Optimist Club of Coronado
Announces 2022 Local High School
Senior Scholarship Recipients By Bill Parry Photos by Cynthia Kosciuczyk
(L to R) Front row: Rene Navarro, Monisha Gunasekera, Emma Borgie (not L), Rose Cuthbert Back row: Scholarship Committee: Cheryl Sylvester, Flord Humphreys, Bill Parry, John Watson and Optimist Club President-Elect Paul Lull
ach year the Optimist Club of Coronado provides scholarships to high school seniors who are Coronado residents. Scholarships are awarded to selected applicants who are members of Junior Optimist International (JOI), or cadets in Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC), or have earned Boy Scout Eagles and Girl Scout Gold Awards. Applicants are judged on their level of participation in their respective organization, academic achievement, involvement in other school activities, community volunteerism and a written essay. Scholarship funding is provided by the Optimist Club upon award winners’ matriculation at a four-year college or university, junior college or a trade/vocational school. This year, the Optimist Club awarded a total of $6,000 to scholarship winners. 16
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