Aquitaine, you won’t want to leave

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© Jeff Nalin

© CRTA / L. Reiz

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© CRTA / L. Reiz


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■ The Capucins market Place des Capucins 33000 Bordeaux Tuesday to Sunday, mornings only ■ New market (Saint-Michel) Place Canteloup et Meynard 33000 Bordeaux All day Monday

llier © Rodolphe Ce

■ Restaurant Etchema t 64560 Larrau Tel: + 33 (0)5 59 28 61 45

■ Le Lion dÉOr 11, Route de Pauillac 33460 Arcins

© Ostap é

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■ Ch teau Cordeillan-Bages Route des Ch teaux 33250 Pauillac

■ Au Bonheur du Palais 74 rue Paul Louis Lande 33000 Bordeaux ■ LÉEstacade Quai de Queyries 33100 Bordeaux

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■ Le Caf de lÉEsp rance 3, place Camille Hostein 33270 Bouliac

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■ Caf -restaurant Lavinal Place Desquet Bages 33250 Pauillac Tel: + 33 (0)5 57 75 00 09

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© Sébastien Cottereau - Lucky Studio


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© Hélianthal

© CRTA / Laurent Reiz

© Jean Bernard Nadeau




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A:>HJG: >?B:H;D ) 9“My holidays in Prehistoric Times”

&( ;9E#JEKH?IC Adopt the green attitude!

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688DBBD96I>DC &' ;9E#JEKH?IC The new environmentally-friendly places to stay

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Enjoy château life for less than E100

in Bayonne, Bordeaux, Pau and Périgueux An amazing trip through vineyards

'% =7H:;DI Strolls with Art and History as the backdrop

'* =;JJ?D= 7M7O Discover new green routes and cycling tracks

(% H;B7N7J?ED Peaceful or sporty breaks!

EDGI;DA>D ?I9EL;HO + :Blue, gold and green for the Aquitaine coastline

H=DEE>C< &) <7I>?ED" 8;7KJO" :;9EH7J?ED Souvenirs of Aquitaine

6AHD ' =ThK;IJ ierry Marx tells us about his Aquitaine &+ J;IJ What sort of holidaymaker are you?

'( H;9?F;I The region’ s star products

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© Alcide Roche


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My prehistoric holidays

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Co dWc[ _i BkYWi" I’m eleven years old and I love prehistoric animals. I cut pictures of dinosaurs out of magazines and I collect books on prehistoric times. On the internet, I learned that it was in Aquitaine, in the village of Les Eyzies in the Dordogne, that Cro-Magnon man was first discovered! Throughout the surrounding area and as far as the Basque Country, there are countless caves that were once inhabited by prehistoric people. Lascaux and its cave paintings were discovered in 1940 by a bunch of teenagers who were barely any older than I am! I wish I could have been there! Last year, I nagged my parents for months to go to Aquitaine. I’m going to tell you about all the things I got up to during those fabulous holidays.

B_\[ _d fh[^_ijeh_Y j_c[i First of all, I went away with a friend for a five-day discovery break in the Landes area, at the home of the “Dame de Brassempouy” (http:// It was here in 1894 that the discovery was made


© CRTA / J-J. Brochard

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of a statuette of a woman carved out of mammoth ivory 25,000 years ago by prehistoric man. With our team leaders, we tried to live in the same way our ancestors did. I thoroughly enjoyed learning to cut flint and make ceramic models. We even built a prehistoric oven, but I can’t say the prehistoric cookery lesson was my favourite activity. What was great, though, was that we could do all sorts of sports and go to the swimming pool, just like in a normal holiday camp! When my parents came to pick me up, I felt sad to be leaving my friends, but I was also really pleased because we headed off to the Dordogne to visit Préhisto-Parc in Tursac, in the Vézère Valley (www. A great anthropologist from the National Natural History Museum in Paris, Professor JeanLouis Heim, supervised the life-size reconstructions of everyday scenes in the life of the first Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon hunters. The scenes are very realistic, with men hunting a mammoth or cutting up a reindeer, or a family camp in a cave… Even my parents loved it! J^hem_d] ij_Yai" Ó h[#b_]^j_d]" fWh_[jWb Whj¾ After the trip to Préhisto-Parc, I took part in a workshop where I learned to make fire in the same way as our ancestors: it’s not easy and you need a lot of patience!

Next, just a few miles away we went to the fantastic National Prehistory Museum in Les Eyzies ( There was so much to see and do that I had trouble choosing between them (archaeological dig, furniture art...). Lastly, while my parents were at a conference about daily


© Réserve naturelle géologique de Saucats-La Brède



© CDT Landes/DN

'$ BWiYWkn ?? YWl[ fW_dj_d] # Cedj_]dWY # :ehZe]d[$ ($ I_j[ e\ j^[ :Wc[ Z[ 8hWii[cfeko # 8hWii[cfeko # BWdZ[i$ )$ DWjkhWb ][ebe]_YWb h[i[hl[ _d IWkYWji # BW 8h Z[ # =_hedZ[$ *$ Jhe]beZoj[ l_bbW][ e\ BW CWZ[b[_d[ WdZ L p h[ LWbb[o # JkhiWY # :ehZ]ed[$ +$ Jhe]beZoj[ jemd e\ BW Hegk[ IW_dj# 9^h_ijef^[ # F[opWY#B[ Cekij_[h Å :ehZe]d[

?d_j_Wj_ed _dje Wd WhY^W[ebe]_YWb Z_] Before leaving Aquitaine to go home, we made a last stop-off in Saucats, near Bordeaux (Tel: +33 (0)5 56 72 27 98). At this natural geological reserve, I took part in a fossil workshop. First we identified fossils by answering a


© CRTA/Laurent Reiz

list of questions, then we were shown how digs are organised to find these fossils. We also observed fossils under a microscope. Next, we went into the forest with our parents to visit two geological sites: I saw fossilized shark’s teeth, tropical shells, sea urchins and coral, proving that the sea had covered this area 20 million years ago. I had such great holidays and made some really good friends. We’ve all decided to come back next year because there are plenty more prehistoric caves and sites to see in the region!".

