The Runner Issue 3-18-20

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California State University, Bakersfield March 18, 2020

Vol. 45, No. 13

Zelezny: CSUB is


Sam Underwood/The Runner

CSUB campus closes all non-essentials: Student services diminished in state of emergency By Paige Atkison Assistant News Editor On March 12, CSU Bakersfield president Lynnette Zelezny issued a statement in a campus-wide email announcing the move from in-person to online classes out of an abundance of caution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the original schedule for transitioning away from in-person classes was to be rolled out in phases, Zelezny issued a memorandum on

March 17, announcing that all classes will be moved online the following day rather than on March 23. As of March 12, student services like student health services, the Counseling Center, and the Student Recreational Center were to remain open, but as of the most recent memorandum, the SRC will close and telemedicine will be provided to students rather than in-person appointments. According to the email issued by Zelezny, the

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dorms. Multiple student services will become unavailable or be moved to online or over-the-phone services only. The CSUB Children’s Center, Veterans Center, Dreamers Resource Center, Center for Career Education and Community Engagement, Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, and the Office of Campus Programming will remain unavailable. Though many services will no longer be open to students, there are

remaining offices and services open to students. Services like the University Police Department, Office of the President, some computer access on campus, and Services for Students with Disabilities will remain available. Services like the Financial Aid Office, legal and immigration services, the Counseling Center, and Student Health and Medical Services will be accessible either by phone or telemedicine. Social distancing will be strictly enforced in places that

remain open to students. The Chancellor’s Office has also postponed the Spring 2020 Commencement ceremony and no alternative date has been set. All CSUB events have been canceled. As student concern has arisen regarding refunds for student services, parking, and housing, the Chancellor’s office is currently examining a framework for issuing student refunds. More information will be released as details are finalized.


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CSUB campus has declared a state of emergency like Kern County, but will not be closing or ceasing essential operations. However, social distancing and employees 65-years-old or older or those with health conditions must practice home isolation. Students living on the CSUB campus are encouraged to vacate and move to their permanent residences, though students who rely on on-campus housing are allowed to remain in the



The Runner

March 18, 2020

Students concerned about online classes By Allea Paguia, Social Media Manager, Amy Pachla, Coffee Chief, and Destinee Sims, Opinions Editor On March 13, CSU Bakersfield has announced the decision to cancel several public events, including Runner Nights and the concert featuring rapper T-Pain which had been scheduled for March 28, and multiple events for the Kegley Institute of Ethics. This follows President Lynnette Zelezny’s March 12 announcement that classes will begin transitioning to online platforms for the remainder of the spring term. “Runner Nights has been postponed until further notice. Anyone who purchased tickets will be refunded,” CSUB Programming wrote on Twitter. The director of the Kegley Institute of Ethics, Michael Burroughs, sent out an email today to the student body explaining their decision to postpone KIE’s events until the fall 2020 semester. “After consulting with our KIE Board Chair, CSUB Interim Provost Vernon Harper, and with the core KIE team, we feel it is best and most responsible to postpone all remaining KIE events scheduled for spring 2020,” Burroughs wrote.

CSU Bakersfield’s decision to transition to online-only classes for the remainder of the spring term and cancel crowded events to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has caused concern among the student body. With classes being online-only beginning March 23, the cancellation and postponement of spring tournaments by both the NCAA and the WAC as well as CSUB spring athletics, the postponement of Runner Nights, Kegley Institute of Ethics events being cancelled and/or postponed, and CSUB restaurant and foodservices policy changes, students have been left to wonder what is next. Due to COVID-19’s highly contagious qualities, CSUB’s leaders have determined that maintaining face-to-face classes could increase the risk of infection as the virus gets closer to Kern County. In announcing the switch to online classes, Zelezny noted that her decision came after considering both state and student perspectives. “It was not really until this week when the guidelines changed with the governor’s announcement that we really needed to come back, and also see that the anxiety [among students] about the unknown was really increas-

