Strategic Plan
2012 – 2015
2012 – 2015 STRATEGIC PLAN
We are very pleased to present the 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan for Chilton Saint James School. A Strategic Plan helps to prepare minds ensuring that trustees, executives, managers and staff understand the business, the strengths and weakness to be improved, and the changes to be made. To be successful, however, strategic planning must increase the degree of innovation surrounding the School’s strategic objectives and ensure that innovative ideas are captured and used. Therefore, while the Plan will be a strong guide to the School’s strategic direction it is alive to fresh initiatives to achieve our strategic objectives. As such, it will be revisited annually to prioritise and to review actions taken to achieve our objectives. You will find that the objectives apply to all of our activities and are important for the work that each of us does on a day-to-day basis. As we implement our plan over the next four years we will no doubt strike challenges. We will also identify new opportunities to achieve our objectives. We are confident that we can go forward with shared objectives acknowledging the great steps taken by those before us.
Ms Michelle Luping Chair of Board
Mrs Jude Fawcett Principal
OUR VISION Inspiring courageous, confident, capable citizens Chilton Saint James School strives to provide every student with opportunities so they can be the very best that they are capable of achieving. We aspire to develop a passion for learning for our students in a caring and friendly environment where they feel nurtured.
OUR VALUES Possumus – we are able Chilton Saint James School is a Christian school affiliated with the Anglican Church. We welcome students from all faiths and aim to teach respect for one another's religious traditions. Learning takes place within a framework of Christian values. We uphold the Christian values of love, compassion, honesty, integrity, moral courage and respect for others and self. These values underpin the expectations of both student and staff behaviour.
OUR STRATEGIES To be successful strategic planning must increase the degree of innovation surrounding our strategic objectives and ensure that innovative ideas are captured and used. Each objective is expanded to identify strategies to improve the business, providing a business directions roadmap. External to this Plan, strategies are further expanded at the operational level. These are prioritised according to business need, and our resources and capability to implement them.
Providing exceptional learning and caring Chilton provides learning challenges and welfare support that enable students to confidently achieve their personal best. Strategies Chilton Saint James School will: 1.1 Review the curriculum structure and content to ensure relevant and dynamic learning paths. 1.2 Maximise academic, cultural, sporting and service opportunities within the annual operating plan. 1.3 Recognise individual needs and potential, affirm effort and celebrate success. 1.4 Communicate regularly to parents the value of progress achieved by each student. 1.5 Foster inquiry learning habits to promote independent, innovative, lifelong learning. 1.6 Invest in digital education initiatives to support and enhance students’ learning. 1.7 Review School structures to ensure the well-being and best outcomes for students. 1.8 Build on School systems to develop leadership and teamwork while providing mentoring and support. 1.9 Apply Christian values, from an Anglican perspective, as a source of direction, service, respect and strength.
Delivering our promise to our community Chilton fulfils its promises to a connected School community. Strategies Chilton Saint James School will: 2.1 Regularly review and report on strategic tasks and performance. 2.2 Regularly review the marketing strategy, including community contacts, extended networks and the website. 2.3 Annually approve an Operating Plan that cascades down through the organisation. 2.4 Build connections within the School community growing an active alumni and parent bodies. 2.5 Build links with the local community, and national and international benchmark organisations. 2.6 Explore pathways in and out of Chilton and build connections with feeders and recipients. 2.7 Conduct annual customer satisfaction surveys to confirm or adjust practices – adopting customer-first values.
Inspiring a team of professional staff Chilton provides a positive working environment to support, encourage and acknowledge committed employees who aspire to learning and teaching excellence. Strategies Chilton Saint James School will: 3.1 Competitively recruit and retain staff ensuring alignment and commitment to the School goals. 3.2 Provide professional learning that develops and motivates staff. 3.3 Create a collaborative team approach through sound leadership and effective communication. 3.4 Support staff excellence and welfare with appropriate resources.
Sustaining the Chilton Opportunity Through generations Chilton Saint James School has and will continue to be a remarkable contributor to young women’s education. Strategies Chilton Saint James School will: 4.1 Implement strategies for maintaining and growing the roll. 4.2 Investigate new services which align to our core business. 4.3 Ensure an operating surplus that supports strategic goals. 4.4 Pursue fundraising targets incorporating donor prospects, gifts and pledges. 4.5 Explore and engage in collaborative partnerships and sponsorships.
Chilton Saint James School 124 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt 5010 PO Box 30090, Lower Hutt 5040 New Zealand Phone +64 4 566 4089