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Dave brings 40 years of valuable and interesting experience in transportation, management, safety, business and compliance. Dave has driven in every condition across North America and overseas as Military, Police, Company Driver to an Owner Operator to transportation management. Now our Celebrity Editor Publisher of Canadian Trucking Magazine bringing you articles and entertainment in print and on the web. Join Dave on Face Book for real time updates and meet at your favorite stop or truck show! Be Happy to say Hi and maybe get a picture or two. See you down the road.

What an exciting month with hitting all the truck stops and talking to you on Chrome & Steel Radio. On the COVER is Darrell Ward a Real Life Trucker going back to the love of trucking since he was in diapers. Now Darrell is a Star on the reality television series ICE ROAD TRUCKERS and will be at the CTM Booth at MATS 68188 to meet and greet all our visitors. Darrell has some awesome stories going back to his log hauling days to building race trucks. In the Centerfold this month is Star of SHIPPING WARS Jennifer Brennan also with 10 more pages in the Expanded web Edition on line and this months Pet Page being a real horse enthusiast and rodeo. Jennifer will be at MATS right beside CTM & Chrome & Steel Radio in the Diesel Spec Booth 68196. Drop in and get an autograph as you can see in the centerfold a good spot for Jennifer to sign one for you or a friend. “MATS” the Mid American Truck Show is the World’s Largest Truck Show and I have attended for years and still see more every time.

This year again AUTOSOCK as pictured above and you have seen my videos on the CTM Facebook page and read about it in past issues is at MATS Booth 68196 the McGee Company. For those that never chain or need too once and a while the AUTOSOCK legal in all states and BC is only 2lbs of weight and work! The AUTOSOCK is a must see at MATS and I bet you get some. Between Chrome and Steel Radio and videos I hope we make the miles fly past. When I travel it is in a big truck so I feel your pain on the road Brothers & Sisters, sometimes I am living the dream, weather turns, then living the nightmare. But loving it! See more in the digital magazine and the next few pages, digital does not limit the amount of good stuff we can provide you! Read on ,,,,,

continued page 4


Every month CTM grows more and more for you and your entertainment. At the Worlds Largest Truck Show MATS this months CTM & Chrome & Steel Radio at Booth 68188 containing special guests like Darrell Ward, Jennifer Brennan, and much much more, make sure to drop by. Keep a close eye on our facebook page for videos on MATS of the great displays and people there videotaped and posted for your entertainment. The OOIDA as always is at MATS Booth 11128 and is a great time to renew your membership or sign up if you haven’t. I am a proud member of the OOIDA and have been for years and look forward to what swag they may have at the booth this year. World of Wheels in Calgary and Winnipeg was great and we posted loads of Video on the Facebook and have more in the Web Edition on line, just run your mouse over the page when using a lap top and enjoy these videos for you. For those in the west coast we have Truxpo coming at us in May in Abbotsford BC. To the Right and on Pages 14 & 42 is Ellen Voie from a very Great organization Women in Trucking that has enjoyed such great success in improving and growing our Trucking Industry. So enthused when CTM can support in any way, an organization built for the betterment of the Trucking industry with such dedicated people.


Drop into Booth 40557 and visit with “WIT” Women in Trucking and see what you can do to add support. Don’t forget our friends at Denny’s below and write up on Page 34 & 35 inside. A free Grand Slam on your Birthday!!! Tip heavy they work hard for us and make us feel at home.

Hard to wrap my mind around that and now 19,000+ LIKES to the page itself. If you are on FB, please LIKE our page and get news, entertainment and first release of the web editions plus awesome videos. All Built for you to pick up, read and keep! Don’t forget to tune us in on Chrome & Steel Radio anytime and meet the crew and cast at our MATS booth 68188. I look so forward to working with my “Favorite” and oldest son Robert and crew as we produce dozens of entertaining videos for you this month to make the road or sitting that much easier while away from home. Put June 4th on your schedule for the Canadian Trucking Show! I like to say again thanks for reading CTM and I look forward to hearing from you, than about you. See you on the road..... Be safe my friends! Keep On Trucking, All the Best!!!!!!