;dYekdj[hi m_j^ fh[^_ijeh_Y Wd_cWbi From petroglyph cave paintings to reality… Make the transition by going on a hike in the company of pottoks, which are little horses of prehistoric origin in the Basque mountains.

© CRTA / J-J.Brochard

life in the Palaeolithic period, I took part in a sculpture workshop where we used the same tools as prehistoric man! The next day we went to the caves of the Roc de Cazelle (www.rocdecazelle. com), a site that was inhabited nonstop for 12,000 years until 1966. In Le Goulet Valley, where the statuette of the Venus of Sireuil was discovered, there were more than 100 characters and animals giving us a good idea of what life was like in prehistoric times – some hunting, others painting and sculpting… I watched a demonstration of stick throwing and then made paintbrushes to paint on the stone: we used natural pigments, iron oxides and coal. We couldn’t leave the Dordogne without visiting Lascaux II, the identical reproduction of the famous “Sistine Chapel of prehistory” (www.semitour. com). The illusion is just perfect, and I really got the feeling that the bulls, cows, bison and horses were about to spring to life!

© CRTA/Laurent Reiz


■ B arn des Gaves tourist office.

Tel : + 33 (0)5 59 38 00 33

There’s another animal that has survived through the millennia since prehistoric times: the sturgeon, a fish that has not evolved for millions of years. In Biganos, visit the Moulin de Cassadote where sturgeon are bred and Gironde caviar is produced. ■ Moulin de la Cassadote - 33380 Biganos - Tel: + 33 (0)5 56 82 64 42 -

■ Maison de la Dame de Brassempouy : ■ Pr histo-Parc in Tursac : ■ Mus e national de la pr histoire, in Eyzies : ■ Grottes du Roc de Cazelle : ■ Lascaux II : ■ R serve naturelle g ologique de Saucats : Tel: +33 (0)5 56 72 27 98.


Wn AVjgZci GZ^o

© Laurent Reiz


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Wn AVjgZci GZ^o


© Laurent Reiz

© CRTA / Laurent Reiz

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Wn AVjgZci GZ^o

© Laurent Reiz

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© CRTA / Laurent Reiz


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Wn AVjgZci GZ^o

© CRTA / Laurent Reiz


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Wn AVjgZci GZ^o


© CRTA / Laurent Reiz

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© CRTA / Laurent Reiz


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In Aquitaine, WZefj j^[ CVijgZ iV`Zh eg^YZ d[ eaVXZ ^c 6fj^iV^cZ VcY ^i ^h i]ZgZ[dgZ dcan cVijgVa i]Vi i]Z gZ\^dc ]Vh deiZY [dg hjhiV^cVWaZ idjg^hb# ;gdb ^ih ZXdad\^XVa VXXdbbdYVi^dc id ^ih cVijgZ eVg`h VcY Zck^gdcbZciVa VXi^k^i^Zh! Y^hXdkZg i]Z \gZZc h^YZ d[ 6fj^iV^cZ#

Standing on land of 4000m², this 18thcentury farmhouse has been fully restored by a young architect and can accommodate up to six people. With its old stone, family furniture, souvenirs from a stay in Syria and contemporary furnishings, the gîte has High Environmental Quality certification. The icing on the cake: the private pool and a superb view.

Thirty hectares of pine forest in the Landes are the setting for the 800 pitches of this campsite. Its special feature is that it has adapted its management to environmental concerns and it attempts to raise awareness among tourists. It has been awarded various accreditations: ISO 14001, European eco-label, and Green Key. ■ Sun lia Le Col Vert Lac de L on 40560 Vielle Saint Girons Tel: +33 (0) 890 710 001

Ecology also has its place in town, as attested to by Ecolodge, an 18th-century building set close to the quaysides. Ecological materials and renewable energies have been preferred during the renovation work, resulting in the awarding of the European eco-label. Five charming, cosy rooms await guests and breakfast is made with natural local produce. ■ 23 Rue Raze 33000 Bordeaux Tel: : +33 (0)5 56 81 49 13

<_dZ oekh mWo WhekdZ j^[ [Ye#bWX[bi

■ Bookings only on Code LGM391

© CRTA / J-J. Brochard


;9EBE:=; :;I 9>7HJHEDI _d 8ehZ[Wkn

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B; FxH?=EH: >EJ;B _d BW Hegk[ =W][WY

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Close to Sarlat, in a two-hectare park, Le Périgord has 39 rooms with all conveniences along with a pool and a tennis court. Environmentally friendly management, including the seasonal menu at the restaurant, has been rewarded by European eco-label certification.

On the main beach in Biarritz, charm and modernity combine harmoniously at the Windsor, with its 48 rooms, a bar-tea room, restaurant and large terrace with ocean view. The hotel has been awarded the European eco-label and is committed to protecting the environment by reducing its energy consumption and waste production, among other things.

■ Port de Domme 24250 La Roque Gageac Tel: : +33 (0)5 53 28 36 55

7 dkcX[h e\ Z_\\[h[dj [Ye#bWX[bi Wh[ WmWhZ[Z je jekh_ij [ijWXb_i^c[dji$ >[h[ _i W i^ehj ]k_Z[ je ^[bf oek kdZ[hijWdZ j^[c0



■ Grande Plage 64200 Biarritz Tel: +33 (0)5 59 24 08 52

© Hôtel le Périgord

J^[ ;Ye#BWX[b is the only official European label. It promotes environmentallyfriendly services (water management, waste reduction…) and is issued by an independent body.


>_]^ ;dl_hedc[djWb GkWb_jo WYYh[Z_j[Z ] j[i WdZ ^ej[bi" [Yebe]_YWb YWcfi_j[i WdZ [Ye# beZ][i¾ 7gk_jW_d[ e\\[hi W m_Z[ lWh_[jo e\ WYYecceZWj_ed m_j^ j^[ [cf^Wi_i ed fhej[Yj_d] j^[ [dl_hedc[dj$ =_l[ _dje j^[ j[cfjWj_ed e\ W dWjkhWb Xh[Wa _d j^[ h[]_ed$

B; 9EB L;HJ 97CFI?J; _d j^[ BWdZ[i Z[ =WiYe]d[ <eh[ij

J^[ =h[[d A[o is an international environmental label dedicated exclusively to tourist accommodation. It is awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education, present in 48 countries.