ing,” said Zelezny. While there are no confirmed cases in Kern County at this time, CSUB, in concurrence with the Kern County Department of Public Health, is taking this step with the hope that it will help delay the spread of COVID-19 in the local community until a vaccine is available. As of this time, students’ primary focus remains on completing their courses and the possibility of getting to participate in the spring graduation ceremony. “It’s my last semester, so this is not how I wanted it to pan out. I understand that it is best to take precaution, however, my primary concern right now is graduation. I will be devastated if I do not get to walk in a ceremony,” senior Macayla Fowler, business major, writes in a message to The Runner via Instagram. Some CSUB students have expressed that the transition will create a hardship for them, potentially having a negative impact on their education. “Many students, including myself, struggle with online courses. I don’t even have Wi-Fi,” senior Savannah Mosqueda, a business administration major, wrote in an Instagram message to The Runner. The CSUB administra-

Illusrated by Sam Underwood/The Runner tion is currently planning to keep the campus open, allowing students to utilize the library and other services. Other universities across the country have intended to keep student services open, many colleges have felt forced to close their campuses entirely as COVID-19 begins to make its way across the United States. If the campus is forced to close and transition entirely online, some students may find themselves without the proper supplies, such as Wi-Fi and access to the school’s computers, to complete the spring term. Candice Livingston, senior interdisciplinary studies major, is primarily concerned that the online classes will be able to function properly. “I’m just hoping the schools help my non-tech

savvy professors ease into the change,” Livingston wrote in a message to The Runner on Instagram. At this time, CSUB has not decided to close any student services. ASI elections are still taking place, with the deadlines remaining the same. “We have gotten lots of questions about ASI Elections and wanted to assure you that ASI Elections are still happening. Applications are due on Tuesday, March 17 at 11 a.m.,” read an email to the student body from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. Likewise, the theatre department announced today via email that “The Who’s Tommy” will still be on stage in the Dore Theater this weekend. The play is scheduled to run Friday and Saturday, March 13

and 14 at 8 p.m. with a Sunday, March 15 matinee at 2 p.m. “In light of the COVID-19 and current CSU and CSUB communication, there will be a limit on attendance to a maximum of 150 people,” theatre program coordinator Mandy Rees explained in the mass email. CSUB is scheduled to remain open at this time, allowing students access to school resources. Campus residents can remain in the dorms until the end of the spring term, and dining services will be maintained. “Courses will transition to alternative delivery methods, and students’ pursuit of their academic goals will not be disrupted,” Zelezny promises in the COVID-19: Transition Plan memorandum.

Spectrum, Comcast to offer free Wifi to students By Amy Pachla Copy Chief Internet service providers are reacting to the closures of schools and colleges across the country by offering temporary free internet access to students and their households. CSU Bakersfield Internet Technology Services sent a campus email on March 14 letting students know about the offer. Starting Monday, March

16, both Comcast and Spectrum (formerly Charter) are extending free installation and 60 days of service to any home with a furloughed student. The offer applies only to households that don’t already receive services. Spectrum, which is the main broadband provider in Bakersfield, is offering households with students two months of basic internet service at speeds up to 100 megabytes per second.

They are also making all Charter Wi-Fi hotspots publicly accessible for those two months. Previously, a person needed to be a Spectrum/Charter customer with a password to access these hotspots. Comcast is offering a similar package, with speeds of 25 Mbps download/3 Mbps upload. The speeds offered by both companies are high enough for streaming video, uploading assignments, par-

ticipating in livestreams, and using email. Responding to a request for student opinions on Facebook, community member Christina Patz said she won’t need to sign up herself, but she’s been sharing the information with the students she knows. Patz thinks it’s a good idea so long as it’s free, especially with public internet options like county libraries temporarily closing their doors.

“Just make sure you cancel before you get charged,” Patz advises. Denisse Mendoza, another CSUB student responding to the student opinion post, has to make the drive from home to CSUB every day in order to attend her lectures that are via Zoom. “I live on a small ranch in between Bakersfield and Shafter, and we’ve never been able to get WiFi out here because no company is ever available in my

area. And with Starbucks closing their lobbies, I’ll have to still end up going to CSUB to be able to do my assignments for the rest of the semester,” Mendoza wrote. For more information about the offers, assistance in choosing the right one for your household, or with any other questions about connecting to university systems during this time, contact CSUB ITS.

