Putni časopis CROATIA proljeće 2020 / Inflight Magazine Spring 2020

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Proljeće _ Spring 2020

Putni Ä?asopis _ Inflight magazine

A. Grubelić

Poštovani putnici!

Dear passengers,

Još je jedno sunčano godišnje doba pred nama pa se nadam da ćete i dalje putovati, letjeti, istraživati nove krajeve... I ove godine obogatili smo ljetni red letenja uvodeći nova odredišta − Sofiju i Podgoricu. U našem putnom časopisu predstavljamo vam Sofiju, grad koji raste, ali ne stari, a kako Hrvatska upravo predsjeda Vijećem Europske unije, i ovaj smo broj posvetili mnogim europskim temama. Drago mi je što vas možemo povesti u Rijeku, europsku prijestolnicu kulture, ali i u tri muzeja u okolici prelijepoga grada Šibenika, koji je uz pomoć fondova EU-a postao pionir u obnovi kulturnog nasljeđa. Posjetite li Interpretacijski centar Civitas Sacra u Šibeniku, Muzej betinske brodogradnje u Betini te Memorijalni centar Faust Vrančić na otoku Prviću, uživat ćete u ondje pohranjenoj dragocjenoj baštini. U zagrebačkome Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti traje izložba o povijesti svjetski poznate Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma i njezinim velikanima pa vam u tom ozračju predstavljamo i suvremene autore animacije koji danas na temeljima svojih proslavljenih uzora kreiraju budućnost animiranog filma. Dragi putnici, želim vam ugodne i opuštene trenutke uz časopis koji je pred vama, a i u našim zrakoplovima, koji će tijekom ljetne sezone za vas izravno letjeti u 40 odredišta u 26 europskih država te povezivati naš glavni grad Zagreb s pet domaćih zračnih luka, Europom, a u suradnji s našim partnerima i s cijelim svijetom. Vjerujem i da će mnogi od vas posjetiti i našu obalu, za što vam na raspolaganju stoje i izravni letovi iz europskih odredišta u naše prelijepe jadranske gradove − Rijeku, Pulu, Zadar, Split i Dubrovnik. Iskreno vam zahvaljujem što letite s nama.

Another sunny season lies ahead, so I hope you’ll continue to travel, fly and explore new places. We’ve again enriched our summer timetable by introducing new destinations − Sofia and Podgorica. In our inflight magazine, we’re presenting ever growing, never aging Sofia, and given that Croatia’s currently presiding over the Council of the EU, we’ve devoted this issue to many European topics. I’m glad to be able to take you to Rijeka, the European Capital of Culture, as well as to three museums in and around beautiful Šibenik, which has, with the help of EU funding, become a pioneer in the restoration of cultural heritage. You’re bound to enjoy the valuable heritage kept in Šibenik’s Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre, in Betina’s Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding and in Prvić’s Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre. Also, given that Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art is hosting an exhibition on the history of the world-famous Zagreb School of Animated Film and its greats, we’re presenting a number of contemporary animators who’ve been creating the future of animation on the foundations laid by their celebrated role models. Dear passengers, I hope our magazine helps you pass the time pleasantly and comfortably aboard our aircraft, which will be flying you directly to 40 destinations in 26 European countries during the summer season while connecting Croatia’s capital, Zagreb, with five national airports, Europe and, in collaboration with our partners − the whole world. I also believe that many of you will also visit Croatia’s coast, for which you have direct flights from European destinations to beautiful cities on Croatia’s Adriatic − Rijeka, Pula, Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik. I thank you sincerely for flying with us.

Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO




10 Razgovor OTKRIVANJE LJEPOTE Zahvaljujući Mariji Ujević-Galetović velikani hrvatske kulture i dalje žive u svojim gradovima. Sve njezine skulpture, i one napravljene po narudžbi i one nastale iz slobodne mašte, odišu golemom ljubavlju. Interview DISCOVERING BEAUTY Thanks to Marija Ujević-Galetović, the greats of Croatian culture continue to live in their cities. All her sculptures − both her made-to-order ones and those created from the imagination − exude enormous love.



Kultura RIJEKA, EUROPA U MALOM U 2020. godini, kada Hrvatska predsjeda Vijećem Europske unije, Rijeka je europska prijestolnica kulture i domaćin najzanimljivijim umjetnicima svjetske kulturne scene.

Festivali RIJEKA, GLAVNA POZORNICA MLADIH PLESNIH UMJETNIKA EUROPE U riječku Luku različitosti stiže nomadski festival suvremenog plesa Spring Forward, koji slavi 10. godišnjicu europske prijestolnice kulture.

Culture RIJEKA, A SMALL-SCALE SEMBLANCE OF EUROPE While Croatia presides over the Council of the EU, Rijeka is the 2020 European Capital of Culture hosting the most interesting artists of the world’s art scene.

Proljeće/Spring 2020 www.croatiaairlines.com

Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon puštanja časopisa u tisak. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press.


44 Rijeke CETINA, TIRKIZNA LJEPOTICA Cetina je najdulja rijeka srednje Dalmacije koja je oduvijek bila hraniteljica toga kraja, a u zadnje vrijeme postaje vrlo značajno odredište adrenalinskog turizma. Rivers CETINA, A TURQUOISE BEAUTY Being the longest river in central Dalmatia, Cetina has always sustained life in the region, and has recently become a top adventure travel destination as well.

Festivals RIJEKA, THE CENTRE STAGE OF EUROPE’S FRESHEST DANCE ARTISTS The 10th edition of Spring Forward, a nomadic contemporary dance festival, is sailing into Rijeka’s Port of Diversity.




Museums A CATHEDRAL, A FISHING BOAT AND THE FLYING MAN The Šibenik-Knin County boasts three new and incredible museums − a museum in Šibenik, in Betina and in Prvić.

D. Fabijanić

Muzeji KATEDRALA, GAJETA I HOMO VOLANS Posjetite tri nova atraktivna kulturna objekta Šibensko-kninske županije − muzeje u Šibeniku, Betini i Prviću.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385-1-616-00-66 e-mail: pr@croatiaairlines.hr


URL: www.croatiaairlines.com

Umjetnost DOBRA ANIMACIJA U ZAGREBU Recentna zagrebačka animacija potvrđuje kako hrvatski animirani film ima sjajnu budućnost.

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof

Art ZAGREB’S EXCELLENT ANIMATION The animated films recently produced in Zagreb confirm that the future of Croatian animation looks bright.

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak, Zlata Prpić

Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg



Miranda Herceg

Naša odredišta SOFIJA RASTE, ALI NE STARI Sofija se ponosi činjenicom da je jedan od najstarijih europskih gradova. Ona je također grad spomenika i sjajnih skulptura na otvorenome, a na svakom koraku broji parkove.

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo

Lektor/Proofreader Nevena Erak Camaj

Our destinations EVER GROWING, NEVER AGING SOFIA Sofia prides itself on being one of the oldest European cities. It’s also a city of monuments, impressive outdoor sculptures and a park on every corner.

Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert

100 Moda POTRAGA ZA TRANSFORMACIJOM Nataša Mihaljčišin autorica je poznata po inovativnoj pletenoj odjeći, a njezin odgovor na brzu modu upravo su ova pletena modna remekdjela. Fashion A QUEST FOR TRANSFORMATION Nataša Mihaljčišin is a designer famous for her innovative knitwear. Her knitted fashion masterpieces are her response to fast fashion.


tel.: +385-1-616-00-17 e-mail: advertising@croatiaarlines.hr

Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Prepress AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb Tisak/Press AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-6278



CHECKPOINT VAU Dizajnirani i proizvedeni u Hrvatskoj, svakodnevni predmeti VAU nadahnuti su univerzalnim simbolima koji postaju funkcionalni predmeti za vaš dom i ured. Svaki predmet utjelovljuje specifičan koncept poput beskonačnosti, centriranja i dualnosti, čime služi kao podsjetnik za svjesno življenje. Designed and made in Croatia, VAU everyday items are inspired by universal symbols that translate into functional accessories for your home and office. Each item embodies a distinct concept, such as eternity, centring and duality, serving as reminders of conscious living. www.vauproducts.com

Prostoria Prostoria je nagrađivani dizajn-brend namještaja s vlastitom proizvodnjom u Hrvatskoj, čiji su proizvodi dostupni u 60 zemalja i 890 premium trgovina u svijetu. Saloni brenda Prostoria u Hrvatskoj nalaze se u Zagrebu, Splitu i Rijeci. Prostoria is an award-winning furniture design-brand whose production is based in Croatia and whose products are available in 60 countries and 890 premium stores worldwide. Prostoria’s stores in Croatia are located in Zagreb, Split and Rijeka. www.prostoria.eu

Putni kovčeg Sklopp Sklopp suitcase Primjerak iz nove linije Sklopp kofera vaše putovanje učinit će ugodnijim i jednostavnijim. Osobito je pogodan za poslovne putnike s kaotičnim rasporedom putovanja i nedostatkom vremena za pakiranje jer u njemu odjeća uvijek ostaje uredno složena i organizirana. Putni kovčeg Sklopp ∑ bez gužvanja, od pakiranja do raspakiranja. A new suitcase from the latest line of Sklopp suitcases to make your travel easier and more comfortable. It’s especially convenient for business travellers with hectic travel schedules and no time to pack since it keeps your clothes neatly folded and organised at all times. Sklopp suitcase ∑ get sorted, stay sorted. sklopp.eu










Marija Ujević-Galetović ispred svoje slike Neznanka Marija Ujević-Galetović in front of her Anonymous Woman painting


Umjetnički rukopis akademske kiparice Marije UjevićGaletović uvijek je prepoznatljiv, premda nikad nije isti, no sve njezine skulpture odišu golemom ljubavlju kojom su profinjene ruke umjetnice misao pretočile u pomno odabrani materijal. Zahvaljujući njoj velikani hrvatske kulture i dalje žive u svojim gradovima; njezina Žena mačka novi je dom našla u Miamiju, slika Male noćne mušice i reljef Kineska soba u Beču… Although it differs from piece to piece, sculptor Marija Ujević-Galetović has a highly distinct signature style. All her sculptures exude enormous love with which her experienced hands transform ideas into carefully selected material. Thanks to her, the greats of Croatian culture continue to live in their cities, her Cat Lady sculpture found a new home in Miami, and her Little Nocturnal Flies painting and the Chinese Room relief in Vienna...


Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec Fotografije/Photos _ Vjekoslav Skledar Skulptorica u mladim danima, u dokumentarno-animiranom filmu Mačka je uvijek ženska The sculptress in her youth, a still from A Cat is Always Female animated-documentary film


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iparica i slikarica Marija Ujević-Galetović, članica Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, u više od pedeset godina umjetničke karijere napravila je niz antologijskih djela impresivne ljepote. Prvo priznanje za svoj rad dobila je davne 1965., kada joj je žiri natječaja za spomenik telekomunikacijama u Ženevi, u kojemu su bili slavni Alexander Calder i Ossip Zadkine, dodijelio prvu nagradu, a nakon niza priznanja posljednju nagradu, onu za životno djelo, koja je smješta u vrhunce hrvatske moderne, potkraj 2019. dodijelili su joj kolege iz Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika. Marija je u bronci ovjekovječila brojna velika imena hrvatske kulture, Miroslava Krležu, A. G. Matoša, Augusta

Šenou, Ivanu Brlić-Mažuranić, Jakova Gotovca, Frana Petrića, Luku Paljetka, od kojih je neke upoznala već kao djevojčica jer su bili stalni gosti u domu njezina oca Mate Ujevića, utemeljitelja hrvatske enciklopedistike. Njezin spomenik Bruni Bušiću na Mirogoju, vrata na četiri katedrale i intervencije u sakralnim objektima izazivaju divljenje čudesnom formom i dojmljivom idejom, a neke njezine skulpture, poput serije Žena mačka, kao i slike velikih formata jedinstvena autorskog rukopisa i s mnogo humora, koje u zreloj dobi stvara s velikim veseljem, krase galerije i privatne domove diljem svijeta. O iznimnoj osobnosti ove umjetnice slobodnog duha svjedoči i nagrađivani animirano-dokumentarno film Mačka je

01 Skulptura pisca Augusta Šenoe, križanje Vlaške i Branjugove ulice, Zagreb Ujević-Galetović’s sculpture of writer August Šenoa at the intersection of Vlaška and Branjugova Street in Zagreb

uvijek ženska iz 2019., u kojem su svoju profesoricu predstavile njezine bivše studentice Tanja Vujasinović i Martina Meštrović. Kiparica je i danas malo. Kako ste se odlučili za to zvanje? − Slučajno sam dospjela u kiparstvo, htjela sam slikati. Prva me potaknula moja profesorica u srednjoj školi, Mila Vod, kad sam imala trinaest-četrnaest godina. Jednog je dana rekla: Djeco, donesite glinu, i ja sam otišla na Mirogoj, iskopala glinu i napravila skulpturu koja joj se jako svidjela. I sama sam vidjela da mi to nekako ide. Kasnije sam išla na satove kiparstva u jedno kulturno-umjetničko društvo, gdje su nas podučavali Kosta Angeli Radovani

i Ante Despot, i tako sam s tim iskustvom kasnije upisala kiparstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti. Jeste li bili prva studentica kiparstva na zagrebačkoj Akademiji? − Ne, bilo ih je i prije mene: Milena Lah, Vera Dajht-Kralj, Ksenija Kantoci. U kiparstvu uvjeti rada nisu baš laki. Kad me pitaju kako mi se to da raditi, kažem: svega ovoga neće biti, ostat će samo kipovi. Mi smo za jednokratnu upotrebu, mi ćemo otići, a ovo ostaje, barem da nešto malo traje. Nikad nisam radila u kamenu jer on ipak na kraju ispuca. Sunce jako grize. Stare kamene kuće stalno moraš obnavljati… Dugo ste bili profesorica na Likovnoj akademiji. Kakvo je to bilo iskustvo?


02 Trkač, Aleja skulptura na Savskom nasipu, Zagreb Male Runner, the Alley of Sculptures on the Sava River embankment in Zagreb 03 Skulptura književnika Miroslava Krleže, po mnogima najvećega hrvatskog književnika 20. stoljeća, Dubravkin put, Zagreb Ujević-Galetović’s sculpture of writer Miroslav Krleža, according to many the greatest Croatian writer of the 20th c., on Dubravka’s Path in Zagreb


− Uvijek mi je bio problem kako studentima protumačiti zašto je nešto lijepo. Kad govorimo o ljepoti, uvijek pomišljamo na grčku estetiku, njihove kipove za koje kažemo da imaju lijepu mjeru, iako su Francuzi u 19. stoljeću za grčku umjetnost govorili da je okupatorska jer se nametnula kao estetika. A ona je de facto uvijek u nama prisutna, ne zato što je to jako lijepo, nego zato što je jako skladno i inteligentno napravljeno. Zašto grčki kipovi imaju nosove u liniji s čelom? Ako je linija nosa i čela ravna, oko je duboko položeno u lice i stoga puno impresivnije, kao da izlazi duša; ako je oko izbočeno, izgledaš kao žaba. Ljepota je nešto što nas uvijek iznova privlači, što uvijek iznova možemo

otkrivati. I u stvarima i u ljudima. Ima lica koja su strašno zanimljiva, vidiš različitost izraza. Ljepota je bogatstvo. Problem ljepote vrlo je složen, inače bi svima sve isto bilo lijepo, istu osobu opisivali bismo uvijek istom rečenicom. Kažu da se o ukusima ne raspravlja, no kod kipara je bit u provedbenoj inteligenciji. Nije svako kiparstvo jako inteligentno. Mislim da je grčko kiparstvo najinteligentnije. Bilo je to sretno doba kad se puno hodalo po šetnici, mjestu koje je bilo posvećeno njihovu junaku Akademu, po kojem je i nazvana Akademija. Peripatetičari su hodali i razmišljali. Mi danas premalo hodamo, a to nije dobro. Kad hodaš s vrećicama u rukama, nećeš ništa smisliti, ne razmišljaš dok tako hodaš.

na profiliranje vašeg ukusa, interes za umjetnosti, životno opredjeljenje pa i samokritičnost? − Da, jako puno, to je apsolutno jako bitno. Rođena sam u obitelji u kojoj je umjetnost bila na visokom pijedestalu. Tata je surađivao sa svim poznatim umjetnicima. Dolazili su nam Jerolim Miše, Ljubo Babić, Slavko Batušić, Miroslav Krleža i drugi još i prije nego što je počeo raditi na enciklopediji. Tata je bio u Londonu 1935. ili 1936. i ondje shvatio da smo nepoznata zemlja i da moramo imati nešto čime se možemo predstaviti u svijetu, da se vidi tko smo i što smo. Odlučio je napraviti Hrvatsku enciklopediju, a za to je trebao kontaktirati s mnogo ljudi. Bio je enciklopedist po vokaciji, želio je da ljudi

Brodom, težak odnos s ocem i osjećaj nadolazećeg rata i nesreća prenio u literaturu kao opća mjesta straha i nesigurnosti. Kako se rodila ideja za vašu kultnu seriju Žena mačka? − Pripremala sam veliku izložbu u Rijeci, imala sam neke crteže i pomislila sam da to napravim kad već imam crteže. I gledam − a na prozoru mačka. Stalno je tu bila, čak je jednu noć ostala u mojem ateljeu jer nisam znala da je ušla i cijelu je noć cvilila pa se susjed ljutio. Nisam ljubiteljica mačaka, no odlučila sam napraviti mačku kad se već tako uporno nudila kao model. Treba li skulptoru velika fizička snaga?

nešto nauče, i jako je cijenio umjetnost. On i Andrija Štampar uložili su svu svoju energiju da se uzdignemo barem jednu stepenicu više jer smo predugo bili graničari. Svi su htjeli to naše more, ginulo se zbog toga. U Zavod, ali i kod nas doma, dolazilo je mnogo različitih ljudi, ne možeš utjecati na ljude ako svojim životom ne svjedočiš svoja životna načela. To je vrlo bitno: ako jedno govoriš, a drugo radiš, uzalud ti trud, sviraču. Uvijek ste pažljivo birali materijal u kojem ćete raditi. Vaš je Kafka, primjerice, od porculana… − Materijal je jako važan. Za Kafku nisam slučajno odabrala porculan. Sjajno je kako je svoja životna iskustva s Maxom

− Ruka mi je još uvijek snažna, no u mojem poslu snaga nije važna. Mislim da u umjetnosti ne radi ruka nego mozak, on pokreće stvaralaštvo. Ruka je samo sredstvo, mozak sve diktira. Važno je biti uporan, nije problem u snazi. Kipari sve naprave u prvom crtežu, a onda taj crtež treba prenijeti u glinu, koja je lijepa i ugodna pod prstima, to je fini osjećaj zemlje. Od gline je sve krenulo, od Venere iz Willendorfa. Početak civilizacije povezan je s glinom, i to je prirodno, zemlja je prirodan materijal. Prvi zapisi nastali su u glini, ljudi su počeli raditi lončariju kako bi u njoj pripremali hranu… Od fizičke snage daleko je važnija upornost, strpljivost, misao… Ako ne radiš osam sati u kontinui-


Jeste li bili u Ateni, posjetili ta mjesta na kojima su nastala djela na koja se odnosi velik dio zapadne umjetnosti? − Nažalost prekasno. Žao mi je što nisam ranije bila u Grčkoj jer je Akropola na mene jako utjecala. Nitko kasnije u povijesti nije uspio napraviti tako lijepu kuću kao što je Partenon. Sve su drugo citati ili kopije, od Rima do Washingtona. Kad sam ga otišla pogledati, pomislila sam: Bože, da je decimetar kraći ili duži, već ne bi bio to što jest. Malo pretjerujem, no to je pitanje mjere, za svaku stvar važna je mjera. Ne smije se pretjerivati. Odrastanje uz oca enciklopedista i brojne intelektualce koji su se okupljali u vašem domu zasigurno je utjecalo



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tetu, ništa nećeš napraviti. Treba vrijeme da se ugriješ i počneš misliti. Citirala bih Paula Kleea, koji je rekao: Puno rada i malo milosti. Ne volite portretirati prema živom modelu. Zašto? − Ne volim robovati realnosti, najbolje je raditi prema sjećanju. Važno je istaknuti ono što je bitno, a to možeš ako ne ideš u opisivanje. Da sam Krležu napravila maloga i debeloga, sitnoga kakav je bio, vrlo nizak, to bi izgledalo smiješno. Drago mi je što ondje gdje stoji, na početku Tuškanca, ispod njegova Gvozda, ljudi njegov spomenik prepoznaju i kad ga vide s leđa. I Šenoa se divno uklopio na mjesto na koje ste ga postavili, na križanju Vlaške i Branjugove ulice.

Žena mačka, skulptura iz kultne serije Mačka, ispred Laube − kuće za ljude i umjetnost Cat Lady, Ujević-Galetović’s sculpture from her cult Cat sculpture series, outside Lauba − A House for People and Art


− Da, danima, godinama sam onuda prolazila kao školarka, kad sam iz Vlaške išla u školu na Gornjem gradu. Dobro sam znala to mjesto, no nisam ga odabrala ja nego Grad. Ja sam htjela da bude na današnjem Europskom trgu, ali bolje da je ondje gdje jest. Bila sam pozvana na taj natječaj, no nisam znala rješenje. Napravila sam dva potpuno nezanimljiva kipa i odlučila sam napraviti i treći, koji mi je uspio jer sam shvatila da ga na tom mjestu, gdje jure auti i nema semafora, moram nekako zaštititi. I zato sam ga naslonila na stup, bez kojeg bi se izgubio. To mi se rješenje nametnulo nakon što sam o svojem problemu sa skulpturom Šenoe razgovarala s njegovom unukom i jednom ženom, koja me pitala gdje će

taj spomenik stajati. To pitanje mi je osvijestilo u čemu je problem. Uvijek treba razgovarati, tada vam se stvari razbistre. Kad se u društvu načne neka tema, uvijek se izbistre stavovi…Tako je bilo prije, družili smo se po ateljeima i diskutirali; danas je toga sve manje. Poznato je da volite okupljati prijatelje na ručkovima, da ste gastronomska majstorica… Kako ste pomirili druženja i radnu disciplinu? − Volim kuhati i volim kad mi dođu prijatelji. Od djetinjstva mi se sviđalo kako su moji okupljali obitelj i prijatelje oko stola, koji bi mama divno uredila jer je imala pravi bečki bidermajer servis i prelijepe secesijske stolnjake. Svaki tjedan bila je barem jedna večera s deset gostiju, imali smo fini salon i jedaću sobu. A kad je riječ o radnoj disciplini, jako volim raditi. Ne znam što bih radila da ne radim. I fizički rad jako volim, to je čovjekovo prirodno stanje, ne mogu spavati ako se na neki način fizički ne potrošim. Sad ne mogu spavati zbog kralježnice, boli me ruka, no nećemo o bolesti, to je dosadno. Godina 2001. čini se posebno produktivnom u vašem opusu. Napravili ste niz jedinstvenih, prelijepih radova: skulpture Val, Trkač, Trkačica, ali i slike Akt, Ona u sobi jelena, Male noćne mušice te reljef Kineska soba. − Nikad nisam razmišljala o tome da je sve to nastalo iste godine… To tako dođe, krene ti, skupi se toga pa staneš i razmisliš, bude neka pauza pa opet krene. Kako kada. A dosta toga i razbiješ. Neke stvari nisu mi bile dobre. Prođe godina i vidiš da to nije niš’… Dosta sam toga razbila, i mislim da sam samo s jednim komadom fulala što sam ga razbila. Za neka mi je pak stvari žao da sam ih prodala. Nažalost, Kineska soba i Male noćne mušice otišle su u Beč, kod jednog kolekcionara koji me toliko nagovarao da ih prodam, no bila sam strašno nesretna kad je to odnio. Silba, otok vaše bake po majci, vaša je oaza. Tu ste uredili i Park skulptura, a godinama ste tu ribarili, točno ste znali gdje ima ribe… Je li taj park skulptura otvoren za javnost? − Otvoren je, ja ga otvorim kad dođem, no on nikad neće biti gotov, uvijek se može dogoditi nešto novo. Lani sam u svoj vrt odnijela Kozu, jako lijepo stoji u uglu na terasi. Dugo sam je pomicala amo-tamo, čak sam je bila i zabetonirala ispred kuće, no shvatila sam da je to

Zadkine, amongst others − awarded her the first prize. This was followed by a string of awards, the last of which was a Lifetime Achievement Award presented to her at the end of 2019 by her colleagues from the Croatian Society of Visual Artists, ranking her amongst the best Croatian modern artists. Ujević-Galetović immortalised in bronze many of the biggest names of Croatian culture, such as Miroslav Krleža, A. G. Matoš, August Šenoa, Ivana BrlićMažuranić, Jakov Gotovac, Franciscus Patricius (Frane Petrić), Luko Paljetak, some of whom she met already as a little girl, given that they were regular guests at the house of her father, Mate Ujević, the founder of encyclopaedism in Croatia. Her memorial stone to Bruno Bušić at Zagreb’s

01-03 Skulpture Marije UjevićGaletović u njezinu parku galeriji na otoku Silbi Marija Ujević-Galetović’s sculptures in her gallery park on the Island of Silba

I. Posavec/Gloria

grozno mjesto. Koliko je važno da je kip dobro napravljen, jednako je važno da je dobro smješten, da se pokaže najbolji njegov dio. Ako su leđa loša, neću ih istaknuti. Na to treba jako paziti. Svi sad kažu da je Koza lijepa. Dobila sam i veliki kompliment: prošao je jedan njemački bračni par i zapljeskao, to nikada nisam doživjela, bilo je to jako dirljivo. I dalje intenzivno radite. Što ste zadnje napravili? − Od prošlog ljeta završila sam vrata za crkvu u Plehanu u Bosni, koju je projektirao izvrsni arhitekt Zlatko Ugljen, skulpturu svećenika Ivana Goluba i tri slike. Ne znam reći ne. Jeste li više radili po narudžbi ili iz glave?

I. Posavec/Gloria



uring the fifty plus years of her career as an artist, sculptor and painter, Marija Ujević-Galetović, a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, has produced a series of anthological works of impressive beauty. She first achieved recognition for her work back in 1965, when the jury panel of a competition for a monument to telecommunications in Geneva − comprising the famous Alexander Calder and Ossip

Mirogoj Cemetery, four cathedral doors and interventions in sacral architecture draw admiration thanks to their wondrous form and the impressive idea behind them. Some of her sculptures, such as her Cat Lady sculpture series, and large-format paintings with her unique signature style of painting and much humour − which she’s been producing with great joy regardless of her age − adorn galleries and private homes around the world. The award-winning animated-documentary film A Cat is Always Female from 2019, in which Marija Ujević-Galetović is presented by her former students Tanja Vujasinović and Martina Meštrović, also testifies to the exceptional personality of this free-spirited artist.

I. Posavec/Gloria


− Teško mi je precizno odgovoriti, mnogo sam toga napravila po narudžbi, no i najpoznatija djela svjetske umjetnosti bila su narudžbe, primjerice Mona Lisa, Guernica i Sikstinska kapela.


