Tribute: Mr Chen Hui Lin

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Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16


A man of vision and passion.

A man of God

Mr Chen Hui Lin started volunteering his time and advertising expertise to Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru Singapore) in 1975. In 1979, Hui Lin and his wife Mui Ing, responded to God’s call in serving full time as support raising staff. From 1979 to 1980, both of them were in the Philippines working in media production to produce the ‘JESUS’ film in film strips to be used to share the gospel in the villages. They were in Seoul, Korea from 1981 to 1982 serving in the Media Ministry under Dr Kim Joon Gon who challenged him to set up Media Ministry on his return to Singapore in 1983. He had been directing the Media Ministry since then. He was also responsible for the media publicity of “Here’s Life Singapore”, “I found it” campaign in 1976/ 1977. He had been instrumental in opening doors for the publishing of Josh McDowell’s, Neil Anderson’s, and other Christian authors’ books as well as the production and distribution of the ‘JESUS’ film and Magdalena DVDs in China. Though we will miss his physical presence, the legacy and impact of Hui Lin’s ministry that had touched thousands will remain. He modelled a life of total-yieldedness to God’s calling of using the media to “Winning Souls and Saving Minds with Christ-centred resources”.

Celebration of a SCCC pioneer and legend in our midst Hui Lin volunteered his time in the evenings to serve the Lord through Campus Crusade for Christ using his gifts in advertising and the mass media. This was in his days as a single when he was courting Mui Ing who was also offering her gift in accounting as well. Such was their love for the Lord that they did spend considerable time serving together very joyfully. Hui Lin was deeply impacted by the massive KCCC conference called Explo ‘74 in Korea. Touched by the Holy Spirit he joined as a volunteer associate staff with SCCC and took no pay leave for six months from his work to be trained fulltime in Manila at the Great Commission Training Center with a major focus on ministry in the marketplace. His trainer was Ted Martinez with whom they have great mutual respect and a beautiful relationship that continued through the ensuing years. Chong Hiok and Margaret were in the same GCTC training batch. Returning to Singapore after the training Hui Lin’s passion for saving of lost souls was deeply aroused so that he was singular in intent with a “by all means save some” mindset in all that he endeavoured for the Lord and in ministry at CCC. In the old days of Letraset Hui Lin would meticulously craft the publicity materials for the ministry with finesse and that of a professional. This secular career

using such methods then may well have seeded the beginnings of his nasal cancer that was to hound him in the latter part of his life. Breathing in fumes from varnish incessantly in the course of his work will take its toll on him. He never smoked nor drank. By 1977 Hui Lin had established himself as the Media guru among the churches. That year he undertook the Media Campaign directorship for the Here’s Life “I Found It” campaign. It was nation wide and massive for those times involving many para church organisations, 110 churches from major denominations and hundreds of volunteers. And the local Christian Community had never seen the likes of such a scale and professionalism in media publicity. It involved using state strategy using art bus panels in island wide publicity in a tease campaign. And then the whole of

Singapore arose one day to capture with deep interest “I found it, You can find it too” in the local newspapers. That campaign saw 9014 salvations and the miraculous bringing together of the Chinese and English speaking churches (who hitherto would not work together!) in one singular evangelistic effort. Here’s Life Singapore formed the united platform that allowed Billy Graham to agree to stage Billy Graham Crusade in 1978. The defacto Media Director in SCCC, Hui Lin was hunted down by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to lead the media campaign culminating in the historic Crusade attended by 70,000 people nightly for a whole week in the National Stadium in the December of 1978. Again he excelled marvellously so that the entire Christian Community recognised Hui Lin as the guru to

turn to for any advertising and media matters. More than 200 churches from all major denominations participated. Many were saved and it had powerful impact on the Singapore Church. Many years later, the Luis Palau Singapore Mission at the National Stadium from 1-6 June 1986 was to be aided significantly by Hui Lin’s contribution in similar ways. Even when huge Crusades were no longer in vogue BGEA would seek Hui Lin’s counsel and assistance for smaller gatherings including Franklin Graham’s media projects years later. Hui Lin made a spectacular move for the Lord when in 1979 together with his bride Mui Ing joined the fulltime ministry as missionaries to serve in Mass Media with the regional CCCHQ in the city of Baguio to give push in the Jesus Film which was being field tested for aggressive evangelistic thrust in the villages of Asia. Those were the early days using Jesus Film in film strips. His Church was astounded, apparently, the first missionaries hailing from Foochow Methodist Church. Thus they were instrumental in helping their home church understand and be involved in missions in practical ways. Hui Lin and Mui Ing have always remained engaged and involved in ministry in their church. They went on to continue their mission stint in Korea when the regional office was relocated to Seoul before returning home to be the Mass Media Director for SCCC. As the SCCC ministry grew as a missionary resource base, ministry

