Connecting Race Networks: A UK Directory of Civil Service Race Networks

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Connecting Race Networks A UK Directory of Civil Service Race Networks

Issue 1: January 2022

About The Directory Across government, staff networks play an incredible role in representing the views of staff from different groups, providing support and communicating their concerns to senior leaders to develop a modern, ambitious, skilled and inclusive Civil Service. Race networks have been at the heart of this, using data to identify where barriers may exist for ethnic minority staff, and providing targeted policy recommendations as to how to ensure the processes and culture we operate within are as impartial, fair and inclusive as possible. They also provide an important space for community building and providing support: allowing colleagues to network with those outside of their teams and departments, and empowering colleagues to support their professional and personal development through the wide range of workshops, events and activities offered. This directory marks the first time in the history of government that anyone has tried to collate and develop a shareable directory to share an overview of the different race networks operating across government. It is by no means exhaustive: there are networks who may exist who we don’t know about, and still others who were invited to contribute but were unable to do so for whatever reason. We hope this directory is a positive starting point to share about the great work that Civil Service race networks active across the UK are doing, and provides a platform to facilitate the exchange of ideas, materials and best practice amongst networks which share similar vision and goals. We hope the simple format makes this directory accessible so you can search for networks by nation and department in alphabetical order. Our hope is to make this an annual output of the Civil Service Race Forum (CSRF), the umbrella group of race networks across government, and for each edition to expand in terms of networks showcased as well as information included. If you run a race network within Government or its associated agencies, partner organisations or arms length bodies, you can register your race network as a CSRF member through our CSRF Membership Form. For any other enquiries or to feed into future editions of this directory, please email Finally, this Directory wouldn’t have been completed without the hard work and collaboration from a number of networks and individuals across government. We would like to thank all who have fed in, all race networks who contributed to our 2021 Black History Month collaborative activities, and to give special mention to Usman Ali, Ruby Keddie and Chris Ironside from the Scottish Government, and Sharon Lo from the Civil Service Race Forum for helping to make this a reality.


Contents About The Directory ................................................................................................... 2 UK – Civil Service Race Forum .................................................................................. 5 Scotland – Civil Service Race Network ...................................................................... 6 Wales - Civil Service Race Network ........................................................................... 7 Northern Ireland – Civil Service Race Network .......................................................... 8 Cross-Departmental and Departmental Networks ...................................................... 9 Government Commercial Function - Positive Support Group (PSG) .......................... 9 Cabinet Office - Race Equality Network (CORE) ....................................................... 9 Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) - Race Network.................................... 11 Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) - National Black Crown Prosecution Association11 Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) & Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA) Race and Culture Network (RCN) ............................................................................ 12 Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) – Race Faith & Culture Network (RFCN) ....................................................................................................... 12 Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) – Faith and Minority Ethnic Network (FAME) ............................................................................................ 13 Department for Environment Food Rural and Agriculture (DEFRA) - Ethnic Minority Network (EMN) ......................................................................................................... 14 ................................................................................................................................. 15 Department for Education - BAME Network ............................................................. 15 Department for International Trade (DIT) - BAME Network ...................................... 16 Department for Transport - Black Staff and Allies Network ...................................... 17 Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) - National Race Network ...................... 17 Food Standards Agency (FSA) – REN Network ....................................................... 19 Home Office – The NETWORK ................................................................................ 20 HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) - Race Network .................................................. 21 HM Treasury – Ethnic Diversity Network .................................................................. 22 Houses of Parliament - ParliREACH (Parliaments Workplace equality network for Race Ethnicity And Cultural Heritage) ...................................................................... 23 Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) – ‘IPSA ID’ Race Network. 24 Legal Aid Agency - BeUnique Race Network (LAABeUnique) ................................. 25 Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) - Race Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Staff network ............................................................................................................ 26 Ministry of Justice - Proud of Diverse Racial Origins Uniting the Department (PROUD) .................................................................................................................. 28 National Highways – Embrace Network ................................................................... 28 Ofgem - Embrace Group .......................................................................................... 31 3

OFSTED - Ethnic Equalities Network ....................................................................... 31 ................................................................................................................................. 32 Passenger Services – BAME Network ..................................................................... 32 The National Archives – Racial Equality Network (REN).......................................... 33 UK Health Security Agency – Race Equality Network .............................................. 34


UK Civil Service Race Forum (CSRF) The Civil Service Race Forum (CSRF) is the umbrella group of race networks across government, working to tackle race disparity and advance diversity and inclusion in the Civil Service. As of 2022, we consist of 55+ race networks, representing thousands of ethnic minority staff across the Civil Service and its partner organisations, agencies and arms-length bodies. Our two key priorities are: 1. Developing and agreeing priorities amongst race network leaders, and communicating these regularly to Civil Service leaders. 2. Building capability of our race networks, providing a platform for them to collaborate, exchange good practice and minimise duplication. Some of our key successes since April 2020 include: •

Policy: publishing a comprehensive policy brief with key recommendations for race equality in the Civil Service; launching a monthly policy exchange café.

Capability building: hosting training on running effective staff networks, and facilitating 150+ free places for members to attend conferences and courses for their personal and professional development.

Supporting progression: running Civil Service Skills Class series and SCS masterclasses to equip colleagues for progression with 300+ regular attendance; running a popular mentorship scheme.

Collaboration: launching the biggest ever joint Black History Month celebration with 20 network collaborators and 1000+ participants, facilitating joint events and unique moments for

Intersectionality: launching our East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) and Queer, Trans and Intersex People of Colour (QTIPOC) working groups to support those communities.