>_]^ ;dl_hedc[djWb GkWb_jo (HQE) is not an official standard but rather a concept aiming to improve the construction and refurbishment of buildings on the basis of 14 target criteria (health, energy, aesthetics…).

© Hôtel Windsor



]h[[d Wjj_jkZ[ =DA>96NH JC9:G I=: H><C D; I=: :CK>GDCB:CI

ž je eXi[hl[ fbWdji WdZ Wd_cWbi

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Ie _\ oek mWdjž ž je ][j W X_hZĂŠi [o[ l_[m

Š Izadia

Š CRTA / J-J.Brochard

50 kilometres from Bordeaux, Bassin Aventures oers the whole family (from 3 years old) tree climbing courses and workshops. Several packages are possible, from initiation to more intensive courses. An original way to enjoy yourself whilst being aware of environmental protection.

Š CRTA / L. Reiz

Š C.Molitor/PNR PÊrigord Limousin

Š CRTA / L. Reiz

Š CRTA / J-J.Brochard

On the Basque coast in Anglet, the Izadia ecological park and its Maison de l’Environnement are ideal for observation of coastal ora and fauna . Take part in a walk in this unspoiled place with 14 hectares while your children learn to imitate the sounds of nature in a music creation workshop on the theme of birds.

ž je b[Whd iec[j^_d]

ž je mWba WdZ i[[ j^[ i_]^ji Over 2,000km of signposted footpaths run through the PĂŠrigord-Limousin Regional Nature Park, which proposes free themed outings to see the local plant and animal life. On your own or in a group, you can observe the stag’s mating call, see migratory birds, take part in the “night of the batâ€?‌ You can also visit the park on a mountain bike or on horseback.

The Landes de Gascogne Regional Nature Park is home to the Grande Lande eco-museum, set on three sites in Marquèze, Luxey and Garein . Dedicated to the lifestyles and cultural past of traditional Landes society in the 19th century, this museum draws the link between Man and his environment. In Marquèze, there is a reconstruction of an “airialâ€? (a forest clearing with Landes houses) from that era, taking visitors back to the daily life of the people.

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B[i XWj[b_[hi Zk YekhWdj ZĂŠ>kY^[j 0 lll#WViZa^Zg#Xdb

AZ IZ^X] dgc^i]dad\^XVa eVg` lZaXdbZh ndj id ^ih jched^aZY aVcYhXVeZh XdkZg^c\ &'% ]ZXiVgZh! heZX^Vaan aV^Y dji [dg l^aY W^gYh# ;dgZhiaVcY! Ă’ ZaYh! bVg^i^bZ bVgh]aVcY! aV\ddch½ I]^h Y^kZgh^in d[ ]VW^iVih ZcXdjgV\Zh cjbZgdjh b^\gVidgn dg hZYZciVgn W^gY heZX^Zh Ă„ je id '+% Ă„ id hide d[[ ]ZgZ# LZaa XVbdjĂ“ V\ZY ^c dcZ d[ i]Z bVcn add`dji edhih! ndj XVc dWhZgkZ i]Zb XadhZ je VcY ^c i]Z WZhi edhh^WaZ XdcY^i^dch# Parc ornithologique du Teich Maison de la Nature de Bassin dÉArcachon - 33470 Le Teich Tel: +33 (0)5 56 22 80 93

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Water excursions are an excellent way to discover otherwise inaccessible places. With your family, climb aboard a ‘galupe’, a traditional at-bottomed boat, and sail down the Courant d’Huchet which joins the pond of LĂŠon to the Atlantic Ocean. During the 10 km of this outing you will feel like an adventurer in the heart of this “French Amazoniaâ€?, a natural reserve boasting exceptional plant life (cypresses, arum lilies‌) and inhabited by numerous protected animal species (birds, otters, mink, herons‌).


FWhY ƒYebe]_gk[ ?pWZ_W 0 lll#^oVY^V#[g

ž je jWa[ je j^[ mWj[h






H=DEE>C< Fashion, beauty, decoration

Iekl[d_hi e\ 7gk_jW_d[

© L’art de l’espadrille

& © Repetto

© Moutet

AZVkZ V W^i d[ heVXZ ^c ndjg hj^iXVhZ Id `ZZe V hdjkZc^g d[ 6fj^iV^cZ Vaa nZVg gdjcY! YdcÉi aZVkZ WZ[dgZ hidX`^c\ je dc ine^XVa gZ\^dcVa WgVcYh#

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© Oxbow

* © Laulhère

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© Pullin

© Oxbow



Oek m_bb Ó dZ j^[i[ XhWdZi$$$ &" IgVY^i^dcVa 7VhfjZ a^cZc! I^hhV\Z BdjiZi! 7^Vgg^io VcY HV^ci"?ZVc"YZ"Ajo Ä Eng c Zh"6iaVci^fjZh# '" :heVYg^aaZh VcY VXXZhhdg^Zh! AÉ6gi YZ aÉZheVYg^aaZ! HV^ci"E^ZggZ YÉ>gjWZ Ä Eng c Zh"6iaVci^fjZh# (" GZeZiid h]dZh! [VXidgn h]de! HV^ci" B YVgY YÉ:mX^YZj^a Ä 9dgYd\cZ# )" AVja] gZ 7VhfjZ WZgZih VcY ]Vih! Dadgdc"HV^ci"BVg^Z Ä Eng c Zh"6iaVci^fjZh# *" DmWdl Xadi]^c\ VcY Zfj^ebZci [dg hjg[^c\ hedgih hjg[! l^cYhjg[! `^iZhjg[ ! 6c\aZi Ä Eng c Zh"6iaVci^fjZh# +" I]Z Cdcigdc `c^[Z l^i] ^ih Wdm"igZZ ]VcYaZ! Cdcigdc Ä 9dgYd\cZ# ," 8VjYVa^Z WZVjin egdYjXih jh^c\ i]Z Vci^dm^YVcih VcY edane]Zcdah ^c k^cZh VcY \gVeZh BVgi^aaVX Ä <^gdcYZ ! hdaY ^c e]VgbVX^Zh# -" Ejaa">c jcYZglZVg! =dhhZ\dg Ä AVcYZh#