literature needs grew and Hui Lin began resourcing local and overseas CCC. Latter half of 80’s he helmed the opening of a secular Christian bookstore (Psalms Resource Center) to showcase book distribution and selling with the backing of a group of Chong Hiok’s ministry supporters. These included John CS Lee, Chan Kai Yau, Lew Soon Poh, Yip Fook Yoon, Daisy Lee, Chan Chong Khuang, Lilian Lim, Tay Choon Mong who pumped in their personal funds to incorporate PRC as a business

to multiply his dream in literature training and showcasing book selling to many who had vision to use and sell books as a platform for ministry. Through his genius in the grace of God, Hui Lin raised the bar for book distribution and sales. He outclassed local competitors to become the largest Christian book store in retail and wholesale merchandising.

entity. The bookstore proved to be successful except that increasing rentals made it unsustainable and we shifted from Paradis Center to Tan Boon Liat Building next to SCCC National Office. Mass Media Ministry, as Hui Lin’s department of SCCC was called, grew from strength to strength. As God gave him vision he sought

Hui Lin’s rapport with International Publishing Houses and Booksellers increased and he was recognised as Asia’s foremost authority in mass media and book publishing and selling. He was brilliant and persuasive in his marketing while focused on reaching the world for Christ. His marketing reach went as far as South Africa

We went into publishing while resourcing the world, as that became a natural progression.

and Australia where he formed significant partnerships. Soon he was wholesaling for book giants Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, Zondervan, Here’s Life, etc…and was highly sought after by every publisher of high standing. He was invited to the US Book Sellers Convention/Conference to give talks and his futuristic forecast of books publishing and spiritual trends. They saw him as the authority for China’s changing trends. He also helped boost the Christian Book Sellers Convention locally forming strong alliance with all Christian booksellers, inviting bestselling authors to encourage Christian education and growth through literature and books. He was recognised as a key book seller if not the foremost. Hui Lin opened doors for Neil Anderson (Bondage Breaker and Victory over Darkness) and Josh McDowell (Six Hours with Josh) and staged many seminars and conferences. This strengthened SCCC relationship with local churches. Throughout his ministry at Mass Media he printed and distributed millions of literature into the hands of the needful…seeker and disciples, disciplers of Christ. As China began opening up, Hui Lin brokered with Official Church for the printing of Josh McDowell books including Evidence That Demands A Verdict and More Than A Carpenter. This led to others in Josh Series that now pepper the libraries of all the TSPM churches in China. JM Ministry remains deeply indebted to Hui Lin

for his invaluable and irreplaceable part in fostering of strong relationship with the SARA and TSPM leadership in China. In November 2011 in Dallas during the Chinese Bible Exhibition, together with Chong Hiok and in collaboration with JMM, he coordinated a closed door meeting with SARA and the TSPM to allow the Chinese authorities to meet leaders from CCCI, leaders from JMM, Jesus Film, Family Life, and East Asia Opportunities. On another exciting front, with Jesus Film becoming a key evangelistic tool, Hui Lin helped in the facilitation of translation and negotiated with the Chinese Official Church for legal distribution of the film. Through his patience and partnership skills he was instrumental in getting thousands of Jesus Film to be legally produced for distribution in the China churches. A special edition by the Roman Catholic Church was accepted and

distributed in his close collaboration with Bible Society. Together with Kua Wee Seng from Bible Society, Hui Lin became the CCCI icon to the Church leaders in China. It can be said that through the efforts of Hui Lin millions were able to have easier access to the Jesus Film as other arms of CCC ministry combined evangelistic outreach to the millions in China. Many millions in China have come to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by virtue of the Jesus Film introduced in many local dialects. The Chinese leaders recognised Jesus Film as the most effective evangelistic tool in modern China’s Christian history. Through the untiring efforts of relationship building and business transactions over the many years of interaction, the Chinese religious authority embraced Hui Lin as “old Friend”, an endearing term to describe a trusted friend and business partner.

Hui Lin had always been the ultimate optimist willing to trust God for the impossible. He was really ahead of his times and God chose to grant him much favour and fruit. By nature a very generous person, Cru staff would love his visits to staff meetings. With his motivational talks he would

able to relate current Christian trends with future. In that he was a prophet. Without fail, raised as a professional in media he was used to unreasonable deadlines often working very hard to deliver what he promised. He would go that second mile ever always remembering that the

People could trust him to deliver what he promised. In all he saw himself serving the Master as he served the servants of the Lord. The end goal he had in mind was Saving Minds to win souls. Setting high standards for himself he is at the ready anytime with his “Let’s go!” As one of the earliest pioneers in SCCC, he remained faithful and true to His Lord. He was a most loyal staff and friend. We have truly lost a most remarkable staff worker, humble in his ways, true to his words, industrial in his work, faithful to his Master and loving to his wife and family. We have lost a legendary leader whose legacy was impactful in life and in death. Through his one life Hui Lin has indeed by all means saved many for His Kingdom! Yes he did...Touching lives, Saving souls! Rev Chan Chong Hiok President East Asia School of Theology This represents my current memory and impression of Chen Hui Lin a dearly beloved friend and comrade in ministry through 40 years of friendship and colabour in the Lord…a class of his own, a legend.

invariably bring latest imprints or the best buys as gifts to encourage fellow staff in their ministry and walk with God. He was unusually gifted to be

“customer is right”. He won hearts of trusted friends, business friends and supporters because he lived his talk. And he worked hard!

