2013 BDA NSW Winning Design

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WINDOWS & DOORS FOR WINNING DESIGNS R y lo c k ar e p r oud to w or k w i th Au stral ia’s leadi ng desi gn er s, li ke James Co op er & t he t ea m a t S a nctu m D e sig n. Co ngratu l ati o ns o n this aw ard w i n ni n g p ro je c t . V is it r y lo ck .c o m f or in fo rm a tio n o n win do ws & gl ass do o rs for your w i nn i ng pr oj e c t.


WinningDesign 2013 neW South WaleS

Chapter President’s Message This magazine, the sixth edition of ‘Winning Design’ is the culmination of Building Designers Australia NSW Chapter, 2013 Design Awards. The design award entries bring to the public eye a snapshot of what building designers do, their individual skills and the design outcomes achieved across a range of small to large scale residential, commercial, industrial, community and heritage projects. All the design award entries within ‘Winning Design’ bring to the fore the outcome of the collaboration between the client, building designer, consultants, builders and those other trades necessary to bring these design concepts to reality. The Judges for the BDANSW design awards are prominent persons in the fields of Building Design, Architecture, Education and Government, who in their roles as judges have rigorously assessed all the design award entries, placing a strong focus on use of materials, innovation, energy efficiency and sustainability in each of the design award categories whilst achieving project outcomes compatible with each client’s intent.

John Hatch BDANSW Chapter President

‘Winning Design’ features The Paul Dass Memorial Merit Award - for small scale projects, a key area of design practice for many building designers and the student award which showcases the work of those who will become tomorrow’s building designers. I trust you will enjoy perusing this high quality ‘Winning Design’ magazine and that ‘Winning Design’ provides you with inspirational ideas for your next project. ‘Winning Design’ magazine may well be the catalyst for you to allow a building designer’s creativity to guide your next project to achieve a design outcome beyond your expectations.



WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

Acknowledgements Building Designers Australia NSW Chapter thanks everyone associated with the 2013 BDA NSW Design Awards, including: All entrants The Design Awards Committee: Katrina McCarron Linda Morrison Ted Riddle Tracy Watson Assisted by - Gabrielle Sandel Input from BDA NSW State Management Committee

The awards Judges: Ian Bassett, Partner - Bassett & Partners Architects Jeffrey Clarke, Head Teacher - Sydney Institute TAFE NSW, Ultimo College Ian Cleland, Towards Sustainable Futures Gavin Dale, Building Designer - Gavin Dale Design Susan Jarrett, Building Designer - Structure Design Don Mason, Architect Rosemary Naughton, Executive Consultant - Strategy, Education & Training, Building Professionals Board Michael Sandel, Building Designer - Plan Source Kate St James, Managing Editor - Universal Magazines Christopher Summers, Christopher Summers & Associates - Building Code & Planning Consultancy David Welsh, Partner - Welsh & Major Architects We would also like to thank Jeffrey Clarke and the Sydney Institute TAFE NSW, Ultimo College, for again providing our judging venue. Sponsors - See page 2


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

MyDesigner website The MyDesigner website was developed by the Building Designers Association (BDA) to enable people who are considering a construction project to locate and review the work of suitable Designers, whilst highlighting the expertise and experience of local professional Building Designers.

The BDA felt that a central register was essential to address the needs of people Australia-wide and with design being a very visual art, it was recognised that potential clients wanted to be able to review images of a Designer’s work, before they made that first approach.

that they could engage a professional Designer to guide them, without the financial commitment of involving an architect. The initial contact was often made with a builder, who very competently advised them on the practicalities of their project but was often untrained in design.

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The benefits of starting a project with the assistance of a Building Designer are significant. A Building Designer will, • Develop a master plan for the project, to ensure that all issues have been considered. • Take a detailed design brief to address your specific needs and preferred architectural style. • Assess your building site to identify its weaknesses and capitalise on its strengths. • Provide practical design options. • Incorporate environmentally sustainable design principles in even the smallest project. • Advise you on a realistic budget for the project. • Liase with other required consultants on your behalf. • Manage your project through its Council assessment. • And even organise Tendering and Contract Administration for the project, should you require it.

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Many people, faced with the opportunity to construct a new home, or even to undertake a modest renovation of their current home, did not realise

6 Contents

WinningDesign 2013 neW South WaleS

Chapter President’s Message




BDA NSW MyDesigner


Design Awards


Full Metal Jacket


Creewood House


Clifton Beach Residence


The Boulevarde


Kuta House


Anstiss Residence


The Ginger House


Church Point Residence


Seaview House


Tropical Hideaway


Dudley Residence


Snell Residence


Rozelle Residence


Past to Present


Universal Home


The Treehouse




Tareebin Road


Sporties Dubbo Refurbishment


Miranda Medical Centre


Hannan Home


Palette of Urban Green


All the Entrants


JVP Awards


Weathertex Award Colorbond Bluescope Steel Awards Architectural Window Systems Award Austral Bricks Award

92 93-94 96 98

Unitex Award


Innovative Timber Ideas Award


CSR Award


A2K Award


Resource Guide Directory

108 121

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8 Winning Design New South Wales 2013 is published by Crowther Blayne Media Specialists

EDITORIAL Editor: Amy Anderson ARTWORK Studio Manager: Byron Bailey Layout: Andrew Crabb Design Team: Aniko Gaspar, Byron Bailey, Carol Taylor ADVERTISING National Sales and Marketing Manager: Trish Riley Corporate Sales: Tim Evans, Cheryl Archbold, Vivianne Reiss Sales: Anita Tibbertsma, David Collin Fary, Anthony Brown Production Controller: Kloe Hynds Sales Support: Ellysha Mill, Tania Stuart General Manager Administration: Sylvia Sutton Printed by: BlueStar Print CONTACT DETAILS PO Box 824 Surfers Paradise QLD 4217 Phone: 1800 063 150 Email: publications@crowtherblayne.com.au Web: www.crowtherblayne.com.au Disclaimer Š This publication is copyright. No part of it may be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical photocopy, recording or otherwise without the permission of the Building Designers Australia NSW or the publisher. This publication may also contain information, text, and images created and/or prepared by individuals or institutions other than Building Designers Australia NSW or the publisher, that may be protected by copyright. Users must seek permission from the copyright owner(s) to use any copyrighted material. As copyright holders are not, for the most part, indicated in text or in image captions on pages in this publication, please contact Building Designers Australia NSW for this information, and for all permission requests. Readers are advised that Building Designers Australia NSW or the publisher cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of statements made in advertising or editorial, nor the quality of goods and services advertised. Opinions expressed throughout the publication are the contributors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of Building Designers Australia NSW or the publisher. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the publication, the publisher takes no responsibility for those relying on the information.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


2013 Winners

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

10+11 2013 Winner

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Full Metal Jacket Premier Award for Design Excellence New Residential Buildings 351-450 sqm

12+13 Full Metal Jacket

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

14+15 Full Metal Jacket

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Premier Award for Design Excellence New Residential Buildings 351-450 sqm Designer: James Cooper, Sanctum Design Consultants Phone: 02 9909 8844 Web: sanctumdesign.com.au Builder: Northern Beaches Homes Photographer: Marian Riabic Photography

Situated in Sydney’s Middle Harbour foreshore, this ultra modern family home has been designed to meet a strict set of design parameters. An irregular site, bounded by a cliff on one side and dense bushland on the other, required the designer to contend with rigorous council controls, construction for flame zone bush fire attack levels and work within a tight budget to maximise commercial viability. The exploration of various construction methodologies has resulted in a well-considered, lightweight design solution. Rectilinear pavilions were rotated on the site to maximise privacy and help orientate the home, thereby taking full advantage of the spectacular views over Middle Harbour. Inside, clever design determined that the upper floor should overhang the smaller lower level, providing shade to walls and windows. This also allowed for a larger open space landscape and for bush fire shutters to be integrated into the building fabric. The home is designed to have living areas and a pool at the rear of the site both of which have prime views of the harbour.

16 Full Metal Jacket

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

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18+19 2013 Winner

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Creewood House Paul Dass Memorial Merit Award – for Small Scale Projects Residential Alterations/Additions up to $250,000 Heritage Buildings/Adaptive Reuse

20+21 Creewood House

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

22+23 Creewood House

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Paul Dass Memorial Merit Award for Small Scale Projects Residential Alterations/Additions up to $250,000 Heritage Buildings/Adaptive Reuse Designer: Luke Van Jour, Distinct Innovations Pty Ltd Phone: 02 8850 6156 Web: distinctinnovations.com.au Builder: Henry Ayala - Fairlight Developments Photographer: Mind the Gap


After extensive consultation with heritage advisors it was suggested that the poorly constructed rear of this property be replaced with a predominately glass structure. To retain heritage integrity the extension was stepped in slightly to clearly define the parameters between heritage and contemporary. The old finished with restored existing brickwork and the new started with a 150mm inward step inside the face of the external walls with an exposed steel column. Additions to the home included an open plan living area and new kitchen, dining and family rooms all with perfect orientation to the north. On the northern wall high performance shop-front glazing with ventilation louvers was added. The distance from the neighboring property was calculated accurately to ensure abundant winter sun, minimal summer sun and high levels of daylight. The polished concrete floor provides thermal mass to stabilise temperatures. At the rear exists a beautiful maple tree. To frame this natural feature, double-glazed high performance sliding doors accessing the entire backyard were used. The tree also provides ideal shading reducing heat loads in summer. To further protect the western glazing an alfresco dining was added with a retractable roof system surrounded by exposed steel and supported on recycled timber columns. In winter the roof opens to absorb the sun and increase daylight, and during summer the roof closes providing shade.

24 Creewood House

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Clifton Beach Residence Commendation New Residential Buildings up to 250 sqm Designer: Chris Vandyke, Chris Vandyke Designs Phone: 07 4038 3000 Web: chrisvandyke.com.au Builder: Reilly Building Services Project Designer: Chris Vandyke Designs Drafting Technician: Chris Vandyke Designs Civil Engineer: Bruce & Associates Photographer: Sean Reason

This mountain retreat cottage is home to a retired American gentleman, who wanted a small home that would seamlessly integrate into a lush tropical garden, once established. Taking advantage of the mountain views, the home was located on the east boundary with full benefit of its own gardens to the front and a small courtyard garden to the rear. Privacy was paramount, so the boundary was heavily planted with native species. The bedroom is separated from the single garage by the main living area. Here bi-fold doors on both sides open the house to the full benefit of the gardens and the prevailing breezes; with retractable insect screens ensuring protection from nightlife. Low level lighting both inside and out add to the evening ambience. The house has been designed with a level of detail seldom seen in such a small building. The timberwork alone represents a significant level of craftsmanship and the individually laid stone wall cladding adds to the mountain cottage aesthetic. All cabinetry was made locally using recycled hardwood timber damaged during cyclones and farm clearances. This cabinetry also defines the craftsmanship that has been such a big part of the development of this small home. The home has been orientated to take full advantage of the prevailing southeasterly breezes and with the use of ceiling fans, the home provides the client with a comfortable living environment. High-level ventilation grilles located in between the ceiling rafters in the main living area provide year round ventilation, even when the house is closed up for the holidays.

26+27 The Boulevarde

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER New Residential Buildings 251-350 sqm (NSW) New Single Residential Buildings up to $2,000/sqm Designer: David Walker, David Walker Designs Phone: 02 4732 3977 Web: davidwalker.com.au Engineer: Kneebone Beretta & Hall Interior Designer: Candice O’Connor Photographer: Harry’s Moments Captured

The site of this project presented considerable challenges such as highly dense woodland with two enormous trees, a site fall in excess of seven metres and a three metre wide creek running parallel to the northern boundary. To overcome these challenges and maximise opportunities the design philosophy gave full consideration to the site’s northern aspect and bushland views. Thus ensuring all living areas benefited from solar design, topography and vehicle access. Spreading across three different levels with two distinct living areas, the property expertly meets the clients’ brief for an open plan, contemporary home. Raked ceilings offer a sense of depth and follow the lines of the three levels, stepping with the fall of the site. Meanwhile, each of the four bedrooms has been built with projecting walls and windows oriented to take full advantage of the picturesque bushland views. The final result is a cleverly designed home that works in harmony with its surrounding landscape, and offers a perfect living solution for its satisfied owners.

28+29 The Boulevarde

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

30+31 Kuta House

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER New Residential Buildings 251-350 sqm (QLD) Designer: Chris Clout, Chris Clout Design Phone: 0412 408 410 Web: chriscloutdesign.com.au Builder: Damien Davidson Builders Structural Engineer: SCG Consulting Engineers Photographer: Patrick Oberem

Kuta House’s Balinese inspiration is instantly evident through the use of natural timbers, stone and stunning tropical landscaping. The property is designed to look like a holiday villa, with pavilion style roofs that incorporate an open entertaining pavilion with ‘floating’ sundeck and pool. The entry bridge appears to float over water, providing a link to the two residential wings and giving an internalised and private feel to the property. The left wing houses the study, family room and bedrooms, while the master bedroom is located in an incredible position with the whole room appearing to float over water. To the right wing lies the kitchen, and dining and living area, which opens completely onto the outdoor living areas. The brick veneer construction offers good insulation and the design opens up to capture south/south easterly breezes allowing cross ventilation. Large eaves also provide shading and sectioning off the house making the entire property more thermally comfortable.