Above MATS is a good place to meet new and old friends we may not get to see all that often. For me it is like Rex Norris & Wanda Frost from Knightstown Indiana who take MATS in each year. I get to see Mark Reddig one of my favorite voices on SIRIUSXM Radio on Land Line Now @ Booth 40460 broadcasting live. Bottom Right is Jennifer Bren- Happy Trails..... nan with my good friend Marc Springer both super stars on reality television trucking show SHIPPING WARS. You all know Marc Springer from the Show SHIPPING WARS or his company and trucking wear Snortn’ Boar Transport. Marc Springer will be at the Blue Parrott Booth # 17240 always open for a good conversation about trucking and hockey. Your CTM crew try to make it out to as many events as we can and create videos for you posted on FB and the web edition of CTM. If you are not on our Facebook, you would not know,CTM has hit a reach of over 1/2 million viewers on FaceBook with over 58,000+ fully engaged. WOW



See a great joke you want to share, send it to CTM to print this is your magazine, and enjoy more jokes on the next pages and extra on the web





World of W

Just a sample of a few Vide Trucking Magazine FaceBook of Wheels in Calgary AB & W on Facebook. World of Wheel the entire family for a great tim

Wheels 2016

eos we put up on the Canadian k Page this month from the World Winnipeg MB with loads more still ls is a great place to go and bring mes and memories.


Child pornography seizure at Sprague results in significant jail sentence

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced that on March 1, 2016, in a Winnipeg Provincial court, Robert William Roske of Minnesota entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to a 2.5 year jail sentence for attempting to smuggle digital images and videos of child pornography, contrary to section 159 of the Customs Act. This case dates back to July 30, 2015 when Mr. Roske was seeking entry into Canada at the Sprague port of entry and was referred for secondary examination. Border services officers examined his electronic devices and discovered suspected child pornography. The officer seized the electronic devices and arrested Mr. Roske. The case was referred to the CBSA Criminal Investigations Section, where they identified a total of 1,954 images and 389 video files of child pornography belonging to Mr. Roske. Quick Facts • The Customs Act prohibits the importation of certain goods, including child pornography as defined by the Criminal Code. The CBSA works closely with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada to prosecute to the full extent of the law those engaging in smuggling prohibited material into Canada.

• So far this year in the Prairie Region, border services officers have made five suspected child pornography seizures; in 2015, they made 22 seizures of suspected child pornography. • The Roske sentence is the longest sentencing handed down in Canada for a child pornography cross-border smuggling case investigated by the CBSA. • CBSA officers are always on the lookout for prohibited material and are trained to intercept these goods in all forms—printed material, film or video tape. Anyone with information about suspicious cross-border or illegal activity is encouraged to call the CBSA Border Watch Toll-free Line at 1-888-502-9060. Quote “This is the longest sentence ever handed down in a CBSA child pornography investigation. In this case, our officers demonstrated their commitment and diligence in protecting the most vulnerable persons, children, from further exploitation.” - Kim Scoville, Regional Director General, CBSA Prairie Region Note from Dave! If you see suspicious activity, persons asking you for a ride across the border in your vehicle, a loose lipped driver talking about smuggling loads of weapons or drugs, do us all a big favour and contact authorities. Try to get as much information as possible without becoming involved and shut these bad guys down. They are bad for our business.

