TABLE OF CONTENTS Media Policies ....................................... .1 Quick Facts ............................................ 1 2007-08 Rosters ..................................... 2 2007-08 Outlook ..................................... 3 Head Coach Barclay Radebaugh ......4-6 Assistant Coach Murray Garvin ........... 7 Assistant Coach JD Powell .................. 7 Assistant Coach Bob Richey................ 8 Graduate Manager Ryan Hilburn.......... 8 The 2007-08 Buccaneers..................9-31 A Day In the Life .................................. 32 Where They Live .................................. 33 Goal is Graduation .............................. 34 Bucs in the Community ...................... 35 University Staff ...............................36-38 Athletic Training .................................. 39 Athletic Department .......................40-41 Charleston Southern University....42-43 North Charleston Coliseum ................ 44 Big South Conference ......................... 45 About Charleston, S.C. ....................... 47 2007-08 Opponents ........................49-55 2006-07 In Review ...........................57-64 Year-by-Year Results ......................66-69 Record Book ...................................70-71 All-Time Results .................................. 72
MEDIA POLICIES Credentials Press row and sideline credentials will be given to accredited working media only. All requests must be mailed or faxed to the Charleston Southern Office of Sports Information no later than two days before the game. Requests from media covering visiting schools can be made through that school’s sports information director. Requests for photographer passes should be made no later than the day before the game. Media Services All working media will be supplied with game notes (including up-to-date statistics), media guides of both teams (whenever possible), and any other information needed in their coverage of the game. A statistics summary including team and individual stats will be available at halftime; play-by-play is available by request. Following the game, a complete statistical book (including team and individual statistics and playby-play) will be made available for media by the sports information staff. Fax service is available upon request from the sports information office. Two telephone lines will be available for use following the game in the sports information office. Radio Each radio station broadcasting the game will have two reserved seats on press row and one telephone line. Please refer to the game contract if a fee is to be paid to CSU for use of the phone lines. Extra phone and communication lines are the responsibility of the broadcast entity. Postgame Interviews Immediately following the game there will be a 10-minute cooling off period during which Coach Radebaugh will speak to the team. Radebaugh and the players will then be available to conduct interviews for both print and electronic media on the court. All CSU players will be available for interviews on the court immediately following the end of the 10-minute cooling off period. If possible, please inform a member of the sports information staff of the players you wish to interview after the game to expedite this process. Interviews with visiting coaches and players will be arranged by the visiting sports information director. Nongame Interviews & Practice Policy Coach Radebaugh will be available to speak to the media from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. Players will also be available to speak to the media on weekdays except game days, but priority will be given to their class and practice schedule. All interviews with players must be arranged by the sports information office. At no time will a player’s home phone number be given to the media. Daily practices are open to the media only by request. Please call the sports information office to verify practice time and player availability. Coach Radebaugh will be available to speak to the media after practice. The head coach does reserve the right to close certain practice sessions.
CREDITS Design, layout, and content by William Cooper, Brendan Stevens and Blake Freeland. Photography by Al Samuels, Ron Maguire, George Croft and Tam Odom.
QUICK FACTS Mailing Address: ................................P.O. Box 118087 .................................................. Charleston, SC 29423 Founded: ............................................................. 1964 Enrollment: ......................................................... 3,286 Nickname:................................................. Buccaneers School Colors: .......................................Blue and Gold Arena/Capacity: .........................CSU Field House/789 Affiliation: ............................................ NCAA Division I Conference: ..................................................Big South President: ...... Dr. Jairy C. Hunter, Jr. (App. State, ’69) Vice President: ..................Dr. Rick Brewer (CSU, ‘77) Athletic Director: ............ Hank Small (Gettysburg, ’69) Assistant A.D. (Operations) ..................James Bradley Assistant A.D. (Compliance) .......... Michael Hammond Senior Womens’ Administrator .Christie Faircloth-Dixon NCAA Faculty Rep:............................... Dr. Arnold Hite Head Athletic Trainer................................Toby Harkins Athletic Department Phone:.................(843) 863-7678 Athletic Department Fax: .....................(843) 863-7695 Ticket Office Phone: ............................(843) 863-7678
HISTORY First year of basketball: ....................................... 1965 Overall all-time record: .......... 485-653 (140-164 BSC) No. of yrs. in NCAA tournament (last): ........... 1 (1997) Result: ..........L 75-109, first round vs. UCLA (3/13/97)
SPORTS INFORMATION Sports Information Director:................. Blake Freeland Men’s Basketball Contact:....................William Cooper SID Office Phone: ................................(843) 863-7688 SID Home Phone:................................(704) 641-7869 Press Row Phone: ...............................(843) 863-7683 Sports Information Fax: .......................(843) 863-7676 Web site:.............................. Sports Information Overnight Mailing Address: ....................................................9200 University Blvd. .................................................. Charleston, SC 29406
COACHING STAFF Head Coach:..........Barclay Radebaugh (ETSU, 1987) Record at school:...........................................21-38 (2) Career record: ...............................................42-46 (3) Men’s basketball office phone: ............(843) 863-7690 Best time/day to reach coach: .. see media policies, right Assistant Coaches:Murray Garvin (E. Kentucky, 1998) ..........................................JD Powell (Clemson, 2001) .................................Bob Richey (N. Greenville, 2006) Graduate Manager: ......Ryan Hilburn (South Carolina, 2006) Athletic Trainer:.......................................... Brad Drake
TEAM INFORMATION 2006-2007 Record: .....................................8-22 (2-12) Conference finish:................................................... 8th Starters returning/lost: ............................................ 3/2 Lettermen returning/lost:......................................... 7/6