Unit 27 Task 1 Part 1

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Applications and Purposes of Photography By Lara Young Advertising

Magazine advert One media sector in which we can find many applications of photography is the advertising sector. Adverts appear in many types of media products for example magazines, newspaper and billboards. The Nike advert was published in Men’s Fitness and many other Male magazines. This is a very typical uses of photography in this type of advertisement. The advert is very plan yet affective because the use of colour is black and white which is a very luxuries feel to it. Which reflects the brand as it sells the luxuries and expensive sports wear. This is to promotes the company as a luxurious brand. The model is dressed head to toe in Nike to make to get the point the point across that Nike is both fashionable yet comfortable and flexible to move in. The modal is a well-known and respected Basketball player. Also using the young black basketball player makes the advert more diverse because its not a stereotypical football player what sport ads normally use. This is a marketing technique to increase sells because So, it makes it seem more relatable. The use of the black and white colour connote class and elegant making the product seem more higher and expensive which might make the product seem more appealing. The model is showing what the product is abbe to do because it looks to the audience to the it is flexible and comfortable to move in. Moreover, the uses of the familiar slogan “just do it” and the Nike swoosh is an audience familiarity so the purpose is allowing the audience to recognise the company and the genre of sports it fits into. Unlike the McDonald’s this adverts uses sport and healthy fitness to connect with the audience to market a product it is pacifically aimed at men. This company isn’t selling a product it is selling a lifestyle for the audience. This is an example of portraiture and the purpose of this is to show the whole of the modal body in action.

Newspaper Advert

red and yellow colours to stand out to the audience and make it know to them that this is a McDonalds studio. The products look as though they are freshly made which makes them look appetising to the audience. The poster will be advertised on build boards because it is simple yet affect because there is little writing which makes it easy for the passers by to read and get what this poster is offering.


This advert was in the Daily Mail newspaper. The reason this advert was in the Daily Mail because this advert was targeted at working class people which many working class people read the Daily Mail. This is an interesting marketing campaign by McDonalds because it uses the McDonalds symbol of the M so the audience can straight away see that it is McDonalds which will straight away capture the audience attention which will make the audience stop and look. Furthermore, they use the petrol pump as a coca cola tap which connotes that McDonalds is quick and easy to use much like the pump. This product communicates to the audience that McDonalds is fast easy and will satisfy your hungry straight away. The pump could also connote that McDonalds will give you fuel much like the pump give fuel to a car “Fuel up … feel good”. It also features pictures of the main products the burger and fries to make the viewer crave the product which will increase seals. The use of “feel good” is suggesting that if you eat this product then it will have a positive affect on you and you will not regret eating it. The product is taken in a studio and through out this poster it has he signature

This Gucci perfume advertisement uses many application of photography. This advert is uses very typical uses of photography because the main focus point of this advert is not the perfume bottle but the model as she is the centre of the billboard and the largest object. The purpose of this is because the model reflects confidantes and power which the perfume represents and wants the consumer to feel this when they use this product and this will help to increase sales. Furthermore, the model has been objectified as her clothing is quite revealing the purpose of this is because sex sells. The use of colour is quite bright with the use of pinks and white being the main colours. The purpose of this application is its very eye catching which will catch the attentions of the audience on the road and it easy for them to see. The colours are luxurious and elegant which represents the brand. The colours promote this as everything is soft and the colours are not aggressive at all. Also the colour represents the target audience which is woman as the colours are feminine colours such as pink and purple this is to illustrate who the product is for which is a middle class wealthy woman. On this billboard there is not much text as this is more of a safety issue because this billboard is meant for roads which means they can’t have much text. If there is text it has to be short yet still get the point across. Which this advertisement does it has the companies name which is Gucci and the name of the product which is Bamboo.