Women sculptors are few and far between even today. How did you become a sculptor? − It was quite by accident that I ended up making sculptures. What I wanted to do in life is paint. The first person who encouraged me was my high school teacher, Mila


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Vod, when I was about thirteen or fourteen. One day she said: Children, bring clay to school, and so I went to Mirogoj, dug out some clay and made a sculpture she really liked. I myself thought I was quite good at it. Later, I took sculpture classes at a culture and arts society, where we were taught by Kosta Angeli Radovani and Ante Despot. It was with that experience that I later enrolled in sculpture studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. Were you the first female student of sculpture studies at Zagreb’s Academy of Fine Arts? − No, there were a few female students even before my time: Milena Lah, Vera Dajht-Kralj, Ksenija Kantoci. In sculpture, working conditions are relatively tough.

ous and intelligent. Why is it that in Greek statues the line of the nose is the perfect prolongation of the line of the forehead? If the nose and the forehead are thus aligned, the eyes can be sunken deeply in the face, which makes them much more impressive, they look as though their soul were emanating from their eyes. By contrast, bulging eyes make you look like a frog. Beauty is something we’re drawn to always and anew, something we can keep on rediscovering over and over again. Both in objects and in people. There are faces that are immensely interesting, you see a wealth of expressions in them. Beauty is richness. The problem of beauty is very complex. If it weren’t so, everyone would think of the same thing as beautiful,

− Yes, but, sadly, too late in life. I wish I had gone to Greece earlier because the Acropolis has influenced me a lot. No one has ever managed to build a house as beautiful as the Parthenon at any point in history. All attempts are but references or imitations, from Rome to Washington. When I saw it, I thought to myself: God, if it were only an inch shorter or only an inch longer, it wouldn’t be what it is. I’m exaggerating a bit, but it is a question of proportion, proportion is of paramount importance to everything. Things mustn’t be blown out of proportion. That you were raised by a father who was an encyclopaedist and who hosted many intellectuals in his house, your home, must have influenced the formaReljef Kineska soba. Prizor iz filma Mačka je uvijek ženska, koji su Marijine bivše studentice Martina Meštrović i Tanja Vujasinović snimile o svojoj omiljenoj profesorici Chinese Room, a relief. A still from A Cat is Always Female film, filmed by Maria’s former students, Martina Meštrović and Tanja Vujasinović, about their favourite professor

When people ask me why I do what I do, my answer is this: all this will be gone; what will remain are only the statues. We’re disposable, we’ll leave, but this will remain, something that’ll last at least for a while. I’ve never worked in stone because it does eventually crack. The sun scorches stone terribly. Old stone houses, for example, require endless and extensive repairs. You taught at the Academy of Fine Arts for a long time. What was that experience like? − Explaining to students why something’s beautiful has always been a problem for me. When we talk about beauty, what we always think of is Greek aesthetics and Greek statues, whose proportions we call beautiful, even though in the 19th century the French said that Greek art was invasive because it had imposed itself as the aesthetics. In reality, this aesthetics is always present in us, not because it’s very beautiful, but because it’s very harmoni-


we’d all describe the same person using the same words. It’s said that there’s no accounting for tastes, but in sculpture, it’s all about the sculptor’s intelligence in terms of execution. Not every sculpture is very intelligent. I think that Greek sculpture is the most intelligent. It was an auspicious period when people used to spend a lot of time walking along the promenade, a place that was dedicated to their hero, Academus, which Plato’s Academy was named after. Followers of the Peripatetic School of Thought came up with their ideas whilst walking. By contrast, today we don’t walk enough, which isn’t good. When you walk while carrying your shopping, you won’t come up with anything. While you’re walking that way, you don’t actually think. Have you been to Athens? Have you visited those places where the works which much of Western art refers to were created?

tion of your tastes, your interest in the fine arts, your calling in life, including your self-criticism... − Yes, it influenced me very much, in an absolutely crucial way. I was born into a family where art was thought very highly of. Art was put on a pedestal, as it were. My father collaborated with all of Croatia’s famous artists. Jerolim Miše, Ljubo Babić, Slavko Batušić, Miroslav Krleža and many others used to visit our house even before he started working on the Croatian Encyclopaedia. In 1935 or 1936 dad stayed in London, where he realised that Croatia was a country that no one had heard of and that we needed to have something that would present us to the world, for the world to see who and what we are. He then decided to produce the Croatian Encyclopaedia, because of which he needed to contact many people. Encyclopaedism was his calling in life, he wanted people to learn something, and he had a high



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appreciation of the arts. Andrija Štampar and my father invested all their energy in seeing Croatia move up the ladder because we had been thought of as border keepers for far too long. Everybody yearned for our coast. People got killed because of it. And so many different people came to the Institute of Lexicography and our home. But, you cannot influence people if you don’t live by your life principles. What’s crucial is this: if you say one thing and do another, all your efforts are in vain. You’ve always paid much attention to the choice of material that you want to work with. Your Kafka, for instance, is made of porcelain... − Material is very important. My choice of porcelain for my Kafka wasn’t random

− My hands are still strong, but in sculpting strength isn’t that important. I think that, in art, it’s not your hands that matter, but your brain, it’s the brain that propels creativity. Your hands are just a tool, while your brain dictates everything. It’s important to be persistent, art’s not a question of strength. Sculptors make everything in their very first drawing, and only then do they transfer that drawing into clay, which is beautiful and nice under your fingers, clay gives you a nice feeling of soil. It all started with clay, from Venus of Willendorf. The birth of civilisation is closely linked to clay; it’s natural, clay is a natural material. The earliest records of human life were made in clay, people started to make pottery to prepare food in it... Persistence,

Prizor iz filma Mačka je uvijek ženska A still from A Cat is Always Female film

at all. The way he put into words his life experiences with Max Brod, his difficult relationship with his father, and his feeling that a war and calamity were coming, detecting them as general places of fear and uncertainty, is just brilliant. How did the idea for your cult Cat Lady sculpture series come about? − I had some drawings and I thought to myself that I should have an exhibition. One day while I was setting up a big exhibition in Rijeka, I looked out the window, and there she was − a cat. She hung around all the time, she even slept over at my studio one night without me knowing that she had been there in the first place. She meowed all night long which made my neighbour angry. I’m not a cat lover, but in view of the fact that she had been offering herself as a model so persistently, I decided to make a sculpture of her after all. Do sculptors need great physical strength?


patience and ideas are far more important than physical strength. If you don’t work eight hours straight, you’ll achieve nothing. Warming up and thinking do take time. Let me quote Paul Klee who said: Lots of work and some mercy. You don’t like using real life models. Why? − I don’t like being a slave to reality. I find it best to work from memory. What’s crucial is to highlight what’s essential, and describing it is not the way to do it. Had I made my Krleža small and fat, little and very short as he was in real life, the sculpture would look ridiculous. I’m glad that it stands where it does, at the entrance to Tuškanac Forest Park, just beneath his house on Gvozd Street, and that people recognise him even when they see his monument from behind. Your Šenoa, too, fit in wonderfully where you mounted him, at the intersection of Vlaška and Branjugova Street.

− Yes, I used to walk past that particular spot for years as a schoolgirl on my way to school in Zagreb’s Upper Town from Vlaška Street. I’m very familiar with the location, but it wasn’t I who chose it, but the city. I actually wanted it to be at what is today the European Square, but where it’s mounted is better. I was invited to that particular competition, but I had no solution ready. I made two completely uninteresting statues and decided to make one more. This third one was a success because I realised that I had to protect the statue somehow if it was to be placed at a location without any traffic lights and with cars driving past it. And so I leaned him against an advertising pillar, without which he’d look lost. This solution came to me after I had discussed my concerns over Šenoa’s statue with his granddaughter and a woman who asked me where the monument would be placed. Her question made me aware of what my concern related to. People should always talk and discuss things, that’s when things clear up. When a topic is brought up in company, your attitudes always crystallise... This is how things used to be, we used to socialise in our studios discussing things. Today, there’s less and less of this. You’re known for loving to have your friends round for lunch, that you’re a culinary whizz of sorts. How do you balance between your social life and the discipline your work requires? − I love cooking and love having my friends round. When I was a little girl, I liked the way my parents would gather family and friends around the table, which my mom would lay so beautifully with her real Viennese Biedermeier tableware set and beautiful art nouveau tablecloths. We’d have at least one dinner party a week hosting ten guests, we had a very nice drawing room and a dining room. And when it comes to work discipline, I really love working. I have no idea what I’d be doing I didn’t sculpt. And I love physical work very much, it’s the natural state of humans, I can’t sleep unless I exhaust myself physically in some way. I can’t sleep because of my back these days, my arm hurts, but let’s not talk about sickness and disease, that’s boring. 2001 seems particularly prolific in your oeuvre. You created a number of uniquely beautiful works. The Wave, the Male Runner, the Female Runner are the sculptures, A Nude, She in the


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Room of Deer, Little Nocturnal Flies are the paintings, and the Chinese Room relief... − I’ve never thought about it, the fact that I made all these in the same year... It happens that way, things get rolling for you, and so you stop and think, you take a break and then start again. It all depends. And you even end up breaking a lot of what you’ve sculpted. I didn’t like some of the things I had made. A year goes by and you realise it was nothing. I broke quite a lot of what I had made, and I think that breaking only one piece was a mistake. I wish I hadn’t sold some of my work, though. Sadly, the Chinese Room and the Little Nocturnal Flies ended up in Vienna, they’re at a private collector’s who persisted in persuading me to sell them to him. I was horribly unhappy when he took them. The island that your maternal grandmother was born on, Silba, is an oasis of yours. You’ve set up a Sculpture Park there, and you went fishing there for years, you knew exactly where to find the fish. Is your Sculpture Park open to the public? − Yes, it’s open to the public. I open it when I arrive, but it’ll never be finished, something new can always happen in it. I brought The Goat to my garden last year, and it fit in very nicely in a corner on the patio. I kept on moving it around the garden for a long time, I even fixed it in concrete in front of the house, but then I realised it was a terrible spot for it. What’s important is not only that the sculpture is well made, but also that it’s well placed. What you want to do is show the best part it. If the back of a sculpture is bad, I won’t accentuate it. But you have to be very careful about that. Everyone now says that The Goat is beautiful. I even received a great compliment: a German couple walked past The Goat and clapped. This was something I had never experienced, it was very moving. You continue to work intensely. What have you last done? − Since last summer, I’ve completed the doors of a church in Plehan in Bosnia designed by the brilliant architect Zlatko Ugljen, a sculpture of priest Ivan Golub and three paintings. I simply don’t know how to say no. Which have you done more of: made-to-order pieces or those created from the imagination? − I can’t say precisely. I’ve done a lot of pieces to order, but even the world’s most famous works of art were made-to-order, such as The Mona Lisa, Guernica and The Sistine Chapel.

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Slika Nestanak s jarcem Ujević-Galetović’s Disappearing With a Goat painting

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Pogled na Rijeku, detalj sa snimanja promidžbenog spota Rijeka 2020. A view of Rijeka, a scene from the filming of the Rijeka 2020 promotional video


Rijeka u 2020. godini postaje središte europske kulture. Smještena između mediteranskoga, srednjoeuropskoga i istočnoeuropskog utjecaja, u posljednjih sto godina Rijeka se razvijala u čak sedam različitih država. Nalikujući po tome Europi u malome, postala je mjesto dinamičnog života, simbol slobodarskog duha i progresivnih ideja, grad u koji su oduvijek svi dobrodošli. Situated at the crossroads where the Mediterranean, Central European and Eastern European influences meet, over the last one hundred years Rijeka’s been developing in seven different countries. Being a small-scale semblance of Europe thanks to this, it’s become a place where life is dynamic, a symbol of the spirit of libertarianism and

Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos: Rijeka 2020

progressive ideas, a city that has always welcomed all.

Korzo, detalj s cjelodnevnog programa otvorenja vremenske crte Rijeka, koraci i vrijeme Korzo, a scene from the full day programme of the opening of the Rijeka, Steps and Time Timeline


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01 Indie rock grupa Jonathan Jonathan, a Croatian indie rock band 02 Detalj sa snimanja promidĹžbenog spota Rijeka 2020. A scene from the filming of the Rijeka 2020 promotional video 03 HNK Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka Ivan Zajc Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka 02




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01 Opera industriale, detalj s otvorenja Opera Industriale, a scene from the opening 02 Zvončari, Opera industriale, detalj s otvorenja prijestolnice kulture Zvončari (Bellmen), Opera Industriale, a scene from the opening of the Capital of Culture 03 Otvorenje dječjeg festivala Tobogan 2019. The opening of the children’s Tobogan Festival in 2019 04-05 Vatromet u Luci različitosti tijekom otvorenja Fireworks at the Port of Diversity during the opening programme




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01 Pogled s Molo longa na RijeÄ?ku luku A view of the Port of Rijeka from the Molo Longo breakwater 02 Mrtvi kanal The Dead Canal 03 Detalj sa snimanja promidĹžbenog spota Rijeka 2020. A scene from the filming of the Rijeka 2020 promotional video




2020. godini, kada Hrvatska predsjeda Vijećem Europske unije, Rijeka je, kao najveća hrvatska luka, središte kulturno-umjetničkog programa, domaćin najboljim i najzanimljivijim umjetnicima svjetske, europske i hrvatske kulturne scene − naime, u ovoj je godini Rijeka Europska prijestolnica kulture. Rijeka gradi i otvara nove zgrade i objekte kulture sufinancirane sredstvima fondova EU-a te donosi više od 600 kulturno-umjetničkih i ostalih događanja, u čijem stvaranju sudjeluje više od 300 kulturnih ustanova i organizacija iz Hrvatske i 40 drugih zemalja Europe i svijeta.

novi dom nalaze Muzej grada Rijeke, Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, Gradska knjižnica Rijeka i Dječja kuća namijenjena razvoju dječje kreativnosti, prva takve vrste u Hrvatskoj. Također, obnavlja se i uređuje brod Galeb (luksuzni brod dugogodišnjeg predsjednika bivše države Jugoslavije Josipa Broza Tita), koji postaje brod-muzej i kulturno-turistička atrakcija u Rijeci. Za ove obnove Rijeka je dobila bespovratna europska financijska sredstva u ukupnom iznosu od gotovo 140 milijuna kuna, a ove zgrade i objekti dovršavaju se i otvaraju tijekom 2020. i dijelom 2021. godine.

Najkulturnije gradilište u Hrvatskoj Postavši Europskom prijestolnicom kulture, Rijeka je uvrštena na popis šezdesetak europskih gradova koji su ovu titulu nosili do sada, poput Marseillea, Linza, Essena, Graza, Dublina, Liverpoola, Atene, Rotterdama, Genove i mnogih drugih. A valja reći i da je Rijeka ujedno prvi hrvatski grad koji nosi ovaj naslov. Ovaj veliki europski kulturni projekt na europskoj i svjetskoj razini osigurava prepoznatljivost države i grada koji nosi titulu, a utjelovljuje i uvjerenje i razumijevanje da su zemlje Europe sastavni dio europskih kulturnih različitosti. Projekt Europske prijestolnice kulture u Rijeci ima i svoje specifičnosti jer Rijeka je projektu još od kandidature pristupila podjednako razmišljajući o fizičkoj transformaciji koliko i o kontekstu buduće kulturne ponude u gradu. Tako se na području bivše tvornice Rikard Benčić u Krešimirovoj ulici u Rijeci obnavljaju četiri zgrade industrijske baštine koje dobivaju kulturnu namjenu i u kojima

Voda, rad i migracije glavne programske teme europske Rijeke I kulturni program Europske prijestolnice kulture donosi Rijeci nova uređenja prostora, i to u okviru programskog pravca Slatko & Slano, koji mijenja Rijeku na području uz more (slano) i rijeku Rječinu (slatko), dok u mjestima duž kvarnerske obale i u Rijeci svjetski i hrvatski priznati umjetnici izrađuju i postavljaju različite umjetničke skulpture. Tako program Europske prijestolnice kulture, u okviru programskog pravca Lungomare Art, donosi novu kulturno-turističku rutu na Kvarneru. Iznimno bogat kulturni program koji Rijeka nudi 2020. u središte pažnje postavlja aktualna europska kulturno-društvena pitanja, a tri su glavne programske teme izabrane kao simboli isprepletanja identiteta Rijeke i suvremene Europe: voda, rad i migracije. Ove se teme u programu pojavljuju na najrazličitije načine − u izložbama, predstavama, operama, na konferencijama, koncertima, festivalima, putem gostovanja svjetskih i hrvatskih umjetnika, u projektima lokalnih udruga, u uređenjima prostora, postavljanju skulptura, predstavljanju knjiga, u susretima i druženju građana Rijeke, regije, Hrvatske i Europe. Od vrhunskih gala izvedbi opernih diva današnjice do programa u koje su snažno uključeni građani Rijeke Godina titule Europske prijestolnice kulture u Rijeci počela je 1. veljače 2020. svečanim otvorenjem u riječkoj luci, lokaciji koja je identitetska točka ovoga grada. Šarolik i dinamičan kulturno-umjetnički program koji ispunjava 2020. obuhvaća događanja u kojima svatko može pronaći zanimljiv dio.



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01 Pogled s gradine Trsat A view from Trsat Castle 02 Riječka ribarnica Rijeka’s fish market

Gala izvedbe Eline Garanče i Karite Mattile, opernih diva današnjice, izložba Nepoznati Klimt: Ljubav, smrt, ekstaza ili pak izložba Davida Maljkovića S kolekcijom, pa i Nan Hoover Pokretna slika je živa samo su neka od događanja koja u Rijeku dovode izvorne ljubitelje kako klasične, tako i suvremene umjetnosti. Velika međunarodna skupna izložba Usijano more, koja se bavi nevidljivim ekonomijama povezanima uz more, te niz popratnih izložbi, kao i velik dio programa pod kapom programske cjeline Dopolavoro, okupljaju u Rijeci neke od najvažnijih osoba iz područja suvremene filozofije rada i budućnosti tehnologija. Ova programska cjelina u Rijeku dovodi i robotsku operu, koncert robota te neobične goleme mehaničke instalacije. Čitav niz festivala donosi programska cjelina Kuhinja različitosti − festival svjetske glazbe i gastronomije Porto Etno, Festivale europske kratke priče i Hay festival, festival feminističke i queer



kulture − Smoqua. Rijeka stvara i stalni postav Muzeja grada u kojemu prepričava svoju bogatu i uzbudljivu povijest, a stalni postav dobit će i brod Galeb, čiji se dovršetak obnove očekuje na kraju programa. Oba su ova postava, kao i niz drugih izložbi poput nedavno otvorene D’Annunzijeve mučenice ili pak izložbe o Stradivarijevim violinama i Riječaninu Franji Kresniku, koji je proniknuo u tajnu izgradnje tih violina,

sastavni dio programske cjeline Doba moći, koja se bavi uzbudljivim i snažnim temama riječke i europske povijesti. Ovaj dio programa obiluje kazališnim, dramskim i opernim programima, ali i specifičnim umjetničkim akcijama. U dječjem programu Rijeka nudi veliku, prvi put postavljenu izložbu o Profesoru Baltazaru, dječji festival Tobogan i niz lutkarskih kazališnih predstava. Posebno su vrijedni


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Stepenice na Sušaku, portret arhitekta Josipa Pičmana A public stairway in Rijeka’s Sušak quarter, a portrait of architect Josip Pičman

programi u cjelini 27 susjedstava, koji se odvijaju u više mjesta, gradova i općina u okolici Rijeke, na području Primorsko-goranske županije, a u čije su stvaranje snažno uključene lokalne zajednice. Festivali susjedstava donose ne samo zabavne nego i ozbiljne teme koje su sastavni dio života stanovnika šire riječke regije. Partnerski projekt Iako titulu Europske prijestolnice kulture nosi Grad Rijeka, ovako velik projekt, koji nadrasta i lokalne i nacionalne granice, okupio je mnoge. Strateške partnere u provedbi projekta čine Vlada Republike Hrvatske, Primorsko-goranska županija, Sveučilište u Rijeci i Turistička zajednica grada Rijeke. Uz poduzeće RIJEKA 2020 d.o.o., osnovano za pripremu i provedbu programa, glavni programski partneri i organizatori programa jesu HNK Ivana pl. Zajca Rijeka, DeltaLab − Centar za urbanu tranziciju, arhitekturu i urbanizam (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Drugo more, Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, Muzej grada Rijeke, Art-kino, Gradsko kazalište lutaka Rijeka, Gradska knjižnica Rijeka, Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja i Hrvatski kulturni dom na Su-


šaku. Osim glavnih partnera na popisu suorganizatora, koproducenata i ostalih partnera u organizaciji programa nalazi se još više od 300 organizacija iz Hrvatske i inozemstva.


n 2020 − during Croatia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union − Croatia’s largest port, Rijeka, is a culture and art hotspot, hosting the best and most interesting artists of the world, Europe and Croatia’s culture and art scene. More specifically, Rijeka is the 2020 European Capital of Culture. Rijeka’s erecting and opening new buildings and cultural facilities co-financed by EU funds, and bringing over 600 arts, cultural and other events, in whose creation and production over 300 cultural institutions and organisations from Croatia and 40 other countries from Europe and the world have been involved. The most culture-oriented construction site in Croatia Having become a European Capital of Culture, Rijeka’s entered the club of some sixty European cities that have carried this title so far, such as Marseille, Linz, Essen,

Graz, Dublin, Liverpool, Athens, Rotterdam, Genoa and many others. It’s worth pointing out that Rijeka is also the first Croatian city to carry this title. This outstanding European cultural project ensures the recognisability of the country and the city carrying the title at both European and world level, embodying the idea and understanding that European countries are an integral part of European cultural diversity. The European Capital of Culture project in Rijeka naturally has its peculiarities − since entering the competition for the 2020 title, Rijeka’s approached the project by thinking about both the physical transformation of the city and the context of the city’s future offer of culture and culture-related facilities and events. Accordingly, on the premises of the former Rikard Benčić industrial complex in Krešimirova Street in Rijeka, four industrial heritage buildings are being renovated and redesigned for cultural purposes, and are to house the Museum of the City of Rijeka, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Rijeka City Library and the Children’s House intended for the development of children’s creativity, the first of its kind in Croatia. Also, Galeb − a luxury motor yacht of the long-time president of former Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito − is being refurbished, redesigned and converted into a ship-museum and one of Rijeka’s cultural and tourist attractions. For these renovations, Rijeka received a non-refundable grant of almost EUR 140 million, with these buildings and facilities to be completed and to open during 2020 and partly in 2021. Water, work and migrations − Rijeka’s main programme themes The cultural programme of the European Capital of Culture is bringing Rijeka a new urban landscape, and this within the Sweet & Salty thematic segment or flagship, which is to transform Rijeka in the area by the sea (salty) and the Rječina River (sweet). In places along the Kvarner coast and in Rijeka, renowned artists from the world and Croatia are creating and mounting different sculptures. Accordingly, the Lungomare Art thematic segment or flagship is introducing a new cultural and tourist route to Kvarner. The immensely rich cultural programme that Rijeka is offering in 2020 is putting the spotlight on current European cultural


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01 Karnevalska povorka na Korzu A carnival parade on Korzo, Rijeka’s high street 02 Maškare Carnival masquerades

and social issues, with three programme themes having been chosen as major symbols of the interlacement of the identities of Rijeka and contemporary Europe − water, work and migrations. These themes infuse the programme in a variety of ways − through exhibitions, plays, operas, conferences, concerts, festivals, guest appearances by world and Croatian artists, local NGO projects, urban landscaping, sculpture erections, book presentations, meetings and socialising of the residents of Rijeka, the region, Croatia and Europe. From gala performances given by opera divas to programmes involving the residents of Rijeka The year of the European Capital of Culture in Rijeka opened on 1st February 2020 with a grand opening at the Port of Rijeka, a location which the city derives its identity from. The colourful and dynamic cultural


and artistic programme offered throughout 2020 includes events that cater for all tastes. Gala performances given by opera divas Elina Garanča and Karita Mattila, The Unknown Klimt: Love, Death, Ecstasy exhibition, or David Maljković’s With Collection exhibition, and The Moving Image is Alive − Nan Hoover are just some of the events that’ll draw both classical and contemporary art lovers to Rijeka. The Sea is Glowing, a large international group exhibition focusing on invisible economies that are inextricably linked to the sea, a number of accompanying exhibitions, and much of the programme under the umbrella of the Dopolavoro thematic segment or flagship are bringing to Rijeka some of the biggest names in the field of the contemporary philosophy of work and the future of technology. This flagship’s bringing to Rijeka a robotic opera, a concert given by robots and unusual huge mechanical installations. The Kitchen of Diversity thematic segment or flagship boasts a whole range of festivals − the Porto Etno Festival of World Music and Gastronomy, the European Short Story Festival, the Hay Festival, the Smoqua International Queer and Feminist Culture Festival. To be mounted at the Museum of the City of Rijeka, the city’s also setting up a permanent exhibition which is to recount its rich and exciting history. The Galeb luxury motor yacht will also house a permanent display, whose revamping is expected to be completed by the end of the programme. Both these exhibitions, as well as a number of other exhibitions

− such as the recently opened D’Annunzio’s Martyr exhibition or an exhibition of Stradivarius violins and the Rijeka-born Franjo Kresnik, who unravelled the mystery of Stradivarius violin craftsmanship − are all part of the Times of Power thematic segment or flagship, which centres around exciting and powerful topics of the history of Rijeka and Europe. This flagship’s full of theatre, drama and opera programmes, as well as specific artistic interventions. As part of the Children’s House thematic segment or flagship, Rijeka’s setting up a large exhibition on Professor Balthazar, the Tobogan Festival, and a series of puppet theatre performances. Of particular value are the programmes offered in the 27 Neighbourhoods thematic segment or flagship. They are taking place in several towns, cities and municipalities in Rijeka’s surroundings, in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and their creation and production involves local communities to a significant extent. The 27 Neighbourhoods thematic segment’s festivals are not only bringing fun and entertainment, but are also dealing with major topics that are integral to the lives of residents of the wider Rijeka region. A partner project Although it’s Rijeka that boasts the title of European Capital of Culture, this large project, which has outgrown the capabilities of both the local and national communities, has brought many together. The project’s strategic partners involved in its implementation include the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, the University of Rijeka and the Rijeka Tourist Board. Besides RIJEKA 2020 d.o.o., a company established for the purposes of programme preparation and implementation, the main programme partners and programme organisers include the Ivan Zajc Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka, DeltaLab − Centre for Urban Transition, Architecture and Town Planning (University of Rijeka), Drugo More, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Museum of the City of Rijeka, Art Cinema, the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre, the Rijeka City Library, the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Coast, and the Croatian Cultural Centre in Sušak. Besides the main partners, over 300 organisations from Croatia and abroad are also involved as co-organisers, co-producers and other partners in implementing the project.



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Ovo će proljeće u riječku Luku različitosti uploviti nomadski festival suvremenog plesa Spring

Spring Forward Festival u sklopu Rijeke 2020. − Europske prijestolnice kulture Rijeka, glavna pozornica mladih plesnih umjetnika Europe

Forward, dovodeći sa sobom dvadeset jednu plesnu predstavu i preko dvije stotine plesnih profesionalaca. Hrvatski kulturni dom na Sušaku kao domaćin,

Spring Forward Festival as part of Rijeka 2020 − European Capital of Culture Rijeka, the centre stage of Europe’s freshest dance artists

uz plesnu mrežu Aerowaves kao suorganizatora festivala, od 24. do 26. travnja dovodi Spring Forward na šest različitih lokacija u Rijeci i Opatiji. Festival koji u 2020. godini slavi i okruglu 10.

Piše/By _ Edvin Liverić

godišnjicu dio je programa Rijeke 2020. − Europske prijestolnice kulture. Spring Forward, a nomadic contemporary dance festival, is sailing into Rijeka’s Port of Diversity this spring, with twenty-one dance performances and over two hundred dance professionals on board. The Spring Forward Festival’s hosted and co-organised by the Croatian Cultural Centre in P. Tauro

Sušak (in collaboration with the Aerowaves dance network), which 01

is taking the festival to six different venues in Rijeka and Opatija between 24th and 26th April. This year’s 10th edition of the festival is part of the Rijeka 2020 − European Capital of Culture programme.

B. Fanton

01 Stand still you evermoving spheres of heaven Henrique Furtado & Chiara Taviani 02 AlSheMe Linda Hayford 02


M. Barbieri


lesna mreža Aerowaves, kao dio programa Kreativne Europe Europske komisije, kroz festival Spring Forward omogućuje prezentaciju najperspektivnijih mladih plesnih stvaratelja, kako međunarodnoj profesionalnoj sceni i njezinim producentima tako i domaćoj publici. Nakon Rijeke i susreta izvođača sa selektorima, koreografima i publikom, tijekom kojih se stvaraju kontakti i otkrivaju kvalitetne izvedbe, plesne predstave isplovljavaju dalje cijelim svijetom, do kraja ostvarujući misiju ovog festivala. Spring Forward po prvi se put održao 2011. godine te je nastavio djelovanje predstavljajući raznovrsno plesno stvaralaštvo, seleći se iz godine u godinu u drugi grad Europe. Festival svake


godine posjećuje više od dvije stotine profesionalaca iz četrdesetak različitih zemalja svijeta − partnera, selektora i mnogih drugih aktera suvremene plesne scene. Lokalna publika tako ima prilike vidjeti mnoštvo različitih pristupa i izričaja suvremenog plesa, a većina se umjetnika po prvi put predstavlja u gradu u kojem festival gostuje. Svake godine krajem listopada međunarodni žiri sastavljen od partnera mreže Aerowaves izabire dvadeset plesnih predstava znanih kao Twenty20, koje čine program sljedećeg festivala. Na posljednje natjecanje 2019. godine stigle su 734 prijave, od kojih je 600 zadovoljavalo uvjete. Dvadesetoro izabranih za Spring Forward Festival 2020. godine dolazi iz petnaest zemalja Europe, a u Rijeci će se predstaviti kroz različite teme i formate suvremenog plesa. Svake godine Spring Forward Festival predstavlja i jedan rad iz neke od zemalja partnera Azije. Ove je godine to skupina CHOI x KANG iz Republike Koreje s predstavom A Complementary Set − Disappearing with an Impact. hkd-rijeka.hr

01 The angular distance of a celestial body Alessandro Carboni

P. Paggi

02 UN/DRESS | moving painting Masako Matsushita & Nanou Associazione Culturale 02


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L. Bellai



were eligible. The Twenty20 works and artists selected come from 15 countries in Europe, and are performing a wide range of themes and formats on stage. In addition to the Twenty20, each year the Spring Forward Festival also presents a work from an Asian partner country. This year’s Asian performers are the CHOI x KANG troupe from South Korea presenting their A Complementary Set − Disappearing with an Impact performace. aerowaves.org

V. Brtnický

he Aerowaves dance network, co-funded by the Creative Europe framework programme of the European Commission, provides a platform for some of Europe’s most vibrant and promising choreographers, and the Spring Forward Festival is a presentation of their work to performing arts professionals and local audiences. Once the artists, guests and audience meet in Rijeka for the first time, contacts are made, and quality performances discovered, with many of the productions setting sail around the world with a view to accomplishing the festival’s ultimate mission. Held in 2011 for the first time, Spring Forward is a cross-border festival that takes place in a different city in Europe each year, and is hosted by one of the platform’s partners. Coming from some forty countries, over two hundred dance professionals − partners, selectors, producers and other industry delegates − attend the festival, while local audiences have the chance to discover a great variety of brand new dance artists, most of whom are performing in the audience’s city for the first time. The festival’s a presentation of the work of twenty artists known as the Twenty20 that were selected by Aerowaves partners during a meeting at the end of October 2019. A total of 734 artists applied for the 2019 edition of the festival, 600 of which


01 Mechanics of distance Máté Mészáros 02 FLY! Markéta Stránská 03 BEAT ‘I just wish to feel you’ Collective Dope & Jenna Jalonen

Od 14. travnja europska prijestolnica kulture Rijeka izravno je povezana s Münchenom, gradom koji je lani bio u samom vrhu europskih gradova prema kvaliteti i kulturi življenja, letovima Croatia Airlinesa tri puta na tjedan − utorkom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom.