Affable and friendly. Generous and courteous. Approachable and so easy to talk with. Private and considerate of others. These are some words I would use to describe and remember Mr Chen (Hui Lin) whom I have the pleasure of meeting and knowing in the course of ministry and partnership with Campus Crusade Mass Media. The pleasure of knowing him was doubled when he introduced Mui Ing to us.

I, Chieko, met him only once but I remember his face full of kindness and love in Christ. I saw Jesus in

Though I know where and with whom he is with right now, I would still miss him. Bro Chen Hui Lin is truly a man of God, fully dedicated to His service and overflowing with love. I am inspired by his example of being God’s humble and godly servant. In the several cooperations we have with Cru Media, Bro Hui Lin has been welcoming, unassuming, friendly and very helpful. In spite of his illness, he appeared cheerful and continued to devote himself to serve the kingdom business.

Rev Alvin Ngo, Executive & Deputy Senior Pastor, Eternal Life Assembly

My wife and I remembered fondly the dinner we had with Bro Hui Lin and his dear wife, Sis Mui Ing. Their love for each other and commitment for the Lord were exemplary in every way. We send our love and condolences to her and the family.

him. My friend, manga artist Kelly (Shinozawa), said that he tried his best to let the world know about her book. He was such a godly man. We will remember all that he has done to promote the book. Without his help Kelly would not have been able to publish Manga Genesis and he really dedicated his life to that. It is a very sad loss for Kelly because he was the one person who did understand the importance of Manga Ministry. She deeply appreciates him and will not forget him.

We thank God that Bro Hui Lin has lived a full and rich life and leaves behind a spiritual legacy for all. Deep in our hearts, we know that we shall see him again with the Lord Jesus.

Sad to note but knowing he has been ushered into God’s eternal Kingdom, where there is no suffering or pain and in that, we rejoice!

Rev Bob (Robert) Lum Executive and Senior Pastor Eternal Life Assembly

Larry & Emilia, Francis & Marjorie and all of us at Canaanland Distributors Sdn Bhd

Kelly and I will continue to do what he has started for Kelly’s ministry. Kelly Shinozawa and Chieko Manga Ministry, Japan

I thank God for the privilege to work alongside Hui Lin for over twenty years. He was a man of vision and passion and with a heart for the ministry. He was instrumental in inviting me to join the ministry and was a mentor to me as I worked with him in the mass distribution of the Jesus Film. He helped shaped my life in media ministry giving me the opportunity to travel and connect with publishers and film-makers in the US and UK. Hui Lin you have filled many chapters in my life and I am forever grateful. Victor Ng Deputy Head, Media Ministry Cru Singapore

I’m going to miss Mr Chen. Having worked with Mr Chen for almost 20 years...I must say that he had taught me loads of things...especially when I was his PA - learned from him how to negotiate, working and meeting up with publishers, handled sales with secular customers, etc. Those are the memories I will remember.

“We give glory to God for the life of Hui LIn, who was a brilliant visionary entrepreneur and humble leader. His full devotion for the ministry of God and vast contribution towards winning souls and saving minds in Singapore and beyond are simply extraordinary. His determination to fight a good fight and patient endurance in his last days is admirable. Hui Lin is truly our pride and joy for Cru Singapore and Media Ministry. His life and ministry is an inspiration to many of us, and he has left a legacy for generations to remember. “ Elsie Tan Board Secretariat Cru Singapore

Though he was so “kan cheong at times” in his work style...but he was fast in delivering whatever needs to be done. That also trained me to be a fast worker. He was also a father figure to me in the concern he had shown to my family. It comforts me to know that he is with our dear Abba Father in Heaven. RIP Mr Chen. “Mr Chen was not one who gives up easily, he was a real fighter! “ Lynda Tan Sales & Purchasing Associate Media Ministry of Cru Singapore

