Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14

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Annual report 2013– 2014

Croydon BID

making a difference

About Croydon BID Created, funded and managed by the Town Centre business community since 2007, our ambition is for Croydon to be increasingly regarded as one of the premier destinations in the south east in which to work, live, visit and do business. Geographically, we are one of the largest Business Improvement Districts in the country, covering virtually the entire Town Centre. We represent around 580 levypaying organisations which include many well-known brands and businesses in the retail, office, leisure, hospitality and public sectors. Our activities focus on five priority areas that businesses tell us are important for ensuring Croydon’s success, namely:

• Our Town Centre should be welcoming • Our streets should be safer, cleaner and more attractive

• Visitor numbers should increase • Accessibility and way-finding should be improved

• Business interests should be strongly represented

All our work is funded through a mandatory 1% levy collected from businesses in the BID area with a rateable value of £40,000 or more. In 2013-14, this generated an income of £1.1 million. This income was supplemented by additional cash and in-kind contributions raised, worth around £360,000 bringing the total invested in the town last year to approximately £1.46 million.

CONTENTS Chairman’s Statement 04 Chief Executive’s Statement 05 Safer Streets 06 Cleaner & Greener 10 Perception & Image 14 Festivals & Events 18 Way-finding & Accessibility 22 Business Engagement 26 Financial Summary 30 Structure 31

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  3

Chairman’s Statement BID is well placed at all levels to represent your views, as an independent body, influencing key decisions every step of the way. We also have successfully delivered a number of significant Town Centre projects that have supported the regeneration programme, whilst adding immediate value to our Town Centre and these are described in more detail in this report.

As our Town Centre landscape starts to experience positive change, I am delighted to welcome you to the Croydon Business Improvement District annual report for 2013-2014. With a number of major Town Centre regeneration projects already under way and planning permission granted on others such as the proposed £1 billion re-development of the Whitgift and Centrale Shopping Centres, there is no doubt that together, we have embarked on a journey that will bring exciting times for Croydon. During this journey, it is important to acknowledge that there will be short, medium and long-term physical and economic challenges our Town Centre will have to face before regeneration is completed. Working in partnership with Croydon Council, Transport for London, the Metropolitan Police and all other interested parties, Croydon BID will ensure that, as a levy payer, you have all the support you need during this period of transition. With major re-generation of the Town Centre in mind, we have worked hard over the past year to ensure that Croydon

I would like to place on record my thanks to you for your continued support of Croydon BID and particularly mention the members of our Board, who continue to voluntarily offer their time, expertise and knowledge so that Croydon BID continues to make a difference. The Croydon BID Board has worked tirelessly with the executive to review project progress and budgetary expenditure to ensure that resources have been judiciously allocated to achieve maximum impact for the Town Centre. Our annual report underlines the exceptional value achieved in 20132014 in a wide variety of areas and is testament to the hard work, dedication and commitment displayed by the entire executive team, led by its Chief Executive Matthew Sims. Croydon BID’s resolve to work with you to continue delivering exceptional value and meet the new challenges head-on will only intensify in the coming year.

Andrew Bauer Chairman

Chief Executive’s Statement Our determination to enhance our engagement with you continues to be a priority.

The past year has seen Croydon BID make significant progress in a year which has ushered in a new wave of optimism in the Town Centre. Each and every core pledge has been approached with renewed vigour to ensure we achieve maximum impact and deliver added value to the Town Centre. Great strides have been made to improve safety and security. The continued funding of ten extra police officers coupled with the flourishing Croydon Business Crime Reduction Partnership are clear examples of projects delivering much needed value in the fight against crime and the fear of crime. Other initiatives to make Croydon cleaner and greener, better promoted, more attractive and more accessible have all added to a year of achievements. We launched our loyalty card, Check Out Croydon, providing great offers and discounts to help drive footfall into the Town Centre whilst instilling an even greater loyalty to Croydon and its businesses. The results speak for themselves.

(*Source: The Retail Group - Croydon Town Centre Annual Business & Consumer Survey 2014)

Our marketing and communications have been revitalised and new and stronger platforms have been developed to support this. We have re-launched our website, introduced a new e-newsletter, continued to publish our quarterly newsletter and carried out a Consumer & Business Perception survey*, the results of which are featured throughout this report. There is yet more to come. Croydon BID will continue to build on these achievements in every area in 2014-2015. The identification of new and exciting services that add value will continue and the need to engage with our levy payers both on a 1-2-1 and 1-2many basis is a must. What is apparent is that 2013-2014 will be remembered as the year that Croydon’s resurgence commenced. The potential of our Town Centre is being unlocked and the future looks very promising. We will, as always, look forward to working with you so that our ambitions for Croydon Town Centre are realised.

