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Dave brings 40 years of valuable and interesting experience in transportation, management, safety, business and compliance. Dave has driven in every condition across North America and overseas as Military, Police, Company Driver to an Owner Operator to transportation management. Now our Celebrity Editor Publisher of Canadian Trucking Magazine bringing you articles and entertainment in print and on the web. Join Dave on Face Book for real time updates and meet at your favorite stop or truck show! Be Happy to say Hi and maybe get a picture or two. See you down the road.

What an exciting month with hitting all the truck stops and all the shows and talking to you on Chrome & Steel Radio. Did you know CTM now has over 15,000+ fans on facebook and our digital magazine has hit over 122,000 readers ! As well the reach on Facebook has hit over 250,000 independent ip hits. Mind blowing that over 250,000 people have seen postings from your magazine on FaceBook. Thank-you ! LIKE our FaceBook page if you haven’t and find out why. If you are not a facebook person or even the world wide net, don’t worry we will always print your magazine and make sure it is out there for you to pick it up, keep, enjoy and read. Canadian Trucking Magazine is built for your entertainment to take your mind of the days concerns and hopefully give you a giggle some lite reading and information and tons of pictures. Having a 100 page or so digital magazine gives CTM a chance to bring you more without the high cost of printing and distribution. This magazine is truly built for you by your input over the years

Below the MacKENZIE family is on the road again off to Las Vegas for the big SEMA show! Marc will make sure we have loads of video posted on the FB page for you to see, so it’s just like you being there. On page 8 pictures of Ang and I finally having a ceremony to legalize our awesome relationship spanning over a decade or.... a long time for sure and I will behave so she keeps me in your magazine here. I wish I could of invited all of you to see this awesome ceremony in Scottish regalia with pipes and drum and all my kids, and that’s a lot. See more in the digital magazine and the next few pages, digital does not limit the amount of good stuff we can provide you! Read on ,,,,,

continued page 4


To the right was the most fun to can have with your clothes on! The World’s Largest Convoy in Winnipeg MB Canada with over 200 trucks and vehicles and young William MacKENZIE learning the trade shooting out the window as we leap frog the Convoy. This picture of William was caught by our good friend Dennis Swayze caught in the centre photo in the centre of the hall as drivers pour in for the briefing before the run around Winnipeg. You can see more Photo’s by Dennis of the convoy @ http://www.pbase.com/photosbydennis/convoy_2015 If you were in the Convoy or watching on the sidelines there is a good chance you were caught on film. I have to thank all the drivers and companies that support them for coming out and making the Convoy such a great success for a great cause like Special Olympics Manitoba. I apologize how slow CTM is for getting the videos and pictures up on the site and in the expanded web edition but September with all the Convoys, truck shows and a wedding, we were stretched to our limits. Having Chrome & Steel Radio to reach you is awesome especially their programming in line with the same mind set of CTM to provide entertainment to transport to make the road easier. No drama or bad news on either CTM or Chrome & Steel just entertainment and laughs with great tips and information slipped in.


OAKPOINT RESTAURANT on November 28th 2015 Breakfast w Santa ~ Christmas Bazaar Sale

Above look at this!!!! The gang from the Oakpoint Restaurant in Winnipeg MB Canada on Route 90. Yes, November 28th, they have breakfast with Santa with our CTM helpers and a Christmas Bazaar Sale. You will find CTM there for sure and a gaggle of my kids a couple of CTM gals to help Santa out and maybe some swag for you. See you there! Hey notice the Denny’s banner on the bottom and an AD on page 35 with a write up on page 34. This is a cool way for Denny’s to give back to you for your loyalty and easy to use too. Denny’s always has neet ideas for us, such as did you know on your birthday you get a free breakfast at Denny’s. No kidding something for FREE and it is a good breakfast from Denny’s always easy for a transport driver to get to in a big truck.

Below the Chrome & Steel crew at Trucking for a Cure. See all the pictures on the FB page and listen for interviews from the convoys. I like to say again thanks for reading CTM and I look forward to hearing from you, than about you. See you on the road..... Be safe my friends! Happy Trails.....



The SEMA Show is the premier automotive specialty products trade event in the world (PLEASE NOTE: THE SEMA SHOW IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC). It draws the industry’s brightest minds and hottest products to one place, the Las Vegas Convention Center.

As part of the AAIW, the SEMA Show attracts more than 100,000 industry leaders from more than 100 countries for unlimited profit opportunities in the automotive, truck and SUV, powersports, and RV markets. SEMA Show 2014 drew more than 60,000 domestic and international buyers...

SEMA 2015

Bringing it Live to you in Videos & Print

It was important for CTM to attend to see the latest and greatest products so we can bring these to you in the next coming editions.. CTM put’s up live videos on the CTM Facebook page thanks to the hard working team of Photo Journalistsyou never get to see in front of the camera. So thanks to Marc Palud, Robert MacKENZIE & J.F. Barrette for catching the momments CTM readers love to see. We then monitor the number of readers CTM had by independent IP hits. It started at an amazing 30,000 and has grown to over 128,000 independent hits “Readers”. That is just a mind blowing incredible amount! Did you also know if you add every face book fan from every Transport Magazine in North America, it still did not come close to the 15,000+ fans Canadian Trucking Magazine has. That’s you the reader doing this and CTM wants to earn your loyalty by printing what you want to see. Bring home a copy of this to your better half if they don’t ride with you, or better

ask them to read the expanded Web Edition and understand the job you do to keep NA stocked and running smooth. Most important, thank-you for the job you do, the support you give our magazine and may you have good weather and dry roads. I am off to SEMA to work my butt off for you!