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Great ideas

© Jean Bernard Nadeau

\eh WÓY_edWZei


7dgYZVjm < j[ Zk l_d # late June/early July

© Jean Bernard Nadeau

“With my tasting pass and wineglass in my hand, I’m ready to explore the Aquitaine wine route reconstructed alongside the River Garonne, on the quays linking the Pont de Pierre to the Place des Quinconces. Arm in arm with my friend Annette, we’re off to discover the eight pavilions with their 97 wine appellations from Bordeaux and Aquitaine! What variety! As for gastronomy, there’s a whole village dedicated to food: Bordo Mundo, offering an infinite variety of restaurants with countless food-wine combinations. Next we move on to the Water Mirror, an ideal place to experience sound and images in large format, followed by the firework display. Here at the port of Bordeaux, we are right at the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage site! Tomorrow we’ll have a stroll around town to see the 18th-century architecture, the Opera House, the public park and the Chartrons district…”. Sophie.


"Arm in arm, we go off to discover the 97 wine appellations of Bordeaux and Aquitaine".

“The Fêtes de Bayonne cannot officially start until the keys have been thrown from the balcony of the Town Hall. Once this age-old ritual has been accomplished, all the “festayres” can tie their scarves around their neck: welcome to the red-and-white mayhem of the Fêtes de Bayonne! Five days of festivity in the purest Basque tradition. What do I get up to? In the evening I meet up with my friends in one of our favourite “peñas” (associations of people that meet up to dance, drink and chat). In the morning I take my son to see the awakening of King Léon, on the Place de la Liberté. On the banks of the River Nive, it’s nice to wander around and see Notre-Dame Cathedral, away from the crowds. For the rest of the day my husband and I hesitate between Basque dances at the Karrikaldi, at the foot of the Château-Vieux, and listening to bandas. I actually met my husband at the Fêtes, on the Friday – the official day for single people. So Bayonne is also a special event for us”. Maylis.

"I met my husband one Friday, the official day for single people!".

"I flit from well-rehearsed choreographic events to improvised solo performances".

E g^\jZjm

Wearing my Mimos T-shirt, in the morning I go to the press conference in the cultural centre of La Visitation, the nerve centre of the festival, and then wander among the day’s “unofficial” artists. Unknown for the most part, these artists perform in the streets, in the margin of the better-known companies who give their performances on stage, at the theatre or the Palace. I like impromptu shows and being free to move around. So I flit from well-rehearsed choreographic events to improvised solo performances, from large squares to narrow streets, all day long – I sometimes even forget to eat! For me Mimos is also an opportunity to see Périgueux and its wonderful locations: Saint Front byzantine cathedral (UNESCO World Heritage), the Maap (Perigord museum of art and archaeology), or the Gallo-Roman museum Vesunna (designed by Jean Nouvel)”. Marie-Ange.

© CRTA / L. Reiz

C_cei" j^[ ?dj[hdWj_edWb C_c[ <[ij_lWb # early August


© CRTA / J.J. Brochard

Ef[d :Wo _d j^[ @khWd ed Wh[W # one day in December

© CRTA / B. Bloch

© CRTA / B. Bloch

< j[i Z[ 8Woedd[ # late July/early August

“Where do we meet up on the Sunday morning of Open Day? On the famous Boulevard des Pyrénées in Pau, running between the Parc Beaumont and the castle, just a stone’s throw from the old town. A last glance at the snow-capped Pic du Midi d’Ossau and we’re off, leaving from the Place Royale with its statue of Henri IV and heading towards the Jurançon vineyards planted on high plateau near the pretty village of Lacommande, home to the local Maison des Vins. Each time we do this, one of us has the task of making our roadmap, taking in half a dozen wine estates – no more than that – from among the forty-odd that open their doors for tasting sessions. We all share an enthusiasm for dry and sweet white wines, the Occitan culture, and singing! It’s not unusual for us to burst into song to celebrate the end of the harvest and the work achieved by the winegrowers”. Maurice.

"We all share an enthusiasm for dry and sweet white wines, the Occitan culture, and singing!".






Wh[ oek5

6alVnh dc i]Z bdkZ dg XVeVWaZ d[ heZcY^c\ ]djgh dWhZgk^c\ i]Z hVbZ W^gYÉh cZhi4 6 [Vc d[ ]Zg^iV\Z VcY gZ\^dcVa igVY^i^dc! dg V hjeZg"Ă’ i hedgih adkZg ^beVi^Zci id \Zi ^cid i]Z l]^iZlViZg4 Ign i]^h iZhi VcY i]Zc gZVY VWdji V hZaZXi^dc d[ WgZV`h ^c 6fj^iV^cZ i]Vi gZVaan hj^i ndjg egdĂ’ aZ# Oek eh]Wd_i[ oekh ^eb_ZWož0 Two years ahead, because the place you’re travelling to is hugely in demand. One year in advance – you want to be sure to get accommodation that is big enough for the whole family. Six months beforehand because you’ve spotted a sailing course you’re interested in. A week in advance – just enough time to map out your journey. Organise my holiday? I already know where I’m going and I’ll drop into the Tourist OďŹƒce when I get there.

ž WdZ oek fWYa oekh XW]i$ Oek Z[Y_Z[ je jWa[0

A rucksack. A hard case for your camera. canvas bag with casters. ASeveral suitcases containing (almost) everything in

your house.

A sports bag and surfboard cover. J^[h[ _i de mWo oek Wh[ b_a[bo je \eh][j je Xh_d]0

Your roadmap and your compass.

set of boules and board games. Your Binoculars and a telephoto lens.

Shorts and running shoes. Your Aquitaine Guidebook, full of good addresses. M^[d oek Whh_l[" oek jhWl[b0

On foot because it’s good exercise.

By car because it's more practical.

By bike because it's more environmentally friendly. By boat because it’s more peaceful. By train because it’s more interesting. 7dZ oek if[dZ j^[ d_]^ji _d0

A mountain refuge. A comfortable hotel.

;l[ho cehd_d] oek mWa[ kf0 When the cock crows. To your alarm clock. When your children get noisy. Thanks to your biological clock. Whenever you feel like it.

