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Dave brings to you 36 years of valuable experience in transportation, management, business and compliance. Dave has driven in every condition across North America and overseas as military, police, company driver to owner operator to now Publisher Editor of Canadian Trucking Magazine. How often do I print bad, I mean really bad news in my magazine. I try to avoid all the bad news because you hear it enough on the CB and in the truck stops. However the tonnage is up which is good news because it means the loads have increased that equals more miles.

Unfortunally where it meant more dollars in your pocket, that just is not happening. If you are an owner operator then you are getting hit hard at the pumps. If you are a company driver you are seeing per mile rate at the lowest in 20 years. There are some companies still paying a good wage.

The thing that worries me the most is this new law coming into effect July 1st this year. July 1st – the date the federal government proposes to mandate that on-road diesel sold in Canada must contain an average two per cent biofuel content – the pain already being felt at the pumps will only get worse. Given that trucks – the largest buyers of diesel fuel move 90 per cent of all consumer products and foodstuffs, CTA warns this could also lead to higher prices to consumers for all goods.


Currently in the United States where there is a somewhat more mature biodiesel market, prices are, depending on the level of biofuel blended into the diesel, running at one to eight cents per litre above the price of regular diesel fuel. For Canadian truckers this could mean annual increases in diesel fuel costs (the second largest component of cost for trucking companies and the largest cost for small independent operators) in the range of $2,100-$6,000 per truck depending where biodiesel price increases fall in Canada. According to CTA, a leading feedstock to be used in producing biodiesel (canola) is already at record highs despite record volumes, so the cost impact on Canadian truckers could be even greater. The government’s own Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, recently published in the Canada Gazette, acknowledges that biodiesel will cost consumers more, but underestimates the impact according to CTA. CTA stated that vehicle maintenance costs in the early stages of the biodiesel regulation will also rise. In addition, biodiesel is costly to produce and there is a severe shortage of biofuel production and blending capacity in Canada. It is widely acknowledged that Canada will have to import 85 per cent of the biodiesel need to comply with the mandate. The Canadian Petroleum Products Institute, which represents petroleum producers,

recently called upon the government to delay the implementation of the biodiesel mandate until its members can build the necessary blending facilities required to satisfy the regulation. According to its own Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, the federal government says it has doled out over $2 billion in subsidies to the renewable fuels industry in recent years. It also says there will be a net cost to taxpayers from the mandate of about $2.4 billion over the next 25 years with only an incremental reduction (a mere 1 MT CO2 per year) in GHG. “It really makes you wonder why we’re doing this,” commented David Bradley, CEO of the trucking alliance. “All of these things add up to one thing,” says Bradley, “higher prices for consumers. The only question is by how much. The biodiesel mandate is only going to make things worse. They can’t even guarantee us that the stuff won’t gum up most truck engines at the kinds of blend rates we are likely to see at certain times of the year in various parts of the country. There is no protection for the consumer.”

“The biofuel producers are getting literally everything they want – regulatory certainty, a captive market and massive subsidies – all of which they can take to the bank, whereas the consumer, mainly truckers, will get even higher fuel prices that we currently have at a time when trucking companies are just finding their financial legs after being ravaged by the recession, Why should truckers be forced to pay more when the biofuel industry has already received billions in subsidies? It’s no different than a fuel tax increase,” explained Bradley.

Bradley insists CTA is not opposed to the introduction of alternative fuels into the trucking industry. “We have been consistent on this point; why wouldn’t we want to reduce our reliance on oil? But, we need to be sure the fuel we put in our tanks works, it has to be in plentiful supply and it should not cost us more than regular diesel.” “As it stands now, the way the government is approaching the biodiesel mandate fails on all counts. It’s clear this is not about the environment – there are ways to achieve significantly greater GHG reductions in trucking for a lot less,” he says. CTA is calling upon the federal government to introduce amendments to its proposed regulation that will provide a level of protection for consumers. It’s not only trucks and buses that will be paying higher prices at the pump as a result of the planned biodiesel mandate. A growing number of car owners are switching to diesel-powered automobiles because of the greater efficiency and lower fuel costs. For these car owners, the biodiesel mandate will further drive up prices and expose individual diesel car owners to fuel that may void there warranties. Just as consumers received protection under the ethanol regulations, similar protections need to be adopted under a biodiesel regulation. Happy Trails,,,,,,,, Dave