Web Advert This advert was taken from the Daily Mirror website which is Aldi target audience who read this paper. Who are middle age working class people. This is an interesting media campaign by Aldi because the main focus point of this advert is the food which it informs the audience straight away that they sell good quality food for a small price because of the price in a red. The colour red stands out and catches the audience because it illustrates to the audience that they sell food for a small price. Also the colour connotes love and passion which reflect the theme of the advert which is valentine’s day. This theme is shown throughout the adverts with the use of the big red heart that has been digital manipulated using an animation programme. The heart connotes love and relationship and is suggesting to treat your loved one. The use of the text “start something amazing” this text is suggesting that their food is amazing and will help start your day right. The setting is a white dining table the reason for the white background is that it helps make the products the main focus point and helps it stand out. This advert uses the Aldi logo because it is an audience familiarity and will help increase sales because it is a brand that people

trust this logo will help increase sells because it is a brand that people trust. Charity Advert

This road safety campaign is telling us not to go on your phone while crossing the road because you could end up in the worse scenario like the dead boy on the poster. This charity is to promote the idea to teenagers to be careful while crossing the road with the short phrase “stop think live” suggest it’s not worth the risk of death. The chilling image of the young boy giving direct eye contact to the audience creates tense and it is quite disturbing which is affective because it stays with the audience. Also the prop what the boy is holding is a mobile phone which raises awareness that mobile phones are dangerous while crossing the road. The model is a young black teenager which suggests that it can happen to anyone. Also by using the model is suggesting that the target audience is teenagers. the white text at the top “My friend saw the txt He didn’t see the truck” is very short but raises awareness that don’t go on your phone while crossing the road. The main focus is the young which reflects a sense of loss which the audience don’t want to feel epically with the a loved one. The setting fits the charity advert because it is on a road and this a road safety advert.

Political campaign One media sector we can find many applications of photography is the political campaign. This is a good use of photography because of the use of colours red, white and blue which are the colours of the American flag. This connotes a sense of patriotic because of the colours which reflect freedom and greatness. The use of the photo of John Kennedy connotes powerful well presented man because of the use of clothing he has on. He has a suit on the reason for this is that he wants to promote himself and his campaign in a well organized manner which is reflected through his suite. The use of the black and white image of John Kennedy connotes a sense of elegant and power. Also the smile gives him a down to earth element which connotes trust and can get the audience to relate to him. The reason for this smile is because john Kennedy is promoting himself and he wants it to be in a positive light. Also the text is affective “a time for greatness, Kennedy for present” the words greatness and Kennedy are next to each other so this campaign wants the be people to think of Kennedy as greatness. Also the writing is in white which reflects hope and power. Furthermore it makes the writing stand out.

Fashion front cover

One media sector in which we can find many applications of photography is the fashion sector. This image is the front cover of a magazine called Fashion. This is a good example of digital photography because it will help increase sells because it uses the stereotypes like the modal wearing a mesh dress exposing her breasts. The purpose of this is because sex sells and this is what the audience is drawn to and it reflects the media perception of the ideal body. Also the outfit is pink which connotes femininity and is a stereotypical colour for a woman. The overall theme of this fashion magazine is sex and beauty because this is marked at woman. The reason this uses helps increase sells is because it uses sub titles like “Stripe club the new sexy” hooks the reader in and it helps increase because it breaks the stereotype because woman traditionally not allowed to talk about these topics its seen as a masculine topic. This topic connotes a rebellious with the use of the digital photographer of the modal sitting in a rather seductive way which connotes power and dominates which will increase sells because in the modem day this is what woman aspire to be like. However, this has a negative use of digital photography because the modals body and facial features have been digital enhanced by using Photoshop this will help increase sells because women will use this magazine to help them look like that because it has beauty tips and weight loss advice. This can have a negative impact on them because it is unrealistic beauty standards. The use of the interior

location is in a grey background this colour connotes depression however in this situation it allows the modal to stand out because she is wearing a brightly colour cloths which connotes elegant and class because it isvery simplistic.

Fashion magazine spread

This image is from the fashion magazine. This is an interesting use of photography as there is many different use of photography as there is a montage of images. This is to illustrate to the audience the different style and fashion tips that this magazine can offer you. The use of colour in the background is black and this colour connotes death and depression but than it is contrasted with the outfits that are all brightly coloured like pink and white which is are feminine colour this is used to market to woman. The reason for the black is to contrast with the outfit which helps it stand out. The use of outfits are all feminine which relates to the theme being a woman’s fashion magazine. The outfits are quite revealing and objectifying as the white out on the left is very much reviling as the skirt is short which revels her body. The modal that has been used is a stereotypical modal tall and skinny this brings the idea that these clothes will make you feel this confident and look this good. This image of all the modals are a long shot the reason for this is because so the audience can what the audience can see the whole modal and see what she is wearing and this is promoting the product so the audience can imagine themselves wearing the product. The use of text like the heading “winter style” is in a grey font and is the main focus of all the text. The use of grey fits the theme of winter and the idea of winter being depressing. However, the two colours reflect the magazine as it gives an elegant and sophisticated feel which reflects the target audience which will be middle class woman so it the woman can identify themselves with this.