Matthew Sims Chief Executive

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  5

Safer Streets It is in all of our interests to ensure that our Town Centre is regarded as a safe and comfortable place to be and putting the security and well-being of all those who work, live, visit and run businesses here is our top priority. Over the course of the year, we have made great strides towards achieving that goal through effective partnership working and the implementation of several important initiatives designed to deter and cut crime and anti-social behaviour. Our match-funding of additional police resource in the Town Centre has continued for the sixth consecutive year. As a result, the extra police presence has helped to reassure members of the public as well as focusing on issues that are of particular concern to the business community. Our intelligence-sharing, Croydon Business Crime Reduction Partnership - described by the Centre for Retail Research as ‘one of the best’ national schemes of its kind – has also gone from strength to strength.

Following a review of its membership and the re-launch of its secure, dedicated website, the CBCP now has a growing and active membership of well over 200 individuals. The CBCP has helped to spearhead a number of crime reduction initiatives during the year, as well as dealing head-on with prolific offenders by banning them from member premises. As a result, over the course of the year, overall reported crime in the Town Centre has fallen by 10%, shop theft has fallen by 14%, there has been a 33% reduction in robbery and consumer perceptions of safety both during the day and at night have steadily improved.

Making a difference









reduction in overall reported crime

prolific offenders banned from licensed premises in the Town Centre

of consumers say they feel safe alone during the evening – 17% more than in 2013

reduction in theft of personal property

arrests, 770 alcohol seizures and 40 penalty notices issued as a result of targeting street drinkers and beggars

reduction in shop thefts

36% reduction in robbery

of consumers say they feel safe alone during the day

of consumers agree they always feel safe in Croydon Town Centre

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  7

What we delivered We want everyone’s experience of Croydon Town Centre to be a safe, comfortable and positive one. Over the year, therefore, we:

• Instigated a comprehensive review of

CBCP membership and re-launched the CBCP’s secure, dedicated website to increase usage, improve functionality and boost interaction between members, sharing information on over 400 known offenders.

• Organised over 20 separate intelligencesharing meetings with the Metropolitan Police, Croydon Council, retailers, licensees, betting shops and other key partners, to produce a co-ordinated and proactive approach towards deterring and detecting crime.

• Launched a new PubWatch exclusion

scheme in conjunction with local licensees, to tackle drink-fuelled crime and deal head-on with persistent drunk and disorderly behaviour. Since its introduction in September, it has led to five individuals being banned from member premises and 47 warning letters issued building on the success of our existing BusinessWatch scheme.

Working in conjunction with Croydon Council, sponsored and organised the nationally-acclaimed Croydon Best Bar None Awards scheme aimed at cutting alcohol-related crime and disorder by recognising and rewarding responsible licensed premises management. For the first time in the scheme’s eleven year history, all 32 applicants succeeded in achieving accreditation status, underlining the major strides made by the licensed trade in Croydon to achieve standards of excellence.

• Mounted a joint campaign with

the Police, Safer Croydon Partnership and Westminster Drug Project to tackle the problems of street drinking and begging.

• Organised and supported a range

of business briefings, training sessions and workshops focused, amongst other things, on counterfeit currency, anti-terrorism awareness and supporting first time youth offenders.

• Continued to match-fund extra British

Transport Police resource on 22 key dates across the year, including Christmas and Bank Holidays, to provide practical support and reassurance to the travelling public.

• Working with key partners, ensured

better regulated control of street trading, entertainment and promotional activity to enable the delivery of 165 approved activities in the Town Centre to improve perceptions of the town.

• Worked to increase feelings of safety in

the Town Centre by raising awareness of various crime prevention initiatives in place through production of a fourpage ‘United against Crime’ newspaper campaign which reached over 100,000 homes.

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  2012-13  9

Cleaner & Greener Ensuring our town always looks its best is crucial for fostering a sense of pride in the community, increasing Croydon’s appeal and attracting further investment.

The importance of creating a positive, lasting impression of the Town Centre, therefore, remains very much high on our agenda. In a busy urban environment such as ours, a regular build-up of grime, litter and worse, is sadly, inevitable. As a result, we have once again worked extremely hard over the course of the year, in the uphill battle to keep our streets looking fresh and clean, working with our suppliers, Community Clean and with Croydon Council. Sprucing up the town’s grimiest areas gathered pace, as we continued to fund a five times per week deep-cleansing service, delivered through the night and into the early hours of the morning, in order to minimise the disruption caused to those working, living, visiting and doing businesses here.