32 Anstiss Residence Commendation New Residential Buildings 351-450 sqm Designer: Peter Downes, Peter Downes Designs Phone: 02 9973 3312 Web: peterdownes.com.au Photographer: Michael Simmonds

The main feature of this near waterfront site is a large Queensland fig tree, which the owners (and council) were keen to retain. The remainder of the design brief was a comfortable, informal beach house for the client’s growing family, with a swimming pool and accommodation for three cars and a boat. The combination of weatherboard, Colorbond and sandstone provides the relaxed beach feel that the clients were looking for. While the low curved roof ensures compliance with height restrictions and minimises overshadowing of the adjoining southern boundary. The glass walled living area that wraps around the large fig tree truly creates a ‘wow’ factor in this home, transforming both the tree and living room into a stunning feature. The design also zones the house to effortlessly absorb a large family with the right combination of intimacy and separation. Careful planning has also provided the family with a seamless transition from the main living area to the sunny, private backyard and pool.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


The Ginger House Commendation New Residential Buildings 351-450 sqm Designer: Chris Vandyke, Chris Vandyke Designs Phone: 07 4038 3000 Web: chrisvandyke.com.au Builder: Mick Quirk Project Designer: Chris Vandyke Designs Drafting Technician: Chris Vandyke Designs Civil Engineer: Bruce & Associates Photographer: Sean Reason

The ‘Ginger House’, inspired by the Indian sub-continent, provides a secure and open living environment on one of the highest blocks of land in the area. A formal gated covered entrance leads the visitor into the inner courtyard, complete with bubbling water feature, potted plants and rainwater chains. Various treasures brought back from India complement the calm architecture of the house. Standard block walls have been transformed into Raj style with indented panels and a soft undulating render. From the courtyard, formally arranged marble steps lead one to the covered perimeter corridor that gives access to all the rooms individually. Each side wing is one room deep, ensuring a constant flow of cross ventilation, even on the hottest of sultry summer evenings. So successful is the cross ventilation that the air conditioning was only used on two occasions during summer. The inner courtyard is cool and welcoming, and the perimeter covered open corridor leads up to generous living, dining and kitchen areas. The fully lined, raked ceiling with exposed rafters embellishes the Indian theme and provides warmth complemented by hardwood floors. A library in the living area completes the picture. Out on the symmetrical terrace, one is distracted by the expansive views – mountain ranges and valleys to the left, and in front a spectacular ocean vista. A covered outdoor living area takes centre stage on the terrace, with a curved wet edge pool to the left and a granite covered viewing terrace to the right.

34+35 Church Point Residence

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER New Residential Buildings over 450 sqm Designer: Peter Downes, Peter Downes Designs Phone: 02 9973 3312 Web: peterdownes.com.au Builder/Interior Decorator: Greg Hunter Photographer: Michael Simmonds

This waterfront site provided an excellent array of design opportunities but came with an equal number of challenges such as a sloping site and height limits. To deal with the sloping site, four levels were constructed, neatly dividing the house into four distinctive functional zones. Outside, a double decker car lift combined with a turntable in the driveway solves street parking and access issues. Internally, a north facing four-storey atrium provides light and ventilation to every level, also acting as a dramatic stairwell. In the living area, frameless glass doors were installed as a solution to seamlessly link the main living room to the northfacing outdoor entertaining area and the west-facing balcony. The final design, at the hands of multi award winning building designer Peter Downes, is a clever and thoughtful concept that makes full use of the positive characteristics of the site while minimising the negative. The owners were equally delighted with the outcome, stating, “The end result is a beautiful, unique, sophisticated but relaxed home which makes us feel as though we are living in a resort all year round.�

36 Church Point Residence

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

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38 Seaview House Commendation New Residential Buildings over 450 sqm Designer: Chris Clout, Chris Clout Design Phone: 0412 408 410 Web: chriscloutdesign.com.au Builder: Braeden Construction Structural Engineers: SCG Consulting Engineers Photographer: Patrick Oberem

This clever design splits the house over three levels making the most of the property’s stunning 180 degree ocean views. The main living level was designed to feel like a single level home with everything the clients needed and includes a lift for easy access to the other levels. The pool area is protected from ocean winds by the house itself, which acts as a screen, and by the retaining wall, which offers privacy from the street. External blinds on the full height stair windows, internal blinds and an awning to the living room provide shading from the hot westerly sun. The ground floor houses the large open plan living, dining and kitchen area that opens completely on both sides providing excellent cross ventilation. The bedrooms are positioned away from the westerly sun and have a reduced amount of glazing due to their orientation. Through careful planning and environmental measures the home promotes an abundance of natural light, which completely eliminates the need for internal lighting during the day.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

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40+41 Tropical Hideaway

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

42+43 Tropical Hideaway

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Residential Interiors (QLD)

Commendation New Residential Buildings over 450 sqm Designer: Chris Clout, Chris Clout Design Phone: 0412 408 410 Web: chriscloutdesign.com.au Builder: Chris Smith Construction Structural Engineer: SCG Consulting Engineers Photographer: Patrick Oberem and Paul Smith

This unique house uses a combination of shape exploration and natural materials to achieve a true resort feel. Materials such as natural timber, plywood eaves, timber doors and windows, dark grey and white rendered concrete block walls and architectural concrete render complement the vast tropical landscaping. Internally, the whole lower floor opens up on either side of the gardens via extended track timber doors. In this mode, the living areas feel as though a part of the outdoors, creating a fluid living space, promoting cross ventilation and directing breezes. On the upper floor, a curved bridge links the two wings of the property and gives an uninterrupted view down to the pavilion, over the pool and out to the canal. There are two master bedrooms at the end of each wing, which cantilever over the terraces below. This design solution retains an unhindered view for the ground floor, while simultaneously providing shading and an incredible focal point.


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WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Dudley Residence Commendation Residential Alterations/Additions up to $250,000 Designer: Melanie Symington, Seaside Homes Phone: 02 49763413 Web: seasidehomesdesign.com.au Builder: Winning Building Contractors Photographer: Impact Images

The original property, a rather plain cottage in a seaside village, required quite a bit of help to transform it from a modest three bedroom, one bathroom house, into a beautiful four bedroom, two bathroom home. The owners engaged Melanie Symington from Seaside Homes to help them complete the changes needed to create their dream home, and it was decided that an upper floor addition was the best approach to meet the owners’ needs. The existing cottage had a dark, south facing living room so the stairs to the new upper floor master suite were positioned in the center of the house, thereby creating a light well for the living room. The verandahs off the living room were also extended with the result being a completely different personality for this space. The upper floor extension was designed to create a peaceful retreat for the owners, who have three children. The suite of rooms incorporates a master bedroom with walk-in-robe and ensuite, a deck with tranquil ocean views and a light filled study. The clients particularly love the views from the bath and can regularly be found, with glass of wine in hand, on the deck of an evening. The shape of the extension and the renovation of the existing cottage have resulted in a beautiful home, whose newly revealed character is perfectly in tune with the seaside village location.

46+47 Snell Residence

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Residential Alterations/Additions over $250,000 Designer: Mike Besley, ICR Design Phone: 02 8850 3502 Web: icrdesign.com.au Builder: Brownie’s Constructions

The Snell Residence is a contemporary home that blends well with its surrounds and impressed the judges with its well resolved, very delicate street presence. The existing dwelling was partially retained with a logical point being chosen for the new works to commence. Large open plan living areas have been created to the rear, allowing direct interaction with the outdoor living and recreational spaces. Inside, a generous secondary living space is located on the first floor at the rear of the new addition. With its location adjacent to the bedrooms this second living area cleverly provides the children with their own much-needed recreational space. Externally, the facade was designed to incorporate reuse of the existing brickwork, which was rendered to give it a more modern appearance. Weatherboard cladding added a strong contemporary presence to the streetscape, while allowing the dwelling to blend in with the surrounding mix of brick and weatherboard homes commonly found in North Epping. Direct interaction between the indoor and outdoor living spaces is central to the way the home is used on a day-to-day basis. This has been achieved through the use of large stacking doors, which allow the spaces to become intertwined. The end result has been an outstanding success and is a central feature of the design.

48 Snell Residence

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Past to Present Commendation Residential Alterations/Additions over $250,000 Designer: Stephen Gee, Concise Architectural Drafting Designs Phone: 02 4733 7214 Web: concisearchitectural.com.au Builder: Keystone Building Structural Engineer: E2 Civil and Structural Design Surveyor: Richard Hogan Photographer: DGM Photography

This traditional California bungalow style cottage, on a heritage conservation road, has always had street appeal. With the street’s conservation order in mind, the new additions were to reflect and enhance the original house, in style, shape and scale, with a crucial focus on merging the old with the new. The designer aimed to ensure that the ground and first floors worked in seamless harmony, both visually and practically. From a heritage point of view, it was important that the additions did not overpower the existing home. The designer wanted to retain a cohesive composition; for this reason the home would have the bulk of the first floor addition behind the existing ridge line on the original roof. The existing roof line would continue up with a shingle finished gable end, matching the existing front gable, giving the illusion of the first floor additions being part of the original home and keeping with its heritage value. The existing walls between the dining and kitchen were removed to give an open feel and enhanced ambience. The result of opening this space has morphed the kitchen into the centre of the home, which then flows out to the rear verandah and alfresco area for extended living and entertaining options. New timber floors throughout the ground floor and timber treads on the new staircase create a warm flow. The first floor includes a new, modern bathroom and three new bedrooms, including the main bedroom with walk-in-robe and water views to the Parramatta River.

50 Rozelle Residence Commendation Residential Alterations/Additions over $250,000 Designer: Nathalie Scipioni, NSStudio Phone: 04 2221 1107 Web: ns-studio.com Builder: Relyon Constructions Principal Certifying Authority: Paul Pierce Structural Engineer: D’Ambrosio Consulting Photographer: SN Photography

The Rozelle residence focused on maximising space and light, creating a voluminous and modern addition to the Victorian semi-detached house. The design solution results in a light and airy family home opening up to a small backyard, which provides an area of privacy, relaxation and ample natural ventilation. The use of high ceilings and bi-fold doors on the rear elevation blends indoor and outdoor, whilst upstairs the balcony provides glimpses of the city skyline beyond. A palette of Blackbutt flooring and neutral tones work to further form a sensation of space and light, creating a warm and inviting interior. Externally, the use of vertical fibre cement cladding provides a subtle contrast between the horizontal lines of the existing brickwork, defining and respecting the old while celebrating the new. The Rozelle residence has provided a light and modern family home, respectfully building upon its Victorian past whilst adding to the mixed character of Rozelle’s urban fabric.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

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52+53 Universal Home

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

54+55 Universal Home

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Residential Interiors (NSW)

Commendation Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: James Cooper, Sanctum Design Consultants Phone: 02 9909 8844 Web: sanctumdesign.com.au Builder: Carty Property Group Photographer: Simon Wood Photography

This project was designed for a family that required single storey living and universal accessibility, focusing on ‘the experience from within’ rather than winning the attention of those from outside. The key to its success would be developed from the generous use of recycled and new timber detailing to provide warmth, character and integrity to the home. The property’s reverse brick veneer construction and generous internal thermal massing ensured a high efficiency envelope and the liberal use of recycled materials. The result is a design that has gained a total predicted energy of load rating of 7.5 stars. Recycled Ironbark was selected for the internal feature joinery as it provided the ideal visual warmth and tones required for the interior theme. A combination of visual warmth and character provides a serene interior environment that avoids the cliché of modern residential homes. Additionally, the use of elements such as vertical screens offer a volumetric and acoustic connection to the different uses of spaces and secure privacy where required. The Western Red Cedar paneling to the cathedral ceiling was selected in a pre-finished form to reduce scaffold and painting costs. Its warm hues complement the Ironbark used as feature elements throughout the home, and also helps to visually balance the large ceiling volume. By combining new material with old, the opportunity was presented for continuity throughout the home, where what was once old is new again.

56+57 The Treehouse

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: Dick Clarke, Envirotecture Phone: 02 9913 3997 Web: envirotecture.com.au Building Designer: Michelle Layland

This environmentally thoughtful home was conceived on three levels – living areas on top, bedrooms in the middle, and the guest room and laundry to the lower level, all with generous ceiling heights. Being fully selfsufficient for energy and water and with a solar heated, fresh water pool (no chlorine or salt), the property has credibly achieved 8 stars (BASIX equivalent). Judges noted the design decision to orientate the building to suit north, despite the block not being positioned true north, and the clever positioning of living areas to the top floor to maximise solar access and views. The top level of the home sits adjacent to the lower tree canopy to the northeast and was squeezed between permissible driveway transitions and planning height limits. Lower levels were then numerically ‘suspended’ from this upper level. The study/rumpus room, being a potentially loud space, is placed in the mid-level against the hill to minimise noise intrusion. Geotechnical (slip zone) issues made masonry construction unaffordable, so a lightweight timber frame was used with solar hydronic heating as a proxy for thermal mass. Solar access along the long axis is also reasonable, and this allowed classic passive solar orientation to north while still allowing unfettered views to the east.

58 The Treehouse

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

Mark provided an elegant and workable solution for a very difficult brief‌ A clever design was envisioned that would allow for more space and better access, using the available space very well. As a result of this clever and well worked out design we now have a much more 'livable' house.

mark davis design

Beautiful Sustainable Designsfor Life

Stuart Greenshields - 2013

Mark was a joy to work with. He was professional and respectful, and had many great suggestions. He worked diligently on my project ‌ was competent and amiable, and I am appreciative of having been the beneficiary of his inspiration and skills. Rachel Hannan - 2013

0414 628 505 info@markdavisdesign.com.au www.markdavisdesign.com.au

60 Kira Commendation Heritage Buildings/Adaptive Reuse Designer: Simon Croker, SC Design Solutions Phone: 0421 278 787 Builder: Boag Constructions Structural Engineer: Design2 Consulting Engineers

‘Kira’ is situated in a prominent heritage precinct of the township of Goulburn. This 1909 circa federation residence was in need of restoration and alterations to suit the owner’s expanding family of five moving back from Perth. The brief was to include new living spaces for children and adults as well as new guest accommodation. A solution for maximising indoor and outdoor living was also desired, and this has been integrated with the historical presence and features of the building. The first design solution was to remove the remnants of the 1970’s addition. This allowed freedom to integrate with original 1909 rooflines and provided a clean transformation internally between new and old. Solar passive design principals were also injected for thermal comfort. Other design features reflect the client’s desire to retain historic charm while transforming the home to accommodate a contemporary and outdoor lifestyle. High ceilings and glass create inspired light from solar gain available from the east and west. Double-glazed timber windows, recycled bricks and weatherboards complete the composition. Designer Simon Croker has responded politely to the existing home through the use of pressed metal feature walls and deep set traditional cornice, contrasting with the contemporary design intent. Opening the home to the east engages the private roofed outdoor lounge area and grassed backyard for the entire family to enjoy.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Tareebin Road Commendation New Single Residential Buildings up to $2,000/sqm Designer: Adrian Sorensen, Sorensen Design & Planning Phone: 02 4984 9955 Web: sorensendesign.com.au Builder: McDowell Homes Structural Engineer: Forum Consulting Engineers

The brief for this residence was to achieve a cost effective, three bedroom home that maximises the property’s northern aspect and subsequent northerly views for its retiree owners. Being an extremely difficult site with limited access, the design was carefully placed and restricted to ensure build-ability at minimum cost. This resulted in the construction of a three level home, while maintaining a spacious floor plan. The residence was angled towards the northeast to take advantage of views of Tomaree Headland and the ocean beyond. The construction angle also allowed the driveway to be positioned at the least possible gradient connecting to the garage. The spacious top-level floor plan comprising of the open kitchen/dining and lounge, opens out onto a sunlit northeast deck facing towards the views. Louvered windows allow the control of airflow into the living areas. The bushland surrounding the building is communicated inside with specifically placed windows that act as a frame to the outside world, like a work of art.