Photojournalism This photograph was taken by Paolo Pellegrin and was taken in Israel. Firstly, the universal symbol is quite dull and dark colours this connotes a sense of hopelessness due to the lack of colour and the sky is covered by thick grey clouds stopping any sunlight from getting in. furthermore the dark colours symbolise death and destruction because the colours connote a deadly and negative image. The exterior location is a very derelict and seems to be the urban area before the bombing it connotes a sense of chaos and instability due to the rubble and smoke everywhere. Even the building that are standing are rundown and damage. Also, the lack of people signifies the poverty and chaos in the area because it is somewhere unfit and too dangerous to live. The chaotic scenes connote war and conflict due to the absence of people and the amount of damage and destruction caused. Also, the gloominess of the image signifies depression because there is no bright or uplifting colours. The lighting in this image is very dark and gloomy but it mostly focuses on the rubble to signify the damaged that has been caused by the bombing and to reflect the loss and the danger of this war zone area. The standing buildings are out of focus compared to the rubble to connote the damage that the bombs have caused. The story that this photo tells us that war can destroy people life’s causing them to abound the place they use to live. Also the damage the bombs can cause on an area.

This photography was taken by Bruce Davidson. This photo tells a story about working class black people demanding “decent housing”. The universal symbols are very dull and dark representing the protesters pain they are feeling from not having a decent home to come home to also representing the struggle and how they are not treated equally. The main story is that the black working class matching for basic humans right. The setting is outside by the Washington monument which is known for being built by slaves. Which is reinforcing the fact that they are being treated like slaves. This photo represents passion and love because these people are representation the whole of the black community.

Front cover Another media sector in which we can find many applications of photography is this use of this music magazine. This front cover is from the NME music magazine this magazine is aimed at men. This is a very typical application of photography in this front cover. This photo is very masculine through the use of the modal Alex Turner who is the lead signer of Arctic Monkeys which is a British rock band. This model will help increase sales because the he is popular with boys aged 16+ which is the target audience for this magazine. The modal is making direct eye contact with the audience this is used entice the audience in and will help increase sales. The magazine uses audiences familiarities with the digital manipulated logo NME. This logo is used so the audience can trust this brand. The red connotes passion and danger. The reason it uses the theme passion is because this company wants to reflect its passion for music. Also to attract its target audience because red is considered a masculine colour. Moving the prop that the modal is using is a record which is used to help carry through the genre of the magazine which is music. There is a Varity of colour including red,

white, black and blue these colours connote masculinity which again reflects the target audience. The use of the text what stand out “The Record That Changed My Life”. This is the most dominate text and it is written like someone has written it which gives it a personal feel to it.

Double page spread This double page spread is from is from the NME magazine which is a music themed magazine. This uses many application of photography as the main focus point is the image of the band The Vaccines which again are popular with the target audience who is 16+ boys. The colours are very dull which is a complete contrast to the front cover. However all the band members give the audience direct eye contact which helps make the audience have a connection with the audience. Also the camera angle medium shot which allows us to see the models and helps add a sense of vulnerability to the members. Furthermore this shot allows us to see the props which are guitars this again links back to the theme. Finally the use of text is heading “The Vaccines” this allows the audience to know who the people are in the picture also to capture the audience attention and help entice fans in.

Front page In this article the photograph is the main focus because the picture tells the story. The headline reinforces what has happened which bring the story to life and it gives us more of an insight and a close up on the story. Furthermore, the big bold headline standout compared to the rest of the text with the simplistic text ‘U.S. Attacked’ which capture the Stories In this articles photography is used to reflect the seriousness of the situation. With the photographer capturing the fear and panic in the people that this chaotic situation has caused. This image brings the situation to life and adds a new level of horror and chaos to the situation. Furthermore the bold heading ‘Sniper Kills President’ encages reader straight away and it simplifies the situation and the use of the heading ‘Smiling Kennedy Shot in Head’ which gives more insight to the situation. Moving on the reason the newspaper editors uses photographers to capture and bring this situation to life and it makes the article more interesting. Both the heading and subheading are both shocking and seem surreal and it links to the image and it anchors to reader attention. The heading emphasis and encages the situation like the ‘Smiling Kennedy Shot in Head’ it gives us a close up view to the situation and it gives us more information. So the reader knows straight away what’s going on.