CALL BORDER WATCH~ 1.888.502.9060





By; Ellen Voie CAE, President/CEO Women in Trucking Women In Truck- it and take it on. I love the challenge and overing Association coming stereotypes. I also love the reaction (WIT) announces when I tell people, I drive trucks,” she said. Sheili (Shay) TorShay offers advice to women drivers, res as its March or those considering a career in truck driving, Member of the “Never allow a challenge or even fear intimidate Month. Shay, an you and always seek as much knowledge as active Army Na- possible. Being a woman is already powerful, but tional Guard sol- a woman that knows where she is heading and dier and a J.B. Hunt veteran driver, describes seeks knowledge, that woman is unstoppable. herself as fearless. “I don’t fear an 18 wheel May all women around the world find confidence truck. I have perseverance and work ethic. I’m but never accept complacency.” not afraid of responsibilities. I got that from the Women In Trucking Association, Inc. military,” she said. is a nonprofit association established to encourShay is one of the first women to com- age the employment of women in the trucking inplete the Hunt’s Heroes program at J.B. Hunt dustry, promote their accomplishments and and obtain the Class A CDL needed to begin her minimize obstacles faced by women working in truck driving employment. The military hiring the trucking industry. Membership is not limited program offers current members of the military to women, as 16 percent of its members are men and veterans pay while they attend professional who support the mission. driving school as well as extensive training. With seven years of truck driving ex- Follow WIT on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. perience in the Army National Guard, Shay For more information, visit http://www.womenintrucking.org thought J.B. Hunt would be a good match, “Their or call recruiters came to our unit and spoke to us. It 888-464-9482. felt right. It was something I knew how to do and I liked. It was a big opportunity.” She finds being a civilian truck driver and an active military member to be challenging, yet rewarding. “In the army, your trucks travel together. You can’t get lost. You always have a team. As a civilian truck driver, you are on your own, and make the calls by yourself. The independence is refreshing. I’m calling my own shots,” Shay said. Since J.B. Hunt’s veteran driving jobs are local and regional, Shay enjoys being a local intermodal driver who gets home every day and has time to enjoy her life off the road. “I love fashion! I love looking good, love cooking. One of my dreams is to design my own clothes. I love my family too,” she explained. Being a female in the male dominated trucking business doesn’t slow Shay down. “I’m only 5’4, very small and I enjoy being able to do 14









EC INC @ MATS H 68196


Jennifer Brennan

Jennifer Brennan



See more of

Jennifer Brennan and

ask her to sign your copy of CTM @

MATS Booth


DIESEL SPEC right beside the

CTM Booth &

Chrome & Steel

68188 Radio

The Yellowhead Inn by Dave MacKenzie



More than just a Truck

Welcome to the Yellowhead Inn, a mark of history on the Trans-Canada Highway. I stay at the Yellowhead every time I go through Edmonton and if I am pulling a load in a big truck there is plenty of parking and some pet friendly rooms. The Yellowhead Inn has been a vital part of Edmonton’s industry since its construction in 1972. Since then, it has played host to the men and women who have laboured to make this province and this city as great as they are today. Many have come for the convenience of its location and the allure of its affordable room rates, and many more have come back for the friends they have made with the exceptional staff and guests. The Yellowhead Inn offers an experience that no other hotel can boast of. With 153 rooms, the Yellowhead Inn is among the largest of the hotels in West Edmonton. With rates as low as $85, the hotel is the most affordable and most reliable in the city. Make sure to ask for your CTM, Trucker Discount.

Its pride is also held in its numerous facilities, ranging from the full-service restaurant to banquet facilities, a bar, and brandnew VLTs in the lounge. It has been cared for with great consideration, as it boasts of its complete room renovations in the West Wing, the lobby, and public areas. In time, The Yellowhead Inn will be among the newest hotels in the city, as they continue to plan for the complete renovation of every room and public space. And will still be the most affordable hotel in the city. Come and enjoy a wedding in the Veronica Ballroom. Come and put your feet up in Lucky’s Lounge after a long day. Come and experience the comfort of getting the nicest room in the city for a price beyond compare, just mention CTM. Come and experience the Yellowhead Inn, because they are better and very trucker friendly. All rooms come equipped with refrigerators, television, ironing board, hair dryer, complimentary wifi internet, individual heater/air conditioner,Keurig coffee maker, desk, and phone. Please make sure to tell them CTM sent you as the Yellowhead supports your magazine lets support them.






By Marc Palud Xp3 Canada NEW Self Validation Program for Xp3's Ultra-Premium Fuel Upgrader

X p 3

That's how confident we are in Xp3's performance that once you see firsthand how Xp3 functions on your own equipment and can prove to yourself, you will see that the positive return on investment more than pays for itself, over and above all of the other benefits your fleet equipment will gain by using Xp3 treated fuel. Note: This Mafia Offer is only available to fleets operating more than 20 vehicles or Have you ever heard of a pieces of equipment.