Jaslyn Chong Sales & Marketing Manager Media Ministry of Cru Singapore

We have lost a faithful co-worker. He was kind-hearted and a caring friend. Our thoughts and hearts are with our friends at Cru, with Mui Ing and the family during this difficult time. Richard Loh, Area Executive Director, Biblica East Asia Pacific and friends at Biblica, USA I remembered him as one who gladly prayed for God’s blessings upon all retailers in every presentation hosted by Campus Crusade Media. He was a cheerful man who served God well. Praise be to God for Mr Chen in dedicating his life to this ministry. Diana Chan of Trumpet Praise Chen Hui Lin was a long term friend and fellow worker in the distribution and publishing of Christian resources. Hui Lin was a kind, dedicated and wonderful servant of Jesus Christ. He was respected around the world. The effect of his ministry in Singapore and further afield in Asia will last for a very long time. I for one will really miss him. Paul Bootes Managing Director Koorong, Australia

I would like to say that Hui Lin has been my best and most admired ministry partner for 20 years! He had been a tremendous source of encouragement and blessing to me personally and to the ministry of Glad Sounds in Malaysia! His heart and passion for the ministry were exemplary! I am most grateful and honoured to have known him. He had made a huge impact in my life and also in the lives of thousands of Christians in Malaysia and all over the world through the ministry of Cru. He will be deeply missed but never forgotten! Thank you Hui Lin for your friendship, partnership and I look forward to our eternal fellowship! Erik Lai Former MD of Glad Sounds Malaysia I first met Bro Hui Lin when I worked at the Singapore Christian Conference Centre in Fairy Point Hill, Changi in the late 1970s. We met again in recent years when I came into the Christian book business. Although we were competitors in business at times, Bro Hui Lin was always the perfect gentleman and viewed things with the wider Kingdom perspective. His wisdom, counsel and good nature will be sorely missed. May the peace and love of our Lord Jesus

Christ comfort and strengthen his wife and family, and also the team at Cru Asia media ministry, at this time. Leslie Lim B H Product & Sales Manager, Education Division, Pansing Distribution Pte Ltd

I have known Hui Lin for about 20 years, and he has always shown himself to be a gracious and kind man. Always trying to do his work in as professional a manner as possible, but at the same time exemplifying what it means to have faith and trust in Jesus. Not an easy task, in this world we live in. I first met Hui Lin through an American publishing associate in the early 90’s. We were importing the same Christian literature into Singapore, so in a way we were competitors. But through this competition grew a respect that became a friendship. It is with a heavy heart that I learnt of his passing. And my thoughts and prayers go to his family. But it is also with joy that we remember Hui Lin has finished the race and finished it well. This day, even as we mourn his passing from this physical world, is also one where we rejoice in his return to our loving God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Hui Lin was a warm and gracious man in so many ways. A visionary of our generation who created a far reaching ministry that touched all corners of the globe. His heart for China was infectious. I feel vacant and empty right now but I hold the thought of knowing and having spent time with a wonderful disciple. Thinking of you all, our love and prayers to you and the team and not least his family, a father, husband and very special friend Nick Jones Lion Hudson Plc England

Peace and comfort be with you all, Mui Ing and Joy, Luke and Paul. Your husband/ father is remembered fondly and well. Eddy Teo Managing Director, Penguin Books Singapore, Penguin Random House Hui-lin had great passion for the Lord. I know that heaven is rejoicing but he will be missed in this life. Bill Shultz Abridge International USA

Even though the tens of thousands of miles between us prevented frequent fellowship, I consider Hui Lin one of my dearest friends and most effective co-workers in the work of the Gospel. David L. Orris, Sr Campus Crusade for Christ International

Our sincere condolences to Uncle Hui Lin’s family. His passing will be a loss for many. For myself, Hui Lin saw possibility in a book I’d written while living in Singapore for 9 years, resulting in this being published. He had felt an immediate sense that it was a book that needed publishing - and was bold to say so. This was less than 5 years ago - and it started a chain of events in our lives that has resulted in over 1.4 million homes in NZ hearing the gospel already. To me, his sensing was from the Lord, with a greater purpose in mind. We pray that the great hope we have in Christ Jesus guards your hearts through this season. Dave & Heather Mann Author and Publisher Shining Lights Trust, NZ

I first met Hui Lin close to 30 years ago when I joined Tyndale, and I have been working with him for most of the years since. Some words that come to mind in describing him: fair, honest, perseverant, positive, diligent and spiritually sensitive. Ellen and I have enjoyed a wonderful friendship through the years as we have shared a mutual interest in book and Bible distribution for the Kingdom. We have also enjoyed working together with Mui Ing as we have shared time as couples. We wish the very best for all of the family members, and have them in our prayers, day by day. Jim (and Ellen) Elwell Tyndale Publisher, USA

Heaven is richer because my dear friend Chen Hui Lin is there. But the precious memories of this man of God make us richer, too. For several years I have thought of Chen Hui Lin as one of my dearest friends, though he and I lived about 12,000 miles apart. We both found joy in serving Jesus. I wrote books and he loved to see people buy them and use them. He arranged for me to give several Character Building Seminars in Singapore and Malaysia and I savored the times we spent together helping parents learn how to be more godly parents. It was always a delight when Mui Ing could join us. I know Hui Lin would confess that he was what he was because of his lovely wife. So I will miss my friend. But I will treasure the memories of the times we shared together. V Gilbert Beers Author, former President of Scripture Press Publications & Victor Books, USA