D. Daniel

As of 14th April, Croatia Airlines is directly connecting the European Capital of Culture, Rijeka, with Munich, a city that ranked amongst the best cities to live in in Europe last year, three times a week − on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.



croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com


Prostoria Vrhunska udobnost vitkih, laganih i ergonomskih stolica The superior comfort of slender, lightweight and ergonomic chairs Piše/By _ Tatjana Bartaković

Nove Prostorijine složive stolice za hotelijerske interijere Prostoria’s new stackable chairs for hospitality industry interiors

Prostoria je dizajn-brend namještaja iz Hrvatske s vlastitom proizvodnjom. Njezini proizvodi dostupni su u 60 zemalja i 890 prestižnih trgovina diljem svijeta. Suradnja s dizajnerima u Prostoriji razvila je znanje o izradi inovativnog dizajna koji pomiče granice funkcionalnosti, ergonomije i udobnosti namještaja. Primjer su za to i nove stolice Piun (Grupa), Strain (Simon M. Piperčić), Oblikant (Numen) i Bik (Numen), koje su redom složive. Dizajnom stolice Piun ostvarena je izrazita vitkost i tako je omogućena uporaba većeg broja stolica oko stola bez osjećaja manjka prostora. Udobnost stolice Strain, izvedene u punom drvetu, postignuta je ergonomijom forme, a sjedalo se dodatno može ojastučiti kožom ili tkaninom. Serija stolica Oblikant ima izražen S profil, zaobljenu tanku elastičnu školjku koja pruža izvrsnu podršku leđima pri sjedenju. Bik, stolica markantne forme, djeluje čvrsto i teško premda iznenađuje lakoćom i udobnošću pri sjedenju. Njezina je konstrukcija izrađena od punog drveta, dok su sjedalo i naslon od savijene šperploče. Ova je stolica idealna za restorane koji se žele istaknuti kvalitetnim, složivim stolicama, dostupnima u širokom tonalitetu boja.

Prostoria is a furniture design-brand whose production is based in Croatia and whose products are available in 60 countries and 890 high-end stores worldwide. In Prostoria, collaboration with designers has resulted in the development of innovative design know-how that pushes back the boundaries of furniture functionality, ergonomics and comfort. The new stackable chairs Piun (by Grupa), Strain (by Simon M. Piperčić), Oblikant (by Numen) and Bik (by Numen) are a good example of this. The Piun chair is designed to be very slender, allowing for a number of chairs to be placed around a table without anyone getting the feeling that there is not enough room. The comfort of the Strain chair is achieved by the ergonomics of its form. It is made of solid wood, with the option of upholstering its seat with leather or fabric. The Oblikant chair series has a pronounced S-shape profile and a rounded slender and flexible shell that provides brilliant back support. Bik, a chair of a striking shape, looks solid and heavy, but is surprisingly lightweight and comfortable. Its construction is made of solid wood, and its seat and backrest of bent plywood. This chair is ideal for restaurants that look to stand out with a high-quality stackable chair, which is available in a wide range of colours.


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© A. Miletić

kvarner region tourist board, 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2 t +385 (0)51 272 988, f +385 (0)51 272 909, e kvarner@kvarner.hr “kvarner info - adriatic gate”, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888 f +385 (0)51 623 334, e info@kvarner.hr www.kvarner.hr


Visit KVARNER Croatia’s best kept secret

© F. Heuer

© F. Heuer

© J. Mastrović

Diversity is beautiful

© F. Heuer

© A. Miletić

© F. Heuer


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Land in luxury Sletite u luksuz

info@ikador.com +385 51 20 70 20 www.ikador.com


ikador.hotel Ikador Hotel


Experience the uncommon in the heart of the scenic Opatija riviera!

Iskusite ekstravaganciju u srcu slikovite Opatijske rivijere!

Situated on the iconic coast of the Opatija riviera, Ikador represents an oasis of noble harmony and uncompromising luxury. Allow yourself to relax in style, aided by an impeccable personalized service. The Maestro, hotel’s experience manager will know how to hit the right note, creating remarkable experiences and lifelong memories.

Smješten na kultnoj obali Opatijske rivijere, Ikador predstavlja oazu plemenite harmonije i beskompromisnog luksuza. Prepustite se odmoru sa stilom, uz pomoć besprijekorne personalizirane usluge. Maestro, hotelski experience manager, znat će kako pogoditi pravu notu, stvarajući izvanredna iskustva i cjeloživotne uspomene.

With its 9 spacious and elegant rooms and 7 luxurious suites, sophisticated interior design, contemporary architecture, rich Mediterranean hotel park and an array of facilities, Ikador is a favourite haven for modern hedonists. The Nobilion Restaurant is a place of true indulgence devoted to Mediterranean cuisine, based on top local and indigenous foods and top-quality wines. Hotel’s Ikalia Spa is an ideal sanctuary for mind, body and spirit harmony, devoted to wellbeing and relaxation. Ikador also offers an outdoor swimming pool with heated sea water, a private deck-beach, complimentary garage for hotel guests, a mini golf course, boules court and the possibility of arranging private tailor-made experience tours and sightseeings. The pride of Ikador are certainly the prestigious Riva Lounge and Riva Privée concepts featured by the iconic Italian Riva Yacht brand. The Riva Lounge bar, representing an homage to the style and spirit of the Riva yachts, is the perfect place to enjoy the sun sipping on our signature cocktails. The Riva Privée, a private chef’s table at the Nobilion restaurant, will offer a gourmet experience beyond compare. The pinnacle of Ikador’s partnership with Riva Yacht brand is certainly the majestic Riva Aquariva speedboat, for guests to explore the Kvarner archipelago, reminiscing the spirit of La Dolce Vita lifestyle.

Sa svojih 9 prostranih elegantnih soba i 7 luksuznih suiteva, sofisticiranim dizajnom interijera, suvremenom arhitekturom, bogatim mediteranskim parkom i nizom sadržaja, Ikador je omiljeno utočište modernih hedonista. Restoran Nobilion je mjesto istinskog uživanja posvećenog mediteranskoj kuhinji temeljenoj na vrhunskim lokalnim, te autohtonim namirnicama i vrhunskim vinima. Ikalia Spa idealno je utočište za potpuni sklad duha i tijela, posvećen zdravlju i opuštanju. Ikador također nudi otvoreni bazen s grijanom morskom vodom, privatnu plažu, garažu za goste hotela, mini golf teren, boćalište, te mogućnost organiziranja personaliziranih izleta u privatnom aranžmanu. Ponos Ikadora zasigurno su prestižni koncepti Riva Lounge i Riva Privée, kultnog talijanskog brenda Riva Yacht. Riva Lounge bar posvećen je stilu i duhu Riva dizajna te predstavlja savršeno mjesto za uživanje uz bazen pijuckajući koktele. Riva Privée, privatni Chefov stol u restoranu Nobilion, ponudit će jedinstveno gurmansko iskustvo. Vrhunac partnerstva s brendom Riva Yacht zasigurno je naš veličanstveni gliser Riva Aquariva, kojim gosti mogu krenuti u istraživanje kvarnerskog arhipelaga, prizivajući duh La Dolce Vita životnog stila. Krenite u avanturu života u hotelu Ikador!

Embark on an adventure of a lifetime at the Ikador Hotel! CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020

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01 Zaron u duboko ždrijelo vrela Cetine A dive into the deep gorge of Cetina’s spring 02 Vrelo Cetine jezerski je izvor velike dubine Cetina’s spring is a lake of a great depth


TIRKIZNA LJEPOTICA A TURQUOISE BEAUTY Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos _ Goran Šafarek

Cetina je najduža rijeka srednje Dalmacije. Ona je oduvijek bila hraniteljica Dalmacije, a u zadnje vrijeme postaje vrlo značajno odredište adrenalinskog turizma. I danas Cetina ima izniman prirodni i turistički značaj za cijeli dalmatinski kraj. Cetina is the longest river in central Dalmatia. Having always sustained life in Dalmatia, it has recently become an adventure tourism hotspot as well. Today, Cetina continues to be exceptionally important for the entire region of Dalmatia both as a gem of nature and a tourist destination.




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01-02 Cetina u mirnome i ravnom krĹĄkom polju Cetina flowing calmly through a flat karst field 03 Cetina u prvom dijelu toka mirno teÄ?e kroz travnjake s ovcama In the upper part of its watercourse, Cetina flows quietly through grasslands grazed on by sheep


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01-02 Canyoning u divljem kanjonu Cetine Canyoning along Cetina’s wild canyon 03 Slap Gubavica najviši je na cijelom toku rijeke Gubavica is the highest waterfall along Cetina’s entire watercourse






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01-02 Cetina u završnom dijelu toka teče kroz duboku dolinu In the final stretch of its watercourse, Cetina flows through a deep valley 03 Turistički brodovi iz Omiša u obilasku rijeke Tourist boats from Omiš touring the river




a razliku od mnogih naših rijeka, Cetina svoje vrelo nije sakrila u tamu dubokog kanjona pod strmim i nepristupačnim klisurama, ni u sjenu visokih jela ili u kakvu skrovitu pećinu. Naprotiv, tirkizno oko vrela Cetine na jedinstven način ukrašava ogoljeli ambijent stjenovitoga krša, smjelo na površinu izbacujući ledenu vodu. Nedaleko je smještena crkva svetog Spasa koja potječe još iz 9. stoljeća i spada među najistaknutije starohrvatske sakralne objekte. Iz svojeg vrela Cetina pomalo žubori pod velebnim masivom Dinare i Kamešnice. Tu se zaredao niz ravnih krških polja kojima je Cetina protjecala u gornjem dijelu svojega toka. Polja su međusobno odijeljena kratkim i uskim sutjeskama. Pitoreskno Cetinsko, odnosno Paško polje ljeti podsjeća na afričku savanu. Kroz žutu visoku travu vijuga zelenkasta Cetina, gasi žeđ i daje osvježenje velikim stadima ovaca. No idilična polja pretvaraju se u prvu u nizu akumulacija − Peruća. Iz planina jugozapadne Bosne pritječu znatne količine vode, što je čini izdašnom i za najžešćih suša. Zbog toga je vrlo pogodna za hidroenergetsko iskorištavanje, a to je za posljedicu imalo znatno izmijenjenu današnju sliku rijeke. No žrtva su plodna polja i naselja. Cetina se ponovno pojavljuje na izlasku iz kanjona Peruće kod mjesta Panja. Ovdje protječe ispod najstarijega postojećeg cetinskog mosta načinjenog od kamena. Odavde Cetina prolazi ravnim krajem dalmatinskog zaleđa. Obilje plodne zemlje i vode omogućilo je naseljavanje ljudi od

davnih vremena. Sinjsko polje prostrana je ravnica prošarana zlatnim poljima kukuruza i pšenice u koju su iz Cetine usječeni mnogi meliorizacijski kanali. Zapravo, ovdje u nizinskom okruženju rijeka bi se mogla usporediti s nekom velikom nizinskom rijekom: šljunčani sprudovi i rukavci, močvarnim biljem ispunjene mrtvice, vrbovim grmljem i topolama obrasle obale. No kristalno bistra, studena voda i stjenoviti obronci visokih planina u daljini jasno razlikuju Cetinu od ravne Slavonije. Da su blagodati života uz Cetinu prepoznate još od prapovijesti, dokazuju brojna arheološka nalazišta duž cijelog toka rijeke, a posebno ovdje u Sinjskom polju. Prisutnost ilirskog plemena Delmata iščitava se iz brojnih zapisa koje je za sobom ostavilo moćno Rimsko Carstvo. Pretpostavlja se da je rimski logor Tilurij u današnjem selu Gardun kod Trilja mogao prihvatiti pet do šest tisuća vojnika, što ga svrstava među najveća vojna uporišta rimske provincije Dalmatiae koja je obuhvaćala čitav prostor Dinarida. Rijeka je osim navodnjavanja pružala i energiju za mljevenje žita, ali i drvne građe. Uz slapove su mjestimice radili veliki mlinovi. Od pažljivo biranog i klesanog kamena ovdje su sagrađeni čvrsti mlinovi velikih kapaciteta kakvi se na našim rijekama rijetko susreću, što govori o plodnosti ovih krajeva. Cijelim putem Cetina prima nekoliko jakih i kratkih pritoka. Rumin je lijeva pritoka Cetine i ima kratak, ali snažan tok. Za razliku od Cetine, čije su obale niske, preorane ili pretvorene u pašnjake, izvorišta Rumina zavučena su duboko u krševite kanjone. Tu su i rječice Grab i Ruda. Od mosta na Čikotinoj lađi ulazi u kanjon kojim će teći sve do ušća. Skučena u uskom kanjonu, voda se pjeni između kamenih gromada odvaljenih s padina kanjona. Jedan za drugim nižu se brzaci, a mirniji odsječci toka rijetki su i kratki. Osim u sklopu turističkih tura kanuom, obilazak i sam pristup ovom dijelu kanjona Cetine znatno je otežan. Blato na Cetini tek je kratko proširenje gdje rijeka raspolaže s ono malo obradive zemlje na svojim obalama pa se zato ovdje smjestilo istoimeno naselje. Nizvodno, Cetina nastavlja u dvjestotinjak metara dubokom, usječenom kanjonu krške zaravni. U ovom dijelu litice su poput okomitih monolitnih zidova



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Cetina je krška rijeka koje teče ispod visokih planina Dinare i Kamešnice Cetina is a karst river flowing beneath the high mountains of Dinara and Kamešnica


upuštene izravno u korito rijeke, a širina korita kanjona mjestimično je sužena na svega nekoliko metara. Vrhunac kanjona je Gubavica, pedesetmetarski slap, posebice zanimljiv u kišnom razdoblju, kada kanjonom protječu znatne količine vode. Voda se tada, osim niz glavne dvije stube slapa, ruši u grotlo kanjona i iz kružnih otvora u stijeni na njegovu boku. Cijeli kanjon ispunjen je milijunima sitnih raspršenih kapljica vode i zaglušujućom tutnjavom. Ljeti slapovi formiraju tanke, elegantne mlazove vode, a uske kolone znatiželjnika željnih avanture, u neoprenskim odjelima, opremljeni nepotopivim prslucima, glava zaštićenih kacigama, organizirano turistički istražuju kanjon svladavajući slapove alpinističkom užadi. Canyoning na Cetini postao je velika atrakcija. Kod Zadvarja Cetina skreće na zapad prema Jadranskome moru. Oslobodivši se stiješnjenog kanjona Gubavice, rijeka se nešto mirnijim tokom razlila dolinom. Do samog ušća izmjenjivat će se uske sutjeske i kanjoni s proširenjima i kraćim riječnim dolinama. U žarištu ljetne turističke sezone tisuće turista preplove ovaj dio rijeke u gumenim čamcima, poskakujući

na valovima Cetine. Turistički to je najživlji dio toka. Veliki i opasan brzak Oblačnik nastao je zatrpavanjem riječnog korita ogromnim kamenim blokovima; turisti će ga zaobići provlačeći se kroz spilju nastalu ispod slapa Studenca, dok će skiperi prazne raftove sigurno spuštati brzacem. Mlinice na prijelazu iz kanjona u mirniji dio toka Cetine potječu još iz 17. stoljeća, a procvat doživljavaju u 19. stoljeću kada ih preuzima i temeljito preuređuje obitelj Radman, po kojima i danas nose naziv, kao i nadaleko poznati ugostiteljski objekt. Već posve smirenom Cetinom odavde plove spori turistički brodići, sve do Omiša. Ovaj maleni dalmatinski gradić s dugom i burnom poviješću smješten je na istočnoj obali ušća Cetine. Cetina i njezino ušće stiješnjeno između obronaka Omiške Dinare i Mosora kroz povijest su pružale Omišu sigurnost i zaštitu. Danas Cetina ima izniman prirodni i turistički značaj za cijeli dalmatinski kraj.


nlike many of Croatia’s rivers, Cetina doesn’t hide its source in the dark of a deep canyon beneath steep and inaccessible cliffs, nor in the shade of tall fir trees or in a secret cave.

We know where to find the best real estate! Discover Luxury properties, a new category on njuskalo.hr CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020

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Quite the contrary, the turquoise eye of the spring of Cetina adorns quite uniquely the barren rocky karst environment surrounding it, boldly spitting ice cold water onto the surface. Not far from here, there’s the Church of Holy Salvation, which dates from the 9th century and is one of the most outstanding Old Croatian sacral structures. Cetina gurgles from its source beneath the magnificent massif of Dinara and Kamešnica. Here lies a series of flat karst plains that Cetina once flowed across in the upper part of its course. The plains are broken up by short and narrow gorges. Thanks to the greenish Cetina winding through tall yellow grass, refreshing large flocks of sheep by quenching their thirst, Cetina’s picturesque plain, also known as Paško Polje, reminds of the African savannah in the summer. At one point, these idyllic plains transform into the first in a series of reservoirs − the Peruća Lake. Significant amounts of water flow into the reservoir from the mountains of south-western Bosnia, making it an abundant source of water even in the most severe of droughts. This makes it very suitable for hydropower exploitation, which has in turn resulted in the look of the river today having been changed significantly. However, its victims are fertile fields and villages. Cetina re-emerges at the end of the canyon of Peruća Lake near the town of Panj, where it flows beneath the oldest existing bridge across Cetina made of stone. From here, Cetina passes through the flatlands of the Dalmatian hinterland. Thanks to an abundance of arable land and water, people have been settling here since ancient times. Sinjsko Polje is a vast plain interspersed with golden fields of corn and wheat, into which many amelioration canals have been dug from Cetina. In fact, here, in its lowland landscape, Cetina resembles a large lowland river: shingle river beaches and branches, backwaters filled to overflowing with wetland plants, riversides overgrown with willow shrubs and poplar trees. But Cetina’s crystal clear, ice cold water and the rocky slopes of high mountains in the distance clearly distinguish Cetina from the flatlands of Slavonia. The many archaeological sites along the entire watercourse of Cetina in general and in Sinjsko Polje in particular are proof that the Cetina River has been a real boon to life since prehistoric times. That the Illyrian tribe of Delmata had settled here is read from the countless records left behind by


the mighty Roman Empire. It is estimated that the Roman Tilurium Camp in the present-day village of Gardun near Trilj could accommodate five to six thousand soldiers, making it one of the largest military strongholds in the Roman province of Dalmatia, which covered the entire region of the Dinaric Alps. Besides irrigation, Cetina also provided energy for the grinding of grain and timber. Its waterfalls were once spotted with large, high-capacity powerful mills built here of carefully selected and chiselled stone, the kind rarely found on Croatia’s other rivers, which is but further proof of the fertility of the region. Along its entire watercourse, several short yet mighty tributaries flow into Cetina, one of which is Rumin, Cetina’s left tributary. Unlike Cetina, whose riversides are low, ploughed over or turned into pastures, Rumin’s source is tucked away deep into karst canyons. There are also the rivers of Grab and Ruda. From the bridge across Čikotina Lađa, Cetina enters a canyon which it flows through all the way to its mouth. Cramped in a narrow canyon, the water foams between and around boulders that rolled off the slopes of the canyon. One after the other, rapids thread their way through the canyon, with Cetina’s calmer parts interlacing them only here and there. With the exception of canoe tours, accessing and touring this part of Cetina’s canyon is next to impossible. Blato (mud in translation) on the Cetina River is but a tiny widening in the river boasting a bit of arable land on its banks, which is why a settlement of the same name is found here. Downstream, Cetina continues to flow in an approximately two-hundred-metre deep canyon wedged into a karst plateau. Resembling vertical monolithic walls, the cliffs here drop directly into the riverbed, with the canyon narrowing in places to only a few metres in width. The highlight of the canyon is a fifty-metre waterfall called Gubavica. It’s awe-inspiring, particularly in the rainy season when considerable amounts of water flow through the canyon. During the rains, the water crashes into the crater of the canyon not only down its two main waterfall cascades, but also from the circular holes in the rock on its sides. The entire canyon is sprayed with trillions of tiny water droplets and filled with a deafening rumble. In the summer, the waterfalls are slender

and elegant, with columns of curious adventure seekers − dressed in wetsuits and wearing life jackets and safety helmets − exploring and touring the canyon and conquering the waterfalls with the help of climbing ropes. Canyoning on the Cetina River has become a major attraction. At Zadvarje, Cetina turns west towards the Adriatic Sea. Having freed itself from the tight canyon of Gubavica, it slows down a bit spreading out across the valley. Up to its mouth, narrow gorges and canyons alternate with widenings and smaller river valleys. In peak season, this part of the river is swamped with thousands of tourists in rubber dinghies, bouncing on and against Cetina’s waves. Touristically speaking, this is the liveliest part of the river. The dangerous Oblačnik rapid was created by heaping the riverbed with giant stone blocks; tourists bypass it by squeezing through a cave created under the Studenac Waterfall, while their skippers paddle down the rapid safely in empty rafts. The mills at the spot where Cetina leaves the canyon and calms down date back to the 17th century. They enjoyed a boom in the 19th century after they were taken over and completely renovated by the Radman family, whom they were named after, including the widely known Radman’s Mills restaurant. From here all the way to Omiš, slow tourist boats sail along what is now dead calm Cetina. This small Dalmatian town with a long and turbulent history is located on the east riverside of Cetina’s estuary. The Cetina River and its estuary wedged in between the slopes of Omiška Dinara and Mosor have provided Omiš with safety and protection throughout history. Today, Cetina continues to be exceptionally important for the entire region of Dalmatia both as a gem of nature and a tourist destination.

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KATEDRALA, GAJETA I HOMO VOLANS A CATHEDRAL, A FISHING BOAT AND THE FLYING MAN U Šibeniku je otvoren Interpretacijski centar Civitas Sacra, u Betini Muzej betinske drvene brodogradnje, u Prviću Memorijalni centar Faust Vrančić. Sva tri atraktivna kulturna objekta Šibensko-kninske županije dobrim su dijelom financirana iz europskih fondova. Šibenik saw the opening of the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre, Betina on the Island of Murter the opening of the Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding, and Prvić Luka on the Island of Prvić the Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre. All three museums in the Šibenik-Knin County have been largely funded by EU funding. Piše/By _ Davorka Vukov Colić Fotografije/Photos _ Gojko Vukov Colić


ibenik je od zadarske zračne luke udaljen nepunih 90 kilometara, a od novoobnovljene splitske 74 kilometra. Za putnike koji zrakoplovom dolaze na taj dio Jadrana, Krešimirov grad, Šibenik, pada točno u sridu. Iz turističke Meke Splita i ljeti zahuktalog Zadra zato učas stižete u šibensko-kninsku metropolu, koja zadnjih godina, dobrim dijelom zahvaljujući sredstvima iz europskih fondova, doživljava pravu kulturnu renesansu. Uz pomoć fondova EU-a grad je postao pionir u obnovi kulturne baštine. Nekoć ga pamtim kao prolazno mjesto uvijeno u sivilo teške industrije iz kojega bih ljeti žurila na svoj susjedni otok Zlarin, no u Šibeniku danas zastajem s razlogom. Grad je obnovio tvrđave sv. Mihovila i Barone, zaštićene spomenike s UNESCO-ova popisa, u tijeku je obnova Tvrđave sv. Ivana, a potom slijedi Tvrđava sv. Nikole. Ali to nije sve. Uz velike zahvate na tim velebnim zdanjima, prošle je godine u samome gradu

otvoren Interpretacijski centar Civitas Sacra (Sveti grad) posvećen katedrali sv. Jakova i bogatoj povijesti Šibenske biskupije, no europski je novac također otišao u dva mala mjesta županije. Na otočiću je Prviću 2012. otvoren Memo-




01 Remekdjelo Jurja Dalmatinca. Prikaz šibenske katedrale u Interpretacijskom centru Civitas Sacra Juraj Dalmatinac’s masterpiece. A model of Šibenik’s cathedral at the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre 02 Muzej betinske drvene brodogradnje na otoku Murteru, ponos hrvatske tradicije stare stoljećima The Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding on the Island of Murter, the pride of a centuries-old Croatian tradition 03 U svojem najznačajnijem djelu Machinae novae Vrančić opisuje 56 uređaja i konstrukcija. Makete nekih mogu se naći u Memorijalnom centru Faust Vrančić’s capital work Machinae Novae describes 56 devices and structures. Models of some are found at the Memorial Centre 03


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Ulaz u Interpretacijski centar Civitas Sacra The entrance to the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre


rijalni centar Faust Vrančić, a u Betini na otoku Murteru 2015. godine zaživio je Muzej betinske drvene brodogradnje. Vrančićev Memorijalni centar hommage je hrvatskom Da Vinciju, inženjeru, leksikografu, poliglotu, filozofu i teologu, biskupu i diplomatu, ukratko renesansnom čovjeku. Muzej u Betini posvećen je stotinama znanih i neznanih graditelja tradicijskih drvenih brodova, a Interpretacijski centar Civitas Sacra svjedoči o genijalnosti najvećega graditelja na hrvatskim prostorima, Jurja Dalmatinca. Betina je mjestašce na otoku Murteru, Prvić je otočić nadomak Šibenika koji pješice možete obići u jednome danu. Betina službeno broji jedva sedam stotina stanovnika, a Prvić Luka zajedno sa susjednim Šepurinama zimi ne doseže ni 400. Otvaranjem ovih muzeja, koji posjetitelje primaju cijele godine, ta zimi inače pusta dalmatinska mjestašca dobila su vjetar u leđa i promijenila svoju vizuru. A obje kulturne ustanove rođene su na poticaj domaćih snaga. Muzej u Betini nastao je zahvaljujući inicijativi udruge Betinska gajeta 1740, trudu mještana i pomoći volontera, pa je 2018. u kategoriji

Graditelj katedrale sv. Jakova, Juraj Dalmatinac The builder of the Cathedral of St. James, Juraj Dalmatinac

Museums and Communities s razlogom osvojio prestižnu nagradu Silletto Europskoga muzejskog foruma pod pokroviteljstvom Vijeća Europe. Priča o Memorijalnom centru Faust Vrančić počela je pak na poticaj šibenskoga dječjeg kirurga i slikara dr. Vladimira Lučeva, udruge Narodno zdravlje i Poljoprivredno-turističke zadruge Faust Vrančić. Vladimir Lučev čak je sam izradio izložene makete nekih od 56 Vrančićevih izuma predstavljenih u njegovu kapitalnom djelu, praktičnom priručniku Machinae novae (Novi strojevi). U oba slučaja nije riječ o uobičajenome muzejskome postavu unutar četiri zida. Uz dvije obnovljene i spojene zgrade betinski se eko-muzej proširio u mjesnu luku, gdje se privezani artefakti ljuljuškaju u moru. Riječ je o pedesetak tradicijskih drvenih brodova, što je na jednome mjestu najveći broj uređenih tradicijskih drvenih plovila na Jadranu s jedrima i armom (brodskom opremom). Zimi su na

stalnom vezu u lučici, a za ljetnih mjeseci kreću u akciju, sudjelujući u veslačkim regatama i onima na latinsko jedro. Doista je poseban doživljaj svakoga srpnja s pretrpane glavne zlarinske rive ispraćati desetke drvenih brodica razapetih jedara na regatu gajeta, leuta i kaića, nazvanu Latinski idrun na kureja u organizaciji otočkoga Yacht cluba. U prijevodu to znači latinskim jedrima na koralje, čime Zlarinjani podsjećaju na vremena kada su njihovi stari odlazili u lov na crveno zlato. Centar u Prvić Luci također se proširio izvan nove zgrade decentno uklopljene u tipičnu dalmatinsku arhitekturu, okružen raslinjem svojstvenim tom podneblju. U stepenastom parku dočekuju vas makete u prirodnoj veličini Vrančićevih najznačajnijih izuma: Homo volans (padobranac), viseći most, mlin za masline. I Interpretacijski centar Civitas Sacra na neki je način produžetak muzeja na otvorenome − nalazi se tek koju minutu šetnje udaljen od katedrale, u obnovljenoj baroknoj palači Galbiani u Ulici kralja Tomislava. U njemu ćete redovito naletjeti na neku organiziranu grupu posjetitelja koji nakon poklonjenja velikoj katedrali dolaze vidjeti kako se gradilo zdanje koje

je u svoje vrijeme značilo revoluciju u arhitekturi, ali i podsjetiti se na barbarsko razaranje kupole u Domovinskom ratu prilikom napada JNA na grad u rujnu 1991. godine. Katedralu sv. Jakova redovito posjećujem za ljetnog odmora, uvijek s istim pitanjem kako je nastao taj jedinstveni sklad formi. Kakva je energija i hrabrost Šibenčana bila potrebna da ideju Jurja Dalmatinca i stotina klesara prihvate, financiraju i uporno podupiru u vrijeme kada je grad brojio nekih 8000 stanovnika, a u odnosu na njegovu veličinu katedrala djelovala poput svemirskog broda? − Izgradili su je građani Šibenika u velikom zajedništvu, kroz žrtvu i odricanje, uvijek stavljajući u prvi plan dobro zajednice − ističu autori postava u centru


01 Vrančićev Homo volans (Leteći čovjek), maketa prvoga funkcionalnog i testiranog padobrana Vrančić’s Homo Volans or the Flying Man, a model of the first-ever functional and tested parachute 02 Maketa Vrančićeva mlina za masline A model of Vrančić’s olive mill 03 Maketa Vrančićeva visećeg mosta A model of Vrančić’s chain suspension bridge 02



