The Runner 2-18-15

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Vol. 40, No. 14


40th Edition

Volume XL, Issue 14

THE RUNNER The Runner California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099 Telephone 661.654.2165 Fax 661.654.6905 E-mail

The evolution of The Runner Feb. 18, 2015

Photos from The Runner archives

editorialstaff EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Athena Skapinakis



FEATURES EDITOR Heather Hoelscher SPORTS EDITOR Esteban Ramirez PHOTO EDITOR Diana Olivares WEB EDITOR Cassie Sandrini

MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Michael Wafford COPY CHIEF Shealtiel Dow ARCHIVIST Donato Cruz


ASSISTANT EDITORS Richard Garibay, AJ Alvarado, REPORTERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS Nathan Sanchez, Shelby Parker, Stephany Bravo, Anthony Jauregui, Kelsie Edwards, Bre Williams, Janeane Williams, Barry Ramirez, Eric Garza, Paola Hernandez, Ileana Angulo, Juana Martinez, Miguel Ochoa, M’Alyssa Bundy, Marizza Espinosa, Kabria Dodley, Crismat Mateo, Erica Carcamo, Julie Perez, David Kaplan, Jeannette Sevilla



MARKETING & SALES REPRESENTATIVES Jacob Williams, Hailey Williams, Stephanie Martinez DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Monica Martinez

ADVISER Jennifer Burger ABOUT

The Runner is a laboratory newspaper published weekly, in conjunction with the Communications Department at California State University, Bakersfield. The Runner believes all advertising to be correct but cannot guarantee its accuracy or be responsible for its outcome.


Send letters to All letters must be signed and verified and be no more than 300 words in length. Letters may be edited for clarity and length.


Views and opinions expressed in The Runner are not necessarily those of the editors, staff or the Communications Department. Each quarter’s student staff determines content/advertising choices, with advice from the adviser. Content creation and selection are all made by student editors. The staff of The Runner reserves the right to refuse or omit any advertising or material which advocates illegal activity, or which many be considered libelous, irresponsible or tasteless. The Runner does not accept tobaccorelated advertising.


Copyright belongs to the Communications Department at California State University, Bakersfield.

By Josh Bennett Managing Editor

The year is 1970, and California State University, Bakersfield has only been offering classes for three months. At a table inside of Pizzaville, a meeting was held to organize and work on a newspaper for the campus. Forty-five years later, that dream is still a reality as The Runner remains as the only independent student newspaper on campus. Before The Runner’s first issue in September 1975, there were a group of other newspapers on campus that tried to fill the void eventually filled by The Runner, following an advertisement expressing interest for a newspaper in February of 1971 in The Weekly Roadrunner. There were five other newspapers on campus that existed before the formation of The Runner, that were put together by various clubs on campus. Those papers include: The Paper expressed their explanation in their first issue in November 1971 is as follows. “This paper is being brought to you by “The Club”. We felt the students at CalState needed some form of informational service on this campus.” The Paper covered controversial issues and seemed to have a more liberal stance on stories. The Albatross was created from that Pizzaville meeting in 1970. Their stance was written in the Feb. 25, 1972 debut issue. “Each of us has a desire to guide The Albatross into the mold of high journalistic standards… This newspaper is not a reply to The Paper. We began organizing prior to The Paper. We believe that the two newspapers can complement one another, and in doing so better serve the college.” The Activista was an activist paper put on by M.E.Ch.A. Their first issue from about 1974 explained, “Activista is aimed at the college student. It hopes to shed light on some of the critical issues of our time so that the student may read, analyze, interpret, and form opinions about some of the many questions we all face as members of the community of mankind.” The Statesman was put on by a club that seemed to specialize in newspaper reporting. They put together the newspaper themselves and charged five cents per issue. The first issue was published in September 1972. The Project was led by Dr. Michael Flachmann in March of 1974. Not much is known about this, as there was no statement present within the first issue, but one unique fact was that there were only five people on the staff and it was the final paper to exist before The Runner. All these papers ended up dissolving, with the exception of The Weekly Roadrunner, which was more of a bulletin put out by the university since its inception. The Weekly Roadrunner would eventually allow students to submit news briefs and articles as the years went on, but when The Runner was formed and started in 1975, and The Weekly Roadrunner would be absorbed in 1976, leaving The Runner as the only newspaper on campus. With the newsroom housed in Faculty Towers 302-e, English 214/414 began as a bi-weekly publication; lead by advisor Marla Iyasere and the first Editor-In-Chief Floy Blair. The first few years of existence were difficult as many thought The Runner was the voice of the university and not of the students. The Oct. 26, 1978 issue of The Runner put

“The Runner is not a public relations journal for CSUB at the disposal of President, but for the purpose of advocating the college to students, faculty, staff, and the community at large. Neither is The Runner staff itself biased in favor of CSUB, wanting to report only the good side of campus news. What The Runner seeks is balance in its reporting, presenting what’s an issue, regardless of whether the issue enhances or detracts from CSB’s image.” Linda Fassig 3rd Editor-in-Chief of The Runner

an end to those doubts and disbeliefs. Over the past 40 years, The Runner was there for every major story on campus, and even had a voice on impactful city and world events as well. As CSUB began finding its footing as Bakersfield’s and Kern County’s university, The Runner was there to show this growth to the students, and the community. When the campus expanded with newer buildings, such as the Student Union, the Walter Steirn Library, the construction of Science II and III buildings or the new dorms, The Runner was there. When new rules, regulations, and fees were placed upon the students of CSUB, The Runner was there. The Runner also covered the growth of the athletics programs and its transition into Division I; the history of the Greek life and dorm life, entertainment; and crime on campus. Also, when current students, faculty, and alumni made CSUB proud, The Runner made sure to feature them. So dive in and take a look at the past 40 years of not only The Runner’s evolution, but CSUB’s evolution. Usually, the 40th birthday is seen as the start of the “over the hill” years, but The Runner is anything but over the hill. The Runner, which is currently in the process of becoming the Student Media Center, will move staff members out of the classroom and into a more interactive, modern and rewarding environment. The Runner Student Media Center will give students, faculty, and the community more methods to absorb their news, including audio, video and radio. I am honored and grateful to be a piece of these past 40 years for The Runner, and even though I will be long since have graduated, I look forward to the next 40 years and beyond for The Runner.

Special thanks to our archivist Donato Cruz for researching through decades of our archives to assist in this special issue. Without him, none of this would be possible.

40th Edition


Events covered by The Runner over past 40 years Feb. 18, 2015

1983 President Frankel retires: The Runner covered the replacement efforts. “If we follow the usual pattern, there should be 125 to 150 applicants from all over the U.S. vying for the position,” said Sid Sheffield, Director of Public Affairs and Development at CSB in an article by Sarah Perelli-Minetti in the Jan. 13 issue of The Runner.

2008 Student Recreation Center Opens at CSUB: California State University, Bakersfield students are exercising their minds and bodies thanks to the opening of the Student Recreation Center. On May 19 approximately 200 students and community members officially inaugurated the state-of-the-art center at a dedication ceremony and ribbon cutting.

Black History Month recognized: “Schools and colleges all over the nation listen to lectures on black history and achievements,” wrote Chica Kapadia in the Feb. 10 issue.

1980 Reagan Speech: “Governor Reagan emphasized that teaching must not tell students what to think but how to think,” wrote a Runner staff member in the Sept. 25 issue. CSB President Romberg from 1970 -1973 talks about his hopes for the school’s future: “No matter where he is today, the things that shape CSB carry the foundations set by Dr. Romberg and his staff, and ill shape the future years,” Stacy Carlson said in the Sept. 25 issue.