<eh c[Wbi" oek fh[\[h0 [\[h0 Sandwiches. Regional produce. Barbecues. Organic fruit and vegetables. Pizza.

OekĂŠl[ Y^ei[d WYYecceZWj_ed m_j^ W im_cc_d] feeb ie j^Wj oek YWd0 Do a hundred lengths each morning. Have a dip. Play. Read. Observe the birds that come to drink there.

M^[d oek ]e je j^[ X[WY^ oek0 Walk. Play. Go diving. Read. Sail.

M^[d j^[ ^eb_ZWo _i el[h" oek ]e ^ec[0 Exhausted. Enraptured. Well rested. SatisďŹ ed. Ready to start again

A big gĂŽte.

A cabin on a boat. A tree-house without water or electricity.


<_dZ oekh fheÓ b[ ed fW][ (/


A WONDERFUL TRIP j^hek]^ M_d[ 9ekdjho L^i] ., VeeZaaVi^dch VcY &* Y^[[ZgZci l^cZ iZgg^idg^Zh! 6fj^iV^cZ ^h ;gVcXZÉh egZb^Zg l^cZ\gdl^c\ gZ\^dc# =dl Yd ndj [VcXn V ig^e [dg V [Zl YVnh id Y^hXdkZg ÒkZ d[ i]Z gZ\^dcÉh bjai^[VXZiZY iZggd^gh4 ;daadl 8Vb^aaZ VcY ?dhZe]! Vh i]Zn igVkZa VgdjcY 6fj^iV^cZ# Gourmet Walk (www.saussignacfrance. fr/syndicat). There are two guides surrounded by a few wine lovers, all impatient to go off and see the château, the church, the surrounding fortified villages and the local winegrowers. And what a welcome! My abiding memory is of plates filled with foie gras and duck magret, and some extremely friendly people.

The Open Days held in the Bergerac area each May are also renowned for being friendly occasions. I’ve been told that on these festive weekends there are concerts and wine-related exhibitions, and 140 estates are open to the public for free tastings of their wonderful wines.

© CRTA / A. Béguerie

A break! I demand the right to get out of the big city for a few days and recharge my batteries in Aquitaine. I’m bringing my friend Joseph, the ideal travel partner, and we’re off to Purple Périgord and the Bergerac area, our first “destination vignobles”. Sunny hillsides, flowerladen fields and lapping rivers await us! Early the next day we get to Saussignac, southwest of Bergerac, for the famous

9^~j[Wk Z[ CedXWp_bbWY # :ehZe]d[$



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-$ >Whl[ij_d] _d j^[ C ZeY Wj 9^~j[Wk BWÓ j[# Hej^iY^_bZ Å =_hedZ[$

© CRTA / J.J. Brochard


© CRTA / L. Reiz

'$ 9^~j[Wk CWh]Wkn Å C ZeY Å8ehZ[Wkn Å =_hedZ[$


© CRTA / A. Béguerie


© CRTA / A. Béguerie



© CRTA / B. Bloch

© CRTA / J.J. Brochard


.$J^[ M_d[ I_]d" F^_b_ff[ HWeknÊi M_d[ho" 7hiWY" C ZeY Å =_hedZ[$

J^[ WhecWi e\ j^[ \eh[ij J>; I;9ED: IJ7=; in our journey is the Landes area. Large half-timbered farmhouses stand on either side of the dead-straight roads running through the thick pine forest. Between Dax and Mont-de-Marsan, the areas of Chalosse and Tursan approach. I can’t wait to taste the characteristic local grape varieties – baroque, fer servadou, tannat and cabernet franc, with their hint of under-wood aroma. Once we’ve left our luggage in a cosy Relais & Châteaux hotel in Eugénie-les-Bains, we head off to Geaune. This fortified town, the epicentre of the production area, is where “Festivigne” is held, the big Tursan wine fête. With my nose in a wineglass I learn the language of wine tasting. Vintage after vintage, Joseph and I quickly fall into conversation with producers and visitors. “Yes, I’ll drop by at your estate tomorrow. Between Castellau Tursan and VielleTursan? Perfect! It’s just on the Chemin des Vignes, the newly created Tursan Wine Route ( routedesvins) that starts in Geaune.”


There are two circuits on this route, and I’ve chosen the southern one. For once I have managed to convince Joseph to go by bike! I’ll never forget that wonderful day in the Landes countryside, with all the sights to see: traditional vine shacks, natural amphitheatre with an unobstructed view of the Pyrenees, the UNESCO-listed Sainte-Quitterie Church in Aire-sur-l’Adour, the lovely accents of the winegrowers, farmers and craftsmen…

dance and music and to contests of pelota, a real Basque sport. “Let’s get away from the crowd”, suggests Joseph, “and follow our noses”. When I look around me, I realize I have a 360° view of vines, set on terraces. The mountains are both powerful and serene. We are in Ispoure, near Saint-Jean-Piedde-Port, at Domaine Mourguy. And if my famous perceptiveness has not deserted me, we appear to be surrounded by donkeys. Flanked by our new companions, we follow a winegrowerguide along a signposted track towards ),& l_[m e\ l_d[i F7HJ ) E< EKH M?D; JEKH0 his vineyard set on the mountainside. Irouléguy, in the Basque Country. This ( This tiny wine area (about 200 hectares) is evening we are staying in a former the smallest in Europe and stands on the mountain shepherd’s home. But first, a ultra-steep slopes of Saint-Etienne-de- visit to our companion’s estate to taste Baïgorry, Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and some Irouléguy, rich in tannat, a grape Bidarray. Here the bars, or bodegas, stay variety that gives the wine its structure open until the early hours, especially and power. during the wine fête to which all the winegrowers in the AOC are invited ( History, visits, exhibition, tastings – all that by midday. The afternoon is devoted to


© CRTA / A. Béguerie


© CRTA / J.J. Brochard


)$ 7f[h_j_\ ed W É]WXWhh[Ê XeWj Å C ZeY Å =_hedZ[ *$ 8Whh[b Y[bbWh Å 9^~j[Wk F_Y^ed Bed]k[l_bb[ Å C[ZeY Å =_hedZ[ +$ >Whl[ij_d] _d :khWi Å Bej#[j#=Whedd[ ,$ 9^~j[Wk Z Ogk[c Å IWkj[hd[i$ 8ehZ[Wkn Å =_hedZ[



