I am Csenge Győrbíró, a young textile designer recently working with untreated natural materials for multisensory artworks with the involvement of nature itself. The unique scent combinations and tactile, natural surfaces are part of the ‘Flower Transition’ and ‘Private Botanical Garden’ Collections.
As a textile designer I am interested in natural materials, biodesign, material research and innovative methods of material preparation within art and design. Previously I worked with banana fibers in Poland for experimental object collection, cotton fibers mixed with plant parts in Hamburg, Germany as a new material for experimental cotton sculptures. The mixed material, and the creation of the material is often in the focus of my work.
I am gradually working in a style that oscillates between the softness of a fragrant flower, and the process of reconnecting to nature, preserving continuity with extraordinary way of choosing natural materials, and in the contemporary discourse of conceptual way of thinking of the time about the biggest thread of our life, the Climate Change.
Rare flowers are dangerously close to become extinct, due to climate change. My work, including “Private Botanical Garden” aims to illuminate this fact through a medium that can move us in a way that statistics cannot.
2022.10.08-2022 10.24. FISE 40 Group Exhibition, Official program of the Budapest Design Week, B32 GALLERY Budapest, Hungary 2022.09.13 2022.09.30.
BRUSSELS DESIGN SEPTEMBER Grand Hospice Rez de chaussée Exhibition Private Botanical Garden works Brussels, Belgium 2022 08 24 2022 12 09
Hello Wood X HFDA Agency, Kabinka Interior Design Exhibition Maxcity, Törökbalint Hungary
MAGYAR DESIGN 10+1 Experiment Group Exhibition of Selected Contemprary Designers from Hungary Budapest, Hungary 2021.10.08 2021.11.30.
BUDAPEST DESIGN WEEK „PRIVATE BOTANICAL GARDEN” Plant based artworks exhibited Societé Gallery Budapest, Hungary 2021.10.08 2021.11.30.
Official program of the ‘New Standards Exhibition of the Innovative Designs of 2021 Budapest, Hungary
‘2021.07.08 2021.07.30. ASK ART Exhibition „PRIVATE BOTANICAL GARDEN” Plant based artworks exhibited London, United Kingdom 20201006-2021.1030.
FISE GALLERY FRESH FISHES Group Exhibition Sinuosity Textile artworks exhibited Budapest, Hungary 20201006-2021.1030.
KEPES ART CENTER Hungarian Textil Group Exhibition Sinuosity Textile artworks exhibited Eger, Hungary
FUTURE BEGINS NOW Sinuosity project exhibited in the Brussels Design September Brussels, Belgium 2020.02.10 2020.06.09. „QR Eye” Experimental knitwear project MONSTER” Group Exhibition Skinnarland samlinga Art Museum, Rauland, Norway 20200124 20200229
„Fluid toughts” and „Uptights” Textile installation collaboration with Lili Labus ARTLOCATOR Art Magazin Budapest Hungary
2019.10.24 2020.01.05.
LUDWIG MUSEUM Exhibited Carpet Design “Pattern and decoration“ Exhibition Budapest Hungary
20191004 20191019
Exhibited carpet designs “Szálak Vonzásában “ Textile Competition and Exhibition about the reinterpretation of Bauhaus // Carpets with the organization of the SZETT 20191005 20191031
Exhibited Artworks in 3rd RUG ART FEST Official 2019.01.19 2019.12.30. “ Sushi papers” experimental paper works group exhibition -Wladislaw Sterminski KOBRO Gallery, Lódz Poland
Solo 2018.08.12-2018.08.27.
“Summer kitchen” “Intimate zone” textile installation at Cered International Art Colony Hungary