Canadian Trucking Magazine 88th Edition

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Dave brings 40 years of valuable and interesting experience in transportation, management, safety, business and compliance. Dave has driven in every condition across North America and overseas as Military, Police, Company Driver to an Owner Operator to transportation management. Now our Celebrity Editor Publisher of Canadian Trucking Magazine bringing you articles and entertainment in print and on the web. Join Dave on Face Book for real time updates and meet at your favorite stop or truck show! Be Happy to say Hi and maybe get a picture or two. See you down the road.

What an exciting month with hitting all the truck stops and talking to you on Chrome & Steel Radio. On the COVER Jim Campbell, President of First Class Training Centre with a write up on pages 20 & 21 inside this Edition. Jim a member of the MTA and long time OTR driver is raising the level of Driver Training in Manitoba and hoping to lead the way to properly trained Truckers. Jim has supported the Canadian Trucking Show with his Training Trailer, a one and only in NA with the equipment he has on board and supported many trucking events and convoys and truly an ambassador of Trucking. Watch the video on our FB pages,, a lil long but how can you talk about FCTC in 2 minutes. How many of you got the Grand Slam Breakfast on Denny’s Birthday in Canada? If you missed it, remember on your Birthday you get a free Grand Slam. I eat there on the road and have never had a bad experience or whoops,, as I know exactly what I am getting everytime including the Trucker friendly staff.

Lots happened including the break down of the new Nipigon Bridge and cold weather and snow that we covered and reported first on the CTM FaceBook page. Super Model JAZZ in our Centerfold and will be at the Man Show to sign autographs and say hello. Shoot done of course at Beaver Truck Centre where JAZZ pulled her socks on, a play on AutoSock in the picture the alternative to chains for the driver who any chains occasionally or never chains and wants to save on weight, proven for years, see more on FB. Any suggestions for the magazine, let me know as this magazine is built for your entertainment. See more in the digital magazine and the next few pages, digital does not limit the amount of good stuff we can provide you! Read on ,,,,,

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Every month CTM grows more and more for you and your entertainment. That is why CTM was created, not as a job posting magazine or a technical magazine with heavy reading but a magazine build for entertainment with something for everyone. Trucking for sure, you know “TRUCKING”is our middle name. To the right is Jess from Trukkers in Red Cliff AB. I make it a point to drop in, fill the CTM magazine box, have a great meal and trucker friendly staff. Click on the picture of Jess and I and watch the video! Winter and freezing temperatures hit us like a truck this month as I too was on the road in a big truck delivering magazines and most important meeting you at the truck stops! It was great to see ya...... Sometimes -45 in SK as I switched trailers and made deliveries. So cold the DEF pumps froze. Can’t tell you how much I hate DEF. On the Chrome & Steel Radio Show I mentioned WalMart walking. I hit a few Walmarts on my rounders stretching my legs, picking up grocerys and enjoying the sights. Walmart is obviously not an advertiser, but over 40 years of commercial driving, I recommend you see more than just a truck stop especially in these grey sky days and cold weather that tend to wear on us. Most Walmarts have truck parking and I have had haircuts, eye exams and glasses from there.


Coming at us fast is the Man Show February 12th to 14th @ the Red River Ex right across from the J and down the road from the Husky. If you are in Winnipeg MB during these dates this will be a great show to check out! Marc Springer a real trucker and star of Shipping Wars will be at the CTM booth as well as Super Model Centerfold JAZZ and special surprise guests. Watch the CTM FaceBook page and like it to see who will be there. As well this is the site of the Canadian Trucking Show June 4th 2016 kicking off the show & shine season and Truck, Car & Bike Show season, you will not want to miss the special guests, bands and events at this show. At the Worlds Largest Truck Show MATS end of March will be CTM & Chrome & Steel Radio with a booth containing special guests and prizes, make sure to drop by. See us at World of Wheels!!

For those in the west coast we have Truxpo coming at us in May in Abbotsford BC. Your CTM crew try to make it out to as many events as we can and create videos for you posted on FB and the web edition of CTM. If you are not on our Facebook, you would not know,CTM has hit a reach of over 1/2 million viewers on FaceBook with over 58,000+ fully engaged. WOW Hard to wrap my mind around that and now 18,000+ LIKES to the page itself. If you are on FB, please LIKE our page and get news, entertainment and first release of the web editions plus awesome videos. Don’t forget to tune us in on Chrome & Steel Radio anytime. I like to say again thanks for reading CTM and I look forward to hearing from you, than about you. See you on the road..... Be safe my friends! Keep On Trucking, All the Best!!!!!!