CSRF is open to all colleagues working in government, and you can register: • As a race network • As an individual For any enquiries, please contact

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Scotland – Civil Service Race Network Scottish Government Race Equality Network (REN) The Scottish Government's Race Equality Network (REN) is a community of Minority Ethnic staff across Scottish Government and related agencies. Currently co-chaired by Tai McLennan and Dhruv Sharma, the REN was established in 2007 to be a Staff led network which promotes greater race equality through corporate practices and investing in the Minority Ethnic workforce. The Network and its many sub groups support the Scottish Government to deliver upon its commitments set out in the Scottish Government’s Race Recruitment and Retention Action Plan. Our aim is to co-produce and deliver a range of tailored Network and Corporate offers for Minority Ethnic colleagues. This is so all Minority Ethnic staff enjoy equal opportunities and successful careers working within the Scottish Government and related agencies. Our successes to date include: •

Establishing a REN Buddy Support Scheme and piloting a REN Skills Hub to provide peer support

Nurturing Minority Ethnic talent through facilitating career conversations and development opportunities

Developing an ‘Engaging Minority Ethnic Communities’ resource pack and ‘A Guide to Working in the Scottish Government’ to support recruitment, retention and progression

Building an active and supportive Race Allies Group to promote an anti-racist culture

Sharing personal lived experience through Focus Groups to ensure the Minority Ethnic voice is heard

Instigating positive change through our Minority Ethnic Women’s Group and Black Identity Group

Planning and delivering high quality and engaging events such as our Annual REN Conference and Annual Black History Month

The REN will continue to build on our achievements by further exploring topics and issues related to race equality within the Scottish Government and related agencies. We will continue to provide mutual peer support for Minority Ethnic colleagues and be a base to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement based on the collective views of the REN’s membership. To contact REN and or its sub groups, please email Return to index


Wales - Civil Service Race Network Welsh Government Minority Ethnic Staff Network (MESN) Established in 2002, the Minority Ethnic Staff Network (MESN) is the network for staff from all minority ethnic backgrounds. The network continues to play a key role in advising the Welsh Government and promoting diversity and equality across the organisation. As a network, our aims are threefold: •

Internal: We support our members in building their confidence, achieving their career goals and challenging discrimination. We work in conjunction with HR to run a holistic Leadership Programme for minority ethnic (ME) staff at all levels and are working with other networks to raise awareness of issues affecting ME communities.

Organisational: We promote the visibility of inspirational role models across Welsh Government, raise awareness of racial discrimination and diversity issues, and encourage inclusivity and equality of opportunity. We advise the organisation on good equality practice, including employer duties, policy development and service delivery, and contribute to policy gateway reviews and impact assessments as appropriate.

External: We build positive relationships with ME colleagues across the public sector in Wales and the UK, in addition to working with both internal and external networks.

We have more than 70 members from across the organisation and a very active community of supportive allies. If you want to contact the network please email

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Northern Ireland – Civil Service Race Network Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) Race & Ethnicity Network The Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) Race and Ethnicity Network was established in 2020 to support colleagues from minority ethnic backgrounds, ensuring our uniqueness and individuality are valued and respected. Aims and objectives are to: •

Represent voices of minority ethnic staff and promote their interests across NICS and its related agencies;

Be a support group for minority ethnic staff to come together to share experiences, raise concerns, consult on issues and share solutions;

Raise awareness and understanding of issues faced by minority ethnic staff through networking, information sessions, articles and encouraging visibility and promoting minority ethnic staff role-models;

Be bridge between minority ethnic staff and NICS (e.g. NICS Board, NICSHR, NICS Diversity Champions Network, NICS Departmental Racial Equality Champions) in facilitating discussion and development on tackling race and ethnicity issues;

Work closely with NICSHR, to inform NICS policies and initiatives; taking forward actions on areas such as outreach/engagement, recruitment/retention of staff, staff training and Diversity Action Plan; and

Collaborate with other NICS staff networks (e.g. NICS Autism Working Group, NICS Disability Network, NICS LGBT Network and NICS Women’s Network), to recognise intersectionality, share best practice and resources to tackle common issues and themes.

To contact the Network, please email

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Cross-Departmental and Departmental Networks Government Commercial Function - Positive Support Group (PSG) PSG's vision is to support and improve the career development of BAME staff in the Government Commercial Function. Its aims and objectives are to: • Provide active support for BAME staff to: • Unlock the BAME Talent pool in GCF • Further develop the competencies of GCF’s BAME staff • Showcase the excellent commercial talent within its BAME staff • Help deliver the GCF Diversity & Inclusive Group Action Plan for BAME Staff. The benefits to GCF of the PSG active support include: • Enriching commercial decisions by adding diversity to commercial thinking • Better commercial decisions by adding a wider perspective on commercial issues • Boost employee satisfaction • Make GCF reflective of Modern Britain and the Best Commercial Function in the UK You can contact the PSG at Return to index

Cabinet Office - Race Equality Network (CORE) The Cabinet Office Race Equality (CORE) network exists to support the Civil Service’s ambition to become the most inclusive employer, and to support the Cabinet Office’s race equality strategy. The network aims to facilitate and enable development opportunities, support board level commitment to increasing diversity, as well as to provide a space where people can connect with each other and raise any issues. We want to engage all staff throughout the Cabinet Office as part of the wider commitment of achieving a truly diverse and inclusive workplace for everyone. The network’s objectives and activities centre on the following three initial areas of focus: • Inspire: building confidence, empowering individuals and raising aspirations amongst ethnic minority staff in the Cabinet Office. • Opportunity: identifying talent, supporting career development and showcasing available opportunities across the department. 9

Outreach: Facilitate networking and communication between members, and connecting with other networks and organisations to support the Civil Service’s ambition to become the most inclusive employer through promoting initiatives and regular engagement.