I have always been encouraged whenever Hui Lin shared with us at staff meetings the many open doors and ministry opportunities in China through his contact and partnership with people in high places there. I am encouraged by his heart and vision for the expansion of God’s kingdom - how he continually seeks for opportunities to do this, especially in China. Really appreciate his generosity to bless the staff through free books and gifts too. Chow Hung Peng l LDHR, SOLEAD, Cru Singapore

Brother Hui Lin had been a faithful servant of the Lord. He had also worked with SilkStreamAsia in promoting the Jesus DVD in China. He was ever supportive of the Back to Jerusalem movement. The last time I met him at his office in Macpherson, he was very keen to be updated with what God is doing in the nations. We will certainly miss him. Nevertheless, we thank God that he rest henceforth from his labour and all his work will follow him. Our prayers are with Mui Ing and the family. The Shalom of the Lord be upon them. Goh Kng Yan Silkstream Asia

Hui Lin was a man ahead of his times. In answer to God’s call for his life, he left his advertising career and used his professional training to advance the Gospel message through the use of multimedia tools of his day. His pioneering vision to help the then Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru Singapore) start our Mass Media Ministry was borne out of a strategic need to get

Christian and Biblical resources printed within and distributed in China.

Chen Hui Lin was a joy to know and a rock of Christian love and joy. He inspired us to be better as husband and wife and his love for the Lord shone through in his work and compassion for people. Very few people stand out in life and he definitely stood out and made a difference in our lives and I’m sure in the lives of everyone he encountered. Our sadness in his passing is only buffered by the absolute knowledge and belief he rests with his new eyes on Jesus’ lovely face and I’ll see him again soon. Peace and love to the entire family and to his friends. Michael and Sarnai Podolinsky CEO Podolinsky International Pte Ltd

the Word of God and Christian resources to individuals and the masses. Under his leadership, the Cru Media Ministry has sold and/or helped to distribute millions of Bibles and Christian literature and resources around the world. Hui Lin was well regarded and respected by many of the major US Christian publishing companies, and was often sought after for his views particularly for the Asian markets. Hui Lin also had a global vision for Christian publishing. Over his 30+ years in the Media related ministries, he has helped to expand and open up new markets to meet the growth of Christianity in Asia. He was also instrumental in collaborating with the China Christian authorities and printing houses in getting

His passing is a sad loss to the Christian Media and publishing community. Cru Singapore has lost a dear colleague in Christ. Lam Kok Hiang Country Director Cru Singapore Mr Chen Hui Lin is a man dedicated to the Lord and His calling for his life. Throughout his life, he served the Lord with fervor and gladness of heart! He will be fondly remembered as a man who fulfilled God’s purpose for his life. Liza Manio Exec Assistant to the ATL, SE Asia, Campus Crusade for Christ Southeast Asia

Hui Lin was a tireless warrior for Christ. Equipping Leaders for Asia learn how to spread Jesus’ Good News through print, media and events by emulating Hui Lin’s example. His Kingdom service has opened the minds of millions of people to learn and deepen their intimacy with Jesus, grow in the power of the Holy Spirit and rest in the love of Abba Father, all this in many Asian languages. Hui Lin was a creative person who worked with numerous other ministries to find new and interesting ways to present the Gospel. We at ELA experienced this first hand cooperating with him and the Campus Crusade Media Ministry team to train leaders employing the teachings of Dr Maxwell, Dr Patrick Morley and Dr Tim Elmore. We are eternally grateful for his Christ-like leadership to teach all of us at ELA how to be a proactive untiring servant leader for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

I will never forget Hui Lin. I remember the first time I met him; he made me feel instantly at ease (even though I sort of felt partly intimidated as he carried himself with great stature). He was practical, he was sincere, and he was dedicated. I could see how hardworking he was, how committed he was to what he believed in and how seriously he took his job. We could all learn from his selfless devotion to spreading the word of God through books. Martin Rino R Bakatbat Regional Sales Manager, SEAsia & Micronesia, Simon and Schuster

He was a caring leader. When both my mother and wife were in hospital, he made special arrangements for me in person. I was touched by his action. We might be apart for now, but for sure we will meet again in heaven. Simon So Former Media Ministry staff of Cru Singapore, now residing in Canada

Hui Lin’s life was a blessing to many enabling new believers or seasoned Christians to deepen their relationship with our Triune God. Praise God for a faithful, proactive servant of Christ, named Chen Hui Lin! Michael Griffin CEO Equipping Leaders for Asia

I was blessed to have a leader like Mr Chen who showed and demonstrated all details in person. He taught me how to handle the daily operations using a world map as most of our suppliers are from different parts of the world. He brought me along to meet with logistic agents to ensure all things are in order.

