《你好,芬兰》2014 年 总第 3 期 Annual 2014 Picture by University of Helsinki Illustration by Zhang Ningfeng Designed by Fan Yewen
2014 年 11 月 26 日
编 辑: 秦南冰,罗鉴晨
Tuomo Kauha Alumni Coordinator, University of Helsinki Karin Hannukainen Press Officer, University of Helsinki
Pure Finland Landed in China On 26th November 2014, University of Helsinki presented in the Science in Dialogue event in Beijing as one of the main partners. The scientific event was jointly hosted by University of Helsinki and Peking University. At the same time, it was a part of the Pure Finland campaign, which presents several aspects of Finland, from attractive study options for students to the latest scientific and technological innovations and well-known Finnish consumer brands. The Science in Dialogue partnership continues aim to find solutions to global challenges, especially in the fields of atmospheric science, education and law research, and probably in the future, also in the medicine. The University of Helsinki was represented by Rector Jukka Kola and his 30 members’ university team. The Science in Dialogue culminated in the signing of a bilateral and strategic partnership agreement between the University of Helsinki and Peking University. The following step will be a visit by the Peking University team to Helsinki in 2015. By that time, the Faculty of Medicine in University of Helsinki will launch its future collaboration plans with Peking University. Pure Air Pure air relates to the globally important issue of pollution. Urban population in Mainland China reached a majority for the first time in 2011, accompanied by the total area of the urban regions reaching over half of the China’s total land area. At present, the air pollution is severe in around 20 % of the cities in China, and especially fine particle air pollution has become obvious. In China, prevalent air pollution conditions have been estimated to kill annually more than 2 million people, and to shorten an average of 5.5 years of life expectancy. Pure air theme aims to utilize experimental methods and theoretical considerations combining tools from physics, chemistry, biology, meteorology, social sciences as well as economics to create the holistic solutions to the air pollution issue. Future Learning Both Finnish and Chinese school systems undergo changes as society rapidly experiences large scale technological development. Children spend an increasing amount of time in front of computers and when society is changing, schools have to react to changes as well. The Future Learning theme uses the idea of digital story telling in learning. Students from schools in Finland and Beijing have observed their own environment and filmed short video clips on the positive aspects, and also the aspects that need to be developed. Rule of Law There is a growing demand for know-how in the field of Chinese and Finnish Rule of Law due to the deeper contacts between Finland and China. The China Law Center at the University of Helsinki and Peking University play a key role to develop the Rule of Law and to foster mutual understanding between the Chinese and Finnish legal systems. The activities also cover staff mobility and cooperation in doctoral training, masters’ training and student exchange.
Read more: http://purefinland.cn/
陈烁 赫尔辛基大学学生大使
董峻儒 《你好,芬兰》记者
对话中的科学,美丽友谊的新高度 2014 年 11 月 24 至 28 日,芬兰赫尔辛基大学与北京大学在北大校园中共同组织了一次别 开生面的学术交流活动,就环境、法学以及未来教育等方面进行了为期数日的讨论并于 11 月 26 日在北大英杰交流中心进行了公开讨论以及芬兰文化的推广活动,芬兰赫尔辛基大学校长 Jukka Kola 先生,北京大学北京大学党委书记、校务委员会主任朱善璐教授出席了开幕仪式 并致词。开幕式之后来自两所名校的知名学者就三方面课题进行了公开讨论。活动中与会的学 者学生充分展示了双方学术上的独到见解,同时促进了两所大学的文化交流。 本次活动中赫尔辛基大学校友会同时也对身在中国的校友发出了邀请,赫大中国学联也有幸 参与到了宣传行列之中。我们很荣幸的与更多的中国校友建立了联系,希望将来可以与各界组 织更多更精彩的校友活动。同时在北大英杰交流中心以及芬兰驻华大使馆的庆功会上也出现 了赫大中国学联(CSSAUH)《你好,芬兰》2013 版杂志的身影。 学术活动之余,通力百年慈善机构与芬兰罗威欧(Rovio)公司和作的公益愤怒的小鸟移动图书 馆也来到了北大校园,以“让爱惠及每个孩子”为宗旨的愤怒的小鸟流动图书馆在中国各省市 奔波的三年中,走进了无数中小学的校园,为孩子们提供免费的阅读体验,将快乐与知识带给 了各地的小朋友们。 正如,在芬兰驻华大使馆庆功宴会上,赫尔辛基大学校长 Jukka 先生所说的那样,这次对话 中的科学活动开启了北京大学与赫尔辛基大学合作的新篇章,是两校美丽友谊的延续。 作为赫尔辛基大学的学生大使我们有幸能以旅居留学生以及赫大志愿者的双重身份参加这次 盛会,一方面把自己在纯净的北欧童话王国的“纯净芬兰”的生活学习生活绘声绘色的带进燕 园,与自己的同胞、同学们分享远在地球另一端的奇闻异事;同时把未名湖、博雅塔、紫禁城等 等故事讲述给与我们同行的赫大学者、志愿者。 来自芬兰朋友们有很多都是第一次踏上神秘的东方土地,对他们来说这次活动不仅是一次学 术交流,更是在这片历史悠久的国度上历险,即便行程只有短短几天,他们不辞舟车劳顿,利 用一切交流之余的时间尽情游走在燕园,和胡同的街头巷尾体验这次难得的北京之行。而我 们也便成了知无不言,言无不尽的中国向导,恨不能把肚子所有的故事讲给身边的芬兰朋友们。 活动中,我们看到了中芬两所顶尖名校知识的碰撞,看到了两国文化细腻的交织,更看到了两 国美丽友谊美好的明天。