You can contact CORE at Return to index

Companies House - Faith, Allyship, Culture and Ethnicity (FACE) Network The FACE network aims to celebrate diverse faiths, cultures and ethnicities in Companies House. We are here to ensure that everyone feels included by providing a platform where employees of all backgrounds have a voice. We work collectively to ensure that working practices across the organisation support an inclusive culture which embraces and celebrates difference. John-Mark Frost (Director of Transformation Delivery) is our Executive Sponsor. The network is currently in a transition phase after which it will be led by a Steering Group. We run three exciting campaigns: 1. People of Companies House – A blog series which captures the beauty of diversity in Companies House. Each month, a colleague tells their story about the background, experiences, people and perspectives that have shaped them. 2. ‘Let’s Talk’ Podcast – we’ve created 4 episodes so far involving colleagues having a chat about topics such as the Windrush Generation, Race, ethnicity, and the Olympic Games. 3. Celebrating Black History – SharePoint pages first created in celebration of Black History Month 2020, and updated from time to time, to encourage colleagues to celebrate Black History all year round. You can contact the FACE network at Chair: Chloe Bayetti (Senior Agile Delivery Manager) Vice-Chair: Sonsare Zabadi (Internal Communications Manager) Return to index


Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA) - Race Network The Race Network is open to everyone at the CMA who is interested in supporting our ethnic minority colleagues in their personal and professional development and to increase the ethnic diversity of the CMA’s senior leadership. We are committed to supporting the CMA in becoming an inclusive and diverse workforce where everyone can shine. We organise events, invite speakers to talk to CMA colleagues about race and support the CMA in becoming more ethnically diverse (e.g. mutual mentoring, sponsorship, diverse recruitment panels). You can contact the CMA Race Network by emailing Return to index

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) National Black Crown Prosecution Association The National Black Crown Prosecution Association (NBCPA) is a staff network of the Crown Prosecution Service established in 2001. The aim of the NBCPA is to work with the Crown Prosecution Service to improve the working environment of members of the NBCPA employed in the CPS or other prosecuting civil service departments, and to assist in the delivery of a fair and equitable service to all sections of the community. The NBCPA works in partnership with the CPS to achieve our objectives. The main objective of the NBCPA is to work towards equality of opportunity, establish a level playing field for all staff to achieve their potential, and give BAME staff a voice that is listened to and backed from the very top. We are working in parallel with the Crown Prosecution Service to make progress against each of our four strategic priorities: high quality casework, the success of our people, public confidence and continuously improving. To find out more about the NBCPA, please visit their website and contact them at

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Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) & Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA) - Race and Culture Network (RCN) The RCN Network aims to create a network of confident, trained, and respected racial equality advocates whose importance and value is recognised across the organisation. Its mission is to encourage, support and connect with its members and the wider community. It will empower its members to drive meaningful change by championing racial equality, help them achieve the best they can be and improve their lived experience. The RCN’s objectives include: •

Awareness: to continue and grow the conversations around race at all levels within the organisation to provide awareness of the lived experience and ensure that any initiatives are led by those to whom the experience belongs

Trust: to create trust in the network to build on the momentum of last year’s global conversation regarding race and hold the uncomfortable discussions within the organisation that can generate tangible solutions.

An engaged network: to foster a culture of support for our members, which makes them feel valued, strengthens their ability to challenge discrimination, and provide a safe space for discussions, debates, and to raise concerns.’

You can contact the network at Return to index

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) – Race Faith & Culture Network (RFCN) The DSTL Race Faith and Culture Network • Celebrates and highlights the benefits of a diverse workforce. • Embraces inclusion by fostering shared understanding and respect for individual differences and cultures, specifically regarding ethnic minorities and faith groups; and • Supports the business in identifying and breaking down any real or perceived barriers to ethnic minority or faith groups. FCN values and will proactively seek out the views and contributions of staff that do not belong to these groups to help achieve these aims.


The main objectives are to co-ordinate and facilitate the following: •

Connect – to connect people from different ethnic minority and faith groups with a common need or interest;

Support – to provide support to staff from ethnic minority and faith groups who would value being part of a Network.

Learn – to provide an opportunity for employers to learn more about the diversity of their employees, the challenges they face and how they can best harness this diversity so staff can fulfill their potential. To make links between diversity of staff and the success of the business. This would include increasing awareness of all employees to all cultures and faiths in the organisation and how we use these differences to best effect; and

Influence – to raise awareness of issues of concern to the ethnic minority staff, and various faith groups. To be a driver for improving engagement, retention and recruitment of diverse staff and to develop opportunities to influence policy and practices through the EESG. Return to index

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) – Faith and Minority Ethnic Network (FAME) The BEIS Faith and Minority Ethnic Network (FAME) is made up of over 1300 colleagues and exists to build race and faith confidence within the department. We do this through: 1. Policy: reviewing the latest data understand barriers facing colleagues from ethnic minority and faith backgrounds, and making policy recommendations to minimise bias within departmental HR processes; participating on the department’s People and Operations Committee Board. 2. Capability building: running a regular roster of workshops to support professional and personal development, including a highly popular ‘unpacking the behaviour’ series, SCS masterclasses, and reverse mentorship schemes. 3. Culture change: running a range of events to stimulate conversations about race and faith, including ‘let’s talk about race’ and ‘let’s talk about faith’ campaigns and associated video series. Particular highlights include: •

Presenting and securing agreement to recommendations presented at 2 departmental Executive Committees, making temporary recruitment processes more transparent and fairer

Meaningfully tackling the department’s previous absence of senior Black staff


Developing and launching the department’s first Race Action Plan in partnership with HR colleagues

Launching our BAME Women, Afro-Caribbean, and East and Southeast Asian working groups to provide targeted support colleagues from those communities

Quadrupling our network membership across 2 years, and growing our SCS allies group to 125+

FAME is open to all civil servants, who can sign up to our mailing list here. You can contact FAME at

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Department for Environment Food Rural and Agriculture (DEFRA) - Ethnic Minority Network (EMN) The priority areas of EMN’s work include: • race equality scheme • effect of restructuring policies on EMN staff • career progression and promotion prospects for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff • creating an aware and fair working environment, free from harassment • provide informal mentoring opportunities within the network • contact with other networks/social activities • personal effective training You can contact the EMN at Return to index