Happy Trails.....




Every once and a while if I keep my eyes open I can find a product to better the Trucking Industry. When I first saw AutoSock on the internet, I went wow I wonder if this really works. I will tell you why. In over 40 years of commercial driving I have only used chains twice and both was in a parking lot to get unstuck. I had to carry chains to run the rocks but when I heard the chain up lights were on, I found a hole and parked. Over the years I found my last places to park before the lights and made sure I called friends and checked on the CB radio to see what conditions were before I got there. I hated adding that extra 400 pounds each fall and the room it took up in the jockey box. Some drivers use triples that can add up to 1,200lbs especially if they are on chain hangers and ice and snow up. My understanding was Auto Socks only added about 2k or 5 lbs. So this is what I did, as always, investigated the internet and then contacted the manufacture to do my own tests. I was very surprised on how supportive the CEO of AutoSock Bernt J Rosli was as he flew to Beaver Truck Centre in Winnipeg MB Canada from Norway to help test AutoSock.

The main distributer in Canada Fleet Brake Parts & Service Ltd. President John Bzeta flew in from Calgary AB to add to the conversation. In the USA the McGee company who distributes AutoSock was quick to answer all my questions. I was amazed on my first test I got the sock on in under two minutes and video recorded this for you. AutoSock® for trucks and buses is: • Approved & certified by the TÜV safety & performance standard PPP 53283. • Providing instant extra grip, traction force, direction stability and braking • control for both indoor and outdoor. • Maximizing safety for driver and vehicle by system-compatibility with all electronic safety systems (ABS, ESP etc.). • Comfortable when driving: causing neither noise nor vibration. • Neither causing costly wear to the road surfaces nor floor rubber marks from the tire. • Reducing number of traffic jams caused by traffic blocking vehicles. • Quick and easy to install and to remove + self-centering. • Light weight, foldable, compact and convenient to store in the vehicle round the year, immediately available also in unexpected emergency situations and chainups. • Environmental-amicable and recyclable.

• Washable and reusable. • All in all, AutoSock’s snow socks for trucks and buses is a perfect temporary winter traction aid system. What I found was the patented and safety-certified product AutoSock® available as “snow socks for trucks”, suitable also for the application on buses. Are you stuck with your truck or bus in sudden snowfalls or icy roads? No chance to move your unloaded truck or bus due to a lack of weight on the driving axle? Then AutoSock’s snow socks for trucks and buses is the simple solution to get and keep your vehicle moving! Easier to use and much quicker mountable than conventional metal snow chains. For more information!

Above Super Cover Girl JAZZ poses with her Fav Socks ~ AutoSock and below Bernt J Rosli, CEO of AutoSock with Dave putting socks on his Volvo at Beaver Truck Centre Winnipeg MB

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See a great joke you want to share, send it to CTM to print this is your magazine, and enjoy more jokes on the next pages and extra on the web






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By Dawn Truell ~ CBS ~ The Recapture Of The Most Dangerous Drug Lord Of All Time !

For many years now we have been aiding in the fight against terrorism and one of the biggest fights is against drug trafficking and smuggling. I’m sure by now we have all heard of the loosely referred to as a man “El Chapo” aka Joaquín Guzmán, an extremely dangerous excuse for a human being. Guzmán is worth over 1 billion dollars himself and is the head of the Sinaloa Cartel; unfortunately his wealth is all derived from drug monies and countless murders. Being the head of one of the world’s largest drug cartels, Guzmán has committed more murders and trafficked more drugs than any other Cartel leader in history Guzmán prides in calling himself “The Biggest Drug Lord Of All Time”. Guzmán has single handedly raised more uncertainty among government officials, law enforcement, drug dealers and smugglers and the Cartel themselves. While Guzmán is back in the supposed highest security prison in Mexico, the same one in which he escaped from only six months ago, for the second time, federal law enforcement are trying to extradite him to the U.S.A. Sean Penn conducted a recent interview for the Rolling Stone magazine, which ultimately led to the recapture of El Chapo. While we are all thrilled with this outcome, we have to wonder, at what cost to Penn. The Mexican authorities had been tracking Penn during his visits with El Chapo.