The Runner

March 18, 2020




The Runner

March 18, 2020

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure By Estefany Henriquez Reporter One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. The Rusty Roots Show, a traveling junk show, held its annual spring market on Mar. 7 at CSU Bakersfield on the Don Hart East lawn from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The show included vendors who came from all across California to sell their vintage, handmade, repurposed, and crafted items. All of the small business owners showed up to support the community and gain exposure. This event was open to the public as well as students, and seeing the creativity in this community was welcoming as well as well put together. Whitney Scarborough, founder of the Rusty Roots Show and event organizer, said, “Everyone has embraced us here in Bakersfield with warm arms. We have many vendors participating who are local, which shows how much more they have embraced us into the community. The response from the customers has been amazing.” This event brings in peo-

ple of all ages, according to Scarborough, because The Rusty Roots Show is so unique that it markets to everyone. That is why there is a broad genre of businesses in the show. Kristin Palm of KMP Things creates and sells polymer clay earrings. “I saw other people making them and I thought I could make them too. I receive inspiration from a lot of other mediums of art like oil painters, sculptures and even dance will motivate me,” Palm said. Rusty Roots has been a way of expression for Palm so others can understand her point of view. According to Palm, her favorite piece that she has worked on is called “Sister Faces.” It is special because they represent women’s faces with many similarities as well as some differences, making a connection to how humans look similar but have differences which create beauty in all of them. Ashley Archuleta owns a shop called This Boy Mama Sews from which she sells custom kimonos, baby essentials, and hair accessories. “The Rusty Roots show

is an amazing show, it is organized extremely well, and it draws a huge crowd. It is great show to come and pop up at,” Archuleta said. Archuleta highlights her favorite items, which are her swaddling blankets. Archuleta said, “It is fun to see something you create on a brand-new baby coming home from a hospital.” Kara Inman and Tayler Limon own The Brick Clarissa Alderete/The Runner Wall Boutique, which Ashley Archuleta, owner of This Boy Mama Sews, inside of her clothing booth selling prides itself in “Good her handmade items at the Rusty Roots Show held on camps March 7th. Vibes and Great Fashion.” “I found Rusty Roots on Instagram and I’m all about getting out into the public and meeting new people so, I love doing pop ups like this and it is a great fit for us,” Inman said. “I like incorporating a lot of healing stones in my jewelry, and it’s nice to share that knowledge with By Francisco Ruiz so I have to keep going year because I wasn’t the customers. I enjoy the Feature Writer as well,” CSUB Student home. I’m from LA so I Rusty Roots show because Leslie Ramirez said. can’t drive there every sinthere is a lot of creative Ash Wednesday is a Ramirez says she is gle time. Last year, was the energy going around, and special day for those of the happy that CSUB held first time I’ve missed Ash I have been really inspired Catholic faith, and CSU mass for Catholics because Wednesday, but having it by that,” Limon said. Bakersfield started the day she believes it is important here today was very good with an on-campus mass. to keep every culture and to me. I am satisfied. I feel “Lent is 40 days, and in religion alive on campus, good, I feel like I am back the Bible in the biblical and it is important to learn home,” Ramirez said. times 40 days is always the about everything. Ramirez explains that time of preparation. We In the 40 days that Lent she’s happy that CSUB take 40 days before Easter lasts, those who participate decided to do Ash WednesSunday to prepare for it, will often give up someday at school so she won’t and of course we begin thing they don’t need or miss it like she did last with Ash Wednesday. We year due to her living remember our morality situation. and that one day we are CSUB Student Brenda going to die, and it helps Colotl explains that it was us be able to draw closer to a good idea for CSUB to God and participate in the bring Ash Wednesday to mysteries of Easter,” Adil campus because most stuAlexander, CSUB student dents have classes all day. and president of the NewWith this organized event, man Catholic Club, said. students don’t have to Alexander continued, leave campus to participate “We hold mass pretty in the Catholic tradition. frequently throughout the “It’s nice that we all came semester, and especially together here at school and for Ash Wednesday. That’s we had the opportunity to when we get the biggest get ashes during our class turn out most years.” so we wouldn’t forget to Alexander explains that go out […] It was nice they more people attend mass came here,” Colotl said. on Ash Wednesday be“I’m giving up listening cause it is an important day to music, I’m going to for the Catholic religion, just listen to music about since they are preparing Christ, so that’s what I’m for the resurrection of the giving up: listening to bad Leslie Ramirez music,” Colotl said. Lord. “I do think that coming CSUB Student The students who attendto an event like this is ed mass on Ash Wednesimportant, because we day at CSUB seem to have have to recognize and keep add something that is benbeen grateful and appreciaalive our culture and our eficial. For example, if one tive of the Newman Cathoreligion. For example, I am gives up social media for lic Club for organizing the Catholic, so I have to keep Lent, then they wouldn’t mass on campus. that going and it’s been be able to get on for the 40 going on in my family days until Easter Sunday. like that for generations, “I wasn’t able to go last

