Cru Singapore Thanksgiving Report 2014

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THANKSGIVING REPORT 2014 “That everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.” Vision 2020



MR CHEN HUI LIN 6 May 1951 - 9 Dec 2014 Beloved husband, father and inspiring brother-inChrist to many. Hui Lin joined staff with his wife in 1979. He was an unassuming man and was fondly known as “Mr Chen” by fellow colleagues. Mr Chen started Campus Crusade Mass Media in 1983, with a vision to boldly win men into God’s kingdom through media production and distribution. He was responsible for various evangelistic publicity campaigns during the 70s such as “Here’s Life, Singapore” and “I Found It”. He was pivotal in the publishing of the widely popular books by Josh McDowell as well as Neil Anderson. Mr Chen was also closely involved in the production and distribution of DVD versions of the films “JESUS” and “Magdelena” in China. Many were inspired by his courageous pursuit in reaching the nations for God, and touched by his genuine concern for the individual. Though we will miss his physical presence, the legacy and impact of Hui Lin’s ministry, that had touched thousands, will remain.


A younger Mr Chen (2nd from the right) among pioneering staff in the l970s

Mr Chen (far right in suit) and Mass Media staff team at SCCC 30th anniversary (2002)

Hui Lin’s passion for saving lost souls was singular in intent with a ‘by all means save some’ mindset.” -- Chong Hiok, close friend and comrade in ministry



I met Xiaomei at the NTU Cru Recruitment fair and found out that she was interested to learn more about Cru, we arranged to meet. I brought along my disciple, Rinna, who shared the gospel with her using The Four Spiritual Laws and Xiaomei subsequently prayed to receive Christ!” -- Gaomin, NUS graduate, current School of Leadership and Discipleship (SOLEAD) trainee. In 2014, 315 students from NTU heard the gospel through various out-reach programmes and 14 students received Jesus into their lives.



“ From right: Gaomin, Xiaomei and Rinna

Through the ‘Soaring’ evangelistic sessions, we were able to engage in various spiritual conversations with our non-Christian friends and at the same time, get to know them better. A particular participant was anxious about her medical condition and was very encouraged by our concern and prayers. I had an opportunity to use the content in the facilitator’s guidebook to share the Gospel with her. Praise God, she prayed to receive Christ and was so happy that she hugged us.” - Sharon Lam, staff. Sharon has been facilitating a group of 8 women in “Soaring”. This is the evangelistic version of “The Significant Woman”, a peer coaching discipleship course. In 2014, 25 ladies were trained to be facilitators for “Soaring”.

In September, two teams comprising campus staff and students were sent on mission trips to the University of Guam in Guam, and Cheng Gong University in Taiwan. A total of 25 students from the said universities accepted Christ into their lives.

Seeing how much they needed God made us realise we were not there to ‘showcase a product’. They need God and have yet to know Him personally. We were not put in this position by chance.” -- Jeslyn, Student of Temasek Polytechnic




Dr David Geisler

What started out as the occasional bite-sized evangelism training for our ministry partners and friends, grew into regular evening sessions. They include specialised topics such as “Sharing the Gospel in Your Everyday Life” by staff and lecturer at East Asia School of Theology and “Reaching the Elderly” by Reverend Oh Beng Kee. With the opening of Cru Centre, we have continued to invite speakers such as Dr David Geisler who spoke to about 80 participants on “Cultivating Good Soil in Today’s World”.

The training helped me to contextualize my faith in the marketplace. I am reminded that successful witnessing requires our dependence on the Holy Spirit, and the results are up to God.” -- Participant, BYB

I am re-inspired to reach out, as I now understand the importance of cultivating good soil and how to do it.” -- Participant, David Geisler’s workshop

Bursting Your Bubble (BYB) is a small-group training series. It was designed and developed for men and women in the marketplace who desire to be equipped to engage their friends and colleagues in spiritual conversations.


In 2014, several BYB training were conducted for a total of 130 participants from Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, Bartley Christian Church and an office fellowship group.


I enjoy playing and ministering to different audiences through our music band. It is a privilege to sow widely and see people come to Christ through this platform.” -- Melanie Lau, graduate of SOLEAD, staff of ForeRunner ministry SOLEAD is a nine-month training programme to equip new staff for “Heart Growth” and “Movement Fruitfulness” to help fulfil the Great Commission. Since its introduction in 1980, SOLEAD has trained a total of 399 staff and stinters.