The programme was supplemented by a twice-weekly wash-down, disinfection, graffiti and gum removal service which, when taken altogether, served to transform the appearance of an area equivalent in size to eight professional football pitches and measuring some 51,000 square metres. Throughout the year, we also have looked at new and innovative ways of enhancing the Town Centre’s appeal. Therefore, in addition to continuing to fund an abundance of year-round floral displays, we have also worked to develop small pockets of land, transforming them into pleasant havens of colour.

Making a difference











55,100 square metres of pavement deep cleaned (equivalent to 8 professional football pitches)

year-round floral displays installed

of consumers say the appearance of gum on the pavements is improving

extra hours of deep-cleaning delivered

of consumers say the appearance of litter and cigarette butts in the Town Centre is improving

of businesses say the appearance of vandalism and graffiti is improving

grot spot locations specifically targeted to improve their appearance

of consumers say the appearance of vandalism and graffiti in the Town Centre is improving

individual plants purchased to provide yearround colour

of consumers say the Town Centre’s environment, lighting and appearance are improving

of businesses say the appearance of litter and cigarette butts is improving

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  11

What we delivered First impressions are all-important and to ensure our streets are clean every day and increase the town’s appeal we:

• Continued our five nights per week deep-cleansing and gum removal service, covering an area equivalent in size to eight football pitches, to ensure our streets were fresh and clean to use each day. • Delivered a twice weekly, ‘grot spot’ wash-down and disinfection service to tackle some of the town’s most badly soiled areas, including the pathways between Wellesley Grove and George Street, Church Street and Surrey Street and along Church Path and High Street. • Targeted unsightly areas around the town to improve their neglected appearance and deal directly with the

consequences of anti-social behaviour. Typical examples included dealing with regular occurrences of graffiti at Electric House, Wellesley Road; clearing and cleaning up after the irresponsible disposal of rubbish at Priddy’s Yard, Drummond Mews and in alleyways off North End as well as improving the public seating area at the corner of Sydenham Road and Bedford Row – previously the scene of frequent disorderly behaviour. • Enhanced the visual appearance of our bustling town by continuing to fund the installation of year-round floral displays and planting up flowerbeds on areas of land at key locations.

• Continued to use innovative ways of brightening up the town and adding extra vibrancy to our streets by maintaining a ‘living wall’ adjacent to East Croydon station, introducing giant planters at the junction of Wellesley Road and George Street and maintaining pockets of land around the town to soften its appearance.

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Perception & Image With its long and distinguished heritage and transport links that are second to none, present day Croydon is a bustling, cosmopolitan, commercial centre that has plenty to shout about and lots going on.

The Town Centre is also undergoing major change, with numerous re-development schemes, both under way and planned, that are set to steadily transform the local landscape on an impressive and unprecedented scale. Despite all this, Croydon continues to be dogged by often unwarranted, negative perceptions that undermine its image and, arguably, hinder the town from achieving some of its ambitions. Crucially, improving Croydon Town Centre’s perception and image is at the heart of everything we do.

Whether it is improving everyone’s sense of comfort and well-being, sprucing up the town’s cleanliness and appearance, promoting its accessibility and fantastic commercial offering or encouraging greater engagement between businesses, all the projects we deliver underpin the over-riding ambition to ensure Croydon is increasingly regarded as one of the best places in the south east in which to work, live, visit and do business.

Making a difference




positive media articles achieved

worth of positive media coverage achieved




digital marketing and promotional campaigns generated

increase in Twitter followers

Twitter followers reached worldwide

of consumers agree that Croydon Town Centre is getting better every year


visitors on average each month to


of consumers agree they are very satisfied with Croydon Town Centre


of consumers think Croydon Town Centre Christmas lights are improving

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  15

What we delivered To promote the improvements taking place in the Town Centre and demonstrate how it is changing for the better, over the course of the year, we:

• Produced 35 digital marketing campaigns, delivered to over 27,000 people and with an average unique opening rate of 31%. The campaigns were designed to underline the positive improvements and developments taking place in the town and promote its unrivalled connectivity and diverse commercial offering. • Introduced fresh, eye-catching branding and promotional material, including colourful lamp-post banners, to provide a warm welcome to all those using the Town Centre and spread the message about how Croydon is changing for the better. • Re-launched the website, with a dynamic, new look and feel to the overall content, making the site much more navigable, user-friendly

and informative about the wide range of projects and services the BID delivers, as well as providing the latest news and information on what’s happening in Croydon. As result, the average number of visitors per month rose from 180 prelaunch to over 4,300 – a rise of 2,271%. • Generated in excess of 30 media relations campaigns to raise awareness of all the projects with which Croydon BID is associated to help improve the image and perceptions of the town, resulting in over £150,000 of positive media coverage. • Funded additional footfall monitoring cameras – increasing the number from two to four – to enable the tracking of visitor numbers and foot flow trends in the Town Centre.

