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Date Last Seen: May 9, 2004 Place Last Seen: Edmonton, Alberta File# 2003-6950
27 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 165cm; 5’5” Weight: 55 kg; 120 lbs Hair Colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Blue
Date Last Seen: December 1, 2008 Place Last Seen: Edmonton, Alberta File# 09-150392 Agency: Edmonton Police Service (780-423-4567)
55 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 191cm; 6’3” Weight: 79kg; 175 lbs Hair Colour: Black/Grey Eye Colour: Blue
Joseph Thomas ZERK
If you have any information in regards to any missing person you are asked to please call the investigating agency at the numbers provided or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
Date Last Seen: January 11, 2006 Place Last Seen: St Albert, Alberta File# 200647381 Agency: RCMP St Albert Detachment (780-458-4300)
29 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 175 cm; 5’9” Weight: 82 kg; 180 lbs Hair Colour: Brown Eye Colour: Blue
Michael Anthony FEIST
Date Last Seen: April 21, 2009 Place Last Seen: Calgary, Alberta File# 09256929 Agency: Calgary Police Service (403-266-1234)
31 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 168cm; 5’6” Weight: 61 kg; 135 lbs Hair Colour: Black Eye Colour: Brown
Monique Leanna MATTAR
Agency: Project KARE (1-877-412-5273)
Dawn Truell Cross Border Services Olympics Security - The
miles of urban waterways. There will be 5,000 military soldiers, twice what Canada has in Afghanistan. Police and contract security agents will screen up to 1.6 million ticket holders and protect 5,500 athletes and officials.
21st Winter Olympics opens Feb. 12 and continues through Feb. 28. About 80 nations are expected to be represented. With the opening of the Winter Olympics, Canada has prepared for the biggest domestic security operation in its history. A cost of $900 million and takes in 3,860 square miles of downtown stadiums, remote woodland valleys and
The North American Aerospace Defense Command is providing air and marine surveillance on both sides of the border, while Canadian CF-18
Hornets are prepared to intercept any unauthorized aircraft that might penetrate the tightly restricted airspace around the main Olympic sites in Vancouver and Whistler, located 62 miles away along a twisting mountain highway. Military divers have strung floating security booms around the waterside athletes' village and the cruise ships housing some of the 15,500 security personnel assigned to the Games. A naval destroyer and frigate will conduct surveillance patrols.
The relatively small number of bridges that connect down-
town Vancouver with the rest of the city could act as choke points if the area suddenly had to be evacuated.
Ferries that ply the Georgia Strait between Vancouver Island and the mainland are loaded with hundreds of cars whose trunks are not regularly inspected. People going to an Olympic event are advised to prepare as they would to board a flight. Banned items include weapons, spray cans, air horns, pepper spray, glass containers and food and beverage purchased outside the venue. Spectators will walk through metal detectors and everything they carry will be
subject to X-ray screening. If you want to move through security checkpoints more rapidly, carry as little as possible, no bag, or with a small bag (up to 6 inches by 6 inches by 12 inches) will move through an express line, while those with larger bags will go through the standard line. Army deploys new antiterrorist balloon to protect
Olympic village - The Canadian Forces is using a brand-new anti-terrorism device designed to detect improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan to protect a 20-kilometre radius around the Whistler Athletes Village. The army identified the balloon as a "persistent surveillance system on aerostat," jargon for a device that scans
an area from a fixed aerial position.Terrorism even affects our fun, too bad.
The U.S. Coast Guard, in partnership with the RCMP Federal Border Integrity Program, has launched the Olympic Shiprider pilot program in waters off the Pacific Northwest coast to enhance security operations during the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, B.C. Marine law enforcement vessels will be jointly crewed by specially trained and designated U.S. and Canadian law enforcement officers authorized to enforce the law on both sides of the international maritime boundary, while respecting the sovereignty of both nations.
Good Luck to all of our proud Canadian Olympians!
Cross Border Services crossborderservices@cogeco.net www.crossborderservices.org
about… in his opinion… to draw to a close. I took this chance to ask him to tell me a little about his back ground and that’s when the situa tion changed.