I was saddened to hear the news that one of my dear friends has passed away. I have great memories of my times with Hui Lin. He was such a great friend of our ministry, and I always looked forward to going to Singapore, because of him. He had such a servant heart, and humble spirit. He will be greatly missed, and I pray that his family will be sustained by the good memories of an honorable man. Dr. Neil T. Anderson Founder and President Emeritus of Freedom In Christ Ministries, USA

Our prayers are with the family and the staff of Media Ministry as you all grieve his passing. We in Freedom in Christ would like to acknowledge the work of Mr Chen and Mass Media in bringing the Freedom message to this part of the world by inviting Neil Anderson, Dave Park, Rich Miller and others to do conferences in the region; and with that, helped many believers understand who they are in Christ and experience freedom to be the people that God has called them to be. These are the treasures that he has stored up in heaven.

Anything we can say simply is insufficient to communicate our appreciation for all of Hui Lin’s service to the Kingdom of God through his many years of service with Campus Crusade. Words cannot express our love and admiration that we hold in our hearts for Hui Lin and Mui Ing. It has been a blessing to be your friend and your traveling companion through a small part of your ministry. We have rejoiced together and have shared sorrows as well. We have seen God open unbelievable doors for the Gospel. Thank you for sharing your ministry with us! You have been our counselor, mentor and encourager. God has used your life to leave His imprint on the face of Asia. We believe that what you have started will continue to grow and spread for decades. All we can say, brother, is, “Job Well Done”!

This is very sad indeed. Hui Lin and myself have known each other and have done business together for many years. I have always valued this relationship. He was a good man to work with. I wish his family all the best as they rejoice in his homecoming and grieve his loss to them. Pieter Kwant Piquant Editions

Stephen Cheah Asst Int’l Director/Regional Director East Asia, Freedom in Christ Ministries Int’l

Matthew 25:21 Well done, good and faithful servant; you were found faithful… enter into the joy of your Lord!

Hui Lin was a man of vision and passion. Media Ministry of Cru Singapore is what it is today largely due to his leadership. He was already full of enthusiasm and energy; courageous to take steps of faith to expand media ministry so that the word of God can spread far and wide. He was also a very caring and personable friend.

John and Linda Crone Josh McDowell Ministries, USA

Richard Ting St Andrews Cathedral

I was very sorry to hear of the passing of my friend and colleague, Hui Lin. While our times together were not often they were special. He was always a welcome host when I was able to visit Singapore. His passion for ministry, his love of people, and his dedication to the work of the Kingdom was immediately recognized. He is dancing with Jesus now but he is greatly missed here. Mark Carver Director, Global Leadership Development, Saddleback Church, USA

I am very sad that Hui Lin has left us. At the same time I rejoice with him that the Lord has been satisfied with his work and has received him into His eternal arms. Mui Ing, only you and Hui Lin would know that he and I spent our best times together over “one game”. We always managed to squeeze one game of pingpong every day in those hectic days in Baguio. I am grateful for our friendship that is much more than a working relationship. Staff have come and gone and with my overseas ministry, you and Hui Lin remained my main connection to the ministry in Singapore. Hui Lin stands out in his professionalism and in his willingness to use his expertise for the Kingdom. Hui Lin trusted in me to print the China Prayer Calendar and Faith of Our Fathers. Both were done with excellence. For his unfailing support and partnership I am eternally grateful. I will be thinking of you and your family and the great times we shared together in Singapore and in the Philippines. Thong Chan Kei Author, Co-Founder of LDi Inc, and Adjunct Prof of Trinity Western University

My relationship with Chen span over more than 25 years because we both had only one vision and that is to reach people for the Kingdom of God through Christian literature and bibles. We met in the United States and during my first visit to Singapore in 1989 my appreciation for Chen grew over the years; his devoted commitment to Christ was evident in his life and work. His very eager way to reach China and the Chinese people with God’s word has become his only vision and life task...that led him to many visits to China and other parts of the world. Chen will be remembered by his colleagues from all over the world...he will be missed, his excitement for Christ will be remembered. May his life and memories be an encouragement to his wife, children and grandchildren. Chris H Johnsen Christian Art distributors, South Africa

Hui Lin gave me an opportunity to write my first book, and he was encouraging and enthusiastic throughout the project. Despite his busy schedule, he always had time to chat, and it was inspiring to listen to him talk about new things he wanted to do. It was only later that I read about how he had started the media ministry he was so humble he had never spoken of his achievements, but only of what he wanted to do to spread the Gospel for God. I shall miss his encouraging presence. Leslie Koh Author of Streetfighter, and Journalist, The Straits Times

I am much saddened to hear the demise of our brother Chen Hui Lin. It is so sudden. I recalled clearly the many times we met, seemed like yesterday. I see his enthusiastic fervor in his ministry for the Kingdom of God in our frequent discussions to explore furthering the Christian publishing ministry in China, in which he gave me great support in my work.