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01 U eko-muzeju na otvorenome nalazi se pedesetak tradicijskih drvenih plovila koja i danas sudjeluju na regatama The open-air eco-museum houses some fifty traditional wooden vessels that still partake in regattas 02 Unutrašnjost Muzeja betinske drvene brodogradnje The interior of the Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding


na samom početku putovanja kroz povijest građevine. Obogaćen artefaktima iz riznice Šibenske biskupije, uz više od 90 restauriranih umjetnina i ostalih sadržaja, Interpretacijski centar tako je tumač vremena u kojemu je djelovao Juraj Dalmatinac. Sve tri muzejske ustanove poštuju suvremeni likovni postav i multimedijsku tehnologiju, bez čega je danas teško zamisliti


moderan muzej. Makete Vrančićevih izuma mogu se dodirivati, na interaktivnom zaslonu možete gledati kako je izumitelj zamislio prenošenje teških tereta i čitati digitaliziranu verziju njegove Machinae Novae. Kulturološka građa predstavlja se i kroz igru, pa u šibenskom centru klešete svoje ime u kamenu ili gledate kako bi se vaša glava uklopila među čuvenih 74 portreta na pročelju katedrale. Putem zaslona

u Betini sami gradite gajetu ili pohađate neku od radionica u kojima na opipljiv način upoznajete majstorstvo tradicijske drvene brodogradnje. Štoviše, Betina je mjesto na Jadranu gdje još doista možete sagraditi ili popraviti drveni brod. Takav je pristup popularan način da se posjetitelji, osobito mladi i školarci, uvuku u suštinu sadržaja, kao što je priča o ocu hrvatskog inženjerstva. Iako se genijalnošću isticao među najvećim umovima renesanse, šira hrvatska javnost Vrančića uglavnom pamti kao izumitelja prvoga funkcionalnog i testiranog padobrana i po ideji visećeg mosta, ostvarenoj stoljećima kasnije u San Franciscu ili Budimpešti. Jezikoslovcima je dragocjen zbog petojezičnog rječnika najplemenitijih jezika Europe, izdanom 1599., pod kojima uz

latinski, talijanski, njemački i mađarski on podrazumijeva i dalmatinski. Eko-muzej u Betini vraća posjetitelje u svijet kada su majstori u njezinu škveru gradili ono što bismo danas opisali kao ekološki čiste brodice po mjeri čovjeka uz održivo korištenje resursa. Muzej je čuvar znanja o tom tradicijskom umijeću gradnje, umijeću kao obiteljskom blagu čuvanom i prenošenom poput dragocjenih formula s koljena na koljeno. Od svih plovila vezanih u betinskoj lučici o tome posebno svjedoči gajeta Cicibela vlasnika Marina Mijata, od 2017. na popisu pokretnih kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske. Široka trupa i ružičastog jedra u plovnom stanju, gajeta je malo remek-djelo betinskih kalafata (brodograditelja), dovršeno 1931., a brižno restaurirano punih sedam godina tijekom prošloga desetljeća. To je primjer onoga što ojačava poimanje mora kao vitalne komponente europske baštine i naglašava važnost svih aspekata pomorske kulture u svakodnevnom životu regije. U Betini su stoga s razlogom ponosni na europski muzejski Oscar, kako zovu to važno priznanje. U konkurenciji za istu nagradu 2015. godine između 200 kandidata iz 21 zemlje našao se i Memorijalni centar Faust Frančić. Iako kriterij nije veličina nego kvaliteta i značaj za svoju sredinu, on nije mogao nadjačati Rijksmuseum, s najbogatijim fundusom nizozemskog baroka, desetljećem restauratorsko-konzervatorskih zahvata i 370 milijuna utrošenih eura. No domaćini u Glasgowu jednako su isticali važnost amsterdamskog Golijata, kao i značaj prvićkog Davida za svoje sredine, a direktorica Memorijalnog centra Ivana Skočić rado spominje razgovor s ravnateljicom nizozemskog laureata: − Priznala sam joj da smo mi, tako mali s Prvića, preplašeni gledajući muzej s takvim izvorima financiranja. A ona je odgovorila: Preplašena sam ja gledajući što ste vi postigli s vašim malim centrom. A Betini i Prviću uskoro se treba pridružiti susjedni Zlarin. Zahvaljujući također značajnom dijelu sredstava iz europskih fondova, uskoro počinje realizacija projekta muzeja koraljarstva, otvaranje kojega se predviđa do kraja 2021. godine. Šibenik sa susjedima tako zaokružuje priču o onome što čini imidž i identitet Hrvatske.



ibenik is less than 90 kilometres away from Zadar’s airport and 74 kilometres from Split’s reconstructed airport, and passengers arriving at that part of the Adriatic will find Šibenik halfway between the two cities. You’ll get to the Šibenik-Knin County’s seat of government − which has in recent years been enjoying a remarkable cultural boom thanks in part to EU funding − either from the tourist mecca of Split or from the summery buzz of Zadar in no time. With the help of EU funding, Šibenik’s become a pioneer in the restoration of cultural heritage. I remember it as a town that I’d only pass through, a place that a swathe had been cut through by the greyness of heavy industry, from which I couldn’t wait to get to my neighbouring Island of Zlarin in summer. Yet, today, I stop in Šibenik, and with good reason. Šibenik already restored two of its fortresses on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, St. Michael’s and Barone, and is in the process of reconstructing St. John’s Fortress, which will be followed by the restoration of St. Nicholas’s Fortress. But there’s more. Besides great reconstructions carried out on these magnificent buildings, last year, the Civitas Sacra (Holy City in translation) Interpretation Centre of the Cathedral of St. James, dedicated to the rich history of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Šibenik, was opened in the city centre. EU funding also went to two small towns in the county, and so 2012 saw the opening of the Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre on the Island of Prvić, and 2015 the opening of the Betina


01 Suvremeni prikaz gradnje trupa broda A modern display of ship hull construction 02 U Betini su ponosni na europski muzejski Oscar In Betina, they’re proud of the European Museum Oscar

Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding in Betina on the Island of Murter. The Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre pays homage to Croatia’s Da Vinci, so to speak. He was an engineer, a lexicographer, a polyglot, a philosopher and a theologian, a bishop and a diplomat − in a nutshell, a true Renaissance man. On the other hand, Betina’s museum is dedicated to the hundreds of both famous and unknown builders of traditional wooden ships, while the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre testifies to the ingenuity of Croatia’s greatest builder, Juraj Dalmatinac, also known as Giorgio da Sebenico. Betina is a small town on the Island of Murter, and Prvić an islet within easy reach of Šibenik that you can see in a single day on foot. According to census, Betina has


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01 Maketa obnovljene kupole šibenske katedrale oštećene u Domovinskom ratu A model of the dome of Šibenik’s cathedral rebuilt after having been damaged in the Homeland War 02-03 Interpretacijski centar obogaćen je artefaktima iz riznice Šibenske biskupije The Interpretation Centre is enriched with artefacts from the treasury of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Šibenik




a population of barely seven hundred, and Prvić Luka, together with neighbouring Šepurine, as little as 400 in winter. By having changed their vistas and by being open to visitors throughout the year, the opening of these museums provided tailwinds for these two Dalmatian villages which are, in a manner of speaking, deserted in the winter. Setting up both cultural institutions was instigated by their respective local communities. Betina’s museum was the result of initiatives vocalised by the Betinska Gajeta (traditional Dalmatian fishing boat) 1740 Society, the efforts of the locals and the help of volunteers, and so it came


as no surprise when, in 2018, it won the prestigious Silletto Prize awarded by the European Museum Forum under the auspices of the Council of Europe. The story of the Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre was initiated by the Šibenik-born paediatric surgeon and painter Vladimir Lučev, MD, the National Health Society and the Faust Vrančić Agricultural & Tourist Cooperative. It was Vladimir Lučev, MD, himself who made the exhibited models of some of Faust Vrančić’s (also known as Fausto Veranzio) 56 inventions presented in his capital work, the practical manual under the title Machinae Novae (New Machines). The layout of neither museum is what you would call a standard museum layout enclosed by four walls. In addition to being housed in two renovated and now joined buildings, Betina’s eco-museum is extended into the local port, where moored artefacts sway gently in the waves. It’s a collection of some fifty traditional wooden vessels, the largest collection of such vessels on the Adriatic in one place, all fixed-up and furnished with sails and boat equipment. During winter, they’re moored in the port, while in the summer months they come alive, so to speak − they partake in rowing and Lateen sail regattas. With their sails hoisted, dozens of traditional Dalmatian wooden boats called gajetas, leuts and kaićes set sail every July for the Lateen Sails Coral Hunting regatta organised by the Zlarin Yacht Club. Seeing them off from Zlarin’s main seafront filled

to overflowing with people is truly a special experience. The name of the regatta, Lateen Sails Coral Hunting, is reminiscent of the olden days when the people of Zlarin used to go hunting for red gold, which is what they called red coral. Enveloped in vegetation peculiar to the Mediterranean climate, the Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre at Prvić Luka is also extended beyond its new building, which is incorporated very intelligently into typical Dalmatian architecture. The centre’s terraced park showcases life-size models of Vrančić’s most important inventions − Homo Volans or the Flying Man (a model of the first-ever parachute), a chain suspension bridge and an olive mill. Even the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre of the Cathedral of St. James is, in some ways, an open-air museum extension − it’s just a short walk away from the cathedral, inside the renovated Baroque Galbiani Palace on King Tomislav Street. At the Interpretation Centre, you’ll regularly cross paths with organised groups of visitors who − after they’ve admired the great cathedral itself − come to check out how the building of the cathedral had been built, considering that the construction of the cathedral was a true revolution in architecture at the time. The Interpretation Centre also exhibits reminders of the barbaric destruction of the cathedral’s dome in the Homeland War during attacks on Šibenik launched by the Yugoslav People’s Army in September 1991.


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I regularly visit the Cathedral of St. James during my summer vacation, always with the same question in mind − how did its unique harmony of form come about? The people of Šibenik must have had tremendous amounts of energy and must have plucked up great courage to embrace, finance and unwaveringly support the idea of Juraj Dalmatinac and hundreds of stonemasons at a time when the town had a population of about 8000, in relation to which the cathedral must have looked like a spaceship. − The cathedral was built by the residents of Šibenik in great communion and through sacrifice, working together for the common good which always came first − the authors of the exhibition setup point out at the very beginning of the journey through the history of the building. Enriched with artefacts from the treasury of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Šibenik, including over 90 restored works of art and other exhibits, the Civitas Sacra Interpretation Centre of the Cathedral of St. James acts as an interpreter of an era in which Juraj Dalmatinac lived and worked. All three museums adhere to modern-day exhibition setup standards and harness the benefits of multimedia technology, without which it’s difficult to imagine a modern museum today. You can touch and interact with the models of Vrančić’s inventions, watch on a touchscreen the story of how the inventor envisioned the carrying of heavy loads, and read a digitised version of his Machinae Novae. The exhibits are also presented through play, and so at the Interpretation Centre in Šibenik you can carve your name in stone and check how the portrait of your head would fit in with the famous 74 portraits on the facade of the cathedral. In Betina, you get to build a traditional Dalmatian gajeta fishing boat on a touchscreen or can attend one of the workshops where you’re taught the knowhow of traditional wooden shipbuilding in a tangible way. What’s more, Betina is a place on the Adriatic where you can still build or repair a wooden boat. Such approaches have become a popular way of attracting visitors, especially young people and schoolchildren, and a way of engaging their attention and interest in the essence of the material exhibited, such as the story of the father of engineering in Croatia. Although he was one of the greatest minds of the Renaissance thanks


to his ingenuity, Vrančić is best known for his invention of the first-ever functional and tested purpose-built parachute and for his idea for a chain suspension bridge, the first-ever examples of which were built centuries later in San Francisco and Budapest. Linguists also find him fascinating, and this because of his 1599 quintilingual dictionary of Europe’s noblest languages − one of which, he believed, is Dalmatian, besides Latin, Italian, German and Hungarian. Visiting Betina’s eco-museum is like stepping back in time and emerging in a world in which master shipbuilders would, using their resources sustainably, build what we would describe today as eco-friendly boats ideally suited to man. The Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding acts as the keeper of the knowledge and skill of the traditional art of shipbuilding, a family treasure of sorts kept and passed down from father to son over many generations. Entered in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia in 2017, Marin Mijat’s Cicibela gajeta fishing boat moored in the port of Betina is living proof of the above. Built in 1931, it’s a small masterpiece of Betina’s shipbuilders. Boasting a wide beam and a pink sail and in sailable condition, it took seven years to carefully restore. Betina’s museum gives us a greater understanding of the sea as a vital component of Europe’s heritage, emphasising the importance of all aspects of maritime culture in the everyday life of the region. In Betina, they are proud − with good reason − of the European Museum Oscar, which is what the important award their

museum received is colloquially often referred to. In 2015, the Faust Vrančić Memorial Centre was competing for the EMYA award with 200 museums from 21 countries. Although the criterion for the award is not the size of the museum, but its quality and significance for its community, the memorial centre couldn’t outstrip the Rijksmuseum and its Baroque art holdings, the richest in the Netherlands, a decade of restoration and conservation works, and EUR 370 million invested in it. The hosts in Glasgow, nonetheless, placed equal emphasis on the importance of Amsterdam’s Goliath and the significance of Prvić’s David for their respective communities, with the memorial centre’s director, Ivana Skočić, happy to recount her conversation with the director of the Dutch laureate: − I confessed to her that we were, being so small and coming from Prvić, overawed by her museum having such funding sources. And she replied: I’m overawed by what you’ve achieved with your small centre. Betina and Prvić are about to be joined by their neighbouring Island of Zlarin. Thanks also to extensive EU funding, Zlarin is soon to embark on the project of setting up its Coral Museum, whose opening is planned for the end of 2021. Šibenik and its neighbours are, it seems, wrapping up the story of what it is that constitutes the image and identity of Croatia.

Fausta Vrančića nazivaju ocem hrvatskog inženjerstva Faust Vrančić is referred to as the father of engineering in Croatia

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Piše/By _ Vesna Meštrić Fotografije/Photos _ Šime Lugarov

Zagrebačka škola crtanog filma nastala je u okrilju Zagreb filma, pod čijim su krovom nastali mnogi višestruko nagrađivani crtani filmovi koji su promijenili povijest svjetske animacije. Kakva je sadašnjost ali i budućnost naše animacije? Izdvojili smo nekoliko autora čiji prepoznatljiv individualni rukopis potvrđuje kako u animaciji ne postoje granice. The Zagreb School of Animated Film emerged under the umbrella of Zagreb Film, in whose studio many multi-award winning animated films were created that changed the history of world animation. What does the present and the future of Croatian animation look like? We’ve singled out several authors whose distinctive individual style of animation confirms that in animation the sky’s the limit. 01-02 Precizni pokreti rukom Dee Jagić i Marka Meštrovića Dea Jagić and Marko Meštrović’s detailed drawing


Radni stol Dee Jagić Dea Jagić’s workstation


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01 Kadar iz animiranog filma Motivi Danijela Žeželja A frame from Danijel Žeželj’s Themes animated film 02 Kadar iz animiranog filma Posljednji izazov Božidara Trkulje A frame from Božidar Trkulja’s The Last Quest animated film 02


z nekog razloga u Zagrebu će uvijek biti dobre animacije, riječi su Ralpha Bakshija, redatelja i animatora, ikone antidiznijevske struje, čije stvaralaštvo možemo s lakoćom opisati nizom superlativa jer je riječ o autoru kojeg se sjećamo po sjajnim animiranim filmovima poput Fritz the Cat iz 1972., Gospodara prstenova iz 1978., American Pop iz 1981. i serijalu Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures. Nakon zlatnih vremena Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma, koja je nastala u okrilju Zagreb filma, pod čijim su krovom nastali mnogi višestruko nagrađivani crtani filmovi koji su promijenili povijest svjetske animacije, otvara se pitanje kakva je sadašnjost ali i budućnost naše animacije? Danas uz Zagreb film postoji niz poduzeća kao što su Kreativni sindikat, Bonobostudio, Studio Pangolin i drugi stvaratelji koji su žarišta animacije i okupljaju autore podupirući složen i dugotrajan proces stvaranja animiranog filma. S pravom možemo konstatirati kako i danas u Zagrebu ima dobre animacije koja je uzbudljiva, provokativna, kritična, eksperimentalna, kreativna i inovativna.


Suvremena autorska ostvarenja i danas su jedinstvena, a riječ je o filmovima koji imaju specifičan unutarnji rukopis svojstven tradiciji zagrebačke animacije. Izložba u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti Od imaginacije do animacije: šest desetljeća Zagreb filma aktualizirala je temu animacije i prikazala njezin povijesni razvoj tijekom druge polovice 20. stoljeća. U završnom je dijelu izložbe predstavljena nova generacija autora čiji su animirani filmovi nastali u produkciji Zagreb filma, a među kojima su Nicole Hewitt, Dušan Gačić, Daniel Šuljić, Marko Tadić, Dea Jagić, Marko Meštrović, Vladislav Knežević, Irena Jukić Pranjić, Darko Bakliža, Livio Rajh, Danijel Žeželj, Božidar Trkulja i mnogi drugi. Ovom nizu sjajnih animatora dodat ćemo i Dinka Kumanovića, autora filmova Ješka i Slatki snovi, koji je ujedno i autor stripova za djecu na letovima Croatia Airlinesa te Supija, zaštitnog znaka dječjeg programa Croatia Airlinesa. Izdvojili smo nekoliko autora čiji prepoznatljiv individualni rukopis potvrđuje kako u animaciji ne postoje granice.

or some reason, there’ll always be excellent animation in Zagreb. This is what director, animator and an icon of the anti-Disney Animated Canon, Ralph Bakshi, believes. His creativity can easily be described by a series of superlatives − he’s remembered as the author of brilliant animated films, such as Fritz the Cat from 1972, The Lord of the Rings from 1978, The American Pop from 1981, and the Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures animated television series. After the golden age of the Zagreb School of Animated Film − which emerged under the umbrella of Zagreb Film, in whose studio many multi-award winning animated films were created that changed the history of world animation − the question is what the present and the future of Croatian animation look like. Today, there are a number of animation studios besides Zagreb Film, such as Kreativni Sindikat, Bonobostudio, Studio Pangolin and others, all animation hotspots that have been bringing animators together and supporting the complex and time-consuming process of making animated films. We can rightly claim that Zagreb’s been home to high quality, exciting, provocative, critical, experimental, creative and innovative animation. Created using a specific and highly peculiar style typical of the tradition of the Zagreb School of Animated Film, today’s films continue to be original. The From Imagination to Animation: The Six Decades of Zagreb Film exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art centres on animation and presents its historical development during the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition also introduces a new generation of authors whose animated films have been produced by Zagreb Film, including Nicole Hewitt, Dušan Gačić, Daniel Šuljić, Marko Tadić, Dea Jagić, Marko Meštrović, Vladislav Knežević, Irena Jukić Pranjić, Darko Bakliža, Livio Rajh, Danijel Žeželj, Božidar Trkulja and many others. We’ll expand this list of great animators with the name of Dinko Kumanović, author of animated films Ješka (Bait) and Slatki Snovi (Sweet Dreams), of children’s comic books aboard Croatia Airlines aircraft, and of Supi, the mascot of Croatia Airlines’ children’s programme. We’ve singled out several authors whose distinctive individual style of animation confirms that in animation the sky’s the limit.


Vizualni umjetnik Marko Tadić završio je Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Firenci, a danas predaje na zagrebačkoj Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti te na Accademia di Belle Arti u Milanu. Njegovi radovi često povezuju različite medije − slikarstvo, kolaž, fotografiju i crtež − koje spaja u pokrenutu sliku tehnikom stop animacije. Realizirao je osam animiranih filmova među kojima i film Pokretni elementi, hommage zlatnome dobu Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma u kojem Tadić primjenjuje vizualni jezik šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina. Film, u kojem je glavni lik automobil, tematizira kreativne procese koji dovode do stvaranja umjetničkih djela.

z nekog razloga u Zagrebu će uvijek biti dobre animacije, riječi su Ralpha Bakshija, redatelja i animatora, ikone antidiznijevske struje, čije stvaralaštvo možemo s lakoćom opisati nizom superlativa jer je riječ o autoru kojeg se sjećamo po sjajnim animiranim filmovima poput Fritz the Cat iz 1972., Gospodara prstenova iz 1978., American Pop iz 1981. i serijalu Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures. Nakon zlatnih vremena Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma, koja je nastala u okrilju Zagreb filma, pod čijim su krovom nastali mnogi višestruko nagrađivani crtani filmovi koji su promijenili povijest svjetske animacije, otvara se pitanje kakva je sadašnjost ali i budućnost naše animacije? Danas uz Zagreb film postoji niz poduzeća kao što su Kreativni sindikat, Bonobostudio, Studio Pangolin i drugi stvaratelji koji su žarišta animacije i okupljaju autore podupirući složen i dugotrajan proces stvaranja animiranog filma. S pravom možemo konstatirati kako i danas u Zagrebu ima dobre animacije koja je uzbudljiva, provokativna, kritična,

Visual artist Marko Tadić graduated from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts and today teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and at the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. In his work, he often uses different mediums − painting, collage, photography and drawing − blending them together to create moving pictures using stop-motion animation. He authored eight animated films, including Pokretni Elementi (Moving Elements), with which he pays homage to the golden age of the Zagreb School of Animated Film by using the visual language of the 1960s and the 1970s. Pokretni Elementi, whose main character is a car, tackles the topic of creative processes that lead to the creation of works of art.



01 Radna atmosfera u studiju Marka Tadića Marko Tadić working in his studio 02 Kadar iz animiranog filma Pokretni elementi Marka Tadića A frame from Marko Tadić’s Moving Elements animated film 03 Kadar iz animiranog filma Until a Breath of Air Marka Tadića A frame from Marko Tadić’s Until A Breath Of Air animated film 02


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Marko Meštrović diplomirao je na zagrebačkoj Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u klasi prof. Đure Sedera. Privučen animacijom realizirao je u suradnji s Davorom Međurečanom dva animimirana filma − Ciganjska (2004.) i Silencium (2006.) − a 2008. snimio je svoj prvi samostalni animirani film Note. Kratkometražni animirani film Zašto slonovi? (2012.) nastao u produkciji Kreativnog sindikata i Zagreb filma, a riječ je o zanimljivoj, asocijativnoj priči koja, oblikovana u tradiciji stripa, pokušava dati odgovore na to imamo li odgovore na važna pitanja. Marko Meštrović graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in the class of Prof. Đuro Seder. Having been drawn to animation, he produced two animated films in collaboration with Davor Međurečan − Ciganjska (Gypsy Song, 2004) and Silencium (Silence, 2006) − and in 2008 he authored his first animated film on his own under the title Note (Tones). His Zašto Slonovi? (Why Elephants?, 2012) short animated film was coproduced by Kreativni Sindikat and Zagreb Film, and tells a fascinating associative story that − animated in the tradition of comic books − tries to answer the question whether we have answers to important questions.

01-03 Marko Meštrović u svojem studiju Marko Meštrović at his studio 01




01 Ideje i skice Marka Meštrovića za buduće animirane filmove Marko Meštrović’s ideas and sketches for upcoming animated films 02 Kadar iz budućeg animiranog filma Splav Marka Meštrovića A frame from Raft, Marko Meštrović’s upcoming animated film 03-04 Kadar iz animiranog filma Levitacija Marka Meštrovića A frame from Levitation, Marko Meštrović’s animated film






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Mlada autorica Dea Jagić diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, smjer animacije i novih medija. U tradiciji lutkarskog filma 2015. realizirala je svoj prvi autorski film Probudi me o dječaku koji odlazi u potragu za svojim psom i domom. Prošlost raste drugi je autorski film ove zanimljive autorice, u kojem prikazuje putovanje glavnog lika i njegova vodiča, crvenu lisicu, kroz nadrealne prostorije koje simboliziraju njegov život. Dea Jagić surađivala je na animiranom filmu Daniela Šuljića Ispod kojeg li su samo kamena ispuzali rađenog u tehnici kave na staklu. Young animator Dea Jagić graduated in animation and new media from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. In the tradition of puppet animation, in 2015 she made her first animated film Probudi Me (Wake Me Up) about a boy who goes in search of his dog and home. Prošlost Raste (The Past Is Growing) is this interesting animator’s second film, which depicts the journey of the main character and her guide, a red fox, through surreal spaces that symbolise her life. Dea Jagić also collaborated on Daniel Šuljić’s Ispod Kojeg Li Su Samo Kamena Ispuzali (From Under Which Rock Did They Crawl Out) animated film, done using coffee-grind-on-glass animation. 01 Dea Jagić u svojem studiju s rekvizitom iz animiranog filma Prošlost raste Dea Jagić at her studio holding a prop from her The Past Is Growing animated film 02-04 Detalji i radna atmosfera u studiju Dee Jagić Dea Jagić working in her studio and details in it 01





Noćni prizor Crnog dijamanta, Kraljevske knjižnice A night view of the Black Diamond, the Royal Danish Library




01-04 Kadrovi iz animiranog filma Prošlost raste Dee Jagić Frames from Dea Jagić’s The Past Is Growing animated film



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Redatelj i animator Daniel Šuljić studirao je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu i animaciju na Akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti u Beču u klasi C. L. Atterseea. Od 2018. docent je na Odsjeku za animirani film i nove medije na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, a tada je postao i ambasador europskih nagrada za animaciju (European Animation Awards) u Hrvatskoj. Daniel Šuljić umjetnički je ravnatelj vodećeg svjetskog festivala animiranog filma Animafesta, koji se u Zagrebu održava svake godine u lipnju. Njegovi filmovi upečatljivog su stiliziranog crteža, često rađeni u slikarskoj tehnici ulja ili kave na staklu, kojom se odmiče od tradicionalne cel animacije. Višestruko nagrađivani filmovi Kolač, Film s djevojčicom i Stakleni čovjek prepoznatljivog autorskog rukopisa posvećeni su temama iz suvremenog života. Director and animator Daniel Šuljić studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and animation at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in the class of C. L. Attersee. He’s been Assistant Professor at the Department of Animated Film and New Media of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb

01-02 Daniel Šuljić pokazuje tehniku animiranja kavom Daniel Šuljić doing coffee-grind-on-glass animation 03 Daniel Šuljić u uredu Svjetskog festivala animiranog filma Animafest Daniel Šuljić at the office of the World Festival of Animated Film − Animafest

since 2018, the year when he became a European Animation Awards ambassador in Croatia. Daniel Šuljić is the artistic director of the leading World Festival of Animated Film − Animafest held in Zagreb annually in June. Moving away from traditional cel animation, the distinctive feature of his animated films is his strikingly stylised style of drawing which he often does in paint-on-glass or coffee-grind-on-glass animation. His multi-award winning films Kolač (The Cake), Film s Djevojčicom (A Film With A Girl) and Stakleni Čovjek (Transparency), which he animated using his recognisable style of animation, are all dedicated to topics from contemporary life.






01 Kadar iz animiranog filma Kolač Daniela Šuljića A frame from Daniel Šuljić’s The Cake animated film 02 Kadar iz animiranog filma Ispod kojeg li su samo kamena ispuzali Daniela Šuljića A frame from Daniel Šuljić’s From Under Which Rock Did They Crawl Out animated film 03 Kadar iz animiranog filma Stakleni čovjek Daniela Šuljića A frame from Daniel Šuljić’s Transparency animated film 02



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Vladislav Knežević studirao je režiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu i na Vrije Academie u Den Haagu. U svojem radu bavi se eksperimentalnim filmom, videom i zvukom, animacijom, a njegov recentni rad Colonello Futurista uzbudljiv je film posvećen povijesti fortifikacijskog sustava u Puli u kojem je autor stvorio priču o letu talijanskog špijunskog balona iznad austrougarske obrambene zone i promjeni karaktera časnika kojemu je povjerena tajna misija. Vladislav Knežević studied directing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb and at the Free Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. He works in the fields of experimental film, video, sound and animation. His latest work, Colonello Futurista (Futurist Colonel), is an exciting film dedicated to the history of fortification in Pula, whose story is about an Italian spy balloon flying over Pula’s Austro-Hungarian defence zone and the change of character of the officer entrusted with the secret mission.


01 Vladislav Knežević pokazuje filmsku traku jednog od svojih animiranih filmova Vladislav Knežević showing the filmstrip of one of his animated films 02 Plakat animiranog filma Colonello Futurista Vladislava Kneževića The poster of Vladislav Knežević’s Futurist Colonel animated film





03-06 Kadrovi iz animiranog filma Colonello Futurista Vladislava Kneževića Frames from Vladislav Knežević’s Futurist Colonel animated film

Sa sigurnošću možemo reći da recentna produkcija animiranih filmova potvrđuje kako suvremeni hrvatski animirani film ima itekako sjajnu budućnost jer je riječ o izvrsnim radovima u likovnom, sadržajnom i animacijskom pogledu. We can claim with certainty that the recent production of animated films in Croatia confirms that the future of contemporary Croatian animation indeed looks bright, given that the films produced are excellent in terms of their visual language, content and animation. 02



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a country of positive energy and healthy lifestyle

Jadro, the best potable water of the Roman Empire according to the words of the Xth-century emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus.

Do you know that in 1889, Opatija was pronounced the official treatment centre of the AustroHungarian Monarchy because of its mild climate and health-related benefits of the air and seawater there? Another place where climate and air have healing properties is the island of Lošinj, where people often come to treat respiratory and rheumatic diseases. This is why it is called the Croatian “Island of Vitality”. Dalmatia abounds in healing mud pools that stretch from the area of the historical city of Nin, and even has an ancient spa palace; namely, the Roman emperor Diocletian, who suffered from chronic rheumatism, had built a palace in an area rich in sulphur water sourcesn and healing mud on the territory of today’s Split. In addition, he had built an aqueduct that supplied the palace with the water from the source of the river

In the immediate vicinity of Zagreb there is a unique area with fields of naftalan oil and healing muds that are used in the treatment of skin diseases, including psoriasis. Do you know that for a little more than a century the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb has continually educated and trained Croatian physicians and that its former dean Dr. Andrija Štampar is one of the founders of the World Health Organisation? Today, Zagreb is proud to be the home to many renowned experts specialising in cardiology, organ transplantation, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, artificial insemination, aesthetic surgery, dermatology, stomatology and many other areas of medical expertise.

Ancient Romans used therapeutic thermal waters and healing muds for the treatment of their legionaries and emperors. Thus, it is not a surprise that the two Roman baths Aquae Iasae and Aquae Balissae located in the Croatian towns of Varaždinske Toplice and Daruvar, served as a basis for the construction of two modern fully-equipped rehabilitation centres for the world’s leading athletes. Besides a picturesque landscape, the near-by region of Hrvatsko Zagorje offers top medical services provided by experts specialising in cardiology, cardiosurgery and orthopaedics, as well as thermal-water based rehabilitation and a myriad of new wellness facilities and water parks. The region of Slavonia has also recently boosted its “anti-stress” offer by investing in the Thermal Spa Bizovac, where people can enjoy springs of thermal-mineral water that is three times saltier than seawater and has a beneficial effect on the musculosceletal system.

