Thanksgiving report 2015 "Living the Singapore Dream"

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Living the

Singapore Dream THANKSGIVING REPORT 2 015

VONETTE BRIGHT (1926-2015)


When was the last time you cried for those who don’t know the Savior? That kind of compassion only comes from the Holy Spirit ... It comes from having our minds and hearts saturated with the Word of God. 2 MILLION gospel exposures 5000 multiplying disciples 4000 sent on short-term mission trips 400 staff 200 for Singapore & 200 for the nations KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE Establishment of strategic partnerships


CONTENTS Country Leader’s Foreword Missions Obedience, Not Sacrifice Campus Ministry :: Student-Led Movements Towards a Community of Multiplying Disciples City Strategies :: Leader-Led Movements All in a Day’s Work Media Ministry Not Just a Bookstore Country Leader’s Office Catalysing the Fulfilment of the Great Commission Upcoming Events

EDITORIAL TEAM Editor Sheryl Yeo Writers Irene Neo Lee Heng Wing Fong Li Ling Design Sheryl Yeo

Barely a decade after Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ was inaugurated in 1972, the Singapore Dream to be a blessing unto the nations was birthed out of a desire to move beyond our shores and impact the world with the truth of the gospel. This is a Dream that has not changed despite our recent renaming as Cru Singapore. This Thanksgiving Report hopes to illustrate, story by story, our unwavering commitment to this Dream which we did not come up with by ourselves. It dates back to the time when John described that people from every tribe, language, and tongue would come to enthrone Jesus as Lord (Revelation 7:9). Going even further back in history, Jesus commanded His disciples to “go and make disciples of every nation” (Matthew 28:19). In Genesis 12:2, God expressed His intention for all people on earth to be blessed through the obedience of His children. Blessing the nations is chiefly God’s idea! With the marking of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee in 2015, it is apt to look at how Cru Singapore is still living out the Singapore Dream 35 years after the term was coined. The stories in the following pages are of people who have caught the Dream and made it a reality. “Will my contribution make a difference?” is a recurring sentiment of these people. Yet, time and again, God proves that He is the one who makes our human efforts fruitful. Similarly, who would have thought that a tiny red dot like us could impact the world with spiritual truth? The people of Singapore have made a difference, and we will continue to do so as long as we do not stop saying “yes” to God. Jesus chose us to be in relationship with Him and do His will. Let us make disciples of all nations and contribute to His worldwide harvest as we experience His love daily. There will always be some way to be involved. Pray, ask, and He will show you. May we always be follow His call and keep the Dream alive. Helping to change the world together, Sheryl Yeo Editor

COUNTRY LEADER’S FOREWORD LIVING THE CRU DNA Since our inception as Campus Crusade for Christ in 1972, Cru Singapore has been developing new ways to share the Gospel, building people in their faith and sending them out to be Christ-centred leaders for the Kingdom. Our core commitment to help fulfil the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) has not changed. As we adapt to changing times and challenging environments, we have been learning to hold on to what is important to us while finding new and relevant ways to live out our calling. Our Vision 2020 mission is to make a strategic contribution in Singapore and around the world by raising and sending 5,000 Christ-centred multiplying disciples to help fulfill the Great Commission. The focus on Win-Build-TrainSend continues to be the mainstay of our strategy and ministry. In this Thanksgiving Report, we highlight stories of how the lives have been transformed through our various ministries as believers faithfully live out God’s calling in their different stations of life. We are grateful for the impact that we made this year in our nation and beyond with partnering churches, organisations and like-minded volunteers. Be it in the campus, marketplace, home, or mission field, we are seeing God at work in surprising ways. The impending economic slowdown, senseless killings around the world and spiritual darkness that hovers over us should motivate us to be a bright light to those around us. The psalmist exhorts us to fear the Lord and find delight in God’s commandments so that “even in darkness light dawns for the upright” (Psalm 112:1,4). As we look back at 2015, we are thankful to God for His sustaining grace and faithfulness to us. I echo the words of the psalmist, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1).