2001 Campus touched by Terrorism by Keri Hill in the Sept 26 issue. She said, “America’s outpouring of patriotism has helped comfort and support the spirit of the nation’s recent loss, and at CSUB, this same outreach is no different. Sept. 11 will not be forgotten; this tragedy has sparked unity throughout the U.S where people are eager to lend a helping hand.”

1986 CSB scholarship in honor of Christa Mcauliffe, who was aboard the Challenger when she tragically died along with the six other astronauts. Deborah Hancock, CSB School of Education dean, said, “She exemplifies, in so many ways, the kind of teacher our students here would like to be. This will be personal tribute from us to her,” in the Jan. 31 issue of The Runner.

1982 Senator Walker Steirn and challenger Ann Gutcher clarified their different political views for the CSB community at a panel discussion moderated by Runner Editor Cathy Rudnick on Oct 11.



1992 Rodney King and Los Angeles Riots: “To gain consensus of attitudes and opinions on the Rodney King beating and the subsequent Los Angeles riots is difficult on CSUB’s campus as people still try to grasp the implications, the reason, and the problems arising out of the dilemma,” wrote Kym Ellis, in the May 6 issue.






Courtesy of The Runner Archives


40th Edition

CSUB academics change with times By Jeannette Sevilla Reporter

California State University, Bakersfield has several academic programs that students can choose from. Offering majors, minors, concentrations and masters programs. Many are new, old and some aren’t available any more. Throughout CSUB’s time, programs have come and gone, and many things have changed since the opening of the university. For example, ag-biology was approved in 1978. In this point in time, students studying for a major in agricultural only got to choose between two aspects of the field, either research or management. The biology department came up with a major that would combine the two. The new major of ag-biology, was the idea of Dr. James Horton, a biology professor in 1977 according to an issue of The Runner on Nov. 10, 1977. Similarly, in 1984, CSUB introduced their new computer science degree. The launching of this program had its understandable problems because of the pay difficulties. “The hardest part about initiating a CompSci program is hiring qualified faculty,” said Dr. John Coash, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences in The Runner’s January 10, 1980 issue. Another change to the academic programs was the general education requirements. Students were required to take 65 units of general education. However, in 1980, the gen ed increased to 72 units issued according to The Runner’s November 6, 1980 issue. The grading system in 1981 added the plus and minus system. The new grading system helps stu-

dents who get a plus because a student who just misses a grade can still get a plus of a lower grade. Those who get a “C-” were getting a “C” before announced by The Runner in the September 24, 1981 Issue. So much has changed in the past 40 years at CSUB. There are currently 46 undergraduate majors and programs in total and 20 graduate degrees and programs. But most importantly is the adoption of communications as its own major. About ten years ago, CSUB offered 32 bachelor’s and 18 master’s degree programs, and almost 20 year ago the university offered 26 bachelor’s, and 14 master’s degree programs. The primary interest was pulling the major out of the English department and making it its own. In 1978, when the major was added, Dr. Michael Cartwright of the English department believed its only weakness as a program would be because the administration did not support the English department with additional faculty and budgetary allowances. Today, the communications department holds three primary emphases, which include digital media, public relations, and journalism. Digital media highlights those leaning towards digital imaging and graphic design, video and audio production, digital animation and interactivity. Public relations focuses on careers in public relations, corporate communication that relates to the field of marketing. Finally, journalism is intended for students interested in careers in newspapers, TV, radio, magazines, book publishing, technical writing, etc. CSUB continues to grow as well as its academic programs.

Price of life ever-climbing Feb. 18, 2015

By M’Alyssa Bundy Reporter

The price of life has changed quite a bit from when The Runner first began 40 years ago. Campus dining was bland and lacked variety and students sure had an opinion on rising in parking passes as well as other issues. Though a lot has changed in 40 years, the mentality and complaints of students seem to be quite similar. On Nov. 19, 1978, a story was published titled, “Parking fee proposal sets ‘sizable’ increase” “The fee raise if adopted will amount to 50 percent of present levels by 1981. At CSB the parking fee will go from the present $10 per quarter to $12 in Fall 1979 and from there to $15 in Fall 1981” [and all the way to $45 here in present day]. In March of 1980, staff writers Hope Freedman and Paul Linfesty wrote about the $5 commuter fee. Daniel J. Neumann contends the commuter fee and expresses that the privileges provided due to the fee were not made aware of to the students. George Callison, the business manager, says that they were. The commuter fee was not going as planned. There is not one on the schedule fee for us in the 2014-15 school year. On March 5, 1984, staff writer Ron Johnson rants about no student affordable housing surrounding campus. “Tenneco Corporation, which owns the land surrounding CSB, sells parcels to investors, who then develop the property. ‘With the high prices we’re asking, coupled with the high costs of construction, it’s not feasible for anyone to build anything that would rent for $300 or less,’ said Chuck Tolfree, a Tenneco Land Co. official. I would say that it is still the case that housing is not quite cheap

close to campus. The Springs on Camino Media, walking distance to CSUB, have a rent of $935 per month for a 1 bed, 1 bath. On April 11, 1990, staff writer Linda H. replied to a Dear Alice question. “Dear Alice: Why is the cafeteria food so dang expensive? Where’s all the loot going?” To summarize: Jim Linch, Director of Food Services explained that there is a ‘competitive analysis’ done twice a year between the campus and fast food restaurants. He believed we had a good competitive price. Others naturally tended to disagree. On Jan. 16, 1991, staff writer Tami Burch discussed the affordability of fast food options just minutes from campus. They are cutting their prices. Taco Bell had $.59, $.79 and $.99 options. She says this in comparison to the cafeteria food, “While I do not intentionally slight the campus cafeteria, they sometimes are a bit overpriced because they know we are hungry and in a hurry and we don’t want to lose our parking places. They have us by the bookbags on that one.” According to, the average cost of a gallon of regular gas in 1975 was $0.57. In comparison to today where gas is still going up from around $2.50 as the weather is heating up. A dozen eggs was averaged to be $0.77; today at Target you can get Markey Pantry Grade A 12 count for $1.79 and then a brand with Cage Free for around $3.99. According to, a movie ticket cost $2.03. Today a movie ticket can range from $5 to $20 for IMAX and D-Box seats. In an apples to apples comparison, the price of life has gone up yet so has the quality of certain things like cafeteria food, entertainment, and even The Runner itself.

Then and now

Price comparisons of 1975 and 2015


$0.57 per gallon (average)


Now $2.43 per gallon (cheapest in Bakersfield as of Feb. 14)


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$10.50 Evening price at Edwards

Become a part of our next 40 years and beyond!

$1.57 per gallon

$3.99 per gallon

$0.15 (Bakersfield Californian)

$1.00 (Bakersfield Californian)

Feb. 18, 2015

Fashion over the last four decades 1980s




First three photographs courtesy of The Runner archives, Last Photograph featuring reporter Crismat by Paola Hernandez/The Runner

By Cristmat Mateo Reporter

1970s: Refinement is a good word to describe the fashions that emerged in the 1970s. According to Nick Remsen, a Vogue magazine writer, “it was a sartorially diverse era as well, evolution from the sixties’ hippie-bohemiana spillover into a more fitted, less flouncy silhouette.” “Standing out” of the crowd was significant during this era. Tom Wolfe, American author and journalist, even referred to it as “The Me Decade.” Bob Mackie, also known as the Sultan of Sequins, and Roy Halston, and Diane Von Furstenberg were few of the most successful designers that were discovered within this decade. Mackie dressed numerous celebrities—including Cher. Halston’s goddesslike draped gowns also flooded the red carpets, while Von Furstenberg introduced the iconic wrap dress, which soon became a staple in women’s wardrobes.

Regardless of your gender, 1970s fashion meant big, and leggy shapes and saturated colors. Pictured is a former California State College, Bakersfield student dressed in a hippie-bohemian inspired outfit consisting of the two must-have items of the decade—slouchy trousers and a statement blouse.