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) - BAME Network The DCMS BAME Network is a community which supports and advocates for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff within the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS). Our activities include supporting the development of the DCMS D&I strategy to drive greater representation and inclusivity, facilitating and promoting L+D opportunities for BAME colleagues, hosting monthly meetings and social events to strengthen


staff networks and relationships, as well as celebrating our diversity through events marking Black History Month, South Asian Heritage Month and more You can contact the network’s executive team at Return to index

Department for Education - BAME Network Our Objectives • • • • • •

Continue to grow the BAME Network, both in terms of network membership and our presence across the department Inspire Network members via the delivery of leadership stories and motivational speakers; Empower Network members to realise their full potential via L&D Generate curiosity and build awareness of BAME lived experiences; Further develop the BAME Network Ally role and relationship with SCS and across the department to help change the culture of DfE Utilise workforce, survey and network data, as well as cross-network activities, to break down barriers BAME people face in the dept

Our Vision Our vision is for a department where all colleagues, whatever their background or individualities, feel valued, empowered and are part of a fully inclusive, fair and equal environment in which all can flourish and realise their full potential. This will be reflected in the outcomes of its recruitment, progression, performance and reward processes and how it represents the nation we serve. In particular, the BAME Network members and other minority groups, should be part of any process meant to uplift their lives, leading from the front and/or contributing effectively to achieve this vision. Return to index

Department for Health and Social Care – Race Equality Matters Network (REMN) The Race Equality Matters Network (REMN) supports Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff within the Department of Health Social Care (DHSC) and seeks to advance race equality, diversity and inclusion within DHSC and promote truly diverse and inclusive culture. 15

The aims of REMN •

Provide support for BAME staff wellbeing and inclusion within DHSC

Provide a safe space for BAME staff and allies to share experiences

Provide mutual advice and support to BAME colleagues on career development

Raise awareness of race equality through activities such as celebrating Black History Month, identifying race equality issues in the workplace and working towards resolution of these issues

Provide advice, support, insight and challenge to the DHSC’s senior leadership and HR community on strategies, policies and initiatives on race equality, diversity and inclusion

Engage with Civil Service Race Forum on cross-government race priorities and challenges and internal DHSC and other government department’s staff networks on intersectional issues.

To contact the network please email Return to index

Department for International Trade (DIT) - BAME Network The DIT BAME Network aims to support BAME staff at DIT to thrive as an empowered community and network, and advocate for change to DIT’s structures to achieve parity for BAME colleagues in the department. It does this through: • Embedding the BAME Network’s reputation as consistent, welcome, proactive, transparent, evidenced and “here to stay” • Directly supporting BAME staff to survive and thrive in a difficult environment • Directly support the career progression of BAME staff through network events and communications • Advocating for change to DIT’s structures to achieve parity for BAME colleagues in the department. • Working with DIT to improve inclusion at all levels and areas of the department, particularly by challenging DIT to implement its zero-tolerance policy for BHD and tracking relevant data relating to race inequality • Supporting HR and Cabinet Office to improve the lived experience of ethnic minority women in the Civil Service, through a series of Diversity and Inclusion Sprints, reporting back on progress to our membership. You can contact the network at 16

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Department for Transport - Black Staff and Allies Network The Black Staff and Allies Network is a staff network within the Department for Transport that focusses on the challenges faced by the Black ethnic group. The network ensures that Black colleagues have an active voice and it is communicated by people with a shared identity, whilst being supported by allies of all backgrounds. The network is dedicated to supporting the organisation build an accurate picture of the issues that are specific to Black colleagues and to help provide meaningful solutions. Our vision is to create a fair and inclusive environment that allows all staff to thrive; empowering individuals to perform to their full potential. Our network has six strategic aims and these are based on our themes of Fairness, Inclusion and Empowerment which sits at the heart of everything that we do. Aims of the Black Staff and Allies Network 1. To support the career development of Black staff 2. To ensure that all talents are nurtured and developed 3. To raise awareness of and tackle the underlying inequalities faced by Black staff 4. To cultivate fairness and inclusivity within the department 5. To address the intersection between protected characteristic groups 6. To encourage allyship to better understand and promote diversity For more information about the network,






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Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) National Race Network The aim of the DWP National Race Network (NRN) is to advance and champion Race across the Department by supporting its members – particularly BAME members – to have a strong identity and real sense of belonging, and the support to fulfil their true potential. The network’s ambition is to provide a consistent support mechanism for its members by


engaging with them to better understand the barriers and obstacles within DWP, and actively working to remove these. The network does this by: • Serving as a strong, positive voice, giving support for all members, with particular focus to BAME colleagues and customer support. • Advising and educating on issues of racism and inequality within the Department. • Promoting DWP’s Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Action Plan, and contribute to strategic thinking, including policy development, identifying best practice, and progressing priority issues and solutions. • Celebrating racial differences, acknowledging International and local commemorative dates. • Showcasing the business benefits and impact of diversity, by introducing different perspectives to continuously influence and shape DWP’s culture. • Actively encouraging colleagues to share all their personal diversity information in SOP so that that the Department is able to monitor and assess the impact of its policies and processes. You can contact the network at Return to index

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency UNITY UNITY aims to celebrate and increase awareness of the ethnic and cultural diversity of staff at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and drive forward race equality of the agency. We aim to be an open supportive networking group within DVLA, committed to upholding equality and diversity of race throughout the whole organisation. Objectives: • Provide a safe and supportive environment in which to discuss issues relating to race. • Provide support and networking opportunities. • Provide and signpost members to training and development opportunities • Be a voice for BME staff and act as a consultative group to influence the policies and practices at DVLA. • Recruitment – working with HR and Staffing and Recruitment to simplify recruitment processes and competencies. We have run a number of workshops such as CV writing workshops, use of language workshops, Holocaust Memorial day guest speakers and supporting local charities.