Common Errors with Child Seats

Now that I caught your attention with the picture on page 6 last April Edition! Did you notice no grey in my mustache or hair. This was taken before all the seat belt laws and child restraints came into law. Those of us born in the 50’s and raised in the 60’s remember sitting on dad’s or Grandpas knee driving the truck or on the back dash in the sun for a long drive. Yep, pretty much sat wherever there was room or comfortable. Now most of us survived it, at lest the ones reading this article. But for the safety of our children and grandchildren we have child seats now. But are they safe? An increase in studies in the USA has shown a 45% rise in child injuries and deaths since the laws went into effect. The alarming reason came out in the study.

Over 90% of us are not using the chid restraints properly putting our precious cargo at risk! First never mind expiration dates on these seats and recalls, so a yard sale deal may not be a deal. But we don’t strap the lil rug rats in properly. Please if you are transporting young ones in seats, take the time to find out how to do this properly. Loose is not good! It is a 4 point harnesss for a reason. The chest buckle can be deadly is too high or too low. Stopping suddenly at 20 MPH studies have shown with it too high will snapp the neck causing death. Too low at the small amount of speed can cause internal injuries. Having it loose magnifies the impact of those injuries. Backward faceing is obviously the safest and is a must for infants.


Common Errors with Child Seats 1. Mistake : Seat too loose (you shouldn't be able to move the car seat move than 2.5 cm [1 inch] sideways) Dangers : In a crash, the seat will cause the child to be thrown towards the point of impact. In some crashes, the seat may totally detach, and both the child and the seat may become projectiles within the vehicle, or may be ejected outside of the vehicle. Quick Fix : Place your knee & weight into the seat (hand & weight for rear-facing seats) and tighten the seat belt (or UAS belt) as you push the seat down and back (into the vehicle's seat back). Activate the Automatic Locking Retractor to secure the seat. Check your vehicle owner's manual to check to see if you need a locking clip to lock the seatbelt in place. If you are using UAS, check your vehicle owner's manual to ensure that you are using the proper UAS hooks, and the proper position in the vehicle to use UAS. 2. Mistake : Harness straps too loose Dangers : A child who is too loose can easily come out of his seat in a crash. The child can be severely injured if he hits part of the car's interior or another passenger. The worst case scenario would be the child being ejected from the vehicle.


Quick Fix : Tighten the straps. There should be no more than 1 finger breadth between the child's collar bone, and the harness. The straps should be snug and have no slack. 3. Mistake : Using the chest (retainer) clip incorrectly Dangers : If the clip is in the wrong place, the harness straps can easily slip off the child's shoulders, and the child is at risk of being ejected from the car seat in the event of a crash. Quick Fix : Reposition the clip to be at armpit level. Check the clip's position each time you buckle in your child. 4. Mistake : Harness straps through wrong slots in the car seat Dangers : In convertible seats, many parents forget to change the harness strap level when they turn their child to the forward-facing position. When the child faces forward, a harness in the lower slots can break through the car seat during a crash. Quick Fix : Read your car seat instruction manual. On most seats, once the seat faces forward, only the uppermost slots should be used. These slots have the extra reinforcement necessary to keep the harness secure in a crash.

5. Mistake : Wrong belt path Dangers : The car seat will not be secured properly to the vehicle and in a crash, the child will be thrown toward the point of impact, and could detach. Quick Fix : With convertible seats, check the car seat instruction manual, and check the pictures on the side of the seat to see where to run the seat belt (or UAS) belt through.

