Mentoring courses

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Mentoring Courses Bobby

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So we’ve decided to look into mentoring courses. Why? Because we’ve found that we cannot do it on our own! All successful people have said the same – you need other successful people to learn from on your journey of success. This post is going to explicitly explain of the best mentoring courses available to you today. Mentoring can take shape in various ways whether it’d be a musical mentoring courses, sport mentoring courses, education mentoring courses or any other type of mentoring.


Mentoring Courses

Whatever the industry, niche or field, the best mentoring courses will all say the same. GET UP, DO IT & DON’T EVER GIVE UP! And this is the best advice that anyone could ever receive. You can’t get better by not ‘getting up’ and setting your mind to focus on your end goal. You can’t get better without ‘doing it’ and practicing. And you can’t ever reach your goal if you ‘give up’! This being said, it’s easy to fall out of routine, feel overwhelmed or experience a lack of motivation. This is why we start looking for mentoring courses. We need that someone to inspire us to GET UP, we need that someone to inspire us to DO IT and we constantly need reminding not to GIVE UP.


Mentoring Courses

Careful consideration needs taking when deciding who to adopt as your mentor or mentors. If you’re musical, like me, following your favourite musician isn’t enough. I mean following on Facebook, or Twitter, reading their posts is keeping you updated but is it teaching you anything how to follow in footsteps to being a success in that field? We need to get inside that person’s head. We need to know their thoughts and how it is that they came to be successful in their fields. I’ve many people that I’m FAN of but I don’t see them as a mentor because the only thing I’m learning from them is their final execution for the purposes of people like. I.E Their music is something to learn from. I love someone called John Digweed. He’s a Dj, Producer and Owner of record label Bedrock Records.

Mentoring Courses

I see this man as a legend and genius in his field of music. I learn from his mix cds and seeing him live. But that is all. I’m not able to follow him around like a shadow and watch his every move and ask what he is thinking and why does he think like that. Those kinds of questions are for your mentor or mentors. Or better still, your mentors will tell you before you’ve even asked.


Mentoring Courses

I’ve accumulated many mentors over time and I learn different things from each one of them. Two of my mentors are Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. When I was looking for the best of the mentoring courses I found Stuart and Jay’s to be ticking all the boxes. The mentoring course is called the Six Figure Mentors (SFM).

As the name suggests, this is a community, not a handful of people, not a large group – a COMMUNITY of entrepreneurs who were once students of the SFM but then became mentors themselves who then mentor the new members to become six figure earners. The SFM is a business model that you can learn to implement into any industry because the best way to become successful is to do and think how successful people do and think. And that is exactly what this mentoring course does. Further to the SFM is the Digital Experts Academy (DEA). The DEA takes the mentorship to another level and trains the members to a level of UNRIVALLED EXPERTISE in digital industries. There are certain factors that make a good mentor. A good mentor for you can be decided on how you resonate with them. If you cannot resonate with them then they are not a good mentor for you. There are successful people in the world and each of them resonate with people of the same frequency/vibration. You can learn a lot more from somebody you resonate with because you trust, know and like them. I cannot begin to explain what I had learnt, in only the first 6 months of being a member of the SFM. It blew my mind quite literally and I’ll be eternally grateful to Stuart , Jay and all the other mentors part of the SFM community for this. (There are too many to mention) This is simply because I resonated with Stuart and Jay. I couldn’t have learn what I did if I couldn’t resonate with them.


Mentoring Courses

I don’t feel I can ever learn anything from multi-billionaire Mark Cuban. The reason for this is because I don’t like his ethics. When I researched into how he became the billionaire he is, I learnt that he turned out to be so very competitive and selfish. He openly admits that he is out for himself. He made his billions from the sale of a business called “” to Yahoo which decended from Audionet whose original founder was Chris Jaeb. Cuban tried to push Jaeb out of the business and for Cuban to take it for himself and left Jaeb with 0. He also displays no care for providing value to people’s lives. A clip on Shark Tank where an 11 year old boy is selling bow ties for sometimes prices up to $50 a piece, Mark Cuban advises him of ‘price elasticity of supply’ which means that the prices should be hiked if the demand becomes high. It may be argued that ‘this is how business works’ but I don’t believe in ‘ripping people off’.

I believe in supplying a product or service that brings value into people’s lives for the improvement of their lives and at a reasonable cost. Not raising prices for the sake of personal gain because something is in demand. Because of this I could not resonate with Mark Cuban and I particularly disliked his ‘coaching’ of an 11 year old entrepreneur to have this approach in business.


Mentoring Courses

I believe in ethical business. Providing a product or service to somebody who requires it, not hard selling it to someone who has no use or desire for it. I do not believe business should be carried out in a fashion whereby people’s hard earned money coaxed out of them or traps them into a contract for long periods of time. Long story short here is PROVIDE MASSIVE VALUE and your customers will keep coming back to you time and time again. This was of course learned in what I believe is the best of all the mentoring courses, the SFM.

Mentoring Courses

I highly recommend you meet Stuart and Jay and see what it is they have developed for the good of people. Click here to meet Stuart and Jay, mentors to thousands of people around the globe helping them and me with the steps to become the successful people we sought to be.

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