Mexican actress Kate del Castillo, the daughter of famed Mexican actor Eric del Castillo, who knew Joaquín Guzmán personally, she helped to arrange the secret meeting in the mountains of Mexico with Sean Penn while he was on the run in October just three months before Guzmán was captured Friday, January 8, 2016. He was captured during a shootout, in which at least five people were killed, in his home-

town of Los Mochis, Culiacan, Mexico, and was sent back to the same prison that he had escaped from now twice! Brilliant! Kate del Castillo had written an appeal in 2012 for El Chapo in which she pleaded with Guzmán to do good and to “traffick with love”. Guzmán’s lawyer was credited with contacting Kate and aid that his gringos were anxious to tell his story; they were led to believe that there was going to be a movie created about El Chapo’s life story. Penn had described some high security measures like disposable cell phones and some sort of encrypted communications in order to keep the meeting as secret as possible.

During the interview they discussed such matters as drugs, drug smuggling, when El Chapo began in the drug world, whether he felt at all responsible for the high level of drug addiction around the world and terrorism around the world. Guzmán stated that he has no remorse for anything he has done and that he is not at all responsible for the drug problems around the world today. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto agreed that extraditing Guzmán to the U.S.A. for trial should be done especially after the embarrassing escape second escape from Mexico’s highest security prison. Guzmán’s lawyer Juan Pablo Badiillo challenged this of course. Former Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam stated that this extradition would only happen in 300-400 years, once Guzmán completed his sentences in Mexico. When Guzmán was captured he was found in a small house in Los Mochis by the Marines, however, he and his security chief El Cholo fled through storm drains, ran to stolen escape cars but were later found and arrested on the highway. El Chapo must now face the judges from our citizens across the world, law enforcement and the court system all the way up to God. The more dangerous drug lord of all time, who’s cartel smuggles multi ton shipments of heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine and marijuana around the world but mostly into the U.S.A. and Canada. Unfortunately this drug lord has very good friends in very high places in the U.S.A. so seeing what the end result will be will keep our eyes peeled open over the next few months. Free Trade across the Americas was invented not by whom you would think, not the U.S. President, not the Prime Minister of Canada, the inventor you ask?

It was none other than Pablo Escobar, the wealthiest drug lord of all time with a net worth of over $100 billion dollars. Joaquín Guzmán followed closely in Escobar’s footsteps with this unburdened capitalism. We can only hope that this Monster never gets out of prison. Will this stop the drug trafficking? Unfortunately no, these drug lords have established channels through which the drug trafficking and smuggling will continue on; our law enforcement teams across North America need to focus in on catching the cartel members in order to cease this activity.

For further information regarding all Compliancy programs, Safety & Security, Transportation, C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at: Dawn Truell Cross Border Services 905-973-9136

Note from Dave! If you see suspicious activity, persons asking you for a ride across the border in your vehicle, a loose lipped driver talking about smuggling loads of weapons or drugs, do us all a big favour and contact authorities. Try to get as much information as possible without becoming involved and shut these bad guys down. They are bad for our business. CALL BORDER WATCH~





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By; Ellen Voie CAE, President/CEO Women in Trucking

If you’re goal is to drop a few pounds in the coming year, you’re not alone. The top New Year’s resolution last December was to lose weight. The second most common resolution was to “get organized,” followed by spending less or saving more. The fourth top New Year’s resolution was to “enjoy life to the fullest,” and the fifth most common goal was to stay fit and healthy. More than half of us make a promise to change something as the calendar turns from one year to the next. How many of us actually succeed? The odds are good that you keep your promise through the first week in January, but less than half of us keep our resolutions for six months, and according to only eight percent of us achieve success in maintaining that New Year’s objective. However, you are more likely to attain your goal if you go to the effort to make the resolution in the first place. What is the best way to make a New Year’s resolution? According to, make sure your goal is achievable. None of us can stop global warming or bring word peace, so make sure you are considering something that is within your reach for the next twelve months, or longer. Break your goal into specific terms and outline small steps in how you’ll make changes in your life. Instead of trying to lose fifty pounds in 2016, try losing five pounds per month and you’ll meet your goal with a few pounds to spare. Write down the goal and the steps you will take to get there, like exercise three times per week and cut down on desserts. The first New Year’s resolutions were intended to be positive changes for the coming year. The Romans used the new calendar to remind themselves to be good to others, but the celebration became one of prayers and fasting after adopting Christianity as it’s official religion in the fourth century. The Puritans kept the tradition of self-reflection going in the 18th century as they instructed their children to reflect on the past year and contemplate the new year with commitments to become better neighbors and avoid sinful activities. The categorized our resolutions and report the top promises are related to selfimprovement or education goals. Second resolution types are about weight goals, followed closely by money-