Have a Spiritfilled 2016!

Thank you for your faithful support in 2015 – your faithful prayers lift us up when we need it most, your financial support give us the physical resources and means for ministry, and most of all, your friendship means so much to us as we stand shoulder to shoulder to contend for the gospel. Your continued partnership brings us much joy as we enter 2016 and remain steadfast in our vision of raising Christ-centred multipliers to fulfil the Great Commission. On behalf of all my colleagues at Cru Singapore, I wish you a Spirit-led and fruitful year ahead. Blessings,

Lam Kok Hiang Country Leader


Jonathan and Michelle* are mid-career professionals who, in a brave move, did a job-switch to serve with Cru Singapore. They are currently on an overseas assignment in a West Asian creative access country. Michelle was previously working in a reputable multinational company while Jonathan is an established entrepreneur. This is their story. * not their real names

Seated comfortably in a local restaurant with guests and colleagues from Cru Singapore, Michelle confidently ordered their dinner in the local language. Articulating the words, it seemed to matter little that she had only learnt the language over the past year. Meanwhile, her husband Jonathan was giving a cross-cultural introduction of the local delicacies on the menu. The food arrived soon after and everyone tucked heartily into the gastronomical meal. Jonathan and Michelle were such natural hosts that no one would have guessed that they had only recently relocated to the creative-access city! >> Continued on next page

missions After dinner, the group retreated to the couple’s cosy apartment nearby. With everyone sitting around a table, Jonathan began sharing their story. “It all began at CM 2007...” when, as a student of East Asia School of Theology (EAST), Jonathan participated in the Campus Mission 2007 conference, as part of his cross-cultural internship. “…I heard God saying, ‘Jonathan, I want your obedience, not your sacrifice.’”

“I heard God saying,

‘Jonathan, I want your obedience, not your sacrifice.’” God’s calling for Jonathan to be a missionary was distinctly impressed upon him in this way. However, the initial call came without a destination or a people group. A year later, Jonathan was unfortunately diagnosed with stage two cancer that could prove to be fatal. Jonathan’s world collapsed and he was initially plagued with a sense of depressive sadness. However, as he remembered God’s call for him, the negative emotions faded away and he realised that God was not done with him yet. Eventually, God sent “an angel” into Jonathan’s life – a skilled doctor who removed the tumour and declared Jonathan cancerfree after just 10 days! From his brush with cancer, Jonathan knew that God had healed him to fulfil His purpose and thus resolved to obey God’s calling. Over the next six years, God revealed His will piece by piece – join Campus Crusade for Christ (what Cru was formerly known as); be a support-raising missionary; reach out to this particular people group; use marketplace skills for the ministry – until a complete picture was formed. “When Jonathan shared his calling with me, I wanted a part in it too, but I wanted my own calling. I wanted God to speak to me personally,” continued Michelle. Her personal call first came in 2009, but Michelle only embraced it in 2011 at a local conference where she was deeply moved by what the speaker said: “Restedness is to be aligned with God’s will.” Impressing upon Michelle to “go westwards”, God sent husband and wife to the final missions frontier together.

With clearer direction from God, Jonathan and Michelle explored various ministry opportunities in potential locations as they continually sought God’s heart. Several doors opened, then closed before the divine opportunity came. The ministry in West Asia was seeking staff with IT and finance skills - specific skill-sets that Jonathan and Michelle have as an IT businessman and accountant respectively! With that, they left all that they had in Singapore and moved to West Asia in 2014, where they have since settled down, and confirmed their decision to serve long-term in this beautiful city that is now their home away from home. Tapping on their years of corporate experience as midcareer professionals, Jonathan and Michelle have proven to be invaluable help to the local ministry’s operations. Their sharp input in the area of IT and finance has expanded the ministry’s operational capacity to impact the region for Christ and handle a wider scope of responsibilities. With their credentials, the couple is also well-positioned to reach out to working professionals in the city as part of their ministry.

“Restedness is to be aligned with God’s will.”