1980s: During the 1980s, “there was nothing sexier than being super-tan, super-fit, and showing it all off,” according to Johanna Cox, a reporter for Elle magazine. Although athletic-wear is one of the most iconic trends from this decade, other prominent trends that arose during this decade was denim and wearing logos. Several events occurred in the 1980s that made the decade a turning point in the fashion industry. First, Anna Wintour took over Vogue as the publication’s new editorin-chief in 1988. The athletic brand, Nike, also

came out with their trademarked slogan that became an icon within this decade—“Just Do It!”

1990s: The 1990s was an eccentric decade for fashion. Old trends were experimented with to create completely different looks. For Marc Jacobs, one of today’s most successful fashion designers, this decade was a career-defining moment. After designing the SpringSummer 1993 collection for Perry Ellis, as the brand’s creative director, he was fired. With his final collection with the Perry Ellis brand, Jacobs experimented by layering plaids with cashmere sweaters and pairing this outfit with a beanie and Doc Marten boots. This was the rise of grunge fashion—a trend that fashionistas today associate the 90s with. The staple pieces during this decade also included long leather jackets, distressed denim and rugged shirts.

2000s: Since it is a brand new millennium, you would think that brand new fashion trends would arise, right? Wrong. Well… to an extent. The 2000s were all about bringing it “Back to Basics.” Several major fashion trends from past decades came back with a modern twist. Fit was altered, patterns were refined, and colors became even more saturated. The rise of digital technology also brought in the rise of my favorite trend of the new millennium—digital print on clothing. Major designers like Versace, Prada, and Dolce & Gabbana are among the designers that popularized this trend. On the picture, I simplified this trend by pairing an intricately decorated t-shirt with skinny blue jeans and sneakers. Fashion is a cyclical trend, and this article covers only four decades of it. Let us see what trends another 40 more years will bring!

Dorm life over the last 40 years covered by The Runner By Kabria Dodley Reporter

Over the years, The Runner has covered many different issues on campus. Students would often read the paper in order to get a better insight on just what was happening at California State University, Bakersfield. After some extensive research of past issues of The Runner, it’s quite easy to see that many students faced some of the same issues that many of us face to this day. One particular area of interest to students is how dorm life was on campus. Whether you were a resident of the halls or not, many often had some type of curiosity regarding just how it was to leave home and live with people you may not have previously known. Some of the issues that The Runner covered through the years are dorm brawls, dorm extracurricular activities, and just overall information about how it was like to live in the dorms. Ask any student to this day and their list of concerns about moving into a dorm may seem endless. From dorm safety, life, extracurricular activities, roommates, how a dorm may look, and the food choices, it’s easy to see just how many col-

lege freshmen may be nervous about this experience. Others however are not afraid and are ready to make the best of their next four years in College. Safety has always been a very big concern as far as dorm life goes throughout the years here at CSUB. The Runner has covered many instances that concern dorm safety and the police have done an excellent job at handling problems. One example of a story that The Runner covered in a 1989 issue was titled “Dorm brawl probed” by staff writer Jason Oliver. Witnesses of the brawl said that it happened in the dorm that went by the name of Dobry. When a witness was asked just what may have started the fight, it was believed that because there was a party going on in one dorm. A member of the party said somebody touched the belongings of someone who lived in the room adjacent to where the party was happening and that’s when the fighting started. The Runner reported that student Eliodoro Padilla said, “Some of the participants received minor injuries during the altercation. Dobry Hall also was damaged with some chairs and a window being broken as well as the fire extinguisher cas-


The Runner Archives

Past CSUB students enjoying some freetime in the dorms.

& Now

Janeane Williams/The Runner

Students Zalana Williams, Jisela Duldulgo, Kevin Aquino and Brionnie Winston hanging out in the common area of the new housing residence.

ing.” Another issue The Runner covered in 1978 was one regarding dorm food titled “Dorm Life Fine-Except For Food” by staff writer Vanh Vidhamali. Comments made by students from the ’78 issue are similar to the ones made today in many ways. “The food is a no no! I have a feeling that they’re feeding a bunch of pigs. Since I have no car, I have to stay in the dorm,” said CSUB graduate Mary Ann Griles. Another student named Dave Johnson said, “I wish they’d put a little bit of love and care in preparing the food to be served in the commons.” Anyone who has ever lived in the dorms from then to now especially knows that the food hasn’t always been the best that it could be. Besides the occasionally good macaroni and cheese or perhaps cake, it’s often hard to find the best food choices while living in the dorms. Although recently before they shut down, the grill that operated for the dorms made efforts to create healthier food options, they shut down with the old dorms when the new dorms opened up. Just like The Runner has today, years ago the paper had an opportunity for readers of the

paper to submit a letter to the editor. One article from a May 3, 2000 issue written by Shyanne Ledford got a lot of views and comments. A following May 17, 2000 issue of The Runner contained a letter to the editor about a specific article titled “Sex in the air and elsewhere in CSUB’s dorms”. The letter to the editor by Paul Badeau wanted to make a comment that the article published in a past issue was not accurate at all and even went out to conduct some research for himself. “I therefore decided to respond to her article and interviewed some dorm residents to verify…..much of what I heard had nothing to do with what the author depicted,” said Badeau. To this day, readers of The Runner still submit their letters to the editor in order to express their opinions. The Runner has had many chances in the past to cover life in the dorms at CSUB. Despite some past living experiences in the dorms, dorm life is indeed getting better for students who call this a home away from home. The Runner continues to cover issues that are most important for students living on campus and strives to inform students not only about campus life, but dorm life as well.

40th Edition


40th Edition


Past editors from the last 40 years Feb. 18, 2015

By Heather Hoelscher Features Editor

The California State University, Bakersfield student newspaper The Runner turns 40 this year. Editors have come and gone but the memories they have will last a lifetime. The Runners 40th anniversary celebration is honoring those who have worked hard to produce the CSUB newspaper since 1975. Our first editor in chief was Floy Blair, with Jon Bashor on features, Richard Armstrong on sports, Judy Ann Roseon news, with photographers D.J. Whipple and Linda Baird as photographers. This editing staff, along with all the staff, made the first publication of The Runner possible in 1975. Jon Bashor, one of the founding staff members and features editor of The Runner, tells his story of being one of the first Runner staff members in 1975. “I was there from the very start and we had a feeling we could do anything. Our office was in the Faculty Towers building and we had a small refrigerator always stocked with beer. All of the type was set by a word processing team and we took the cameraready flats out to a printing company in Lamont, where the paper was printed,” he said. He speaks of his start to the newspaper and mentions his reason for join the runner was his crush. Floy Blair, the first editorin-chief of The Runner, was an English major and was thought to be the best person to edit the articles. “The paper was started by Marla Lyashere and she asked our English class if anyone wanted to work in the paper. My main motivation for getting involved was wanting to get to know the woman who was chosen as the editor,” Bashor said, “Collectively we had more enthusiasm than experience.” As most journalists would feel the same; He felt that through the newspaper he and the other Runner staff could make a difference with their work. “Heaven knows we didn't make much money. I think that attitude was similar to the one we had when we launched The Runner. We would occasionally get calls from the school administrator asking why we ran this story or that one. We thought the students should know what was going on,” he said. Letting students know what is going on at school is the essential purpose of most student journalists who work on the newspaper.