'&$ 9^~j[Wk Z[ bW 8h Z[ Å8ehZ[Wkn Å =_hedZ[

© CRTA / A. Béguerie

/$ jhWZ_j_edWb ^Whl[iji _d =[Wkd[ ÅJkhiWd Å BWdZ[i

© CRTA / J.J. Saubi

© CRTA / A. Béguerie

''$ >_a[ m_j^ Zeda[o" ?hekb[]ko Å Foh d [i#7jbWdj_gk[i

9WhWc[b_i[Z ]hWf[i WdZ Never short of ideas, Joseph decides who have called themselves “Les to take me for a canoe trip down the Médocaines”. This is a land of contrasts, feb_i^[Z f[XXb[i Ç?J ?I OEKH >;7HJ J>7J <EHCI OEKH EF?D?EDI" DEJ OEKH C?D:È$ Here we are in the Graves and Sauternes region south of Bordeaux, the land of Baron de Montesquieu, the illustrious thinker and winelover ( As we’re keen to learn about wine and gastronomy, we have opted for the Sauternes Prestige days, offering visits to the greatest châteaux in the sauternes-barsac appellation, including the world-famous Yquem, and lunch at the table of a chef ( Here I learn that the Graves and Sauternes Wine Route can be discovered with a SatNav device. As you drive, the GPS system beeps to inform you of the presence of a castle to visit (Roquetaillade, Mongenan, Malle…), or a wine estate open to the public or a good inn to have lunch (www.bordeaux-graves-sauternes. com/guide-gps.php). Long live the modern world!

River Ciron. In the shade of the willows, we float past the Sauternes vineyards where, at the foot of the vines, lie pebbles polished by the Garonne River – the famous “graves”. Are we here already? The man reaching out his hand to help me out of the canoe is none other than the owner of the estate – the winegrower himself. We could hardly refuse a visit of the estate, and certainly not a guided tasting of his latest vintages! What a lovely day! “Come and do the harvests in autumn”, he says. “You’ll understand the real magic of the place, the strength of winegrowing tradition here”. Joseph and I mentally book our next holiday picking grapes – a turnkey break offered by the Tourist Office. (

Coj^_YWb m_d[i ?D J>; Cx:E9 – our final destination – harvesting is also open to nonprofessionals in autumn. This initiative comes from four female winegrowers

“in medio aquae” – in the middle of the waters with the estuary to the east and the ocean to the west. The hardest thing is to choose between a gourmet bike ride through the vineyards escorted by a guide, and a boat trip on the estuary as far as Cordouan Lighthouse, with all the changing landscapes on the way ( Latour, Margaux, Mouton-Rothschild, Lafite-Rothschild… Along the D2 road there is a succession of some of the world’s most mythical châteaux. We go to the Maison du Tourisme et du Vin in Pauillac ( to ask about possibilities of visits. We then go on to Château d’Arsac and the neighbouring La Winery (www.winery. fr), proclaimed the “Finest wine cellar in Europe” and the “Temple of tasting”. I could say the same about the whole of the Aquitaine region after such a fantastic break.



All the arts

Wh[ je X[ \ekdZ _d dWjkh[

:;BL; ?DJE J>; I;9H;J E< CED;JÊI M7J;H#B?B?;I Everyone knows Monet’s series of paintings of water-lilies. What is slightly less well known is that without the gardens of Latour-Marliac in the Lot-et-Garonne, Claude Monet would probably not have painted some of his masterpieces. Joseph Bory Latour-Marliac, an inventive nurseryman in the 19th century, found a way of crossing

white water lilies with wild varieties in order to produce a whole host of dazzling colours. In 1889, he decided to present his collection at the Paris Universal Exhibition. He didn’t regret it! As well as the success he encountered at the exhibition, he met a rather special person who fell in love with his lilies: Claude Monet. It was a revelation. Monet decided to reproduce this magnificence at his home, Giverny. He ordered his lilies from the Latour-Marliac nursery… and the rest is history.

© CRTA / Laurent Reiz

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Today you can visit the gardens of Latour-Marliac where we are sure you will experience the same feelings as Claude Monet did more than a century ago. There are around 250 species of water-lily in this enchanting place, and you can also visit a little museum, an exotic greenhouse and a bamboo grove. Latour-Marliac was officially made a Garden of Note in 2004 by the Ministry of Culture and Communication.

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© c. SARL photosLatour-Marliac : CRTA

… it would have been in the Basque Country! But this garden actually exists. Or rather, these gardens. You can see them in Cambo-les-Bains, at the Villa Arnaga, the last home of Edmond Rostand. If the house of the author of Cyrano de Bergerac was an ambitious project, the gardens – which he also designed – are the jewel in its crown: a sort of homage to Versailles, including Ed[ e\ j^[ (+& if[Y_[i e\ mWj[h#b_bo ed Z_ifbWo _d j^[ BWjekh#CWhb_WY ]WhZ[di0 F_da Ikdh_i[$

© SARL Latour-Marliac

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© Villa Arnaga

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everything most typical of French formal gardens: pavilions, ponds, pergola, orangery… all protected by a wooded park offering lovely views of the Pyrenees. And who knows? You might catch sight of Roxanne…

7H9>?J;9JI E< D7JKH; Contemporary artists can also be inspired by nature, especially when they are landscape artists, like Kathryn Gustafson. In Terrassonla-Villedieu, she and the architect Ian Ritchie designed the Jardins de

l’Imaginaire, thirteen themed areas of pure creativeness retracing the history of mankind. Peaceful spaces protected by box-trees, musical waterfalls, sparkling colours in the rose garden, aromas of honeysuckle… All your senses will be on full throttle as you stroll through this fabulous universe.