62+63 Sporties Dubbo Refurbishment

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Commercial Alterations/Additions Designer: Kirk Gleeson, Barnson Pty Ltd Phone: 1300 138 657 Web: barnson.com.au Builder: Dubbo Terrazzo Project Manager: Adam Webb Structural Engineer: Chris Bassingthwaighte Town Planner: Jim Sarantzouklis Photographer: Charmaine Wray Photography

The redevelopment of the Dubbo Railway Bowling Club utilised Barnson’s multidisciplinary services throughout the design and construction process. With budget a key consideration, the brief was to try and make sense of the existing layout and to rework the front of the building to incorporate a new modern foyer, offices, function and gaming areas. Through reconfiguring the club’s entrance along the centreline of the front facade, the foyer and entrance became the focal point of the building, and the spaces within the club became more functional. The foyer acts as a central hub with all new office, gaming and function areas and the upgraded amenities branching off either side. Patrons now get a sense of the ‘wow’ factor upon arrival, with the new reception counter wrapping around a cloakroom and into the restaurant. This design feature begins the lineal theme that flows throughout the remainder of the club creating a wonderfully streamlined and cohesive aesthetic. A final upgrade was made to the rear entrance with new joinery and finishes throughout, completing the club’s revitalisation into a modern and user-friendly amenity for current and future members alike.

64 Sporties Dubbo Refurbishment

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

66 Miranda Medical Centre Commendation Commercial Alterations/Additions Designer: John Hatch, J M H Living Design Phone: 0447 681 736 Web: jmhlivingdesign.com.au Builder: Imperium Projects Pty Ltd Building Designer: Jenny Hodge Principal Certifying Authority: Southern Sydney Building Certifiers Access Consultant: Howard Moutrie Photographer: Eduardo Larrosa

Due to a forced relocation of their existing Medical Centre, the clients sourced a 2000 square metre building within close proximity to be refurbished into their new premises. As time was critical, an Application for Development was submitted to Council and was fortunately approved in just over four months. Working in close collaboration with the selected builders, the Construction Certificate and design documentation was generated and the total project completed and occupied in just over five months. The design solution for the project required substantial refurbishment to the existing building as it had been left largely untouched in terms of maintenance for a number of decades. New facilities needed to be integrated into the fabric of the existing building, including; a chemist, newsagency, cafĂŠ, medical practice rooms, specialist rooms, treatment rooms, dental facilities and radiology facilities. The existing building had an asbestos roof, which was carefully removed and replaced with Colorbond, and water penetration had occurred on the lower floor, requiring a new floor slab and drainage. Thereafter, the internal fit out was carried out, and a close working relationship between the clients, builders and designers enabled the project to progress rapidly. The new facility is now in use and the internal dĂŠcor is evolving as the clients settle in to establishing their new facilities.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

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68+69 Hannan Home

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

WINNER Student Design Designer: Mark Davis Phone: 0414 628 505

The design brief presented with this project was ideal for a student, particularly as a first greenfield project. It required designing a home to be functional, aesthetically pleasing, meeting the highest levels of sustainability possible and at the same time being very affordable. As a property designed to cater for a family of five (four of whom are children), the home will cover 168 square metres, comparing favourably to most homes of today in terms of size and massive environmental impact. The project will employ the use of low maintenance and sustainable materials and take full advantage of a north facing orientation. Careful attention to the principles of thermal mass, insulation and ventilation has developed an eminently comfortable design solution, with little energy expenditure, within what can be an extremely climatic environment (from snow to bushfires). The landscape plan will enhance this comfort, integrating with the house and its climate control, as well providing a beautiful respite from the world. Finally, attention to the lines of the roof and variations in the installation of the zincalume cladding to match the shape of the wall will provide an aesthetically pleasing building that invites inspection. Overall, the design and features of this property ably achieve the purpose of providing a family home that engenders calm, safety and wellbeing for its occupants, at the same time impacting as little as possible on our fragile environment.

70 Pallette of Urban Green Commendation Student Design Designer: HY William Chan Phone: 04 3011 6650 Builder: Doug McDonald Electrical Contractor: Jerry Argyriou Architect: Matthew Pullinger Structural Engineer: Richard Green Manufacturer: Michael Mourad Photographer: Isaac Leung

HY William Chan’s built design, ‘Palette of Urban Green’, was internationally selected to be exhibited at Vivid Sydney 2012; the Southern Hemisphere’s largest festival of light, music and ideas. Commissioned by the NSW Government, he is one of the youngest designers in the history of the event. The site-specific installation consisted of five structures next to the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. One hundred pallets produced the simple yet unexpected twisting and undulating sculptures, transforming the natural landscape into an urban fabric of city high-rises. The sustainable, environmentally certified pallets were innovatively designed for complete reuse – by simply unscrewing around the central steel structure. Concealed high-frequency movement sensors, which detect through timber, activated energy-efficient LEDs to create a mesmerising array of light and shadow. All building materials and technologies were upcycled or reused following the events. Described as a “highlight” by the Vivid Director, ‘Palette of Urban Green’ attracted over 600,000 local and international visitors, and was subsequently exhibited at the Verge Festival. The Australian Institute of Architects and the Green Building Council of Australia endorsed the project for its innovative sustainability message. It was also a people’s choice contender in the 2012 Australian Timber Design Awards. HY William Chan is an Honours architecture student at the University of Sydney, was named one of Australia’s ‘Brightest Young Minds’ in 2010 and received the 2011 Convocation Medal from his faculty. He recently assisted with the design and building of the international exhibition at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


2013 Entrants

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Castlereagh Street

Curry Street

Tareebin Road

Category Entered: Heritage Buildings/Adaptive Reuse Designer: Adrian Sorensen, Sorensen Design & Planning Phone: 02 4984 9955 Email: adrian@sorensendesign.com.au Web: sorensendesign.com.au

Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings 351 - 450sqm New Single Residential Buildings up to $2,000/sqm Residential Interiors Designer: Adrian Sorensen, Sorensen Design & Planning Phone: 02 4984 9955 Email: adrian@sorensendesign.com.au Web: sorensendesign.com.au

Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings up to 250sqm New Single Residential Buildings up to $2,000/sqm Designer: Adrian Sorensen, Sorensen Design & Planning Phone: 02 4984 9955 Email: adrian@sorensendesign.com.au Web: sorensendesign.com.au

An imperative piece of this brief from the clients, who were about to cross the threshold into retired life, was to incorporate ultra modern and contemporary features into the design, while complying with strict residential council heritage requirements. Council requirements determined that the ‘heritage’ front facade was to be preserved as it characterises the neighbourhood and the streetscape in the local area, yet the design beyond has a hidden agenda, opening up into a modern contemporary design. A northeast courtyard was designed with glass bi-fold doors connecting the interior and exterior living spaces. This also serves to flood the open kitchen/dining and living area with northern sunlight, which filters up to the high ceilings providing an enhanced sense of space and light. The three bedroom dwelling features a mixture of polished, honed and rock face tiles, each thoughtfully chosen in order to offer contrasting textures and modernity throughout the home.

The brief for this residence was to design a house that synergizes formal and informal living and recreational areas for a large growing family. The main living area occupies the ground floor and allows views to the grassed children’s play areas and to the pool alfresco. Strategically placed windows throughout and sliding glass doors in the living room create good ventilation and natural cooling options during the summer months. The four bedrooms and two bathrooms on the upper level are linked to the lower level by the large void over the entrance and stairs. This feature effectively weaves the levels into one, creating a modern sense of space and connecting the family across the home. The master bedroom flows to a library, which leads onto a timber viewing deck with north easterly district and sea views. An elegant, solid fence wraps around the site for privacy yet does not overpower the design.

The brief for this residence was to achieve a cost effective, three bedroom home that maximises the property’s northern aspect and subsequent northerly views for its retiree owners. Being an extremely difficult site with limited access, the design was carefully placed and restricted to ensure buildability at minimum cost. This resulted in the construction of a three level home, while maintaining a spacious floor plan. The residence was angled towards the northeast to take advantage of views of Tomaree Headland and the ocean beyond. The construction angle also allowed the driveway to be positioned at the least possible gradient connecting to the garage. The spacious top-level floor plan comprising of the open kitchen/dining and lounge, opens out onto a sunlit northeast deck facing towards the views. Louvered windows allow the control of airflow into the living areas. The bushland surrounding the building is communicated inside with specifically placed windows that act as a frame to the outside world, like a work of art.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Thais Residence

CYC City Refurbishment

Newman Residence

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 251 - 350sqm Designer: Adrian Sorensen, Sorensen Design & Planning Phone: 02 4984 9955 Email: adrian@sorensendesign.com.au Web: sorensendesign.com.au

Categories Entered: Commercial Alterations/ Additions Heritage Buildings/Adaptive Reuse Designer: Ashley Foote, Green Line Building Design Phone: 0437 678 890 Email: ash@greenlinebuildingdesign.com.au Photographer: Peter Riley

Categories Entered: Heritage Buildings/ Adaptive Reuse Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: Brent Reid, EcoSphere Design Phone: 0422 556 740 Email: info@ecospheredesign.com.au Web: ecospheredesign.com.au

A key aspect for this design was to take advantage of the property’s northern aspect, sunlight and views to Fingal Bay and Broughton Island. The site being small and sloping presented problems that were overcome by levelling the land with small height retaining walls, placing the lower floor level 540 millimetres above the garage and having high ceilings. This allowed the upper floor to be sufficiently elevated without exceeding the height limit. The upper level incorporates kitchen/dining and living, opening out with sliding glass doors to a large deck bathed in northern sunlight. The master bedroom was placed upstairs with views to the east and south. The lower level integrates two bedrooms, laundry and a rumpus, which flow out onto an undercover north east deck, together with a bathroom and large double garage. The oversized garage has allowance for a future lift, which is opposite a single spine staircase with full height void overhead. Marble tile wraps around and throughout the home, producing a striking contemporary aesthetic and a sense of tranquillity. Complementary glass windows, balustrades and a white rendered façade all work in harmony to emanate a sense of warmth and modernity in the home.

This accommodation facility has been fully refurbished from a multi level office floor space to a uniquely designed special use building. The result is a contextual design for CYC City that keeps in line with the history of the building while translating it to modern times with defining clean lines and smart living solutions. The multi level building incorporates: reception area and office, 48 accommodation rooms (catering for over 200 people), commercial kitchen, dining, lounge and function rooms, and a rooftop terrace (green space area). The finished product is a building that offers every amenity to operate as a fully functioning group accommodation facility.

The Newman Residence has been a most rewarding project for the designer whose clients were an 80 year old couple who wanted to build their own sustainable home. The dwelling was designed using fundamental passive solar design techniques of orientation, shading, ventilation and materiality to achieve a seasonally responsive dwelling within a confined site and a limited budget. The owners trusted the designer’s instinct and contemporary approach within a heritage setting. Crucial to the design was flexibility so that the home could be adaptable to the clients’ needs as they aged. Elements such as being on a single level, wheelchair access, wide doorways, and appropriate hallway and room proportions were all taken into account. The town of Canowindra is known as an ‘historic’ or ‘heritage’ township, therefore the new home was to integrate and complement the existing 100 year old stable and coach house on the site, as well as the neighbour’s heritage listed dwelling.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Kuta House

Seaview House

Tropical Hideaway

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 251-350sqm Designer: Chris Clout, Chris Clout Design Phone: 0412 408 410 Web: chriscloutdesign.com.au Photographer: Patrick Oberem

Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings over 450sqm Residential Interiors Designer: Chris Clout, Chris Clout Design Phone: 0412 408 410 Web: chriscloutdesign.com.au Photographer: Patrick Oberem

Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings over 450sqm Residential Interiors Designer: Chris Clout, Chris Clout Design Phone: 0412 408 410 Web: chriscloutdesign.com.au Photographer: Patrick Oberem and Paul Smith

This clever design splits the house over three levels making the most of the property’s stunning 180 degree ocean views. The main living level was designed to feel like a single level home with everything the clients needed and includes a lift for easy access to the other levels. The pool area is protected from ocean winds by the house itself, which acts as a screen, and by the retaining wall, which offers privacy from the street. External blinds on the full height stair windows, internal blinds and an awning to the living room provide shading from the hot westerly sun. The ground floor houses the large open plan living, dining and kitchen area that opens completely on both sides providing excellent cross ventilation. The bedrooms are positioned away from the westerly sun and have a reduced amount of glazing due to their orientation. Through careful planning and environmental measures the home promotes an abundance of natural light, which completely eliminates the need for internal lighting during the day.

This unique house uses a combination of shape exploration and natural materials to achieve a true resort feel. Materials such as natural timber, plywood eaves, timber doors and windows, dark grey and white rendered concrete block walls and architectural concrete render complement the vast tropical landscaping. Internally, the whole lower floor opens up on either side of the gardens via extended track timber doors. In this mode, the living areas feel as though a part of the outdoors, creating a fluid living space, promoting cross ventilation and directing breezes. On the upper floor, a curved bridge links the two wings of the property and gives an uninterrupted view down to the pavilion, over the pool and out to the canal. This area is the central focus of the whole house and promoting privacy from within. There are two master bedrooms at the end of each wing, which cantilever over the terraces below. This design solution retains an unhindered view for the ground floor, while simultaneously providing shading and an incredible focal point.

