Crystal's Spot Mag: Summer 2023

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Crystal’s SPOT MAG
















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Crystal Clear

I’m thrilled to present to you the latest issue of Crystal’s Spot Mag, which celebrates women in business. This issue highlights the stories of some remarkable women entrepreneurs who have made a mark in their respective industries. We hope that their stories will inspire and motivate you to pursue your own dreams, no matter how big or small.

Our national feature is an exclusive interview with Danielle Mendoza, helping brilliant and busy women scale their business by creating a high-level strategy for bringing their dream project out of their head and into the world. She shares with us her journey of starting her business, her struggles, and her successes, and offers advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

In our mindfulness section, we discuss the importance of letting go and moving forward. It’s a reminder that we all need to hear from time to time, and we hope it will help you cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity.

Finally, we have a special article by Anika Jackson about traveling for a good cause. She shares her experiences of volunteering abroad and how it has impacted her life. It’s a powerful reminder that we can make a positive difference in the world, even through small acts of kindness.

As always, we hope that this issue of Crystal’s Spot Mag brings you joy, inspiration, and a sense of community. We love hearing from our readers, so please feel free to reach out and share your thoughts and feedback.

Happy reading!

Photos from Crystal Swearingens trip to Los Angeles where she


Letting Go!! But how? That is the most common question I get from anyone struggling to detach from an expectation, a hurt, a resentment or an anxiety about the future. It’s a complicated question, as there are no fully concrete steps to achieve a sense of relief or internal calm. How do we truly move toward “letting go”?

Full transparency, I don’t really know either. This process is dependent upon so many intersecting factors, including our own sense of ego and identity, the emotional connection to what we are struggling with, our life experiences that have created paradigms and rules about how life works, our perspective on justice or simple right and wrong. I could go on, and you can consider all the different elements you may wrestle with when this process is haunting you.

I find it essential to consider what you are holding onto in order to move toward acceptance. We will often attach ourselves to a “should”, and expectation of how we hoped reality would be, and feel hurt, disappointed or angry when these desires are not met. This can then prompt us to create a story as to why it happened, which will often churn up our insecurities or vulnerabilities that we are not ready or able to sit with. A story will be written in our minds as to “why”, and we resist accepting this reality because of what it may mean about us. If someone hurts us, is it because they don’t care, or maybe we think it’s because we don’t feel worthy of better treatment, so we fight for answers that help to calm our inner dialogue.

“Letting go” is moving toward the acceptance of the unknown. This requires focusing more intensely on how we regulate our own emotional responses to the world around us. Here are some steps to consider as we move through this process.


1. Remaining curious. We develop a practice of seeking understanding of others. This is balanced with equal attention to understanding our own needs. We often struggle to let go because we become rigid that facts should be different. DBT teaches that all things have a cause, and it is better to understand the causes of reality than to simply judge our reality. And we can be curious about where our reactions are coming from and what is keeping us unsettled. We can only change what we are aware of.

2. Offering compassion. Compassion is an act of concern and consideration. When we want to let go of our anger or resentment, we make efforts to find empathy for another person, the pain they may be experiencing that leads to their hurtful actions or words. This does not mean we relinquish others from accountability, it actually allows us to move toward necessary change when can reflect on both our hurts and others’ pain with validation. When we comfort our own pain, we feel safer in letting go of the protection.

3. Allowing equality. At times, our inability to accept in rooted in our ego, our pride. While we must instill limits and very healthy boundaries in our lives, we must also accept the nature of humanity, that we can all make mistakes, all short or cause harm unintentionally. When we can see others in this light, we are more likely to achieve compassion and remain curious. Letting go of expectation is deep-rooted in allowing our lives to unfold without forcing, dialectically balanced with prioritizing self-respect.

If you would like to explore this more for yourself, I can strongly recommend The Art of Living by Thich Nhat Hanh and Let That Shit Go by Nina Purewal. Namaste.

Crystal's Spot

9 P O D C A S T a v a i l a b l e o n a l l s t r e a m i n g p l a t f o r m s !

Preparing for the Next Act

As I stand on the cusp of the third act of my life’s journey, I find myself reminiscing about all those moments when every stumble made me feel like the journey had ended.

Let me rewind a little.

Once upon a time, in the heart of our quaint downtown, I took a bold leap, opening Crystal’s Spot. A café that was more than just about food—it was about memories, laughter, friendships, live music, and the heartwarming aroma of southern-style desserts, coffee, and cocktails. Mind you, my only credential was that I once served tables. To many, my dream might have seemed ambitious, if not foolhardy. But we believed in it. Sure, it meant straying a bit from my real estate venture, but the joy it brought was immeasurable.