Serving in the field together is not without its challenges, as they candidly shared. Moving from Singapore to a distant city required significant changes, including giving up the security and familiarity of a corporate environment for the challenges of serving in a non-profit, faith-based organisation. This meant having to raise financial support instead of receiving remuneration directly from their employers. As with many new Cru staff, support-raising remains one of the greatest hurdles especially in the initial months of ministry. Michelle describes it succinctly by saying, “We have been giving to missions for years. But now that we are going as missionaries, we didn’t know how to ask!”

MISSIONS 2015 IN NUMBERS Even though they wondered if sufficient funds would come in and feared rejection from those whom they were approaching for support, they shared their calling and needs boldy. God assuaged their worries gradually as friends, church-mates and even ex-colleagues began to support their ministry generously! There was also homesickness to contend with. Apart from missing friends, family and church back home, Jonathan and Michelle had to adapt to being tenants in a foreign land, a huge change from being home-owners in Singapore. Selling their home in Singapore, which represented what the couple had built over 23 years of marriage, was especially tough. There was also the challenge of having to pick up a new language quickly in order to navigate the city and converse with the locals. “But I know God isn’t looking for our sacrifice,” Jonathan jovially concludes, “He just wants our obedience.” His words were not mere cliches to dull their aches and pain. For them, God’s gentle love has been the balm soothing their hearts as He leads them forward step by step. Indeed, God has brought joy and encouragement to their hearts as they serve in a land typically described as “hard ground”, where much fruit is yet to be seen despite years of plowing. Jonathan and Michelle were elated when they witnessed someone accept Christ after a year of sowing into her life. They have also experienced little blessings such as eating mao shan wang durian when a visiting couple managed to pack some of the craved fruit for them all the way from Singapore! As the visitors left the apartment, they spotted a piece of paper secured onto the wall. It was a list of grammar rules in the local language. “This is how we help ourselves!” Jonathan and Michelle laughed, carrying much cheer in their speech and hospitality. They believe God has planted them in the region to be trailblazers for Him, to pave the way for more labourers in West Asia where more than 99% of the people have yet to hear the gospel. There is no doubt that Jonathan and Michelle are in a place where calling and competence converge as they yield their hearts to Christ in their missionary journey.

28 teams of 244

mission trippers involved in campus missions, humanitarian work, and church partnerships in East Asia, MENA, Southeast Asia, Australia, Guam, and India

66 missionaries serving

with global, reigional, and local ministries in East Asia, MENA, Southeast Asia, India, and USA

MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS SEPTEMBER Set-up of Global Aid Network (GAiN) Canada’s Southeast Asia Office in partnership with Cru Singapore Represented by Victor and Peck Hoon Koh OCTOBER GloPro – Global Professional CrossCultural Preparation A workshop organised to help Global Professionals maximise their opportunity to grow and experience God in a different culture GloPro2 - 7 May 2016 NOVEMBER MENA Conference and Intercession Time 191 people came and heard testimonies of God’s mighty work in the region first hand

“I decided to attend (Alpha) out of curiosity, and because there was free food!” quips Wu Mengting, a third-year Environmental Engineering student from the National University of Singapore. She had noticed that her senior, Kenneth, was always busy on Wednesday evenings with his “Christian group thing”. Kenneth invited her to Alpha when she asked him more about it. While attending Alpha, Mengting also visited her friend’s church services on Sundays. At that time, Mengting was struggling with issues of shame and hopelessness and desperately seeking change and a fresh start. As she explored Christianity, God began to meet her in various ways. She cites Switchfoot’s song, Dare You To Move, as her first encounter with God. Having faith in God became more plausible to her during Alpha’s open discussions as she witnessed believers share their struggles yet continued to place their trust in God. One Sunday, as Mengting was listening to a sermon in church on Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman (John 4), she could no longer deny that God had been reaching out to her all that time. She invited Jesus into her life that very day. As Mengting learns to trust God, she finds that her faith in Him grows with every “yes” she says to God. Her friends also noticed that she has become wiser and more patient. She credits this to a transformed worldview because of her new life in Christ!