Kuta House’s Balinese inspiration is instantly evident through the use of natural timbers, stone and stunning tropical landscaping. The property is designed to look like a holiday villa, with pavilion style roofs that incorporate an open entertaining pavilion with ‘floating’ sundeck and pool. The entry bridge appears to float over water, providing a link to the two residential wings and giving an internalised and private feel to the property. The left wing houses the study, family room and bedrooms, while the master bedroom is located in an incredible position with the whole room appearing to float over water. To the right wing lies the kitchen, and dining and living area, which opens completely onto the outdoor living areas. The brick veneer construction offers good insulation and the design opens up to capture south/south easterly breezes allowing cross ventilation. Large eaves also provide shading and sectioning off the house making the entire property more thermally comfortable.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Whitehaven Project

Clifton Beach Residence

Kingsholme Residence

Categories Entered: Residential Alterations/ Additions over $250,000 Residential Interiors Designer: Chris Knierim, Designer Constructions Group Pty Phone: 1300 766 889 Email: chris@designerconstructions.com Web: designerconstructions.com Photographer: Belinda Mason

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings up to 250 sqm Designer: Chris Vandyke, Chris Vandyke Designs Phone: 07 4038 3000 Web: chrisvandyke.com.au Photographer: Sean Reason

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings over 450sqm Designer: Chris Vandyke, Chris Vandyke Designs Phone: 07 4038 3000 Email: admin@chrisvandyke.com.au Web: chrisvandyke.com.au Photographer: Sean Reason

With a host of rooms, making the best use of space throughout the property’s four levels required a creative eye and attention to detail. The result is a well-considered design plan, merging the entire dwelling into a cohesive unit while still maintaining individual spaces. Opening out cluttered areas allows for maximum exposure to the expansive surrounding bushland views, which are reflected in strategically placed mirrors. Outside, a new spa area gives life to the once barren outdoor courtyard, entered into through glass doors from the main bathroom. The internal brick structure provides comprehensive coverage of insulation within the home, whereas natural light penetration is supported via large windows and the glass brick wall, which filters sunlight through the core of the home. Warm in winter, cool in summer, the chosen materials complement the entire home design, which includes features such as a gas heating system, and have been specifically chosen to minimise maintenance costs.

This property has been designed with a level of detail seldom seen in such a small building. The timberwork alone represents a significant level of craftsmanship and the individually laid stone wall cladding adds to the mountain cottage aesthetic. All cabinetry was made locally using recycled hardwood timber damaged during cyclones and farm clearances. This cabinetry also defines the craftsmanship that has been such a big part of the development of this small home. The bedroom is separated from the single garage by the main living area. Here bi-fold doors on both sides open the house to the full benefit of the gardens and the prevailing breezes; with retractable insect screens ensuring protection from nightlife. Low level lighting both inside and out add to the evening ambience. The home has been orientated to take full advantage of the prevailing southeasterly breezes and with the use of ceiling fans, the home provides the client with a comfortable living environment. High-level ventilation grilles located in between the ceiling rafters in the main living area provide year round ventilation, even when the house is closed up for the holidays.

The Kingsholme Residence is a majestic property, approached from below via a winding, one kilometre driveway. Comprised of five impressive multi storey pavilions, initial views of the home are striking. Once inside, each pavilion focuses on a slightly different angle of view. The master bedroom pavilion is the first in line positioned neatly on a flat bench. A small, but exquisite ensuite bathroom also has views to be enjoyed while relaxing in the bath. The next pavilion is the main living room, complete with fireplace. Between this and the kitchen/dining pavilion is the main stair to the lower floor and also an outdoor covered sitting area with its own fireplace to enjoy the colder winter evenings. A corridor housing the gymnasium and laundry leads to the third pavilion, within which lies the main office and media room. The final pavilion contains a guest bedroom and ensuite with the kids study room to the rear. The home is an example of the master craftsmanship and use of natural materials that Chris Vandyke Designs exemplifies. The use of Travertine marble floor and stair tread slabs complete the picture of a home that will age gracefully.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


The Ginger House

Cardiff Residence

Merewether Residence

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 351-450sqm Designer: Chris Vandyke, Chris Vandyke Designs Phone: 07 4038 3000 Web: chrisvandyke.com.au Photographer: Sean Reason

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 251 - 350sqm Designer: Cliff Princehorn, The Plan Centre Phone: 02 4952 7500 Email: tristan@plancentre.com.au Web: plancentre.com.au

Category Entered: Residential Alterations/Additions up to $250,000 Designer: Cliff Princehorn, The Plan Centre Phone: 02 4952 7500 Email: tristan@plancentre.com.au Web: plancentre.com.au

As owners of a vacant site in Cardiff, this young family had the opportunity to work with the designers towards creating a practical and versatile home based around their own needs. The design begins with an entry hallway, which flows through the sleeping zone of the house and grows in width until it reaches an open plan living area. This living space, elevated above the neighbours, uses highlight windows to look through the treetops towards Munibung Hill in the distance. Natural light fills the kitchen and deck while additional light is collected by high windows and directed deep into the living area. Downstairs a separate play area connects with the large rear yard, acting as an ideal indoor/outdoor play solution for the children.

An old semi-detached dwelling on a small site had little privacy from its large neighbours and had a poor indoor/outdoor connection. The home also had minimal access to natural light in the living areas and no opportunity for utilisation of the rear yard. The owners and designers collaborated ideas, which included the implementation of a centrally located kitchen between the lounge, dining and a private deck. This allowed for a cohesive light filled living zone connected to the outdoors. Openings from within the deck and the dining room create both access and a relationship to the newly terraced and landscaped rear yard while maintaining privacy from the onlooking neighbours. At the front, a new master bedroom with ensuite and a new garage buffered by a low set carport update the façade, while maintaining the integrity of the existing property within the streetscape.

The ‘Ginger House’, inspired by the Indian sub-continent, provides a secure and open living environment on one of the highest blocks of land in the area. A formal gated covered entrance leads the visitor into the inner courtyard, complete with bubbling water feature, potted plants and rainwater chains. Standard block walls have been transformed into Raj style with indented panels and a soft undulating render. From the courtyard, formally arranged marble steps lead one to the covered perimeter corridor that gives access to all the rooms individually. Each side wing is one room deep, ensuring a constant flow of cross ventilation, even on the hottest of summer evenings. The inner courtyard is cool and welcoming, and the perimeter covered open corridor leads up to generous living, dining and kitchen areas. The fully lined, raked ceiling with exposed rafters embellishes the Indian theme and provides warmth complemented by hardwood floors. On the symmetrical terrace, one is distracted by the expansive mountain and ocean views. A covered outdoor living area takes centre stage on the terrace, with a curved wet edge pool to the left and a granite covered viewing terrace to the right.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Stockton Residence

Ladbury Avenue

The Boulevarde

Category Entered: Residential Alterations/Additions up to $250,000 Designer: Cliff Princehorn, The Plan Centre Phone: 02 4952 7500 Email: tristan@plancentre.com.au Web: plancentre.com.au

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 351 - 450sqm Designer: David Walker, David Walker Designs Phone: 02 4732 3977 Email: dwalkerarch@bigpond.com Web: davidwalker.com.au Photographer: Harry’s Moments Captured

Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings 251 – 350sqm New Single Residential Buildings up to $2,000/sqm Designer: David Walker, David Walker Designs Phone: 02 4732 3977 Web: davidwalker.com.au Photographer: Harry’s Moments Captured

This federation period home was becoming too small for its growing family occupants. To provide increased living space the house was extended towards the west and included a new dining/living area, entertaining deck with outdoor kitchen and a master bedroom with ensuite. The deck became the centrepiece of the addition with all new internal spaces opening onto it. With its high raked ceilings and supplementary timber decks, it draws the outdoors into the living area, creating a light filled, open space. The outdoor timber deck continues down past the original house connecting the old with the new, and providing a connection between the home and garden.

The clients had a very clear vision as to the floor plan for this project, with the brief including open plan living, fluid entertaining spaces, five bedrooms, and two storeys to maximise views of the Blue Mountains. Consequently, large entertainment areas were designed with direct access to alfresco and pool area, and all entertaining spaces and bedrooms are located on the first floor to benefit from mountain views Due to the property being located in a flood affected area the garage was positioned to the front elevation, thus serving as both a focal point and to absorb the mandatory 1400 millimetre finished floor level. This was further assisted by raising the front garden walls to provide raised garden beds and lawn areas with a graduated stepped path leading from the front boundary to the entry. This contemporary project blends effortlessly into its streetscape with clean, smooth lines and has exceeded client expectations across all areas. Careful attention to detail through the selection of complementary window configurations and projecting mouldings has resulted in a finished product with striking individual character.

The site of this project presented considerable challenges such as highly dense woodland with two enormous trees, a site fall in excess of seven metres and a three metre wide creek running parallel to the northern boundary. To overcome these challenges and maximise opportunities the design philosophy gave full consideration to the site’s northern aspect and bushland views. Thus ensuring all living areas benefited from solar design, topography and vehicle access. Spreading across three different levels with two distinct living areas, the property expertly meets the clients’ brief for an open plan, contemporary home. Raked ceilings offer a sense of depth and follow the lines of the three levels, stepping with the fall of the site. Meanwhile, each of the four bedrooms has been built with projecting walls and windows oriented to take full advantage of the picturesque bushland views. The final result is a cleverly designed home that works in harmony with its surrounding landscape, and offers a perfect living solution for its satisfied owners.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Redbank Residence

The Treehouse

Pallette of Urban Green

Category Entered: Residential Alterations/Additions over $250,000 Designer: Dean Maher, design confidential Phone: 02 9440 4045 Email: confidential959@yahoo.com.au Web: designconfidential.com.au Photographer: Dean Maher

Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings 251 - 350sqm New Single Residential Buildings up to $2000/sqm Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: Dick Clarke, Envirotecture Phone: 02 9913 3997 Web: envirotecture.com.au

Category Entered: Student Design Designer: HY William Chan Phone: 0430 116 650 Photographer: Isaac Leung

The biggest consideration for this project was how to get natural light into the south facing addition. Several solutions were presented to the client so they too had an understanding of the need to get it right. The resulting skillion roof was selected as the best way to achieve natural light over the existing house. The new roof is simple and butts into the existing form, which in turn allows for a series of north facing highlight windows over the space. Further, an operable component within the balcony roof allows for additional light into the outdoor entertaining area. The floor level of the ground floor was raised to allow for an increase in the ceiling height to the rumpus. This new addition effectively meets the clients brief and is a dynamic contrast to the existing house.

This environmentally thoughtful home was conceived on three levels – living areas on top, bedrooms in the middle, and the guest room and laundry to the lower level. Being fully self-sufficient for energy and water and with a solar heated, fresh water pool (no chlorine or salt), the property has achieved 8 stars (BASIX equivalent). Judges noted the design decision to orientate the building to suit north, despite the block not being positioned true north, and the clever positioning of living areas to the top floor to maximise solar access and views. The top level of the home sits adjacent to the lower tree canopy to the northeast and was squeezed between permissible driveway transitions and planning height limits. Lower levels were then numerically ‘suspended’ from this upper level. The study/rumpus room, being a potentially loud space, is placed in the mid-level against the hill to minimise noise intrusion. Geotechnical (slip zone) issues made masonry construction unaffordable, so a lightweight timber frame was used with solar hydronic heating as a proxy for thermal mass. Solar access along the long axis is also reasonable, and this allowed classic passive solar orientation to north while still allowing unfettered views to the east.

HY William Chan’s built design, ‘Palette of Urban Green’, was internationally selected to be exhibited at Vivid Sydney 2012; the Southern Hemisphere’s largest festival of light, music and ideas. Commissioned by the NSW Government, he is one of the youngest designers in the history of the event. The sitespecific installation consisted of five structures next to the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. One hundred pallets produced the simple yet unexpected twisting and undulating sculptures, transforming the natural landscape into an urban fabric of city high-rises. The sustainable, environmentally certified pallets were innovatively designed for complete reuse – by simply unscrewing around the central steel structure. The Australian Institute of Architects and the Green Building Council of Australia endorsed the project for its innovative sustainability message. It was also a people’s choice contender in the 2012 Australian Timber Design Awards. HY William Chan is an Honours architecture student at the University of Sydney, was named one of Australia’s ‘Brightest Young Minds’ in 2010 and received the 2011 Convocation Medal from his faculty. He recently assisted with the design and building of the international exhibition at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Full Metal Jacket

Universal Home

Sophie Haus

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 351-450sqm Designer: James Cooper, Sanctum Design Consultants Phone: 02 9909 8844 Web: sanctumdesign.com.au Photographer: Marian Riabic Photography

Categories Entered: Residential Interiors Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: James Cooper, Sanctum Design Consultants Phone: 02 9909 8844 Web: sanctumdesign.com.au Photographer: Simon Wood Photography

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings over 450sqm Designer: Jaspreet Singh, arcINOVATIONZ Phone: 02 8814 8833 Email: info@arcinovationz.com.au Web: arcinovationz.com.au

Situated in Sydney’s Middle Harbour foreshore, this ultra modern family home has been designed to meet a strict set of design parameters. An irregular site, bounded by a cliff on one side and dense bushland on the other, required the designer to contend with rigorous council controls, construction for flame zone bush fire attack levels and work within a tight budget to maximise commercial viability. The exploration of various construction methodologies has resulted in a well-considered, lightweight design solution. Rectilinear pavilions were rotated on the site to maximise privacy and help orientate the home, thereby taking full advantage of the spectacular views over Middle Harbour. Inside, clever design determined that the upper floor should overhang the smaller lower level, providing shade to walls and windows. This also allowed for a larger open space landscape and for bush fire shutters to be integrated into the building fabric. The home is designed to have living areas and a pool at the rear of the site both of which have prime views of the harbour.