related commitments and relationship-related resolutions. The Women In Trucking Facebook pages includes over 9,000 members who were asked to share their New Year’s resolutions. While this is an unscientific sample, it is driver focused and the responses reflected this group of professionals. Deb promised to keep up with paperwork and not procrastinate. She also resolved to listen more and speak less. Ingrid’s comment was to start asking for help and stop taking on “more than I can do.” Laura’s promise was to start putting her own needs first. Lisa agreed with this and stated that she would “take care of my needs and wants instead of putting myself last.” Lisa also resolved to get in shape and lose some weight. Tanya’s resolution was to “realize the need for patience among new drivers [who are] doing wrong maneuvers.” If you are in your twenties, your odds of attaining your New Year’s goal is higher. found that 39 percent of people in their twenties achieved their resolutions compared to only fourteen percent of those over fifty. According to historian Bill Petro (, a young Theologian named Jonathan Edwards created a list of seventy resolutions he promised to review on a weekly basis. A few notable ones include: Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live. Resolved, never to do anything out of revenge. Resolved, never to speak evil of any, except I have some particular good call for it. Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life. We could all use some positive changes in our lives and a new year is the perfect time to look forward and leave our old bad habits behind. Whether your resolution is to lose weight, get healthy, work on your relationships, take a class, or to “live with all your might,” it’s a great time to work on self improvements. Happy New Year from all of us at Women In Trucking Association. Women In Trucking Association, Inc. is a nonprofit association established to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry. Membership is not limited to women, as 16 percent of its members are men who support the mission. Follow WIT on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. For more information, visit or call 888-464-9482.

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Since opening our doors in January 2012, First Class Training Centre Inc. has been providing the highest standard of training to our clients in a personal relaxed learning environment. From the beginning we recognized there was a need for a high quality Class 1 driver training program preparing the students for a promising career ahead of them. Becoming a professional truck driver takes years of experience. Any truck driving school can teach you how to drive a truck, but at First Class Training Centre we are interested in teaching you how to get industry ready. All aspects of the job are covered in the training. We don’t limit our instruction to the things that will help you get your licence; we want to help individuals to go out and get a job. We’ll do this by sharing the kind of insight that can only be earned by spending years doing the job, and helping you prepare for a career in the industry, not just a road test.


All of our instructors at First Class are career veteran truck drivers. These instructors have combined on-the-road trucking experience that exceeds two centuries! That’s a lot of experience teaching the students. Our instructors will give you the training you will need to take on the challenges of the transportation industry. Demand for our high standard of training and unique perspective on the trucking industry has been fuelling our growth, and we now have eight instructors on staff in Winnipeg and one in our new Brandon location. As well as training locally, we have also done out of town projects as far north as Thompson, Manitoba, but the down fall to out of town training was to find a suitable location for a classroom and transporting our airboard to do proper air-brake training. That’s when my partner, Jeff Esslinger and I, decided to custom build a mobile classroom for training that we can bring almost anywhere in Manitoba.

This 48 foot trailer has a classroom with 8 air-ride truck seat for the students, a fully functional tractor trailer air board system and a state of the art driving simulator. Our passion at First Class is not just developing new drivers for the industry but we have a passion for the trucking industry as a whole. We invite trucking firms to take advantage of our mobile training unit to refresh or enhance their drivers with the use of the driving simulator. We will book and bring the trailer and instructor right to your work place almost anywhere in Manitoba for as many days as needed so you are able to assess your drivers. With the driving simulator, First Class can develop a company specific curriculum to suit the organizations particular needs, including complete orientation programs for newly hired drivers.

For more information on First Class Training Centre and all that we offer, be sure to check out our website at

Click above for a video on; First Class Training Centre




JAZZ spent the afternoon in a Volvo @ Beaver Truck Centre shooting the sock shots a play on AutoSock for this Edition where we promote the advantages of a pair of Socks in your iron instead of Chains. Light and easy to store and meets government regulations.