“Now, 40 years later, I'm still earning my living with my writing, editing and communications skills that I began to developed at California State College, Bakersfield,” he said. Denise Cutbirth, an entertainment editor for The Runner in 1983 to 1984, who started her college career as a geology major, but ended up loving communications. “I took a class in public relations with Marla Iyashere and fell in love with communications. It wasn't long after that I was working with Judy Clausen at the college news bureau, and it naturally followed that I would write for the school paper,” she said. “This was during the time before computers and all of the work producing a paper was done by hand,” she said. During her senior year of college she was hired as an editor of the Tehachapi News, and after college she went on to become an editor of The Wasco News. Cutbirth was then hired at The Bakersfield Californian to be a features writer where she wrote a social column called “Out and About”. “I owe my entire career to my education at CSUB (CSB when I attended),” Cutbirth said. Lisa Baldridge, who her Bachelors of Arts degree in English and minored in Communication, was editor-inchief and then co-editor in the 1989 academic year. After college Baldridge went into market and eventually ending up at The Bakersfield Californian. “I held a couple of marketing department positions with them before becoming publisher of one of their affiliates, Valley Direct, which published the Tehachapi News. I was publisher there for five years. The experience I gained working on The Runner enabled me to better manage the editorial department at the News and was helpful when I had to occasionally fill in as editor or reporter. Learning how to write and edit is a skill that has been of benefit to me at every job I’ve had, even my current one,” Baldridge said. One of Baldridge’s fondest memory of working on The Runner was how much fun they had. “There were a lot of late nights scrambling to get the paper laid out and to the printer, but we all pulled together to get it done. It was a great place to learn how to work in a team.” Ed Nieto, a co-editor with Baldridge, still keeps in contact with her and other Runner edi-

Courtesy of Ed Nieto

Co-editor at the time, Ed Nieto, top left, with fellow Runner staff member Christine Azzara, bottom row second to the left, at a Bakersfield Californian internship.

tors and staff from the academic school year of 1988 to 1989. Nieto was a communications major with an emphasis in print; he graduated in 1992. He wrote and edited for The Runner as well as interned for The Bakersfield Californian and later KGET-TV NBC affiliate in Bakersfield. “During my internship at KGET, the TV news bug bit me hard to my surprise since I had always planned on a career as a newspaper journalist. Soon, I decided that I wanted to become a television newscast producer, which I actually started doing part-time while I was still in school,” he said. In 1996 he accepted a job offer from KCRA, the NBS affiliate in Sacramento and worked as a news producer till 2002. And created a weekly news program called “The Real Deal”. “Of all my career accomplishments, I am most proud that the journalistic skills I first began honing at the Runner,” he said. His flourishing 23-year-long career in the media industry is directly related to the work he did for The Runner. “I am eternally grateful to CSUB, and my Runner Advisor and friend Judith Pratt. Serving as co-editor of The Runner with my friend Lisa Baldridge gave me great confidence in my abilities to work as a journalist and also serve as a newsroom leader,” he said. Nieto’s fondest memory at the runner is staying up all night one night in the layout room sometime in late in 1988. They were redesigning the

newspaper from top to bottom, which he later was proud that that design became the templet and was used for years to come after that. Jennifer Lynn Wood was an editor in 1989 and Runner staff member from 1988 to 1989. After college Wood “worked in a print shop for six years in the composition department as a graphic designer, type setter and I took the newspapers owned by the company from paste up to pagination. I loved this job! I was working with newspapers and being creative,” said Jennifer Wood. Her next position included selling advertisements for an online site. Later she worked for another online business, where she created a website for this company. “As of November, 2014 I am semi-retired and spending my days working on a book, reading, painting, gardening... doing all the things I never seemed to have time for before. My hope is to find a very part-time job doing something in line with my hobbies,” she said. Wood and Baldridge also both worked at The Californian Her fondest memories where being with the other students. “There are so many it’s hard to pick any one. The other students were amazing and it was an awesome experience to be able to spend so much time with other people of like mind. I really loved working with Judith,” Wood said. One thing she’d liked to mention is the thought that writing is becoming a lost art.

“That frightens me. I believe the pen is mightier than the sword and without it we are unarmed for the future,” she said. Wood provided the best advice for people today. “If I had to leave one word of advice for the youth of today it was be - Write! Write, write and write some more.” A year later Charley Chiang joined The Runner as a sports editor in the fall of 1990 and spring of 1991. “My experience on The Runner staff helped me land my second job at Kern Community College District where I’m still employed after 18 years,” he said. “The writing and layout experience I gained while working on The Runner helped me land a job as a technical writer.” Chiang’s fondest memories are going to Mass. to follow the men’s basketball team in 1991 for the Elite Eight Tournament as well as meeting his now wife, Amber during that time. “My most memorable memory was when – on deadline – I needed to edit a feature about a network television comedy called ‘Friends.’ I’d never seen the show, but figured I could spell well enough. The writer kept using ‘Central Perk’ throughout the article, and I couldn't believe the writer didn’t know the place in New York was Central Park, and I changed all the instances. If you’ve seen the show, you know how wrong I was. It went to print with my brilliant edits,” she joked. Bob Christie was the Managing Editor and Culture Editor for The Runner in his time on the news-

paper from 1993 to 1995. He graduated in 1995 and began an internship. He has been in the journalism profession ever since and is now working in Arizona. “I had taken a couple newspaper classes in junior college in my late teens and liked it a lot. But when I joined the Runner it was immediately clear to me I had found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life,” he said. Twenty years later, Steven Gaede was a staff member and then the Sports Editor from 2011 to 2013. His experience writing for The Runner has set him up for a rewarding career in the journalism field. “Through my experience with The Runner I gained an internship with the Condors, which allowed me to utilize the skills I learned on the paper. “And after two fulfilling seasons with the team, I was able to land my current job at Providence Consulting.” Gaede met a lot of people on The Runner and enjoyed his time there. “Working on The Runner was awesome! My fondest memory on The Runner was when I covered Fight For Wrestling 3 back in 2011,” he said. Editors throughout the years have made the newspaper possible. Without their hard work and dedication, The Runner wouldn’t be what it is today.

Love connection at The Runner By Shelby Parker Senior Columnist

They say that when you aren’t looking for love, that’s usually when it finds you. In the midst of focusing on school, career and family, sometimes the stars align and the one person you didn’t know you needed walks into your life at the right time. Amber Morgan was a communications major at California State University, Bakersfield, and meeting the love of her life wasn’t a concern on her mind, nor was being in a relationship a main priority. Her mother had gotten pregnant and married at a young age, and told Amber, “Always know what you want to do,” when it came to her life. Amber made a promise to her mom that she wouldn’t get married in her teens. She worked on The Runner throughout her college years from 1992 to 1996. Charley Chiang was a business major at CSUB, who joined The Runner staff in 1990. He was “unofficially” on staff for two years, as he was also enrolled in the Copy Editing and Page Layout classes. He was also interested in someone else. However, one day in August 1993, seemed to change all of that. “While walking down DDH minding my own business, Amber and Lori Evans, who was the staff photographer, walked up behind me and Lori pinched my butt,” said Charley. “I liked Lori at the time, so I didn’t mind it, but I didn’t really think much of Amber at first. We officially met while I was in the Copy Editing class.” It wasn’t exactly love at first sight for these two, but like many, over time their friendship became something more.The pair had never met before that day. After, they went to a few group outings, but never talked until a birthday party for their co-Editor-inChief, Laura Hodgson, in Kernville presented itself. They were the only ones who showed up, which gave them plenty of time to get to know one another. Charley was a city boy from Taiwan, who had then moved to Los Angeles. Amber was from the desert,

Courtesy of Amber Chiang and Charley Chiang

Amber and Charley Chiang on their wedding day May 22, 1994

and was fascinated with the stars, and spent some of their time together, pointing out the constellations in the night sky. “Amber and I spent about an hour talking just talking and getting to know each other under the stars and away from the party. I guess it was then I realized she might be the one.” After only two months of dating, Amber was diagnosed with mononucleosis. All of her responsibilities had overwhelmed her, affecting her physically. Charley admits to feeling guilty about her getting sick, since mono is known as the kissing disease. “Charley helped me however he could – bringing me food, helping me keep up on my coursework and just generally keeping me company. That selflessness is something I will always remember,” said Amber. It was during that time that Charley got the idea to ask her to marry him. They had only been dating two months, but when you know, you know. “I figured in her weakened state, she’d be more likely to say ‘yes,’ but I didn’t pop the question until after she had recovered,” said Charley. Charley picked out a diamond ring, asked Amber’s dad for his permission to marry her and got on one knee on her front porch. Although Charley said she wasn’t totally surprised because they had been talking about it, Amber thought otherwise. Since she had made the promise to her mom about not marrying in her teens. Amber waited until three days after her 20th birthday to get married. They have now been married 21 years, and have two children. “It was a lovely wedding! I am very proud of them in their careers and as parents of two great kids,” said Judith Pratt, who was adviser of The Runner at the time. “My life would not be the same had I not worked on The Runner. Thanks to Judith, to this day I still don’t use the words ‘that,’ ‘unique’ and ‘very.’ I also learned that love will find you when and where you least expect it,” said Charley.