You can contact the network at Return to index

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) - REN Network The FCDO Race and Ethnicity Network is designed to offer a mutually supportive environment in which: • Ethnic diversity in the FCDO can be celebrated; • Members can be supported in their promotion and progression in the office through engagement with senior leaders within and without government; • Policy solutions, designed to enhance promote equality and inclusion, can be developed and presented to the board for consideration. Following the merger, implementing the transformation whilst respecting D&I needs of our REN members will also be a priority. Other priorities include working with HR on disaggregated BAME data as a means of holding the FCDO to account on BITC Race Charter Commitments, establishing the role of the new FCDO Board Race Sponsor Sir Tim Barrows, and implementing the new Allyship role on the REN Committee. We'll also be building on our internal REN talent programme to ensure that becomes a long-term, credible offer for colleagues, with the aim of getting more BAME into the SCS. Return to index

Financial Reporting Council - Minority Ethnic Working Group Our current mission is to: • Identify race equality issues that affect FRC employees and promote the resolution of these issues; • Work collaboratively to test concepts, evidence, and approaches that advance ethnic diversity and equality; • Provide support for each other's wellbeing in the workplace while celebrating and promoting the FRC’s ethnic and cultural diversity; and • Act in an advisory role to the leadership of the FRC on issues and policies addressing racial diversity and equality. Return to index

Food Standards Agency (FSA) – REN Network 19

The FSA REN Network aims to create a supportive working environment within the FSA policy framework for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) colleagues while also encouraging all staff within the FSA to understand the needs of BME individuals within the business so that the FSA’s vision, values and objectives are fulfilled. Our main aims are to: • Encourage and maintain a safe and positive working environment for BME staff and the elimination of discrimination for employees. • Help create a level playing field for BME staff with equal opportunities for training / skills gained, access to work experience outside their normal field of work to support development and seek promotion (should they so wish) both internally and externally with the requisite support / guidance of their line managers. • Maintain and expand the membership of the FSA BME staff network to provide a forum where BME staff can safely share their experience and issues affecting their work and professional development. • Linking with relevant BAME networks, forums and other groups across the civil service and externally who share a common agenda or experience of eliminating disadvantage. You can contact the network at Return to index

Home Office – The NETWORK THE NETWORK – Voice of Race Equality – was launched on 24 November 1999, as part of the Home Office commitment to Race Equality through the 10point Race Equality Action Plan. THE NETWORK is the staff support network for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic staff, with a total membership of over 4,000 staff making it the largest staff support group in Civil Service. The aims/priorities of THE NETWORK are: ▪

To assist in improving the working environment for all employees by involvement in the development and contribution to new and existing policies that affect Black Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues and communities

to ensure equality of opportunity for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic colleagues

to encourage the delivery of services effectively and efficiently, and harnessing the value offered by a diverse workforce

to ensure that the Home Office recognises, and addresses race equality concerns faced by colleagues from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.


to ensure that the Home Office reflects the community it serves and complies with the Public-Sector Equality Duty.

to provide a support network and work closely with other networks and associations

to foster better relations between management and colleagues

The Role of THE NETWORK THE NETWORK supports the Home Office in delivering its objectives through our people, is a critical friend to the department and is there to provide members, management and policy makers with practical advice and support to improve equality for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic colleagues and communities. Return to index

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) - Race Network The HMRC Race Network is the official medium through which HMRC consult colleagues on race issues; aspiring to help HMRC build an inclusive organisation which is more representative of the diverse communities it serves, improving the way policies and people processes are delivered and meeting the needs of its members and the public fairly and transparently. An inclusive network open to all HMRC employees with a passion for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion; our aim is to represent the views of our members, by influencing and constructively challenging to ensure equity is built into our policies and practices; raising awareness of race matters and progressing the wider equality, diversity and inclusion agenda. The Race Network aims to: • • • •

Provide a forum for discussing and raising diversity issues in a safe environment; Effectively contribute to policy development and implementation; Provide support for colleague members, in addition to providing networking opportunities and events to raise awareness and celebrate diversity and inclusion; Work alongside the Civil Service Race Forum to share experiences, ideas and best practice across HMRC.

The network’s core function is to address the following key goals set by HMRC:


• • •

Review the effectiveness of measures to eliminate barriers, helping HMRC achieve a more representative workforce at all levels; Be a sounding board to identify the impacts of different groups of customers and employees as a result of organisational change and restructuring; Provide constructive input into policy and benchmarking practices, helping to further embed diversity and inclusion.

To contact the Race Network – please send an email to the Race Network enquiries inbox - Co-Chairs (2022): Michelle Herbert Victoria Rawnsley Return to index

HM Treasury – Ethnic Diversity Network Our aim is to represent, support and create positive change for staff from ethnically diverse (ED) backgrounds in the Treasury, raising awareness of the issues they face and working inclusively with all those who want to support this agenda. Our objectives and work include: •

We champion ED interests within HMT and across Whitehall, ensuring ED staff are respected and recognised in corporate decisions.

We improve the visibility of issues faced by individuals from ED backgrounds through organising regular thought-provoking events with external speakers.

We celebrate and educate others on the culture of ED staff through writing blogs and organising events around cultural festivities.

We connect individuals from ED backgrounds through a wide HMT social network and provide support for ED staff through a range of corporative initiatives.

We have workstreams on member engagement, corporate change, events, Black staff and allies.