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<6G9:CH Relive History

The history of the garden is intimately linked with that of humanity. Since the dawn of time, Mankind has been seeking to get the very best out of the earth. But do you know how we used to grow plants in the past? At Château de Belloc in Sadirac, ancient f lavours and vegetables await you in the museum and maze c a l l e d "Oh! Lé g u me s oubl ié s" ( In this highly unusual garden 15 km from Bordeaux, discover the genesis of our eating habits, from Cro-Magnon to the present day. "Oh! Légumes oubliés" has become a favourite among pe ople who love food and want to bring back forgotten delicacies. As you wander around the garden you will find wild nettles, dandelions, Chinese lanterns, elderberries, scallop squash... And to take the experience through to its natural conclusion, you can have a snack and buy fruit and vegetables here.

IFB;D:EKH Altogether different: not far from the caves of Lascaux, the formal gardens of Eyrignac in the Dordogne are well worth a trip ( They have a historical particularity: they have belonged to the same family for 500 years and 22 generations!



© CRTA / Jardins d’Eyrignac

& © Oh ! Légumes Oubliés

I]Z \VgYZch d[ 6fj^iV^cZ egdk^YZ V ]dhi d[ deedgijc^i^Zh id VYb^gZ i]Z WZVji^Zh d[ eaVci a^[Z! Wji Vahd id aZVgc VcY ZkZc id iV`Z V ig^e WVX` i]gdj\] ]^hidgn# I]ZhZ ZcX]Vci^c\ eaVXZh ]VkZ ZkdakZY Vadc\ l^i] ;gZcX] hdX^Zin i]gdj\] i]Z XZcijg^Zh VcY i]Z^g VeeZVgVcXZ ]Vh X]Vc\ZY Vi i]Z hVbZ i^bZ# 6 bdhi [VhX^cVi^c\ kdnV\Z

These gardens are one of the jewels in the crown of French landscape architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries. They have been subject to variations in style in the course of their history: initially inspired by the Italian villas of the 17th century, they were totally overhauled in the 19th century in order to follow the English trend! Today they have been restored to their full splendour under the impetus of the owners. Yews, box-trees, hornbeams and cypresses are the basic ingredients, sculpted into a diversity of shapes illustrating the harmony of the gardens. Each summer, this enchanting place is the venue for a classical music festival.

I?N A?BEC;JH;I E< M7BAI Still in the Dordogne, the hanging gardens of Marqueyssac, set on a rocky spur, offer a truly unique view over the nearby valley ( Standing 192 metres high, they are said to offer the loveliest panorama in Périgord! It is a listed site. The box-trees planted in the 19th century provide the outline, but “spontaneous” plants also have their place at Marqueyssac, where you can admire the typical regional plant life in 6 km of walks. As well as visits, there are a series of events and workshops (wood turners, DIY), games and shacks for children, a discovery trail for infants, an initiation into climbing, etc. From nightfall to midnight, the gardens of Marqueyssac are lit up by thousands of candles making a very romantic

© CRTA / L. Reiz

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atmosphere. It’s also an opportunity to admire the Dordogne Valley between light and dark, with its châteaux all lit up. Unforgettable.

FH;JJO" KI;<KB" EHD7C;DJ7B In Gironde, Château de Mongenan in Portets is surrounded by gardens, each with its own particular vocation ( The “pleasure garden” is a theatre of greenery in the informal style, the “utility garden” has more than a thousand medicinal plants and herbs that were indispensable to daily life in the 18th century, while the “ornament garden” is in homage to the French formal style: nature is meticulously ordered. Don’t forget to visit the château, which is home to an 18th century Masonic temple. Lastly, remember you are in the Bordeaux region, so the visit naturally ends with a tasting of the estate’s wines!

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Crédit photo : AAPRA - Association Aquitaine de Promotion Agroalimentaire

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REGIONAL ÔWlekhi Crédit photo : AAPRA - Association Aquitaine de Promotion Agroalimentaire


Crédit photo : AAPRA - Association Aquitaine de Promotion Agroalimentaire

Crédit photo : AAPRA - Association Aquitaine de Promotion Agroalimentaire

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Véloroutes and green routes


© CRTA / C. Boute

Ybei[h je dWjkh[ L^i] bdgZ i]Vc '* XnXa^c\ igVX`h idiVaa^c\ ]jcYgZYh d[ `^adbZigZh! 6fj^iV^cZ d[[Zgh XnXa^c\ adkZgh XdjciaZhh edhh^W^a^i^Zh id Y^hXdkZg VcY WZ Vi dcZ l^i] cVijgZ# ?jhi X]ddhZ ndjg Y^hiVcXZ

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M^WjÊi j^[ Z_\\[h[dY[ X[jm[[d W L behekj[ WdZ W =h[[d Hekj[5 Green routes have been designed for cyclists (no motor vehicles allowed), on towpaths, riverbanks, disused railway lines, forest paths, urban parks, etc. Véloroutes are routes shared with cars. Although these cycle routes mainly follow charming little roads without much traffic, be careful and comply with the Highway Code.

© CRTA / J-J.Brochard

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© CRTA / L. Reiz


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© CRTA / B. Bloch


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© CRTA / L. Reiz

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© L. Masurel

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© Olivier Guillaume

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■ Ch teau de la C te,

Biras - Bourdeilles 24310 Brant me

9>ÚJ;7K 97H8EDD;7K W Y^Whc_d] ijWo _d j^[ l_d[oWhZi

At the end of a majestic driveway lined with plane trees stands Château Carbonneau – accredited by Gîtes de France – in the midst of the vineyards between Saint-Emilion and Bergerac. Start off the day with breakfast on the magnificent

€for a7dou8 ble room


■ Domaine de Benauge,

29 Chemin de Benauge, 40270 Renung

© Chäteau de Rodié

A keep, slate roof, wooden panelling, four-poster beds… this certainly is an authentic 15th-century castle. Between Périgueux and Brantôme, Château de la Côte receives its guests in the heart of Green Périgord. The interior décor of the castle transports guests back to Renaissance times, with its period furnishings and its many reception rooms with monumental fireplaces and wood panelling. Outside, make the most of the magnificent swimming pool and its view over the surrounding countryside.

During your stay in this spot with a colourful past, the owners will be delighted to tell you the story of Benauge over dinner – an opportunity to confirm that the reputation of Landes cuisine is more than justified!