The Runner

Forty years of sports coverage

Feb. 18, 2015

Photos from The Runner Archives

Throughout the 40 years of The Runner covering CSU Bakersfield sports teams, there have been numerous important sports moments.Wrestling has been arguably the top sport in CSUB’s history just by the fact that they were the first team in Division I. They made that jump to Division I in 1987, and joined the PAC-8 that same year. Wrestling has won eight NCAA Division II wrestling Championships (1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987). In Division I, CSUB has finished as high as third in 1996 but have also had seven individual NCAA Division I Champions. With CSUB not having a football team, men’s basketball has become the sport with the most pressure and most hope. For those of you who may not remember or know, CSUB’s men’s basketball team had its fair share of success in Division II. It has won three times (1993, 1994, 1997), and was the first California collegiate men’s basketball team to win an NCAA D-II Championship. Men’s swimming and diving was not too far


CSUB wins its first NCAA Division II wrestling championship.


behind, in fact, it had great success in Division II. It won 12 championships (1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004), including eight straight championships. Men’s soccer won one championship in Division II. It came back in 1997. Though baseball was only started in 2002, it did win the regular season Western Athletic Conference in 2009 and has had 17 different CSUB players make the MLB. CSUB softball had a great deal of success winning three NCAA Division II championships (1988, 1989, 1990). Though CSUB volleyball recently won the Western Athletic Conference Tournment in 2014, that isn’t its only championship it has won. In 1989, the CSUB volleyball team won the NCAA Division II Championship. Despite the fact that CSUB may no longer have a women’s tennis team, it still won a championship back in 1977. The team was cut from CSUB athletics in 2012, due to not enough money for the program.


CSUB hosts Wrestling first Div. II repeats as intercolleNCAA Division giate soccer II champions. game.


CSUB begins plans for construction of track.


CSUB tennis wins California Collegiate Athletic Association Championship.


CSUB begins construction on Aquatics Complex.


Tenneco donates $150,000 for construction of soccer fields.



CSUB dedicates Aquatics Center to John S. Hillman.


CSUB wrestling makes the move to Division I.

CSUB men’s basketball repeats as NCAA Division II National Championships.


Construction for the Icardo Center is finished.


CSUB wins first NCAA Division II men’s basketball championship.


CSUB sports move to Division I.


CSUB starts women’s basketball team.


CSUB joins the Western Athletic Conference.


CSUB opens Hardt Field for the very first time.

CSUB helped prepare former runner for his future By Esteban Ramirez Sports Editor

When the movie “McFarland USA” hits theaters on Feb. 20, more people across the country will know about the impact that Johnny Samaniego and his teammates made on the McFarland High cross-country team. However, it was CSUB that helped him prepare for his future as a physical education teacher at McFarland Middle School. “I’m proud to be an alumni of CSUB,” Samaniego said. “My brothers and my sister graduated there. I graduated there. It’s 45 years for the school, and it’s

growing and growing. CSUB does prepare us for the future. “They had a great liberal studies program,” he said on how CSUB helped him. “It was fun, and I enjoyed the teachers that I had. I remember Dr. James Whitney was a fantastic teacher. Dr. John Sage was a great inspiration with physical education.” Samaniego was a part of the McFarland cross-country team that won the state championship in 1987 and sparked a dynasty. He graduated from McFarland in 1990. He then went on to the College of the Sequoias and competed there from 19901992 before transferring to CSUB.

Photo from Getty Images

Johnny Samaniego at a Hollywood premiere of McFarland USA on Feb. 9.

Without a cross-country team at CSUB, Samaniego ran for the

track and field team. He competed in the 1,500-meter race and 800 for the ’Runners from 1993-1995. His success carried over to CSUB as he was a part of the team that won the conference in 1994. Samaniego still holds CSUB’s 18th best time in the 1,500-meter race with a time of 4:02.07 in 1995 “My best memory was when we won our conference in 1994,” Samaniego said. “It was something neat for us and for myself. The school got us jackets, and I still got my jacket, so that was pretty neat that we won conference. “I [also] enjoyed hanging out at the club. I would drive up

from McFarland and go to morning practice, go hit the showers and then go to the club.” The movie will be based on all of the successes that the school’s cross-country teams have had and Hector Duran will play him in the movie. “It’s humbling, and to God be the glory,” he said. “We went to the premiere and it’s like a dream. You think about these things and you watch sports. You watch Michael Jordan, and you have your Magic Johnsons, and you aspire to be like that. We did other sports, but we focused on this running thing, and sure enough we were good at it.

“We enjoyed it, we did it with our friends, and it became more of a sport – it was a lifestyle. It’s humbling, and it’s neat. It’s the old story of the underdog or the old David and Goliath story. That’s what it is about.” He said it was nerve-racking but very exciting to be at the premiere. Samaniego also said he was satisfied with how they portrayed himself and the team. “Hector did a great number,” he said. “He did a good job playing Johnny Samaniego. He actually came over and we talked. “He wanted to get to know the character more. He wanted to get emotionally involved, and he did a fantastic job.”

8 CSUB wrestling helped Neal find his focus 40th Edition

Feb. 18, 2015

By Esteban Ramirez Sports Editor

Photo from The Runner Archives

Stephen Neal blocking for New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. Neal played from 2001-2010 and won three Super Bowls (2001, 2003, 2004) with the Patriots.

around those guys was probably the fondest of memories.” Neal added that some of the best possessions that he kept from his time at CSUB include: trophies, awards, newspaper articles and his wife Jodee Neal. Jodee played softball at CSUB from 1996-1999. After finishing at CSUB, he went on to become the 1999 U.S. Freestyle champion and continued to win the PanAmerican Games. He then went on to win the world championship the same year. Because of all his hard work in 1999, he was named the U.S. Olympic Committee Wrestler of the Year and the FILA International Freestyle Wrestler of the Year. However, despite his success as an amateur wrestler, he was still drawn to football. “I have to give all the glory to God,” he said on pursuing his dream of being in the NFL. “There was no way I could have done this on my own.” He said that he had just lost in the Olympic trials but then went to Cleveland, Oh.

There, he met Neil Cornrich who was Patriots coach Bill Belichick’s agent, and Cornrich called Belichick. The Patriots allowed him to walk into training camp to try out, but they let him go after the third week of preseason because Neal didn’t know how to play football yet. He then went to the Philadelphia Eagles practice squad, but the Patriots brought him back, and he played right guard for the Patriots for 10 seasons and helped them to three of their four Super Bowls. He retired in 2011 and is now the Alumni Relations Coordinator at CSUB. “In certain times, someone is worried about other people and what I learned at Cal State is I can’t worry about other people. I have to worry about myself,” he said. “I have to know my strengths, I have to know my weaknesses, and I have to know how to put my strengths out there and how I can kind of hide my weaknesses. I think that was something that I kept with me to this day.”

