Photography Photography is in our everyday life and you might not even realise it. We take pictures everyday for example taking pictures of our friend and families. It’s also a way for photographers to express themselfs and it can be seen as an artform.
In this article the photograph is the main focus because the picture tells the story. The headline reinforces Anchoring what has hapIn This articles photography is used to reflect pened which the seriousness of the situation. With the phobring the tographer capturing the fear and panic in the story to life people that this chaotic situation has caused and it gives this anchores the audience in because it creus more of an ates a sense of realism . This image brings insight and the situation to life and adds a new level of a close up horror and chaos to the situation which will on the story. also anchor the audience in. Furthermore the Which will bold heading ‘Sniper Kills President’ encaganchor peoArcticle of twin es reader straight away and it simplifies the tower bombing ple in and get situation and the use of the heading ‘Smiling them hocked Kennedy Shot in Head’ which gives more staright away. Furthermore the big bold insight to the situation. Moving on the reason headline standout compared to the rest of the the newspaper editors uses photographers to text with the simplistic text ‘U.S. Attacked’ capture and bring this situation to life and it which capture the audience and it gives a makes the article more interesting. Both the simplistic insight of the story and it intrigues heading and subheading are both shocking the audience. Compared to the other article and seem surreal and it links to the image the picture dominates the article. Catching and it anchors to reader attention. The headthe viewer’s interest and it reflector the seing riousness of the situation. Also the smaller emphaphoto that the article uses captures the reacsis and tion of the passers strikes a sense of fear for encages the audience and makes the situation more the sitreal and might make the article more personuation al and allow the audience to sympathise. Also like the the different subheadings allows the audience ‘Smilto get more information about the attack and ing how it has impact others which will anchor Kenthe audience. The way it sets is much organnedy ised and it is very easy to read allowing the Shot in audience to have no trouble reading it. News arcticle of JFk shooting Head’ it gives us a close up view to the situation and it gives us more information. So the reader knows straight away what’s going on.
Marketing This is an interesting marketing campaign by McDonalds because it uses the McDonalds symbol of the M so the audience can straight away see the company which will straight away capture the audience attention which will make the audience stop and look. Furthermore, they use the petrol pump as a coca cola tap which connotes that McDonalds is quick and easy to use much like the pump. This product communicates to the audience that McDonalds is fast easy and will satisfy your hungry straight away. The pump could also connote that McDonalds will give you fuel much like the pump give fuel to a car “Fuel up … feel good”. It also features pictures of the main products the burger and fries to make the viewer crave the product which will increase seals. The use of “feel good” is suggesting that if you eat this product then it will have a positive affect on you and you will not regret eating it. The product is taken in a studio and through out this poster it has the signature red and yellow colours to stand out to the audience and make it know to them that this is a McDonalds. The products look as though they are freshly made which makes them look appetising to the audience. The poster will be advertised on build boards because it is simple yet affect because there is little writ-
ing which makes it easy for the passers by to read and get what this poster is offering. The photo is taken in a studio which could connote to the audience that the product can be eaten anywhere and any time.The poster also a website so the audience can look more into the product making the audience feeling secure.
This Nike poster is very plane yet affective. The model is dressed head to toe in Nike to make to get the point the point across that Nike is both fashionable yet comfortable and flexible to move in. The modal is a well-known and respected Basketball player. Also using the young black basketball player makes the advert more diverse because its not a stereotypical football player what sport ads normally use. So, it makes it seem more relatable. The use of the black and white colour connote class and elegant making the product seem more higher and expensive which might make the product seem more
appealing. The model is showing what the product is abbe to do because it looks to the audience to the it is flexible and comfortable to move in. Moreover the familiar slogan “just do it” and the Nike swoosh is an audience familiarity allowing the audience to recognise the company and the genre of sports it fits into. Unlike the Mcdonlads this adverts uses sport and healthy fitness to connect with the audience to market a product it is pacifically amied at men. This company isn’t selling a product it is selling a lifestyle
nate colour in this booklet is yellow which is the main colour in the Ikea symbol. What most people wouldn’t that this product isn’t just promoting furniture its promoting a lifestyle and how buying this product will have a positive affect on your life because of the use of photos of many different products like the chairs and how this product can liven up your home.
This example of the Thomson travel brochure uses good pictures and text because the use of the signature Thomson and the logo fot the audience. instantly tells us the company and the audience automatically becomes familiar with Promotional what the brochure is selling to us which is a This is a good example of digital photograholiday. Where phy with the use of the long shot capturthis is a famous ing most of the room. In this shot almost company the everything you see here is an Ikea product audience have a and it is set in a normal house. Its connotes sense of trust as that these products will improve your living it is well known. space. The colours are very bold, vibrant and As soon as you colourfully which represents the brand. It is see the brochure very eye catching which will interreges the it is instantly viewer to look into the brochure. The use selling you a of the slogan “make room for life” is very luxuries holiday catchy and will stick with the audience and it with the white has a positive connotation because it is sugtext and the gesting that these products will bring life to white bathing your room. The location is in a normal home suite. The white and not in a studio the reason it is in a normal connotes the home is because it allows the viewer to see peace and luxury which reflects the holiday. what their home could be. It is also a way to The reason this image helps sell the holiday show off and promote their product. Moreobecause the audience can’t go to the location ver, it has the so the company create and put the best and iconic Ikea most interesting part of the holiday on the logo in the front colour. For example, the setting is very bottom left tranquil and peaceful with the use of the clear which allows blue skies and the palm trees. They are crethe viewer ating a paradise and something that you are to instantly unable to get in England. There is a lack text recognise which creates a more luxuries feel to the brothe symbol. chure because adding lots of text and price Also, the may put people of and will become quite most domimessy. The lack of text reflects the theme of
this holiday which a peaceful and relaxing holiday. The image sells the product because the audience isn’t being forced to read a lot of text. It may also interreges the audience because with the lack of text makes them want to know more so it is a way to hook the audience in. It only has the most important information which is the holiday company and the location of the model she is in. Moving on the shot that is used is long shot to get the whole of the scenery in, to illustrate the luxury of the holiday.