The property’s reverse brick veneer construction and generous internal thermal massing ensured a high efficiency envelope and the liberal use of recycled materials. The result is a design that has gained a total predicted energy of load rating of 7.5 stars Recycled Ironbark was selected for the internal feature joinery as it provided the ideal visual warmth and tones required for the interior theme. A combination of visual warmth and character provides a serene interior environment that avoids the cliché of modern residential homes. Additionally, the use of elements such as vertical screens offer a volumetric and acoustic connection to the different uses of spaces and secure privacy where required. The Western Red Cedar paneling to the cathedral ceiling was selected in a pre-finished form to reduce scaffold and painting costs. Its warm hues complement the Ironbark used as feature elements throughout the home, and also helps to visually balance the large ceiling volume. By combining new material with old, the opportunity was presented for continuity throughout the home, where what was once old is new again.

This is an exciting home in its form, layout and use of materials. A major feature of the property is the front, northern elevation, presenting strong horizontal and vertical forms and providing a contemporary and unique home as per the client’s brief. A magnificent double height, 50 square metre entry foyer greets guests upon arrival and delivers ample light to both the downstairs and upstairs living areas. Formal living and dining rooms are located at the front of the home, while their informal counterparts are positioned to the rear with direct access to the back alfresco. Separating these two zones is a gourmet kitchen. The main front balcony has been designed to be slightly curvy in form, adding interest and offering a transition between horizontal and vertical elements.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Dunlop Street Office

Huskisson Beach Units

Le Monde Beauty Salon

Category Entered: Non-Residential Interiors Designer: Joe El-Sabbagh, Designcorp Australia P/L Phone: 02 9630 9911 Email: joe@designcorp.com.au Web: designcorp.com.au

Category Entered: Multi-Residential Medium or High Rise/Mixed Use Designer: Joe El-Sabbagh, Designcorp Australia P/L Phone: 02 9630 9911 Email: joe@designcorp.com.au Web: designcorp.com.au

Category Entered: Non-Residential Interiors Designer: Joe El-Sabbagh, Designcorp Australia P/L Phone: 02 9630 9911 Email: joe@designcorp.com.au Web: designcorp.com.au Photographer: Alfred Boudib

The aim of this project was to create private bedroom quarters to the rear of the property, while providing an open plan living, dining and kitchen that seamlessly integrates with the entertaining spaces. The clients were looking for a total of five units, spacious open plan living, kitchen and dining, ample private outdoor space and private parking spaces for each unit. Living spaces and bedrooms were placed around the perimeter of the building to maximize natural light, positioning service spaces and bathrooms towards the centre of the building. The use of glass stacking doors allows the living and dining spaces to open seamlessly with the outdoor terraces almost doubling the available entertaining area.

This project has managed to make thoughtful design appear effortless, culminating in an aesthetic that blends vintage with modern. The chandelier hanging from a ceiling recess with covered lighting and 3D wall panels create an elegant, bright and eye-catching reception area. Included in the build are five consult rooms—comprised of three different sizes, two containing sinks and one with a shower—and a generous staff and storage room to the rear. Ample circulation space is provided despite the large number of consult rooms, by allowing each room to branch off the central corridor beginning at the reception and ending at the staff/storage room. By implementing a linear plan and using unique finishes, the design team was able to meet the client brief and adhere to the building owner’s (Westfield) requirements within budget.

The primary objective for this project was to provide a functional and comfortable studio and workspace, while preserving the integrity of the original building. Extensive use of white was used to brighten the spaces and was contrasted with exposed brickwork in the boardroom, reception, and studio spaces in order to reveal the original nature of the building. Frameless sliding glass partitions were used to distinguish between the reception and boardroom, as well as mirrored sliding doors along the central wall in order to create a seamless division between the newly formed spaces within the building’s existing shell.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Niblick Home

Miranda Medical Centre

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 351 - 450sqm Designer: Joe El-Sabbagh, Designcorp Australia P/L Phone: 02 9630 9911 Email: joe@designcorp.com.au Web: designcorp.com.au

Categories Entered: Commercial Alterations/ Additions Non-Residential Interiors Designer: John Hatch, J M H Living Design Phone: 0447 681 736 Web: jmhlivingdesign.com.au Photographer: Eduardo Larrosa

This four bedroom family home was intended to comfortably house its occupants while providing an ideal living and entertaining space on the ground floor. An extensive use of glazing in the living/kitchen continuously draws attention to the surrounding pool, barbeque and dining areas. The curved stone wall and internal feature blades help define this expansive open space, distinguishing between interior and exterior, and living and dining spaces respectively.

As a time critical project due to a forced relocation of their existing Medical Centre, the clients required the refurbishment of a 2000 square metre building into their new premises. The design solution for the project required substantial refurbishment to the existing building as it had been left largely untouched in terms of maintenance for a number of decades. New facilities needed to be integrated into the fabric of the existing building, including; a chemist, newsagency, cafĂŠ, medical practice rooms, specialist rooms, treatment rooms, dental facilities and radiology facilities. The existing building had an asbestos roof, which was carefully removed and replaced with Colorbond, and water penetration had occurred on the lower floor, requiring a new floor slab and drainage. Thereafter, the internal fit out was carried out, and a close working relationship between the clients, builders and designers enabled the project to progress rapidly. The new facility is now in use and the internal dĂŠcor is evolving as the clients settle in to establishing their new facilities.

Sutherland Shire Family Services Categories Entered: Commercial Alterations/ Additions Non-Residential Interiors Designer: John Hatch, J M H Living Design Phone: 0447 681 736 Email: john@jmhlivingdesign.com.au Web: jmhlivingdesign.com.au Photographer: Mark Geddes For this commercial project it was determined that a lightweight timber frame could be built over the existing structure. It was then clad with Colorbond Customorb sheeting and fitted with a curved roof comprised of the same material. The floor plans for both levels were developed to provide further opportunity for offices, meeting/training rooms and amenities to address the client’s requirements. The design also provided opportunities for opening up some of these areas to the external views and aspects, and to support cross flow ventilation. The main west-facing entry was shaded from strong westerly sun by means of a decorative screen containing signage, creating an easily identifiable entrance. Sutherland Shire Family Services and their clients are now benefiting from the recreated floor areas of the existing building and the new addition delivered to them.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Upgrade to Kiama Sports Ground Category Entered: Student Design Designer: John McKay Phone: 02 4284 9804 Email: jmckay@1earth.net The Kiama Sports Complex had outgrown its existing facilities due to new sporting codes utilising the already stretched canteen and storage facilities. Submissions were called to showcase what could be achieved by transforming the site into a first class facility to attract larger, more prestigious events such as football finals. A new building concept was developed, allowing an extension to be constructed at an angle that was at a tangent to the soccer field, thereby allowing spectator viewing of the soccer pitch. This extension was also raised to allow the steps leading up to new clubroom facilities to act as ‘stepped’ pavilion.

Hornsby House Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings 351 - 450sqm New Single Residential Buildings up to $2,000/sqm Designer: Keith Hornshaw, Heronswood Homes Phone: 02 9477 3456 Email: keith.ho@bigpond.net.au Photographer: Robin Stokes This is a sustainable, whole-of-life family home zoned over three levels to offer various occupancy configurations for multiple generations. The single storey property comprises three bedrooms and bathrooms, open plan kitchen/dining/living and a multitude of living spaces and storage options. Sustainability has been well considered with inclusions such as: plantation timber frame construction, low VOC paints, energy efficient appliances, water efficient fixtures, ceiling fans, LED and fluro lighting, natural gas cooking/hot water system, solar electricity and 29,000 litre rainwater storage tanks. As a dwelling catering for an array of living options including those wanting a home office/ workshop/studio or a home for disabled/ elderly with live-in carers, this property truly offers a whole-of-life living solution.

Sporties Dubbo Refurbishment Categories Entered: Commercial Alterations/ Additions Non-Residential Interiors Designer: Kirk Gleeson, Barnson Pty Ltd Phone: 1300 138 657 Web: barnson.com.au Photographer: Charmaine Wray Photography The redevelopment of the Dubbo Railway Bowling Club utilised Barnson’s multidisciplinary services throughout the design and construction process. With budget a key consideration, the brief was to try and make sense of the existing layout and to rework the front of the building to incorporate a new modern foyer, offices, function and gaming areas. Through reconfiguring the club’s entrance along the centreline of the front facade, the foyer and entrance became the focal point of the building, and the spaces within the club became more functional. The foyer acts as a central hub with all new office, gaming and function areas and the upgraded amenities branching off either side. Patrons now get a sense of the ‘wow’ factor upon arrival, with the new reception counter wrapping around a cloakroom and into the restaurant. This design feature begins the lineal theme that flows throughout the remainder of the club creating a wonderfully streamlined and cohesive aesthetic. A final upgrade was made to the rear entrance with new joinery and finishes throughout, completing the club’s revitalisation into a modern and user-friendly amenity for current and future members alike.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Creewood House

Hannan Home

Dudley Residence

Categories Entered: Residential Alterations/ Additions up to $250,000 Heritage Buildings/Adaptive Reuse Designer: Luke Van Jour, Distinct Innovations Pty Ltd Phone: 02 8850 6156 Web: distinctinnovations.com.au Photographer: Mind the Gap

Category Entered: Student Design Designer: Mark Davis Phone: 0414 628 505

Category Entered: Residential Alterations/Additions up to $250,000 Designer: Melanie Symington, Seaside Homes Phone: 02 49763413 Web: seasidehomesdesign.com.au Photographer: Impact Images

To retain heritage integrity, the glass extension for this project was stepped in slightly to clearly define the parameters between heritage and contemporary. The old finished with restored existing brickwork and the new started with a 150mm inward step inside the face of the external walls with an exposed steel column. Additions to the home included an open plan living area and new kitchen, dining and family rooms all with perfect orientation to the north. On the northern wall high performance shop-front glazing with ventilation louvers was added. The distance from the neighboring property was calculated accurately to ensure abundant winter sun, minimal summer sun and high levels of daylight. The polished concrete floor provides thermal mass to stabilise temperatures. At the rear exists a beautiful maple tree. To frame this natural feature, double-glazed high performance sliding doors accessing the entire backyard were used. The tree also provides ideal shading reducing heat loads in summer. To further protect the western glazing an alfresco dining was added with a retractable roof system surrounded by exposed steel and supported on recycled timber columns. In winter the roof opens to absorb the sun and increase daylight, and during summer the roof closes providing shade.

As a property designed to cater for a family of five (four of whom are children), the home will cover 168 square metres, comparing favourably to most homes of today in terms of size and massive environmental impact. The project will employ the use of low maintenance and sustainable materials and take full advantage of a north facing orientation. Careful attention to the principles of thermal mass, insulation and ventilation has developed an eminently comfortable design solution, with little energy expenditure, within what can be an extremely climatic environment (from snow to bushfires). The landscape plan will enhance this comfort, integrating with the house and its climate control, as well providing a beautiful respite from the world. Finally, attention to the lines of the roof and variations in the installation of the zincalume cladding to match the shape of the wall will provide an aesthetically pleasing building that invites inspection. Overall, the design and features of this property ably achieve the purpose of providing a family home that engenders calm, safety and wellbeing for its occupants, at the same time impacting as little as possible on our fragile environment.

The original property, a rather plain cottage in a seaside village, required quite a bit of help to transform it from a modest three bedroom, one bathroom house, into a beautiful four bedroom, two bathroom home. The existing cottage had a dark, south facing living room so the stairs to the new upper floor master suite were positioned in the center of the house, thereby creating a light well for the living room. The verandahs off the living room were also extended with the result being a completely different personality for this space. The upper floor extension was designed to create a peaceful retreat for the owners, who have three children. The suite of rooms incorporates a master bedroom with walk-in-robe and ensuite, a deck with tranquil ocean views and a light filled study. The clients particularly love the views from the bath and can regularly be found, with glass of wine in hand, on the deck of an evening. The shape of the extension and the renovation of the existing cottage have resulted in a beautiful home, whose newly revealed character is perfectly in tune with the seaside village location.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Liddell Residence

Snell Residence

Le Biez Residence

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings up to 250sqm Designer: Melanie Symington, Seaside Homes Phone: 02 49763413 Email: melanie@seasidehomesdesign.com.au Web: seasidehomesdesign.com.au Photographer: Andy Warren, Hunter Image Bank

Category Entered: Residential Alterations/Additions over $250,000 Designer: Mike Besley, ICR Design Phone: 02 8850 3502 Web: icrdesign.com.au

Categories Entered: Residential Alterations/ Additions over $250,000 Residential Interiors Designer: Nathalie Scipioni, NSStudio Phone: 04 2221 1107 Email: nathalie@ns-studio.com Web: ns-studio.com Photographer: SN Photography

The site for this beautiful home was narrow but very long, with a significant fall down to the waters edge, and the design brief had some interesting challenges. One client, being an artist, required a studio with an inspirational ambiance. This was positioned high in the structure to combine the water and tree top connections, and has become a haven for her creativity. With such a special site, it was important to have access to the sweeping water views from as many points in the house as possible, the result—views from every room. A particular aspect of this related to the master bedroom. The ensuite has a double shower with a retractable glass door forming one wall, which opens on to a walled patio. Due to the seclusion of this area, doors can be left open to create an outdoor shower experience, with total privacy and water views. Beautiful timber floors and feature raked ceilings sit gently with the stone and glass elements in the rooms. The living rooms and kitchen wrap around an elevated partially covered deck, with the best view in the house.

The Snell Residence is a contemporary home that blends well with its surrounds and impressed the judges with its well resolved, very delicate street presence. Large open plan living areas have been created to the rear, allowing direct interaction with the outdoor living and recreational spaces. Inside, a generous secondary living space is located on the first floor at the rear of the new addition. With its location adjacent to the bedrooms this second living area cleverly provides the children with their own much-needed recreational space. Externally, the facade was designed to incorporate reuse of the existing brickwork, which was rendered to give it a more modern appearance. Weatherboard cladding added a strong contemporary presence to the streetscape, while allowing the dwelling to blend in with the surrounding mix of brick and weatherboard homes commonly found in North Epping. Direct interaction between the indoor and outdoor living spaces is central to the way the home is used on a day-to-day basis. This has been achieved through the use of large stacking doors, which allow the spaces to become intertwined. The end result has been an outstanding success and is a central feature of the design.