Many may recognize Stephen Neal for his time with the New England Patriots, but it was his experiences and time on the CSU Bakersfield wrestling team that helped him get there. “That’s the thing about Cal State Bakersfield we didn’t have a lot of money like the guys have today, but we had a bunch of tough guys that were willing to fight for each other,” Neal said. “That helped me to make the NFL and helps me to go about my daily business. Not focusing on other people just focusing on what I can do.” Neal said that CSUB was very different when he was a student athlete. “It was a lot smaller, but it was a very positive experience,” he said. “All the athletes kind of hung out together. We kind of had an athlete community, so like for Thanksgiving or Christmas if we didn’t go home we celebrated with the swimmers, wrestlers and volleyball players.” Neal wrestled at CSUB from 1996-1999 and was a four-time All-American and a two-time NCAA Division I champion at heavyweight. He still holds school records for most career wins (156), most career pins (71) and for pins in a single season (31). “I enjoyed the community,” Neal said. “Just getting to understand what the whole Bakersfield community was all about: the hard work and tough people and then trying to fit into that community with the wrestling style we had. That was a fond memory, but also my Photo from CSUB Athletics Department teammates. We had a lot of Stephen Neal gets his hand raised after a win. Neal wrescharacters, so getting to hang tled at CSUB from 1996-1999.

McElree thankful for her time at CSUB Did you By Esteban Ramirez Sports Editor

It has been over eight years for Katie McElree since she left her mark on the CSU Bakersfield women’s basketball team, but she still enjoys every experience she had as a student athlete. “It was a great experience,” McElree said. “One of the reasons I chose Cal State was not only because I knew I would get playing time while I was there, but I liked the feeling of a small-feel campus. “It’s not too big, and you can really interact with the students and the staff. It was kind of like a bigger high school in the sense that you knew everyone that was walking around.” McElree played for the Roadrunners from 2002-2006 and finished with 1,798 points, which at the time was the most points by a women’s basketball

Photo from

CSUB alumnus Katie McElree played for the women’s basketball team from 2002-2006.

player at CSUB. McElree added that some of her fonder memories while at CSUB were the interactions she had, the dorm life, going to parties, playing basketball and just the association she had with all

of athletics. “My mother took all of my shirts that I ever had through the years at Cal State and high school, so any shirts from tournaments and games, and she made me a huge quilt,” she said. “It’s about 8x8 squared full of T-shirts, so I still have all of them from championships and things like that. I still have a ton of pictures and any plaques I have absolutely kept as well.” She said that when she first broke the all-time scoring record she didn’t realize how great of an accomplishment it was until she got a chance to really think about it. Even though Tyonna Outland broke her record, she is happy that Outland was able to accomplish that great feat. “When I heard that Tyonna broke it or was close to it, my first reaction was ‘oh man, dang it. I was trying to have that

record forever,’” she said. “But at the same time, records are made to be broken. There’s always going to be someone that comes up, so you have to remember those people who did the same thing you did, worked their butt off to get where they were. I think it was absolutely fantastic that she was able to accomplish this.” She graduated from CSUB in 2006 with a bachelor’s in communications. McElree works in pharmaceutical sales in Kirkland, Wash., but her initial plan after school was to be a sports sideline reporter for ESPN. However, it was after a job with the Bakersfield Blitz in which she helped with advertisement that she found her calling in sales. “It was a blessing in disguise,” she said. “At the time, I was just working and when they told me if you sell x amount of tickets,

you are going to make x amount of money, and I was like game on. “That carried me over to sales today and without having that experience I could be in a total different place right now.” Now that she looks back she is honored of what her and the team did in the four years she was there. “It’s kind of cool,” she said. “I think looking back now it’s great. It’s awesome.” She added that 45 years is impressive and that it means that CSUB is on the map. “That’s 45 years of building a university,” she said. That is growth, and that is proving that Cal State is on the map. “That means that people from all over the central valley that need an education don’t have to go to Los Angeles. They don’t have to go up north. They can go to Cal State, get a good education and can have all of the experiences of college. It’s growing, and I think that is phenomenal.”


For the complete story on the history of CSUB’s mascot and logo and for feature story on former CSUB wrestler, current mixed martial arts fighter and current director of opperations, Brian Cobb, go to:


By Esteban Ramirez Sports Editor

Color Me Surprised Though CSU Bakersfield ended up with the school colors of blue and gold, the other options for the colors may surprise you. The options were: orange and white; green and white; purple and white; purple and orange and the good ol’ red, white and blue. Along with these school color options, there were also plenty of options for the school mascot: Aardvarks, Condors, Conquistadors, Oilers and Falcons. Just think of the possibilities. We could’ve gone the patriotic route and have been the red, white and blue Falcons or just kept it simple and been purple and orange Aardvarks. Or even the green and white Condors. The possibilities are endless.

Fantasy Football Back in 1976 in an issue of The Runner, it was thought that CSU Bakersfield would see a collegiate football team by 1980. Well it has been over 40 years since then and still no football team. I guess they must have meant 2080 It might be time to face the music and realize that CSUB won’t have a football team anytime in the near future. Drug Testing In the Oct. 1, 1986 issue of The Runner it was reported that there was no drug testing in CSUB sports. With all the extreme measures that are taken now when it comes to drug testing athletes, this is actually pretty significant because you could’ve gotten away with cheating back then.

40th Edition

Feb. 18, 2015


The early days The fight to enjoy a campus pint of Student Union By Marizza Espinosa Reporter

Some may believe that the Student Union at CSU Bakersfield was built with the first few buildings of the university. However, the Student Union is a younger addition. The May 4th, 1994 issue of The Runner presented that the $2.1 million Student Union building was set to open that following Monday. According to the CSU Bakersfield Student Union webpage, it provides a comfortable place for students to meet nd organize and attend a variety of events. At the heart of the Student Union is a casual lounge, which gives students a fun setting to unwind between classes. The first time having a Student Union on campus was mentioned was in an issue of The Runner newspaper from Nov. 5, 1975. Some students were against the idea of constructing a Student Union with the general sentiment of, "There's not enough time to spend BS-ing in a student union." Some students were even concerned that in order to get a student union, we would need a student government. Then, on the other hand, some students were for its construction. I believe it's fair to say that we all enjoy the luxury of the Student Union. Once it was set that there was going to be a student union on campus, that's when Associated Students, Inc referred to as ASI came in. According to the CSUB ASI webpage, in spring of 1976 was

when students first voted for there to be the first student government at CSUB. In 1987, it was incorporated as a nonprofit organization. Throughout the whole process of developing the plans of the Student Union, ASI did a lot of the “dirty” work to get clearance. When constructing ASI, there was an issue of having the board be completely studentrun or have faculty on the board. In the March 9, 1994 issue of The Runner, CSUB President at the time, Tomas Arciniega, said that "the Student Union must be operated efficiently as a business." He also said that “the students have input in the form of the board, and the administration place is to provide continuity and information to the board.” The Student Union is not how it was when it first opened. If you walk into the Student Union now, you see Rowdy's, the televisions, the ping pong table, the microwaves and plenty more. None of those amenities were there when it was created. Currently, they are still making adjustments to make the Student Union even more enjoyable for everyone. The Student Union isn't just used for strictly hanging out or a place to eat. The Student Union has three study rooms that students may rent out for an hour or so. The building also holds events for guest speakers, seminars and club-related activities.