Red Flag Alert on Job Applications By Kelly Anderson I was recently visiting with the Pres ident of a company with which I’ve had a relationship for the last ten years. He introduced me to his new Vice President in whom he has placed a lot of trust, and hopes for great things for his business as a result of this Vice President’s ef forts and long track record of re ported successes. When I walked in the door the Vice President (let’s call him John) stood and quickly greeted me by name with an extremely firm handshake. We decided to sit and visit for a minute getting to know each other. He fired off numerous questions to me regarding Impact and the Soci ety. I answered his questions and it seemed that the meeting was
John went from a leg crossed to ward his new employer, leaning to ward his employer, and a solid 90% confident eye contact to crossing the opposite leg, leaning away from his employer, crossing his arms, covering his mouth, only making eye contact about 10% of the time, and all at once his socks needed continual adjusting and he began to itch. This was the most dramatic change I had ever seen and the most visual signs of deception I’ve ever had a person exhibit in such short amount of time. The skills I used in the detection of John’s deception were learned from John E. Reid and Associates in Chicago IL. You can look them up at www.reid.com and if you can’t attend their school they do sell DVD’s with their instruction mate rial. Check out “The Reid Tech nique – Hiring the Best” My client and friend was oblivious to what had just happened. Later he asked me what I thought and I outlined the signs of deception I ob served and inquired about the background investigation. John’s work history had been verified as much as possible since he claimed to have been self employed for the last 4 years or so. All his refer ences had been called as well. One thing to keep in mind, his ref erences are usually his friends, and
their agenda is to help him get a job.
new business card every time we run into each other.
Here are a few statistics to keep in mind when reviewing applications and resumes: • Eighteen percent of appli cants have a criminal record within the past 7 years • Thirty Five percent misrep resent education and professional credentials • Thirty Five percent misrep resent previous employment
This leads me to one of the first red flags I look for and have seen often over the last 11 years of independ ent consulting. Whenever I see an application which indicates, or a person who has, changed jobs every one and half to two years, I suspect this person doesn’t bring results or value to the organization and as a result of efficient back ground investigation I usually vali date my suspicions.
My client was shocked and con cerned about my observations and asked me if I would mind checking a little more on John’s work history. I agreed to help. I went to the internet and entered his name. Interestingly he was listed on several social networking sites and had his work history out lined on one of them. Furthermore, I found two press releases from previous employers announcing the addition of their new “super star”. Once I put his complete record together as a result of his online resume, press releases, and the incomplete resume he supplied to my client, a much less stable job history emerged. He hadn’t held a job for more than 2 years in the last 10 years. As a result of attending many na tional, state, and local events and working with hundreds of carriers across the United States and Canada I have met and know a lot of people. It is interesting to see these people who seem to have a
Why does it take one and half to two years for the change to take place? I believe this is caused by a three stage process. Stage one the four to six month honeymoon; Stage Two the four to six month realization that things aren’t getting done; Stage Three the six to twelve month tolerance for pain. Once the pain exceeds the cost and the pride of the person having to admit they made a bad hire, a change is made. Once the change is made the non performing executive updates their resume with your great name and their impressive title and someone else hires them on face value again. Returning to the story of John, he was smart enough to leave off some of his employers to show some stability. He also had an im pressive list of references. As I mentioned above his references are his friends and they have an agenda. Another truth is birds of
feather flock together. Interestingly enough, John recommended one of his friends (references) for an other position my client had avail able. These two men would have been compensated very well for the incredible value they were going to bring to the organization. As I researched the other executive applicant’s background I found he wasn’t smart enough to leave off some of his employers to show some stability in an otherwise
unstable work history. More over, John and this applicant cross paths at numerous em ployers. Posing as the dy namic duo at point of hire, departing as Beavis and Butt Head. The first red flag I had in this situation was when my client verbally shared the impres sive list of companies this in dividual had worked for at a senior and sometimes world wide level. My second alarm came during our face to face meeting. The final nail in the proverbial coffin was the fal sification of the resume.