audience and it gives a simplistic insight of the story and it intrigues the audience. Compared to the other article the picture dominates the article. Catching the

viewer’s interest and it reflector the seriousness of the situation. Also the smaller photo that the article uses captures the reaction of the passers strikes a sense of fear for the audience and makes the situation more real and might make the article more personal and allow the audience to sympathise. Also the different subheadings allows the audience to get more information about the attack and how it has impact others. The way it sets is much organised and it is very easy to read allowing the audience to have no trouble reading it. Album cover This is an interesting example of digital photography in this album cover by the Arctic Monkeys. It fits the rock genre perfectly because it uses controversial image of the young male smoking which is seen as rebellious which fits into the rock genre and this will help increase sells because young adults and teenagers will find this appealing because of the rebellious behaviour and laid back attitude. The use close up shot allow the audience to see the young model facial expression and the close up of the cigarette to show off the fact that the model smokes. The facial expression and the body language is very relaxed and care free which meets the criteria for rock. The use of the black and white filter connotes a sense of rebellion depression and mystery because with this filter we are unable to see many of his feature and it hides the colour of his skin, hair and eyes. Which might intrigue the audience. It also has the bands symbol “Arctic Monkeys” which stands out it allows the audience to see what band it is this will increase sales because of the bands popularity so the audience can instantly recognise the band just by the logo. The front cover breaks boundaries like smok-

ing enclosed space again is rebellious which will reflect the genre of music. The next example is Lungs by Florence and the machine. This album is a good example of digital photography because unlike the Arctic Monkey the first image you notice is of the model laying down looking melancholy and down to the floor. She has quite bold and unusual makeup on and clothing. This reflects her style of music which is indie rock which is a different style of music to the first album. The lugs at her chest with the mesh dress go perfectly with the title lungs. The setting s interesting because it appears to her being in a forest and the frame around her is black and the shot is mid shot. This shot is used t get her expression in and her surroundings however there is some element of mystery to this photo because you can’t see the whole of her surroundings and body. This is a good marketing point because the colours are very vibrant and colourful which is instantly eye catching and this image will stick with the audience. The setting is very beautiful and colourfully which reflects her style of music. At the top of the page it has the name of the singer “Florence and the machine” and it is in white writing with a black background which makes the writing to be the most dominate part of the cover which allows the audience to see who the singer is which is also a good selling point because the audience can see straight away who the signer is. The background juxtaposes with her facial expression because the setting is like paradise and very intriguing unlike the model who looks unapproachable and depressed which could link to her style of music.

Holiday Brochure

This example of the Thomson travel brochure uses good pictures and text because the use of the signature Thomson and the logo instantly tells us the company and the audience automatically becomes familiar with what the brochure is selling to us which is a holiday. Where this is a famous company the audience have a sense of trust as it is well known. As soon as you see the brochure it is instantly selling you a luxuries holiday with the white text and the white bathing suite. The white connotes the peace and luxury which reflects the holiday. The reason this image helps sell the holiday because the audience can’t go to the location so the company create and put the best and most interesting part of the holiday on the front colour. For example, the setting is very tranquil and peaceful with the use of the clear blue skies and the palm trees. They are creating a paradise and something that you are unable to get in England. There is a lack text which creates a more luxuries feel to the brochure because adding lots of text and price may put people of and will become quite messy. The lack of text reflects the theme of this holiday which a peaceful and relaxing holiday. The image sells the product because the audience isn’t being forced to read a lot of text. It may also interreges the audience because with the lack of text makes them want to know more so it is a way to hook the audience in. It only has the most important information which is the holiday company and the location of the model she is in. Moving on the shot that is used is long shot

to get the whole of the scenery in, to illustrate the luxury of the holiday. one media sector in which we can find many applications of photography is the advertising sector. Adverts appear in many different products like this example here is in a form of a brochure. The first choice brochure is aimed at couples in particular. This is a very typical applications of photography in this type of advertisement. This photography has a very romantic setting . the setting is a beach with a couple looking at each other romantically. This brochure want to sell a lifestyle to the couple and how it will be the perfect location for them. The camera angle is a low angle shot which makes the couple look powerful. This shot reflects that the client have control of what happens on their holiday. Also the beach connotes relaxation and calmness which will appeal to the target audience which are young couples. The use of colours are soft and vibrant. The colour pink connotes love and tranquillity which reflects the holiday. This brochure use audience familiarity with the use of the first choice logo this allows the audience to trust the company straight away which will help increase sells because the audience will automatically trust this company. Furthermore the use of the setting of the beach, palm trees and the sun set all connote a paradise that you cant get with any other holiday. The use of text “chai” is teaching how to say yes in Thai which gives the audience the basic language of the country. The colour white connotes purity and heavenly atmosphere.