Mafia Offer?

It's an offer you can't refuse ;-). Well Xp Canada has come up with their own Mafia Offer, giving you an opportunity to self-validate how Xp3 will perform on your specific equipment, in your own operating environment at NO RISK to you! Their Mafia Offer is; "We guarantee that your operating cost per KM with Xp3 treated fuel will be less than non-treated fuel”. Qualifying fleet choose 3 pieces of equipment, run 10 tanks of untreated fuel documenting litres consumed and kilometers travelled, submit the data to Xp3 Canada. Xp3 Canada then determines how much Xp3 product you will need for the second phase of the test. Xp3 Canada delivers and invoices the right amount of Xp3 product to run your next 10 tanks with the Xp3 treatment. If the Xp3 treated fuel portion of the test does not show a lower cost per kilometer travelled, then you simply rip up the invoice and not pay anything.


ADVERTORIAL • Gain better performance and longer engine life with Xp3. • Enjoy additional kilometers with less fuel consumption with Xp3. • Experience easier starting, better idling and less pollution with Xp3. • Pull your load like a boss with extra torque and horsepower with Xp3. • and protect yourself against cold weather gelling and icing with Xp3.

Xp3 takes care of all your fuel related problems and counters the negative effects of today's bio-based fuels and seasonally blended fuels. Discover for yourself why Xp3 currently treats and upgrades over 4 billion litres of fuel every year around the world. Keep your engine running cleaner, smoother, better and longer with Xp3. For a FREE technical guide on the Xp3 Fuel Upgrader, go to: data.Xp3.ca


MyDenny’s App Adds Value for Frequent Diners

It's all about you. Your preferences, your tastes, your cravings. It's your Denny's, so why not have it all? Make Denny's yours with MyDenny's, the only app that earns you perks with every bite you take. Denny’s Restaurants has been a staple of Canadian dining for the last 45 years, providing classic diner fare, an inviting atmosphere, and great value for all their guests. With 59 locations across the country, many located along major transit routes, Denny’s is a dining staple for drivers, providing a bit of comfort and familiarity when away from home. Denny’s has always placed a high importance on being a good value, but with their recently relaunched Loyalty Program they have found a way to make dining an even better deal, especially for their loyal customers. With a simple download from Google Play or the App store, the free MyDenny’s mobile app allows guests to earn points for every purchase at participating stores. Every purchase also earns a stamp on their digital loyalty card. Once the card has been filled in, members earn a special $5 reward coupon and a new card is started automatically. One of the big questions about the app, has been how hard is it to get enough points to get the rewards? Well the answer is it’s easy, and there are lots of added incentives to sign up! New members automatically get 50 points for registering and there are opportunities to earn bonus points by completing polls on the app and entering promo codes that are posted on social media or emailed to their members. It doesn’t take long to earn enough points to redeem for rewards such discounts on purchases or free food and beverages. Every week Denny’s is giving away one thousand points to a new member, so there is an added incentive to sign up. With over 45,000 members and growing quickly, the app is proving to be highly successful for both Denny’s and their customers. One of the cool new upgrades to the app is the ability to scan a QR code on the bottom of each receipt, making it quick and easy to add the points to your account. Members can also use the app to send invitations to meet up with friends and share points back and forth with other members. For the non-smartphone users, there is a desktop version of the loyalty program available at www.mydennys.ca providing all the perks, promotions, and contests available through the app. If you are a Blackberry user, you can use the mobile web version on your phone’s Internet browser, also at mydennys.ca.



God Blessed Texas ~ The Texas Motor Speedway Great American Sweethearts getting ready for NASCAR fast action. See Race Car action and news in the Expanded Web Edition on line and more about the Sweethearts of Texas.

Want more NASCAR Action !

Canadian Trucking Magazine has it, on the Expanded Web Edition now enjoyed by over 570,000 readers a month and up to date events on the Canadian Trucking Magazine Face Book Page ~ LIKE US !