Remember the three stage process outlined above. Well, I took the falsification in formation to my client. You would think that he would im mediately have dismissed this liar and fraud. Nope! He asked me if I thought his claims of business growth at his past employer was true. Basically, he was willing to keep this guy if he could de liver the results he lied about previously. It appears to me my client will have to go through all three stages to make a change. However, the length of each stage will be substantially shorter. Written by Kelly Anderson Kelly Anderson is President of Impact and the International Society of Recruiting and Retention Professionals. Reach Kelly at; 8884293445 www.impacttrans.com
You’ve heard about the south side of Chicago and a guy named Leroy Brown. Well, on the north side of St. Louis, Leroy had a counterpart named Joe Willyard. Born in the inner city, Joe was raised by a step-father who didn’t work out any better than the father who’d left soon after his birth. No one taught him to play baseball or took him hunting. There was no father image in his young life and no guidance – just a hole called loneliness. At the tender age of 13 Joe had a full time interest in alcohol, was an alcoholic by age 14 and was mainlining drugs by 17. After a short hitch in the army, he celebrated a lonely nineteenth birthday in prison. Joe came out harder and wilder. He was mean to the core and carried an attitude. Appropriately, he found employment as a nightclub bouncer. During this period in his life, his girl-
friend’s brother was killed in a drug deal. Always the protector, Joe agreed to set up the killer for the murdered boy’s father to avenge. When he went to a bar to finger the triggerman, the word of his mission had already gotten around. When he walked out the door, he was the one who got shot. But that was child’s play compared to an episode a few months later. In the bar where he worked, a guy gave a waitress a hard time and Joe called the loudmouth outside to fight. Joe had just taken his fighting stance when he noticed the man pull a gun. The shot exploded into his chest, penetrating his right lung. But before Joe hit the ground, he pulled out his own gun and shot his assailant three times, completely blowing away his stomach. Only plea-bargaining kept him out of prison again. Just like in the old westerns, everyone wanted to take on the bad bouncer. So Joe decided to move. In the following years, he experienced one continual bout of drinking and drugs, until he found himself panhandling on the streets of Boston to get enough money for another cheap bottle of white port wine to drink alone.
Joe had been driving a truck on and off since he got out of prison and had been married three times. Ultimately he found himself in a detox center trying to get off booze. He wanted to be free from the bottle but was continually set off by things that drove him back to it. That’s why on December 26, 1976 he awoke one morning in a mental ward in Milan, Illinois. He was closely guarded because they were afraid that Joe had become as suicidal as he was homicidal. Joe Willard decided at that moment that he’d taken his last drink, and he’s been dry ever since. But he was still a lost man. Sober but lost. His mother had sent him to Sunday school and church when he was young. He had a head full of facts about God, but his heart was empty. Although he quit drinking, he was still doing pills and snorting coke. Right up until May 19, 1984. On that day, a driving rainstorm caused Joe to shut down one night in Bartons, Oklahoma, where he got an overwhelming urge to go to church. “I walked into that little Pentecostal church alone. And when the pastor gave the call to surrender my life to Jesus Christ, I did. There was no hokey stuff about it. I meant business. I prayed, ‘Lord, show me where to go, what to do and I will obey.” The saving, cleansing presence of Jesus Christ took up residence in the empty heart of the tough guy from the north side of St. Louis. When he walked back to his truck, he noticed that he was conveniently parked right next to a dumpster. There he dumped the last of his drugs. He might be alone from time to time, but he’d never be lonely again. Since that time, Joe Willyard’s iden-
tity has been caught up in the person of Jesus Christ. His passion has become introducing others to his Lord. You may have seen Joe Willyard’s Peterbilt somewhere on the road. It’s the one with the gorgeous mural of the sunset over the ocean painted on the side. On the hood’s painted, “Jesus is my Pilot.” Ont he back’s the decal, “Get right with God or get left.” Looking back on his own troubled, lonely childhood, Joe urges truckers to commit their lives to the Lord and “train up a child in the way he should go.” He knows that youth cannot get involved in the things of God too early. The Bible verse that drives him most is found in Luke 14:23: “Go out to the roads…and make them come in” (pg. 87). Truckers have given their hearts to the Lord under the illumination of the big spotlight on Joe’s truck. “A constant problem facing truckers is loneliness,” says Joe. “The temptation of prostitution lies mainly in just wanting to be with someone, even if it’s just for a few minutes. A woman’s voice on the CB sounds like heaven. It can be a lonely life.” “Becoming a follower of Jesus means that Satan is taken out and Christ comes in. The lonely spot in all of us is filled with the Son of God. Christ can give all the peace and companionship a man seeks.”