• For the seventh consecutive year, we transformed North End and adjoining streets into a glittering festive wonderland during November and December through the installation of our Christmas Lights scheme and season’s greetings banners. For the first time, the lights display also extended into Lansdowne Road, courtesy of funding from Croydon Council, in anticipation of the opening of the new west entrance to East Croydon railway station in November.

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  17

Festivals & Events With so much fierce competition these days for people’s time, attention and money, creating a lively atmosphere in the Town Centre by offering something a little bit different, is just one of the ways we aim to help Croydon shine and, ultimately, leave people with a positive, lasting impression. From the unusual and exotic offerings of our continental street markets, to our main seasonal celebrations and regular appearances from some of the country’s best-known street performers, this year’s programme of activity was designed to surprise and delight, while showcasing everything that is great about Croydon. Delivered in collaboration with businesses, Croydon Council, the Police, key agencies and with support from the local community, the events are also a master class in what can be achieved when everyone in the town works together towards the same goal. Our BIG Get Fit Together event certainly had Croydon buzzing with energy and excitement when it took the Town Centre by storm for two days in the summer.

Featuring the skills and incredible talents of scores of up-and-coming young athletes and the involvement of local clubs, gymnasiums and community groups, the event gave visitors the chance to watch and take part in a huge range of sports, dance and fitness classes, as well as providing expert advice and assistance on getting and staying in shape. As ever, the year’s action-packed programme culminated in our fabulous, star-studded Christmas lights switch-on event, which traditionally marks the start of the festive season here in the town. Featuring stars from the Fairfield Halls’ Christmas pantomime supported by professional street entertainers and a host of local talent, the occasion attracted thousands of extra visitors and resulted in an estimated £4 million of additional spend in the town.

Making a difference

20,000 people in town at the peak of our BIG Get Fit Together event


of visitors said they spent longer in the town as a result of our Christmas lights switch-on event







of visitors said our BIG Get Fit Together event was good or very good

of visitors said our Christmas lights switch-on was good or very good

increase in visitors at the peak of our Christmas lights switch-on event compared to 2012

of consumers say Croydon Town Centre events, festivals, Christmas activities and specialist markets are improving

additional spend as a result of our Christmas lights switch-on

of businesses say Croydon Town Centre events, festivals, Christmas activities and specialist markets are improving

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  19

What we delivered Leaving everyone with a positive, lasting impression is high on our agenda in the drive to attract more visitors and increased investment into the area.

• Focused on fun, health and fitness for all the family, our two-day BIG Get Fit Together event gave local clubs, gyms, community groups and businesses the chance to showcase all that they have to offer, providing a myriad of sports and fitness activities for people of all ages to watch and try out. Delivered with support from the town’s two main shopping centres, the event also included smoothie bikes and a 7 metre high climbing wall for those of an adventurous nature while discounted parking rates were also available at two of the town’s main car parks. • The switch-on of our dazzling Town Centre Christmas lights display kick- started the festive season here in Croydon on 14th November. With popular TV baddie, Steve McFadden,

leading fellow cast members from the Fairfield Halls’ Christmas pantomime, the performers joined forces with Croydon’s Mayor, Councillor Yvette Hopley to turn on the lights. The ceremony was the climax to an afternoon of exciting entertainment featuring professional street entertainers, supported by a host of talented local performers. • Professional street performers brought their own unique brand of entertainment to Croydon during the year, with a mixture of fun, acrobatics, thrills and spills guaranteeing that people left with a memorable impression. From seven feet tall robots, to unicyclists, sword swallowers and stilt walkers, their awe-inspiring antics and sheer daredevilry definitely had people coming back for more.

• Our three continental markets introduced a flavour of the exotic and unusual over the year, giving visitors the chance to sample an array of foods and produce from around the globe. With their exciting mixture of flavoursome culinary delights and bright and varied selection of hand-made arts and crafts from around the world, the markets brought extra vibrancy and colour to the town across the year.

