Photo by Nerney.
Mark Ellis, Designer.
Mark’s NorthEast 400 Lotus.
MARK ELLIS DESIGN - SAILBOATS 1970s Aurora 40, Niagara 35, Nonsuch 30 1980s Nonsuch 26, Nonsuch 36, Aloha 32, Nonsuch 22, Naiad 18, Niagara 42, Nereus 40, Aragosoa 40 – Steel Cutter, Nonsuch 33, Otter - Custom 32’ Catboat 1990s Rangeley - Custom 44’ IMS Sloop, Northeast 400, Volunteer - Custom 47’ Daysailer 2000s Alizé III - Custom 47’ Sloop, Bruckmann 50, Bonaventure - Custom 56’ sloop, Anomaly - Custom 45’ Cat Ketch MARK ELLIS DESIGN - POWERBOATS 1980s Limestone 24, Medeiros 20 (Limestone20), Bruckmann 28, Tadenac 22 (Limestone22), Osprey 22 1990s Pilot 37 published – first “chine flat” design, Pilot 39, Limestone 17, Legacy 40, Legacy 34, BlueStar 29.9, Holby Pilot 19 2000s BlueStar 36.6, Ventana - Custom 56’, Legacy 42, Holby Pilot 24, Limestone 26, Legacy 32, Abaco 40, Abaco 47
About The Author Mindy Gunther lived on a 47-foot schooner until she was 2 years old and got her first boat at age 6. She has raced four Bermuda Races, her first at age 13. She sailed back from Bermuda on the J-boat Shamrock V, after the vessel had sailed transatlantic with a full rig. This was a first for a J-Boat. Along with her husband, past commodore Bob Drew, Mindy has sailed transatlantic, cruised Norway, Ireland, Scotland, Labrador, Newfoundland, Malta, Greece, up the U.S. coast from the Bahamas and down the coast as far south as Grenada. Bob and Mindy spent many summers cruising in Maine as well. She recently purchased a Bowler 26. She is past rear commodore of the Essex Station, current membership chair, and a member of the Centennial Committee. She was co-editor of the Cruising Club News (now Voyages) and did the design and layout of the first nine issues of the Gam. She was awarded the Carl H. Vilas Award and the John Parkinson Memorial Trophy and was the first woman to receive the Richard S. Nye Award.
issue 64 2022