Education systems around the world

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Education Systems Around the World Bobby

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Which of the education systems around the world can provide an education for you to live the life you want? Because that’s what we want an education for isn’t it? For us to life our lives comfortably? This post will make clear that no matter what reputation of the schools, colleges or universities, they’re aren’t really teaching you what you would need to learn for this comfortable life. Yes they provide the education for you to get a great job that pays well with huge government funding at their disposal, but there’s a huge amount that do not teach. Why is this?


education systems around the world

All the big names, Oxford and Cambridge in the U.K and Harvard and Stanford in the U.S all look wonderful on your C.V or Résumé. So prospecting employers will look and think that you’ve got an intelligence higher than others therefore would be great addition to their company. I’m not saying that this is a bad thing but education systems around the world DO NOT teach their students of the entrepreneurial ways of thinking. Yes there’s careers advice at the earlier parts of the education system but that is exactly my point. It’s careers advice and the encouragement of entrepreneurship is nonexistent. The commonality of most people’s thoughts is that an education is needed in a certain field to obtain a high level certificate like a degree. This degree will then secure a position at a company medium to high paying salary. This medium to high paying salary is what is perceived to be the key to people’s life enjoyment. But what they don’t realise is that education systems around the world do not teach that the first thing that people pay is TAX.

education systems around the world

This tax is taken before you’ve even have a say. This has been going on for so long that people believe it to be normal and perfectly fine. This couldn’t be further from the truth!


Now if the education systems around the world taught their students about the TAX incentives a business owner has then maybe the students would be more entrepreneurial. But the cold, hard facts are that they’re not taught this. To explain reasons for this could coin you a ‘conspiracy theorist’ so we’ll leave that for another discussion. The point is, that if you ran your own business, the LAST thing you pay is TAX. Yes there’s other types of accounting skills required but surely you’d be prepared to learn it in order to utilise the skills to run a more profitable business, invest into the financial markets and property and generally not work as hard as you would in a job at a company. If you work in the U.K and land yourself a job that pays £150’000 p/a, you pay 45% income tax. That’s £67’500 TAX for the year and leaves you with £82’500.

£67’000 TAX! What incredible number! Okay £82’500 is a nice number but you would have worked so hard at one of the education systems around the world for you to pay £67’000 TAX. Thankfully there is an education institution amongst the education systems around the world. But it isn’t part of the standard education model. It’s independant of it. It’s so independent of it, the other education systems around the world are fixed in the ground – so if you wanted to go to Oxford and you lived in Houston, Texas, you would need to move to Oxford! Not with this system , you can access the education anytime anywhere in the world! Because all you need is an internet connection and a computer! It was created by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. And they called it the Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy or SFM & DEA.

education systems around the world

Of all the education systems around the world this is the one that teaches the students to live their ultimate lives.


Anybody at any stage in their lives can join but unlike the usual education systems around the world where the student would need to possess certain qualifications to enroll on a specific course, the SFM only require the student to be coachable. The Stuart & Jay have said:


Thousands of people have learnt to create a life and business that they love. Because of this, Stuart Ross has been dubbed the ‘FREEDOM ENTREPRENEUR’! Click here to meet Stuart who has taught thousands of people around the world to live their ultimate life!

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