Students participate in on campus Mass held for Ash Wednesday

“I do think that coming to an event like this is important, because we have to recognize and keep alive our culture and our religion.” _

Features The Who’s Tommy

The Runner

By Lauren Hill Reporter “That deaf, dumb, blind kid sure plays a mean Pinball!” CSU Bakersfield Music and Theatre rocks out during their colorful and exhilarating performance of “The Who’s Tommy.” “Tommy” is The Who’s fourth studio album, released in the summer of 1969 and composed by Pete Townshend. “Tommy” was the original album that coined the term “rock opera;” a collection of music in which the premise, theme, and lyrics of the songs consecutively tell a story. Rock opera albums have since been

March 18, 2020

released by various artists such as My Chemical Romance, Green Day, and Pink Floyd. “Tommy” was adapted into a musical production in 1992, and has become a visual artistic experience depicting a variety of emotional topics.. CSUB theatre professor Mandy Rees took on the challenge and directed the multifaceted production. “These are adult topics, though they’re experienced by a child which, many children go through trauma, but this is about a journey and healing from it. It’s usually when you’re past childhood that you can then process all of this,” said Rees.

The cast of “The Who’s Tommy” are energetic and versatile in their portrayals of characters. The show is ensemble heavy, and the members took each role they were given, even if it’s nothing like who they are, and ran with it. CSUB freshman and psychology major Benjamin Cornejo plays in the ensemble. This is his first production at a university level. “My favorite part is this one called ‘The Hawker.’ It’s a very charismatic swagger kind of guy, kind of slimy. Honestly it’s pretty cool being able to be the bad guy for a change. Just being that back-alley dude is awesome.”

The actors spent much of the last few months dedicated to making this show sensational. “Since this is the first show I’ve done in a long time, I forgot how much time management goes into this. But getting to know all of the people, being an ensemble member, spending that time with all of these people has been a really fun experience,” said CSUB student Silvia Lopez. Some of the actors assisted with building the set as well. “I’m part of the work study crew, so we’ve also been working on the set too, and that was really a big endeavor,” Duke said.

While for much of the cast this was their first production at CSUB, others are more seasoned. Both Natalie Love and Jacob Atlai Cota count “The Who’s Tommy” as their fifth show while attending the school. Love plays the title character Tommy, while Cota plays his Uncle Ernie. “Tommy acts as the narrator in the whole first half of the show, so it’s been really interesting watching the action but not being able to take part of it, so I kind of had to find my way around that,” Love said. According to Cota, the cast has built a family-like community. He recalls during the rehearsal process when things got


stressful and people were feeling on edge, the cast decided that no matter what they needed to applaud each other and hype each other up after every number. Doing this helped them keep their spirits high. CSUB Music and Theatre ensured an exciting spring musical when they chose to direct “The Who’s Tommy.” “It’s crazy, it’s kooky, it’s fun, it’s kind of absurd at some areas, but it’s just something to experience. And that’s what musicals are here for, to experience them [...] It’s all about the feeling, it’s supposed to make you feel something,” Duke said.