听到陈惠霖弟兄离开的消息,我很 突然。回忆多次与他的相会,都在 眼前,这些年他为上帝国度的事工 忙碌奔波,与我商量探讨在中国 的出版事工,在工作上给我大力的 支持。感谢主的带领,这些年已经 有好些出版物在全国基督教两会的 出版,包括《耶稣传》、《胜过黑 暗》、《击开困锁》等等,在中国 教会都有很大的发行量,造就帮助 了许多人。 相信这些事工都被主所纪念,他在 主里面的劳苦不会徒然。他已经离 世享受安息,但是我感到失去一位 好朋友和主内同工。愿主安慰他的 家人,谨此致以问候! 包智敏牧师

I thank the Lord for His leading and over the years many publications have been published by the China Christian Council together with the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China. They include Jesus Film, Victory over the Darkness, Bondage Breaker and many more titles, all of which enjoyed good circulation in the churches in China and continue to minister to many people. I believe his toil and ministry for the Lord were not in vain. Our brother has departed to enjoy eternal rest in the Lord, but I am losing a good friend and coworker in the Lord. May God comfort his family! Rev Bao Zhimin Theologian and Head of Publication Ministry, China Christian Council

I first got to know Hui Lin when we began working on the Intercessors for China calendar in 1997. He was so cheerful and encouraging when we started, and he remained a great friend and colleague through the many years that we worked together on this project. Over the years we have printed nearly 500,000 copies of the Intercessors for China prayer calendar. I am full of gratitude towards this wonderful Christian brother for his part in making that happen. To God be the glory! John A Swem JD, Senior Consultant, LDiChina

Martin Luther King Jr once said: If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michaelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well’. I first met Hui Lin when Henry Tan, a common friend, introduced us so we could explore a publishing partnership. We worked together on several projects, and I came to admire and appreciate Hui Lin, and felt that CCAL was blessed to have a person like him. In our projects together, Hui Lin was always mindful of the need to bring the cost down for the Philippine market. He was creative and resourceful in finding ways to do so, like publishing locally and negotiating cost to be low enough so that the local partner could make it a going concern. That was my perception of Hui Lin - his foremost concern was income for CCAL, yet he always thought of his partners, was always fair, and always thought long term, not short term; he was a person you always want to work with, because he also took care of others. It was a pity that most of Hui Lin’s projects were in book publishing, while my company’s forte was in DVD publishing; hence we were not able to have as much projects together as we wanted. Over the years, in all my collaborations with Hui Lin, I was amazed by his passion about his work and ministry - to get the books out so that people would be ministered and to earn income for the media ministry. His Passion, combined with his resourcefulness, fairness and intelligence, made him so effective that I believe if Hui Lin was not in ministry but

in business, he would have been a very successful businessman. But Praise be to God that Hui Lin stored up treasures in Heaven, and has left a great Legacy to his children and grandchildren. My memory of Hui Lin is of a Man who was called to be a publisher for God, and he did his job so well that I personally would say “Here lived God’s publisher who did his job well!” Danny Lim The Philippines

My heart is saddened at the passing away of my co-worker and friend for so many years. Since the 60’s we were working together actively in the Methodist Youth Fellowship for Singapore District. He was keen participating in Bible Quiz competitions among different youth fellowships in the Methodist churches. In 1978, he was appointed as the person in charge of the publicity for the Singapore Billy Graham Crusade, which was held in the former National Stadium in December. It was my joy to work closely with him throughout the year of preparation. His skill in publicity brought fruit to the well-attended nightly meetings. Again, Hui Lin was the natural choice to serve as the publicity chairman for the Luis Palau Singapore Mission in 1985 & 1986 to be held at the former National Stadium in June 1986. He was super in publicizing all the activities towards the nationwide evangelistic event. When my wife and I went to South Korea, Hui Lin was very helpful to us, introducing some church leaders to us. It was my

得知慧霖逝世的消息十分悲痛。惠 霖是国家宗教局和我个人的老朋 友,好朋友。在我就任国家宗教局 外事司司长的十多年间,他几乎每 年来访国家宗教局,我也多次在 新加坡受到他的接待。大家彼此交 流,合作,十分愉快,友谊不断加 深。特别是2011年我们在美国达拉 斯举办中国教会圣经事工展时,我 率团代表国家宗教局出席开幕式并 在美国访问,慧霖携夫人专程从新 加坡赶来达拉斯出席我们圣经展的 开幕式,并精心安排了我们对美 国“麦道卫国际事工组织”的访问, 这令我们十分感动。 privilege to work with him for the Global Day of Prayer that was held in former National Stadium in June 2006 and 2007. Attendance was good due to his publicity programme. I want to thank God for brother Hui Lin for his cooperation as a partner with Scripture Union. Hui Lin organized the nationwide Psalty’s Funtastic Praise Party Concerts together with SU in 1999 at the Indoor Stadium. He was very passionate and zealous in promoting Christian literature with SU throughout the years. Singapore churches indeed missed such a talented devoted servant of the Lord. He was gifted in public relations with pastors, church leaders and business personnel. In recent years, Hui Lin was the publisher for my books. On behalf of the staff and Council of Scripture Union, Singapore, I want to express our condolence with Mui Ing, Joy and her husband, Luke and Paul. Rev Alfred Yeo Scripture Union, Singapore