HI My name is P.J. and this will be my third year as a Great American Sweetheart. I'm from a small town in Texas...no stop lights! Just a four way stop intersection. I'm a tomboy and grew up with two older brothers. I like to think anything the guys do, I can do...better! I’m a bit of a goofball and think a good sense of humor is a must. Laughing is the best. I’m always ready to hear a new joke if you have any! I love sports, speed, and anything outdoors. I also love sweets…mainly ice cream and cookies. Thankfully, I enjoy running too. When I start feeling a little guilty after too many sweets, I just run it off! Currently, I play on a women's soccer team…a little competition is always nice. That’s why I LOVE racing. I love being a part of the fans and interacting on race days...all the excitement and back and forth over who's going to win. I personally love me some Clint Bowyer. He feels like my kin folk! Can't wait ‘til next race weekend comes along! See y’all there!

NASCAR Names Ford Motor Company Ford Becomes First Thre

Days after Ford Motor Company celebrated its first NASCAR Sprint Cup Series victory of the season, the manufacturer will take home its third NASCAR “Driving Business Award.” Ford is the first three-time recipient of the annual award, which is bestowed upon the Official NASCAR Partner that demonstrates leadership and results through its participation in the NASCAR Fuel for Business (NFFB) Council. The NFFB Council hosted its first meeting of the year last week in Las Vegas, bringing together an exclusive group of nearly 60 Official NASCAR Partners. Ford has been competing in NASCAR since 1949 and has been a proud member of the NFFB Council since 2007. Council members bring key personnel from across their organization to construct customized deals that help address specific business needs. As a result of Ford’s participation in the Council in 2015, Ford aligned business goals with a number of Official NASCAR Partners, resulting in highly visible partnerships and a number of programs that were successful in “Driving Business.” “As a proud member of the Council, winning the ‘Driving Business Award’ for the third time is proof, yet again, of how effective the NASCAR

Fuel for Business Council platform is at generating a positive return on investment for partners,” said Tim Duerr, Ford Performance motorsports marketing manager. “At Ford, we’re constantly identifying new and innovative ways to add value to our partnerships, and this tool maximizes our B2B strategy in motorsports.” As one of the most active participants of the NFFB Council in 2015, Ford identified procurement opportunities, optimized chances for NASCAR partners to purchase Ford vehicles for their fleets, offered participation in Ford’s “Partner Recognition Program” and created successful co-marketing programs. Highlights from Ford’s success in 2015 leveraging the NFFB Council include: • Ford sold more than 3,500 vehicles through its “Partner Recognition Program” • Co-marketing programs with MillerCoors, Goodyear and SiriusXM result in nearly 900 vehicles sold • Ford executed multiple deals that eclipsed $5 million in value • More than two-thirds of Council members participated in businessto-business deals with Ford

“Ford continues to be a preeminent member of the NASCAR Fuel for Business Council, setting the standard as

y Winner Of ‘Driving Business Award’ ee-Time Award Recipient an active and dedicated partner during our quarterly meetings,” said Steve Phelps, NASCAR executive vice president and chief marketing officer. “Committed to winning both on and off the track, Ford’s ability to execute business-to-business deals delivered results worthy of being a three-time recipient of the award.” Since the NFFB’s 2004 inception, the Council has facilitated hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue and savings to its participating members. About NASCAR

The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc. (NASCAR) is the sanctioning body for the No. 1 form of motorsports in the United States. NASCAR consists of three national series (the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series™, NASCAR XFINITY Series™, and NASCAR Camping World Truck Series™), four regional series, one local grassroots series and three international series. The International Motor Sports Association™ (IMSA®) governs the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship™, the premier U.S. sports car series.

Based in Daytona Beach, Fla., with offices in eight cities across North America, NASCAR sanctions more than 1,200 races in more than 30 U.S. states, Canada, Mexico and Europe.