The Le Biez Residence focused on updating an existing two bedroom apartment while complying with strict constraints from the strata board, requiring a design solution that pleased both parties. New Italian lighting throughout and bold feature colours run through the interior design. This palette is continued through the use of Italian floor tiles and modern furniture in light tones, creating a bright and modern aesthetic. The implementation of a new European kitchen opening up to the living room has created a sense of additional space. Opaque glass sliding doors between the living room and study create versatility in the layout of the apartment while minimising any loss of natural lighting.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Rozelle Residence Category Entered: Residential Alterations/Additions over $250,000 Designer: Nathalie Scipioni, NSStudio Phone: 04 2221 1107 Web: ns-studio.com Photographer: SN Photography The Rozelle residence focused on maximising space and light, creating a voluminous and modern addition to the Victorian semidetached house. The design solution results in a light and airy family home opening up to a small backyard, which provides an area of privacy, relaxation and ample natural ventilation. The use of high ceilings and bi-fold doors on the rear elevation blends indoor and outdoor, whilst upstairs the balcony provides glimpses of the city skyline beyond. A palette of Blackbutt flooring and neutral tones work to further form a sensation of space and light, creating a warm and inviting interior. Externally, the use of vertical fibre cement cladding provides a subtle contrast between the horizontal lines of the existing brickwork, defining and respecting the old while celebrating the new. The Rozelle residence has provided a light and modern family home, respectfully building upon its Victorian past whilst adding to the mixed character of Rozelle’s urban fabric.

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WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Sylvania Waters Residence

Anstiss Residence

Church Point Residence

Categories Entered: New Residential Buildings 351 - 450sqm Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: Pete Van Ryn, Cronulla Building Design Co. Phone: 02 9523 2223 Email: vra@vanryndesign.com.au Web: vanryndesign.com.au

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 351-450sqm Designer: Peter Downes, Peter Downes Designs Phone: 02 9973 3312 Web: peterdownes.com.au Photographer: Michael Simmonds

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings over 450sqm Designer: Peter Downes, Peter Downes Designs Phone: 02 9973 3312 Web: peterdownes.com.au Photographer: Michael Simmonds

The main feature of this near waterfront site is a large Queensland fig tree, which the owners (and council) were keen to retain. The remainder of the design brief was a comfortable, informal beach house for the client’s growing family, with a swimming pool and accommodation for three cars and a boat. The combination of weatherboard, Colorbond and sandstone provides the relaxed beach feel that the clients were looking for. While the low curved roof ensures compliance with height restrictions and minimises overshadowing of the adjoining southern boundary. The glass walled living area that wraps around the large fig tree truly creates a ‘wow’ factor in this home, transforming both the tree and living room into a stunning feature. The design also zones the house to effortlessly absorb a large family with the right combination of intimacy and separation. Careful planning has also provided the family with a seamless transition from the main living area to the sunny, private backyard and pool.

This waterfront site provided an excellent array of design opportunities but came with an equal number of challenges such as a sloping site and height limits. To deal with the sloping site, four levels were constructed, neatly dividing the house into four distinctive functional zones. Outside, a double decker car lift combined with a turntable in the driveway solves street parking and access issues. Internally, a north facing fourstorey atrium provides light and ventilation to every level, also acting as a dramatic stairwell. In the living area, frameless glass doors were installed as a solution to seamlessly link the main living room to the north-facing outdoor entertaining area and the west-facing balcony. The final design, at the hands of multi award winning building designer Peter Downes, is a clever and thoughtful concept that makes full use of the good characteristics of the site while minimising the bad. The owners were equally delighted with the outcome, stating, “The end result is a beautiful, unique, sophisticated but relaxed home which makes us feel as though we are living in a resort all year round.”

The idea of demolishing then constructing an expensive concrete monolith was never in the designer’s game plan for this project. Instead he developed an economical build strategy whereby the entire original slab, landscape and drainage would be recycled. The intricate design allowed those recycled built forms to be devoured by new lightweight construction. Consulting with the engineers, the designer then developed a lightweight timber and steel framed structure, essential to the adequacy of the retained raft slab. Construction continued with a palette of lightweight cladding materials including skim coat, rendered EPS and express joint compressed cement sheets, all crowned with Colorbond roof sheeting. The designer concludes “the whole project was a pretty exciting ride, the builder is a young enthusiastic guy with whom we clicked immediately, and yes, the client did accept the realities, rising well beyond the challenges. This new residence stands testament to that.” This exciting build rose above many the challenges encountered along the way, and has added a beautiful home to this unique Sydney suburb. With doorstep berthing of private watercraft for its canal-frontage owners, the property’s luxurious location does not detract from its efforts in leaving a minimal environmental footprint.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


St Anne’s Long Day Care Centre

South West Rocks Residence

Category Entered: Non-Residential Interiors Designer: Richard Lutze, Richard Lutze & Associates Phone: 02 266285048 Email: info@rlabuildingdesign.com.au Web: rlabuildingdesign.com.au

Category Entered: Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: Ron Hustler, Sundance Habitats Phone: 0439 670 244 Email: sundancehabitats@gmail.com Web: sundancehabitats.com.au Photographer: Kira Lee Larcombe

The culmination of years of designing and researching best practices facilities for childcare centres has resulted in a new cutting edge childcare building providing more than just minimum standards in childcare. Of paramount importance throughout the design process was the children’s safety and building accessibility.The new facility provides an interactive indoor and outdoor living environment for the children, staff and visitors, and offers an abundance of natural light and ventilation. The creative residentially scaled street facade gives away hints at what lays in store for visitors, with recesses bursting with colour—enticing children and visitors explore inside. The inviting and generous entry and reception has been intended as a meeting space for visitors, staff and parents. The space has been designed to incorporate areas to relax and also to aid in providing centre information to the parents. The classrooms aim to provide children with open plan, naturally lit, airy spaces with lots of colour and creativity, providing an enjoyable environment for ‘pre’ schooling play/learning and development.

The views to the south from this property are spectacular, stretching from Spencers Creek in the foreground across river floodplains to Hat Head and beyond. Situated on a south facing slope this design required a passive solar house with no active cooling or heating systems, building products that were sustainable, low or no VOCs throughout, and stand alone solar power, water supply and sewage system (reed bed). The design took advantage of the southern views by adding performance glass to the south (and throughout) to help retain winter heat in the home obtained through passive means. Carefully positioned louvres attract the cooling summer breezes (NE/SE) coming off the creek, which winds its way to the south east of the building. Well insulated lightweight wall construction on a polished concrete slab provides a lovely home which maintains an even temperature throughout all seasons. The final result is a beautiful living environment and first home for the clients and their young family.

Kira Categories Entered: Heritage Buildings/ Adaptive Reuse Residential Alterations/Additions up to $250,000 Designer: Simon Croker, SC Design Solutions Phone: 0421 278 787 The brief for this heritage restoration was to include new living spaces for children and adults as well as new guest accommodation. A solution for maximising indoor and outdoor living was also desired, and this has been integrated with the historical presence and features of the building. The first design solution was to remove the remnants of the 1970’s addition. This allowed freedom to integrate with original 1909 rooflines and provided a clean transformation internally between new and old. Solar passive design principals were also injected for thermal comfort. Other design features reflect the client’s desire to retain historic charm while transforming the home to accommodate a contemporary and outdoor lifestyle. High ceilings and glass create inspired light from solar gain available from the east and west. Double-glazed timber windows, recycled bricks and weatherboards complete the composition. Designer Simon Croker has responded politely to the existing home through the use of pressed metal feature walls and deep set traditional cornice, contrasting with the contemporary design intent. Opening the home to the east engages the private roofed outdoor lounge area and grassed backyard for the entire family to enjoy.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales



Bushland Retreat

Categories Entered: Heritage Buildings/ Adaptive Reuse Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: Simon Croker, SC Design Solutions Phone: 0421 278 787 Email: sc.design@bigpond.com

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings 251 - 350sqm Designer: Stephen Gee, Concise Architectural Drafting Designs Phone: 02 4733 7214 Email: stephen@concisearchitectural.com.au Web: concisearchitectural.com.au Photographer: DGM Photography

Paschon is a fine example of an energy efficient, low impact, nature based eco-tourism facility for a maximum of eight guests. It accommodates clients for conference and vocational retreats as well as the business owners themselves. Building form was inspired by the rooflines and robust appearance of the old boot factory building on the site. Using the existing concrete slab and reusing the old bricks from the former factory ensured that the site’s integrity was not compromised. New skillion roofs intersect across each other to create opportunities for solar gain to penetrate living spaces and the conference space on level two. As the core function of the retreat, the conference room sits in solitude high in the tree canopy line on the second floor creating its own environment and views while workshops are conducted. This room also acts as a space to purge unwanted summer hot air and heats itself via the stairwell from the wood fire below. Being totally self sufficient in its environment, the result is an isolated, tranquil and relaxed facility created from the reuse of an existing structure.

The owners of this Blue Mountains home envisioned a resort-style property that took full advantage of its bush surrounds and easterly views, to bring the outside in. The aim was for a harmonious relationship between the built and natural environments to permeate all levels of their home. While built on a large sandstone shelf, the home has a considerable fall from front to rear, and across the site. This creates spectacular views and also a design in keeping under the maximum height of eight metres to the ridgeline and six and a half metres to the gutter. The designer envisaged a large foyer entry with double timber doors, and an open tread staircase with minimal materials used to create an open feel. The sunken lounge and dining/kitchen areas, with raked high ceilings, offer a relaxing retreat with un-obstructed views to the eastern bushland through extensive toughened low-e glass windows. The beautiful sandstone enclosed gas fireplace will keep the owners warm in winter, while still enjoying the natural scenery. On warmer days they can enjoy entertaining on the sweeping timber decks.

Green House on the Prairie Categories Entered: New Single Residential Buildings up to $2,000/sqm Residential Sustainable Buildings Designer: Stephen Gee, Concise Architectural Drafting Designs Phone: 02 4733 7214 Email: stephen@concisearchitectural.com.au Web: concisearchitectural.com.au Photographer: DGM Photography This acreage home, with views over the Hartley countryside and to the western slopes of the Blue Mountains, has been built with sustainable living in mind. The semi-retired owners wanted their solar passive sustainable house to have low energy consumption and to spend as little time as possible on maintenance. Taking full advantage of its orientation, which faces due north at the highest point of the site, the home is constructed with reversed brick veneer, internal cladding and insulation to walls, ceiling and roof; achieving a 7.2 star rating. Other sustainability measures include concrete flooring, aluminium double glazed windows, a 100,000 litre water tank, bio-pod irrigation for grey water and a 1.5-2 kW photovoltaic grid connected to the home. The mixture of fibre-cement weatherboard and colorbond steel corrugated cladding in warm colours, along with the timber verandah, create an inviting country feel enhanced by the existing barn. The home has a large open lounge with a log fireplace and features an open plan dining area and a kitchen with a walk-in pantry.


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales


Past to Present

Oceanview Residence

Fraser Residence

Categories Entered: Heritage Buildings/ Adaptive Reuse Residential Alterations/Additions over $250,000 Designer: Stephen Gee, Concise Architectural Drafting Designs Phone: 02 4733 7214 Web: concisearchitectural.com.au Photographer: DGM Photography

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings over 450sqm Designer: Tony Ross, design studio 22 Phone: 02 66514104 Email: lyn@designstudio22.com.au Web: designstudio22.com.au

Category Entered: New Residential Buildings over 450sqm Designer: Torren Bell, Torren Bell Building Design Phone: 0402 145 992 Email: design@torrenbell.com.au Web: torrenbell.com.au Photographer: Josh Marshall

Bearing the street’s conservation order in mind, the new additions to this heritage property were to reflect and enhance the original house, with a crucial focus on merging the old with the new. It was important that the additions did not overpower the existing property, and for this reason the home would have the bulk of the first floor addition behind the existing ridge line on the original roof. The existing roof line would continue up with a shingle finished gable end, matching the existing front gable, giving the illusion of the first floor additions being part of the original home. The existing walls between the dining and kitchen were removed to give an open feel and enhanced ambience. The result of opening this space has morphed the kitchen into the centre of the home, which then flows out to the rear verandah and alfresco area for extended living and entertaining options. New timber floors throughout the ground floor and timber treads on the new staircase create a warm flow. The first floor includes a new, modern bathroom and three new bedrooms, including the main bedroom with walk-in-robe and water views to the Parramatta River.

On a site where the original house burned down, this home has risen from the ashes into an impressive beachside residence. The client’s dream of a magnificent family home, which captures the ocean views of beautiful Emerald Beach and performs efficiently in its passive solar capacity, has certainly been achieved. Verandas and entertaining areas take maximum advantage of the east/northeast views, and bi-fold doors help to create a relaxed flow between the home’s indoor and outdoor spaces. The first floor opens out to a swimming pool and north facing entertaining space, which has made full use of the front boundary retaining wall also creating privacy, which is softened with considered landscape design. The second floor is dedicated to fun with a close living and bedroom connection for this young family, while the level below enjoys a complete entertaining experience for the adults. A central feature staircase winds its way up from the subterranean garage through all levels, culminating at the parents’ retreat and studio. Modern shapes and materials, a touch of commercial flair and clever application, interweave into a unique residential design, which makes it mark on this small beachside area.

The principal objective for this property was to design a light filled yet practical family home, which took advantage of the site’s waterfront location and sweeping, uninterrupted views across Port Stephens to the heads of Nelson Bay. Due to its harsh waterfront environment, the home needed to be low maintenance and reflect a modern yet coastal feel to match the surrounding area. An essential element of the home was to provide free flowing living areas, which seamlessly connect with the outdoor entertaining spaces and landscaped waterfront. This was achieved by way of oversized glazed windows with minimal structural support on the ground floor. Specific attention was focused on the use of external materials such as zinc and natural stone. Carefully planning as to the location of these materials was vital, due to the ongoing maintenance required for any property located in a coastal environment such as this.