惠霖的逝世让我失去了一位好朋 友,合作的好伙伴。谨此,向新加 坡学园传道会及其朋友们表示我最 沉痛的哀悼!向惠霖的夫人,也是 我的好朋友梅英及他们的子女表达 我最沉痛的哀悼和最真诚的问候, 请她们节哀珍重! 郭伟, 国家宗教局外事司司长 I am saddened by the news of Hui Lin’s passing. He was more than just a good friend of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs. I consider him a personal friend. For more than a decade during my tenure as Head of Foreign Affairs of the State

Bureau of Religious Affairs, he officially visited almost every year to establish and build rapport with us. And I had on many occasions also been graciously hosted by him during my visits to Singapore. Over the years through our constant communications and collaborations, our friendship further deepened. In particular we were very touched by the support given in 2011 when our country organised the Bible Ministry in the Church of China Exhibition in Dallas, Texas. I led a delegation on behalf of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs to attend the opening ceremony and with the intent of paying Josh McDowell and his ministry an official visit. Hui Lin and his wife Mui Ing flew all the way from Singapore to Dallas to attend the opening ceremony. And he even meticulously arranged our visit to meet with the international leadership of the Josh McDowell Ministries. With his passing, I have lost a good friend and a good partner for cooperation. My deepest condolence to his friends and colleagues at Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ! And to my good friend Mui Ing, and their children, my heartfelt sympathies and sincere regards! Guo Wei Head of Foreign Affairs of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs, China

I will always remember Mr Chen Hui Lin as THE Director of Media Ministry; he obeyed God’s call and completely dedicated himself to growing the ministry. He was a man who trusted the Lord for his provisions and for his ministry. Not one to sit on his laurels, he was always looking ahead to improve on the quality and affordability of our resources, and he was quick to respond to any good opportunity for expanding Kingdom values. A family man, Mr Chen was devoted to his wife and children. Together with Mui Ing they would quietly be ministering to others outside of Cru. Few may know but he was particularly compassionate, often extending a helping hand, towards those who suffered from setbacks and depression. Personally I was awed to serve under his leadership but through the years we had developed a rapport of honest feedback and trust. Philippians 3:13b-14 so aptly described his motivation: “forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. Darrell Lee Senior Manager, Media Ministry Cru Singapore

We have had the privilege of knowing Hui Lin as a friend and partner in ministry for the Lord. When you mention “A man of God” Hui Lin was that man. He opened doors through friendships that made it possible to reach the lost with the Truth of Christ. Hui Lin served Cru Singapore Mass Media with excellence, he was known as a man you could count on, his heart was big and he had a desire to get God’s word into as many people’s hands as possible at times over and above the human understanding. It has been over 30 years the Hui Lin served alongside Josh McDowell Staff in Asia. Through the friendships Hui Lin had with leaders in Mainland China he made it possible to launch JMM books legally through the China Government, the Chinese Three Self Patriotic Movement Protestant Church – the government church in China and multiple Christian publishers across China.

Hui Lin had been a great model for me and for the HKCCC family. His heart for God and China is always in my heart and mind. It is not just a loss for his family, but for us here as well. I will forever remember how his heart for China had propelled him to overcome such hardship and built up such a big ministry. His legacy will be forever remembered. Albert Ng Pastor, Care Group and Equipping Island Evangelical Community Church, Hong Kong (He was former Director of HKCCC)

Hui Lin was a friend to everyone he met, he would make it known that he wanted them to know Jesus. Through his tireless efforts he made inroads across Asia including Australia and New Zealand. Whenever Hui Lin said he would do something you knew it would be accomplished. Hui Lin was a man of the highest character and Integrity. Character is built over a lifetime and Hui Lin was at the top! Hui Lin will be missed – Hui Lin was a man of God that his absence will leave Hugh Shoes Spiritually to fill, I am not sure they can be filled. God’s blessing to everyone who knew Hui Lin. We will miss Hui Lin and may Mui Ing, his children along with everyone at Cru Singapore be comforted with the knowledge that Hui Lin is with our Lord. He was a great man that will be missed. Jeff & Jennifer Josh McDowell Ministry Dallas Texas USA

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