7. Mistake : Carry handle of the infant seat is left in the 'up' position during travel Dangers : The handle could interfere with the expected movement of the seat during a crash. The carry handle could snap or break during a crash, and cause injury to the baby, or other passengers. Quick Fix : Lower the handle of the infant seat at all times during travel. Check the car seat instruction manual.

6. Mistake : Rear facing seat not at a 45째 angle Dangers : An infant's airway is very narrow. Your rear-facing seat leans too far forward, your baby's heavy head could fall forward, cutting off his airway so he can't breathe Quick Fix : While most rear vehicle seats are sloped toward the back of the car for the comfort of adult passengers, child car seats are designed to be installed on a flat surface. Many infant car seats have a built-in level that tells you when your seat is at the wrong angle. More often than not, seats are installed in a position that is too upright. If your car seat has an adjustable pedestal to change the angle, then use that. You may have to place sections of a cut-up 'pool noodle' or rolled up towels under the area of the seat where the baby's feet rest, to correct the angle.

8. Mistake : Twisted harness straps Dangers : Twisted straps will not hold your child in the car seat securely. The harness straps could 'snap' and your child could be thrown out of his seat during a crash. Quick Fix : Make sure the harness straps are always flat against your child's body. Check your car seat instruction manual to find out how to wash the straps, or where to purchase new ones. 9. Mistake : Infant turned to forward-facing position too soon Dangers : Infants have large heads and weak neck muscles. In a head-on crash (the most common), the infant's head can jerk forward suddenly and violently, and could suffer from spinal injuries.


Common Errors with Child Seats Quick Fix : All children should be rear-facing until they are at least 1 year of age and at least 9 kgs (20 lbs). If your child is less than 1 year of age, but exceeds the weight limit of the infant seat, purchase a convertible seat that has a higher rearfacing weight limit (some go to 15 kg (30 lbs). The rear-facing position is the safest way for a child to travel.

10. Mistake : Not using a tether strap/anchor for your forwardfacing seat Dangers : In a front-end crash (most common), the car seat could be forced forward and your child will be forced toward the point of impact. Quick Fix : Tether strap/anchor use is mandatory for all forwardfacing seat use in Canada. The tether strap/anchor prevents too much forward excursion of the car seat. Check your vehicle owner's manual for location of tether anchor hooks. If your vehicle is not equipped with them, you then need to contact the vehicle dealership (for your vehicle) to have them installed.

11. Mistake : Moving your child into a booster seat too soon Dangers : A booster seat is manufactured for children 18 kg (40 lbs)


to 36 - 45 kg (80 - 100 lbs) and about 4 years of age. Small children will not be securely properly in a booster seat and could be ejected from the vehicle in a crash.

Quick Fix : Check your child's weight. If your child is less than the recommended weight, leave him in a forward-facing car seat with a harness system. This is safer.

12. Mistake : Not using a booster seat Dangers : An adult seat belt used by itself doesn't properly restrain a child because it crosses his body at the wrong spots (high on the belly, high up across the shoulder and neck). Children will move the shoulder belt behind their backs, or under their arms to be more comfortable. Doing this, will affect the performance of the emergency retractor of the seat belt. A child who is too small for an adult seat belt will sustain massive internal injuries (liver, spleen, bowel, bladder) or will suffer from head and spinal injuries. The child may also be ejected from the vehicle during a crash, and some children will die. Quick Fix : Go out and buy a booster seat. If you have built-in headrests in the rear seating positions, a booster cushion will be okay. You will need a high-back booster if your vehicle seats do not have built-in or adjustable headrests. You must always use the lap/shoulder belt system to a

booster seat. Remember to always belt in an 'empty' booster seat too. In a crash, the booster seat (if left unsecured) could become a projectile and cause injury to the driver or other passengers in the vehicle.

