The Spot Mag~Celebrating Women in Business May/June 2020

Page 12

Healthy Living Tips with Hilary Our country seems divided right now between those who aren’t very


worried about the Covid-virus and those who are. I am grateful to fall into the camp of “not worried this virus would be much of a challenge for my immune system.” I am blessed with a robust immune system; however, that was not always the case. For most of my life, I would experience a respiratory sickness once or twice a year, often coinciding with allergy season or right around Christmas. As a child and adult, I had frequent ear infections, chronic rhinitis, migraine headaches, coughs, bronchitis, boils, muscle and joint aches…., and more. I took many antibiotics throughout childhood and adulthood. In 2002 my health had reached such a low point (one doctor thought I might have MS!) I sought out the help of a Naturopathic Physician, prior to filling all the prescriptions prescribed by conventional medicine. The N.D. (Naturopathic Physician) had me do the US Biotek Food antibody blood test. Turns out my immune system had gone haywire and my antibodies were reacting to almost every food I ate. I was “allergic” to so many foods! This leads one to ask “why?” There’s nothing wrong with eggs so why did my body think there was something wrong….why was my immune system sending out an army of antibodies to 40 different foods? Believe it or not...finding this out was one of the greatest gifts life offered to me because it led me down a path of learning, healing, vitality and true health…..and some really amazing businesses :) There’s so much I could say about why, but I will save that for another article. The purpose of this article is to share about specific supplements and life changes that have contributed to my strong resilient immune system, and to feeling healthy and vibrant.

I will share some of my favorite links for learning about nutrition and health, so that you can do your own research. It’s really not that complicated and positive results can come FAST!! This knowledge is empowering AND in my experience less expensive than conventional medicine routes, and with better results. I dream of a day when the AMA (American Medical Association)

teaches basic nutrition in medical school training (weird that I have to dream of this) and health visits incorporate testing and treatment for micronutrients, inflammation and detoxification…..I think this would be called disease prevention ;) I will begin with two supplements many do not know about. Cat’s Claw and Coseva’s Advanced TRS (toxin removal system). Both are fascinating and have improved my health significantly. Cat’s Claw: Nope it’s not actually a cat’s claw. Cat’s Claw is the root and bark of a vine that climbs tall trees in primarily Peru, Columbia, Ecuador and Panama with a downward hook that looks like a cat’s claw. One of the earliest references to Cat’s Claw (U. tomentosa) found in the English language was reported in 1892 by the famous botanist Millspaugh. Millspaugh heard numerous accounts of therapeutic benefits. Explorers claimed it cured benign and malignant cancers, arthritis, prostate problems and a multitude of immune related disorders. In the 1980’s reports of “miracle cures” by prominent politicians and movie stars in Mexico and Peru and other countries led to scientific interest in Cat’s Claw. As one study after another began to confirm the biological activity of Cat’s Claw manufacturers began to supply the public with dietary supplements containing the root or bark powder. In the 1970’s scientists and consumers tried repeatedly to encourage the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study it but since it was an unpatentable plant the drug industry and NIH had no interest in investing in a product that could be sold over the counter as a dietary supplement. Some research was carried out in the early 70’s by the National Cancer Institute at the prompting of President Richard Nixon. The Study ceased right before he left office. Researchers in Europe have done considerable research on the chemistry and therapeutic potential available for us today. Thanks European Researchers!’s_ Claw_Uncaria_tomentosa Health Benefits include: Treating arthritis, May Fight Cancer, Repairs

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