Four CSUB alumni recognized at Rising Runner award panel By Lauren Hill Reporter

CSU Bakersfield has more than 50,000 alumni who have graduated and taken their education and began new journeys in their life and this, four alumni were recognized at the 6th annual CSUB Alumni Rising Runner Awards. The Rising Runner Awards was founded in 2014 and highlight one alumnus from each school within CSUB: Arts and Humanities, Business and Public Administration, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering, and Social Sciences and Education. The Rising Runner is described by the Alumni Association as recognizing CSUB alumni who have graduated in the last ten years and are making an Impact in their career.

President of the CSUB Alumni Association Linda Lara organized and hosted this year’s Rising Runner Award presentation and panel discussion. According to Lara, it’s a great opportunity for the university to give back to past students who have graduated. The event is open for students, faculty, and deans to come and listen to these inspiring alumni. Greg Gordon was this year’s Rising Runner from the school of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering. Gordon graduated in 2009 with a master’s in geology. He currently is involved in the San Joaquin Geological Society, and teaches an advanced sedimentary geology class at CSUB. According to Gordon, it’s important to have tenacity and to be clear-stated and

communicative of your goals when going into the career field. CSUB anthropology professor Patrick O’Neill graduated with his master’s from CSUB in 2013. O’Neill received the Rising Runner Award from the school of Social Sciences and Education. O’Neill was originally a high school dropout and decided to pursue a career in music. He traveled and toured for 12 years playing guitar in a rock band before returning to his education. “Make sure you enjoy your education. This might be your only opportunity in your life you look at it in that way [...] So if you think it’s always about getting a job and making money, for me personally, it’s not. It’s about gaining knowledge and learning,” O’Neill said.

Adrienne Salazar graduated from CSUB with a bachelor’s in communications. Salazar resides in Washington, D.C. where she works as press secretary for Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). According to Salazar, she discovered her love for political reporting while at CSUB, and her original goal was to become a press secretary by the time she was 30-years-old. Her favorite memory from CSUB was coordinating Vice President Biden’s visit in 2014. “That was very full-circle for me,” Salazar said. Zachary Blackhurst graduated from CSUB with a Master of Business Administration in 2010, and received a Rising Runner Award this year. Blackhurst got his start as a decision support analyist for GEMCare and current-

ly is the chief financial officer for Bakersfield Family Medical Center. Blackhurst spoke about standing out when students are questioning how to navigate through their career. “When I’m looking to hire somebody, that degree matters, but it shows me more than anything that you committed to something and you accomplished it. Whether it’s a degree in the specific job I’m looking for, it’s less important to me than knowing that you have the aptitude and you’ve committed to something,” Blackhurst said. The Alumni Association continues to give a platform to former CSUB students, and has created a highly anticipated event with the Rising Runner Awards.

“Make sure you enjoy your education. This might be your only opportunity in your life you look at it in that way.” _

Patrick O’Neill CSUB Anthropology Professor



The Runner

March 18, 2020


The Runner Staff Volume 45, Issue 12

The Runner California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099 661-654-2165 ADVISER Jennifer Burger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sam Underwood MANAGING EDITOR DIGITAL Carlos Hernandez PHOTO EDITOR Mari Woodmansee PODCAST EDITOR Damian Lopez ASST PODCAST EDITOR Briana Lopez SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Allea Nalaine Paguia NEWS EDITOR Katrina Singleton ASST NEWS EDITOR Paige Atkison FEATURES EDITOR Lauren Hill OPINIONS EDITOR Destinee Sims CO-SPORTS EDITOR Elisa Fuentes CO-SPORTS EDITOR Chris Burdick COPY CHIEF Amy Pachla MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Ace Harrison COPYRIGHT Copyright belongs to the Communications Department at California State University, Bakersfield. BUSINESS MANAGER