13. Mistake : Using a car seat that has been recalled Dangers : Car seat recalls occur for many reasons, including faulty latches, or missing parts. This could lead to severe injuries or possibly death in a crash situation Quick Fix : Make sure you mailed in your warranty card after you purchased the seat. If you lost the warranty card, you can call the car seat manufacturer (the phone # will be on a label on the seat) and they will send you a new one. Log onto Transport Canada's website ( and check their recall list. You will need to know the car seat model's name and number, and the date of manufacture (label with this information is on the car seat). If you find your car seat listed on the recall, follow the instructions on the listing, as to what to do. You should correct the problem as soon as possible.

14. Mistake : Buying a car seat from someone (or some useditem retailer) that you do not know

Dangers : You will not know the history of the seat. Was it ever in a crash? Do you have the instruction manual? Are all the manufacturer’s labels on the seat? Has it been on the recall list? Are all the parts of the seat intact? Is the locking clip there? Is the tether strap attached? Is it too old? Without knowing the history of the seat, you could be putting your child’s life in danger whenever you put your child in the seat. Quick Fix : If you do buy (or are given) a used seat, make sure that you know the history. Make sure that all the parts and the instruction manual are with the seat. Check to make sure there are no cracks in the plastic. Check that the straps are not frayed. But if you really want your child to be safe….Be sure. Be safe. Buy new.

15. Mistake : Letting 2 children share 1 belt Dangers : Seat belts are designed to restrain 1 person (large or small). Two children buckled into one belt can cause themselves serious injury. In a crash, their heads can knock together so hard that it can be fatal for both of them. In a crash, the seat belt may snap, and cause both children to suffer great injuries or possibly cause them both to die. Quick Fix : Remember…. only 1 person per belt. If there are not enough belts, and you must transport children, then leave the lightest


Common Errors with Child Seats

person in the vehicle without the belt. In a crash, the lighter individual will cause lesser damage to the other passengers when they are thrown around in the vehicle.

16. Mistake : Letting a child ride in the front seat Dangers : Front end crashes are the most common crashes to occur. Placing your child close to the point of impact could cause him serious injury or possibly death. Passenger side air bags are designed to reduce injuries in adults. In recent years, more than 100 children have been killed by passenger air bags, which can cause serious head and neck injuries when they inflate, especially to children in rear-facing car seats. Quick Fix : Keep your child in the back seat of the vehicle. If you MUST transport a child in the front seat, move the passenger seat as far away from the dashboard as possible. NEVER put a rear-facing infant seat in front of an airbag. To find out if your vehicle has airbags, look for a warning label on the sun visor, or the letters SRS or AIRBAG on the dashboard, or check your vehicle owner’s manual.

17. Mistake: Holding your child on your lap Dangers : Even if you are belted in, your child could be ripped from


your arms and thrown through the windshield by the force of a crash. Or, in a crash, you might be propelled forward and ‘squash’ your child between yourself and the dashboard.

Quick Fix : NEVER let your child ride in a moving vehicle unless he is safely strapped into his own car seat or booster. No exceptions.

18. Mistake: Using seats that are too old Dangers / Quick Fix : Check labels for expiry dates. If the expiry dates are not identified, then be alert, that most seats should be replaced if they are older than 7 years. Breakdown of the plastic components can occur, and usually after 7 years, replacement parts are hard to obtain if required.

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Day Dreaming Under The Stars He pulls it out of the shop and heads down the road. It’s black and glowing, so proud and bold. The Trucker looks tired and in need of a nap. With only his steering wheel to hold a coffee in his lap. He drives through the night and in to the day. Loads need to be hauld and he is on his way. When he’s done trucking he see’s his boy. The kids runs to him with his trucker toys.

Written by Carson Ruud Owner Operator of Last Drop Oilfield Hauling Ltd. Lloydminister, SK/AB Carson is contracted out to who else other than Husky Oil patch, like mother like son. Carson’s Mom, Val the Truckers Pal is known to all of us as family at the Husky Regina.