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Way-finding & Accessibility Just minutes away from the capital, coast and beyond, Croydon’s unrivalled transport links help set it apart from neighbouring centres and the benefits this brings to those working, living, visiting and doing business here cannot be overstated. Whether travelling by road, rail or tram, getting to Croydon has never been easier and the town’s close proximity to London and Gatwick means it is extremely well-placed for those wishing to be based close to the capital but without the associated high costs. Over the course of the year, we have capitalised on opportunities to widely promote these benefits as well as highlighting the town’s broad and diverse commercial offering and the many fantastic changes planned and already taking place. Our award-winning Croydon Visitor Centre has continued to build on its position as a prime source of assistance for those needing help to find their way in and around the town or advice on making the most of their time here.

Conveniently located next to East Croydon railway station, the Centre is also an important travel hub selling train tickets and Oyster Card topups as well as arranging excursions and theatre bookings. Via Destination Croydon, its convention bureau service, the Centre can also organise conference and corporate events and over the course of the year, it has made significant strides towards positioning Croydon firmly as a destination of choice among conference and events’ organisers looking for a low-cost alternative to central London.

Making a difference

150,000 total Visitor Centre footfall for the year


local businesses directly benefited from use of our exhibition space


increase in travel ticket sales

£50,000 of additional income generated from Croydon Visitor Centre sales

£11,000 of additional income generated by Destination Croydon


of consumers say that signage/ way-finding is improving

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  23

What we delivered Croydon’s accessibility is second to none and is a major benefit when it comes to promoting the town’s many advantages.

• Our Visitor Centre continued to reinforce its position as a prime travel hub selling rail and coach tickets and Oyster card top-ups and providing advice and assistance to those wanting help getting around. Increasingly over the course of the year, it has received commendations for its customer service on TripAdvisor, the world’s largest online travel site. • We continued to showcase Croydon’s broad commercial offering and promote what’s on and available in the town via our Visitor Centre plasma screens and our exhibition area, directly supporting over 50 local organisations to promote their products, services and future events. • Via our Croydon Employee Travel Service, we have helped businesses to cut costs and speed up processing of

travel claims by enabling employees to collect pre-paid Oyster cards and travel products from the Centre, resulting in an 87% increase in revenue. • Via our Destination Croydon conference and events bureau, we have helped throw the spotlight on the town’s fantastic hotel and conference facilities, underlining how Croydon increasingly is being regarded as a destination of choice by events and conference organisers. • For the third successive year, Destination Croydon had a presence at International Confex 2014, the UK’s leading exhibition for the events industry where, in a unique collaboration with local micro-brewers, Cronx, we gave the 6,800 attendees the chance to sample beers brewed in Croydon to illustrate the many thrilling changes taking place in the town.

• Destination Croydon was instrumental in bringing the 22nd World Memory Championships to Croydon in November, as the town joined the likes of Bahrain, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford and Manchester as past hosts for this international event, which subsequently attracted wide press and broadcast coverage. With competitors from over 26 countries, the event resulted in multiple hotel room bookings and extra income for businesses in the Town Centre.

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Business Engagement Among our many achievements this year, some of the most notable are related to the major strides that have been made to engage with and support the local business community in realising its ambitions.

In October, to coincide with the re-development of our dynamic, new, interactive website www., we were proud to launch a ground-breaking, customer loyalty scheme for the Town Centre that has subsequently gone from strength to strength. Our Check Out Croydon discount card is designed to attract new and repeat business into Croydon by rewarding loyal customers with exclusive offers and discounts provided by a host of well-known shops, bars, restaurants, clubs, pubs and service providers. Supported by a co-ordinated programme of marketing and digital media promotion, the scheme’s launch was heralded by a fanfare of publicity that succeeded in stirring up significant interest among local residents, employees, businesses and visitors alike with 45 firms involved at launch and nearly 500 people applying for a card within

just ten days of pre-registrations being announced. By March 31st 2014, a total of 4,400 Check Out Croydon cards had been activated by consumers. Developing new and existing relationships has been a crucial part of our core strategy this year to keep businesses informed of policy changes and development issues and ensure their views are appropriately represented both at a strategic and operational level – a role that is becoming increasingly important as re-development of the Town Centre takes hold. With this in mind, a series of individual briefings, networking and consultation meetings has been organised and attended during the year and, via our seat on a number of key strategic groups, we have been able to provide a strong, representative voice for the business community on matters of mutual interest.