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by Sandy Long
It seems that having to constantly prove ourselves in the trucking industry causes some of us lady drivers to get arrogant or at least appear that way. I am not guilty of that I do not think, at least I hope not. I credit my attitude with things that throughout the years have kept me humble. “Oh come on” you might say, “You have messed up?” Yep, I sure have…on occasion. One of the most embarrassing things to happen to me was in 1983. A friend of mine’s husband was a retired Roadway driver and had set up a hot shot rig to run. He had a mild heart attack and she knew nothing about the business so asked me to run it for a little while. I knew little about flatbedding at the time and absolutely nothing about hot shots, it was just starting to become a viable part of trucking, but being younger and braver then, I told her that I would give it a whirl. I took the little truck to the old Prothro Jct truck stop in Little Rock where the 40’ flatbed trailer was, hooked up to it and pulled it up to the front of the parking lot along the café side of the building. It was pouring down rain and about noon so the café was full. I went in, had lunch and ran to the truck. I started to pull out, and dropped the trailer on its nose right there in front of everyone in the café! I found out that the darned thing had a double locking 5th wheel and I hadn’t had it fully locked. Needless to say, I provided plenty of entertainment cranking it back up off its nose in the pouring rain and of course, no one came out to help either. They had a high ol‘ time inside where it was dry, drinking coffee and all huddled in front of the windows watching ‘that hard working, soaked woman driver‘! In 1997 again in the pouring rain, this time at night, I took a loaded trailer into the yard of the company I was working for in Ft Smith AR to drop it and pick up another loaded trailer. Their drop lot was gravel, but they had a concrete pad the width of the landing gear to drop onto. There was about 6” of water all over the lot and the wind was blowing and rain was coming down in buckets! I positioned the trailer in the row of trailers, pulled the pin, dollied down, unhooked the glad hands and electric line and rehooked to my next load and went on my merry way. The next day when I checked called, my dispatcher told me that I had cost the company $500 but that they wouldn’t charge me for it…this time. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about and upon asking him, he told me that I had missed the concrete pad by 3” and the trailer had sunk in the mud all the way to where the nose was in the mud too! It took two wreckers to lift it. I had mud on my face for that one!
We can pass over all the falls over tarps, off of the trailer and getting thrown by my cheater bar when I was flatbedding along with missing the ICC bar getting out of the back of the trailer, missing the step getting in or out of the truck and slipping of the fuel island because I was watching a tight pair of jeans on a good looking male trucker walk by. You know the sort of things where you jump up or act nonchalant and look around to see if anyone was watching? I will tell you though of the time out in WY when I was going back to the truck after taking in my permit book to the scale house. I took a Pratt fall right in broad daylight on a nice bright, warm, sunny day. I had finally adjusted to seeing everyone else wearing sandals in the truck stops and such so I had decided I would wear them too. I came down the steps of the scale house, strutting a little thinking about my pretty new sandals, took about 8 steps and SWOOP, THUNK! I hit the ground. Yep, there were lots of drivers around too…they all saw me! I took the sandals off when I got to the truck and refused to wear them ever again on the road. There have been other humbling experiences through the years; the trailer tandems sliding on the wet grass on the side of a levee and high siding the tractor, taking someone’s word that ‘they do it all the time’ in going across a grassy area at a gas pressure station in MA and the shame of having a Ford F150 pull me off the wet, red clay, recently having my pin puller slip throwing me on the ground the second week at my new job in the yard no less, and finally if there is nothing else that will humble someone in a Minnesota second it is… hearing the glad hands slap against the back of the sleeper because I forgot to unhook them! Yes, we lady drivers have to prove ourselves over and over in the trucking industry, it is the way it is, but remember that even though we have to prove ourselves, we don’t have to become arrogant or think we are anything other than what we are, truckers. You can rest assured that as soon as you start thinking you are a cut above the rest, a hole will be hidden in the newly cut grass on the way to the ladies room in the shippers office and while striding along so proudly, you will step in it and fall flat on your face in front of eight trucks sitting along side the grass with all the drivers watching, just waiting to serve you a great big slice of humble pie. Ya’ll be safe! Sandy Long is a long time truck driver who is also very active within the trucking industry. She was a freelance writer for layover.com, a life member of OOIDA, member of the WIT and owner of two web web-sites: Trailer Truckin’ Tech, a yahoo group dedicated to the education of new and prospective truck drivers and www.satinandsteelsisterhood.com for women truck drivers. Sandy welcomes comments at ladygo ladygo-diva1953@yahoo.com
90% of companies could save money by managing their fuel intelligently. W ith oil prices rising, fuel management is too important to ignore. 4Refuel can show you how to reduce your refuelling costs.
Written by: Dawn Truell President: Cross Border Services GOVERNMENT CRACK DOWNS Hello again all. The Gov ernments on both sides of our borders, Canada and the U.S.A. have been really cracking down on border related issues and criminal offenses. If you have noticed when crossing the bor ders between the U.S.A. and Canada in this last year, longer line ups, longer wait times, sec ondary screenings, vehicle in spections, etc., it is because the governments are cracking down at all border points due to the in creased illegal activities. While I have been out on the road these last few months working with govern ment issues across Canada and into Alaska, I have wondered what our world is coming to and what are we to expect tomor row. It seems that our major drug trafficking in Canada oc curs in/out Ontario, British Co lumbia and Quebec.