His Dad is his Hero, he just wants to drive. Just hauling for a living, just staying alive. No thanks are needed for this hauling guy. Just a smile and a wave as I go by. I often see him driving down the road and into the night, I pray for his safety as he vanishes from sight. 16

I look forward to every visit with Val as she is truly family and teats me and every driver that way that walks through her door. Stops like Regina Husky makes the road a great place to be.

RCMP hope surveillance footage from service stations in the area can provide a glimpse of the suspects’ vehicle.

Alex Fraser was beaten to unconsciousness Sept. 28, 2010, after he stopped to help what looked to be a stranded vehicle. Things took an unexpected turn when three men standing with the vehicle attacked him. He was struck on the back of the head and knocked out by these cowards. Fraser doesn't remember what happened but when he came to, he was covered in blood, dazed and too weak to stand. The wounded trucker crawled to his big rig and drove himself to nearby Blue River, where others called 911. He spent several days in the hospital and gave up long-haul trucking as a result. RCMP still don’t have enough evidence to link suspects in the brutal beating of a Good Samaritan trucker to the crime, the victim’s wife Carole Fraser said.

“We know it’s a maroon coloured vehicle, but that’s all we know,” Depending on witness reports, the culprits drove a car, small pickup truck or jeep. Something that should stand out is an orange tarp was in the back seat and this vehicle was on Hwy 5 from Blue River to Valemount from 2pm till 11pm. Someone must have seen these scumbags as reports said they were parked facing oncoming traffic at times. Larry Hall, president of the North American Truckers Guild, along with the B.C. Trucking Association and Canadian Trucking Alliance, have posted more than $30,000 in combined rewards for information leading to an arrest. If an arrest isn’t made by October, the North American Truckers Guild will donate the $10,000 it’s raised to the Fraser family, said Hall. This is one of our own that stopped to help someone in what was stagged as someone needing help. Scum bags like these need to be put away. Ask everyone you know that travels 5.


Dryden Truck Show In Honor of the Trucking Industry The Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch #63 is pleased to announce they will be hosting the first annual Dryden Truck Show to be held June 24-25-26, 2011 at the Agricultural Fairgrounds in Dryden, Ontario. The event will have over 16 categories for the Show and Shine competition, with over $10,000 in prizes up for grabs. An Early Bird Show & Shine registration party is set for May 28, 2011 with over $1,000 in cash and prizes along with an awesome lineup of live entertainment.


Further details of the Early Bird Show & Shine Registration Party will be released in the coming weeks. Don’t miss the excitement as this event is for the entire family! For more information go to

or call Suzanne Joly at 807-221-7675 or email at

Highway Interdiction by Front-Line Police Officers

The recipient of the 2011 Canadian Trucking Alliance Highway Interdiction Award for outstanding work by a front-line police officer in detecting criminal activity on the highways is Constable David Karsin of the Winnipeg Police Service. The award, which is given to the Canadian police officer who was responsible seizing the highest value of goods or contraband from on-highway criminals was presented at the annual dinner of the National Pipeline/ Convoy Conference held in Toronto on May 3rd. Since its inception in 1994, the Pipeline/Convoy Program which provides training for police officers in the detection and apprehension of travelling criminals and is overseen by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has led to total seizures of contraband valued at over $4 billion. “Karsin consistently leads the national policing community in detecting criminals traveling our highways utilizing commercial vehicles to move illegal drugs and other contraband,” says RCMP Staff Sgt Rob Ruiters, National Pipeline/Convoy Program Coordinator. n addition, CTA was also a recipient of a 2011 Pipeline/Convoy Partnership Award for its work in