Campus music scene has always been present By Shelby Parker Senior Columnist

Over the past 40 years, The Runner has covered numerous music-related stories, not only on the California State University, Bakersfield campus, but also out in the community. The newspaper has been providing coverage of album reviews, local musical acts, along with major events such the Jazz Music Festival. There were even occasions when well-known musicians and entertainers would sing at our very own venues from the Icardo Center to the Amphitheater. Here are just a few of the top moments that have taken place at CSUB: Bakersfield Jazz Festival/Jazz Coffeehouse The Jazz Festival was first covered in a 1974 issue of The Weekly Roadrunner. Since it was only a newsletter at the time, it simply highlighted the one-day event, which was held at The Commons, and lasted just a few hours. The festival still takes place every May, and is still one of the largest events for CSUB to this day, as it is put on by the CSUB Music Department. The festival has become a two-day event, filled with jazz musicians. Jazz styles all across the board are performed by local musicians, as well as the occasional special guest, like Pete Christlieb, who was a former tenor saxist from the “Tonight Show Band.” Jim Scully was quoted in the May 24, 2000 issue saying, “I think the Jazz Festival is an absolutely great event for the city of Bakersfield,” and was also a performer that day. Aside from the annual Jazz Festival, The Runner has also offered coverage on The Jazz Coffeehouse. It was also the first type of CSUB music concert for students, and was first covered by The Weekly Roadrunner in 1975. The

Hobbit Hole Coffee House presented a Tuesday night concert that was hosted in the Dining Commons. Bakersfield Business Conference The Bakersfield Business Conference has brought entertainers all across the board to CSUB, when it moved from its original campus in 1992. While it has hosted many presidents, political officials, speakers and athletes, many musical acts have also joined in on the fun. Musicians like Ray Charles, Reba McEntire, and Buck Owens have come to wow the crowds. “It’s inspirational to realize he exceeded further beyond any dream that he had and to become a successful businessman, which tells me anyone willing to work hard can succeed beyond what their dreams are,” said conference attendee, Richard Hunter, of Buck Owens’ surprise visit in 1999. MTV Campus Invasion Tour In April 1999, the MTV Invasion Tour came to the Icardo Center, as the bands Sugar Ray, including lead singer Mark McGrath, and Orgy entertained the crowds. The idea behind the Invasion Tour was to host up-and-coming bands that were targeted at college students. Before the concert, tents were lined up with band members playing “until the extremely gusty winds blew the event into the evening.” McGrath even sported a CSUB tank top, representing the school. It was a cold evening, but that didn’t stop the throngs of fans from coming to the show. The Runner, has covered a variety of music with everything from The Beatles, Cher, and mainstream hits of today. Hopefully within the next 40 years of The Runner, the entertainment will continue to grow and expand, not only on campus, but all around town as well.

By Barry Ramirez Reporter

The struggle to open up a pub on campus, to imbibe a cold yeasty brew, was short, but arduous—spanning just over five years. From April of 1978, when CSUB trustees approved the sale of beer and wine at state universities, to when the first draft was served at the metatitled “The Pub” on Sept. 12, 1983, there were both technical and moral obstacles to vault. After the approval in April 1978, it was suggested by students to then President Jacob Frankel that a pub be built on campus. This was readily dismissed by Frankel on the grounds that there wasn’t an “appropriate” place at CSUB for the establishment. However, as the annals tell us, by Jan. of 1979 the first student association committee (SAC) was

formed and inquiries and investigations began concerning the strictures and requirements for a pub on campus. Three years later, in Jan. of 1981, Frankel’s position had shifted like due to student pressure concentrated in the SAC. A student questionnaire at time proved that 90 percent of students were in support of a pub on campus. When posed the question whether or not CSUB would have a pub, he is reported arguing that the chief problem was financial feasibility. Because the university didn’t subsidize for entertainments of a tipsy order, it would require a strong financial proposal from a private source such as—at the time—SAGA food services. Further, Frankel reported that “suitable controls” would have to be created to thwart underage adults from drinking.

In June of 1981, 487 signatures to petition for the pub were gathered at the last student council meeting of the year. The president of student council at the time, Dwight Smith, reported the pub as a “top priority.” There were, however, hurdles that needed to be bounded for the pub to become a reality on campus: a majority approval on AS council with a letter of intent stating the extent of their commitment in the creation of the pub and an assumption of partial financial responsibility for its creation. It would be in February of 1982, that the CSUB Christian Union began it’s humorless crusade against the sale of alcohol on campus. A petition was formed that read, “We consider the sale of alcohol on campus deplorable and inconducive to n academic environment. We believe the sale of alcoholic

Photo from The Runner Archives

A photo from the September 1982 issue of The Runner when The Pub got its license after a long protest.

beverages at this campus is highly undesirable.” One can only speculate that they hadn’t read Ernest Hemmingway or Hunter S. Thompson; 120 people signed the petition. The process of applying for a liquor license was long and tedious. Signs had to be posted at the entrances to campus and cafeteria windows indicating the intent to sell and there was a 30 day filing period for letters of objection. By August of 1982, $24,000 of student funds were spent in the construction of the pub. The project was finished and opened on Oct. 4. Alcohol was scheduled to be served the following month, when a formal appeal was filed by an off campus source: Elizabeth Van Alystne. The state court of appeal ruled that the protests against the pub’s liquor license should be heard by the California’s Liquor License Agency with the original, $20,000 fee for formal complaint waived. Further, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeal Board had to justify it’s reasons for demanding the fee. It cited that a law required the board to raise its revenue for its operations. In May of that year, a surcharge is riveted to all liquor licenses to cover the Appeals Board expenses. This offered the opponents of a pub on campus who could not afford the fee, a chance to appeal the Alcoholic Beverage Commission’s decision to grant CSUB a liquor license. Due to a lack of substantial evidence against the granting of the license, the Appeals Board decided to overrule the opponents of the pub at CSUB. While they had a 30-day filing period to appeal the decision, they decided to give up the tussle.

Feb. 18, 2015

Advertisements of The Runner By Anthony Jauregui and Richard Garibay Senior Reporter and Assistant Opinion Editor

The Runner archives

May 29, 1991

The Runner archives

Oct. 17, 1990

The Runner archives

Feb. 15, 1989

May 29, 1991: Classifieds were on and poppin’ throughout the 90s. Classifieds are on their way out as of 2015 with the creation of Craigslist and other social networking sites used for a variety of different things. Our prisons are and have been filled with convicts who need someone to talk to. Criminals smuggle in cell phones to seduce people, mostly women, on Facebook. But 20 years or so ago, they needed pen pals. Having a pen pal meant potentially having a connection to the outside world, and all its advantages; and what better people to take advantage of than college students? Oct. 17, 1990: This Déjà Vu ad offers a two dollar discount to students with picture ID. The fact that the newspaper printed strip club ads in the 90s doesn’t surprise, but what does surprise me is that the ad essentially is a casting call for women who need extra money. It was like a classified ad and a help wanted sign all in one. Overall an interesting throw back ad, and who knew strip clubs were around back then? Especially the Déjà Vu.

Feb. 15, 1989: What people don’t remember about the 80s and 90s is that there was an AIDS crisis that swept the nation killing people, mostly gay males, left and right. So an interesting ad to print around

this time was this one. Because Facebook and Myspace weren’t around to reach a younger culture, ads like this were printed in school newspapers to bring awareness to the topic at hand. Oct. 1, 1986: Who doesn’t like a good pizza ad, especially ones that have coupons in them? Coupons in newspapers excite because it gives me a reason to look through the newspaper in search of a coupon. This ad was a perfect one in the 80s because college kids love pizza, but more importantly, we love discounted pizza. I got some coupons to PizzaRev and I was there for three days straight. The strategy to have pizza coupons was a good one because it gave people a reason to read the paper and it gave pizza companies a reason to advertise in a school newspaper bringing in more business.

Oct. 10, 1983 and Feb. 15, 1989 or any beer ad: The idea of beer being advertised in a school newspaper seems blasphemous now because everyone has a problem with everything and no one is allowed to do anything. But seeing beer in old college newspapers is enlightening. What’s more important about these beer ads and any ad really is that they were sometimes directed towards the school. “This beer is for you CSUB” type thing. And also sometimes congratulating our school is sport or general success. That is damn cool!