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Mark Jin Rong gradually caught the vision of becoming a spiritual multiplier* (SM) as she experienced firsthand what it means to be intentionally discipled. She had initially rejected an NTU Cru staff member’s invitation to join a discipleship group (DG) on campus when she was a freshman. But by God’s divine orchestration, Jin Rong landed in the same staff member’s DG when she was invited by her course-mate. At that time, she was feeling spiritually dry and physically drained by the demands of school.

Currently a third-year student reading Sociology in Nanyang Technological University, Jin Rong leads a group of female freshmen in NTU Cru. Being equipped in a “warm, accepting community” has helped her to “realise the value of being mentored, and sharing that with the next generation”. Upon encouragement of her SM, she stepped up to becoming an SM herself. Jin Rong began her journey as an SM with “feelings of selfdoubt and inadequacy”, as the responsibility of being an SM weighed down on her. However, her perspective has since changed with God’s help. “Spiritual multiplication is more than just teaching and imparting knowledge to my disciples. It is about being sensitive to the needs of my disciples, and journeying alongside them.”





spiritual conversations


In a span of two years, Alois Ng has gone on three mission trips. Right from Alois’ first mission trip to East Asia, God has placed in this second-year Ngee Ann Polytechnic student a heart for missions. Alois’ most recent mission trip was to Mongolia with Cru Singapore’s student missions initiative, RevUp. “RevUp was a good opportunity to seek God’s direction for me in missions,” shares Alois. In Mongolia, he was struck by the Mongolian believers’ hospitality, passionate worship and prayer life, as well as fervent perseverance in sharing the gospel. “They can go on all day, carrying on even though they might be rejected again and again. When they finally get a chance to share the gospel, their eyes light up, and they beam with delight.”

full gospel presentations


accepted Christ!


JUNE “Win For What” SEA Games 2015 outreach campaign A pre-evangelistic digital strategy by Athletes In Action leveraging on local Christian athletes’ stories on their motivation to win This enthusiastic young man has put his hands to the plough, and is determined not to look back. “Everything,” is his unhesitant reply when asked what is it about missions that excites him. “From doing all the dirty work to seeing people coming to Christ… Most of all, being able to hear the Father’s heart for the nations and being His hands and feet wherever He calls.”

* “Spiritual Multiplier” is a term coined by Cru

to describe someone who is multiplying him/herself spiritually, intentionally discipling others to love and follow Jesus.

SEPTEMBER Ravi Zacharias “Truth If You Dare” Campus Forum Partnership with various campus groups, and Ravi Zecharias and his team, reaching more than 1,900 university students with the gospel

MAY Formation of Pioneering Team REST – “Reaching Every Student Together” – Team assembled to pioneer student movements in new universities and private institutions

JULY “48 Hours” Prayer Project Partnership with various Christian groups to pray for revival amongst students and the next generation NOVEMBER “Building Powerful Ministry Teams” Workshop Three-day workshop for Campus Ministry staff to strengthen synergy amongst staff teams

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Even as they were grieving over the loss, the whole group nearly lost their own lives. Their driver was speeding out of the village after closing their medical clinic for the day as it was not safe to be there after dark, when he suddenly jammed on the brakes. To their shock and immediate relief, they realised that the driver had almost driven into the sea! Praise be to God for protecting and preserving their lives! That was just their first day of ministry.

“I felt hard-pressed, beaten, bruised and wounded….” shared Elizabeth Santillan, the field coordinator of one of the Healthcare Ministry’s medical mission trips to Tacloban, Philippines. Over nine days, from 12 to 20 September 2015, a team of doctors and nurses braved many challenges and obstacles to bring much needed medical assistance and the life-changing Gospel to remote villages in Tacloban. They traversed miry clay, overcame fears and shared tears. Travelling on a sampan and halfway to their first medical clinic, the team received an urgent call for help and rushed there, only to be greeted by the sight of the lifeless bodies of a woman and her newborn baby. In vain, they tried to revive both mother and child. It was a heartwrenching experience.