promoting cooperation between police and the trucking industry in combating criminality utilizing commercial transport equipment. “The trucking industry is pleased to recognize the people like David Karsin whose job it is to help keep our highways safe.” The audience comprising police officers from across North America and even from Australia, CTA president and CEO, David Bradley, who was a keynote speaker at the event, said “I am reminded every night when I watch the news from places like Afghanistan, or East Africa, where lawlessness is a fact of life, just how lucky we are to live in Canada and to have our police services.” He said CTA and the provincial trucking associations want strong, effective enforcement of the rules of the road. “We have a lot of regulations and rules in the trucking industry, but unless they are enforced and enforced effectively, they lose credibility. When regulations lose credibility, some people will use that as an opportunity to cut corners on maintenance, on safety. They think they are getting a leg up on the competition. Of course, what they are doing by exposing the motoring public and their own 27 employees to greater risk. John Lyle ARMSTRONG 47 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 173 cm; 5’8” Weight: 73 kg; 161 lbs Hair Colour: Red-Grey Eye Colour: Green Date Last Seen: March 21, 2009 Place Last Seen: Calgary, Alberta File# 09098801 Calgary Police Service (403-266-1234) Information: ARMSTRONG left his home and said he was going for a long walk.

Rene Lynn GUNNING 19 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 157 cm; 5’2” Weight: 50 kg; 111 lbs Hair Colour: Black Eye Colour: Brown Date Last Seen: February 18, 2005 Place Last Seen: Edmonton, Alberta File# 2003-6950 RCMP Project KARE (1-877-412-5273) Information: GUNNING was last known to be leaving West Edmonton Mall in hope of hitchhiking back to British Columbia.

Kevin Glen PURDY 31 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 183 cm; 6’0” Weight: 75 kg; 166 lbs Hair Colour: Brown Eye Colour: Brown Date Last Seen: August 22, 1999 Place Last Seen: Red Deer, Alberta File# 99-20693 RCMP Red Deer City Detachment (403-343-5575) Information: PURDY was last seen leaving his home in Red Deer. His vehicle was later located north of Red Deer.

Amber Alyssa TUCCARO 20 Years old at time of disappearance Height: 155 cm; 5’1” Weight: 65 kg; 143 lbs Hair Colour: Black Eye Colour: Brown Date Last Seen: August 18, 2010 Place Last Seen: Nisku, Alberta File#20101010799 RCMP Leduc Detachment (780-980-7200) Information: Amber TUCCARO was last seen at the Nisku Place Hotel. She has not been in contact with anyone since that date.

Any information in regards to any missing person you are asked to please call the investigating agency at the numbers provided or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).


Sandy Long - Truck Stop Walking Safety Once again we hear that a trucker has been hit and killed while walking in a truck stop; this time it was a double tragedy as two truckers were killed four days apart at the Pilot Travel Center at exit 4 on Interstate 81 near White Pine, TN. While these types of accidents are not a daily occurrence, they do happen with some regularity mostly at night. What is going on in the truck stops that truckers are killed while walking across the lot? A combination of factors is most likely at fault, dark parking lots, wearing too dark of clothing by the pedestrian, both driver and pedestrian not paying attention, and last but not least; speeding through the truck stops by truck drivers. Sit in any truck stop and pay some attention and you will see all of these factors at work at any time. Truck stops, or as they prefer these days to be called, Travel Centers, are all feeling the hit of the economy and one way some are saving money is to cut down on the outside parking area lighting. Truckers tend to wear darker clothing; dark blue jeans or other pants, darker T-shirts and in winter dark jackets and hats. The darker clothing makes sense to those who drive truck; a trucker’s clothing is a grease and road grime magnet. A trucker walking across the lot will blend into any shadows due to their clothing choices and will be totally non visible in many cases out of direct light. Distractions are normal; having to rush to the bathroom, hungry, tired, stressed or pushed on time for a delivery/pickup are some that affects both drivers and walkers. A trucker coming into the truck stop is also thinking about getting into