Then, the unforeseen 2020 knocked on our doors. COVID-19 meant we had to shut the café’s doors. The whispers of naysayers echoed in my ears—had I really failed?

But life moves in mysterious ways. Here I am, speaking to you through this magazine, which, trust me, has seen its fair share of hurdles. From nearly non-existent advertising, to the pandemic locking away our distribution spots, to grappling with design tools I had zero clues about—well, besides those YouTube tutorials. But we soldiered on. Although we didn’t always hit our publication goals, our commitment to championing women and their diverse journeys never wavered.

Now, cue this summer.

Feeling the California sun on my face and navigating the dizzying pace of Los Angeles was a dream I dared to live. However, as they say, you can change your surroundings, but can you escape from yourself? I was still the small-town girl, battling insecurities about fitting into the glamorous world of LA. I returned home with the nagging feeling of not doing enough. And then it hit me—my own fears, my own insecurities were my constant travel companions. And perhaps, they were the true adversaries to overcome.

My epiphany was this: I’ve been gently nudging doors when I should be kicking them down. The true obstacle? My own apprehensions. Not anymore! I’m ready to dive into the vast ocean of opportunities that await.

With this magazine, Crystal’s Corner, my hope is to reach out to every woman out there who, like me, might be hesitating. Remember, every setback, every hesitation, every ‘failure’ is but a comma in the beautiful tale of your life. As my pastor wisely says, “Don’t put a period where God has placed a comma.”

Whatever act you’re in, let it be the prologue to the mesmerizing movie that’s yet to unfold. Let’s script it together!


Celina Shands

Celina Shands is the CEO of Full Capacity Marketing, a 21-year-old strategic marketing and communications firm that focuses on workforce development, education, nonprofits, and entrepreneurship.

Celina, your passion for workforce development and education is evident from your clients, your team, and your 75 global awards not to mention being recognized with a 2021 Stevie® Business Award for Communications Campaign of the Year, as an American Marketing Association Marketer of the Year, and as a two-time Women Who Mean Business finalist.

How did you become known as the go-to expert in this industry?

I was born and raised in North Carolina and like so many of the millions in this country had a tumultuous childhood where alcohol played a negative role in our family dynamics. Fortunately for me, my sister was the constant in my life. She raised me and consistently told me that I could do anything and be anything if I dreamed it. Even though I doubted myself, she didn’t, and more importantly led by example starting her own company. To this day, I have her listed in my contacts as Shero Sister.

Through her guidance, I was able to go to a small private school and play sports so that I could channel that negativity into something positive. I played every sport the school offered so I could be somewhere other than home

- basketball, softball, volleyball, track and field. It was there that I met my best friend and her family who took me under their wings. I spent summers with them cropping tobacco and afternoons playing sports.

I was able to get a scholarship to play basketball in college and continued to follow my educational path studying business and marketing, all the while meeting mentors along the way who helped me (teachers, coaches, teammates). I call them my pivotal peoplethose that made a huge impact through their mentorship.

When I graduated, I took a break for three years to figure out what I wanted to do. I did odd jobs and waitressed and played at the beach. Hurricanes are a common occurrence in my hometown, and in 1984 when Hurricane Diana hit, I decided I had enough with continuously packing up my things and moving off the beach to safety. So, I stayed packed, bought a new car and decided to drive to California to try something new. I had a whopping $50 in cash and a credit card when I left to see what life could offer in California.

The transition from a small town where I knew everyone to the giant city of San Francisco was a trip! From trying to figure out how to get on BART, to making eye contact and saying good morning to everyone (because I’m Southern polite), I soon realized that I was “no longer in Kansas” anymore. It took me about three years to learn the new culture and find my way to the


next step in the journey.

I followed my passion for being an athlete and ended up getting a master’s degree in sports medicine. For many years, I had a company that helped doctors integrate sports rehabilitation as part of their practice. But when insurance laws changed, the model became outdated, so like any entrepreneur I had to reinvent myself.

I decided to utilize my business and marketing background and took a job in the public sector as the marketing director for the San Diego Health & Human Services Agency. I happened to write a business plan for a foster youth facility as part of my work there and someone on their board approached me about working with his organization which focused on workforce development.

I had no clue what workforce development was all about but once I understood that it was an industry helping youth and job seekers find their career path through education and training, I was hooked! After all, that was something that I had done my whole life through the help of my mentors - - finding the right path and next steps. After four years with the workforce organization, I began to realize that I could use my talents to help similar

organizations how to build an effective brand within their respective communities. That’s how my company was born 21 years ago. What an incredible journey!