is no bright or uplifting colours. The lighting in this image is very dark and gloomy but it mostly focuses on the rubble to signify the damaged that has been caused by the bombing and to reflect the loss and the danger of this war zone area. The standing buildings are out of focus compared to the rubble to connote the damage that the bombs have caused. The story that this photo tells us that war can destroy people life’s causing them to abound the place they use to live. Also the damage the bombs can cause on an area.
Tell a story
Bruce Davidson Paolo Pellegrin
This photography was taken by Bruce Davidson. This photo tells a story about working This photograph was taken by Paolo Pelclass black people demanding “decent houslegrin and was taken in Israel. Firstly, the ing”. The universal symbols are very dull universal symbol is quite dull and dark coland dark representing the protesters pain they ours this connotes a sense of hopelessness are feeling from not having a decent home to due to the lack of colour and the sky is covcome home to also representing the struggle ered by thick grey clouds stopping any sunand how they are not treated equally. The light from getting in. furthermore the dark main story is that the black working class colours symbolise death and destruction bematching for basic humans right. The setcause the colours connote a deadly and neg- ting is outside by the Washington monument ative image. The exterior location is a very which is known for being built by slaves. derelict and seems to be the urban area beWhich is reinforcing the fact that they are fore the bombing it connotes a sense of chaos being treated like slaves. This photo repreand instability due to the rubble and smoke sents passion and love because these people everywhere. Even the building that are stand- are representation the whole of the black ing are rundown and damage. Also, the lack community. of people signifies the poverty and chaos in the area because it is somewhere unfit and Increase Sales too dangerous to live. The chaotic scenes This is an interesting example of digital connote war and conflict due to the absence photography in this album cover by the of people and the amount of damage and Arctic Monkeys. It fits the rock genre perdestruction caused. Also, the gloominess of fectly because it uses controversial image the image signifies depression because there
of the young male smoking which is seen as choly and down to the floor. She has quite rebellious which fits into the rock genre and bold and unusual makeup and clothing. This this will help increase sells because young reflects her style of music which is indie rock adults and teenagers will find this appealing because of the rebellious behaviour and laid back attitude. The use close up shot allow the audience to see the young model facial expression and the close up of the cigarette to show off the fact that the model
which is a different style of music to the first album. The lugs at her chest with the mesh dress go perfectly with the title lungs. The setting is interesting because it appears to smokes. The facial expression and the body her being in a forest and the frame around language is very relaxed and care free which her is black and the shot is mid shot. This meets the criteria for rock. The use of the shot is used t get her expression in and her black and white filter connotes a sense of surroundings however there is some element rebellion depression and mystery because of mystery to this photo because you can’t with this filter we are unable to see many see the whole of her surroundings and body. of his feature and it hides the colour of his This is a good marketing point because the skin, hair and eyes. Which might intrigue colours are very vibrant and colourful which the audience. It also has the bands symbol is instantly eye catching and this image will “Arctic Monkeys” which stands out it allows stick with the audience. The setting is very the audience to see what band it is this will beautiful and colourfully which reflects her increase sales because of the bands popular- style of music. At the top of the page it has ity so the audience can instantly recognise the name of the singer “Florence and the mathe band just by the logo which will increase chine” and it is in white writing with a black sales because the cover is using an audience background which makes the writing to be familarity which menas the audience will the most dominate part of the cover which trust the band to produce a quality ablum . allows the audience to see who the singer is The front cover breaks boundaries like smok- which is also a good selling point because the ing enclosed space again is rebellious which audience can see straight away who the signwill reflect the genre of music. er is. The background juxtaposes with her The next example is Lungs by Florence and facial expression because the setting is like the machine. This album is a good example paradise and very intriguing unlike the modof digital photography because unlike the el who looks unapproachable and depressed Arctic Monkey the first image you notice is which could link to her style of music. of the model laying down looking melanWhat ever people say I am thats what I’m not Ablum by the Arctic Monkeys
your life span which is reflected in the cigarette. The black background reflects the death and depression cigarette cause and the unhealthy lifestyle.
This road safety campaign is telling us not to go on your phone while crossing the road because you could end up in the worse scenario like the dead boy on the poster. The short phrase “stop think live” suggest it’s not worth the risk of death. The chilling image of the young boy By Lara Young giving direct eye contact to the audience creates tense and it is quite disturbing which is affective because it stays with the audience. Also the the prop what the boy is holding is a mobile phone which raises awareness that mobile phones are dangerous while crossing the road. The model is a young black teenager which suggests that it can happen to anyone. Also by using the model is suggesting that the target audience is teenagers. the white text at the top “My friend saw the txt He didn’t see the truck” is very short but raises awareness that don’t go on your phone while crossing the road. The main focus is the young which reflects a sense of loss which the audience don’t want to feel epically with the a loved one. The setting fits the charity advert because it is on a road and this a road safety advert. The story this awareness campaign is telling that smoking kills. The is shown through the first cigarette “I want to live not to die” and each cigarette is getting shorter and shorter it gets closer and closer to death and that’s how the story ends by suggesting smoking kills. This public health advert is effect because it promotes that smoking will. The main focus is on the five cigarettes the use of these photos suggest the more you smoke the shorter