You can contact HMT’s Ethnic





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Houses of Parliament - ParliREACH (Parliaments Workplace equality network for Race Ethnicity And Cultural Heritage) ParliREACH and is one of Parliaments six Workplace Equality Network groups and was established in 2013 to provide a platform for BAME members of staff, Members and Peers and their staff across the Estate to increase awareness and appreciation of race, ethnicity and cultural heritage issues. We work with the Inclusion and Diversity teams in the Houses of Lords and Commons toward meeting Parliaments corporate equality objectives; to diversify Parliament, both in staff & public audience and to create an inclusive working environment that reflects the democracy its serves. We provide a support network and safe place for our members to voice concerns regarding their lived experiences while working on the Estate. ParliREACH is also a point of resource for all who want to better understand the culturally diverse community of people who work here. And for allies who wish to support their BAME colleagues by challenging negative behaviours. Priorities include: •

To escalate the views of our members to our board and, as appropriate, to Members of both Houses in order to encourage necessary change in Parliament.

Advocate for the recruitment, development, and retention of staff from underrepresented groups.

To organise and run a range of campaigns and events which helps raise awareness of particular issues of interest to members of ParliREACH and allows opportunities to socialise and network

To work together with staff of both Houses and non-political external organisations and subject experts.

You can contact the network at

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Intellectual Property Office (IPO) – BAME Network The IPO BAME Network aims to: 1. Engage with HR to understand and take forward interventions to support larger numbers of BAME candidates progressing further in the end-to-end recruitment process 2. Raise issues of concern, testing understanding of issues and seeking support for our proposals at Board level to ensure senior leaders are aware of, buy into and endorse our aims and activities, acting as role models and promoting exemplary behaviour. 3. Increase understanding of issues in this space with IPO colleagues, via staff discussions, events and comms while understanding that empathy is required on all sides of the conversation. Please contact us on





chair .

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Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) – ‘IPSA ID’ Race Network For IPSA, the over-riding goals for our race network, IPSA ID, are to promote a positive, diverse and inclusive working environment for IPSA’s people and for our stakeholders. The network will: • Advocate for the recruitment, professional development, progression and retention of staff from under-represented groups • Provide a support network to our members in the workplace • Host professional networking events and collaborate with other similar groups within UK Parliament to bring understanding to the wider majority • Improve the overall image of IPSA with the taxpayer, MPs and other key stakeholders • Enhance the IPSA community by providing a greater sense of awareness, belonging and pride Please contact the Co-Chairs at Return to index

Land Registry - BAME Network 24

We are the voice of BAME staff at HM Land Registry. We are made up of BAME and nonBAME staff who have interests in BAME issues or want to promote inclusiveness. We help the organisation meet the internal equality objective by: • • • •

Reaching out to BAME staff and seeking to engage them in positive dialogue with the business Addressing specific issues such as progression and representation of BAME staff Promoting cultural understanding and cohesion Working in conjunction with the Women's, Assured and Disabled Employee Networks, Age, Faith and Belief as part of the Diversity Working Group.

You can contact the network by emailing and Return to index

Legal Aid Agency - BeUnique Race Network (LAABeUnique) The LAA Be Unique Network aims to: • Provide visibility and leadership to staff across LAA in relation to race; • Encourage open discussions about diversity; • Create a working environment where all people feel valued and included; • Support Ethnic Minority/Diverse Heritage staff in unlocking their potential to achieve career progression; • Engage with senior management to ensure services and policies are fair, transparent and accountable; • Bring the Ethnic Minority/Diverse Heritage Community together to connect through social events; • Engage with Ethnic Minority/Diverse Heritage staff to understand issues they experience; • Work in partnership with MoJ’s PROUD network, other staff networks, the Project RACE Ambassadors, the LAA Engagement and Inclusion Team and local diversity champions to raise awareness and understanding of diversity issues and to address misconceptions/misperceptions; • Signpost staff to sources of information and assistance; and • Use our role to highlight significant issues and champion action to address these. You can contact the network at Return to index


Met Office - Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network Our mission is to empower BAME staff at the Met Office to achieve their potential by identifying and removing barriers to equality and creating positive change. Our key priorities are: •

Supporting and Challenging: the network offers a safe space for BAME colleagues to share experiences and learn from one other.

Engaging and Representing: the network may be used to provide help and advice to BAME colleagues to make their voices heard on panels, groups, and other committees related to the delivery of Met Office services. Where appropriate to do so, the network will facilitate BAME representation on external-facing events.

Influencing and Impacting: the network is a key resource in unlocking the Met Office transformation agenda. By raising awareness and fostering collaboration with other staff networks, its outcomes will enable the organisation to meet its strategic actions from a BAME perspective but for the benefit of everyone.

Contact: (Misha Khan, BAME Network Lead) Return to index

Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) - Race Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Staff network The REACH Staff Network will support, inspire, and consult with its members and all police and civilian staff to help them achieve the best they can be and improve their Lived Experience. It will also strive to stay current through effective engagement, whilst influencing MDP strategies and policies, Celebrating the power of equality and inclusivity and highlighting the MDP and MOD as an inclusive employer. The network’s guiding principles include: •

Support– Supporting staff by being the mechanism to alert D&I teams on matters affecting them and providing a forum for discussion on matters of interest to the REACH community whilst contributing to MDP and Defence strategic priorities which impact upon staff members;

Inform – To raise awareness of racial equality and cultural diversity within the MDP and across wider Defence communities;


Celebration – To celebrate key dates in the race equality and cultural heritage calendar, and recognise the contributions and achievements of ethnic groups and individuals;

Consultation – Acting as a collective voice for all staff in relation to developing strategies, policies, procedures and data insight;

Inspiration – Providing inspiration to all staff in feeling confident to progress their careers including seeing themselves in roles where minority groups have been traditionally underrepresented and encouraging staff to be visible role models;

Engagement – Developing relationships with community groups and other communities of practice to promote the MDP as an inclusive employer and play an active role in recruitment and retention of staff;

Staying Current – To create space for discussion and engagement in response to current affairs, advising the Chief Officer Group (COG), on the Lived Experience of individuals from ethnic groups and the REACH community.