The days that followed offered many opportunities for outreach, such as the screening of the film, Jesus. The team entered the gymnasium with expectant hearts only to be greeted by an audience of zero! Compounding this was an unexpected power shutdown and problems with the sound system. Sensing that it was a spiritual battle, the team was prompted to pray. As they prayed, both adults and children began to stream in. The power supply also returned and the sound system was fixed. Eventually, more than a hundred people heard the Gospel that night!


LEADER-LED MOVEMENTS 2015 IN NUMBERS The team also brought cheer with their livelihood projects. 420 children in Jipapad and Motiong received school supplies while storybooks were given to students in two elementary schools. In Motiong, 30 families also received five Kabir chicks each to supplement their income. In Balagawan, two paddleboats that were purchased continue to be a blessing for the villagers’ seaweed farming project. The trip was filled with adventure – from pushing a sampan against a whitewater rapid to trekking for hours in the forest to a barangay (Tagalog for small village). In all, it was a physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually challenging mission. Yet, in the words of Dr Chow Min Yang, “Nothing beats being able to tell our Filipino friends about Christ’s love for them and I pray that the seeds sown will take root on fertile soil and grow to bear much fruit.” Joshua Young, a professional with UNICEF Philippines, sums up the trip best by describing it as “an uplifting experience for my hands, head and heart. The hands were glad to be at the forefront of providing health services to the people in far-flung areas. The head absorbed lessons that could help the Philippine health system. The heart heard the call to go to the peripheries where healing – both physical and spiritual – is needed.”


gospel exposures through mass means


engaged disciples

MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS MARCH Hosting of East Asia Orient LLM Learning Lab 28 participants from more than seven countries came together and left with a clear roadmap of effective principles, processes, tools and handles to help them accelerate movement building in the marketplace.

JUNE & DECEMBER Art of Marriage Weekend (AOM) Retreats The Art of Marriage retreat was held in Singapore for the first time in June, and had a second run in December. The retreats were attended by 66 couples, including three non-believers, and received many positive responses from the participants. Next AOM Retreat - 19-20 March 2016 OCTOBER Bursting Your Bubble (BYB) Evangelistic Event This event recorded its largest turnout since its introduction in 2012, as more than 70 attendees gathered to watch A Tale of Two Esthers and hear Dr Leong Hoe Nam’s testimony on how he overcame SARS. Next BYB Training Cycle - March 2016


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NOT JUST A BOOK STORE “It makes the Bible come alive,” shares Ethan, 14. He was referring to Manga Genesis, a manga (a popular form of comic developed in Japan which is gaining popularity internationally in places such as the United States and SIngapore) series based on biblical accounts. He enjoyed it so much that he finished the two books at a sitting. Illustrated by Kelly Shinozawa, a manga artist based in Japan, Manga Genesis is one of several works that have been produced to “communicate the Creator God’s truth and love with children all over the world”. The English edition of the series was printed and launched by Cru Singapore’s Media Ministry (MM) in September 2015. Printing and distributing such creative resources has been the mainstay in MM as it forges ahead in reaching the changing generations with the unchanging gospel.

While growing as a Christian resource centre at its new Verdun Road premise, MM is also re-positioning itself as a ministry by offering equipping and resources to churches in a more direct and effective manner. In October, MM invited Dr Mike Vidaurri, an author and evangelist with

LifeWay children and small group resources. The Gospel Project Chronological Kids Workshop was attended by 120 children ministry leaders and the Group Matters Seminar was attended by 40 pastors and small group leaders. In September, 40 church leaders and missionaries from 36 organisations accepted MM’s offer of free Bible commentaries and ministry resources for their church planters and mission work.


evangelistic resources, tracts and bibles sold

Joining in the nation’s SG50 celebrations in true Jubilee spirit, MM held a closed door three-day event offering free resources for use in churches and the mission field. 130 church leaders, members and missionaries from over 60 churches visited the CT Hub warehouse to pick up the free resources, which included outdated campaign materials, out-of-print discipleship and small group resources. Over 7,000 copies of resources worth an estimate of $18,000 were donated through this “Blessing Unto The Nation” project.


participants in seminars and talks conducted


active partnerships with churches and paraorganisations

MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS MARCH Launch of Incredible Island This digital resource for the young was launched through two workshops titled “Creative Use of Interactive Resources for Teaching” by David Leong, a veteran itinerant educator on the topics of family and children. David accepted our invitation to be the ambassador for the resource. About 140 participants from 70 churches attended the workshops.

