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A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Happy Holidays, Coronado
Gems on Coronado’s Crown
Crown City Magazine is steadily evolving into a platform to strengthen, inform & build the community. It is our mission to serve the community and promote the people, businesses and groups who, like precious gemstones on Coronado’s crown, add such beauty and make it so great.
Looking back on 2021, I’m proud of working hard to shift the magazine’s objectives to become part of a public trust run by the people and for the people. Local partnerships have been renewed and strengthened, and we’ve even added a handful more, like our wonderful new partnership with the Coronado Times Online Newspaper. As a proud product of this town, I’m incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support I’ve received from my hometown. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of such strong support from the community where I was raised , now encouraging me, building me up and helping me succeed.
Recently I’ve begun a radical “Guest Editor” concept where I’ve given the opportunity for di erent people, businesses, and groups, take over as editor for a month in 2022. This is my way of making the publication more inclusive to the town, in a sense, so it can become a true community magazine where the people, businesses and groups who make it great will have a sense of ownership. This idea was quick to take root and has taken o ! Participants across the board are thrilled to be included in the creation of the magazine and look forward to the exposure they’ll get speaking to the community while in the spotlight as Guest Editor.
Looking ahead to the New Year, we’ve got so many fun, exciting plans in store for you! In January, we will start the year o by announcing the winners of a brand-new photo contest launching this month called The Best of Crown City Photography Contest. Votes will be tallied, and winners will be announced in January at a groundbreaking voting party. Soiree Janvier Winners will also be featured in a 2023 calendar that will be printed towards the end of the year. Visit our website, CrownCityMagazine.com for more information.
Of course, we are also looking forward to the 4th annual August Surfi ng Issue and 5th annual Surf Photo contest held each Spring, and we are planning to go big this year with another voting party, Sioree Janvier. We are incredibly proud to have brought these events to the local surfi ng community. Let us know if you are interested in sponsoring this event.
With the exception of the August Surfi ng Issue, issues will no longer have monthly themes, so we will be able to bring you diverse content and something for everyone in each issue.
In the American Spirit, the magazine will have a new “for the people, by the people” feel. If anyone is interested in becoming involved in any way, feel free to contact me.
To conclude, I’d like to thank each and every person who has contributed to the creation, content and growth of the magazine. From our original founders to our advertisers, monthly contributors, community partners, and behind-the-scenes production and mailing teams, I am forever grateful for all of your e orts and support in creating a beautiful publication for this town we all love. Like precious gemstones, each of you are valued and appreciated beyond measure.
As we look forward to a prosperous New Year, I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Let’s continue to shine like jewels in 2022! All the best, All the best, Heather Canton, Editor Heather Canton, Editor

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