Unfortunately it appears that our trucking industry is being hit the most for these oc currences. There are thousands of great honest truck drivers across Canada whom we know and trust, it is those few bad ap ples that have given us a bad name. Of course we are not just talking about truck drivers here, these criminals can be the peo ple next door we see walking their dogs, we just don’t know. Where this hurts us the most is cross border business. As you all know, since the new govern ment in the U.S.A. has taken over, their initiative is to bring home to the U.S.A. all Trade making our daily business prof itability dwindle. We need to keep our business going cross border and most importantly across Canada. Our staff mem bers need to be trained better on the how to’s and the what to look for’s regarding Security and
Trust. The extent of the drug trafficking, child abductions, murders, illegal activities all in clusive, has gone up. There are many factors in this puzzle and
leaves one to feel rather uneasy at times. Having seen and ex perienced some of these inci dents first hand, I can truly tell you that I returned with this wow what has this world come to at titude. I am a Christian and be lieve that all of us can fix this, we can educate ourselves on the going’s on and the preven tative measures that we can all take to gain back the security and trust that we all once had and experienced. Here are some recent stories that have happened: U.S. Customs and Border Pro
tection officers at ports of entry along the California/ Mexico border seized almost 2,900 pounds of narcotics valued at $2.2 million, captured 13 fugi tives, and stopped the illegal entry of 417 persons over the busy holiday weekend. The largest seizure oc curred at the San Ysidro border on Sunday at about 1:30 p.m. after a detector dog alerted to the back wall of a motorhome pulled by a Ford F350 pickup as it and the two female occu pants waited in line to be in
spected. Officers subsequently discovered 78 wrapped pack ages of marijuana in the rear wall of the motor home weighing 1,764 pounds, valued at more than $1 million. CBSA confirmed the de portation of Samuel Martin Luin November 9, 2009. The Edmon ton resident was convicted of 17 offences including sexual as sault, assault causing bodily harm and assaulting a peace of ficer while incarcerated. Sunday December 6th, 2009, shortly after 3:30AM, male suspect Eric Shawn Carty shot and killed Kirk Matthews who was outside his home. Canada wide warrant Michel Bergeron, murder, gangsterism, drug trafficking, conspiracy to commit murder. Banks Singh Chadi, warrant related to a conspiracy to traffic substantial quantity of heroin. RCMP after Claudine Bishop wanted in Quebec and Ontario for a variety of offences including armed robbery, fraud over $5000 and abandonment of a baby in Montreal. Border Services Officers in Sarnia, Ontario, prevent 50 kilograms of cocaine from reaching Canadian streets. crossborderservices@co geco.net
Ask the Fuel Expert By Jack Lee Jack Lee is CEO of 4Refuel Trucks taking 50% longer to fuel ² 45 minutes is new industry average according to study. Time spent fuelling increases labour costs; decreases productive time worked I remember starting my working career as a kid, my employers told me what I was worth. And I think it was a buck and a half an hour. As time went on, my working-worth increased until I became an entrepreneur and then my value was directly proportional to how well I managed my growth and controlled costs. I had to work smarter given the limited hours I had each day. Today that challenge continues for me, for suppliers and our clients. 7KHUH DUH VRPH FRVWV \RX FDQœW control but they can all be managed better. For example, high labour costs can be contained particularly when it comes to refuelling, In a recent study of major transport companies across Canada, the average time to fuel at commercial stations had increased by 50% over two years. What used to take truckers 30 minutes now takes 45. I know this number is low for bigger cities where