Oral medicine services are often the reason why many thousands of foreigners visit Istria, a popular tourist destination and Croatian

Full of well-being | HEALTH TOURISM IN CROATIA


All of this makes Croatia a country filled with a distinctive positive energy and dominated by a healthy lifestyle. Every visitor can feel the beneficial effect of its natural aromatherapy by walking along the paths planted with medicinal herbs, most frequently lavender and rosemary, or by simply standing under a cypress tree and breathing in the soothing combination of Mediterranean vegetation, unbelievably clean air and mild climate. Swimming, sailing, hiking, walking, running, riding a bicycle are only some of many activities to choose from when visiting Croatia’s sea, coast, forests or its areas of unspoiled nature. But Croatia also hides opportunities for spiritual and mental relaxation offered by its many springs of thermal water, the quality of which is ranking at the very top on the EU level. Thanks to a centuries-old tradition of medical excellence, there is also a possibility of treatment of more complex health problems. Simply put, Croatia is a unique oasis of a healthy lifestyle, where not only life, air and food are healthy but where you can also have a good night’s sleep.


You probably already know a lot about Croatia, a country of unique beauty, temperate climate and rich history, that offers a variety of delicious and healthy food and intriguing medal-winning wines. Many have been charmed by the enchanting combination of its deep blue sea with a myriad of islands and the green mainland interspersed with remains of ancient and medieval walls, castles and manor houses, symbols of different civilizations and cultures.

region that is renowned for its rich gastronomic offer, numerous wine roads, its thermal spa and a rich offer of medical and wellness treatments. Even though Istria, the Kvarner Bay and Zagreb are already well-established medical tourism destinations that count thousands of guests mostly from Italy, Germany, Slovenia and Austria a year, more and more tourists who come to visit Dalmatia and other parts of Croatia are also led by a wish to preserve their health and to receive different types of medical treatment. But regardless of the part of Croatia you choose to visit, our welcoming hosts will make sure that your stay in our country turns into an unforgettable experience!

discover your story at croatia.hr CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020

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Izdvojili smo deset zanimljivosti u našim odredištima koje vam želimo preporučiti u proljetnom razdoblju We’ve singled out ten highlights that we’re recommending in the spring period

Amsterdam ∑ EYE Filmmuseum naročito je popularan u proljeće jer veliko ulazno stubište služi i kao klupe za jelo na otvorenome, sunčalište, mjesto za sastanke. Tu se može razgledati filmski muzej, pogledati film u kinoteci te otići u odličan restoran ili kavanu. Amsterdam ∑ The EYE Film Museum is particularly popular in the spring − its spacious entrance stairway is where many people come to have their lunch out in the open, to enjoy the sun, and meet people. Besides being a museum dedicated to film, it also boasts a movie theatre, a great restaurant and a cafe.

Odabrala/Selection _ Nada Mirković Ilustracije/Illustrations _ Dinko Kumanović

London ∑ The National Gallery kupio je nedavno predivni autoportret talijanske slikarice iz 17. stoljeća koji se slučajno pojavio na tržištu umjetnina. Potaknuti tom akvizicijom u travnju otvaraju veliku retrospektivnu izložbu Artemisia. Protofeministička slikarica dokazala je zarana da i žene mogu slikati jednako dobro kao muškarci. London ∑ The National Gallery has recently purchased a beautiful self-portrait of a 17th-century Italian woman painter which appeared on the art market by accident. Prompted by this acquisition, the National Gallery’s opening a major retrospective exhibition called Artemisia in April. This proto-feminist painter proved that women can paint as well as men.

Pariz ∑ Izložba neovisnog modnog majstora Christiana Louboutina: L'Exhibition[niste] otvara nam prozor u svijet ne samo umjetničkih vizija ovog pjesnika štikli koji je radio i s Disneyjem i s Davidom Lynchom nego je i prilika da posjetimo Palais de la Porte Dorée. Paris ∑ The Christian Louboutin: L’Exhibition[niste] exhibition not only discovers this independent fashion wizard’s world of artistic visions of the heel who worked with Disney and David Lynch, but is also an opportunity to visit Palais de la Porte Dorée.

05 Lisbon

Lisabon ∑ Drevna tržnica u gradskoj luci prije nekoliko je godina pretvorena u gurmansko središte grada, Time Out Market Lisboa, s više od trideset restorančića koji na jednome mjestu nude najrazličitije lokalne specijalitete koje spravljaju najbolji chefovi ovoga grada. Lisbon ∑ The old market in the city harbour was transformed several years ago into Lisbon’s gourmet hotspot, Time Out Market Lisboa, with more than thirty small restaurants offering different local specialities by Lisbon’s top chefs, all in one place.

London 02

Paris 03

Amsterdam 01

Dusseldorf 04

Düsseldorf ∑ Najnovija linija podzemne željeznice Wehrhahn u 15 godina suradnje arhitekata, umjetnika, građevinara i gradske uprave pretvorena je u galeriju suvremene umjetnosti (što je grad bio spreman platiti gotovo milijardu eura). Düsseldorf ∑ Having cost the city nearly € 1 billion, Wehrhahn, Düsseldorf’s latest metro line, has been transformed into a gallery of contemporary art, which is the result of 15 years of collaboration between architects, artists, builders and city government officials.

St. Petersburg 07 Berlin ∑ U samoj blizini zamke za turiste, graničnoga prijelaza Checkpoint Charlie, nalazi se bizarna znamenitost, aluzija na nedavni rat između urednika tabloida Bild, koji je tužio urednika novina Die Tageszeitung zbog teksta. Bizarni reljef Petera Lenka nalazi se na zgradi Die Tageszeitunga. Berlin ∑ There’s a bizarre landmark in the immediate vicinity of a Berlin tourist trap, the Checkpoint Charlie border crossing − namely, an allusion to a recent war of sorts waged by the editor of the tabloid Bild, who sued the editor of Die Tageszeitung daily over a text. Peter Lenko’s bizarre relief is on the facade of Die Tageszeitung’s offices. Sankt-Peterburg ∑ U restoranu 140 godina staroga Belmond Grand Hotela Europe na Nevskom prospektu svaki petak komorni orkestar svira Čajkovskoga, a baletni duo izvodi Bijeli Adagio iz Labuđeg jezera. To je izvanredan kratki izlet u carsku Rusiju. Saint Petersburg ∑ At the restaurant of the 140-year-old Belmond Grand Hotel Europe on Nevsky Avenue, each Friday Tchaikovsky is played by a chamber orchestra and the White Adagio from Swan Lake performed by a ballet dance duo. This is an extraordinary short journey to imperial Russia.

06 Berlin

Podgorica ∑ Iz odlično uređenoga Kraljevog parka pješaci se mogu spustiti do rijetkog bisera, ušća dviju rijeka usred grada, male Ribnice i velike Morače. Tu se nalazi Stari most, vjerojatno izvorno izgrađen još u antičko doba, no temeljito obnovljen pod Turcima u 18. stoljeću. Ispod njega je romantična šetnica na Skalinama uz rijeku kao iz nekog davno prošlog vremena. Podgorica ∑ From the well-kept King’s Park, pedestrians can walk down to a rare attraction, the mouths of two rivers in the city centre, the small Ribnica and the big Morača. This is where the Old Bridge is, most probably built in ancient times, and completely renovated under the Turks in the 18th century. Below the bridge stretches the Skaline (stairs in translation) romantic promenade along the river, a locality from times long gone.

Podgorica 08

Athens 10

Sofija ∑ U bugarskome glavnom gradu jedan od najvažnijih izložbenih prostora zove se Swimming Pool Art Space. Naročito je popularan prazni bazen na krovu, gdje se održavaju najbolji umjetnički partyji u gradu. Sofia ∑ The Swimming Pool Art Space is one of the most important exhibition spaces in Bulgaria’s capital. It also boasts a popular outdoor rooftop swimming pool, where the best arty parties are held in the city.

09 Sofia Atena − Ovaj grad nije samo za ljubitelje antike, on je i idealna proljetna destinacija za šetače i zaljubljenike u prirodu. Usred grada uzdiže se nekoliko prirodnih brda idealnih za jednodnevna upoznavanja, poput najpoznatijeg brda Akropole, na kojemu je Partenon, ali i Brda nimfi ili Brda muza te otmjenog Likabetusa. Athens − Athens isn’t meant for lovers of antiquity alone. It’s also an ideal spring destination for those who love walking and nature. Perfect for one-day explorations, several natural hills rise in the middle of the city, such as the most famous Acropolis where the Parthenon is, the Hill of the Nymphs, the Hill of the Muses and trendy Mount Lycabettus.



Piše/By _ Davorka Vukov Colić Fotografije/Photos _ Saša Pjanić


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Sofija je još uvijek grad vidljiva sučeljavanja staroga i novoga, ulaštenoga i manje uređenoga, intelektualnoga i ekonomskog procvata i padova, s poviješću koju su prožimali ratovi, krize i diktature, a danas se diči demokracijom i slobodnim tržištem. Koliko su Bugarska i Sofija željno očekivale članstvo u Europskoj uniji najbolje je pokazivao golemi zaslon na jednom od trgova s odbrojavanjem posljednjih 365 dana do ulaska u europsku obitelj. Sofia is still a city of visible polarities between the old and the new, the polished and the neglected, between intellectual and economic booms and busts, a city whose history is riddled with wars, crises and dictatorships. Yet, today it boasts democracy and a free market. Just how eagerly Bulgaria and Sofia awaited EU membership is best evidenced by a giant screen having been mounted at one of Sofia’s squares counting down the days until it became a member of the European family − 365 days, to be precise. 02

01 Hram svetog Aleksandra Nevskog, patrijaršijska katedrala Bugarske Pravoslavne Crkve, početak 20. st. The Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky, a memorial temple dedicated to a patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, early 20th c. 02 Crkva sv. Sofije iz 4. st., druga po starosti crkva bugarske metropole The Church of St. Sophia from the 4th c., the second oldest church in Bulgaria’s capita 03 Golemi kip Lenjina u parku Muzeja socijalističke umjetnosti A giant statue of Lenin in the park of the Museum of Socialist Art 03


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ako iz Zagreba do Sofije? To sam saznala prije desetak godina, prateći supruga na njegovoj službenoj dužnosti u bugarskoj metropoli. Tih 780 kilometara putovali bismo automobilom preko Slavonskog Broda do Beograda, Paraćina i Niša, pa kroz divlju Sićevačku klisuru s trinaest tunela, kao u pustolovinama Karla Maya. Zatim do Pirota i Dimitrovgrada, a posljednjih pedesetak kilometara nakon granice Srbije s EU-om probijali bismo se kroz sivi krajobraz napuštenih tvornica i razrušenih dimnjaka. Druga mogućnost bila je drndanje dvanaest sati autobusom, treća opcija zrakoplovom do Skopja, a iz Skopja tri i pol sata automobilom do cilja. Tako je to bilo sve do otvaranja nove izravne zračne linije Croatia Airlinesa...

Ali nakon te pustolovine stižete doista u ono što nazivamo velegradom, čiji grb nosi znakovit natpis Raste, a ne stari jer u tome doista ima istine. Iako nema istaknutu šumicu nebodera poput nekih EU metropola, velegradsko se ozračje u Sofiji osjeća u neprobojnim gužvama na širokim bulevarima, uskim uličicama u strogom središtu grada i kroničnom nedostatku parkirališta. Sofija broji milijun i pol stanovnika, ali tijekom radnoga dana, kada se slije rijeka zaposlenika iz dalekih predgrađa i okolnih mjesta, grad naraste na više od dva milijuna. To je staro sjecište trgovačkih putova, gdje su dubrovački trgovci u tursko vrijeme čak imali svoju ulicu. Oni su jedini bili dovoljno lukavi da s Osmanlijama sklope sporazum o isključivoj trgovini u Bugar-

01 Crkva sv. Georgija iz 4. st., poznatija kao Rotonda, najstarija je crkva u Sofiji The Church of St. George from the 4th c., also known as the Rotunda, the oldest church in Sofia 02 Svakodnevna predvečernja promenada na bulevaru Vitoša, najpoznatijoj šetnici grada An everyday evening promenade on Vitosha Boulevard, Sofia’s most famous promenade 01



skoj, što je značilo da nisu samo uvozili venecijansko staklo, nego su Bugarima zapravo bili jedina spona s ostatkom Europe. Grad se u početku zvao Serdika prema tračanskom plemenu Serdi, bizantski car Justinijan preimenovao ga je u Triadicu, Bugari u Sredec, a kasnije u Sofiju. Od Grka, Rimljana i Bizantinaca, do Otomana i sovjetskoga komunističkog režima, svatko je ostavio materijalni trag. Tako ćete na istome mjestu naći kršćansku rotondu sv. Georgija opkoljenu ostacima uličica i trgova stare Serdike, a sve to opasano je golemom zgradom u obliku četverokuta tipičnoga socijali-

stičkog klasicističkog stila s početka pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća u kojoj sustanarstvo dijele predsjednička palača, ministarstvo obrazovanja i Sofia Hotel Balkan, najluksuzniji hotel u Bugarskoj. Arheolozi stoga Sofiju duhovito opisuju kao četrnaest metara kulture jer gdje god zabili lopatu, nailazite na različite slojeve ostataka prošlih carstava. Kada je 2004. počela gradnja hotela Arena di Serdica u središtu grada, otkriveni su ostatci rimskog amfiteatra iz 3. stoljeća, zbog čega su radovi na neko vrijeme morali stati da arhitekti prilagode suvremeni dizajn rimskom nalazištu. U Areni di Serdici

sada možete elegantno večerati poširani losos i ispijati tipično bugarsko crno vino mavrud s pogledom na antičke zidove. Koju godinu kasnije iz istog su razloga bili usporeni radovi na produžetku podzemne željeznice jer su građevinari ponovno lupili lopatom u antičke ostatke i pozvali u pomoć arheologe. Dugo smo morali obilaziti tu golemu rupu punu zaustavljenih strojeva i konzervatorskih stručnjaka, dok postaja Serdika 2 na 20 metara ispod zahuktaloga grada konačno nije pretvorena u podzemni muzejski prostor i u takvom obliku stavljena u promet.


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Iako pet stoljeća pod otomanskom vlasti, ovdje ćete jedva naći vidljive tragove turske nazočnosti. Nekadašnjoj glavnoj Bujuk-džamiji nasuprot Predsjedničkoj palači skinut je minaret i pretvorena je u Arheološki muzej, čije se elegantno prizemlje često iznajmljuje za diplomatske prijeme i slične svečane prigode. Bivša rezidencija socijalističke vlade na Bojani pretvorena je u Nacionalni arheološki muzej s fantastičnom zbirkom tračanskoga zlata. U jednom dijelu zgrade nekadašnjega sjedišta Komunističke partije nasuprot Predsjedničkoj palači i hotelu Serdica danas je smještena Vlada, a drugi je zauzela robna kuća Cum (Centralni magazin) s ekskluzivnim trgovinama, gdje možete kupiti Chanelov parfem i kaput Calvina Kleina. Nakon oslobođenja zemlje od Turaka 1878. i proglašenja Sofije glavnim gradom Kneževine Bugarske, grad se munjevito redizajnirao, ali nema staru jezgru s tradicijskom arhitekturom poput drugoga po veličini bugarskoga grada Plovdiva. Privatne, kulturne, administrativne i poslovne zgrade građene su po zadnjoj europskoj modi. Među njima iskače velebni hram-spomenik, katedrala svetog Aleksandra Nevskog, patrijaršijski hram

01 Na Trgu nezavisnosti kod ulaza u podzemnu željeznicu izviruje mala srednjovjekovna crkva svete Petke The small medieval Church of St. Petka at the entrance to the subway station at the Independence Square 02 Narodna palača kulture jedna je od mnogih monumentalnih građevina bugarske metropole The National Palace of Culture is one of the many monumental buildings of Bulgaria’s capital



Bugarske Pravoslavne Crkve s jedinstvenim muzejem ikona. Oko njega je uvijek živahno, ne samo zbog posjetitelja hrama nego i zbog ljubitelja starina koji na štandovima prevrću stare fotoaparate, porculan, pribor za pušenje duhana, svjetiljke, a uz malo sreće možete jeftino kupiti ruski srebrni pribor za jelo, dok se socijalističko ordenje i ruske šubare, početkom devedesetih najtraženija roba, mogu naći tek na pokojemu mjestu. Sofija je još uvijek puna vidljivoga sučeljavanja zapuštenoga i ulaštenoga. Dok u centru nailazite na sjajne primjere suvremene arhitekture, periferija je puna oronulih stambenih nebodera panelki, a na nekim pročeljima još uvijek vise snopovi starih električnih žica. Na cestama susrećete prastare tramvaje i najnovije tipove mercedesa. Još uvijek možete naići na trgovinice osnovnih potrepština smještene u podrumima te morate kleknuti da vam prodavač doda robu kroz podrumsko okno. No u talijanskoj delikatesnoj radnji zato imate izbor pašte i vina bogat kao u Trstu ili Milanu, a bonkulovići u zatvorenoj tržnici Halite mogu uživati u španjolskom pršutu i stotini vrsta maslina. Koliko su Bugarska i Sofija željno očekivale članstvo u Europskoj uniji 2007.

godine najbolje je pokazivao golemi zaslon na jednom od trgova s odbrojavanjem posljednjih 365 dana do ulaska u europsku obitelj. Već prije toga, a naročito poslije ulaska, u grad su došle strane investicije i tvrtke, čak i bolnica Tokuda japanskog vlasnika s najvišim svjetskim standardima i najsuvremenijom medicinskom opremom, kao ogledan primjer za ostatak istočnog dijela Europe. Stigli su francuski trgovački i drugi lanci, a avenija Vitoša ispunila se elegantnim trgovinama sa svjetskim markama. Pretvorena u sofijsku Petu aveniju, ta široka gradska žila kucavica s pogledom na planinu po kojoj je dobila naziv pretvorena je u živu pješačku zonu s kafićima i restorančićima na otvorenome. No prava kulinarska Sofija živi u sporednim ulicama. Kao u ostalim velikim gradovima, tu se nude sve vrste kuhinja, od indijske, kineske i japanske, do talijanske, ruske i francuske. Ni u Sofiji bugarsku trpezu u nacionalnim restoranima ne možete zamisliti bez šopske salate i skare (roštilja), ali ni bez pečene janjetine s rižom uz diskretan dodatak janjećih iznutrica kao prilogom. Servirana bez kostiju i s domaćim začinima jednostavno se topi u ustima. Tajna je možda u čubrici, nazvala bih je bugarskim origanom, specifične arome, kojom se ovdje začinja većina jela i suhomesnatih proizvoda. Njihov domaći sladoled može se mjeriti s Häagen-Dazsom, a slastičarnice podsjećaju na bečke, gdje se uz slastice i kavu u nekima također nudi prigodan izbor slanih jela. U gradu možete nabasati i na popularne ugostiteljske objekte u kojima vas uz kavu, iće i piće nude i − knjigama. Čak i vegani imaju svoj restoran-čitaonicu. U zemlji u kojoj se neradnim praznikom 24. svibnja slavi Dan bugarske prosvjete i kulture i slavenske pismenosti kao podsjećanje na Ćirila, Metoda i glagoljicu, nije čudo što je sofijski trg Slavejkov, unatoč digitalnoj konkurenciji, cijele godine ispunjen štandovima krcatima novim i starim knjigama na različitim jezicima. A od svih kulturnih ustanova zbog svojih dimenzija gradom dominira Nacionalni dvorac kulture (NDK) s oko 10.000 sjedala, svečano otvoren 1981. povodom 1300 godina bugarske državnosti. U njemu se snalazite samo uz pomoć vodiča jer se, kao na velesajmu, mimoilazite s posjetiteljima iz ogromne glavne dvorane, sudarate s onima koji izlaze iz manje dvorane,

presijecate put gledateljima na izlazu iz još mnogo manjih dvorana. Sofija je također grad spomenika i sjajnih skulptura na otvorenome. Okupana u zelenilu, na svakom koraku broji parkove. U najvećemu, Borisovoj gradini, nalazi se nekoliko jezera i nogometni stadion Vasil Levski, a mislilo se i na djecu kojoj je namijenjeno 239 parkova. Ni u jednom drugom glavnome gradu ne možete se za nepuni sat popeti na planinu višu od 2000 metara i poslije radnog vremena skijati do ponoći kao što to građani bugarske metropole mogu na Vitoši. Nijedna europska prijestolnica ne leži na četrdesetak termalnih i mineralnih izvora kao Sofija, pa i u najprometnijem centru građani dolaze ispred mineralnih kupki da boce napune ljekovitom vodom. Ipak, zbog starih vodovodnih cijevi, tekuća voda u domaćinstvima nije preporučljiva za piće. Sofija se ponosi činjenicom da je jedan od najstarijih europskih gradova, ali u 1300 godina bugarske povijesti prijestolnica je tek stoljeće i pol. Nekadašnjemu glavnom trgovačkom središtu to je dalo dodatna krila pa njezinu žilavost, entuzijazam, upornost i otpornost na sve dramatične mijene i opore izazove doista najbolje opisuje natpis na gradskom grbu: Raste, a ne stari.


ow do you get from Zagreb to Sofia? I discovered this some ten years ago, while accompanying my husband on his way to Bulgaria’s capital where he was to take up his official duties. We’d cross the 780 kilometres by car via

Slavonski Brod and Belgrade, Paraćin and Niš, and then through the wild Sićevac Gorge and its thirteen tunnels, much like in the adventures of Karl May. Then we’d reach Pirot and Dimitrovgrad, and then − to cover the last fifty kilometre leg after we crossed the border between Serbia and the EU − we’d have to make our way through a grey and gloomy landscape of abandoned factories and destroyed chimneys. The other option was a twelve-hour bus ride; the third was taking a plane to Skopje, and then driving for three and a half hours by car from Skopje to Sofia. That’s how it was until Croatia Airlines introduced direct flights to Sofia. But after this travel adventure is over, you really do arrive at what is a proper metropolis. A city whose coat of arms bears the distinctive inscription Ever Growing, Never Aging, for there’s truth in it. Although it doesn’t have a forest of skyscrapers like some EU capitals, Sofia’s metropolitan atmosphere is felt in the impenetrable crowds and traffic jams on its broad boulevards, its narrow streets in the city centre, and a chronic car park shortage. Sofia has a population of one and a half million, but during the working day, when rivers of workers from Sofia’s outskirts and surrounding towns start flowing in, the city grows to the size of over two million. Narodno kazalište Ivan Vazov s prekrasnim perivojem i fontanom. Sofija je grad kazališta The Ivan Vazov National Theatre, its beautiful park and fountain. Sofia is a city of theatres



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Suvenirnica na Bulevaru Vitoša A souvenir shop on Vitosha Boulevard

Sofia’s at an old intersection of trade routes, where even Dubrovnik’s merchants had their street during the Ottoman rule. They were the only ones clever enough to enter into an exclusive trade agreement with the Ottomans in Bulgaria. This meant that they not only imported Venetian glass to Bulgaria, but were also Bulgaria’s only link with the rest of Europe. The city was first named Serdika after the Thracian tribe of Serdi. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great renamed it Triaditsa, which the Bulgarians renamed first to Sredets and then to Sofia. The Greeks, the Romans and the Byzantines, the Ottomans and the Soviet Communists − they have all left material traces of their presence. As a result, the exact same spot today houses, for example, the rotunda of the Church of Saint George surrounded by the remains of streets and squares of old Serdika, all of which is embraced by a huge, squareshaped building of the typical socialist classicist style from the early 1950s, housing as cotenants the Presidential Palace, the Ministry of Education and Sofia Hotel Balkan, Bulgaria’s most luxurious hotel. Given that you’re highly likely to come across different layers of remains of long gone empires wherever you start shovelling, archaeologists have come up with a witty description of Sofia − fourteen yards of culture. When the construction of the Arena di Serdica Hotel in Sofia’s city centre began in 2004, the remains of a 3rd


century Roman amphitheatre were discovered. This called a halt to the construction works so that the architects could adapt their modern-day design to incorporate the Roman site found. Ultimately, in Arena di Serdica Hotel today you can fine dine poached salmon and savour Mavrud, a typical Bulgarian red wine, while overlooking ancient Roman walls. A few years later, works on the extension of Sofia’s subway got slowed down − for the same reason. Construction workers’ shovels hit against ancient remains, and so archaeologists were again called for help. We all had to circumvent that huge hole packed with machinery that had been stopped and conservation experts for a long time − until Sofia’s Serdika 2 subway station, 20 metres below the booming city, was finally turned into an underground museum space and started operating in its present-day form. Although it had been ruled by the Ottomans for five centuries, in Sofia you’re not likely to find any visible traces of Turkish presence. The minaret of what was once Sofia’s main mosque, Bujuk Mosque opposite the Presidential Palace, was removed and the mosque turned into the National Archaeological Museum, whose elegant ground floor is often rented out for diplomatic receptions and similar festive occasions. Boyana Residence, the former residence of the State Council of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, was converted into the National Historical Museum with a fantastic collection of Thracian gold. One part of the building that was once the head

office of the Communist Party opposite the Presidential Palace and the Arena di Serdica Hotel today houses the Government, while the other part is occupied by the TZUM Department Store with exclusive shops selling Chanel perfumes, for instance, and Calvin Klein coats. Once the country was liberated from the Turks in 1878 and Sofia declared the capital of the Principality of Bulgaria, the city was redesigned at lightning speed. However, unlike Bulgaria’s second largest city, Plovdiv, Sofia has no old city centre boasting traditional architecture. Private residences, and cultural, administrative and office buildings were built following the latest European trends. Housing a one-ofa-kind museum of ikons, the magnificent Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky − a memorial temple dedicated to a patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Alexander Nevsky − stands out. Its surroundings are always vibrant, not only thanks to those visiting the temple, but also thanks to antique lovers checking out old cameras, china, tobacco smoking accessories, lamps, etc. at the street stalls around the cathedral. With a bit of luck, you can stumble across a cheap Russian silver cutlery set, while socialist medals and badges and Russian fur hats − goods that were most sought-after in the early 1990s − are today found only here and there. Sofia is still a city of visible polarities between the neglected and the polished. While its city centre boasts brilliant examples of contemporary architecture, its periphery is full of dilapidated residential high-rises built of concrete panels with outof-use electrical cable bundles still hanging off of some facades. The latest models of Mercedes-Benz cars drive by time-worn trams. You can still come across grocery stores located in basements, where you have to kneel down for the seller to hand you your groceries through a basement window. By contrast, Italian delicatessens sell a choice of pastas and wines as wide as in Trieste or Milan, while the covered Halite Market offers connoisseurs Spanish prosciutto and hundreds of different types of olives. Just how eagerly Bulgaria and Sofia awaited EU membership is best evidenced by a giant screen having been mounted at one of Sofia’s squares counting down the days until it became a member of the European family − 365 days, to be precise. But even

Monumentalna historicistiÄ?ka arhitektura na Bulevaru cara osloboditelja u srediĹĄtu Sofije Monumental historicist architecture on Tsar Liberator Boulevard in downtown Sofia


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01 Raketa Rakia Bar, kultno mjesto u rezidencijskoj četvrti u blizini Zaimova parka, uz atraktivan interijer te bogat i ukusan meni nudi i velik izbor domaćih i destiliranih pića Raketa Rakia Bar, a popular place in a residential quarter near Zaimov Park, boasts an attractive interior design, serves delicious dishes, and offers a wide selection of local and distilled beverages 02 Tipična opuštena poslijepodnevna i predvečernja atmosfera na bulevarima i trgovima Sofije A relaxed afternoon and evening atmosphere, so typical of Sofia’s boulevards and squares


before Bulgaria joined the EU, and after the event in particular, Sofia enjoyed an inflow of foreign investments and foreign companies, including the Japanese Tokuda Hospital boasting the highest healthcare standards and state-of-the-art medical equipment, a shining example to be followed by the rest of Eastern Europe. French stores and other store chains also arrived, with Vitosha Boulevard now packed with elegant stores selling the goods of the world’s biggest brands. Having been transformed into Sofia’s Fifth Avenue, so to speak, this wide and main city street overlooking the mountain which it was named after was transformed into a lively pedestrian zone with many outdoor cafes and restaurants.

But Sofia’s true food scene happens on its side streets. As in other big cities, different national cuisines are on offer − ranging from Indian, Chinese and Japanese to Italian, Russian and French. Even in Sofia, menus of restaurants offering Bulgaria’s national dishes cannot be imagined without Shopska salad, skare grill or roast lamb with a side dish of rice and a touch of lamb offal. Served boneless and seasoned with a local blend of spices and herbs, it simply melts in your mouth. The secret ingredient is summer savory, I’d say Bulgarian oregano of sorts, of a specific flavour, often used by Bulgarians to season most dishes and cured meat products. Their homemade ice cream is on a par with Häagen-Dazs, and their sweets parlours −



some of which offer a convenient choice of savoury dishes besides sweets and coffee − reminiscent of Viennese ones. In Sofia, you can also stumble across some popular restaurants where, besides foods and drinks, you’re also served − books. Even vegans have their own restaurant & reading room. In a country where 24th May is a bank holiday when the Bulgarian Education and Culture, and Slavonic Literature Day is celebrated in memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Glagolitic script, it’s no wonder that, despite the digital competition, Sofia’s Slaveykov Square is packed with stalls filled to overflowing with both new and old titles in different languages all year round. From all the cultural institutions, it’s the National Palace of Culture that dominates the city, and this thanks to its size with a capacity of almost 10000 visitors. It was opened in 1981 in celebration of the 1300th anniversary of Bulgaria’s statehood. To find your way around it you need the help of a guide because, like at a fair, you’ll either pass by visitors entering or leaving its largest main hall, or bump into those coming out from its smaller hall, or cross paths with visitors exiting one of its many smaller halls. Sofia’s also a city of monuments and impressive outdoor sculptures. Bathed in greenery, there’s a park on every corner. Sofia’s largest park, Borisova Gradina (Boris’s Garden in translation), boasts several lakes and the Vasil Levski football stadium. Children were also thought of − they have as many as 239 children’s playgrounds

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to choose from. In no other capital can you climb a 2000+ metre high mountain in less than an hour and go skiing after work until midnight the way you can in Sofia − on Vitosha Mountain. There’s no European capital that lies on some forty thermal and mineral springs except for Sofia. It’s not unusual to see residents filling their bottles with thermal water at these springs even in the busiest part of the city centre. At the same time, however, tap water isn’t recommended for drinking because Sofia’s water supply network is old and in a poor state. Sofia prides itself on being one of the oldest European cities. Yet, in the 1300 years of Bulgarian history, it’s been the capital of Bulgaria for as little as 150 years. This gave what was formerly a major trade centre wings. Sofia’s resilience, enthusiasm, perseverance and resistance to all dramatic changes and tough challenges are quite rightly and best described by the inscription on its coat of arms − Ever Growing, Never Aging.

