How successful people lead

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How Successful People Lead Bobby

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If you have ever wondered how successful people lead then this article will make it clear. People are successful because they lead, you cannot be successful unless you actually lead. Leaders do not put themselves first in the list of priority, they put the very people they are leading first. This article was inspired by true leaders. These leaders are Stuart Ross, Jay Kubassek, John ‘JJ’ Jackson and Simon Sinek. Although there are many inspiring people in the world that I would deem as true leaders, I have chosen these four leaders because Stuart, Jay & JJ ‘lead’ me to learn about Simon Sinek. I mention this because this small chain of introductions has a huge impact on anybody’s journey of development and is testament to the concept of leadership. What I mean is, without meeting Stuart, I would never have met Jay, or JJ which in turn I would not have learnt about Simon. As any person becoming successful knows, as an individual, your development is down to your mindset and what you set out for yourself to learn.

How Successful People Lead: Stuart Ross

How Successful People Lead

I came across Stuart by looking for an education. I’m somewhat of an ‘education junky’ and just love to learn interesting stuff. So I had set out to teach myself how to be successful and like most, I turned to the internet. I was quite naive, if I’m honest, because I thought I could become successful by myself on my own initiative. So I’m glad I learnt what I did at the time, as I soon learnt that all the successful people in the world all did something in common. They had adopted mentors or followed ‘leaders’. I realised I must do the same if I was to be the success I sought to be. I wanted to know how to start my own business and Stuart could show me the way, of course I adopted Stuart as my mentor and learnt from him and I continue to learn from him. Stuart had multiple businesses so he was definitely somebody I could learn from. Stuart runs an education platform called the SFM & DEA (The Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy). This is a community of mentors/leaders and students helping each other become successful expert digital business owners earning six figure incomes (and sometimes more). Stuart runs these with his business partner Jay Kubassek.

How Successful People Lead: Jay Kubassek

How Successful People Lead

So from meeting Stuart, I met another leader of people, Jay. I related to Stuart and Jay because they had become successful leaders from being ‘burnt out’ salesmen. I was in a day job whereby I was burning myself out too, I wanted to know how I could be successful like Stuart & Jay by copying the steps they took to get to the level of success they are now. I applied to become a student of the SFM which opened a plethora of valuable information that allowed for me to empower myself to take the necessary steps to be successful. One of the many steps learnt was to implement 5 daily ‘must do’ actions. Blog post on this can be read by clicking the Bradley Cooper selfie below!

successful people habits

There was 1 of these 5 actions in particular that helped me so much, that it lead to the creation of this article because it was exactly the reason why it was one of the 5 must do daily actions. Without doing this action I would never of learnt what I did. The action was to mastermind or brainstorm with like minded individuals DAILY. Part of the SFM platform empowers you to be able to do this. Because the community is only for members with the SAME VISION as you. Each day all the entrepreneurs (SFM members) around the world gather at set times each day for what’s called – @WakeUpCall. What is great about this is that this is Jay Kubassek’s podcast and it has gone from podcast to live video conference. It is still his podcast but it’s gone from weekly to daily. Why is this interesting? Because Jay has it hosted by HIS mentor/leader! This is of course John ‘JJ’ Jackson.

How Successful People Lead: John ‘JJ’ Jackson JJ lead Jay to his success and is doing the same for who Jay is leading to success today. So again, from introduction to Jay from Stuart, I’ve now been introduced to JJ. JJ is incredible with the advice and motivation he gives the community. He LEADS, DAILY. And encourages us all to the same. The reason I mention all this is because on one of these ‘mastermind WakeUpCalls’ – JJ spoke of a leader by the name of Simon Sinek and a book he wrote called ‘Start with Why’. This is the beauty of the masterminding. Recommendations to books, video, audio or media in general that will enhance your learning and bring you a step closer to the success you desire. I have then of course purchased the book and done a little research on Simon.

How Successful People Lead: Simon Sinek

How Successful People Lead

How Successful People Lead

Simon is a ethnographer. He studies people and cultures with their customs, habits, and mutual differences. He pointed a few things out in his 99U talk that brought to attention the flaws of how leaders of corporate businesses are actually leading how successful people lead. Yes their business has become successful but is the organisation as a whole successful? Are the employees happy? Or are they worried? To run a business whereby their employees are unhappy or insecure isn’t how successful people lead. Simon talks about this because he explained that he was on a plane flight and felt that everyone on that flight were being ill treated. He asked why people were being treated that way and the attendant said:

“I’m sorry sir, but I have to do it because I will lose my job”

This can be interpreted as a poor organisation. The attendant is effectively saying -

“My organisation that I work for doesn’t make me feel safe or make me feel like I belong, therefore I’m going to treat you like dirt to protect myself”

If an employee is treating other people badly because of job security, then whoever is leading that organisation isn’t

leading it as how successful people lead. I strongly recommend you watch the full talk as Simon touches on other aspects of leadership such as the biology of human thinking because of the natural drugs released by doing certain actions. It’s really interesting for anybody wanting to know how successful people lead. You can watch it in full below: Simon touches on the release of ‘cortisone’ in the body. Cortisone or ‘Big C’ as he calls it is responsible for the feelings of stress and anxiety. Cortisone is released when we hear something that we really don’t want to hear – such as somebody in the office saying:

“I heard there’s going to be lay offs”

This then makes people panic and heart rate increases and all the other usual signs of stress and panic are displayed. Cortisone is supposed to be in and out of our bodies quickly, cortisone is what instinctively gives us the ‘fight or flight’ reaction. The problem here is that we are worried when we work within a company that lead by how successful people lead – we are constantly ‘dripping’ our bodies with cortisone because we feel unsafe in our jobs or that we don’t belong, so in short Simon adequately puts it:


Our jobs are burning us out. Jay’s job burnt him out, Stuart’s job burnt him out, my job burnt me out and your job probably burns you out. Want to know how successful people lead? By not burning out their employees , by making people belong, making people free from stress and anxiety. If there’s anything to learn about leadership these guys know how to teach it. Click here to meet, Jay and Stuart and hear from themselves how they went from being burnt out salesmen to being successful leaders of people, leading good people to become successful.

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