\RX VLW LQ WUDIILF ORQJHU DQG LWÂśV always hard to account for the drivers who spend additional time making a call, using the restroom or stopping for a coffee. But for the SXUSRVHV RI WKLV GLVFXVVLRQ OHWÂśV stick with 45 minutes per refuelling session; 15 minutes longer than it XVHG WR WDNH 7KDWÂśV D LQFUHDVH LQ time, and a 50% increase in hourly labour costs. 7KHUHÂśV QR UHWXUQ RQ SD\LQJ IRU XQSURGXFWLYH WLPH ,WÂśV DV VLPSOH DV that. The 45 minute measure considers the total time spent getting fuel per truck per day. The clock starts when the truck leaves its route to find a fuelling station, waits in line, adds fuel to tanks, completes the transaction and returns to its route. During this time, you are paying for the labour, maintenance, insurance and administration but making no deliveries, moving no goods and earning no return on a considerable investment. The study was conducted through personal and telephone interviews with senior executives, owners and fleet managers of businesses in transportation, logistics and freight operating in major urban centres in Canada. It was conducted by 4Refuel, the only company in the world to develop systems for automatically tracking fuel transactions and reporting them online. /HWÂśV GR VRPH PDWK WR VKRZ ZKDW WKH real cost of refuelling is when you do your own fleet filling at card-locks. For a fleet of 20 trucks you can
expect to spend approximately 50 hours each week devoted to refuelling. And many of those hours are overtime hours costing time and a half or double time rates. What do your drivers earn per hour? Now do the math. It adds up to tens of thousands of dollars in lost productivity. Now, think about what you get for all those hours spent filling up, other than fuel. Nothing. Today many companies have come to the conclusion that time spent refuelling can be re-gained and put back onto their bottom line when they use Total Fuel Management. This solution has been pioneered, developed and fine-tuned by 4Refuel Inc. the only company in the world to look at logistics, refuelling and fuel management from your perspective. Total Fuel Management includes everything from fuel procurement, delivery, to the measurement and management of fuel consumption data. Clients no longer have to search for fuel during shortages. No more driving time. Waiting is eliminated and you get the information you need to manage your fleets better. Fuel Management Online or FMO delivers, via email, the data captured from each truck. This information allows you to figure out where consumption is wasted and productivity can be improved giving you better profitability for each dollar spent on fuel. Your drivers appreciate the change to this system because they are no longer responsible for maintaining fuel levels because all refuelling is done at your location while trucks are parked, usually outside of business hours. %XW GRQÂśW WDNH P\ ZRUG IRU LWÂŤ
Âł,W V DERXW WKH PRQH\ VD\V +XJK Sanders Vice President at Roff Logistics, the company responsible for transport needs for Supply Chain Management and Walmart Canada. They have 135 trucks on the road and another 15 in-yard. "We've been using 4Refuel for the past 10 years. Based on our current fuel useage it
would take us 93 man-hours each day...that's right, each day...to refuel at card-locks. With 4Refuel we save over $2,200 every working day. Each year? That works out to over $500,000 in saved labour costs. Over the years we have seen traffic increases and more demand for fuel. We don't have to worry about fuel supply or running low. Our trucks are always kept full, and 4Refuel drivers are available 24/7. Everybody has to wait at card-locks. And when you combine the driving time, waiting, and the time it takes to fill up, it's a lot of wasted time, money and effort. Years ago we realized the importance of having 4Refuel look after us. That was when we were paying $12 per hour. Today our costs are well over $20 an hour. Wait times, drive times have all increased, in addition to wages." Mr. Sanders concludes, "So, who doesn't want to save money?" Total Fuel Management eliminates the growing labour costs associated with refuelling plus delivers valuable information to make your operations run PRUH VPRRWKO\ ZKLOH LQFUHDVLQJ SURILWV ,œG VD\ WKDWœV SUHWW\ JRRG DGYLFH IURP D JX\ who used to be worth only a buck or two an KRXU Jack Lee, President/CEO 4Refuel Inc. Jack Lee is CEO of 4Refuel ² the largest onsite fuel management company in Canada and a global leader in technology designed to help businesses reduce their fuel expenses. Got a question about fuel? Ask the fuel expert by emailing Jack at AskTheFuelExpert@4Refuel.com
at an angle. Once the vehicle starts moving, gently turning the wheel can get you going the way you want to go with a lot less effort and sliding.