Sidney Wicks MARKETING MANAGER Edgar Noriega DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kimberly Benitez-Anguiano STAFF Marci Ruiz, Adriana Hernandez, Megan Tishman, Gabriela Reyes, Rachel Russ, Yoana Andrade, Francisco Ruiz, Estafany Henriquez, Braden Moss-Ennis, Erin Dailey, Chase Anderson, Angela Jordan, Brian Melgar, Pearl Hernandez, Carla Alvarado, Dalton Bell, Eli Miranda, Clarissa Alderete, Chasadee Sims, Caleb Melson, Joe Youngblood, Jenn Pardinas, Rosie Callejas, Gabriella Lopez, Faith Okoli, Briana G. Hendrix.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send letters to runner@ All letters must be signed, verified, and be no more than 300 words in length. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. OUR MISSION The Runner is an independent student news organization, operated under the communication department at CSUB. The Runner is committed to exposing truth and promoting accountability while upholding professional journalistic integrity. We engage with the community through print, digital and social media publications as the premier news outlet for the student body. DISCLAIMERS Views and opinions expressed in The Runner are not necessarily those of the editors, staff or the Communications Department. The staff of The Runner reserve the right to refuse or omit any advertising or material which advocates illegal activity, or which may be considered libelous, irresponsible or tasteless.

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By Destinee Sims

“What items are you stocking up on? ” Griselda Allen Senior, Business Administration

Samuel Tomasello Class of 2018, Arts Education

“I tried to just get my regular supplies, but everything is sold out.”

Destiny Reyes Junior, Psychology.

“Beans and rice.”

Higher education: Is it worth the cost?

“I decided not to stockpile. The shelves are empty, and it is difficult for low income people and moms.”

Angela Jordan Opinions Columnist

Students fresh out of high school are convinced that attending a four year college is the correct route when many of these students don’t know what they want to do with their lives. “Broke college student” is a phrase we all seem to be familiar with because that is the reality for a lot of college students, but should it be? Universities seem to charge students for everything, leading students to decide whether they can attend college. Higher education seems to be great, but only at the expense of the students. Higher education may feel like a trap. Students are expected to go to a university for four years for their benefit, but many students just end up drowning in debt. In the 2018-2019 academic year at CSU Bakersfield, tuition for a student with more than 6 units is $3,652. According to, “In 2018 - 2019, California State University - Bakersfield students spent $9,823 for housing and $3,965 for dining.” This totals out to a whopping $17,440 for the year, and the situation may not even be worth it to some. “I don’t think living on campus is necessarily worth it because you can live off campus for cheaper. There was a time where we didn’t have hot water, so we had to shower in cold water. That went on for about three weeks during fall semester,” Lisette Garcia, a CSUB freshman, said. How can schools charge students above their means and still have a huge fault like no hot water? These expenses do not

Destinee Sims/The Runner

Sources: SHRM and Forbes.

even include other living expenses, transportation, or textbooks and class materials. And the cost of tuition is increasing every year, making the total cost of college amount to more than four times the cost of a student’s first year. These high prices ultimately force students to drop out. An overpriced higher education does not always equal success. An expensive higher education will not guarantee a job. Often times, the jobs desired require necessary skills and experience not gained in college. Instead, students are told to go back to school to achieve a Masters or PhD, which would only put them in more debt. “I always think about student debt and question whether or not it’s going to be worth it, and I question how difficult it’s going to be to pay it off in the end,” Jaecel De Guia, a junior who transferred to CSUB, stated. De Guia acknowledges that the debt she is accumulating makes her anxious. According to Anthony Carnevale, director of the Georgetown University

Center on Education and the Workforce, eight out of ten students work while in college. This may be helpful for bills, but it can be mentally and physically draining for students. Not only do these students have less time to study or be in class, they have less time to rest and regain energy. Students who are studying less or are enrolled in fewer classes may be less likely to complete college in four years, or possibly at all. “You could be worse off in the long run if your job is so overwhelming that you fail classes or quit the academic program all together,” Carnevale wrote in an article entitled “Working in college might hurt students more than it helps” stated CNBC. Some students may choose their major in order to obtain financial stability; many of these students feel that they must choose between a major that will get a well-paying career and a major that may not help them land a job that would bring in a steady income in the field they love. “Research suggests that even if we let people decide how much they should

earn, they would probably not enjoy their job more,” business and leadership author Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic wrote for the Harvard Business Review. Although debts may be paid off faster, it may be better to choose a major that one is more passionate about for mental health purposes. Although students are going to college for an education, an education may not be readily available. Often times the major they’ve been accepted into is too impacted, causing students to be waitlisted, which forces them to put their education on hold. Some students may even get frustrated enough with the lack of classes or professors to end up changing their majors altogether. This causes the student to end up with even more debt because of the time they already put into another major. “Broke college student” should not be a phrase we are all comfortable with. From the local level to the national college costs, students are finding themselves drowning in debt and yet there is no true solution in sight.