You can contact the network at Return to index

Ministry of Defence - Race Network The MOD Race Network acts as an umbrella network to help the Ministry of Defence become institutionally inclusive: making race equality matter. Our ultimate goal is for everyone, regardless of their ethnicity or where they were born, to feel that they are welcome in MOD, to authentically contribute to the work we do and have a long thriving career in the Department. We want all staff to take responsibility to improve the Department’s reputation and position and create a truly diverse and inclusive place of work. Our main goals are for the Network's Committee, Members and Allies to: • Drive improvement of the Lived Experience for staff across Defence; • Champion an inclusive culture where staff feel listened to, supported and empowered throughout their career; • Challenge unacceptable behaviour and create opportunities to educate and highlight cultural differences and celebrate diversity; • Support, plan and host community engagement activities that will contribute to Defence's reputation and recruitment goals; and, • Identify, influence and improve systems, policies and processes that create barriers for ethnic minority staff or that can be enhanced to progress the Department's position on race equality matters or representation at all levels.


Contact us through our group email:

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Ministry of Justice - Proud of Diverse Racial Origins Uniting the Department (PROUD) PROUD believe that employee inclusion, equity, representation, and promotion should be heartbeat of our workforce. This staff network provides vital services to our members. We aim to cement the department’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity and contribute to the delivery of the Civil Service vision to be an inclusive employer of choice in the United Kingdom. We have designed and delivered a very successful BAME mentoring programme with over 200 participants actively on the program. We run very successful Success Profiles Workshops and mock interview panels for over 200 staff to date with very positive outcomes. We launched an Allyship program with our DI&W team and designed a workshop to support nearly 190 senior allies and rising. We have a Mental Health and wellbeing offer for our members. In addition to the above we have workstream for Comms, Policy and internal and external collaboration with other protected characteristic staff networks. You can contact PROUD at Return to index

National Highways – Embrace Network The Embrace Network aims to provide a safe space for all employees to talk about their experiences and to explore issues related to culture, ethnicity and race. Through shared and executive leadership, personal lived stories and role modelling, we want to inspire all who connect with the Embrace network, at all levels across National Highways to achieve their career aspirations and to be able to come into work as themselves. We will keep on striving to ensure that everyone is recognised by their ability and skills whilst understanding that difference is the most exciting way to live. One way we do this is by starting important conversations as we help to inform, building our organisation’s cultural throughout every area and creating the conditions to enable everyone to succeed, regardless of who they are. You can contact the network at Return to index


Natural England - Ethnicity and Race Network Natural England is committed to developing a more diverse and inclusive workforce which is representative of the society we serve and fulfil its desire to improve our offer to more diverse groups externally (“reflecting the communities we serve”). If Natural England is to fulfil its equality diversity and inclusion ambitions then we need to level the playing field and address the issues that matter to our minority staff. Meeting this principle represents one way in which we can achieve our core values of being an inclusive organisation. The Ethnicity and Race Network is here to help Natural England achieve the above ambition and we will do this through advocacy, direct interventions, educating and influencing, specifically: • Raising awareness of issues that affect the working lives of minority staff within Natural England. • Taking forward actions and interventions set out in the annual Ethnicity and Race Network Action Plan, to dismantle ethnic and racial disparities that exist, in a range of forms and across different contexts, within Natural England’s ways of working and our programmes of work. We do this so that Natural England can be a place where all colleagues are supported to thrive and our organisation can be equipped to achieve the best outcomes for its people and for the natural environment. You can contact the network by emailing Return to index

Northern Ireland Office - Diversity and Inclusion Network The NIO's Diversity and Inclusion Network has structured its goals and objectives around five key themes: 1. Community: relating to the accessibility of NIO as a potential workplace and our engagement and outreach externally to ensure that the Civil Service, and NIO specifically, is seen as a viable career path for people from a diverse range of backgrounds; 2. Recruitment and Retention: ensuring the processes and visibility around recruitment, development and performance management are fair, open and supports the goal of a more diverse and inclusive workplace; 3. Culture: ensure that all colleagues perceive a culture in which difference is embraced and celebrated, in which colleagues and be fully themselves at work, bringing the full weight of their diverse experiences and backgrounds to bear on how we think and act in respect of the challenges we face as a Department; 29

4. Data and Metrics: redoubling efforts to ensure we have a full picture of our D&I performance, ranging from data around staff attitudes and experiences to improved declaration rates (including explicit ‘Prefer not to say’ declarations according to colleagues’ preferences); and 5. Accessibility: ensuring that the physical working environment supports a diverse and inclusive working environment, including accessibility of office work spaces and appropriate adjustments or supports to colleagues’ home working environments. The NIO office is a relatively small department and does not host a standalone race network, but the D&I network has 3 race advocates. The NIO network can be contacted at: Return to index

Office of National Statistics (ONS) - BAME Network The ONS BAME Network provides a safe space for minority ethnic employees working at the ONS, UKSA and OSR. Our group welcomes the support of allies and separates our membership between members (Staff from an ethnic minority background) and allies. The network has around 165 members and allies and operates across sites with members encouraged to share support and receive support from others. The Network aims to: • •

• • •

Provide a safe space for minority ethnic employees working at the ONS, UKSA and OSR Contribute to ONS’s People Strategy by making sure that our members are given opportunities to input into, attend and support diversity and inclusion initiatives Provide a collective view on ‘intervention’ strategies to further ONS’ inclusion agenda Help ONS consider ethnic diversity in all its outputs, providing a critical friend role Help bake ethnic diversity into our brand values through: o Recruitment o Induction o Training o Decision making and engagement with the senior leadership team

You can contact the network at Return to index


Ofgem - Embrace Group Embrace is Ofgem’s staff initiative that seeks to create a workplace culture where race diversity, equity and inclusion is understood and embedded in the workplace. We recognise that the work of a “diversity” network is more than just about achieving equality in terms of measurable numbers and targets. We believe it is vital that we also take practical steps to create an inclusive organisational culture where staff feel included, supported and encouraged to excel in the workplace whatever their racial or ethnic background. Vision A culture that demonstrably embraces race, diversity and inclusion, where equality of opportunity is embedded in workplace practices. Purpose •

To empower staff to bring their authentic self to work; empowered people feel included and happy, supported and encouraged to excel in the workplace.