The Safety Tip Adviser Alvis Violo of Emergency Road Services of Canada Inc. Help, I’m Stuck and I Can’t Get Out!!! There are few things more nerve wracking for a driver than to get stuck in snow or ice. The feeling can be even more helpless if you are stuck at night and the road you are on isn't a welltraveled one. However, if you stay calm and don't give in to the fear and frustration, many times you can work yourself free. Let’s start with something you shouldn’t do. Applying too much power to the drive wheels can cause the wheels to do nothing but spin, which can make matters worse. Instead, apply steady light power. If you are at a complete stop, hav ing your front wheels turned isn't a good idea, even for a front wheel drive. This increases the amount of power needed to get going again, since the vehicle is forced to move
Rocking the vehicle back and forth, forward and reverse, can help if the reason for being stuck is piled snow or ice is in front of and behind the tires. Patience is the key here. It can take quite a bit of rocking be fore the vehicle is free. Letting a little air out of the tires can also greatly increase your traction and get you out of a stuck situation. Do keep in mind however that under inflated tires cause the vehi cle to burn more gas. They also wear out faster, so you will want to air them back up when you are able to. If you have someone with you and the vehicle is sliding, try having him or her put weight over the drive wheels. This increases traction and can get you out of a frustrating predicament. Carry some form of snow shovel when traveling in snow and ice. A collapsible shovel takes up little space and doesn't weigh much, but it can be a blessing if you find your self stuck in a snowstorm. Having material you can put under the tires to increase traction can also be very helpful. Many people carry sand, which also helps by in creasing the weight in the vehicle. Clay style dry cat litter is even bet ter. A few handfuls in front of and
behind all four tires can often get you right out of being stuck. Not giving in to fear when you get stuck in the snow and ice is also a huge help as is having some notion of how to get unstuck. Some preparation is helpful as well. If you follow the above tips, you need never wonder what to do when you get stuck. You will be well on your way to getting free. Drive safe, think positive and be prosperous.
Alvis Violo is the C.E.O. of Emergency Road Services Of Canada Inc., a coast to coast national road side assistance company dedi cated to the trucking industry in Canada. For more information visit www.ersofcanada.com or call 18773772262. Please send your questions, feedback or comments about this column to alvisviolo@ersofcanada.com.
News Release February 16, 2010 / For Immediate Release Contact : Holly Kerfoot (866) 481-0947 X 7019 hollyk@roadystruckstops.com
ZK z͛^ dZh < ^dKW^ ϮϬϭϬ EEh > D d/E' Cruise Brrings Calm Seas but Plenty of Exciting Plans for Locations and Vendors
BOISE, Idaho ʹ After three days at sea, two days of meetings, sunny skies and plenty of information ĂďŽƵƚ ǁŚĂƚ ŝƐ ŚĂƉƉĞŶŝŶŐ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ dƌƵĐŬ ^ƚŽƉ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ͕ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ ůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶ ŽǁŶĞƌƐ ǁĞŶƚ ŚŽŵĞ ǁŝth a new appreciation of all that ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ dƌƵĐŬ ^ƚŽƉƐ ŚĂƐ ƚŽ ŽĨĨĞƌ͘ dŚŝƐ LJĞĂƌ͛s annual meeting was held on Carnival Cruise Lines ship - Sensation which sailed from Port Canaveral, Florida on the 27th of January to Nassau, Bahamas. Nearly 200 locations were represented ĂŶĚ ϭϳ ǀĞŶĚŽƌƐ ǁĞƌĞ ŝŶǀŝƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƐŚĂƌĞ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵƐ ǁŝƚŚ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ ŽǁŶĞƌƐ͘ dŚĞ meeting highlighted Marketing SƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĞƐ͕ dĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ͕ ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ WƌĂĐƚŝĐĞƐ ĂŶĚ KƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƵŶǀĞŝůŝŶŐ ŽĨ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ WůƵƐ͘ ZŽĂĚLJ͛s Truck Stops is the largest chain of truck stops in the United States with nearly 300 locations in forty-five states. Headquartered in New Plymouth, Idaho, ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ ƐĞƌǀĞƐ ĂƐ Ă ŵĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉ-based buying group for the Truck Stop and C-St Store industries. The Roady's Truck Stop network allows independent truck stop locations to leverage fuel marketing and corporate buying power to get maximum return. Roady's offer such programs as Merchant Services, Fuel-based POS systems, Coke, Sysco Food Services, Insurance, etc. Locations from all over the country were ƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚ Ăƚ ƚŚŝƐ LJĞĂƌ͛Ɛ ŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ͘ Doug Krachey from <ƌĂĐŚĞLJ͛Ɛ W dƌƵĐŬ ^ƚŽƉ WƌĂŝƌŝĞ ĚƵ ŚŝĞŶ͕ tŝƐĐŽŶƐŝŶ ĐŽŵŵĞŶƚĞĚ ŽŶ ǁŚĂƚ ŚĞ ĨŽƵŶĚ ŚĞůƉĨƵů ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ͕ ͞dŚĞ ĚŝƌĞĐƚŝŽŶ ƚŚĞ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ŝƐ ŚĞĂĚŝŶŐ ĂƐ ǁĞůů ĂƐ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ͕ ƚŚĞ ŽƉŝŶŝŽŶƐ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŶǀĞƌƐĂƚŝŽŶƐ sŚĂƌĞĚ ďLJ ŽƚŚĞƌ ŽƉĞƌĂƚŽƌƐ͘͟ ĂǀŝĚ :ŽƌĚĂŶ͕ ŽǁŶĞƌ ŽĨ ,Žƚ ^ƉŽƚƐ -Stores Spartanburg, South Carolina ĂĚĚƐ͕ ͞dŚĞ ĂĐĐĞƐƐ ƚŽ ƵƉƉĞƌ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ŝƐ ĞdžƚƌĂŽƌĚŝŶĂƌLJ͕͟ ĂŶĚ ŚĞ ĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐĞƐ ŽƚŚĞƌ ŽǁŶĞƌƐ ĂŶĚ operators to attend future meetings.