What prompted you to name it Full Capacity Marketing?

The company was named Full Capacity Marketing because we want our customers to be at full capacity long after our contract concludes and understand how to keep building a strong sustainable and relevant brand.

The whole concept of education and workforce is beyond a passion for me, knowing that it can replace poverty and despair with a true sense of self. To date, we’ve helped more than 500 workforce and education organizations keep their missions alive and well. One of the clients we’ve represented since 2017 is the Coalition on Adult Basic Education, an organization to advance national and international adult education and literacy opportunities for all persons, especially undereducated and/or disadvantaged adults. During a time of sweeping funding cuts, we mobilized COABE’s 79K members through a storytelling campaign called Educate & Elevate designed to demonstrate the value


of adult education. The campaign has produced $5M in additional funding for this system.

Where do you see the company going now?

In 2023, I’m taking Full Capacity Marketing into a broader direction so that we can expand our services to entrepreneurs and small businesses across all industries. As a workforce and education thought leader, I’ve known that entrepreneurship has always been identified as a workforce development strategy, even though it’s a path less often taken. It makes sense that through our collective expertise as entrepreneurs, we also build the capacity for those seeking to take this path. I feel like a little kid again expanding the company at my age!

What is your definition of success?

I think success is such an inner journey and such a personal choice for each person.

The definition has certainly changed for me over the years. Early on, it was all about survival and money. But now I think it’s finding work and a mission that really drives you and inspires you to get out of bed every day and try your best to make positive change. The financial rewards are a byproduct of that passion, so if I can feel inspired every day about what I do, then I know I have success.

In general, I think it’s all about facing your fears, being willing to know that while you may have had bad circumstances in your life – they do not define you. They can shape you if you have trust and faith in yourself and surround yourself with excellent mentors that you trust. And part of that is letting go of people in your life that doubt you and/or abilities. You can choose to be

around people who believe in you and release the others with love and kindness.

Thank you for sharing your inspirational journey to entrepreneurship. With everything you’ve built up over your career, how do you find time to unwind?

As much as anyone, I understand the need to fill my own cup and do so regularly. I have rediscovered my love of horseback riding and have a fulfilling relationship with an amazing man. I created FCM as a virtual company from the get-go, so we split time between my home near San Diego, and his home in Las Vegas. We love live music, good food, and game nights to name a few ways I unwind!


Three Tips to Amplify Your Voice via Podcasting

odcasts have swiftly transformed from niche leisure activities to mainstream media powerhouses! With statistics revealing that more Americans listen to podcasts weekly than those who subscribe to Netflix, the influence of this platform is undeniable. As brands increasingly turn to podcasts as a tool in their marketing arsenal, here are ways to amplify your podcasting endeavors.

Perfect Your Pitch

Whether you’re aspiring to host or guest on a podcast, your pitch can make or break your entry. Remember the following:

Comprehensive Profile: Your bio, high-quality photos, social media links, and website should be handy.

Be Prepared: Have a list of topics and questions you’re comfortable discussing.

Tailor Your Pitch: Customize your pitch for each podcast to indicate why you’re the ideal guest.

Clear Call to Action: Always have a CTA. It directs listeners on what to do next, be it visiting a website or subscribing to a newsletter.

Get Booked: Join the Community

Leverage online communities to find opportunities. Facebook Groups such as: - Podcast Guest Interviews

Podcast Guest Collaboration

Podcasting for Women in Business

Professional Podcast Guests

Women in Podcasting

She Podcasts

Offer platforms where like-minded individuals exchange tips, collaborations, and guesting opportunities.

Gear Up for the Interview

First impressions last. To ensure your podcasting debut is spot-on: Know the Tech: Confirm the software or browser required for recording. For instance, is it that’s Chrome-centric?

Professional Setting: A quiet, distraction-free zone is non-negotiable.

Visual Appeal: A virtual or neat live background sets the right ambiance.

Sound Matters: Invest in a quality microphone (Blue Yeti comes highly recommended) and opt for wired headphones when possible.

Embarking on your podcast journey can be exciting and rewarding. Amplify your efforts by implementing these strategies and ensure your voice resonates across the digital realm.

For more insights and tips, connect with me on socials at @amplifywithanika or find Anika Jackson on LinkedIn.

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heartbreaking, but the love and care they receive at the shelter are heartwarming. During our stay, we were able to visit the shelter and interact with the animals. It was a bittersweet experience to see these animals in need of love and care, but it was heartening to see the passion and dedication of the staff and volunteers. The animals were full of love and gratitude, despite their difficult pasts.