One of the guests, who was a nonChristian, shared about her bitterness upon discovering that her Christian husband had cheated on her. We were at a loss for comforting words, so we simply lent her our listening ears. Recently she told us that she is open to exploring Jesus again.” -- Jodi, staff leading Homemakers’ Ministry In 2014, 28 mothers in the Homemakers’ Ministry were trained in the “Basic Evangelism” course. Putting their training to use, they hosted a Mothers’ Day Tea where they shared their testimonies to non-Christians. THANKSGIVING REPORT 2014


MISSIONS IMPACT: TAIWAN 2014 Missions Impact Taiwan (MIT) was launched by Taiwan Campus Crusade for Christ in celebration of their 50th anniversary. MIT’s vision is to achieve greater collaboration and significant Christian growth in Taiwan. Cru Singapore prepared and mobilized 12 teams of 74 participants to join others from America, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Philippines, and Taiwan in this combined mission effort. Through the efforts of the 12 teams sent, 3019 attended outreach events, 328 received one-to-one gospel presentations, 210 accepted Christ and 18 indicated interest for follow-up.

MIT ended 2014 with a campus concert tour in Taipei, Hualien and Taichung. In collaboration with Cru Singapore, Sarah Cheng-De Winne and her music band were sent to minister to university campuses, nursing homes, churches and even a prison in these cities. In the two weeks that she was there, Sarah and the band presented the gospel message through their music and her personal testimony in over 19 shows! This message of hope and love touched the hearts of the 1,732 attendees. This collaboration of love saw the single highest turnout of 300 at the prison gig. Through this, a total of 142 attendees prayed to receive Christ.

2014 MIT 宣教震台灣 Mission Impact: Taiwan countries in collaboration

7 38,948 1,617

heard the gospel accepted Jesus Christ


Taiwanese students queuing for Sarah Cheng’s evangelistic gig


HEALTHCARE MISSIONS IN MONGOLIA Cru staff Belinda Goh and six Singaporean volunteers made a trip to Mongolia on a healthcare mission in partnership with Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ.

Dr Han (left) sharing the gospel with a local Mongolian girl

The team ran rehabilitation clinic and therapy sessions for children with disabilities. Native families and healthcare workers also benefitted from the medical seminars conducted by the mission team. Apart from tending to their physical needs, the team also found time to disciple native Christian healthcare workers. Through this ministry, two children and a doctor accepted Jesus Christ into their lives.

A WORD FROM THE COUNTRY LEADER Thank you so much for your partnership in prayer and financial giving to the staff and ministries of Cru Singapore. We deeply appreciate your engagement with us as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission in Singapore and beyond. Since our inception in 1972, Cru Singapore has stayed faithful to our calling of reaching boldly, building deeply and sending urgently. In the process, we partner with churches, organizations and like-minded individuals for one common purpose:

To build spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.” As a ministry, we are constantly learning to adapt to our changing environment and needs around us. Like a ship navigating the turbulent seas and weather, we must stay our course and ensure our compass points to the True North in order to reach our destination. Our commitment to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) has not changed. In fact, with a rich heritage of more than 42 years of ministry experience, we continue the legacy forged by our leaders to raise spiritual multipliers in every generation. Whether we are reaching students, marketplace leaders, professionals or homemakers in Singapore and elsewhere, our missional objectives require us to:

Cru Centre 18 Verdun Road #04-01 Singapore 207280 Tel: +65 6589 9600 Fax: +65 6589 9649 URL:

• Help others understand and experience the truth of the gospel • Lead people to experience a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ • Mobilize Kingdom labourers to be engaged in the Great Commission • Collaborate with the body of Christ for greater synergy and impact In this 2014 Thanksgiving Report, we have chosen to feature snapshots of our ministries and stories of transformed lives. We are thankful to our Lord for the opportunity to serve Him and make Him known among the nations. Blessing the nations continues to be a key motivation for both our short and long term missions sending. We could not have done this on our own. Behind every Cru staff and ministry is a team of faithful ministry partners encouraging and supporting us. On behalf of Cru, thank you for your partnership in prayer and giving. To all our ministry donors and partners, present and past disciples involved with Cru, as well as current and former colleagues, thank you for playing a part in helping us to stay faithful to our calling. With much gratitude to God,


CRU CENTRE On 15 July 2014, the Cru Singapore family celebrated its journey to Verdun Road with God’s vision for this new premise named “Cru Centre” as a ‘place of remembrance, renewal and re-alignment’. With Media Ministry now housed under the same roof, we can now look forward to greater synergy within Cru to serve more effectively as a ministry cum missions hub.

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ministry cum missions hub years from vision to fruition staff membrs

on overseas and associate missions churches represented

Lam Kok Hiang Country Director

Media Ministry showroom: 18 Verdun Road #02-01 Singapore 207280 Tel: +65 6356 8336 Fax: +65 6356 6103

Warehouse & distribution: 2 Kallang Avenue #03-17 CT Hub Singapore 339407 Tel: +65 6356 6063 Fax: +65 6356 6109

Online store: URL:

© Thanksgiving Report 2014 is a publication of Cru Singapore. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

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