The Runner

March 18, 2020

Runner recipes: Dazzling dragonfruit jam


By Destinee Sims Opinions Editor

With the increasing number of unpronounceable ingredients being added to today’s prepared food, it becomes difficult to truly control what is being eaten. This includes a variety of preservatives, lab made enhancers, and chemicals intended to make cheap foods more appealing. For those who prefer to avoid as many unknown ingredients as possible, it can become expensive. That’s where homemade jams come in. The recipe below will explain how to make a delicious and nutritious tropical jam without the high price tag. With complimentary flavors from pineapple, mango, and coconut, this dragon fruit jam will bring a little piece of paradise in every bite. Yields: 84oz Prep time: approximately 30 minutes Cook time: approximately 15 minutes Total time: about 45 minutes

Destinee Sims/The Runner

To ensure a proper seal, it is important that the jam reaches the band of the jar.

boil, and allow them to remain there for 20 minutes. This sterilizes the jars. When this is done, ensure they are dry. Place the fruit in a large pot (frozen fruit does not need to be thawed first). Turn the heat to medium, allowing the fruit to cook down for approximately five minutes. Stir regularly. When the fruit is done cooking, or the five minutes have passed, be sure to crush any large chunks remaining. This can be done by hand with a ricer, but a food processor is best. In a smaller stovetop-safe

Destinee Sims/The Runner Frozen fruit blends typically come in smaller chunks; this makes it easier to cook them down without the prep time needed to cut them.

Ingredients: 7 cups of mixed fruit. I used the frozen tropical dragon fruit mix from Costco, but any fresh or frozen fruit will work. 5 cups of granulated sugar 1 Parowax Household Wax bar 2-3 jars, holding a combined total of 84oz. I chose to reuse old glass jars, but jars can be purchased new at grocery stores and larger commercial stores like Walmart. 1 box of fruit pectin. I use Sure Jell, but 1.75oz of any brand should work. Instructions: Place the open jars and lids being used in a pot, covering them entirely with water. Bring them to a

pan, place the single bar of Parowax over low heat. The wax will keep the jam sealed and fresh at room temperature until you’re ready to eat it. Allow the wax to melt as you continue the steps below. Once all of the large fruit

chunks have been crushed, mix in the sugar. Keeping the stove on medium-high, allow the fruit mix to come to a boil. Stir regularly. Once it has reached its boiling point, add the box of fruit pectin. Stir constantly for one minute, then remove from heat. Once you have verified that it mixed entirely together, begin ladling (or spooning) the jam into the sterilized jars. Fill the sterile jam jars almost all the way to the top, then gather some of the melted wax with another spoon or ladle. The wax should not mix with the jam, instead forming a clear layer over it (think water and oil). Spoon the melted wax over the jam, filling the jars right up to the brim. As the wax solidifies, it will take on the traditional opaque qualities of hardened wax. Once the wax solidifies, wipe down the lip of the container, allowing the lid to be added later without anything to interfere or potentially stick. If you notice that the wax has not completely sealed the jar at this point, add more wax. Store on a cool, dry shelf. Refrigerate the jam once opened.

Destinee Sims/The Runner The dragonfruit jam pairs perfectly with toast and other warm pastries. It is a simple recipe that makes a great addiction to anything sweet.


Sports March 18, 2020

A Tournament of Sadness

The Runner

WAC Commissioner says spring sports hiatus could last all season

The WAC basketball championships in Las Vegas as well as all spring sports have all been postponed until further notice.

