic and I got my superpowers aeer gerng addicted to rainbows. My colors are red, orange, yellow, purple, green, blue and purple. Evil Dr. Cat is my name. I am extremely powerful but my secret weakness is listening. My costume is neon ca6sh and I got neon cat’s DNA in me. I am Evil Dr. Porkchop and I shoot pigs out of my fist! I can’t eat other meat that it is not pork and my costume is pink with a fake pork snout. I got my powers aeer riding pigs in Texas. I am Rolnaldo and I can freeze people. I am a king and my costume is red and gold. I got my superpowers aeer my sister was born. 14

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Supervillain idenSty We ask the FDR Community what would their supervillain iden6ty. Here are their answers Supervillain name Ms Porcari’s à Scary Hairy Ms. Knight à Treacherous Teacher Ms. Bowman à Bad Bowman Ms. Preissing à Peggy The Perspec6ve Zapper Secret Power Mr. Veimot à Read people’s mind Ms. Preissing à Make people argue Ms. Katy à Poison Mr. Hayden à Speed Secret Weakness Ms. Barreda à Rats Ms. Stephanie à Kids Ms. Nelson à Rain Ms. Cross à Pineapple Colors in my costume Mr. Elio Jordan à Red and orange Ms. Fiorella à Black and red Ms. Ka6a à Red and yellow Ms. Pinasco à Purple, pink, black and gli]er


The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Meet our teachers Inteview with Mr. Hayden By Mikela What is your favorite food? Lasagna Who is your best friend? Ms. Kentopian Where are you from? Australia Do you have siblings? I have 4 brothers and 1 sister What is your favorite place? The beach Do you have pets? No What is your hobby? Swimming Would you rather paint your hair pink or red? Red What is your favorite book? CharloSe’s Web by E.B. White What is your favorite color? Blue


The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

What is your favorite show? Air Crash Inves6ga6on Would you rather be a bug or a cat? Cat What is your favorite game? Scrabble Who is your favorite singer? Sia What is your favorite number? 42 Who was your teacher in High School? Ms. Grace, my economics teacher What is your favorite leAer? X What is your favorite treat? Marshmallows 17

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Meet our Secondary School teachers Interviewing Ms. Jessie Moore By Ariela What is your name? Jessie Moore What do you teach? Design Technology to 6th Grade Do you have any pets? A cat named Sherbet What is your favorite color? Rainbow Do you like music? Yes What is your favorite song? Shake it off by Taylor Swie Do you like art? Yes Who is your favorite arHst? Picasso 18

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015 What is your favorite work of art? Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer What is your favorite book? The Giver by Lois Lowry Do you have a favorite author? Roald Dahl and Jodi Picoult Would you rather exercise by running or by going up and down the stairs? Running Would you rather go to the park or to a giant aquarium? Giant aquarium Would you rather eat sushi or a hamburger? Sushi Would you rather be a scienHst or a zookeeper? Scien6st Would you rather take a long walk or a long bike ride? Long bike ride Would you rather be a typewriter or a computer? A computer Would you rather play gymnasHcs or basketball? Basketball Would you be the planet Saturn or Pluto? Pluto 19

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Meet our Secondary School teachers Interview with Ms. Trajtenberg By Rose Are you married? Yes Do you have any kids? Yes Do you have any pets? Yes How old are you? 37 years old Do you have any allergies? Yes What is your favorite book? Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden What is your favorite food? Tacos What is your favorite song? Happy by Pharrell Williams 20

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

What is your favorite aniimal? Cats What is your favorite sport? Swimming What is your favorite subject? Art What do you think about the most? My family What do you teach? TOK Who is your best friend? Ms. Knight and Mr. Trajtenberg Where are you from? USA What is your favorite holiday? Passover What was your most embarrassing moment? When I spelt apple wrong What holidays do you celebrate? Jewish holidays 21

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Play Once upon a 6me, there lived 2 cats and their owner in a very old house in a haunted forest. Every day the 2 cats play together, the first cat was white and her name was Phantom, and the second cat, was named Bubbles and she was brown. Lauren, the owner of the ki]ens, had beau6ful short brown hair and always wore dark blue pants with red stripes and a white shirt. Lauren fed the ki]ens and went for long walks in the haunted forest. On one of their walks, they found a portal out of which Papaya the Evil Potato Man came out and laughed. Bubbles asked him why was he laughing. To which Papaya the Evil Potato Man answered: I’m pracPcing my evil laugh! And then he disappeared… A few days later when the 2 ki]ens and Laura were playing in the house Papaya the Evil Potato Man showed up and he said: I’m here to destroy the world! Including your ki\es! But then 2 magical fairies appeared!! 22

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

They were Mary The Fairy and Skylene the Blue Fairy, they try as hard as they could to defeat Papaya The Evil Potato Man, but they couldn’t destroy him. Lauren, Phantom and Bubbles tried as well but s6ll they were no match for him. And Phantom said: Maybe if we all worked together we can destroy the evil man. And so together they work to stop Papaya The Evil Potato Man, as a team they succeeded!! When they put him in jail, Papaya The Evil Potato Man banished and was never heard from again. Our heroes, the fairies, Lauren and the kires, had a huge party to celebrate and ate lots of cake! Aeer that they lived happily ever aeer…or did they? (Potato man makes a brief appereance) Chan-­‐ chan-­‐chaaaann…. The End


The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

School memories Greatest school acSvity Dina à Organic farming & Condor Chronicles Rose à Art & organic farming Layne à All the ac6vi6es Ariela à Book Swap Mikela à Market Place Favorite book I read Dina à Diary of a worm Rose à A Series of Unfortunate Events Layne à Spiderwick Chronicles Ariela à Harry Po]er Series Mikela à Nancy Drew: The Stone Mystery Favorite memory Dina à In organic farming the hose was s6ll on so I pull it out of the ground and it sprayed in my face Rose à When I first met all my friends Layne à Mee6ng my friends Ariela à All book related ac6vi6es Mikela à Mee6ng new friends Funniest memory Dina & Layne à Aeer the math test, the boys in my class did a Conga line Rose à When I saw the hose spray Dina in the face Ariela à When I was reading a joke book Mikela à Dancing at the kermesse 24

The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015

Folktales A very inspiring story By Julio

Fables are folktales that some6mes include talking animals and other cool random stuff but the main thing about folktales is that they always teach lessons. Fables are maybe the oldest folktales. Legends are folktales with incredible stuff done by a man, an animal, and any other living thing. Legends start from an old boring thing that people made more interes6ng by telling and passing on more interes6ng stories for example my friend had a cat, then he tells his friend ‘my friend has a lion’, then he tells his friend that his friend has a zoo of lions, etc. And that’s how they made Robin Hood, and all those old legends. Fairy tales are folktales with a magical land, a princess, and an evil villain. Some6mes fairy tales also have the princess strike back and maybe save the earth or her family. There are many fairy tales such as: Snow White and Beauty and the Beast. Most fairy tales have romance. Pourquoi tales are folktales of why something in nature came to be the way it is. Such as why the llama spits, or why the Peruvian dog has no hair etc. And all pourquoi tales have two characters or more.


The Condor Chronicles May – June 2015 Tall tales are folktales with unbelievable elements, related as if it were true and factual. Some stories such as Johnny Appleseed and all those stories are a tall tale. Tall tales make your mind imagine all these random crea6ve stuff. Myth tales are tales with a hero and an imaginable journey. Greece was the place with the most myths, Odysseus, was a popular one from Greece. The Greece people also thought the “red moon” was the end of the world. So myths are kind of a weird story they are similar to pourquoi tale.


The Condor Chronicles May– June 2015


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