To facilitate an open non-judgemental dialogue about race.

To understand the drivers for differences in outcomes and opportunities across race.

To remove organisational barriers that disadvantage people because of their race.

To contact Ofgem Embrace Network by email - Return to index

OFSTED - Ethnic Equalities Network Aims • To ensure, where relevant, Ofsted has a clear focus on reducing the employment gap in senior posts. • To encourage staff to tackle discrimination in the workplace and embrace diversity practices. • To ensure staff perspectives and considerations are kept high on the agenda.

Objectives The Ethnic Equalities network provides a forum to: • provide support, informally and where appropriate formally, including networking opportunities to members of the network; 31

• • • •

identify best practice and share information, experiences, concerns and aspirations consistent with the statement of intent; influence decision making in policies and strategy, and promote best practice in equality of opportunity within Ofsted and in inspection practices; enable effective initiatives, good practice and relevant training within the Civil Service to become routine practice within Ofsted; combat prejudice, discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation based on race, colour, ethnic background or heritage and to provide an arena for staff to raise concerns in a safe and confidential environment ‘Inform’ the wider organisation on issues being faced by BAME children and learners.

You can contact the network at Return to index

Passenger Services – BAME Network The Passenger Services (PS) BAME Network is a staff Network at Department for Transport. It was initiated in mid-June 2020 following the tragic events in the USA that saw George Floyd lose his life. A safe and confidential space was then created in which colleagues could express their feelings was, understand the issue at hand and discuss actions that could be put in place to improve our work environment. Following this time, we run sessions on a bi-weekly basis to discuss a variety of topics that cover the lived experiences of BAME colleagues, intersectionality and Diversity and Inclusion. Our vision Our vision is to promote Diversity and inclusion by increasing awareness to the lived experiences of BAME colleagues. In addition, drive change to attitudes, understanding and behaviours to ensure that we have an environment that is truly inclusive for all. The PS BAME Network aims • Continue to create a safe and confidential space for colleagues to speak candidly on topics linked to diversity and inclusion, lived experiences and intersectionality. • Remove barriers to progression faced by BAME colleagues. • Improve wellbeing of BAME colleagues. We do this by:


• • • • •

Continuing to create a safe and confidential space for colleagues to speak candidly on topics linked to diversity and inclusion, lived experiences of BAME colleagues and intersectionality. The monitoring of the outputs of the RSSG Diversity and inclusion Action plan, DfT RACE action plan and DfTc Inclusion and Wellbeing Action plan. Collaborating with other Networks on joint Diversity and Inclusion objectives. Feeding into strategic planning and senior level decision making in the Diversity and Inclusion sphere. Close engagement with DfT HR, Inclusion and Wellbeing working group and PS Capability hub. Providing opportunities for colleagues to gain skills to elevate, such as delivery of skills workshops, courses, mentor relationships, application and interview support, shadowing etc. Carrying out outreach activities at schools, universities etc to encourage a more diverse pool to the Department.

To find out more about us, please email Return to index

The National Archives – Racial Equality Network (REN) The Racial Equality Network was established in July 2020 with the purpose of promoting racial equality and inclusion for people of colour throughout The National Archives, with a focus on the experiences of people of colour who work in the organisation. The Racal Equality Network aims to create a community who feel supported to talk about personal and workplace experiences through the lens of their identity as a person of colour. While we encourage members to embrace the network as a safe space, the network should not be considered as a forum to raise formal grievances or treated as an alternative to Human Resources and Trade Unions. Objectives •

To support The National Archives to be an inclusive workplace that is committed to listening and taking action to ensure that racially diverse colleagues are represented and create clear channels of communication across departments on issues pertinent to racial equality specifically and inclusion at large.

To enable colleagues to exercise a collective voice to highlight barriers to inclusion at The National Archives for racially diverse staff. To support initiatives for retention of racially diverse staff by providing opportunities for training, communication, corporate influence and a sense of belonging and inclusion.


To engage with HR and Senior management on developing mechanisms and support for the Racial Equality Network to develop a consultative function in, particularly in the areas of staff training, corporate strategy and public/ sector engagement.

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UK Health Security Agency – Race Equality Network The Race Equality Network provides a safe, supportive and proactive environment at the UK Health Security Agency (previously Public Health England) that allows staff to discuss issues relating to ethnicity, celebrate ethnic diversity and support minority ethnic colleagues in overcoming barriers relating to race. It aims to: • • • • • • • • • •

Raise awareness of minority ethnic colleagues’ barriers across UKHSA and wider society Promote diversity through inclusive and open networking with minority ethnic and minority ethnic UKHSA colleagues Provide networking opportunities for minority ethnic colleagues Organise events that celebrate ethnic diversity Promote equality for minority ethnic colleagues through involvement and consultation on UKHSA plans, strategies, policies, organisational change exercises and guidance Raise internal and external cross-sectoral awareness of the Race Equality network, race equality and cultural diversity at UKHSA Influence UKHSA on employment issues for minority ethnic colleagues including recruitment, ethnicity pay gap, talent and career progression Act as a communication channel between minority ethnic colleagues and senior management via the diversity and inclusion team Empower minority ethnic staff to enhance their skills, be ambitious and develop themselves Provide learning and development opportunities about ethnicity issues

You can contact the UKHSA Race Equality Network at and Return to index


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