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mydesigner.net.au the best place to start

WinningDesign 2013 neW South WaleS


About the JVP Awards

over the years many companies have generously given their support as Joint venture Partners (JvPs) and we want to thank those companies currently participating in the JvP program and therefore acknowledge their contributions by presenting “JvP Awards� in recognition of the products specified by our members. These next series of pages show just what a contributing factor our JvPs make to the design solutions developed by our members for their projects.

2013 JVP awards

Each year BDANSW formally recognises the major industry partners that provide the necessary support to enable the association to function as an independent entity within the NSW Building Industry.

92 Winner


Church Point Residence

Designer: Peter Downes, Peter Downes Designs Phone: 02 9973 3312 Web: peterdownes.com.au The durability and informal appeal of Weathertex is irresistible, and the vertical grooves perfectly complement the lines of the house. Due to its positioning on a sloping site, this waterfront property was constructed over four levels, neatly dividing the house into four distinctive functional zones. The final design is a clever and thoughtful concept that makes full use of the good characteristics of the site while minimising the bad.

WinningDesign 2013 neW South WaleS

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales



Colorbond Bluescope Steel JVP Award

Church Point Residence

Designer: Peter Downes, Peter Downes Designs Phone: 02 9973 3312 Web: peterdownes.com.au Only Colorbond could offer the design freedom used for the complex curves of the roof of this house, and its iconic appeal is the icing on the cake. Due to its positioning on a sloping site, this waterfront property was constructed over four levels, neatly dividing the house into four distinctive functional zones. The final design is a clever and thoughtful concept that makes full use of the good characteristics of the site while minimising the bad.



Ramsey Residence

Designer: Matt Cooney, MUC Design Phone: 02 6239 6966 Web: mjcdesign.net Colorbond corrugated sheet roofing was used on the interesting roof forms of this property, and Zincalume steel sheeting was used as a feature for the external cladding.

WinningDesign 2013 neW South WaleS

COLORBOND®, Thermatech® and BlueScope are registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited ABN 16 000 011 058. * Depending on level of insulation, building shape and function. Average reduction is about 5%. BDANSW32825.

Why is COLORBOND® steel with Thermatech® solar reflectance technology so important? Roofing is a key consideration when designing any building to be thermally efficient. That’s why Thermatech® solar reflectance technology is included in the specification of all 20 colours in the standard COLORBOND® steel range, at no extra cost. In hot weather, COLORBOND® steel with Thermatech®

can help reduce peak roof temperatures by up to 11°C and provide the equivalent to an increase in insulation of up to R1.0. Compared to roofing materials of similar colour with lower solar reflectance, COLORBOND® steel can reduce annual cooling energy consumption by up to 20%*. That’s a breath of fresh air for everyone. For information and fact sheets, go online or call 1800 022 999.


Climate control starts here BlueScope Steel. Proud sponsor of BDA NSW.

96 Winner

Architectural Window Systems JVP Award

Liddell Residence

Designer: Melanie Symington, Seaside Homes Phone: 02 4976 3413 Web: seasidehomesdesign.com.au A combination of glazing styles was used throughout this design, which boasts views from every room in the house. AWS Vantage Magnum Series units were specified to address the property’s more complicated forms and to also meet the challenges of weather conditions off the lake. With such a special site, it was important to have access to the sweeping water views from as many points in the house as possible.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

Thermally broken aluminium windows & doors maximise efficiency, comfort & design flexibility.

MIkE clEAvER Building Designer clever Design | cleverdesign.com.au

high performance, thermally broken residential and commercial systems to maximise efficiency, comfort and design flexibility. ThermalhearT™ window and door systems deliver up to 51% thermal improvement over traditional single glazed aluminium windows. RUMNEY RETREAT - DESIGNER NOTES This is a superbly situated high energy efficient dwelling incorporating orientation, thermal mass and a well insulated envelope. Thermally broken window and door systems from the aws ThermalhearT range made it possible to maximise and exploit the views, maintain internal

comfort levels and ensure an energy efficient residence was created which exceeded the needs and expectations of our client. if you would like to hear more of my story and success working with ThermalhearT systems, view my designer notes video at the website below.

Series 824 ThermalHEART™ FrontGlAZE Framing Thermally broken framing systems locally designed and manufactured helped this project achieve its environmental outcomes




rumney retreat by mike Cleaver, Clever design studio. Photography: ian wallace.


98 Winner

Austral Bricks JVP Award

Sophie Haus

Designer: Jaspreet Singh, arcINOVATIONZ Phone: 02 8814 8833 Web: arcinovationz.com.au The designer loved using the Austral Expressions Blackstone bricks all over the front faรงade of this home, which has caused passersby to stop and admire the finished product. These bricks have given the house a strong street presence that has been thoughtfully softened through the use of contrasting light coloured render. A combination of render and a small portion of Austral Ultra Smooth Jazz bricks were also used at the rear and sides of the house.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

100 Winner

Unitex JVP Award

Forestville Residence

Designer: Anthony Parker, Parker & Associates Phone: 02 4942 8407 Web: parkerbdc.com.au This project was a major alteration and addition to a 1960s property on the North Shore of Sydney. The clients wanted to extend the existing home substantially and bring the facade into a contemporary style. In doing so additions were constructed using brick to the ground floor and fc ‘blueboard’ to the first floor. The only way to marry the two building materials together was with a good quality render, and that had to be Uni-Cote Render by Unitex. The final product was a strong, smooth finish, which gives the appearance of a brand new residence.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

For award winning designs...


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BAL A-40 # SFC 2830900.1

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102 Winner

Innovative Timber Ideas JVP Award

Dudley Residence

Designer: Melanie Symington, Seaside Homes Phone: 02 4976 3413 Web: seasidehomesdesign.com.au The existing verandahs off the living room were extended during this project and were framed using 135 millimetre Pine posts to ensure solid, straight lines. The result is a completely different personality for this space. The shape of the extension and the renovation of the existing cottage have resulted in a beautiful home, whose newly revealed character is perfectly in tune with the seaside village location.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

104 Winner


Art House One

Designer: Kylie Mitchell, Kylie Mitchell Designs Phone: 0407 126 659 Web: kyliemitchell.com.au Art House One is the result of combining creative compact building design, thoughtful interior design, common sense sustainable design and expert material choices. Scarborough Weatherboard was used as a sculptural medium to create circles on the property’s facade. A product was required that had flat surfaces and yet created texture, while being capable of being cut into further shapes as needed. Scarborough fulfilled all of these requirements. This economical product was also selected due to the company’s commitment to producing greener products and the product representative’s commitment and excellent service to designers.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

You’ll love coming home to Hebel

Like all true beauty, the stunning exterior visual appeal of Hebel is more than skin-deep. Underneath the attractive render finish is an innovative high-performance, steel reinforced aerated concrete building system that provides numerous benefits for today’s homebuyer. In addition to its money saving thermal benefits in both winter and summer and incredible fire resistant attributes (proven in the heat of raging

bushfires), you’ll also find one of the world’s most sustainable and environmentally responsible building products (independently verified). This is the way all future homes should be built. With modern, innovative design, functionality and of course, our precious environment top of mind.

Hebel. We’re not your home builder. We’re a better way to build your home.

To contact a Hebel builder call Hebel on 1300 4 HEBEL (1300 443 235) or visit www.hebel.com.au

106 Winner

A2K JVP Award

Sandy Point Residence

Designer: Louise Williams, LAW Building Design Pty Ltd Phone: 02 4341 7371 Web: lawbuildingdesign.com.au The proposed new residence for this project was designed using auto desk products from conception through to creating working drawings for council approval. Revit 3D modelling was used as a tool to demonstrate the design proposal, and gave the client a clear understanding of the proposed outcome. The graphics are excellent with easy rotation on the screen, making it easy to answer client questions, and ‘walk throughs’ enable the client to live the dream before the project reaches fruition. This user-friendly software provides the ability to prepare clear and accurate working drawings, assisting the project’s transition through the council approval process.

WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

Resource Guide


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

The relationship between designers and homeowners is critical to ensure that the homeowners final results are what were expected. One essential design component the designers need to incorporate is the effective coordination of the design and installation of electronic systems as they often become the centre point of the way a space is used and certainly how it looks. Todays home entertainment systems provide entertainment, convenience, security, and comfort and can be custom designed by accredited specialists. The onward march of technology never ceases to amaze, with the promise of something bigger, better and faster always on the way. The days of the electrician simply running a few cables and letting it all be worked out by the homeowner at the end of a project have long gone. Poor planning and installation of the electronic systems can take the enjoyment away for the homeowner and the space reflecting badly on all involved.

the east coast of NSW and Queensland to bring technology to high end homes. Their team of uniquely skilled technicians have carried out works since 1985 for homeowners, business and industry.

Building designers and homeowners need to take control. Partner with an electronic specialist to ensure projects get the attention they deserve. Eris McCarthy and his staff are one such specialist having worked for many years with homeowners and designers throughout

For more information contact: Phone: 1300 364 764 Email: service@erismccarthy.com.au Website: www.erismccarthy.com.au

Their work has been recognised as a leading provider having been the recipient of 9 industry awards. Their technicians are accredited by CEDIA, the leading worldwide home electronics industry association, ensuring your project is in good hands. CEDIA members subscribe to a strict code of professional conduct and ethics giving you peace of mind. Their clients appreciate that their advanced homes, rural estates, offices and board rooms have available a team of highly trained electronic systems professionals who work with complete discretion to maintain these systems to their individual needs. Eris McCarthy Home Technology - Now that’s the smart choice.

Automation Systems

WinningDesign 2013 neW South WaleS Advertorial

Whether you are building a new home or remodelling there is no doubt that building designers become the trusted advisor to the homeowner for all things in the home.


Building designers take control with electronic systems specialists

Command Central

Imagine the ease if all your home’s entertainment systems, lights, curtains, security and communications were operated by remote control. Imagine the security if your home looked like you were there even when you weren’t. Eris McCarthy Home Automation. Now that’s a smart choice. Call 1300 364 764 for a quote. GBD-13-0371



WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales Advertorial

Easy Glass® Slim: glass mounting profiles for top mount and fascia mount The Easy Glass® system from Q-railing comprises a large range of glass mounting profiles and cap rails to suit domestic and commercial applications. With stunning design, reliable safety and easy installation, Easy Glass® is an ideal railing system for both internal and external use. The stylish system is very user-friendly and assembly has been made easy thanks to the innovative Safety Wedge fixing system. This defines the Easy Glass® Slim top mount and fascia mount range by Q-railing: A complete and affordable solution which includes a water drainage channel for practical purposes. There is also the option of choosing an extra cladding for the outer surface of the basic profile to give your project an individual look with little effort.


Q-railing manufactures and supplies high quality railing, glass securing and glass channel handrail systems, and is one of the World’s leading suppliers of railing systems to the metal and glazing industry. Recent projects include installation of 16,000 metres of Easy Glass® at the Maracana stadium in Brazil in preparation for the 2014 Football World Championships. Fitting out Volkswagen’s new research centre for lightweight automotive techniques, and installing 800 meters of Easy Glass® Slim in the 7,000 square meter “Open Hybrid LabFactory” facility that is currently under construction in Wolfsburg, Germany. Q-railing planned

and specified the project together with the renowned architects of RKW Architekte + Städtebau in Düsseldorf. Blue Wave (Australia) Pty Ltd is the sole agent in Australia and New Zealand for Q-railing Business GMBH, Germany. Blue Wave (Australia) has been operating since February 2007 and is a subsidiary of Blue Wave A/S, Denmark. Blue Wave A/S has for more than 75 years produced high quality stainless steel fittings for the marine and structural industries from its headquarters in Denmark. Our goal at Blue Wave (Australia) together with our partners at Q-railing Business is clear; to provide a high quality railing solution that combines aesthetic design with functionality. For more information contact: Phone: 07 5593 8178 Email: sales@bluewaveaus.com Website: www.qrailing.com.au

Blue Wave (Australia) Pty Ltd 3/492 Scottsdale Dr, Varsity Lakes, Qld 4227 PH 07 5593 8178 www.qrailing.com.au

Sydney TAFE is well equipped to meet the training needs of building designers and the building industry.

As one of Australia’s largest and most innovative education and training providers, Sydney TAFE is a natural fit to promote building design as a recognised career path within the construction industry and deliver a high standard of education to current and entry level building designers. In fact, Sydney TAFE is the largest deliverer of building design training in Australia, with training in both St George and Ultimo. It now offers a new Diploma of Building Design. One of the many benefits in obtaining the Diploma of Building Design is the recognition that graduates are qualified professionals. With licensing changes being mooted for the future, Sydney TAFE is streamlining recognition of prior learning (RPL) for building designers

to obtain formal qualifications. This is particularly the case for accredited BDA members. Previously known as architectural technology, those who undertake training in building design have a number of options. They can work as a building designer and design and prepare plans for buildings on behalf of a client. Alternatively, they can work with architects or, as many graduates do, go on to university to complete a degree in architecture. There is predicted growth in the area over the next five years and other high level qualifications will be delivered by Sydney TAFE in the future. Whether you’re just starting out in your future career, or have been working in the field for a number of years, Sydney TAFE can help you receive the qualifications you need. For more information contact: Phone: 02 9710 5872 Email: natalie.foxon1@tafensw.edu.au


Earlier this year, Sydney TAFE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Building Designers Australia (BDA) NSW. The MOU provides a framework for Sydney TAFE to strengthen a training culture and design learning pathways which will consolidate business sustainability for BDA NSW’ 400 members.

real skills, endless possibilities

Building design – whether you’re an established business or just starting in the industry, get your formal qualifications through Sydney TAFE. Ring us on 9710 5872.


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Education & Training

Sydney TAFE - The training provider that meets your building design needs

Education & Training

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Design is the bottom line What‘s the difference between a “drafty” and a Building Designer? It’s all about a professional approach to design in the building industry.

Not only is design the basis of every building project but it is also critical for environmentally sustainable development. Building Designers Australia (BDA) has always been aware of this and has incorporated design as one of its core values.

in my being able to achieve in my studies. He adds, ‘Traditional methods of learning are simply not an option for a great many people. OTEN, for me, has opened up opportunities that I otherwise would have had to forgo. It is not an easy path, but it is a very satisfying one.’

