Neuroplasticity exercises

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Neuroplasticity Exercises Bobby

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Neuroplasticity exercises can be practiced quite simply at the start. And the better you get at those then you can venture into more advanced techniques. Your learning starts at the edge of your comfort zone and this article will point out 5 ways you can implement TODAY.

Neuroplasticity Exercises #1 DIRECT EXPERIENCES Bringing your mind into the present needs practice. Bringing your mind into the present benefits us by allowing for us to focus on huge projects with clarity. If our thoughts aren’t organised, neither will our projects. This can be broken down into a few practices that you do already! All you need to do is make small changes into the way experience them.

Neuroplasticity Exercises

Brushing your teeth! Yes I know, you’re probably laughing your head off at the moment! You’re probably thinking what a ‘nut-job’ I am for saying but when you realise what you’ve been missing, you’ll realise and say “WOW”! Not the action of brushing your teeth but what you are thinking when doing so! How many of us, get up, go and put the kettle on then go into the bathroom pick up our toothbrush, start brushing and think about the day ahead? Most you may say. And it’s true, most of us, me included (until I learnt this technique) feel it’s totally normal to think of the day ahead or whatever thoughts might come into our heads at the time.

THE TECHNIQUE: This one of the easiest neuroplasticity exercises. Instead of thinking of the day ahead, think of the present moment and feel the toothbrush, brushing around your mouth. Taste the flavour of the toothpaste, feel the temperature of the water!

THE WHY: Brushing your teeth is something you have done once or twice a day since you’ve had teeth! Your parents (I hope) got you into a routine of brushing your teeth each day for the health of your mouth. We soon took this ‘habit’ on and

each day forth this should be the case until you need dentures. But we don’t realise that if we stopped to realise our senses (touch and taste) we are bringing ourselves into the present moment and our minds are living the time of the present – not looking away into the future or thinking about past experiences. Try it. It’s difficult at first, and what you’ll find is that after you’ve brushed your teeth, and put your toothbrush back, you’ll realised that you should have practiced your ‘DIRECT EXPERIENCE’ and a Homer Simpson ‘Doh’ moment is experienced!

TIP: Stick a post-it note on the mirror in the bathroom and write ‘DIRECT EXPERIENCE’ on it. When you enter the bathroom, you’ll remember that before you start brushing you need to gather your thoughts into the present and FEEL the brush and water temperature and TASTE the toothpaste flavour.

Neuroplasticity Exercises #2 DIRECT EXPERIENCES The direct experiences listed here in this neuroplasticity exercises article are listed because they are something you do regularly. The best way of learning and getting better and better at something is REPETITION. Doing things you already do within your schedule will help by a little adjustment to it, instead of changing it completely.

Neuroplasticity Exercises

Having a shower!

This one I’d like to think most, if not all, do on a regular! Quite easy this one, you may have guessed already what to do given the technique described in ‘brushing your teeth’.

THE TECHNIQUE: Get in the shower and do not let the water warm up. Dive straight in when the water is cold and experience the water warming up. Keep on concentrating on the temperature and feel when you rub the soap or lather your sponge, puff or whatever you use to clean yourself. Smell the fragrance of the soap or shower gel. This can also be implemented when you have a bath.

THE WHY: Again, like the ‘brushing of your teeth’ you bring yourself into the present by the senses of the touch and this time with smell too. As hard as it is sometimes try and avoid singing or whistling in the shower, this diverts your attention to a song that will take your mind away from the present.

TIP: Post-it notes come in so useful when practicing neuroplasticity exercises! This time, given your shower cabin or bathtub is going to be wet, find a dry place that doesn’t get hit by the water and place your ‘DIRECT EXPERIENCE’ note there. If you have a cabin, write your ‘DIRECT EXPERIENCE’ on the underside of the post-it where the sticky is and place it on the outside of the door so you get reminded to ‘DIRECTLY EXPERIENCE’.


Neuroplasticity Exercises

Yes, yes, yes. So so obvious. But so overlooked. I used to despise reading, but I forced myself to do so. I’m more of a video watcher or audio listener but books put me off. But I knew if I wanted to develop the skills necessary to better my learning, I would need to read. I found that if I was interested in something, I would find a book by recommendation. Recommended by one of my mentors, and 9 times out of ten, the same books are recommended by more than one of my mentors, this reinforces the requirement to read it.

