The Condor Chronicles

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The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014 Journalists: Hecziany Bryce Paula Diego Julio Editor-­‐in-­‐Chief: Ms. Tina Table of Contents: Book Fair Review page 1 Edmodo page 1 Book reviews pages 2 & 4 Videogame reviews pages 3 and 4 Interviews pages 5-­‐12 Stories pages 13 & 14 Comics pages 15 -­‐ 20 Games pages 21 -­‐24

PTA Book Fair By Diego The last week of October the PTA o r g a n i z e t h e Book Fair. Before the Book Fair I w a s t h i n k i n g “Will I find what I’m looking for? Maybe not!”.

Photo by Ms. Fernanda

A_er the Book Fair I thought “There weren’t many books but the books I did find were awesome!”. The book fair started on Monday, September 29th, and ended on Friday, October 3rd. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

How to create an account on Edmodo By Bryce and Paula

Source: Edmodo

Step 1: Click sign up for free Step 2: Create your username: [example] 24 then the first leUer from your name next the first five leUers of your last name Step 3: Choose a password and write it down if you need to Step 4: Ask your teacher the class code & write it down 1

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014 Click Clack Moo Cows That Type Review by Diego This book is set on a farm where cows learn to type. The cows start to ask for electric blankets and go on strike without giving milk. The hens also go on strike without giving eggs. My favorite part of the book was when the ducks learned to type. The call number of this book is E CRO and it can be found in the library. Source: Titlewave High Time For Heroes By Mary Pope Osborne Review by Julio This book is about enchanters exploring Egypt. My favorite character is Koku, because he is funny in a weird way. The best part in the book is when they explore a lake. I would recommend this book, you can get in the library and the call number is J F OSB.

Image made by Julio 2

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Videogame Review: MinecraM By Julio Minecra_ is a cool game. You can play two kinds Source: hUp://­‐logo-­‐transparent-­‐background-­‐2/ of modes, called survival and creaeve. I’d recommend you play on the survival mode. It is fun, let me tell you about it. You can make houses but you have to break and collect the materials to make the houses if you want to break rocks, you need to get a wooden pickaxe to get them, there are six kinds: there are wooden, rock, iron, emerald, gold and diamond pickaxes. You can mine many kinds of rocks such as coal, redstone, gold, diamond and many other things. The liquids that are in Minecra_ are lava, water and many poeons. You can find really strange mountains too. When you play the creaeve mode is kind of cheaeng, you can’t really mine your just breaking rocks with whatever is in your hand and you have preUy much everything in all Minecra_ and you can at least pretend to not actually be in Creaeve and mine diamond or something and Creaeve is for creaeng ciees or worlds you know it’s not fun creaeng the city but it is fun to walk around the city and pretend you are eaeng at Mcdonalds or at a Chifa. 3

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014 Vile Victorians by Terry Deary Review by Diego

This book is a nonficeon book about the Victorian age. The Victorian age was an age of England during the 1700-­‐1800. This book is about how many diseases were in London during that eme. It is also about Queen Victoria (who thought everyone wanted to kill her) and about how many people she hanged and burned. I really liked this book. I recommend this book for 3rd graders and up. The call number for this book is # J 909.81 DEA.

Source: hUp://

Terraria Videogame review by Diego

Terraria is a sandbox game. That means you can create anything you want with the materials you find. Unlike Minecra_, this game has only survival mode. Which means you have limited lives and have to find the materials you need. I think Terraria is a lot beUer than Minecra_ because Minecra_ has a creaeve mode, which is basically cheaeng. And also you can find and make everything you do in creaeve. Besides, Terraria has a lot more cool stuff, like boomerangs, more bosses and a lot more armors. 4

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Meet our teachers! Interview with Mr. Rongcal By Hecziany -­‐ What’s your favorite book? The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein -­‐ What’s your favorite song? All my loving by The Beatles -­‐ What’s your favorite color? Blue -­‐ What’s your favorite food? Thai food -­‐ What would you do if you had $1,000.00? Buy my mum a house -­‐ Who is your best friend? Aaron -­‐ Jump in a pool with marshmallows or Jello? Marshmallows -­‐ What is your favorite TV Show? The Simpsons -­‐ What is your favorite sport? American Football -­‐ Turn your body green when you get wet or have your hair turn purple when you are in the sun? Have my hair turn purple! 5

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Meet our teachers! Interview with Ms, Carla By Bryce and Paula -­‐ What is your favorite color? Blue and purple -­‐ What is your favorite book? Books by Dr. Seuss and Dan Brown -­‐ What’s your favorite television show? Vampire Diaries -­‐ Who is your best friend? Angie -­‐ What are you really good at? Learning new things -­‐ Who is your favorite person in the world? Leonardo Da Vinci -­‐ What would you buy if you had $1, 000? Art set with everything you need to do textures -­‐ What is your best memory? My kids birth -­‐ What vegetable do you hate the most? I rather not have eggplant because I don’t have vegetables -­‐ What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Mandorle gelato 6