With Australians becoming increasingly more discerning when it comes to design, BDA continues to have an active involvement in raising the profile and professionalism of Building Designers across Australia. BDA has been instrumental in the development of the new, nationally recognised building design courses. Building Design is moving towards recognition as a profession through TAFE qualifications rather than a university degree.

For self-employed Building Designers wanting to upgrade their qualifications, or employers with staff wanting to get a qualification, studying online with OTEN means that there is minimal disruption to the workplace.

These days TAFE NSW has moved away from lower level trade training and is now at the forefront of the increasing professionalism of the building industry. The Building Design training package qualifications offer a distinct career path to accreditation. This is the opportunity for Building Designers to gain some training and recognition as a design professional, beyond what was achieved with a drafting qualification. Drafting is now more about Building Information Modelling (BIM) rather than drawing boards and this is now an important part of the Diploma of Building Design. Enrol in an online Building Design course with OTEN now You can study a building design course online through OTEN, the Open Training and Education Network. As the specialist distance education learning centre of Western Sydney Institute, TAFE NSW, OTEN has over 100 years of experience in delivering quality distance and online education and training services. Over 70,000 students from all over Australia and internationally are currently enrolled in over 250 courses with OTEN. OTEN delivers a number of nationally recognised building and construction courses. These courses include the Certificate IV in Building, in Estimating and in Site Administration; the Diploma of Building; the Diploma of Building Surveying and the Owner Builder Compliance course. When you study with OTEN, there is no need to wait to start your course at the beginning of a semester. You can enrol in any of the building and construction courses with OTEN now or any time that suits you. Plus online study with OTEN doesn’t mean you are on your own. Professional teachers with years of industry experience are available by phone or email to help you progress through your course.


With the flexible nature of online course delivery, OTEN provides students with the opportunity to study at a time and place of their convenience. One of OTEN’s current students in the Diploma of Building Design, Mark Davis agrees, ‘The ability to both pace my own learning and do the vast majority of it from home were both essential

Your experience counts The good news for those currently working in the building industry is that OTEN recognises your experience and knowledge and applies it towards gaining a qualification. This means that you may be able to fast track your way to a qualification by getting recognition for your previous learning and current work experience. OTEN also provides training to fill in any gaps in knowledge or competency to meet the course requirements without any need to go over what you already know or are already competent in. This enables OTEN to issue the new qualification at both a very reasonable cost and within a short time frame. Build on your experience and get a nationally recognised qualification in Building Design. For more information contact: The OTEN Building and Construction Teaching Section Phone: 02 9715 8557 Website: www.oten.tafensw.edu.au


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Super-efficient energy star rated LED down lights by Martec® Actively developing energy and cost efficient LED down lights for the Australian market. The technology powering LED down lights has exponentially increased over the past year, lowering initial setup costs while increasing energy and cost efficiency. However, industry professionals can overlook a vital factor in deciding which LED light to select. Most purchasers of LED down lights continue to consider only lumen output (or light emitted), beam angle, wattage and the option of dimmer functionality. An equally important element is whether the LED down light is Energy Star rated. LEDs with an Energy Star rating have met a stringent set of rigorous criteria and offer measurable benefits to a household: • They are equal or greater in brightness compared to CFL or halogen globes; • Light output is constant over time, lasting a minimum of 35,000 hours; • The colour quality is excellent, appearing clear and consistent over time; • The LEDs are 20% to 30% more efficient than CFL/ fluorescent lighting; • The light comes on instantly when turned on; • There is no flicker when dimmed; • The off-state power draw is not to exceed 0.5W According to a study done by Energy Rating Australia in 2010, Australian households have an average of 20 down lights, of which 34% were highly inefficient halogen down lights with an average of 48W per light. This means that the average household will spend $645 per year for the entire household, assuming each light is on for an average of eight hours per day (at a cost of $32.24 per light). Standard efficiency LED down lights running at 12W will cost the average household $8 per year per light, or $160 per year assuming the same conditions as the halogen lights. If a household were to replace standard efficiency LED down lights with the ultra-efficient Martec® Genesis a household would be able to save an additional 30% off their electric bill, bringing the cost to run 20 LED down lights to $110 per year, or $9 per month! The cost savings alone should be enough for the average household to see the long term benefits of switching to the Energy Star rated Martec® Genesis. The average Martec® Genesis LED has an expected lifetime of 35,000 hours with a lumen output of 900 and a beam angle of 100 degrees. If consumers were to run the Genesis 24 hours a day, 365 days a year nonstop until the LED began to dim, the Martec® Genesis would run for four years, creating savings on energy bills and lighting replacements. Based on the average eight hours that a household down light is on, the Martec® Genesis would last 12 years.

Compared to the average 48W halogen lights cited in the Energy Rating Australia study cited above, Martec® Genesis LED down lights can save the average household nearly $6500 over the Genesis’ lifetime! The Martec® Genesis offers unparalleled energy and cost efficiency. Much like the entire range of Martec® LED down lights, the Genesis utilises state-of-the-art SMD LED technology paired with an extremely efficient heat sink. The Genesis burns at significantly lower temperatures (as high as 60°C while abutted by insulation) over an eight–hour time period compared to average halogen globes (as high as 300°C with 200mm clearances). Due to its design and highly efficient die-cast aluminium material, the Genesis is 80% more thermally efficient than traditional halogen down lights, and 30% more thermally efficient than non-Energy Star rated LED down lights. With Martec’s® Genesis, households will save money and energy. Consumers, and the environment, win. For more information contact: Phone: 02 8778 7500 Website: www.MartecCeilingFans.com.au/LED-downlights.html


A New Genesis of Energy Efficiency Advanced Die-Cast Aluminium Heat Sink

Slim Profile, High Light Output

Dimmable, Low Voltage & Low Power Consumption

Quality SMD LEDs

A New Line of Energy Star Rated LED Down Lights: It’s What’s Inside that Matters Most 30% More Energy Efficient The Energy Star rated Martec Genesis is 30% more efficient than comparable 12W LED down lights and up to 80% more efficient than standard 50W halogen globes

35,000 Hour Average Lamp Life

The Martec Genesis runs up to 17.5 times longer, in ideal conditions, than a standard 50W Halogen globe.

900 Lumens, 100˚ Beam Angle The slim-profile Martec Genesis boasts incredible light output, up to 900 lumens and a 100˚ beam angle, all cooled by an ultra-efficient die-cast aluminium heat sink.

For High Performance and Cost Savings www.MartecCeilingFans.com.au/LED-downlights.html 02 8778 7500

Quality ISO 9001 SAI GLOBAL


WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales Advertorial

A solar design home for any site by Heronswood Homes The whole-of-life house, living from cradle to grave + The jigsaw house, designs that reconfigure to suit any site. The whole-of-life house concept by Heronswood Homes facilitates various occupancy configurations - a single family home, a multi generation home, home with guest accommodation, home for friends sharing, home with rental income, home with home office, or home for disabled or elderly owners with live-in carers. This concept facilitates maximum floor space development on any site and avoids the stigma of the “McMansion” in an era of housing unaffordability and shortage. A house is a machine for living. A functional house should adapt to the changing needs of its occupants at any time during their life.


Most people move house several times during their life. They change houses to meet their changing needs. When people move they lose contact with friends, neighbours, schools, shops, clubs, sporting activities and lose their sense of community. The whole-of-life house is flexible and adaptable to meet its occupants’ changing needs without the need to change address. The ground floor is “accessible” with wheelchair access and no steps to a self-contained abode in compliance to the 16 elements of the

‘Livable Housing Design Guidelines.’ The first floor is also a selfcontained dwelling containing bedrooms, bathroom, and living room with a full kitchen. The jigsaw house is a series of pre-designed home plans comprised of modular zones that are interchangeable and can be rearranged like large jigsaw pieces to achieve the best floor plan for any site. The plans come in various widths to fit on narrow to wide frontages. Each home design contains three or four jigsaw pieces, each being a living, sleeping or utility zone. These jigsaw pieces assemble into 30 sets. This achieves optimum orientation for control of sunlight to provide passive solar design principles on any site facing any point of the compass. Each combination of jigsaw pieces can be adjusted vertically to form a split level home for any site, whether it slopes up or down from the street. For more information contact: Phone: 02 9477 3456 Email: keith.ho@bigpond.net.au

Coffs Harbour Hardwoods is a family owned and operated company and has been supplying timber products around Australia and overseas since it was established by Timber Merchant and world champion axeman, Ray McCarthy, in 1961.

We have won numerous awards and have won the respect of Government and industry and today remains one of the few companies to operate with formal timber supply agreements from Forests NSW.

The company had its beginnings as far back as the 1850s when pioneering and Cedar getting was the mainstay of many north coast families. This involvement with timber has grown to now encompass the fifth generation and has included such diverse products as the famous Red Cedar for furniture and building products to piles and structural hardwoods for wharf developments and bridges around Australia and overseas. Power poles for the electricity distribution industry remains a major product line for the company to this day.

Our distribution network spans all parts of the country and we take pride in being one of the country’s most reputable hardwood timber suppliers. In a time when people are now turning their focus back to timber due to its natural beauty and modern sustainable logging methods. Coffs Harbour Hardwoods knows what customers want and is rewarding its customer’s satisfaction on the finished job and leaving no doubt of the advantages that not many products can give like timber can.

We’ve many different facets to the company to provide a range of services in hardwood timber that many companies in Australia could not match; whether it is tongue and groove flooring, cross arms for electricity companies or even architectural bespoke mouldings. We can do this and more.

Next time you need timber, think of Coffs Harbour Hardwoods. For more information contact: Phone: 02 6649 2006 Fax: 02 66492122 Email: office@coffshardwoods.com.au Website: www.coffshardwoods.com.au



WinningDesign 2013 New South Wales

Whether it’s renovating old or designing new choose Coffs Harbour Hardwoods timber. It’s beautiful, natural & timeless…


We are the home of hardwood timber


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Double glazing in Australia using uPVC Why are double-glazed windows here in Australia so important?

The word on everyone’s lips these days is double glazing for windows, but in Australia it seems to be a foreign concept. The recent focus on energy efficiency in this country has moved a rather stubborn marketplace — in which double glazing was really only used for acoustic performance or the snow regions of the country (usually by choice) — to a requirement for energy-efficient windows. So why would you need cold-country technology in a temperate country? Energy efficiency works both ways: heating and cooling. What performs to keep extreme cold out of a building also works to keep extreme heat out of a building and keep cold air in. No matter which way, less energy will be used to heat or cool a home, and windows play a much larger role in the overall energy efficiency of a home than normally credited. Double glazing and uPVC In Europe, the UK and US, the move to double glazing for energy efficiency started between 35 to 45 years ago, and uPVC slowly increased market share to the stage where they are now the dominant window type used. uPVC windows are specifically designed for double glazing and the excellent material properties make them a superior window system. The next question is usually, “What is uPVC? Isn’t it just plastic/vinyl?” While uPVC windows are the norm in Europe, they are rare as hens’ teeth in Australia and the marketplace has no concept of what they look like. This seems to lead people who have not travelled overseas to think “cheap plastic” windows, which is quite far from the truth. PVC is an amazingly diverse material and is used for anything from building materials to clothing and woven furniture. Polyvinyl chloride is really a thermoplastic polymer and, depending on the additional of plasticisers, can be either rigid or flexible. The u in uPVC for windows and doors means unplasticised (does not have any plasticisers added to make it flexible), making it a rigid and dense material with excellent biological and chemical resistance. After being used in Germany for windows since 1954, the modern uPVC frame production includes vast improvements in impact modifiers and stabilizers meaning that the windows are tough, do not discolour, require only cleaning for maintenance, do not corrode, rot or become chalky and are very poor conductors of heat.


In a word, ideal. Modern uPVC windows are not “cheap plastic” but are usually made from profiles with multiple chambers for added thermal performance and have a nice glossy surface finish similar to modern flashy fibreglass boats. They are usually made from profiles 60—70mm thick and so have a solid, “chunky” look which can be a very modern sleek white, or a classic wooden look which is difficult to tell from the real McCoy. Damage or scratches can be buffed out, holes can be filled and made virtually invisible, but in reality the modern uPVC is a very tough material. Forty years of experience has created a beautiful and functional window for tough climates.

While uPVC is an excellent material it does move in response to temperature change and is structurally not as strong as other window materials such as timber and aluminium. This has been overcome by installing steel or aluminium reinforcing within the chamber of the profile. Since the windows are welded together, this metal is not exposed to the external environment; however, the steel is normally galvanised. As in the case of wooden windows, dark colours should be avoided in Australia to avoid excessive heating from the high UV levels found here, so timber look windows should use a Renolit FX external foil which has heat reflective properties built in. An excellent painting option for uPVC windows imported from Germany with a wide colour range is available in Australia now. These paints by Zobel are specifically for use on uPVC windows and use a heat reflective additive to make dark colours available for uPVC windows without the excessive heat buildup from our excessive radiation from the sun. A big advantage with uPVC windows is that you can have either one side or both sides of the window painted meaning you can match your external colour scheme in one colour and leave the inside white, off-white, timber look or painted in a different colour. Bushfire requirements in Australia can easily be met using metal reinforced uPVC windows which comply with BAL 29 conditions by using toughened glass for the external pane of the double glazed unit. In order to comply with BAL40 conditions an external aluminium profile can be adhered to the uPVC frames forming a composite frame which can be powdercoated to your external colour requirements. All BAL40 windows and doors open inwards therefore allowing your required external bushfire screen to function as a flyscreen as well, and windows can be opened from inside to clean without removing screens. The ideal double-glazed window For an exceptionally good-looking, long-lasting (some windows in Europe are now 40 years old and still look great), low maintenance, economical and highly energy-efficient window, it is difficult to go past uPVC for a double-glazed window system. It is really worthwhile to find a supplier in your area and look at them first before you blindly judge them as “cheap plastic”. The rest of the world has moved this way and Australia will soon follow. Plustec Pty Ltd is the Australian distributor of Plustec profiles and the manufacturer of Plustec Double-glazed windows and doors. For more information contact: PLUSTEC PTY LTD Phone: 02 4735 3664 Website: www.plustec.com.au


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