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The Yellowhead Inn by Dave MacKenzie



More than just a Truck

Welcome to the Yellowhead Inn, a mark of history on the Trans-Canada Highway. I stay at the Yellowhead every time I go through Edmonton and if I am pulling a load in a big truck there is plenty of parking and some pet friendly rooms. The Yellowhead Inn has been a vital part of Edmonton’s industry since its construction in 1972. Since then, it has played host to the men and women who have laboured to make this province and this city as great as they are today. Many have come for the convenience of its location and the allure of its affordable room rates, and many more have come back for the friends they have made with the exceptional staff and guests. The Yellowhead Inn offers an experience that no other hotel can boast of. With 153 rooms, the Yellowhead Inn is among the largest of the hotels in West Edmonton. With rates as low as $85, the hotel is the most affordable and most reliable in the city. Make sure to ask for your CTM, Trucker Discount.

Its pride is also held in its numerous facilities, ranging from the full-service restaurant to banquet facilities, a bar, and brandnew VLTs in the lounge. It has been cared for with great consideration, as it boasts of its complete room renovations in the West Wing, the lobby, and public areas. In time, The Yellowhead Inn will be among the newest hotels in the city, as they continue to plan for the complete renovation of every room and public space. And will still be the most affordable hotel in the city. Come and enjoy a wedding in the Veronica Ballroom. Come and put your feet up in Lucky’s Lounge after a long day. Come and experience the comfort of getting the nicest room in the city for a price beyond compare, just mention CTM. Come and experience the Yellowhead Inn, because they are better and very trucker friendly. All rooms come equipped with refrigerators, television, ironing board, hair dryer, complimentary wifi internet, individual heater/air conditioner,Keurig coffee maker, desk, and phone. Please make sure to tell them CTM sent you as the Yellowhead supports your magazine lets support them.


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By Marc Palud Xp3 Canada NEW Self Validation Program for Xp3's Ultra-Premium Fuel Upgrader

X p 3

Have you ever heard of a Mafia Offer?

It's an offer you can't refuse ;-). Well Xp Canada has come up with their own Mafia Offer, giving you an opportunity to self-validate how Xp3 will perform on your specific equipment, in your own operating environment at NO RISK to you! Their Mafia Offer is; "We guarantee that your operating cost per KM with Xp3 treated fuel will be less than non-treated fuel”. Qualifying fleet choose 3 pieces of equipment, run 10 tanks of untreated fuel documenting litres consumed and kilometers travelled, submit the data to Xp3 Canada. Xp3 Canada then determines how much Xp3 product you will need for the second phase of the test. Xp3 Canada delivers and invoices the right amount of Xp3 product to run your next 10 tanks with the Xp3 treatment. If the Xp3 treated fuel portion of the test does not show a lower cost per kilometer travelled,


then you simply rip up the invoice and not pay anything. That's how confident we are in Xp3's performance that once you see firsthand how Xp3 functions on your own equipment and can prove to yourself, you will see that the positive return on investment more than pays for itself, over and above all of the other benefits your fleet equipment will gain by using Xp3 treated fuel. Note: This Mafia Offer is only available to fleets operating more than 20 vehicles or pieces of equipment.

ADVERTORIAL • Gain better performance and longer engine life with Xp3. • Enjoy additional kilometers with less fuel consumption with Xp3. • Experience easier starting, better idling and less pollution with Xp3. • Pull your load like a boss with extra torque and horsepower with Xp3. • and protect yourself against cold weather gelling and icing with Xp3.

Xp3 takes care of all your fuel related problems and counters the negative effects of today's bio-based fuels and seasonally blended fuels. Discover for yourself why Xp3 currently treats and upgrades over 4 billion litres of fuel every year around the world. Keep your engine running cleaner, smoother, better and longer with Xp3. For a FREE technical guide on the Xp3 Fuel Upgrader, go to:


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MyDenny’s App Adds Value for Frequent Diners