If you’re looking for a way to give back, supporting Animal Love through a donation is a great way to help these animals in need. Visit to make your contribution today, and your support will be doubled by a generous donor.

Our trip to Lands in Love was truly the trip of a lifetime, filled with adventure, nature, and animal encounters we’ll never forget. We left Costa Rica feeling grateful for the memories we created and with a newfound appreciation for the dedication and hard work of those who care for these rescue animals.


We’re in a Seller’s Market. What Does That Mean?

Even though activity in the housing market has slowed from the frenzy we saw over a year ago, today’s low supply of homes for sale is still a seller’s market. But what does that really mean? And why are conditions today so good if you want to list your house?

It starts with the number of homes available for sale. The latest Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows housing supply is still astonishingly low. Today, we have a 2.6-month supply of homes at the current sales pace. Historically, a 6-month supply is necessary for a ‘normal’ or ‘neutral’ market in which there are enough homes available for active buyers.

What Does This Mean for You?

When the supply of homes for sale is as low as it is right now, it’s much harder for buyers to find one to purchase. That creates increased competition among purchasers and keeps upward pressure on prices. And if a buyer knows they’re not the only one interested in a home, they’re going to do their best to submit a very attractive offer. As this happens, sellers are positioned to negotiate deals that meet their ideal terms.

Economists at NAR say:

“Inventory levels are still at historic lows. Consequently, multiple offers are returning on a good number of properties.”

Right now, there are still buyers who are ready, willing, and able to purchase a home. If you list your house right now in good condition and at the right price, it could get a lot of attention from competitive buyers.

Bottom Line

Today’s seller’s market holds great opportunities for homeowners ready to make a move. Listing your house now will maximize your exposure to serious, competitive buyers. Let’s connect to discuss how to jumpstart the selling process.

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Danielle Mendoza

Have you ever wanted to write a best-selling book? Danielle Mendoza is the founder of Confident Concept, helping brilliant and busy women scale their business by creating a high-level strategy for bringing their dream project out of their head and into the world. Business On Purpose is her international, bestselling multi-author book series aimed at giving women in business the opportunity to authentically connect with others by telling their stories.

What motivated you start Confident Concept?

At four months pregnant with my second child, I received the life-altering news that I had basal cell skin cancer. It was a shock, and treating this curable cancer became a real struggle, culminating in the removal of a third of my top lip in 2016. This experience led me to a personal awakening where I had to seriously consider my mortality and decide what I wanted my legacy to be. During this time, I realized I didn’t want to leave this world before I had the chance to share my gifts & talents with others, and that struck me at my core. No woman should die before she’s had the chance to create a legacy. But many do.

Why is it important to think about our legacy?

We often live their lives doing without intention, fulfilling our roles as mom, wife, community member, volunteer, and business owner without considering our legacy. We all leave a legacy behind, but doing so with intention is the key to creating the true story of who we are. I had to wake up and decide how I wanted to create my legacy. Since then, I’ve created a successful business, hosted multiple podcasts, and become an international bestselling author. But none of that would’ve happened if I wasn’t intentional. Now I’m dedicated to combining my unique skills of creativity and efficiency to help brilliant women strategize on how to leave a lasting impact!

What is unique about women entrepreneurs?

Most women in business don’t just wake up one day and think “You know what? I’ll start a business to make some money.” Our mission runs deeper than that. We want to impact the world by living out our unique purpose. Business On Purpose is an opportunity for women to highlight what they’ve overcome, what’s it taught them about themselves, and how they’re using their grit, courage, and insights to better serve people today.

These stories are profound and vulnerable, and, in a world of surface level business hype, it’s refreshing to connect on a deeply human level. Women everywhere have stories of struggle and triumph, and even though it can feel like we’re the only one going through something, we’re not alone. Though the details of each story are different, the perseverance and grace demonstrated by these women are universal.

The real-life stories of loss, struggle, and self-discovery from our first volume, which was published in August 2022, will touch reader’s hearts. I’m currently in the writing and editing phase with our authors of the second volume, which will launch later in 2023.


Thank you for sharing a little about your journey.

What are some of the ways that women can work with you?

Women can book a no-obligation call with me via my website, to see if we are a fit to work together, at I do have the book series, but I spend most of my time working with women one-on-one as a book coach. Over a nine-month process, we create a fully -customized action plan to write your book in 90 days, edit it, choose cover art, and all of the steps needed to launch. Then I use my proprietary method to get your book to Amazon best seller status!

How do we find you on social media? I like to hang out on Instagram!

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