the fuel island or getting that parking spot along with the former distractions. Finally; it makes no sense, but there are times when a truck stop parking lot looks like a NASCAR track with trucks doing warm up laps. A truck whipping into a driveway or driving around the parking lot at 25-35 miles per hour equals a speeding torpedo and can do the same damage to walkers or even to other trucks. Tsk, Tsk. To save your life in any parking lot if you are going to be walking: Wear something light colored, put reflective tape on your jacket or hat or carry a small flash light that can be seen while you walk. Watch for other trucks backing up and never assume that they see you…wait out of the way or walk around them the other way. Give the truck the right of way unless the driver motions you to go ahead and then look before you clear their protection for any other trucks moving. Before walking in front of any truck that is idling, look up if the driver is in the seat and make eye contact with them. Wait to do any texting until you are inside or back in your truck. Do not get out of your truck if someone is getting ready to either back in or pull out of the space on your driver side and always use the three point entry or exit strategy. To avoid hitting someone who is walking: Slow that big rig down Mr. or Ms Truck Driver! Is that two seconds you save getting to that parking spot, into that fuel island or hitting the road worth anyone’s life? If it is, then you should have left sooner or not stopped as often and need to rethink your priorities. As you enter the truck stop take a quick





look around for anyone who might be walking near your path of travel. If you are going to back up from the fuel islands or into a parking spot, make sure that there is no one behind you; get out and look works in the truck stop too. We truckers face enough dangers from everyone else on the roads and in the truck stops without having to worry about our brother and sister drivers running us over. All drivers need to take responsibility for each other’s safety while walking or driving in a truck stop or warehouse parking lot. Finally, we all have to have some respect for each other and show that respect by being courteous to each other especially when our lives are at risk when we are in the supposedly

safe haven of a truck stop. Working together on this, we can avoid having to read of another report of a trucker hitting and killing another trucker in a truck stop; that would make my day, wouldn’t it yours? Ya’ll be safe out there! Sandy Long is a long time truck driver who is also very active within the trucking industry. She was a long time writer for, is a life member of OOIDA, member of the WIT and owner of two websites: Trailer Truckin’ Tech, a yahoo group dedicated to the education of new and prospective truck drivers and for women truck drivers.




WINNIPEG, MB April 29, 2011 – The Manitoba Trucking Association today would like to extend congratulations to a trio of local service technicians who placed first in the 2011 Volvo Trucks North America VISTA competition. MTA member Beaver Truck Centre employs the three winning technicians – Dennis Baehnk, Chris Dunn and Daniel Teleglow. As a result of their first place finish, the team will now head to Gothenburg, Sweden to compete in the VISTA World final at the end of June. “On behalf of the Manitoba Trucking Association I would like to congratulate Beaver Truck Centre and their winning team of technicians,” says MTA Executive Director Bob Dolyniuk. “It’s wonderful to see that we have such talented people working in our local industry and we wish them the best in Sweden next month.” 40

This is not the first time the Beaver Truck Centre team has reigned supreme; back in 2007, they were crowned North American champions for the first time. The biennial competition takes place at Volvo Trucks North America headquarters in Greensboro, North Carolina. The Beaver Truck Centre team beat out 119 other teams to capture the championship. In the finals, they bested GATR of Sauk Rapids, Inc., Sauk Rapids, Minn., and Mobile Fleet Service of Yakima, Wash. The competition includes three rounds of online technical questions, with the top three finalists traveling to North Carolina for further practical and hands-on testing. The practical test includes knowledge about service bulletins, parts look up and troubleshooting faults on Volvo trucks and engines. The Manitoba Trucking Association exists to develop and maintain a safe and healthy business environment for our industry members.