Napoleon III veranda or slip into the large pool to cool off. After a trip to Saint-Emilion, meet your hosts for a cellar visit and tasting session with the wines produced at the Château. Then take your seat in the elegant dining room to savour your dinner made with local produce before returning to your room with its stunning view of the grounds. ■ Ch teau Carbonneau

W. & J. Franc de Ferri re 33890 Pessac-sur-Dordogne.

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9>ÚJ;7K 8;D7K=; Wkj^[dj_Y_jo A short distance from Eugénie-les-Bains and Airesur-l'Adour, step back in time in this 15th-century fortified building. Château Benauge has been carefully restored and boasts five bedrooms with Clévacances 3-key classification - Tourisme et Handicap accreditation is in progress. Each of the rooms has its own individual décor and a geothermal air conditioning system that is as ecological as it is comfortable.

€for a5dou5 ble room


Return to the days of gallant knights and their ladies at the Château de Rodié, a 13th and 14th-century castle in Quercy. The rooms are protected by thick stone walls and solid wooden beams, and furnished with antiques. From the top of the square tower, the view stretches out over the castle rooftops and the surrounding countryside. Outside the main wall, a large swimming pool (over 16 metres long!) is at your disposal in season. The owners also offer guests an opportunity to take part in the daily life of the organic farm and its 454 hectares of nature reserve.

Porthos, the most colourful of the four musketeers in the novel by Alexandre Dumas. Built in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Château de Porthos was fully renovated in 2005. The four guest rooms bear evocative names: Aramis, Milady, Athos and Porthos. To relax, you have the choice between the outdoor spa looking out over the grounds or the billiards room in the former kitchens in the basement. ■ Ch teau de Porthos,

Le Bourg 64570 Lanne-en-Bar tous

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■ Ch teau de Rodi ,

© Château Carbonneau


9>ÚJ;7K :; FEHJ>EI ijWo Wj W ckia[j[[hÊi ^ec[

© Louis Althape

€for a8dou0 ble room


© Domaine de Benauge

47370 Courbiac de Tournon

At the approach to the village of Lanne-en-Barétous stands a proud mansion with two square towers in characteristic Béarn style. This is the home of Isaac de Portau, alias

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© CRTA / J.J. Brochard

© CRTA / J.J. Brochard

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© CRTA / L. Reiz

© Les Cabanes du Menoy

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© CRTA / J.J. Brochard

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Š Baya Hôtel

Š CRTA / J-J.Brochard

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Š A. Baschenis

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© CRTA / L. Reiz


F_Y Zk C_Z_ ZÊEiiWk WdZ BWY ZÊ7oeki" Foh[d[[i DWj_edWb FWha Å Foh d [i#7jbWdj_gk[i$


© Spa_Chateau_des_Vigiers

© CRTA / J-J.Brochard


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© CRTA / J-J.Brochard

© R. Mas

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© CRTA / J-J.Brochard


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© Thalazur

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'' ?JC: Ă„ '' ?JAN

Sensitive, delicate and attached to your childhood memories, you will appreciate the pleasures of the seaside. In the Bay of Arcachon, go crab ďŹ shing and sandcastle-building.

A:D '( ?JAN"'' 6J<JHI

6G>:H '& B6G8= Ă„ '% 6EG>A

An adventurer and a sportsperson, you love nothing better than a challenge! When you do something, you really go for it. Try a hike in the Pyrenees, in particular up the Pic du Midi d’Ossau (2284 m). Or a more festive challenge would be the Basque strongman games in Saint-Palais.

I6JGJH '& 6EG>A Ă„ '% B6N

At heart you are a sensual epicurean, so Aquitaine is deďŹ nitely the place for you. Go to the Dordogne for a gourmet break and enjoy the delicious foie gras! And while you’re there, travel along the Perigord Walnut Route where you will ďŹ nd varieties that have been awarded a PDO.

'& B6N Ă„ '& ?JC:

Dynamic and hungry for knowledge, you should go to Bordeaux, the regional capital! The city’s Port de la Lune, listed as UNESCO World Heritage, its beautiful 18th-century façades, its opera house, the Saint-Michel steeple and the museums will all satisfy your curiosity.


'( CDK:B7:G"'& 9:8:B7:G

Your love of freedom makes you individualistic and enterprising. The Dune du Pilat will match up to your ambitions: 107 metres of sand to climb! Not to mention the descent, which you can attempt by running down the side of the dune!


Proud and in search of emotions, only the best will do for you! You will feel particularly at home in remarkable places steeped in history, such as Saint Émilion or Sarlat, the medieval town with the world’s highest density of listed monuments.

'' 9:8:B7:G"'% ?6CJ6GN



'( 6J<JHI"'' H:EI:B7:G

'& ?6CJ6GN"'% ;:7GJ6GN

A hedonist by nature, you like comfort and luxury above all. So there’s nothing better for you than a stay in a wine château (with tasting sessions of course!), a luxurious vinotherapy cure at the Sources de Caudalie, or a break in the ďŹ nest hotel in Aquitaine, the Hotel du Palais in Biarritz.

Independent, original, thirsting for freedom‌ You are guided by your adventurous side: go to the Landes or the Basque Coast immediately! A wave with your name written on it awaits you.

A>7G6 '( H:EI:B7:G"'' D8ID7:G



An idealist and an altruist, you are likely to ďŹ nd yourself on one of the pilgrimage roads leading to Compostela. Also, as an aesthete you will enjoy the picturesque oyster farming villages in the Bay of Arcachon.

Fancy a round of golf? Patient, thoughtful and ambitious, you will be particularly well at ease on the greens. There are courses in Bordeaux, and try the one in Moliets, rated as one of the top ten in France.

E>H8:H '& ;:7GJ6GN"'% B6G8=

You are said to be hesitant, but also contemplative. A trip down the Canal de la Garonne on a hired boat or on the Dordogne aboard a ‘gabare’ would be just right for you. And as you love being pampered, round o your break in one of the region’s many thalassotherapy centres.

H8DGE>D '( D8ID7:G"'' CDK:B7:G

Strong-willed, active and assertive, you’ll love the whitewater of the Pyrenees! Canyoning, rafting and kayaking on the ‘gaves’ of Pau and Oloron will satisfy your thirst for extreme sensations.

Š CRTA / J-J.Brochard


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