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Meet our visiTng author! Interview with Todd Strasser By all the Condor Chronicles Journalists -­‐ If you could meet any of your own characters, who would it be and why? My favorite character in all my books is Jake Sherman, he is the character who is always in the Help! I’m trapped… books so he switches bodies with his teacher, with his principal, with his sister and his dog. He’s the most like me and would be fun to meet because I created him and maybe he’s got things he would tell me about what I did that I don’t even know about -­‐ Where were you born? Ney York City -­‐ Where do you live? Westchester County, which is a suburb of NYC


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Meet our visiTng author! -­‐ What is your favorite character of your favorite book? One of my favorite characters is from a children’s book called Gerald McBoing Boing by Dr. Seuss. It’s about a liUle boy who instead of using words went boing boing and all the adventures he had saying boing boing -­‐ If you have a pet, would you have a giant hamster or a eny rhino? I would go for the eny rhino because I could keep him in a liUle cage and I could walk him, that would be fun -­‐ What is your favorite book you wrote? The series Help I’m Trapped -­‐ What is your favorite color? The color of the ocean when its sunny, blueish green -­‐ Would you rather jump into a pool of jelly or marshmallows? Marshmallows because the jelly is really secky -­‐ Who is your favorite person in the world? I have two favorite people: my daughter and my son 8

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Meet our visiTng author! -­‐ What would you like someone to ask you? Where would you like us to put your Nobel Prize for literature, should we put it on your desk or on your mantle? -­‐ So, where would you like as to put your Nobel Prize? I think you can put it on my desk, that would be very nice, so I can look at it everyday -­‐ What is you’re your favorite conenent? I haven’t been to that many conenents, I’ve only been to America and Europe, I need to make it to a few more conenents before I make my decision -­‐ Would you rather live in a world where people suddenly break into kung-­‐fu fights or songs? How about Kung-­‐fu songs?, I think Ive heard a song about Kung-­‐fu -­‐ If you get an idea in the shower how do you write it down? Someemes I take really short showers but there have been emes I had to get out of the shower write my idea down, and go back into the shower -­‐ What is the craziest dare you’ve ever done? I haven’t done that many dares, so I wouldn’t know Due to 9me constraints we recorded our ques9ons and Mr. Strasser was nice enough to let Ms. Tina, record him while he answered our ques9ons.


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

What DIDN’T you do this October break? We asked the FDR Community what was one thing they didn’t do during the October Break and this is were their answers I didn’t travel Ms. Claudia

I didn’t see an octopus 3rd Grade Student I didn’t’s stay home Ms. Mariella

I didn’t wake up early Ms. Rosi

I didn’t stay with my cats Ms. Kathy 10

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

What DIDN’T you do this October break? I didn’t see my parents. Ms. Nikki

I didn’t travel outside of Lima Ms. Rachel

I didn’t go on a trip Secondary School Student

I didn’t go to the beach Ms. Bowman

I didn’t ride an elephant Secondary School Student

I didn’t sleep in late. Ms. Maricarmen 11

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

What DIDN’T you do this October break? I didn’t go to the mall 5th Grade Student

I didn’t see 40 dolphins 3rd Grade Student

I didn’t do any physical exercise! (as I didn’t travel out of Lima shown in Ms. Nora the picture) Mr. Veinot

I didn’t go to Paracas 3rd Grade Student

I did not read The Hunger Games 5th Grade Student 12

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

The Haunted House By Hecziany, Bryce and Paula This spooky story is dedicated to our teacher: Ms.Tina It was a spooky Halloween night and 3 girls, Gracie, Melany and Court, were going to Heczamir’s house but accidently they went to Graham’s haunted house! Graham was a green ghoul that was evil. So then Graham possessed Gracie. So Gracie wanted to kill Melany & Court because Graham was not Heczamir’s friend. He was a vampire and 3000 years ago there was a fight between Ghouls & Vampires. Then a nice ghoul came and put the green ghoul in a cage but Gracie, Melany and Court’s liUle sister, Emma, came in and she thought the green ghoul was green candy so she put it in the oven and the green ghoul exploded! The End

If you would like to see the Stop Moeon Movie version please visit our website


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014 My Goat By Diego I once had a pet goat (as hard as it is to believe , I did!). It looked just like this:

Source: hUp://­‐awww-­‐the-­‐adorable-­‐ meter-­‐is-­‐off-­‐the-­‐charts-­‐33-­‐photos/

I once played poker with my goat (although we didn’t bet). It was all going quite well unel she got bored and le_ to eat. She was always hungry. But one day she le_ our house and went on an adventure. The next day she came back with a bunch of baby goats. That is how my pet goat had babies The End 14

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014


Made by BRYCE using the Lego city Comic Builder


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

C O M I C S 16

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014


Made by Paula using the Lego city Comic Builder


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

C O M I C S 18

The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014


Made by Hecziany using the Lego city Comic Builder


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

C O M I C S Made by our special guest isabella using the Lego city Comic Builder


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Escape the maze


Made by bryce using discovery education’s puzzlemaker


The Condor Chronicles October – November 2014

Double puzzle

G A M E S Made by hecziany using discovery education’s puzzlemaker




Escape the maze

October – November 2014

The Condor Chronicles



Double puzzle

October – November 2014

The Condor Chronicles

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