MANITOBA TRUCKING ASSOCIATION CONGRATULATES WINNIPEG POLICE CONSTABLE FOR WINNING NATIONAL AWARD WINNIPEG ʹ MAY 4, 2010 ʹ The Manitoba Trucking Association would like to congratulate Winnipeg Police Service Constable David Karsin on winning the 2011 Canadian Trucking Alliance Highway Interdiction Award. The award recognizes outstanding work by a front-line police officer in detecting criminal ĂĐƚŝǀŝƚLJ ŽŶ ĂŶĂĚĂ͛Ɛ ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ ŽĨ ŚŝŐŚǁĂLJƐ͘ dŚĞ ǁŝŶŶĞƌ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ ĂŶŶƵĂů ĂǁĂƌĚ ŝƐ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďůĞ ĨŽƌ seizing the highest value of goods or contraband from criminals on the highway. Karsin was honoured at the annual dinner of the National Pipeline/Convoy Conference held in Toronto on May 3rd. The Pipeline/Convoy program provides training for police officers in the detection and apprehension of travelling criminals. Since its inception in 1994, the program has let to seizures totalling more than $4 billion. ͞dŚĞ ƚƌƵĐŬŝŶŐ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ŝƐ ƉůĞĂƐĞĚ ƚŽ ƌĞĐŽŐŶŝnjĞ ƚŚĞ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ůŝŬĞ ĂǀŝĚ <ĂƌƐŝŶ ǁŚŽƐĞ ũŽď ŝƚ ŝƐ ƚŽ ŚĞůƉ ŬĞĞƉ ŽƵƌ ŚŝŐŚǁĂLJƐ ƐĂĨĞ͕͟ ƐĂLJƐ d ƉƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ ĂŶĚ K ĂǀŝĚ ƌĂĚůĞLJ͘ ͞<ĂƌƐŝŶ ĐŽŶƐŝƐƚĞŶƚůLJ ůĞĂĚƐ ƚŚĞ ŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů ƉŽůŝĐŝŶŐ Đommunity in detecting criminals traveling our ŚŝŐŚǁĂLJƐ ƵƚŝůŝnjŝŶŐ ĐŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů ǀĞŚŝĐůĞƐ ƚŽ ŵŽǀĞ ŝůůĞŐĂů ĚƌƵŐƐ ĂŶĚ ŽƚŚĞƌ ĐŽŶƚƌĂďĂŶĚ͕͟ ƐĂLJƐ Z DW Staff Sgt Rob Ruiters, National Pipeline/Convoy Program Coordinator. Bradley was the keynote speaker at the conference, which had in attendance police officers from all over North America in addition to trucking industry dignitaries. 41




for accessing motor carrier safety data in the Safety Measurement System (SMS). Preliminary reports show carriers are improving their overall safety performance. If a Motor carrier has received an unsatisfactory safety rating pursuant to 49 CFR Part 385 or is ordered to stop operations they will be no longer authorized to operate on U.S.A. national roadways.

By: Dawn Truell, President, Cross Border Services

CSA 2010 – Facts On December 13, 2010, The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) officially launched their CSA 2010 enforcement program; this program is designed to analyze safety violations from roadside inspections and crashes measuring commercial motor carrier’s safety performances. The FMCSA is working diligently with partners to reduce CMV crashes, injuries and fatalities. Warning letters are being sent out to Motor Carriers whose safety performance data indicates they are not complying with applicable FMCSA safety regulations. These warning letters identify Behaviour Analysis & Safety Improvement Categories that are assigned an “alert” and outlines possible consequences of continued safety problems. The warning letter provides instructions


Safety ratings are available at: licensing and insurance status at: What this means for Canadian Carriers is that in order to continue conducting shipments into and out of the U.S.A. we must comply with the FMCSA regulations. Carriers do not inherit any of a newly hired driver’s past violations. Only those inspections that a driver receives while driving under a carrier’s authority can be applied to a carrier’s Safety Measurement System record. All inspections and crashes that a commercial motor vehicle driver receives while under the authority of a carrier will remain part of the carrier’s SMS data for two years, even if the carrier terminates the driver.


Tickets or warnings that CMV drivers receive while operating their personal vehicles do not count in the SMS.

While research data indicate that a driver’s body mass index (BMI) is a risk factor for identifying drivers that may have sleep apnea, neither FMCSA nor the CSA program currently has any rules that restrict who can be a commercial motor vehicle driver based on BMI or weight or neck size.

Cross Border Services deals with all of these government compliancy programs and regulations, for Information please contact Information on any cross border issues contact






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