By Chris Burdick Co-Sports Editor With excitement mounting and the feeling of championship basketball buzzing around the Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas, CSU Bakersfield’s basketball teams arrived with their heads and expectations high, ready to take part in their final Western Athletic Conference Tournament in program history. But as they stepped off that bus, none of them could have known that the opportunity to play that one last game would never come. Before the CSUB women’s basketball team was able to start their game Wednesday night against the third seeded Grand Canyon University ‘Lopes, an emergency announcement was made over the intercom. The arena announcer asked for everyone to vacate the arena and that the final game of the night was being postponed until Thursday morning, March 12, at 9:30 a.m. due to a “health issue” with a player. When asked by the media if the game was postponed due to the concerns posed by the NBA’s shutdown of their season due to a Coronavirus outbreak within the organization, Head Coach Greg McCall stated there was a possibility it could have played a factor in the decision, but the safety of the players was priority one. “That could’ve happened, but we are not for sure. But it’s just for the safety of our kids right now. We just want to make

sure they are safe, on both sides and that’s what it’s all about right now is the safety of our kids,” McCall said. It is unknown exactly what the health issue was or which player was affected, but it was stated that the player was escorted to the hospital to be tested for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. This virus has been plaguing the world for some time, and professional sports organizations such as the NBA, MLB, and NHL are taking serious precautions, suspending their seasons until further notice. Now it has clearly hit home with sports fans and NCAA executives, showing how serious this pandemic really is. “It’s been something brewing all day across the nation, and I think the biggest term I’ve heard is, it’s a fluid-situation,” CSUB Athletic Director Kenneth Siegfried said during a press conference Wednesday night. “And ultimately, it’s a decision that everyone involved felt was the best way to move about with the safety and health of our student athletes.” The WAC released a statement saying that the player who was tested had never entered the arena, but was escorted from the hotel to a hospital for testing, and that the game and tournament were being postponed pending those test results. The WAC athletic directors and presidents met on Thursday morning when the decision was made for the WAC tournament to follow suit with the rest of the NCAA and put an abrupt end to the remainder of the tournament and season

Photos from: The Runner Arcive/Collage by: Mari Woodmansee

until further notice. WAC Commissioner Jeff Hurd held a press conference in the Orleans Arena Thursday afternoon and answered questions about the decision to cancel the tournament. Hurd stated that it wasn’t a decision anyone wanted to make, but that it was necessary to ensure the safety of the players. “I think you have to look at the total picture. Our efforts in our decision in our discussion this morning was based solely on what’s best for the student-athletes involved, both short term and long term,” Hurd said. Several NCAA major sports conferences, including the Big Ten, PAC-12, SEC, ACC, and the Big 12, had already announced the cancellations of their championship basketball tournaments around the country in efforts to protect players and fans, leaving the future of the NCAA tournament up in the air. This led to an announcement Thursday morning by NCAA executives that the illustrious March Madness tournament, as well as all sports going forward, would be postponed due to the risk of COVID-19 spreading. Although Hurd was confident that the player in question did not have the virus, he still recognizes the immediate concerns it poses. “If we are going to make a mistake, we are going to make it on the side of caution,” Hurd stated. “We may be accused of over-caution, if that’s the case so be it. I think we made the right decision and I think we made the only decision that was

available and made sense.” Hurd later commented that he believes the conference would be negligent if safety was not taken into account first, and that the WAC is prepared to go the entire spring without a single game played. With this decision to shut down all sports going forward, the NCAA quickly addressed a concern among spring athletes about losing a year of eligibility. On Friday, March 13, The NCAA released a statement saying all student athletes in spring sports who are affected by this shutdown will receive another year of eligibility. According to the statement, “Council leadership agreed that eligibility relief is appropriate for all Division I student-athletes who participated in spring sports.” Although more details on the eligibility relief will come at a later time due to some NCAA rules that need to be addressed first, this means that members, and more specifically seniors, on the CSUB baseball, softball, beach volleyball, women’s golf, and track and field teams will be allowed to continue their college careers after this pandemic settles. Although CSUB sports is currently sitting in a state of limbo, athletes and fans are both confident that their teams will be back before too long. There no telling exaclty what kind of impact COVID-19 will have of the world of CSUB sports, but athletics will be taking to cautious approach regardless to protect their students and fans.

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