Letovi iz Zagreba u Sofiju planirani su od 1. svibnja do kraja listopada, triput na tjedan − ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom u 8.45 sati po lokalnom vremenu, a obavljat će se zrakoplovima Dash 8-Q400 sa 76 sjedala. Iz Sofije u Zagreb leti se ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom u 12.10 sati po lokalnom vremenu. Flights from Zagreb to Sofia aboard a 76-seater Dash 8-Q400 aircraft are scheduled to start on 1st May and will be running until the end of October three times a week − on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:45 am local time. Flights from Sofia to Zagreb will be operated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:10 pm local time.

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Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor Fotografije/Photos _ Mare Milin

Njezin odgovor na brzu modu upravo su ova pletena modna remekdjela kojima nemogućnost repliciranja daje dodatnu vrijednost. Nataša Mihaljčišin autorica je poznata po inovativnoj pletenoj odjeći. Njezin dizajn nikada nije bio samo odjeća.

Her knitted fashion masterpieces are her response to fast fashion, whose irreproducibility gives them added value. Nataša Mihaljčišin is a designer famous for her innovative knitwear. Her design is never just about clothes.


ataša Mihaljčišin, autorica poznata po inovativnoj pletenoj odjeći, dio je lokalne umjetničke scene koja se nalazi izvan i iznad trendova. Donedavno je bila dio dvojca I-GLE, da bi se osamostaljenjem u potpunosti posvetila svojoj najvećoj ljubavi − pletenini. Svaki je odjevni predmet unikat, poseban i neponovljiv te svakom od njih pristupa s velikom pažnjom. U kolekciji Sentiment 2 propitkuje potragu za transformacijom jer njezin dizajn nikada nije bio samo odjeća. Kolekcija je, naime, modni dijalog o tome kako danas jedna ispletena vesta, simbol nekadaš-


njega neumreženog društva, može biti aktualna i moderna. Što medij mode može danas poručiti, a da to bude novo, svježe i zanimljivo, pita se Nataša. Stoga njezin izričaj uključuje temeljne odjevne predmete koji se kombiniraju tijekom cijele godine, koji su vizualno privlačni te napravljeni ručno ili strojno ili kombinacijom. Njezin odgovor na brzu modu upravo su ova pletena modna remekdjela te im nemogućnost repliciranja daje dodatnu vrijednost, a to je prepoznala i naša publika. No ne izrađuje samostalno baš sve odjevne predmete, nego ima suradnice, iskusne pletilje s

kojima ima kreativan, gotovo redateljski odnos. − Kad surađujem s pletiljama, najprije napravim skicu. Naš je odnos kreativan tako da ih rado pustim da interveniraju nekom idejom, prijedlogom, ako krenemo u tom smjeru. Na kraju se osjećam više kao redateljica jer usred suradnje zapravo stvaramo autorsko djelo − kaže Nataša. Kod nje nema serija odjevnih predmeta, barem za sada (iako ističe kako je otvorena i za takve ideje), već su sve unikati. Prodajno mjesto njezinih kreacija jest concept store Garderoba u centru Zagreba.

Hibrid veste i jakne jedan je od popularnih komada iz nove Natašine kolekcije A hybrid of a cardigan and a jacket is one of the more popular pieces from Nataša’s new collection


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UmjetniÄ?ki pristup dizajniranju donosi raznolikost tekstura Approaching fashion design artistically results in a variety of textures


Pleteni ovratnik u Natašinim rukama postaje estetski bonus odjevnog predmeta In Nataša’s hands, a knitted collar adds aesthetic value to a garment


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Kad spaja kreacije, Nataša donosi neobičnu stilsku simbiozu hlača i suknje apstraktnog motiva When designing, Nataša creates an unusual symbiosis between trousers and a skirt of an abstract motif




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ataša Mihaljčišin, a designer known for her innovative knitwear, is part of a local art scene which is beyond and above trends. She was one of the I-GLE duo up until recently, and ever since she started designing under her own name, she has fully committed herself to her greatest love − knitwear. She gives all her garments particular attention, and so each is unique, special and exclusive. Her Sentiment 2 collection explores a quest for transformation because her design is never just about clothes. That is, her collection enters into a fashion dialogue on the ways in which a knitted cardigan, a symbol of a once non-networked society, can be current and modern. Nataša asks whether today the medium of fashion can communicate something new, fresh and interesting. Ultimately, her designs include basic garments which can be combined with other garments throughout the year, which are visually appealing, and which are either hand- or machine-knitted or both. Her knitted fashion masterpieces are her response to fast fashion, with their irreproducibility giving them added value, which the audience has recognised. But she doesn’t make all the garments on her own; she has associates, experienced knitters whom she has a creative, almost co-producer-like relationship with. − When I work with knitters, I first make a sketch. Our relationship is creative, so I gladly let them intervene with an idea, a proposal, if we so decide. In the end, I feel more like a creative art director because, through our collaboration, we’re actually co-producing original works of art − says Nataša. She doesn’t produce series of garments, at least for now, although she does point out that she’s open to such ideas as well. All her pieces are one-of-a-kind and are available at the Garderoba Concept Store in Zagreb’s city centre.

Jednostavna vesta postaje razigrana, ukrašena velikim volanom i končanim trakama Adorned with voluminous frills and strands of thread, a simple pullover becomes playful


www.panorama-zagreb.com www.hupzagreb.com


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Za vrijeme šestomjesečnog predsjedanja Vijećem Europske unije, Hrvatska je Bruxelles ispunila sjajnim događajima i izložbama, među kojima se kao dragulj ističe izložba legendarnoga hrvatskog fotografa Damira Fabijanića, dugogodišnjeg suradnika našega putnog časopisa. Piše/By _ Ines Sabalić


o temperamentu fotograf Damir Fabijanić klasični je umjetnik Mediterana, a to znači da svoju neposrednu, jaku emociju, koja se vidi upravo u jakim bojama, ne pušta da ostane divlja i neuredna, nego promisli i zatim je kanalizira. Fabijanić najprije apsorbira boje, ali ih vidi i daje u strogom kadru, iznimno strukturiranoj kompoziciji. Njegove fotografije arhitekture ili pejzaža takve su da odahnemo kad ih gledamo i kažemo sami sebi da baš tako treba biti, da je upravo to ona savršena, izgubljena pa nanovo nađena harmonija. U ovoj se izložbi, osmišljenoj upravo za hrvatsko predsjedanje Vijećem EU-a, Damir Fabijanić zamislio nad motivom


hrvatskoga grba, crveno-bijelih kvadrata. Zatim je crveno-bijeli friz od fotografija postavio u novoj palači Vijeća EU-a, zgradi Europa na trgu Schuman u Bruxellesu. U palači Europa namjerno je ostavljena vidljiva drvena konstrukcija, moderan dekor koji ima i simboličnu važnost jer je sastavljen od drvene građe iz svih država članica Unije. Raster autorovih fotografija uklapa se u raster drvene konstrukcije. Friz crveno-bijelih polja izgleda kao apstraktna kompozicija, a potom se izbliza otkrivaju motivi. Svaki kvadratić hrvatskoga grba Damir Fabijanić je shvatio kao prozor u jedan od aspekata Hrvatske, kao kaleidoskop šarma. Pogledajte što je to što mi, doma-

Fotografije/Photos _ Damir Fabijanić

ći, volimo kod nas, zbog čega Hrvatsku zovemo Lijepa Naša. Na primjer: bijela je čipka, bijel je snijeg u šumi ili otvoren prozor na crkvici u Stonu kod Dubrovnika. Crveni su krovovi grada, crveno je plavo more u zalazu sunca, i po tome što je crveno, mi domaći znamo da će sutra ujutro osvanuti lijepo vrijeme. Duboko crvene duguljaste paprike na placu baš su poučne u tom smislu. Fabijanićevi detalji sklapaju mozaik impresija koji nije turistički, ali je otvoren svima. Evo, mi smo ti ljudi koji idemo na plac ili na pijacu svake subote i nedjelje, znalački biramo i kupujemo prirodno povrće i onda idemo na kavu i družimo se. Mi smo ti koji otvaramo prozore, naše bake imaju takve


During its six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Croatia’s setting up great many events and exhibitions in Brussels, one of which stands out. The jewel in the crown of exhibitions is the one of photographs by Damir Fabijanić, a photography legend in Croatia and a long-time associate of our travel magazine.

zavjese, mi u tom kaleidoskopu nalazimo ljepotu. Sve zemlje imaju slično onomu što imamo mi − i šume, i arhitekturu, i lijepe male gradove i kulturu (koja se ovdje ne baca u lice, ali same fotografije visoki su art), ali mi to baš ovako vidimo, mi to tako volimo kako je na tim slikama. Jako je neobično da je Damir Fabijanić uspio te intimne doživljaje pokazati tako moderno, staloženo, promišljeno a da se ne izgubi emocija. Izdaleka se vidi samo motiv crveno-bijele šahovnice, ali gosti se pozivaju da se približe, da vide o čemu se zapravo radi u toj Hrvatskoj. To je otprilike, vjerojatno, elegantno smišljena uputa s Fabijanićeve izložbe.


hotographer Damir Fabijanić is a classic Mediterranean artist by temperament. This means that he doesn’t let his immediate, strong emotion − which is evident in strong colours − remain wild and disorderly. No, he first thinks it over and then channels it. Fabijanić absorbs colours, although he perceives and presents them in a strict frame, in exceptionally structured compositions. His photographs of architecture or landscape are such that you breathe a sigh of relief when you look at them and tell yourself that that’s exactly the way things should be, that things are about that perfect, lost and new-found harmony. For this exhibition, designed for Croatia’s Presidency of the Council of the European

Union, Damir Fabijanić contemplated the motif of the Croatian coat of arms − the red-and-white checkerboard. This resulted in him mounting a red-and-white frieze of photographs in the Europa Building located a stone’s throw away from Schuman Square in Brussels. The interior of the Europa Building boasts a timber construction, a modern décor of symbolic importance given that it’s made of timber coming from all EU member states. The configuration of Fabijanić’s photographs fits into the configuration of the wooden construction. His frieze of red-andwhite photographs looks like an abstract composition, and it’s only when you get close to them that their motifs are revealed.


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Damir Fabijanić took each square of Croatia’s coat of arms as a window on an aspect of Croatia, as a kaleidoscope of its charms. Look through it to see what we, the locals, love about ourselves, these are the reasons why we call Croatia Our Beautiful Homeland. For instance, lace, snow in the woods or an open window on a church in Ston near Dubrovnik are all white. Red are townhouse rooftops, red is the blue sea at sunset, and it’s because it’s red that we, the locals, know that tomorrow’s weather will be nice. Fabijanić’s details − such as deep-red sweet horn peppers on farmers’ market stalls, for example − make up a mosaic of impressions which isn’t touristy, but is open to all. So there you have it, we’re those people who go shopping to a farmers’ market every Saturday and Sunday, we know how to choose and buy organic vegetables, after which we go for coffee and socialise. We’re the ones opening our windows, our grandmothers have such curtains, and it’s in this kaleidoscope that we find beauty. All countries have what we have − forests, architecture, beautiful small towns and culture (which doesn’t overwhelm you at the exhibition, although the photographs themselves are high art) − but this is how we see what we have, and we love what we have exactly the way it’s presented in these photographs. That Damir Fabijanić succeeded in capturing these intimate experiences in such a modern, poised and thoughtful way without losing the emotion behind the images is extraordinary. What you see from afar is only the motif of the red-and-white checkerboard, but visitors are invited to get closer, to see what Croatia is really about. Fabijanić’s exhibition invites you rather elegantly to do exactly that.

European Commission


You are NOT allowed to bring plants, fruit*, vegetables, flowers or seeds into the European Union without a phytosanitary certificate**. *Bananas, coconuts, dates, pineapples and durians can be brought into the EU without a certificate. **You do not need a certificate when the plants, fruit, vegetables, flowers or seeds come from Switzerland or Liechtenstein. You will need a certificate when they come from the following EU territories: Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint Martin.


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VAŽAN JE DOŽIVLJAJ WHAT MATTERS IS EXPERIENCE U dizajnu interijera i arhitekturi nije važna samo estetika nego i doživljaj. Dizajn interijera jako utječe na to kako će se kupci, zaposlenici ili gosti osjećati te kako će taj osjećaj prenijeti drugima. O tome razgovaramo s arhitektom Damjanom Geberom. What matters in interior design and architecture is not only aesthetics, but also experience. Interior design greatly influences the way that clients, employees or guests will feel, and the way they will convey their feelings to others. We’ve discussed this with architect Damjan


amjan Geber diplomirao je arhitekturu 2006., uz dodatnu specijalizaciju u inozemstvu na području dizajna interijera i psihologije korisnika prostora. Vlasnik je i osnivač zagrebačke agencije Brigada, najnagrađivanije hrvatske agencije za dizajn interijera koja je bila i prvi hrvatski predstavnik u finalu Svjetskog festivala arhitekture (WAF-


INSIDE) u Amsterdamu, najprestižnijeg arhitektonskog događanja. U Hrvatskoj postoji mnogo arhitektonskih i dizajnerskih studija, ali Brigada nudi drugačiji pristup arhitekturi i dizajnu, tzv. experiential design. Što je to zapravo? − Experiential design jest dizajn prostora koji uključuje aspekte stvaranja jedinstve-

nog doživljaja u prostoru, a ne isključivo lijepo dizajniranih interijera. U digitalnom vremenu, jedinstven fizički doživljaj jest ono što stvara dodanu vrijednost svakom projektu agencije Brigada, bilo da je riječ o trgovini, uredu, hotelu ili restoranu. Specijalizirali ste psihologiju brenda i potrošača. Kakve veze psihologija i

Tekst/Text: Agencija IMC/IMC Agency

D. Blažević


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amjan Geber graduated in architecture in 2006, and specialised abroad in interior design, and brand and consumer psychology. He’s the owner and founder of the Zagreb-based Brigada company, the most awarded Croatian interior design studio and the first-ever


You’ve specialised in brand and consumer psychology. What do psychology and consumer habits and behaviours have to do with interior design? − Interior design greatly influences the way that clients, employees or guests will feel and the way they will convey their feelings to others. To arrive at such results, we need to get to know the user well by doing a behavioural analysis and by identifying unique points that are either consciously or

P. Galebov

representative of Croatia in the finals of WAF’s (World Architecture Festival) Inside World Festival of Interiors in Amsterdam, the most prestigious festival of architecture and interior design. There’re many architecture and design studios in Croatia. Your Brigada studio, however, offers a different approach to architecture and design, so-called experiential design. What exactly is experiential design?


P. Galebov

praćenje ponašanja korisnika imaju s projektiranjem prostora? − Dizajn interijera jako utječe na to kako će se kupci, zaposlenici ili gosti osjećati te kako će taj osjećaj prenijeti drugima. Da bismo došli do takvih rezultata, moramo dobro upoznati korisnika bihevioralnom analizom i definiranjem jedinstvenih točaka koje se svjesno ili podsvjesno urezuju u emotivno pamćenje. Kako ovakav pristup može pozitivno pridonijeti promociji destinacije? − Ovakav pristup može znatno pozitivno utjecati na uspjeh cijele zemlje kao destinacije. Prirodne ljepote, obala, sunce i more kakvo mi imamo jedan su od jedinstvenih doživljaja na Mediteranu, ali pristupamo li na jednako kvalitetan način i našoj arhitekturi i interijerima? Rekao bih da tu imamo još puno prostora za napredak. Koji biste Brigadin projekt ili projekte dizajna doživljaja posebno izdvojili? − Najbolji je primjer izložba Croatia je Hrvatska, koja je ponajprije bila čin kreiranja doživljaja posjetitelja, a tek onda dizajna interijera i postava izložbe. Prepoznalo ju je najznačajnije natjecanje na području arhitekture i dizajna interijera, a osvojili smo i niz drugih prestižnih međunarodnih nagrada. Na području psihologije prostora educirali ste se i u Japanu, Nizozemskoj i Engleskoj. Manje je poznato da ste jedno vrijeme radili i kao član kabinskog osoblja Croatia Airlinesa. Koliko vam ta iskustva danas pomažu u poslu? − Sva su životna iskustva neprocjenjiva pri stvaranju prostora za ljude. Rad u Croatia Airlinesu znatno je utjecao na puno aspekata moje današnje profesije i smatram ga jednim od najbitnijih etapa mojeg profesionalnog razvoja. Možda se tijekom leta ne čini tako, ali iza svakog od njih stoji vrlo strukturirana organizacija, temeljita priprema i edukacija te velika odgovornost kako za sigurnost putnika, tako i za njihov pozitivan doživljaj cijelog putovanja.


− Experiential design is interior design which centres on creating a unique experience in interiors rather than only on creating beautifully designed interiors. In today’s digital world, a unique physical experience is what creates added value for any project that we do at Brigada studio, be it a store, an office, a hotel or a restaurant.

01-02 Izložba Croatia je Hrvatska The Croatia je Hrvatska exhibition

Zašto je Eurovilla vodeća agencija nekretnina? Eurovilla je tu za vas Gotovo svatko se u životu susreo s kupoprodajom ili najmom nekretnine. Brojne opcije na tržištu, zakonske odredbe, papirologija i oglasnici, strankama često zadaju muke i stvaraju neizvjesnost. Stručni tim Euroville godinama je osluškivao probleme s kojima se klijenti susreću kako bi na jednom mjestu pružili potpunu uslugu i maksimalno olakšali cijeli proces kupnje ili najma nekretnine. Upravo je ta zaokružena priča ključ dugogodišnjeg uspjeha agencije. Eurovilla ima najveću ponudu luksuznih nekretnina u Hrvatskoj s naglaskom na Zagreb, kao i najveću bazu kupaca s preko 5000 aktivnih klijenata. 16 licenciranih agenata s višegodišnjim iskustvom u prodaji pažljivo pristupa svakom klijentu, a kako bi sve išlo glatko tu je i potpuna pravna podrška koja izrađuje kompletnu dokumentaciju vezanu za kupoprodaju ili najam. Naš arhitektonski ured tu je za izradu certifikata, tlocrta, 3D prikaza i ostalih rješenja poput virtualnih šetnji, a posebni odjeljak za poslovne prostore našim klijentima pomaže u prodaji, zakupu i prilagodbi prostora potrebama njihove djelatnosti.

PRODAJA Šalata (novogradnja), luksuzan četverosoban stan s panoramskim pogledom na grad

PRODAJA Radnička cesta (Green Gold), luksuzan poslovni prostor površine 480m2

Kako bi vaša nekretnina bila oglašena u tiskanim i online izdanjima svih relevantnih medija i tražilica u Hrvatskoj tu je naš ured za marketing, a nekretnina se objavljuje i na Eurovillinoj web stranici koja ima preko 50.000 unikatnih pogleda mjesečno. Eurovilla je zaista s vama od pretrage do potpisa, a kako bi cijeli proces bio što ugodniji za naše klijente, otvorili smo ekskluzivnu poslovnicu u samom srcu Zagreba u Gajevoj ulici. Veselimo se vašem dolasku!

NAJAM Ban centar, prekrasan ured površine 137m2

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D. Kunić

ral space in Japan, the Netherlands and the UK. It’s a lesser-known fact that you also worked for Croatia Airlines as a cabin crew member for some time. How much does that experience help you in your work today? − All life experiences are invaluable when creating and designing interiors for people. Working for Croatia Airlines has significantly influenced many aspects of my professional career today, and I consider it one of the most important stages of my professional development. It may not seem so during your flight, but what lies behind each is highly structured organisation, thorough preparation and training, and great responsibility for both the safety of passengers and their positive experience of their journey as a whole.


D. Blažević

subconsciously engraved in their emotional memory. How can this approach contribute positively to the promotion of a destination? − The impact that this approach can have on the success of an entire country as a destination is significantly positive. The natural attractions, the coast, the sun and the sea that Croatia boasts are a unique experience of the Mediterranean. But, the question is whether we approach our architecture and interiors in the same way. I’d say that there’s much room for improvement in this regard. Which Brigada project or experiential design project would you single out in particular? − The Croatia je Hrvatska exhibition is the best example. It was about, first and foremost, creating a visitor experience, and only then about creating an interior design and an exhibition layout. This was recognised by the leading architecture and interior design competition, and we’ve also won a number of other prestigious international awards for it. You’ve learned about the psychology of the human experience of architectu-

Project Management


01-03 Moderno i kreativno uređeni uredi i dućani Brigada’s modern and creative interior designs of offices and shops

B. Haron

Tel +385 (0) 98 265 151

Property Consulting



_ 119



Piše/By _ Mato Pejić Fotografije/Photos _ Zvonimir Ferina



rajem veljače u velikoj dvorani Hrvatskoga glazbenog zavoda (HGZ) održan je gala koncert i maskenbal. Nastupila su glasovita imena hrvatske glazbene scene, posjetitelji su uživali u glazbi i plesu, a bilo je i fritula te pjenušca. Sve bi, međutim, bila tek puka vijest da ovaj bal nije bio humanitarnog karaktera. Cilj akcije bio je prikupiti financijska sredstva za kupnju ultrazvučnog aparata za Odjel palijativne skrbi Specijalne bolnice za plućne bolesti u Rockefellerovoj ulici u Zagrebu. − Zahvaljujući biotehnološkom napretku i razvoju medicinske struke, očekivano trajanje života značajno je produženo. Društvene promjene rezultirale su sve manjim brojem velikih obitelji koje skrbe

o svojim starijim i bolesnim članovima. Za posljedicu imamo sve veći udio starijih i bolesnih članova naše društvene zajednice. Sukladno tomu, nema obitelji koja nema starijeg ili teško oboljelog člana. Zapadna su društva davno prepoznala i implementirala sustav palijativne skrbi, a u Hrvatskoj radimo na tome da se on što više razvije te da pokušamo uhvatiti korak s ostalim članicama EU-a − pojašnjava doc. prim. dr. sc. Ingrid Marton. Dr. Marton ističe kako je cilj palijativne skrbi poboljšati kvalitetu života bolesnika i njihovih obitelji suočenih s problemima neizlječivih i uznapredovalih bolesti, sprečavajući i ublažavajući patnju bolesnika. − Palijativna skrb je interdisciplinarna i u nju su integrirani bolesnik, njegova obitelj

Impresivno stubište vodi prema prekrasnoj velikoj koncertnoj dvorani HGZ-a An impressive stairway leads to the magnificent large concert hall of the Croatian Music Institute

i zajednica. Sustav palijativne skrbi trebao bi skrbiti o institucionaliziranom bolesniku, ali i o bolesniku na kućnoj njezi. Ona uvijek afirmira život, olakšava patnju i bol, pokušavajući poboljšati kvalitetu života i malih i velikih bolesnika, djece i odraslih − kaže dr. Marton. Europsko društvo za palijativnu skrb još je 2009. godine izradilo Bijelu knjigu (poznatu pod nazivom White paper) o standardima i normama palijativne skrbi u Europi. − Procjenjuje se kako najmanje 20 posto bolesnika oboljelih od malignih bolesti i pet posto bolesnika oboljelih od teških, kroničnih bolesti zahtijeva palijativnu skrb, što bi značilo da u Hrvatskoj takav oblik skrbi treba između 26.000 i 46.000 bolesnika godišnje. Unatoč dosadašnjim naporima, kapaciteti nisu dovoljni jer ovdje postoji samo jedan hospicij, koji je osnovao Caritas Riječke nadbiskupije sa 14 postelja. Odjel za palijativnu skrb u Specijalnoj bolnici za plućne bolesti u Rockefellerovoj 3 u Zagrebu osnovan je 2015. godine i otad se kontinuirano proširuje. Ovo je jedina ustanova u Republici Hrvatskoj koja je dobila Europski certifikat za palijativnu skrb. Osim ovih ustanova, kako naglašava dr. Marton, sustav palijativne skrbi provodi se u Psihijatrijskoj bolnici Sv. Ivan u Jankomiru te u Specijalnoj bolnici za kronične bolesti Novi Marof. Unapređenje sustava palijativne skrbi određeno je nacionalnim programom, no teško ga je implementirati u svakodnevicu s obzirom na to da nema dostatnih smještajnih

kapaciteta i profesionalaca, a potrebe su svakim danom sve veće. Stoga su akcije poput ove što su ga organizirali zagrebački Lions klub Kontesa Nera i HGZ od iznimne važnosti. Hrvatski glazbeni zavod jedna je od najstarijih kulturnih institucija u Hrvatskoj. Od svojeg osnivanja 1827. godine HGZ je udruga građana, istinskih poklonika glazbe koji su svojim kontinuiranim djelovanjem trajno obilježili povijest glazbenog i kulturnog života Zagreba i Hrvatske. Nova uprava i predsjednica Romana Matanovac Vučković nastavljaju misiju širenja glazbene kulture i vode HGZ na putu transformacije u suvremeni kulturni centar. Zgrada u Gundulićevoj ulici zaštićeni je spomenik kulture, a sagrađena je 1876. godine donacijama građana. Taj se graditeljski biser s najljepšom koncertnom dvoranom polako i obnavlja uz veliku podršku Ministarstva kulture, Grada Zagreba te brojnih sponzora i privatnih donatora.


t the end of February, a gala concert and a masquerade ball were held in the large hall of the Croatian Music Institute. With performances given by famous Croatian musicians, attendees enjoyed music and dance performances while nibbling on traditional Croatian fritters called fritule and sipping champagne. However, this would be unimportant news if it weren’t for the fact that this masquerade ball was a charity ball, aiming to raise funds for the purchase of an ultrasound machine for the Palliative Care Unit of the

Special Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases in Rockefeller Street in Zagreb. − Thanks to advances in biotechnology and the development of the medical profession, life expectancy has been extended significantly. Social changes have resulted in a significant decrease in the number of large families caring for their elderly and members who’re sick. In turn, there’s an increase in the proportion of the elderly and sick members in the wider community. Accordingly, there’s no family that doesn’t have an elderly or a seriously ill member to look after. Western societies have long recognised the need for and have put palliative care systems in place, while in Croatia, we’ve been working on developing it as much as possible in trying to keep up with other EU member states − explains Assistant Professor Ingrid Marton, MD, PhD, Primarius. Ingrid Marton, MD, points out that palliative care aims to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from incurable and advanced diseases and their families by preventing and relieving their suffering. − Palliative care is interdisciplinary and integrates patients, their family and the community. A palliative care system should take care of both hospitalised and homecare patients. It always affirms life, relieves suffering and pain, and tries to improve the quality of life for both children and adults − says Ingrid Marton, MD. In 2009, the European Association of Palliative Care produced the White Paper on Standards and Norms for Hospice and Palliative Care in Europe.


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Nakon koncerta posjetitelji su uživali u glazbi i plesu kroz koji ih je vodio Nicolas Quesnoit uz šarmantne parove Plesnog centra Zagreb After the concert, attendees enjoyed music and dance performances given by Nicolas Quesnoit and other charming dance partners from the Zagreb Dance Centre

− It’s been estimated that at least 20 percent of cancer patients and 5 percent of patients suffering from severe, chronic diseases need palliative care. This means that annually, in Croatia, somewhere between 26,000 and 46,000 patients need such care. Despite the efforts made so far, Croatia’s capacities are insufficient given that Croatia has only one 14-bed hospice founded by the Caritas Centre of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rijeka. The Palliative Care Unit of the Special Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases at No. 3 Rockefeller Street in Zagreb was set up in 2015 and has been expanding ever since. This is the only institution in the Republic of Croatia that holds a European Certificate in Essential Palliative Care. Besides these institutions, as Ingrid Marton, MD, points out, palliative care units have been put in place at the St. Ivan Psychiatric Hospital in Jankomir and at the Novi Marof Special Hospital for Chronic Diseases. Improving Croatia’s palliative care system is defined by a national programme, but it’s difficult to implement in everyday life given that there’s a shortage of both accommodation capacities and palliative care professionals, although the need for palliative care has been growing daily. Accordingly, charity masquerade balls, such as the one organised by Zagreb’s Kontesa Nera Lions Club and the Croatian Music Institute, are of paramount importance.


Na koncertu su nastupila glasovita imena hrvatske glazbene scene, Sandra Bagarić i Đani Stipaničev, uz klavirsku pratnju Darka Domitrovića Two of the biggest names of Croatia’s music scene, namely Sandra Bagarić and Đani Stipaničev, gave concert performances accompanied by Darko Domitrović on the piano

The Croatian Music Institute (CMI) is one of the oldest cultural institutions in Croatia. Since its founding in 1827, the CMI has been a citizen association gathering true music lovers, whose continuous activities have left their mark on the history of both Zagreb and Croatia’s musical and cultural life. The CMI’s new board of directors and their chair, Romana Matanovac Vučković, are continuing the mission of disseminating music culture and lead the CMI on its path to becoming a modern cultural centre. Built in 1876 with the help of citizen donations, the CMI’s building on Gundulićeva Street is protected cultural heritage. Boasting the most beautiful concert hall, this architectural gem has been slowly restored with the strong support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Zagreb, and its many sponsors and private donors.