Making a difference




businesses benefited from our loyalty scheme in the six months since launch

Check Out Croydon cards activated by shoppers since launch




dedicated marketing campaigns promoting Check Out Croydon offers

newsletters distributed throughout the year

digital communications issued to over 27,000 people with an average unique opening rate of 31%

£33,000 worth of savings made with Check Out Croydon since launch (based on a spend of £15 per transaction)

of BID levy payers are satisfied or very satisfied with Croydon as a location for their business

Croydon BID Annual Report 2013-14  27

What we delivered Working collaboratively with our partners to bring change and positive improvements that are of benefit to the Town Centre community, we:

• Launched our ground-breaking customer discount initiative, Check Out Croydon, to increase trade and build an affinity towards doing business in the Town Centre by rewarding loyal customers with exclusive offers and discounts available from businesses across the town. Within the first six months of launch, over 50 businesses had benefited from additional trade generated by the Check Out Croydon scheme and around £33,000 worth of savings had been made by shoppers. • Arranged and attended a wide range of stakeholder meetings and provided a strong, collective voice

for the local business community on several key strategic groups to ensure business interests were appropriately represented. • Instrumental in the creation and launch of the Croydon Occupiers’ Forum specifically designed to provide a single platform to represent the interests of the town’s top office sector employers. • Refined, extended and increased the frequency of our communications with businesses, launching the first in a series of regular e-bulletins to supplement our quarterly printed newsletters, e-communications and meetings programme.

• Reviewed and continued to monitor baseline agreements drawn up with the Council to ensure that Council services are routinely delivered, standards are maintained and projects and services delivered by Croydon BID are additional to, rather than replacing, local authority services.

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Financial Summary 2014 Croydon Town Centre Business Improvement District is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. It operates in a transparent way within the regulations set up by the government on Business Improvement Districts.

INCOME 2013/14


Croydon BID is funded by a combination of the BID levy from local businesses and voluntary contributions.

Bid Levy


Croydon Council additional contribution


Other income




Safer Streets


Cleaner & Greener


Way-finding & Accessibility


Festivals & Events


Perception & Image


Business Engagement


Levy collection


Professional fees


Management costs


Operating costs




Net loss for the year before tax


Net Loss for the year after tax


Net surplus brought forward from 2012/13


Net surplus carried forward into 2014/15


In addition, substantial ‘in kind’ support was received from businesses during the year which enabled Croydon BID to deliver an enhanced programme of activities, estimated to have a value of £360,000.

A copy of Croydon BID’s audited accounts may be obtained by contacting 0208 603 0050 or via email at

Structure The BID Board provides strategic direction and input and is responsible to stakeholders for the conduct and performance of the BID Company. It is also responsible for setting the annual budget and monitoring finances throughout the course of the year. Membership of the Board is voluntary and directors are unpaid.

The Board’s structure reflects the number and types of business in the Town Centre and consists mainly of BID levy-paying businesses or statutory service providers as dictated by the BID Regulations 2004. The Board held nine meetings during the course of the year. The Chief Executive of the BID leads a small dedicated team responsible for planning and delivering all of the BID’s projects and activities.

Members of the Croydon BID Board as at 31st March 2014 were : Andrew Bauer Chairman Whitgift Centre David Ordman Vice-Chairman Centrale Janet Borrow Company Secretary Ormerods Don Niven Natwest Brian Hart Lark Insurance Carolyn Spencer Home Office Max Menon Croydon Cathay Development Limited

Jason Perry Croydon Council

Martin Corney Whitgift Foundation

Steve O’Connell Greater London Assembly

Frances Wadsworth Croydon College

Steve Yewman Westfield

Simon Thomsett Fairfield Halls

Trevor Morgan South London YMCA

Nick Baker Transport for London

Patrick Baptist Croydon Park Hotel

Andy Kendall House of Fraser

Nigel Evans Stiles Harold Williams

Lisa McCance Croydon Council

Sharon Lawrence Marks & Spencer

Rob Atkin Metropolitan Police

Graham Reeves House of Reeves

The following directors resigned and/or were replaced during the year: Neil Acheson Novus Leisure

Paul Spooner Croydon Council

Simon Hoar Croydon Council

Robin Dobson Hammerson

To find out more about Croydon BID and the benefits of membership, please call 020 8603 0050 or email

Croydon Town Centre Business Improvement District Cambridge House Lower Ground Floor 16 – 18 Wellesley Road Croydon, CR0 2DD T: 020 8603 0050 E: W:

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Croydon BID

making a difference

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