Product catalogue Another media sector in which we can find many applications of photography is the advertising sector. Adverts appear in may different ways this advert appears in brochure form. This is a good example of digital photography with the use of the long shot capturing most of the room. In this shot almost everything you see here is an Ikea product and it is set in a normal house. Its connotes that these products will improve your living space. The colours are very bold, vibrant and colourfully which represents the brand. It is very eye catching which will interreges the viewer to look into the brochure. The use of the slogan “make room for life” is very catchy and will stick with the audience and it has a positive connotation because it is suggesting that these products will bring life to your room. The location is in a normal home and not in a studio the reason it is in a normal home is because it allows the viewer to see what their home could be. It is also a way to show off and promote their product. Moreover, it has the iconic Ikea logo in the bottom left which allows the viewer to instantly recognise the symbol. Also, the most dominate colour in this booklet is yellow which is the main colour in the Ikea symbol. What most people wouldn’t that this product isn’t just promoting furniture its promoting a lifestyle and how buying this product will have a positive affect on your life because of the use of photos of many different products like the chairs and how this product can liven up your home. This B&Q catalogue uses many

The dominate colour in this image is blue, blue has conations of calmness and relaxation. Which B&Q is trying to sell the audience a lifestyle of tranquillity which these products brig to your home. The angle that the photograph has used is portrait which adds a element of mystery. The reason for adding mystery is the company has only added a small taster of the product this will help increase sells. Also the us of the mid shot cut off certain products like the table also adds a sense of mystery and will encourage the audience to look further into it. The setting is of a living room the reason for this because adds a homely feeling and how the promoting the different product together can make a homely feeling which will help increase sells because the audience can the picture themselves with the product in their home. Finally the use of B&Q logo is there so the audience can trust this brand and is there to help increase sells. Also the use of the digital manipulated sign “interiors” to inform the audience what the product is so the audience have a better insight. The reason the sign is white to fit the theme o the room but also allows it to stand out.

An individual promoting themselves

An organisation promoting itself

One media sector in which we can find many application of photography is the advertising sector. Adverts appear in may different types of media products. In this image a celebrity Alexa Chung has used her Instagram page to promote a brand Lorealpro. This post has gotten 16,020 likes. This image is a very typical application of photography in this post has a very stage room setting suggesting this product is perfect for run ways and modals. The setting appears to have a chaotic background with people behind her running around and the use of the blur. This setting is connoting that this product is perfect for a chaotic and busy lifestyle. Moving on, the main focus of the image is the model Alexa Chung who was an ex modal and is popular with 20-35 year old woman. The reason the modal is the main focus is because the shot she is in is a close up. The reason for this shot is because the product is a hair product and this shot allows the audience to have a close up of her hair and how heathy looking hair you can have if you use this product. furthermore, this image connotes elegant with the use of the colour black. The colour black goes against gender stereotypes as stereotypically woman are associated with pink. The blurred image in the background allows the main focus to be on the modal and how healthy looking her hair is. She captured the post main event which suggest to the audience when to use this product which is at a big event and it connotes glamour and when us use this product it will make the consumer fell how the modal feels which will help increase sales. An organisation promoting itself

This is an interesting marketing post on Instagram it a company called community and it is selling festival tickets. This uses many applications of photography as the main focus is of the crowd and the background has been blurred out. The reason for this is so we can see the facial expressions of the crowed which is ecstatic and looks as though they are enjoying themselves. This crowd connotes unity and happiness which is what the company is promising to the audience which is almost selling a lifestyle to the audience because it’s suggesting by these tickets and you will have a good time. The use of colour is interesting because it has been digital manipulated to make help bring out the yellows and oranges. This colours connote summer and joy. These colours help set the atmosphere which is a positive and happy environment which will help sell tickets. The crowd mostly features girls which is suggesting the target audience is 16+ girls. Finally the angle is portrait the reason for this is wanted to capture as many people as possible as show the audience how much fun their having which will help increase sells.

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