The Runner archives

Oct. 10, 1893 and Feb. 15, 1989 or any beer ad The Runner archives

Oct. 1, 1986


40th Edition

June 4, 1981: This Larsen Adamson advertisement made me realize how spoiled we are. It’s so easy for the modern student to find a computer, type up, and print a paper. In 1981 this was a very different story, businesses like Larsen Adamson didn’t just print copies of a paper they typed them. You would take your written paper to the business and they would have employees that sat at a word processor type the assignment word for word and then print you the copies. I can only imagine what those past students thought of professors that required the assignments be typed.

Sept. 14, 1978: Well damn, Peace Corps. Way to cut deep. I think this ad says a lot about the attitude of the 70s. It was the birth of the international citizen. For the first time people were becoming aware of a world suffering outside of their own front yard and wanted to help. Further evidence was also in this decade in that the first international benefit concert took place, George Harrison’s Concert for Bangladesh. Feb. 15, 1989: You read that correctly, thousands of essays to choose from in all subjects! This company sold pre-written essays. That is the exact definition of academic dishonesty and it’s advertised in a school paper. One downside is that you still couldn’t procrastinate because you’d have to request the catalogue, wait for it to be mailed to you, order the essay you wanted, and then wait for it to be

mailed to you. With all that time and energy you could’ve just written the paper and taken it to Larsen Adamson so they could type it and still have time to make it to the next showing of Back to the Future Part II.

April 20, 1978: First of all, Plymouth? Isn’t that the name of a venomous snake? Talk about blast from the past, Plymouth isn’t around anymore. What’s even more interesting is the address of this dealership. People familiar with Bakersfield know that all big car dealerships live on Wible Road not California Avenue. It really gives an idea of how small the city was. A bonus for the history buffs is the high mpg. It might surprise many people that an old car had such good gas mileage but the US suffered an oil crisis only a few years before. This began the age of car advertisements that boasted large mpg numbers instead of large engine sizes. Sept. 30, 1976: It was a simpler time. When men never shaved below their necks and neither did the ladies. If an ad ran in today with the opening “toy store for women” we’d think of a sex shop. In ’76, however, people thought that the national pastime for women was decorating and being in the kitchen. I truly want to see the fecal tempest that an ad like this would cause today.

The Runner archives

Sept. 14, 1978

The Runner archives

Feb. 15, 1989

The Runner archives

April 20, 1978

Something to think about for these ads is they were sometimes designed by students for students, paid for by the advertiser. The Runner archives

June 4, 1981

The Runner archives

Sept. 30, 1976

40th Edition

Feb. 18, 2015


Future of The Runner lies in new Student Media Center By David Kaplan Reporter

The Runner newspaper of California State University, Bakersfield had very humble beginnings but is working to build itself into a greater entity. This newspaper will soon move from its small production room in Modular East to a more spacious location. It will also introduce a radio station with the establishment of a new media center. The communications department will reap the benefits from the art department’s move to the new Visual Arts building by opening up a student media center in the Performing Arts building. Chair of the Communications Department, Judith Pratt, said that the first thing to happen will be to renovate certain rooms in the Performance Arts building. “So, there’s funds to, I think, pretty much gut the building to a certain extent, and then put in office walls, and Professor Burger has plans for a TV studio section and a sound booth and then of course the newsroom for the writers and the editors,” said Pratt. “So, it sounds like it’s going to be much more comprehensive. It’s gonna be all in one place, so just like any newsroom where, you know, you feed off each other.” Journalism lecturer Jennifer Burger, who is heading up the vision for this future center says that the student media center will have four different sections. “There will be a computer lab that will double as a production lab and classroom, so that when students are not in class they can be working on producing their projects for assignments and producing student media products, such as the newspaper The Runner, The Runner Online website, video projects, things like that,” said Burger. She also has plans to establish a multimedia section. “At the front of that room we also envision having a portable broadcast studio, that we can set up when we want to shoot a broadcast piece and then take down put away and turn the room back into

The idea behind the business office is to have a public face of the student media center. Somewhere were customers and clients can come in, meet with their representatives, go over marketing plans and business proposals.

Jennifer Burger, Communications Lecturer

a classroom,” she added. The lab will neighbor a business office for all the products developed and produced by the student media center which includes The Runner newspaper, The Runner Online, The Runner radio station and their future broadcasting program which is yet to be named. “The idea behind the business office is to have a public face of the student media center. Somewhere were customers and clients can come in, meet with their representatives, go over marketing plans and business proposals,” Burger said. Public relations students will be able to use the business center for their practicum to meet with their clients for marketing projects. The Runner business staff will also have the opportunity to effectively operate its advertising and other business marketing distribution endeavors from the business office. If all goes according to plan, The Runner should be able to operate as a small corporation. The business office will maintain a very professional atmosphere and include desks with computers, couches for a receiving area and a conference table for meetings. Burger says it is going to look “very professional.” A new addition to The Runner will be the radio station. It has been an idea for many years on the campus, but Burger says that it will finally become a “reality.” Burger credits technology and the Internet for allowing the Runner to have an online radio station, which will be online-only. While there will not be broadcasting over airwaves with antennas on top of buildings, students will still be able to operate a real radio station that will broadcast live over the internet via an app. “So, we’ll have two rooms associated with the radio station, we’ll have the main broadcast room and then we will also have a sound room off to the side where students can record their voiceovers, tracking, PSAs, anything for commercials, you know whatever recording they need to do in sound proof room,” said Burger. Dean of Arts and Humanities, Richard Collins said that the student media center project should cost around $100,000-$150,000, and up to $250,000 for sustaining the equipment. According to Collins, the money will come from one-time state lottery funds, private funds – some of which has already been raised. He said that part of the student media center will be completed by this fall 2015. He says the project will be done in stages and that the plan is to have the media center finished by winter 2016.

Illustration by Diana Olivares and Josh Bennett/The Runner

The future of The Runner might not be covered in chrome, as Spongebob claims, but it is mapped out on these blueprints.

Collins is confident that the student media center will be finished by the time the switch to the semester system happens in fall 2016. Collins finds benefits for not just Communications majors at the student media center, but for everyone. He said he feels that “this is the kind of thing that, you know, everybody needs to communicate, and everybody needs communication outlets and needs to be linked into all sorts of, you know, whether it’s public relations or creating videos or communicating what they have to do on campus.” The radio station will grant the students a voice. Collins said that it will be “a good chance” for them to speak about campus activities and get others involved.

It won’t be just for communication students. We’ll be able to bring in student government, we’ll be able to bring in science clubs, religious studies clubs, whoever wants to have a little voice on the radio will be able to have a kind of a program.

Richard Collins, Dean of Arts and Humanities

David Kaplan/The Runner

It may just look like a row of tables and chairs now, but by this time next year, it will house the new offices of The Runner newspaper and

Communications students are not the only ones who will benefit from the new student media center. “It won’t be just for communication students. We’ll be able to bring in student government, we’ll be able to bring in science clubs, religious studies clubs, whoever wants to have a little voice on the radio will be able to have a kind of a program,” Collins said. Going forward, Collins says he sees the student media center as a way of the future for CSUB. “This is the way it’s all going, and so if we just sort of linger in the past with what we have done before, it’s not going to be as marketable as we have been before,” he said. The arts and humanities department will be able to strengthen CSU Bakersfield’s sense of community with its new developments and future plans. “That’s been our been our mantra as we’ve been preparing to grow, and so now this is an excellent way you know to communicate and to connect,” said Collins.


For multimedia of interviews with past Runner advisers go to:

David Kaplan/The Runner

The former Performance Arts building will give way to the new Student Media Center for communications students to practice and work on their craft. It will also be available for all students to be able to create and work on their own communication and media projects.

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