Želite li dati svoj prilog za unapređenje palijativne skrbi u Hrvatskoj, možete to učiniti uplatom na račun Instituta za palijativnu medicinu: IBAN 7723600001102026557 Božidarevićeva 7 10000 Zagreb palliativus.ipm@gmail.com You’re welcome to make a donation to the advancement of palliative care in Croatia by making a direct payment to the bank account of the Institute of Palliative Medicine: IBAN 7723600001102026557 7 Božidarevićeva Street 10000 Zagreb palliativus.ipm@gmail.com


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eć odavno nije tajna da je Zagreb postao privlačno turističko odredište koje u svako godišnje doba nudi nešto specifično. Sve brojniji posjetitelji glavnoga hrvatskoga grada imaju mnogo razloga za dolazak. Žele li odmor, opuštanje, zabavu, uživanje u prirodi, gastronomskim specijalitetima i kulturnim događajima, svega toga u Zagrebu ne nedostaje tijekom cijele godine. Zbog izvrsne prometne povezanosti Zagreb je također prepoznata destinacija za poslovne susrete i kongrese, no u


posljednje vrijeme sve je češći još jedan razlog posjeta Zagrebu. Grad i njegova okolica uvrstili su se među najpoželjnije destinacije zdravstvenog turizma. Uz korištenje najsuvremenijih tehnologija, tu se nudi vrhunska kvaliteta medicinske usluge koja nimalo ne zaostaje za onom u europskim i svjetskim centrima medicinske izvrsnosti, ali po znatno povoljnijoj cijeni. Bez obzira na to je li riječ o dentalnoj medicini, ortopediji, neurokirurgiji, oftalmologiji, estetskoj medicini, liječenju tumora, kardiološkim ili drugim zahvati-

ma, reproduktivnoj medicini, o privatnim i javnim klinikama ili specijalnim bolnicama, svi koji trebaju medicinsku uslugu, potraže li je u Zagrebu, doći će u ruke vrhunskih stručnjaka. Spomenimo samo neke. Primjerice, zagrebački oftalmolozi među prvima u svijetu implantirali su Synergy intraokularnu leću za korekciju starosne dalekovidnosti... Kad je riječ o sportskoj medicini velikani svjetskog sporta i brojni olimpijci nerijetko odabiru baš Zagreb i njegovu okolicu kao odredište za saniranje ozljeda, rehabilitaciju

Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos: Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/Zagreb Tourist Board

i oporavak. Iznimno su tražene i usluge mnogih zagrebačkih dentalnih klinika koje nude najsuvremenije zahvate na području oralne kirurgije i estetske stomatologije, kao i estetskih klinika koje, primjenjujući najnapredniju lasersku tehnologiju, pružaju usluge kozmetologije i dermatologije. Najsuvremenija i inovativna tehnologija, personalizirana medicina te vrhunski medicinski stručnjaci, koji su stjecali znanja i usavršavali se u najprestižnijim europskim i svjetskim medicinskim centrima izvrsnosti, jamac su da će svima kojima je to neophodno Zagreb i njegova okolica pružiti najbolja moguća rješenja za najrazličitije medicinske potrebe. Također, mnoge zagrebačke ustanove nositeljice su međunarodno priznatih certifikata u zdravstvenom turizmu (Global Clinic Rating, Temos, Joint Commision International i drugih...). Stoga nije pretjerano tvrditi da Zagreb postaje nezaobilazno i prepoznatljivo mjesto na karti svjetskog zdravstvenog turizma. A usto, ostajete li duže u Zagrebu, neće vam nedostajati zanimljivih sadržaja koji će vaš boravak u gradu, koji upravo predsjeda i Vijećem Europske unije, učiniti vrijednim dolaska. Opustite se, u Zagrebu ste.


four season. Visitors to Croatia’s capital, whose numbers have been increasing, have many reasons to come. Whether it’s for holidays, relaxation, fun and entertainment, enjoyment of nature, culinary specialities or cultural events, Zagreb has it all throughout the whole year. Because it’s so well connected, Zagreb has also become a recognised destination for business meetings and conferences. But, there’s another reason why people have recently started visiting Zagreb. Both the city and its surroundings rank amongst the most desirable destinations for health tourism. Boasting state-of-the-art technologies, it offers the highest quality medical services, and this on a par with European and world centres of medical excellence, but at more competitive prices. Whether it’s for dentistry, orthopaedics, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, aesthetic medicine, cancer treatment, cardiology or other heart procedures, reproductive medicine, private and public clinics or specialist hospitals − in Zagreb, all in need of medical care will be in the capable hands of top experts. For example, Zagreb’s ophthalmologists were amongst the first in the world to have implanted a Synergy intraocular lens to correct farsightedness associated with age... When it comes to sport and exercise medicine, the world’s greatest athletes and many Olympic medallists often choose Zagreb and its surroundings as a destination for injury treatment, rehabilitation and recovery. Offering state-of-the-art oral surgery and cosmetic dentistry treatments, the services of many Zagreb-based dental clinics have also been much sought after,

as well as the cosmetology and dermatology services of cosmetic and plastic surgery clinics that use cutting-edge laser technology. Innovative state-of-the-art technology, personalised medicine and top medical professionals who’ve studied and trained in the most prestigious medical centres of excellence in Europe and the world are a guarantee that anyone in need of a wide variety of medical treatments will find the best possible solutions for their medical problems in Zagreb and its surroundings. Also, many Zagreb-based healthcare providing institutions are holders of internationally recognised certificates in health tourism (Global Clinic Rating, Temos, Joint Commission International, etc.). In conclusion, it’s no exaggeration to claim that Zagreb has been put on the map of health tourism. What’s more, should you be staying in Zagreb longer, there’s no shortage of interesting facilities that’ll make your stay in the city currently presiding over the Council of the European Union all the more memorable. Relax, you’ve come to Zagreb.

t’s no longer a secret that Zagreb has become an attractive tourist destination that offers something special in all


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Wings for Life World Run



Wings for Life World Run održava se jednom godišnje, ali njezin cilj proteže se kroz cijelu godinu. Tako je osim sudjelovanjem na utrci moguće sudjelovati i donacijom. Zadarska utrka svoje sedmo izdanje obilježit će startom s Liburnske obale 3. svibnja 2020. u 13 sati. Having only one goal − which is finding a cure for spinal cord injury − the Wings for Life World Run is a global race concept first run in 2014. The one hosted by Zadar is the biggest Croatian race gathering a record 10 000 runners and wheelchair participants on 3rd May. All runners and participants running the Wings for Life World Run start the race at the same time. All over the world! Regardless of whether they’re professional or recreational athletes or absolute beginners, there’s no finishing line. It’s replaced by a catcher car that leaves the starting line 30 minutes after the start of the race, which is finished for each participant at the moment that the catcher car passes them. Best of all, 100% of all entry fees go directly to research that will help to find a cure for spinal cord injury. For the seventh time this May, the Zadar race will, like every year, again show that unity works wonders. Although the Wings for Life World Run is run in several dozen locations in the world, the one hosted by Zadar is the only race of this global project whose race route stretches by the sea from start to finish.


01-03 Kao i svake godine, zadarska će utrka ponovno, ovog svibnja sedmi put, pokazati da zajedništvo čini čuda For the seventh time this May, the Zadar race will, like every year, again show that unity works wonders

Participating in the Wings for Life World Run supports a noble cause and helps the Wings for Life Foundation come one step closer to achieving its goal − finding a cure for spinal cord injury. Although the Wings for Life World Run is held only once a year, its goal has no expiry date, which means that you can also participate in the project by making a donation. The seventh edition of the Zadar race is scheduled to start at 1 pm on 3rd May along the Liburnian Coast. www.wingsforlifeworldrun.com

Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos: Red Bull Content Pool

Wings for Life World Run globalni je koncept predstavljen 2014. godine, a riječ je o utrci koja ima jedan cilj − pronaći lijek za ozljede leđne moždine. Zadarska utrka Wings for Life World Run ujedno je najveća hrvatska utrka koja će 3. svibnja ove godine okupiti rekordnih 10.000 trkača i sudionika u kolicima. Na utrci Wings for Life World Run svi startaju u isto vrijeme. U cijelom svijetu! Bez obzira na to jesu li profesionalni sportaši, rekreativci ili tek početnici, ciljne linije nema. Nju zamjenjuje presretačko vozilo koje 30 minuta nakon starta utrke kreće za sudionicima, dostižući ih jednog po jednog. U trenutku kada presretačko vozilo prestigne sudionike, za njih je utrka završila. Ipak, najbolje od svega jest to što 100 posto iznosa svih startnina odlazi izravno na istraživanja leđne moždine i pridonijet će pronalasku lijeka. Kao i svake godine, zadarska će utrka ponovno, ovog svibnja sedmi put, pokazati da zajedništvo čini čuda. Iako se Wings for Life World Run trči na nekoliko desetaka lokacija na svijetu, zadarska je utrka jedina službena utrka ovoga globalnog projekta čija se ruta proteže uz more od starta pa do dolaska presretačkog vozila. Sudjelovanjem na Wings for Life World Run podržava se plemeniti cilj i pomaže zakladi Wings for Life da dođe još korak bliže ostvarenju konačnoga cilja − pronalasku lijeka za ozljede leđne moždine.


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XXIV. Uskršnja regata 24th Easter Regatta

Piše/By _ Branka Panić Čapo 01


regatu već godinama vraćaju najbolji jedriličari u želji da je osvoje. Held between 1st and 4th April on the Island of Hvar, this year’s, 24th Easter Regatta is once again marking the beginning of the sailing season on the Adriatic. Since the very first regatta, this major sporting event has been partaken in by the best Croatian sailors and yachtsmen, who’ve also been winning medals at international sailing competitions, as well as by competitors from all over Europe, most notably Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro. The regatta is organised in two classes, the ORC cruiser/racer and the ORC boat class, both navigating the stunning waters of the Island of Hvar. It came about spontaneously in 1997, and as the organisers themselves say, it’s their enthusiasm and the generous support of their sponsors that have kept the regatta going. Besides being a major sporting event in professional sailing, the Easter Regatta’s also known both nationally and internationally for fair play, great many sponsored prizes, its great care of the competing sailors and an entertainment programme that’s on during the entire regatta. What makes the Easter Regatta special is that it allows non-professional, amateur teams to compete alongside professional crews and to test their skills against top professionals. With its accompanying entertainment and cultural programme, the Easter Regatta’s become a festival of



01 Oko bove Around the regatta mark 02 Na regatnom polju In the regatta field 03 Povratak u luku Returning to port

sailors and sailing. Boasting a brilliant combination of events both on sea and land is what makes this regatta unique in the Croatian part of the Adriatic and recognisable in the sailing world. Winning the Easter Regatta is a great honour for the skipper and the crew. Their wish to win it makes the best sailors and yachtsmen return year after year. www.uskrsnja-regata.com

Fotografije/Photos: Damil Kalogjera/Arhiva Uskršnje regate/Easter Regatta archives

Ovogodišnja, XXIV. Uskršnja regata, koja se od 1. do 4. travnja održava na Hvaru, ponovno označava početak jedriličarske sezone na Jadranu. Na ovome važnom sportskom natjecanju od samih početaka nastupaju ponajbolji hrvatski jedriličari, koji i na svjetskim jedriličarskim prvenstvima osvajaju medalje i pobjednička postolja, te natjecatelji iz cijele Europe, ponajprije Italije, Češke, Slovačke, Mađarske, Rusije, Slovenije, Srbije i Crne Gore. Natječe se u skupinama ORC cruiser/racer i ORC nauta, a plovi u prekrasnom hvarskom akvatoriju. Nastala je spontano 1997., a kako kažu organizatori, održao ju je njihov entuzijazam uz svesrdnu pomoć sponzora. I u hrvatskim i u međunarodnim okvirima regata je, osim po sportu i profesionalnom jedrenju, poznata po fair playu, najvećem sponzorskom fondu za nagrade sportašima, brizi za jedriličare i zabavnom programu tijekom svih dana regate. Posebnost je Uskršnje regate to što, uz profesionalne, omogućava sudjelovanje i neprofesionalnim, amaterskim ekipama koje se natječu uz bok elitnim posadama i tako iskušavaju u međusobnim borbama na regatnom polju. Uz zabavni i kulturni program, Uskršnja regata postala je praznik jedriličara i jedrenja. Dobar spoj organizacije događanja na moru i kopnu učinio je regatu jedinstvenom u hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana i prepoznatljivu u jedriličarskom svijetu. Pobijediti na Uskršnjoj regati velika je čast za skipera i njegovu posadu. Zato se na Uskršnju

The imperial city

www.visitsplit.com CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2019

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VII. Zagreb Design Week − Identiteti 7th Zagreb Design Week − Identities Piše/By _ Daniel Tomičić Fotografije/Photos _ Karla Jurić, Matej Jurčević 01

Od 19. do 24. svibnja na petnaestak zagrebačkih lokacija održat će se VII. Zagreb Design Week (ZGDW). Izložbe, predavanja, modne revije, filmske projekcije i partyji svake godine privuku više od 25.000 posjetitelja. Središnja lokacija proteže se na 4000 m2 Tehničkog muzeja Nikola Tesla. Ovogodišnja su tema Identiteti. Tema je odabrana s obzirom na činjenicu da je Hrvatska sada u fokusu Europske unije kao prva država u kojoj je istodobno europska prijestolnica kulture, Rijeka, i koja predsjeda Vijećem Europske unije. Identiteti Hrvatske i Europske unije nameću se sami kao tema, ali promišlja se i o pitanju identiteta dizajnera, čija je uloga danas kompleksnija nego ikad. Država partner za 2020. jest Nizozemska čija je okosnica predstavljanja izložba Channelling Change: Inside a Designer’s Brain. Središnja lokacija ugostit će ZGDW Concept Store s najbolje dizajniranim proizvodima na hrvatskom tržištu. Na tisuću četvornih metara dominirat će namještaj, a predstavit će se najbolji hrvatski proizvođači i neki od najboljih globalnih marki. Hrvatska je poznata po hrani i turizmu stoga je nova niša dizajna, food design, važan segment festivala. Specifičnost ZGDW-a jest da obrađuje i dizajn automobila konferencijom Auto(r). Studenti dizajna predstavit će se izložbama i modnim revijama. This year’s, 7th Zagreb Design Week (ZGDW) is held between 19th and 24th May at about fifteen different locations


in Zagreb. ZGDW’s exhibitions, lectures, fashion shows, film screenings and parties attract over 25,000 visitors each year. The main location extends over 4,000 m2 of Zagreb’s Nikola Tesla Technical Museum. This year’s central theme is Identities, which was chosen in view of the fact that Croatia’s now the centre, so to speak, of the European Union as the first country to host the European Capital of Culture project in Rijeka and to preside over the Council of the European Union − at the same time. The identities of both Croatia and the European Union have imposed themselves as a theme naturally, although the question of the identity of designers, whose role today is more complex than ever, is also considered. This year’s partner country is the Netherlands, whose central presentation is their Channelling Change: Inside a Designer’s Brain exhibition. The main location’s again hosting the ZGDW Concept Store exhibiting the best designed products on the Croatian market. Introducing the best Croatian manufacturers and some of the best global brands, the showroom’s 1,000 m2 will be dominated by furniture. Croatia is famous for its food and tourism, which is why a new niche in design − namely, food design − is an important segment of the festival. What makes ZGDW specific is that it also tackles the issues of car design in its Auto(r) Conference. Design students are presenting their work through exhibitions and fashion shows. zagrebdesignweek.com www.facebook.com/zagrebdesignweek



01 Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla, hala V. Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, exhibition hall 5 02 Brigada*: Let’s get physical in a digital world 03 Rams, hrvatska premijera / Croatian premiere

Hrvatski brend u industriji elektroničkog identiteta AKD je tvrtka koja razvija napredna IT rješenja u području identiteta i sigurnosti, a nalazi se na listi pružatelja usluga povjerenja Europske komisije – EU TRUST SERVICES. To je jedina tvrtka u Hrvatskoj koja u svom proizvodnom programu ima visoko zaštićene tiskovine i zaštitu od krivotvorenja za komercijalno tržište. Specijalizirana je za izradu i individualizaciju identifikacijskih dokumenata, svih vrsta pametnih kartica, pruža cjelovita ICT rješenja te složene sustave sljedivosti, a proizvode i usluge AKD-a koristi 17 zemalja. „U industriji elektroničkog identiteta mi smo brzi i prilagodljivi te sto posto sigurni. To su prepoznale različite institucije i međunarodni partneri s kojima realiziramo niz poslovnih rješenja. Potrebe svojih klijenata uvijek stavljamo na prvo mjesto, prilagođavajući i supstituirajući svaki proizvod i uslugu točno određenim potrebama i traženim funkcionalnostima. Stalno unaprjeđujemo razvojne platforme diktirane međunarodnim zahtjevima, rezultat čega je visoka specijalizacija naše tvrtke“ – istaknuo je Jure Sertić, glavni direktor AKD-a.

Croatia's top brand in electronic identification industry AKD develops advanced IT solutions in the field of identity and security. It is listed on European Commission’s EU TRUST SERVICES LIST and is the only company in Croatia that provides high-security print products and counterfeit protection for commercial products. Specialised for the production and individualization of identification documents and all types of smart cards, AKD provides whole range ICT solutions and specific traceability systems, with clients in 17 countries.

“In the electronic identification industry, we are fast, flexible and 100 percent secure. This has been recognised by various institutions and international partners to whom we provide our business solutions. We always put the needs of our clients first, tailoring and adjusting every product or service to client’s specific requirements. Our up-to-date development platforms are dictated by international regulations and result in high level specialization of our company” - said Jure Sertić, CEO of AKD.



Floraart 2020. 2020 FloraArt Međunarodna vrtna izložba Floraart već godinama privlači velik broj posjetitelja. Diči se dugom tradicijom, a vrlo je važan i njezin gospodarski aspekt kojim pridonosi razvoju poduzetništva i obrtništva kao i proširenju turističke ponude Zagreba. Ove se godine od 11. do 17. svibnja na Bundeku održava 55. međunarodna izložba Floraart. Kao i svake godine tijekom Floraarta održat će se natjecanje u aranžiranju cvijeća, Hrvatski kup florista i Međunarodno natjecanje učenika srednjih škola, radionice, stručna predavanja, bogati kulturno-umjetnički program te program Floragrad, koji je namijenjen najmlađim posjetiteljima. U sklopu Floraarta tradicionalno se organizira i prigodna prodaja cvijeća i sadnica te se održavaju brojne promocije i različita tematska predavanja. Izložba Floraart pokazuje raskoš cvijeća i trendove njegova oblikovanja, a svo-

jom atraktivnošću konkurira gradovima razvijene europske vrtlarske tradicije. Također je usmjerena buđenju ekološke svijesti građana, što je i bitna značajka ovogodišnje izložbe, koja je orijentirana na ekologiju i održivi razvoj. Tijekom priprema posadi se prosječno 120.000 sadnica bilja na izložbenom prostoru parka Bundek na više od tristo tisuća četvornih metara otvorenoga i dvije tisuće četvornih metara zatvorenog prostora. Na izložbi sudjeluje dvjestotinjak izlagača iz desetak zemalja, a u sedam dana trajanja izložbu posjeti oko 250.000 posjetitelja. Floraart je otvoren svaki dan od 9h do 21h, a ulaz je besplatan. The FloraArt International Garden and Flower Show has been attracting a large number of visitors for years. Besides boasting a long tradition, its economic aspect’s very important as well, given that it contributes both to the development of entrepreneurship and sole tradership, and to the expansion of Zagreb’s tourism offer. This year’s 55th FloraArt International Garden and Flower Show’s taking place between 11th and 17th May at Zagreb’s Bundek Park. Like each year, FloraArt hosts a flower arrangement competition, the Croatian Florists’ Cup and an international high school pupil competition, workshops, lectures, a rich arts and cultural programme, and the Floragrad programme intended for the youngest visitors. During FloraArt, you can also buy flowers and seedlings, and attend different promotions and various thematic lectures. FloraArt showcases the splendour of flowers and flower arrangement trends, and is, thanks to its attractiveness, on a par with cities boasting a long tradition of European gardening. It also aims to promote environmental awareness, which is an important feature of this year’s show focusing on ecology and sustainable development. During preparations, an average of 120,000 seedlings are planted in the exhibition space of Bundek Park stretching over more than 300,000 m2 of outdoor space and 2,000 m2 of indoor space. FloraArt showcases the work of some 200 exhibitors from about 10 countries, and during the 7 days of the show, some 250,000 visitors see the show. FloraArt is open daily from 9am to 9pm, and admission is free. www.floraart.hr






01-03 Izložba Floraart pokazuje raskoš cvijeća i trendove njegova oblikovanja. U sklopu Floraarta tradicionalno se organizira i prigodna prodaja cvijeća i sadnica FloraArt showcases the splendour of flowers and flower arrangement trends. During FloraArt, you can also buy flowers and seedlings

Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos: Floraart arhiva/archives



2020 Zagreb Classic

J. Duval

Zagreb Classic 2020.

J. Duval


M. Gašparović

The unique city panorama of Zagreb’s King Tomislav Square blending with the enchanting sounds of classical music − that’s Zagreb Classic. The residents of Zagreb and their guests will, no doubt, once again be enjoying famous classical music pieces under the starry sky of Croatia’s capital. For the fifth year in a row, this popular open air festival of classical music and opera is returning to the lawns of King Tomislav Square, a green park stretching between the Art Pavilion and Zagreb’s Main Railway Station. The first edition of Zagreb Classic was held in 2016, having immediately attracted the attention of the residents of Zagreb and their guests. This year’s rich cultural programme promises to be a real summer treat. Entry is free of charge, and all you need to do is come on time, spread your blanket on the lawn of King Tomislav Square and indulge in music.

M. Gašparović


Jedinstvena urbana vizura Trga kralja Tomislava sljubljena s očaravajućim zvucima klasične glazbe − to je Zagreb Classic. Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti ponovno će, nema sumnje, moći uživati u poznatim djelima klasične glazbe pod zvjezdanim nebom glavnoga grada Hrvatske. Popularni festival klasične glazbe i opere na otvorenome petu se godinu zaredom vraća na travnjake Trga kralja Tomislava, zelenoga parka koji se proteže između Umjetničkog paviljona i Glavnoga željezničkog kolodvora. Zagreb Classic prvi je put održan 2016. godine te je odmah privukao veliku pozornost Zagrepčana i njihovih gostiju. I ove godine u ljetnim mjesecima posjetitelje čeka bogat kulturni program. Program je besplatan, a samo trebate doći na vrijeme, rasprostrijeti svoju dekicu na travnjaku Tomislavova trga i prepustiti se glazbenom užitku.

Boška & Krešo



Tekst i fotografije/Text and photos: Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/Zagreb Tourist Board


01-04 Užitak klasične glazbe u jedinstvenom večernjem ugođaju zagrebačkog Trga kralja Tomislava Enjoyment of classical music in the unique evening ambience of Zagreb’s King Tomislav Square

Zagreb Card24 98 kn

It also includes discounts at more than 55 locations such as museums, galleries, restaurants, shops, and others. From now on, Zagreb Card can be purchased online, at the Visitor Centre on Zagreb`s main square and at Franjo Tuđman Airport.

Zagreb Card72 135 kn

Photo: Borna Filić / Pixsell

Advantages of Zagreb Card: —  Unlimited access to public transportation —Free admission to city attractions

Free admission to the Museum of the City of Zagreb, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Broken Relationships, Zagreb 360° – Zagreb Eye observation deck, and the Zagreb ZOO. For more information, visit our website at www.zagrebcard.com


Ove godine očekuje vas 15. izdanje INmusic festivala, koji se već tradicionalno održava na Jarunu, u Zagrebu. Riječ je o najvećem open-air festivalu u Hrvatskoj koji će se održati od 22. do 24. lipnja. Ovaj, po mišljenju mnogih, središnji koncertni događaj u Hrvatskoj primio je brojna priznanja i kroz godine zadržao jednaku formu. Na tri velike pozornice i više manjih održavaju se nastupi poznatih

J. Duval

INmusic festival

J. Duval



01 Festivalska lokacija pokraj jezera Jarun The festival’s location at Jarun Lake 02 Unutrašnjost Teslinog tornja The interior of the Tesla Tower installation 02 Glavna pozornica i publika INmusic festivala INmusic Festival’s main stage and audience 04


Get ready for this year’s, 15th edition of the INmusic Festival. Traditionally held on the shores of Zagreb’s Jarun Lake, this is the biggest open air music festival in Croatia to be held from 22nd to 24th June. Having kept the same format throughout the years, this, according to many, major music festival in Croatia has received numerous accolades. Famous rock, pop, world music, ska, punk and electronic music artists give concert performances on three big stages and a number of smaller ones. INmusic Festival lasts for three eventful days, with the organisers also offering camp accommodation. One of the many headliners who’ve confirmed their performance at this year’s festival are Belle and Sebastian. This Scottish indie pop band has released ten albums, with their last one, Days of the Bagnold Summer, being the soundtrack to a film of the same name. Rival Sons is a new name on the line-up of this year’s INmusic. This US hard rock and blues band has released six albums and an EP, with Feral Roots being their last album. The Lumineers, a US folk-rock band, are also performing at this year’s INmusic. Having released three albums so far, this Denver-based band is famous for their hits, Ho Hey and Ophelia. Many other interesting musicians are joining the line-up of this popular festival, making Zagreb’s pleasant nights the place to be. www.inmusicfestival.com

Tekst/ Text: Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić; Fotografije/Photos: J. Duval, Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/Zagreb Tourist Board

J. Duval


izvođača rock, pop, world music, ska, punk i elektronske glazbe. Popularni festival traje tri intenzivna dana, a organizatori nude i smještaj u kampu. Jedni od brojnih headlinera koji su ove godine potvrdili nastup na festivalu jesu i Belle and Sebastian. Ovaj škotski indie pop bend iza sebe ima deset albuma, a posljednji, Days of the Bagnold Summer, bio je soundtrack za istoimeni film. Rival Sons novo je ime 15. INmusica. Američki hard rock i blues bend iza sebe ima šest albuma i jedan EP, a posljednji album im je Feral Roots. Američki folk-rockeri The Lumineers također dolaze na jubilarni INmusic. Ovaj bend iz Denvera poznat je po hitovima Ho Hey i Ophelia, a iza sebe ima tri albuma. I mnogi drugi zanimljivi glazbenici pridružit će se ovome popularnom festivalu koji vas očekuje u ugodnim zagrebačkim noćima.



PODUZETNICI, PRONAĐITE NOVE KUPCE UZ POMOĆ OGLAŠAVANJA NA INTERNETU! Hrvatski Telekom vam nudi potpunu uslugu uz najbolje alate za oglašavanje: Google i Facebook oglase, savjetovanja i analize te digitalne edukacije i seminare kako biste pronašli nove kupce i ostvarili prilike za rast! Više informacija na hrvatskitelekom.hr/poslovni/svijetboljihmogucnosti. Posjetite najbliže T prodajno mjesto ili nazovite 0800 9100.



Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Vatroslav Kuliš, Kritička retrospektiva 1974. − 2020. Vatroslav Kuliš, A Critical

M. Krištofić

Retrospective 1974-2020

u Hrvatskoj. Od Labina preko Lovrana, Buzeta i Motovuna do Umaga više od 1000 natjecatelja pokazat će svoju izdržljivost. Srednjovjekovni gradići od kamena, mistične šume, crvena zemlja Istre i proplanci sa spektakularnim pogledima na Jadransko more zavest će vas svojom ljepotom.

31. 3. − 18. 5., Zagreb U Modernoj galeriji razgledajte retrospektivu slikara Vatroslava Kuliša na kojoj vas očekuje stotinjak slika manjeg i većeg formata nastalih u razdoblju od 1974. do 2020. godine. The Modern Gallery’s mounting a retrospective exhibition of Vatroslav Kuliš’s work, exhibiting about a hundred of his paintings of smaller and larger formats painted between 1974 and 2020. www.moderna-galerija.hr

Take part in Croatia’s biggest international trail race this spring. Starting in Labin, racing through Lovran, Buzet and Motovun, and finishing in Umag, over 1000 racers will be demonstrating their endurance. You’re bound to be captivated by the beauty of medieval towns built of stone, mystical forests, Istria’s terra rossa and clearings with spectacular views of the Adriatic Sea. www.istria100.com

Travanj April

Tuna, Sushi & Wine Festival

Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings 100 milja Istre 100 Miles of Istria

17. − 19. 4., Labin, Lovran, Buzet, Motovun, Umag I ovoga proljeća sudjelujte u najvećoj međunarodnoj trail utrci


Zadar i okolica Zadar and surroundings

5. − 14. 4., Zadar Na ovome festivalu razmjenjuju se iskustva Hrvatske i Japana. Ova lijepa priča o tradiciji i kulinarstvu svake se godine razvija, a festival je obogatio i cjelogodišnju zadarsku turističku ponudu. This festival’s about the sharing of experiences between Croatia and Japan. By enriching Zadar’s yearround tourism offer, this beautiful story of tradition and the art of

cooking has been flourishing year after year. sushifest.zadar.travel Split i okolica Split and surroundings Croatia Boat Show

22. − 26. 4., Split Na 22. sajmu u Splitu i ove će se godine naći najatraktivniji brodovi na Mediteranu, kao i brodograditelji i proizvođači nautičke opreme, charter poduzeća, agencije i predstavnici marina. This year’s, 22nd edition of the show in Split is again showcasing the most beautiful boats on the Mediterranean, bringing together shipbuilders, nautical equipment manufacturers, charter companies, agencies and marina representatives. croatiaboatshow.com Procesija Za križen Following the Cross procession

9. − 10. 4., Hvar Punih pet stoljeća Hvarani na poseban način slave Uskrs − procesijom Za križen. U noći s Velikog četvrtka na Veliki petak procesija

povezuje Jelsu, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj i Vrbosku. Procesija je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. The people of the Island of Hvar have celebrated Easter in a very special way for five centuries − by taking part in the Following the Cross procession. On the eve of Good Friday, the procession connects the communities of Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj and Vrboska. The procession is on UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. www.min-kulture.hr ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Hvar

17. − 19. 4., Hvar Miris ružmarina i kristalno čisto more uz povijesne krajobraze čine ovu utrku jedinstvenom na svijetu. Pridružite se utrkama ovoga proljeća i uživajte u ovom događanju koje je svojevrsni sportski hommage kulturnoj baštini Mediterana. The scent of rosemary, crystal clear waters and the whispers of historical landscapes make this an exceptional race. Join the races this spring, a sporting tribute of sorts to the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean. otilloswimrun.com/races/hvar/

TZ grada Hvara/Hvar Tourist Board

Ožujak March


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Dubrovnik i okolica Dubrovnik and surroundings

actively participate in different staged events from Zagreb’s history. www.tajnegrica.hr

Aklapela festival

Svibanj May Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Tajne Griča


8. − 10. 5., Poreč Tijekom tri dana ove međunarodne izložbe ljubitelji vina mogu kušati i istražiti vinski svijet Istre. Osim vina na Vinistri se ocjenjuju maslinova ulja i rakije. Izložba se već tradicionalno održava u Poreču i svake godine izaziva velik interes. During the three days of this international fair, wine connoisseurs get to taste and explore the world of Istria’s wines. Apart from wines, Vinistra also has an olive oil and a brandy section. The fair’s traditionally held in Poreč and has been generating great interest year after year. www.vinistra.com

The Secrets of Grič

Katapult promocija d.o.o. arhiva/archives

Ova interaktivna kazališna noćna tura namijenjena je svima koji žele upoznati povijesnu i tajnovitu stranu glavnoga grada Zagreba. Posjetitelji aktivno sudjeluju u različitim igranim događajima iz povijesti Zagreba. Održava se svakog petka na hrvatskome, a subotom i na engleskom jeziku. This interactive theatre night tour is intended for anyone interested in finding out about Zagreb’s history and mysteries. With tours held every Friday and Saturday in Croatian and on Saturdays in English, those who take the tour will get to


TZ grada Hvara/Hvar Tourist Board

17. − 19. 4., Dubrovnik Ovaj je festival nezaobilazan događaj za ljubitelje klapske pjesme. I ove će se godine predstaviti ponajbolje hrvatske muške, ženske i mješovite klape koje njeguju izvorno klapsko pjevanje. This festival’s an absolute must for fans of klapa-style singing. It brings Croatia’s best men’s, women’s and mixed klapas fostering the authentic klapa-style singing without instrumental accompaniment. www.aklapela.hr

Pula i okolica Pula and surroundings

art of animation since its inception in 1972. www.animafest.hr

Celebrating the co-patron saint of the town, St. Prosper, has become a tradition of the town of Hvar. With celebrations starting with an evening event, this year’s feast day is hosting the Forgotten Food Festival and an art exhibition. You’ll also get to enjoy folklore performances and visit an island products fair. www.hvar.hr

Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings 20. regata Fiumanka 20th Fiumanka Regatta

11. − 14. 6., Rijeka Ovo je nezaobilazan događaj za ljubitelje jedrenja. Jednom godišnje okupljaju se jedriličari iz cijeloga svijeta. I ove godine Fiumanka jedri u tri kategorije i na tri rute. A must for all sailing enthusiasts! Once a year, the regatta brings together sailors from all over the world. This year too, the Fiumanka Regatta is sailed in three categories navigating three routes.