THE TECHNIQUE: Whatever the goal you’ve set yourself, reverse engineer ‘HOW’ to achieve it. This goal will only ever be achieved by you learning more about it. Find books related to the subject of achieving the said goal or ask your mentors which do they recommend. If you have no mentors I strongly recommend you find them. ‘THEM’ plural, have more than one. Of course they need to be relevant to the interest and finding them can be daunting. Reach out to me if you need to, it’ll be my pleasure in helping you find them. I can even be one of them if you feel I have value to bring into your life.

THE WHY: There’s ample of information across many mediums but reading really exercises your brain and mind. Please note that the brain and mind are two separate things! If you’re anything like me, when I read, my mind wonders off, and then I find I’m not actually concentrating on what I’m reading I’m just reading words without taking in the information. When I realise this, I have to read the passage of text, the page or paragraph again! This is a pain in the arse but by realising that it has happening – that’s neuroplasticity exercises!

TIP: Be sure to choose an educational or developmental book, although fiction is nice to engage in, you can effectively develop two fold. You learn the given subject and you exercise your mind. You can always download an audio version of the book and have it playing whilst you’re following along in the book. It doesn’t have as much effect on the brain as you actually reading it but it’s a great place to start!

Neuroplasticity Exercises #4 MEDITATION

Neuroplasticity Exercises

You may have noticed a pattern here. Most of the neuroplasticity exercises mention about bringing your mind into the present. By doing this you can ‘laser focus’ on goals and targets for yourself.

There are no better neuroplasticity exercises for bringing you into the present like meditation.

THE TECHNIQUE: There’s many meditation techniques but 99% of them will guide you to concentrate on the breath. Going in and out. We do it all the time and because of that we are somewhat negligent of it. It’s involuntary like blinking and our heart beating, but the great thing about this is – you can do it anytime of the day between tasks. Spend 10 minutes a day and you can slowly over time increase as your mind begins to rest.

THE WHY: As each of the previous neuroplasticity exercises mentioned, this brings you into the present as you don’t think of past experiences or future actions. You are truly in the present by lightly concentrating on the breath going in and out.

TIP: There’s plenty of guided meditation on YouTube but I’m a subscriber to something called ‘HEADSPACE’. I love it. The founder Andy Puddicombe, an Englishman who went to study meditation in Tibet put Headspace together. Long story short, I’ve been doing it over a year and can not begin to tell of the improvement on the clarity of my thinking. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND GIVING IT GO! IT’S DONE WONDERS FOR ME You can download the app for your device by clicking the image below:

Neuroplasticity Exercises #5 BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR

neuroplasticity exercises

Neuroplasticity Exercises

This one is the complete neuroplasticity exercise. Because you will always be in a state of learning and pushing your mind’s boundaries. The skills you learn as an entrepreneur will expand your thinking whenever a task is executed. You will be learning to put things into a systematic procedure to become a more efficient thinker and earn money in the process.

THE TECHNIQUE: Turn yourself into a business. Adapt to the current ways of life and provide for others the solution to their problem or problems. In this digital age the best entrepreneur you can be is a digital one.

THE WHY: Everybody has the entrepreneur within them. All we have to do is release him or her. This is easier said than done but this is the best way to encompass all the neuroplasticity exercises in one. You will realise that you will always be in a state of learning, everyday! As mentioned earlier in this article, the best way of learning is REPETITION. You cannot be a part time entrepreneur, you either are one or you’re not. If you want to develop your mind’s plasticity this is the way. I’ve learnt so much by deciding to become an entrepreneur and all that I’m learning is being documented on this website. Reach out to me if you would like to learn more about it because part of my entrepreneurship is to teach others. This is something I’m passionate about so it would be great to connect.

TIP: If you’re ready to unleash your inner digital entrepreneur, then click here to receive your FREE training by email and immediately start exercising your neuroplasticity. Remember, your learning starts at the edge of your comfort zone!

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