It's all about you. Your preferences, your tastes, your cravings. It's your Denny's, so why not have it all? Make Denny's yours with MyDenny's, the only app that earns you perks with every bite you take. Denny’s Restaurants has been a staple of Canadian dining for the last 45 years, providing classic diner fare, an inviting atmosphere, and great value for all their guests. With 59 locations across the country, many located along major transit routes, Denny’s is a dining staple for drivers, providing a bit of comfort and familiarity when away from home. Denny’s has always placed a high importance on being a good value, but with their recently relaunched Loyalty Program they have found a way to make dining an even better deal, especially for their loyal customers. With a simple download from Google Play or the App store, the free MyDenny’s mobile app allows guests to earn points for every purchase at participating stores. Every purchase also earns a stamp on their digital loyalty card. Once the card has been filled in, members earn a special $5 reward coupon and a new card is started automatically. One of the big questions about the app, has been how hard is it to get enough points to get the rewards? Well the answer is it’s easy, and there are lots of added incentives to sign up! New members automatically get 50 points for registering and there are opportunities to earn bonus points by completing polls on the app and entering promo codes that are posted on social media or emailed to their members. It doesn’t take long to earn enough points to redeem for rewards such discounts on purchases or free food and beverages. Every week Denny’s is giving away one thousand points to a new member, so there is an added incentive to sign up. With over 45,000 members and growing quickly, the app is proving to be highly successful for both Denny’s and their customers. One of the cool new upgrades to the app is the ability to scan a QR code on the bottom of each receipt, making it quick and easy to add the points to your account. Members can also use the app to send invitations to meet up with friends and share points back and forth with other members. For the non-smartphone users, there is a desktop version of the loyalty program available at providing all the perks, promotions, and contests available through the app. If you are a Blackberry user, you can use the mobile web version on your phone’s Internet browser, also at



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NASCAR Sprint Cup Series champion Kyle Busch and wife Samantha pose in front of the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign during NASCAR Champion's Week on Las Vegas, Nevada. Samantha & Kyle hold the Sprint Cup Trophy. See 10 more pages in the Expanded Web Editionand special write up.

Want more NASCAR Action !

Canadian Trucking Magazine has it, on the Expanded Web Edition now enjoyed by over 570,000 readers a month and up to date events on the Canadian Trucking Magazine Face Book Page ~ LIKE US !


Kyle & Samantha Busch


Kyle Thomas Busch

Kyle Thomas Busch (born May 2, 1985) is an American professional stock car racing driver and team owner. He currently drives the No. 18 Toyota Camry in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and the No. 18 Camry in the Xfinity Series for Joe Gibbs Racing. He also owns Kyle Busch Motorsports, which runs multiple trucks in the Camping World Truck Series. Busch is the younger brother of 2004 NASCAR Nextel Cup Series (currently known as the Sprint Cup Series) champion Kurt Busch. He also currently holds several records in NASCAR competition, including one for the most wins in all three of NASCAR's national touring series, with 154 wins, and another for the most race wins in a season across the top three NASCAR series, with 24 wins, which he accomplished in 2010. In 2009, Busch became the first driver to win two NASCAR's top touring series races in the same day, when he won Craftsman Truck Series race at Auto Club Speedway in the afternoon and Nationwide Series race in the evening at the same track. In 2010, he won all three of NASCAR's top three touring series in the same weekend (at Bristol). Furthermore, he holds the record for the most NASCAR Xfinity Series wins in a season with 13 in 2010, and the most overall with 76. At age 19 years and 317 days, Busch became NASCAR's youngest ever pole winner in a Cup Series race at California Speedway in 2005 He holds the record for the most wins in a Xfinity Series rookie season, as well as being the youngest driver to qualify for the Chase for the Sprint Cup, in 2006. Furthermore, Busch became the first driver to win a race and a championship in a Toyota in the Sprint Cup Series, winning at Atlanta Motor Speedway during the 2008 season and the 2015 Cup Series championship.

Additionally, he is the only driver to win four straight spring races at Richmond International Raceway (2009–2012), and was also the inaugural winner of the first Cup Series race at Kentucky Speedway, in 2011. When Busch won the 2009 Crown Royal Presents the Russell Friedman 400 at Richmond International Raceway as he turned 24, he was the second of just three people to ever win on their birthday. His team, Kyle Busch Motorsports, became the first Camping World Truck Series team to win the owners' championship in its first year after recording 8 wins, 16 top 5, and 21 top 10 finishes in 2010. On May 12, 2015, Busch announced on Twitter that he would return to NASCAR at the Sprint All-Star Race at Charlotte on May 16.[165] On June 13, nearly four months after his injury, he won the Xfinity Series race at Michigan in his second start of the season. In order to make the Chase in 2015, Busch needed to be in the Top 30 in points and have one win in the Sprint Cup Series. On return to the Sprint Cup Series, Busch had an up-and-down season. In the Coca-Cola 600, he finished 11th. At Dover, he was running well until he was caught up in a late race crash and finished 36th. He then finished ninth at Pocono. At Michigan, Busch lost control of his car and cracked the wall, wrecking his car and finishing dead last. At Sonoma, Busch won after a late race caution shuffled Jimmie Johnson out of contention because he did not pit and Busch had fresher tires. A few laps later, Busch was leading over brother Kurt Busch and Clint Bowyer. Their race against each other for second place allowed Busch to keep enough distance to hold first place. He had built up just enough time to come in first knowing that his brother had passed Bowyer and was quickly gaining on him. On July 11, 2015, Busch won at Kentucky, making him only 87 points from breaking the top 30 in points, and be eligible to enter.