Lipanj June

Split i okolica Split and surroundings

Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings

Fjera sv. Prošpera


Feast Day of St. Prosper

9. − 15. 5., Hvar Hvar već tradicionalno slavi sv. Prošpera, suzaštitnika grada, čija proslava započinje večernjim događanjem. Na ovogodišnjoj proslavi posjetite Festival zaboravljene hrane i likovnu izložbu, a očekuju vas i izvedbe folklornog društva i izlagači otočkih proizvoda.

T. Popakul

Aklapela Festival

8. − 13. 6., Zagreb Riječ je o svjetskom festivalu animiranoga filma nastalome na tradiciji poznate Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma. Od osnutka 1972. godine kroz svoje natjecateljske programe i popratne sadržaje pridonosi kulturnom životu svojega grada te promociji umjetnosti animacije. The World Festival of Animated Film was birthed by the famous Zagreb School of Animated Film. Through its competition and accompanying programmes, it’s been contributing to the cultural life of Zagreb and promoting the

fiumanka.eu 15. Ogulinski festival bajke 15th Ogulin Fairy Tale Festival

12. − 14. 6., Ogulin Svake godine u čast Ivani BrlićMažuranić, popularnoj spisateljici bajki koje rado čitaju djeca mnogih naraštaja, održava se ovaj festival koji Ogulin, rodni grad spisateljice, pretvara u svijet bajke. Paying tribute to Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, a popular writer of fairy tales read eagerly by children of many generations, this festival transforms Ogulin, the home town of the writer, into a world of fairy tales. www.tz-grada-ogulina.hr


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To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 census, Croatia’s population was 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,


treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is cha-

racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international experts in tourism. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its

national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna je na ziv novËane je dinice Republike Hrvatske. U optje caju su novËanice kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 kuna). Mogu Êe je plaÊanje

kre ditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euro Ëekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima. Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the Kuna (kn). In circulation are banknotes in Kuna and coins in Kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth. Payments can be made by credit card (Diners, Visa, American Expre ss, Eurocard and Mastercard), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage


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NOVOSTI NEWS UVODIMO LETOVE ZA SOFIJU I PODGORICU Tijekom ljetnog reda letenja, koji počinje 29. ožujka, uvodimo nove međunarodne linije iz Zagreba za Sofiju i Podgoricu. Naši redoviti međunarodni letovi Zagreb− Sofija planirani su od 1. svibnja do kraja listopada, triput na tjedan − ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom, a obavljat će se zrakoplovima Dash 8-Q400 sa 76 sjedala. Povratne zrakoplovne karte dostupne su po promotivnim cijenama već od 139 eura. Dva dana poslije, 3. svibnja, uvode se i redoviti međunarodni letovi Zagreb−Podgorica, utorkom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom. Letovi će se također obavljati zrakoplovima Dash 8-Q400, a putnicima su na raspolaganju promotivne cijene povratnih zrakoplovnih karata već od 119 eura za kupnju putem naših web stranica www. croatiaairlines.hr/m.croatiaairlines.hr ili mobilne aplikacije.

Naša će kompanija ove godine raspolagati flotom od 15 zrakoplova koji će tijekom ovogodišnje turističke sezone, u redovitom prometu, izravno letjeti u 40 odredišta u 26 država. WE’RE INTRODUCING FLIGHTS TO SOFIA AND PODGORICA During the summer timetable starting on 29th March, we’re introducing new international flights from Zagreb to Sofia and Podgorica. We’re starting to operate scheduled international flights from Zagreb to Sofia aboard a 76-seater Dash 8-Q400 aircraft on 1st May until the end of October this year three times a week − on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Return air tickets are available at promotional prices starting at EUR 139. Two days later, on 3rd May, we’re also introducing scheduled international flights

on the Zagreb−Podgorica route. Flights will be operated on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays also aboard a Dash 8-Q400 aircraft, with return air tickets available at promotional prices starting at EUR 119. The offer of promotional prices applies only to air ticket purchases made online (www. croatiaairlines.com, m.croatiaairlines.com) or via the Croatia Airlines mobile application. Our company will have a fleet of 15 aircraft this year, which will be flying directly to 40 destinations in 26 countries during this year’s tourist season. 15 GODINA U PROGRAMU MILES & MORE Croatia Airlines petnaest godina sudjeluje u programu Miles & More, koji našim putnicima omogućuje prikupljanje i korištenje milja u ovome vodećem europskom frequent flyer i nagradnom programu. Program Miles & More koristi prednosti suradnje s više od tristo globalnih partnerskih poduzeća te omogućuje pružanje kvalitetnih usluga putnicima. Ovim partnerstvom nastojimo pratiti standarde u loyalty trendovima i udovoljiti zahtjevima korisnika naših usluga. 15TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR MEMBERSHIP OF THE MILES & MORE PROGRAMME


Croatia Airlines has been a member of the Miles & More programme for fifteen years, enabling its passengers to earn miles and benefit from Europe’s leading frequent flyer and awards programme. The Miles & More programme uses the benefits of its partnership with over three hundred partner companies from around the world, enabling quality service delivery to its clients. With this partnership we strive to follow the standards in loyalty trends and to meet the demands of users of our services. PREDSTAVILI SMO NOVE LINIJE I VIZUALE U našoj poslovnici na Zrinjevcu 24. veljače predstavili smo nove međunarodne linije Zagreb−Sofija i Zagreb−Podgorica te nove vizuale. Tom je prigodom naš predsjednik Uprave Jasmin Bajić istaknuo kako s novim linijama proširujemo mrežu svojih destinacija na 40 u 26 država u kojima smo prisutni kao avioprijevoznik te kako osim potra-



Catch your happiness! Fly with Croatia Airlines to one of Croatia’s magnificent cities - Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar



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Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/1, 21000 Split, Croatia tel/fax: +385 (0)21 490 032, 490 033, 490 036

www.dalmatia.hr • info@dalmatia.hr



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M. Šarić

NEW FLIGHTS AND VISUAL DESIGNS PRESENTED We presented our new international flights from Zagreb to Sofia and from Zagreb to Podgorica, as well as Croatia Airlines’ new visual designs on 24th February at our office in Zrinjevac Park. Our President & CEO, Mr Jasmin Bajić, pointed out that, with these new flights, we’re expanding our network to 40 destinations in 26 countries in which we’re present as an air carrier, and that we expect not only to create demand for these destinations, but also to provide these two destinations with transfer traffic to western Europe. The Ambassador of Montenegro to Croatia, Mr Boro Vučinić, stressed the importance of this event for both countries. It’s important not only for connecting Zagreb with Podgorica, but

Š. Lugarov

M. Šarić

žnje očekujemo da će te linije pridonijeti i linijama prema zapadu, osiguravajući transferni promet. Crnogorski veleposlanik u Hrvatskoj Boro Vučinić istaknuo je kako je taj događaj važan za obje zemlje. Važan je ne samo za povezivanje dvaju gradova nego i za povezivanje naših naroda i nacionalnih zajednica. Bugarska veleposlanica u Hrvatskoj Genka Vasileva Georgieva zaključila je kako je linija za Sofiju važna zbog boljeg povezivanja s europskim tržištem i Europskom unijom te boljeg upoznavanja dvaju prijateljskih naroda. Naša kompanija nastoji pratiti ali i stvarati vlastite trendove, biti drugačija i prepoznatljiva na zahtjevnome međunarodnom tržištu. Svaka aviokompanija trebala bi

also for connecting the peoples and national communities of Croatia and Montenegro. The Ambassador of Bulgaria to Croatia, Ms Genka Vasileva Georgieva, concluded that these flights to Sofia are important because they’ll lead to better integration into the European market and the European Union, and to further improving the friendly relations between the two peoples. Our company strives not only to follow, but also to create its own trends, to be different and recognisable in the demanding international market. Every airline company should be exclusive, and so we strive to introduce a touch of exclusivity to the individual segments of our business operations. It’s important to point out that our marketing

biti ekskluzivna i trudimo se unijeti dašak ekskluzivnosti u pojedine segmente svojeg poslovanja. Bitno je istaknuti kako unutar kuće sami stvaramo svoje marketinške kampanje. Tako je ove godine naša kompanijska dizajnerica Ivana Ivanković, u suradnji s fotografom Mladenom Šarićem, osmislila i dizajnirala nove vizuale, predstavila ih i zahvalila svim suradnicima na kampanji. Novi vizuali praćeni su sloganima Vežite se, polijećemo, Duplo bolja usluga i U oba smjera, a modeli su naše djelatnice Vesna Parčina i Danijela Jelić. Nove vizuale moći ćete vidjeti u našim promotivnim akcijama u kojima ćemo vam nastojati približiti svoje usluge tijekom cijele godine.

Boro Vučinić, crnogorski veleposlanik / Montenegro’s Ambassador; Ivana Ivanković, dizajnerica CA / CA designer; Genka Vasileva, bugarska veleposlanica / Bulgaria’s Ambassador; Jasmin Bajić, predsjednik Uprave CA / CA President & CEO

campaigns have all been created in-house. So this year, our company designer, Ivana Ivanković, designed and presented the company’s new visual designs done in collaboration with photographer Mladen Šarić, having also thanked all her associates who worked on the designs. The new visual designs are accompanied by the slogans Get ready for takeoff, Twice as good a service and Both ways, and the models appearing in the designs are members of our staff, namely Vesna Parčina and Danijela Jelić. Our new visual designs will be part of our promotional campaigns, which will be introducing our services throughout the year.


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A. Grubelić


SPREMNI SMO ZA ADS-B OUT OPERACIJE Croatia Airlines ispunio je postavljeni mandat EASA-e za korištenje funkcije ADS−B OUT (Automatic Dependent Surveillance − Broadcast Out) u europskome zračnom prostoru. Automatic Dependent Surveillance − Broadcast (ADS−B) jest tehnologija nadzora u skladu s kojom zrakoplov utvrđuje svoj položaj koristeći sustav globalnog pozicioniranja (GPS), a taj signal potom brzim intervalima emitira zajedno s identitetom, visinom, brzinom i drugim podacima. Zemaljska infrastruktura ADS−B, koja se sastoji od ADS−B prijemnika povezanih u mrežu, prima signal ADS−B OUT te prenosi podatke o nadzoru sustavu upravljanja zračnim prometom (ATM). Podaci o nadzoru koriste se za precizno praćenje zrakoplova radi olakšanja situacijske svjesnosti, razmaka i odvojenosti u zračnom prometu. Smatra se da je ADS−B ključna značajka buduće mreže sustava upravljanja zračnim prometom te da će biti nužna za uspjeh programa Jedinstvenoga europskog neba (SES) i ciljeva sustava NextGen, uključujući sigurnost, kapacitete, učinkovitost i održivost za okoliš. S obzirom na to da je u cijelom svijetu postavljen rok do kojega bi svi zrakoplovi trebali biti opremljeni funkcijom ADS−B


OUT, koja omogućuje precizniji nadzor zrakoplova koji provodi kontrola leta, Croatia Airlines je na svojim zrakoplovima Dash 8 i flote Airbus pravovremeno započela nadogradnju. Projekt nadogradnje ADS−B Out funkcije započeo je sredinom 2018. godine, a sufinancira ga Europska komisija u sklopu programa CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) sa 20% ukupnih troškova. Završetak projekta bio je planiran u prvoj polovici 2020. godine, a dovršen je prije roka, u ožujku 2020. U europskome zračnom prostoru koristi se već oko 800 instaliranih zemaljskih stanica za funkciju ADS−B koje su dio projekta Jedinstvenog europskog neba (Single European Sky ATM Research − SESAR). Projekt Jedinstvenog europskog neba (SESAR) pokrenut je 2004. godine, a njegova je uloga definirati, razviti i implementirati ono što je potrebno za povećanje učinkovitosti upravljanja zračnim prometom (Air Traffic Management − ATM) i izgradnju europskog inteligentnog sustava zračnog prometa. Nadogradnja zrakoplova Dash 8 i Airbus funkcijom ADS−B OUT u skladu je s kohezijskom politikom i podržava infrastrukturne projekte europskog sustava upravljanja zračnim prometom (ATM) u okviru CEF-a. Nove tehnologije, kao što je ADS−B, zasigurno će u bliskoj budućnosti naći

svoje mjesto i u hrvatskom sustavu nadzora zračnog prometa. Nadogradnja funkcije ADS−B OUT na zrakoplovima Croatia Airlinesa mogla bi ubrzati instalaciju novih zemaljskih stanica ADS−B u Hrvatskoj te na taj način i dalje razvijati europsku infrastrukturu za upravljanje zračnim prometom. Kao dio europskoga glavnog plana za upravljanje zračnim prometom (European ATM Master Plan), implementacija sustava ADS−B OUT na floti DASH 8 i Airbus imat će izravne i mjerljive prednosti za upravljanje zračnim prometom, kao i za zrakoplovstvo u Europi. Zahvaljujući funkciji ADS−B OUT, Croatia Airlines očekuje da će imati koristi od svih ciljeva projekta SESAR: − ANS produktivnost: smanjeni troškovi na ruti i TMA po letu − Operativna učinkovitost za korisnike zračnog prostora: smanjenje potrošnje goriva i trajanja leta − Kapacitet: smanjena kašnjenja, povećana propusnost mreže i propusnost na zagušenim zračnim lukama − Okoliš: smanjene emisije CO2 − Sigurnost i zaštita: visoki standardi

READY FOR ADS-B OUT OPERATIONS Croatia Airlines has completed the process of fulfilling the EASA mandate to use ADS−B OUT (Automatic Dependent Surveillance − Broadcast Out) functions in the European airspace Automatic Dependent Surveillance − Broadcast (ADS−B) is a surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and then broadcasts that position at rapid intervals along with identity, altitude, velocity and other data. An ADS−B ground infrastructure, which consists of any number of ADS−B receivers connected in a network, receives an ADS−B OUT signal and relays surveillance information to an Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. This surveillance information is used for precise tracking of the aircraft in order to facilitate airborne traffic situational awareness, spacing and separation. ADS−B is seen as a key enabler of the future ATM Network and will be vital to the achievement of the Single European Sky (SES) and NextGen performance objectives, including safety, capacity, efficiency and environmental sustainability. In accordance with the worldwide deadline for all aircraft to be equipped with the ADS−B OUT function, which provides more precise control of aircraft by Air Traffic Controllers, Croatia Airlines started upgrading its Dash 8 and Airbus fleets on time to reach the EASA mandate date. The ADS−B OUT upgrade project started in mid-2018 and is co-financed by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program with 20% of the total cost. The completion of the project had been planned in the first half of 2020 and was finished before that deadline in March 2020. For the European aerospace area, there are already about 800 ground stations installed for the ADS−B function that are part of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project. The Single European Sky Project (SESAR) was launched in 2004, and its role is to define, develop and implement what is needed to increase the efficiency of Air Traffic Management (ATM) and build a European intelligent air traffic system. Upgrading Dash 8 and Airbus aircraft with ADS−B OUT is in line with the cohesion policy and supports the infrastructure projects of the European Air Traffic Management System (ATM) within CEF. New technologies, such as ADS−B, will find their place in the Croatian air traffic control system in the near future. Upgrading the ADS−B OUT functionality on Croatia Airlines aircraft could accelerate the installation of new terrestrial ADS−B stations in Croatia and thus further develop European air traffic. As a part of the European ATM Master Plan, the implementation of ADS−B OUT on the DASH 8 and Airbus fleet will have direct and measurable benefits for the European ATM and aviation in Europe. Croatia Airlines expects to benefit from all the ambitions of the SESAR project: − ANS productivity: reduced en-route and TMA costs per flight Operational efficiency for airspace users: reduced fuel burn and flight time − Capacity: reduced delays, increased network throughput and throughput at congested airports − Environment: reduced CO2 emissions − Safety and security: high standards


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Make a wish!




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roa ia ir i

ar ica

- 4 kune = 1 nagradna milja − za svake 4 kune potrošene preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja - 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike - 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana - Putno osiguranje - Milje ne zastarijevaju - Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela



EN >

i a l Croatia Airlines card - 4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users - Travel insurance - Miles do not expire - Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja. - Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. - 2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.

VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 7 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Više informacija možete pronaći na:

Please find detailed info at:



- Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad - 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account


Dubrovnik ... All the silver, gold and human lives Can not match your sheer beauty! “Hymn to liberty” Ivan Gundulić

T +385 20 773 100 F +385 20 773 322 E headoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr www.airport-dubrovnik.hr CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020

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Novi putnički terminal − uskoro i nova aplikativna rješenja Split’s new passenger terminal’s new application solutions coming soon U 2017. godini Zračna luka Split započela je s proširenjem i dogradnjom novog putničkog terminala, čija je prva faza otvorena i puštena u promet u srpnju 2019.


Nastavila se druga faza radova, a njezino se puštanje u rad očekuje početkom ljetne sezone 2020. Investicija u vrijednosti od 458 milijuna kuna u značajnoj je mjeri povećala kvalitetu usluge i kapacitet prihvata i otpreme putnika i prtljage. Usporedno s razvojem novog terminala zračna luka započela je proces funkcionalne i tehnološke nadogradnje svojeg postojećeg sustava AS (Airport Software). Malo je poznato da je Zračna luka Split više od dva desetljeća razvijala svoje glavne poslovne procese te u radu koristila vlastito aplikativno rješenje koje je osiguravalo brzu prilagodbu u vrlo dinamičnom okruženju zrakoplovne industrije.

Nakon više od 20 godina uspješne suradnje s poduzećem Niko d.o.o. i danas njihovim partnerom IBM-om u projektu funkcionalne i tehnološke nadogradnje, 2017. započeo je rad na novom aplikativnom rješenju. Riječ je o visoko raspoloživom sustavu s potpuno redundantnim komponentama (aplikacijski i podatkovni serveri) temeljenu na višeslojnoj arhitekturi. Sustav koristi trenutno najpouzdaniju i tehnološki najnapredniju bazu podataka Oracle. Migracija na novu platformu planirana je između dvije faze radova na proširenju putničkog terminala kao priprema za novu ljetnu sezonu. Početkom veljače

A. Grubelić

2020. u Zračnoj luci Split uspješno je testirano novo produkcijsko okruženje te je započeo rad na novoj tehnološkoj platformi s novim mogućnostima. Riječ je o web aplikaciji koja je u potpunosti modularna s visokim stupnjem integriranosti. Aplikacija omogućuje: − automatizaciju obrade operacija prihvata i otpreme zrakoplova, putnika i tereta, što uključuje upravljanje sustavom e-karata, prijavu na let (na šalteru, kiosku i putem interneta), tiskanje ukrcajnih propusnica (na papir ili u datoteku), prihvaćanje i otpremu prtljage i tereta, ukrcavanje, kontrolu tereta, provjeru zrakoplova, izračun težine i ravnoteže zrakoplova i dr.; − upravljanje infrastrukturom zračne luke, što uključuje sustav prikazivanja informacija o letu, sustav glasovnog informiranja, upravljanje pozicijama za parkiranje zrakoplova i sl.; − upravljanje kapacitetom u realnom vremenu, što uključuje upravljanje redovima putnika u putničkom terminalu te upravljanje operacijama tijekom zemaljskog opsluživanja zrakoplova. In 2017, Split Airport started the extention and construction of its new passenger terminal, whose first stage of construction was completed, opened and put into operation in July 2019. The second stage of construction is currently ongoing and is expected to be put into operation at the beginning of the summer season of 2020. The investment worth HRK 458 million has significantly improved the airport’s quality of service, and its passenger and baggage handling capacities. In parallel with the construction of its new terminal, Split Airport has also started a function and technology upgrade of its existing airport software (AS) system. It’s a lesser-known fact that, during more than the past two decades, Split Airport has been developing its main business processes by using its own application solutions, which has ensured its expedient adjustment in the very dynamic environment of the aviation industry. Work on the terminal’s new application solutions started in 2017 following more than 20 years of successful collaboration with Niko d.o.o. and their partner today, IBM, in the function and technology upgrade

project. This is a high availability system with fully redundant components (application and data servers) built on a multi-tier architecture. The system uses the currently most reliable and technologically most advanced Oracle database. As preparation for the new summer season, migration to the new platform is planned between the two stages of construction and extention of the new passenger terminal. In early February 2020, the new production environment was successfully tested at Split Airport and work on the new technology platform introducing new possibilities was started. This is a highly integrated completely modular web application, which enables: − automation of aircraft, passenger and cargo handling, including e-ticket system management, check-in (counter, kiosk or Internet), boarding pass printing (paper or database), baggage and cargo handling, loading, cargo control, aircraft control, aircraft weight and balance load sheet calculations, etc.; − airport infrastructure management, including its flight information display system, voice information system, aircraft parking position management, etc.; − real-time capacity management, including terminal passenger queuing management and aircraft ground handling management.


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Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm) Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje torbe označene privjeskom Prtljaga za avion stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu: - 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm - putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe - bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave

The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags with a Carry-on Baggage tag must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in); - each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food; - disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.

20 cm 100ml

30 cm


20 cm TEKUĆINE U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI U zrakoplov se smiju unositi: - tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta - tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre - tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi. LIQUIDS IN YOUR HAND BAGGAGE

Carry-on baggage

10 cm

Please place this bag under the seat in front of you.

The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

Not for exit rows.

40 cm

55 cm

20 cm

40 cm


- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination; - liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre); - liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.


o ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama. ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same time either two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.

ELEKTRONIČKI UREĐAJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

Dopuštene elektroničke naprave: - mobilni / pametni telefoni - tablet računala - slušalice za suzbijanje buke - digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji - elektroničke igre - e-čitači - prijenosna / notebook računala - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji - Bluetooth uređaji - kamere - medicinski uređaji - električni brijaći aparati Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: - elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja - samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi




The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on. Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft: - mobile/smart telephones - tablet computers - noise-cancelling headphones - digital audio/MP3 players - electronic games - e-book readers - laptop/notebook computers - portable DVD/CD players - Bluetooth devices - cameras - medical devices - electric shavers Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft: - electric smoking simulation devices - self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage

Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd. ITEMS NOT ALLOWED The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

USLUGA TIJEKOM LETA Svi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem Sky shopu. Za posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića koja su poslužena u zrakoplovu. SERVICE DURING FLIGHTS All meals and drinks aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed.

www.croatiaairlines.com CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2020 _ 159

Helsinki Oslo


St. Petersburg

Dublin Copenhagen



Berlin Dusseldorf

Brussels Frankfurt





ZĂźrich Lyon

Milan Venice




Osijek Belgrade Sarajevo



Zadar Split o ia Bol Mostar Dubrovnik Skopje Podgorica




Tel Aviv

Code Share Partners

Star Aliance Members

Air Canada


Eva Air

Air France

Air Canada

LOT Polish Airlines

Air India

Air China



Air India

Scandinavian Airlines


Air New Zealand

Shenzhen Airlines

Austrian Airlines

ANA - All Nippon Airways

Singapore Airlines

Brussels Airlines

Asiana Airlines

South African Airways


Austrian Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines


TAP Air Portugal


Brussels Airlines

Thai Airways International


Copa Airlines

Turkish Airlines

Singapore Airlines

Croatia Airlines

United Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines



TAP Portugal

Ethiopian Airlines


Turkish Airlines

Ljetni red letenja / Summer timetable

United Airlines


Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft. Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

35,8 / 117

35,8 / 117

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg) 73 500

64 000

29 257

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11 920 / 39 100

11 900 / 39 000

7620 / 25 000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400


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Choose your path to the world.


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Get ready for takeoff! New direct return flights Sofia starting from 139 € from 1 May on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Podgorica starting from 119 € from 3 May on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday




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S. Jungić

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Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals

Preuzmite našu mobilnu aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga... Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku. Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more... Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.





Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Athens International Airport Barcelona El Prat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Sarajevo International Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport

terminal 3 main terminal terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal B terminal 2D terminal 2 terminal A terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal S terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal B main terminal terminal 3 terminal A, C main terminal terminal 3 terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information




Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757


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TRAVELLING? Dragi putnici! Zahvaljujemo svima koji su nam poslali svoje posebne fotografije s putovanja. Pred nama je proljetno doba koje nas poziva na putovanja, a mi vas pozivamo da fotografirate sve što vas nadahnjuje i sudjelujete u ovome nagradnom natječaju. Uz jednu rečenicu u kojoj objašnjavate zašto volite putovati pošaljite nam kvalitetnu fotografiju i sudjelujte. Autora najkreativnije fotografije nagradit ćemo s dvije povratne aviokarte po izboru za neko od odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, a druga dva dobitnika primit će naše promotivne pakete. U ovom broju putnoga časopisa dvjema povratnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa za najbolju fotografiju nagrađujemo Mladena Obada. Promotivnim paketom nagradit ćemo Tihanu Veljačić i Vedrana Karuzu. Posjetite našu web stranicu www.croatiaairlines.hr (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natječaji), pogledajte uvjete i sudjelujte. Sretno!

Mladen Obad

Dear passengers!

Tihana Veljačić

Jer putovati znači biti slobodan. Because to travel is to be free.

We thank all of you who’ve sent us their special travel photographs. We have spring time coming up inviting us to travel. We invite you to take photographs of everything that inspires you and to participate in our prize competition. Explain to us why you like travelling in a single sentence and send us a quality photograph. The first prize winner and author of the most creative photograph will be awarded two return air tickets to one of Croatia Airlines’ destinations of her/his choice, and two consolation prize winners will each receive a gift package. In this issue of our inflight magazine, Mladen Obad has been awarded two Croatia Airlines return air tickets for best photograph. Tihana Veljačić and Vedran Karuza have each won a promotional gift package. For the details of the competition and how to enter, please visit our website at www.croatiaairlines.hr (Offers/Prize contest). Good luck!

Volim putovati, upoznavati nove kulture. Izbaciti se iz svakodnevice. Putovanja su moj prozor u svijet. Svijet u kojem smo toliko drugačiji, a opet toliko isti. Dječji osmjeh najbolji je dokaz tome. I love travelling, getting to know new cultures. Stepping out of the comfort zone of everyday life. Travel is my window to the world. A world in which we’re so different, yet very much the same. The best proof of this is a child’s smile.


Vedran Karuza

Putovanje proširuje moj svijet i omogućuje mi da bolje razumijem različite kulture. Travelling makes my world bigger giving me a better understanding of different cultures.


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Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 dbvap@croatiaairlines.hr Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr Paris 95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr Podgorica Oki Air Montenegro d.o.o. Ivana Vujoševića 46 81000 Podgorica tel: + 382 20 201201 montenegro@croatiaairlines.hr Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 puyap@croatiaairlines.hr Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 romto@croatiaairlines.hr


1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr

Srbija / Serbia Travel Centar d.o.o. Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 202 80 46 gsa.srbija@croatiaairlines.hr

APG Bulgaria Ltd. 3 William Gladstone str. 1000 Sofia tel: +35924940096 bulgaria@croatiaairlines.hr

Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr


Split 21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr Zadar 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr

SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr


Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46


71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr


Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 greece@croatiaairlines.hr Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 495 981 14 00 ou.mow@grm-russia.com Zhukovskogo str. 63, office 101 Business center Senator 191036 ST.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (812) 332-20-27 ou.led@grm-russia.com

Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr Indija / India STIC Travel Group 2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355 lidia@skyair.biz Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr Tajvan / Taiwan Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw Kina / China Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk Hong Kong Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk

ZAGREB, Ulica grada Vukovara 284 tel. +385 1 366 44 90

SPLIT, Trg Hrvatske brat. zajednice 4 tel. +385 21 323 680

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