For more information visit http://www.NASCAR.com and http://www.IMSA.com, and follow NASCAR on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat (‘NASCAR’). About Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company is a global automotive and mobility company based in Dearborn, Michigan. With about 199,000 employees and 67 plants worldwide, the company’s core business includes designing, manufacturing, marketing, financing and servicing a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs and electrified vehicles, as well as Lincoln luxury vehicles. At the same time, Ford is aggressively pursuing emerging opportunities through Ford Smart Mobility, the company’s plan to be a leader in connectivity, mobility, autonomous vehicles, the customer experience, and data and analytics. For more information regarding Ford, its products worldwide or Ford Motor Credit Company, visit www.corporate.ford.com.

Brad Keselowski, driver of the #2 Miller Lite Ford, celebrates in victory lane after winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Kobalt 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on March 6, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Carl Edwards, driver of the #19 Arris Toyota, comes in for a pit stop during the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Kobalt 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on March 6, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kyle Busch, driver of the #18 M&M's 75 Toyota, comes in for a pit stop during the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Kobalt 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on March 6, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.



It seems like yesterday but 40 years ago Jack Shields and his 3 sons (Clarence, Jim & John) started their first restaurant an A&W, in a small northern town called Fort McMurray. At that time there were less then 5,000 people living in that community. From there they expanded to include the Fort’s first Smitty’s Pancake House & Diary Queen franchises, the Garden Cafe, Willies and Oriellys & the Stags Head Inn. As Fort McMuuray continued to grow so did the Shields family business. In 1986 after the introduction of the Liberal National Energy Program the family lost all their business and were forced to start all over again. Some 25 years ago Jack and Clarence started all over again by operating a restaurant located the Nisku Truck Stop. From there they continued to grow acquiring the Airways Country Inn and numerous other business interests. Brother Jim and his wife Jody ventured off to start a successful greenhouse operation, while John continued on with an award winning career in radio. Blackjacks Roadhouse and Games Room is a brand new building been created to host Clarence’s latest vision, this outstanding and beautiful building features amazing truss work and a 2nd floor grand stage over- looking our room. They boast the best buffet in the area, as well as a great Canadian & Chinese cuisine menu. Our games room is furnished with 25 V.L.T.s, 5 Minute Keno, Sports Select. Watch and play all the sports from our comfortable lounge. Trucker Friendly Please come by anytime and enjoy our menu and great service. Open 24 hours a day featuring specials daily. Spend some time wandering around looking at one of the largest collection of oilfield, trucking and car racing memorabilia dating back some 100 + years. BLACKJACKS always look forward to the opportunity to be of service.




Autosock is the high tech solution to an age old problem of how to give road tires the grip they need on ice and snow. Autosock is approved in nationally as an alternative traction device to tire chains. Putting safety and performance first the AutoSock offers the best quick and easy solution for icy and snowy roads. With better performance in acceleration and braking than traditional metal tire chains there is no reason not to give them a shot. Placing AutoSocks on your car at a fraction of the time of chains saves you money and keeps you safe. The high tech textile fibers are easier to use than tire chains and weigh less. They can even be mounted on vehicles where chains aren’t allowed. The fibers increase friction with the surface of the snow/ice increasing traction. For more technical information check out AutoSock.us.

Key Features Excellent temporary car or truck aid for ice/snow Approved by TÜV SÜD and leading car manufacturers Certified as a Snow Chain equivalent in more and more countries, all states and BC. Easy and fast to fit and remove, even in cold and difficult weather see sizing guide

Lightweight and easy to store Extremely quiet and vibration free Self-centering Reusable and machine washable Environmentally conscious: recyclable Usable with any rim even if chains aren’t Does not damage alloy rims Works on all vehicles with low clearance between tire and car body Improves automatic safety systems (ABS, ESP). Auto sock is availible in the USA from the McGee Company and in Canada from Fleet Brake locations.

About McGee Company Since 1951, McGee Company has been a family owned business focused on tire service shop equipment and supplies. Our broader line also includes lubrication equipment, air compressors and automotive service equipment. We operate out of multiple warehouses in Denver, Dallas, Salt Lake City, and Albuquerque providing same-day shipping Monday through Friday. http://www.mcgeecompany.com See us at booth 70180 at MATS 2016! Fleet Brake in Canada http://www.fleetbrake.com/ Canada's Premier Fleet Specialist

Don Natch ~ 204.408.4444








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