News Release
ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ was pleased to include 17 vendors that were able to showcase their products and services. From Coca- Cola to Truck Stop industry accessory dealers Barjan, TNT ĂŶĚ ^ Ăůů ĂƌĞĂƐ ŽĨ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ products and services were represented. Scott McGaskill, Regional Sales Manager from T-Chek systems said, ͞tĞ ƐŽ ŵƵĐŚ ĂƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƚĞ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ ĂůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƵƐ ƚŽ ďĞ Ă ƉĂƌƚ ŽĨ LJŽƵƌ ĂŶŶƵĂů ŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ͘ dŚĞ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐĞ from your members has been great. We look forward to the partnership between T- ŚĞŬ ĂŶĚ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ on many levels. Please consider us next year for your annual meeting.͟
WƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ Žď >ĞĞ ĞdžƉůĂŝŶĞĚ ǁŚLJ ƚŚŝƐ LJĞĂƌ͛Ɛ ĂŶŶƵĂů ŵĞĞƚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞŵĞ ǁĂƐ ͞dĂŬŝŶ /ƚ dŽ ƚŚĞ ^ƚƌĞĞƚƐ͘͟ ͞/ predict 2010 will be a year of opportunity and a year of fierce FIGHTING!! The fighting will be for the increased fleet gallons and gallons moving from unhappy customers at our competitors to becoming ŚĂƉƉLJ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ Ăƚ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ ůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ Ăůů ĂĐƌŽƐƐ ƚŚĞ ƐƚƌĞĞƚƐ ŽĨ ŵĞƌŝĐĂ͘͟ >ĞĞ͛Ɛ ŵĞƐƐĂŐĞ ƚŚĂƚ͕ ͞ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ ŶĞĞĚƐ Ăůů ŽĨ ŝƚƐ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐ ƚŽ ďĂŶĚ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ƚŽ ĨŝŐŚƚ ĨŽƌ ŐĂůůŽŶƐ ĂŶĚ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ͕͟ ǁĂƐ heard loud and clear by locations and vendors alike.
͞KƵƌ ƚŝŵĞ ŽŶ ƚŚŝƐ ĐƌƵŝƐĞ ǁĂƐ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ĐŽŵďŝŶĂƚŝŽŶ ŽĨ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚŝǀĞ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ĚŝƐĐƵƐƐŝŽŶƐ ĂŶĚ ƌĞůĂdžŝŶŐ ƚŝŵĞ ƐƉĞŶƚ ǁŝƚŚ ŽƵƌ ĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐ͕ Ăƚ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ ƚŚĂƚ ďĂůĂŶĐĞ ŽĨ ŚĞůƉŝŶŐ ŽƵƌ ůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ ďĞ ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵů ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ďƵƐŝŶess side goes hand in hand with providing opportunities to be successful on a personal level as well.͟ ƐĂŝĚ <ĞůůLJ ZŚŝŶĞŚĂƌƚ͕ KǁŶĞƌ ZŽĂĚLJΖƐ dƌƵĐŬ ^ƚŽƉƐ͘ ͞dŚŝƐ ǁĂƐ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ǁĂLJ ƚŽ ŬŝĐŬ ŽĨĨ ĂŶ ĞdžĐŝƚŝŶŐ LJĞĂƌ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ truck stop industry and most especially for RŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ dƌƵĐŬ ^ƚŽƉƐ͘͟
dŽ ůĞĂƌŶ ŵŽƌĞ ĂďŽƵƚ ZŽĂĚLJ͛Ɛ dƌƵĐŬ ^ƚŽƉƐ ǀŝƐŝƚ www.roadystruckstops.com