Lei Kabugtin (pictured above), who worships at Every Nation Church Singapore, obtained some useful resources for her friend to bring to Saudi Arabia where Bibles and Christian materials are scarce. “Hearing about how deprived the church over there is makes me cry and want to do something for them,” Lei explains. She also gathered some materials and shipped them to Manila, where her church runs a ministry for troubled and abused youths. For Lei, having her hands on free resources motivated her to “pay it forward” and multiply the impact of being blessed.

JULY A Tale of Two Esthers wins ‘Best International Film Award’ This MM production won the prestigious Best International Film Award at International Christian Visual Media Crown Awards 2015. This is the third time we have received this award. To date, the film has been used widely in outreach events, churches and ministry settings.

AUGUST SG50 Party In the spirit of celebration and thanksgiving, MM hosted two worshipcum-storewide sale events. “Worship with Bob Fitts” saw over 60 participants while about 40 participants attended “Healing Journey” Concert with Pastor John Liu.

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Back in 2008, Cru Singapore’s campus ministry saw potential in RADION International, a very young Singaporeborn humanitarian organisation then, and began what has flourished into a mutually beneficial partnership. Almost annually for seven years now, we have been sending student teams on short mission trips to Thailand with RADION, with each team comprising six to 18 students and staff. This partnership has provided Cru Singapore with a valuable discipleship platform and the added manpower has boosted RADION’s capacity to carry out vital work, such as village outreach and children camps in the rural community of Phetchabun where RADION is based. It is in these mass settings that Jesus has been shared with and accepted by many villagers living in the province. Beyond empowering the marginalised to overcome poverty and oppression, RADION also views the life-changing discipleship of Singaporean youth as crucial. This mindset is deeply embedded in how mission trips are run. Students return with a clearer vision of the Great Commission, and many are committed to live radically transformed lives for Christ in full-time Christian ministry or the marketplace. In 2015, Cru Singapore went a step further and participated in RADION’s annual awareness campaign, Project LIVES, as part of our corporate social responsibility efforts. Our staff members rallied together to donate and pack items to help the rural community prepare for winter in December, when temperatures can dip to a low of 2 degrees celsius. Cru Singapore donated a total of 42 boxes containing more than 1,569 usable items, including winter wear, canned food, clothes and other supplies. These items reached the villagers in Phetchabun through RADION’s mass distribution events in November and December. Expressing its commitment to the community it serves through this campaign and many other initiatives, RADION has grown into an established organisation that makes sustainable impact. Our partnership will certainly continue to set off waves of Kingdom influence!

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RAISING LIFELONG LABOURERS FOR CHRIST TOGETHER During my university days in NUS Cru, I was deeply impacted by its emphasis on having a love for God and others, Christian fellowship, discipleship and evangelism. In June 2008, I embarked on a most memorable mission trip with Cru and RADION. I woke up in the middle of one night with a very strong burden for an elderly lady and I prayed for her till daybreak. The next day, she responded during our evangelistic event’s altar call and accepted Jesus into her life! I learnt the importance of intercession for those we want to reach and how love and actions can transcend all barriers. The trip cemented what I was learning in Cru, and was a big milestone for me in being rooted in God, His kingdom and His work. Because of a strong foundation of faith and trust in God that had been built by having close fellowship with Christians in Cru and RADION, I still enjoy a close relationship with God, share the gospel with my colleagues at work and give regularly to missions whenever possible. Joel Swee Staff with National University of Singapore Member of NUS Cru, 2004 - 2008