It also denied Jeff Gordon's quest to win at least once on every active NASCAR tracks in his final season as a full-time driver. On July 19, 2015, Busch won at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, making him only 58 points from breaking the top 30 in points, and be eligible to enter the Chase. With 50 laps to go, Busch made a daring move on Brad Keselowski and Kevin Harvick to get his lap back, which resulted from a pit stop earlier in the race. A caution would later be thrown. This would ultimately put Busch in the lead with 44 laps to go, where he would not be challenged at all in the remaining laps. The race ended under caution when Alex Bowman smacked the wall off turn 2 as a result of a blown tire on the last lap. This would be Busch's third victory in the past four races in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. He also fended off Brad Keselowski and Kevin Harvick for the win. In the next race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, he won the prestigious Brickyard 400 and put himself 23 points behind the cutoff for the Chase for the Sprint Cup. He also completed the sweep for the weekend after winning the Xfinity race the day before and won three Cup Series races in a row for the first time in his career Busch clinched his spot in the Chase with 1 race left.

Busch, with 2 top tens during the first round of the Chase advanced to round 2 However his hopes to advance to the next round took a heavy hit during the race at Charlotte. After running second to teammate Matt Kenseth for most of the race, Busch and Kyle Larson collided while entering pit road, spinning Larson and eliminating both from contention for the race win. Busch hit the wall several times during the final 50 laps due to oil on the race-track from the #51 driven by Justin Allgaier who had lost a transmission after an on-track collision. After the race Busch and several other competitors such as Dale Earnhardt, Jr. criticized NASCAR for allowing the drivers to race in oil during the final 50 laps. On November 15, 2015, Busch clinched a spot to stay in contention as the Championship 4 for the final Chase at Homestead. On November 22, 2015, Busch won the Ford EcoBoost 400 to win his first ever Cup Series championship. Busch ended the season with five wins, twelve top fives, and sixteen top tens, despite racing in only 25 of 36 races. Enjoy the next 12 pages of NASCAR this month with pictures of Kyle & Samantha Busch, on and off the track. NASCAR entertainment built for you by Canadian Trucking Magazine.

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It seems like yesterday but 40 years ago Jack Shields and his 3 sons (Clarence, Jim & John) started their first restaurant an A&W, in a small northern town called Fort McMurray. At that time there were less then 5,000 people living in that community. From there they expanded to include the Fort’s first Smitty’s Pancake House & Diary Queen franchises, the Garden Cafe, Willies and Oriellys & the Stags Head Inn. As Fort McMuuray continued to grow so did the Shields family business. In 1986 after the introduction of the Liberal National Energy Program the family lost all their business and were forced to start all over again. Some 25 years ago Jack and Clarence started all over again by operating a restaurant located the Nisku Truck Stop. From there they continued to grow acquiring the Airways Country Inn and numerous other business interests. Brother Jim and his wife Jody ventured off to start a successful greenhouse operation, while John continued on with an award winning career in radio. Blackjacks Roadhouse and Games Room is a brand new building been created to host Clarence’s latest vision, this outstanding and beautiful building features amazing truss work and a 2nd floor grand stage over- looking our room. They boast the best buffet in the area, as well as a great Canadian & Chinese cuisine menu. Our games room is furnished with 25 V.L.T.s, 5 Minute Keno, Sports Select. Watch and play all the sports from our comfortable lounge. Trucker Friendly Please come by anytime and enjoy our menu and great service. Open 24 hours a day featuring specials daily. Spend some time wandering around looking at one of the largest collection of oilfield, trucking and car racing memorabilia dating back some 100 + years. BLACKJACKS always look forward to the opportunity to be of service.



Expanded web Edition Content



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