My spiritual life was greatly supported by Cru when I was in the poly ministry. I was exposed to the need and urgency of sharing my faith, and its consistent emphasis on evangelism and discipleship also allowed me to grow and be aware of the needs of the harvest. In 2010, I went on my first-ever mission trip with Cru and RADION. My eyes were opened to the importance of living out the gospel wherever I was, and what it means to love, not simply with words but also through my actions. As I began to understand God’s deep love for the lost and the need for the gospel to be preached, I started to seriously consider partnering God in His work as a vocation. As I work with students today, I am always reminded that the love of Christ should always be at the heart of ministry.

Crystal Hong Staff with Campus Ministry, Cru Singapore Member of Cru’s Poly Ministry, 2009 - 2012

Cru Singapore has been one of RADION’s key ministry partners for the last seven years. This partnership has helped reached thousands of lives in Thailand while discipling Singaporean youths to fulfill the Great Commission through practical actions. We cannot serve the needy alone; neither do we want to. We are grateful that this partnership is impacting lives and inspiring youths to change the world as we know it.” Eugene Wee Executive Director RADION International In SMU Cru, I realised that Christianity is a faith that is active and calls us to be among the unreached. This helped me to understand the Cru DNA of “Reaching, Building and Sending”. I remember how my SM and I marvelled at the way Jesus ministered and discipled by going to the poor, blind, sick and lost. Yet, we often expect the poor to naturally flood our church halls! In my third year of university, my SM challenged me to lead a mission trip with Cru and RADION – a trip that literally turned my life upside down. I saw children who went home to fathers who were too drunk to stand up, and teenagers who chose to sniff glue instead of eating because the satisfaction lasts longer. I questioned if Jesus had forgotten them and He answered me: “No, I have left them My body, the Church.” This built my conviction that it is our mandate to be His hands and feet in this broken world, even if it means giving up a life of comfort and wealth. This vision I caught during my time in Cru keeps me focused and motivated to persevere in my work as a RADION staff, despite the many challenges and setbacks present in the mission field. Daryl Tay Staff with RADION International Member of SMU Cru, 2010 – 2014

COUNTRY LEADER’S OFFICE MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS AUGUST 2015 Jubilee Day of Prayer Almost 200 Cru Singapore staff and their families gathered with 51,000 brothers and sisters-in Christ at our National Stadium to celebrate God’s blessings upon our nation over the past 50 years at the Jubilee Day of Prayer.

OCTOBER 2015 Worldwide Day of Prayer A great day of prayer and intercession as staff of Cru Singapore and students and faculty members of East Asia School of Theology came together at Bartley Christian Church to pray for various national and ministry issues.

Tribute to Vonette Bright (1926 -2015) CO-FOUNDER OF CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST/CRU

Vonette Bright, wife of Campus Crusade for Christ/ Cru’s founder late Dr Bill Bright, had single-minded devotion to God and the Great Commission. Mrs Bright shaped the ministry of Cru as a relentless prayer warrior, and was a model helpmate and ministry partner to Dr Bright. In her last days, she was ready and looking forward to meeting Jesus and her husband. Mrs Bright went home to the Lord on 23 December 2015, after living a life well lived of 89 years. While her passing is grieved, her homegoing is celebrated as she spends eternity with her beloved Saviour.


A Christian’s Approach to Chinese New Year - Tuesday Talk by Rev Oh Beng Kee


Fireproof - Evangelistic Movie Screening FEBRUARY



Bursting Your Bubble Training - Preview Event Winning Families Back to Jesus - Tuesday Talk by Dr Jeannie Chiu MARCH


Bursting Your Bubble Cycle - Evangelism Training


The Doctor Is In - Tuesday Talk by Dr Lee Chon Sham


Art of Marriage Weekend Retreat - For married couples Tel: 62232269 Fax: 67473742


18 Verdun Road #04-01 Singapore 207280 © Dec 2015 Cru Singapore Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

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