One would think the obvious reason would because the Publisher Editor has been a Soldier and Policeman in my life as well as proud to call myself a Truck Driver. But here are some better reasons. First, Transport Drivers have always been very grounded people providing a service to keep the country running and most times the first people to help people in need, be it broken down on the highway or a good cause. This is so evident in the Convoys for great causes each year, the participation is awesome. So it is not a far jump for Transport to appreciate and understand people that are willing to put on a uniform and also contribute to our country by keeping it safe. Whether Conflict or Disaster. Second, you won’t be surprised to find the number of people in Transport who have served.

Might have been anywhere from Cadets to Reserve to Regular forces to Coast guard to CBSA. These people in Uniform as I have said many times have written Canada a blank cheque up to and including thier life to protect and defend us. I believe that anyone who has put on a uniform for service deserves our respect. Don’t matter to me if for 2 months or 40 years, they stepped up to the plate. If you don’t agree with me and cannot find it in yourself to stand behind them, feel free to stand in front of them next time of conflict. I am not just talking about danger outside Canada, but riots, flooding, looting, things that happen in Canada and the first thing we scream for is these heroes. So why does a Transport Magazine support our Heroes,,, is because they deserve it.

See a great joke you want to share, send it to CTM to print this is your magazine, and enjoy more jokes on the next pages and extra on the web



Well Folks Ang & I finally got to do it and celebrate our marriage on September 26th 2015 with my 6 sons in full Scottish regalia and my 2 beautiful daughters and 2 awesome flower girl grandbabies all with the pipes and drums in the background, friends and family.


Pictures by and thanks to Trish Palud Photography



By Dawn Truell ~ CBS ~ Road Safety: Your

Inspections Are Mandatory!

Not only in our own Province of Ontario but also across Canada we all take road safety very seriously. Just a few days ago in Mississauga, Ontario, another person was killed by a tire that flew off of a moving truck, questions obviously arose as to whether the driver had done a proper vehicle safety inspection prior to departing for delivery with his load. Nothing will bring back the life of Diane Tsialtas, an accomplished Boston Marathoner. The tire that hit her weighing 200 lbs. flying through the air at her, she had no chance to get out of the way as there was no warning. Police officer Const. Rachel Gibbs said while investigating this case “It’s the duty of the owner operators to maintain the condition of the vehicles, from looking at this vehicle it clearly wasn’t well maintained.” The trucking company, One Touch Haulage Inc., had a “satisfactory” safety rating if you can believe that one! The driver is facing charges under the highway traffic act for a detached wheel offence, a maximum fine of $50,000 and other criminal charges. All Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles must be in compliance with commercial vehicle regulations that are enforced on the road by the Ministry of Transportation enforcement officers and police officers. The MTO officers and Police officers conduct inspections on all commercial vehicles to ensure safety of operation by qualified drivers. If a commercial motor vehicle or trailer is found to be in any sort of unsafe condition that could endanger other people on roads and highways, the vehicle will be prohibited from 10

operating until required repairs are made. Commercial vehicle drivers and companies that fail to comply with many of these requirements will face a fine of up to $20,000. Commercial motor vehicle is a truck or highway tractor with a gross weight or registered gross weight of more than 4,500 kilograms (kg) or a bus with a seating capacity for ten or more passengers.

Under Ontario’s commercial motor vehicle impoundment program, critically defective commercial vehicles are impounded for a minimum of 15 days. If one or more critical defects are found on a bus, truck or trailer, an officer will remove the plates and inspection stickers from the vehicle and impound it. The following critical measures are in place to reduce wheel separation on commercial vehicles: • Daily inspection requirements for drivers and operators • An absolute liability law for wheel separations • Specialized training for technicians involved with wheel installations • Increased on-road inspections from ministry enforcement officers and specially trained police officers • Fines for wheel separations ranging from $2,000-$50,000 Under the NSC Standard 7, all commercial vehicles must maintain regular preventative inspections and maintenance of all commercial trucks, trailers and buses.

These inspections must be performed as per the PMVI Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection Program. All carriers, drivers and owner operators should have a system of policies and or procedures for regular inspection and maintenance. Carriers must do daily safety inspections, pre trip security inspections and a monthly maintenance inspection. Brakes must be checked for adjustment, measured for wear and tested for reliability. Other mandatory regular parts inspections of trucks include hoses, brackets, filters, engine, fittings, lights, tires, body paneling, and apparent leaks, fluid levels. The PMVI standard demands internal brake components must be inspected and measurements taken and this might need the removal of the wheels. Records must be maintained for evidence of compliance and must include: year, make, model and VIN, name of owner and or lessor, date and nature of every repair and maintenance done on the equipment, odometer reading at time of servicing and every axle or suspension modification. Failure to conduct regular daily inspections, repairs and regular maintenance is a violation and is recorded on the carrier’s safety profile, this will directly impact the safety rating of that vehicle, operator and company.

For further information regarding all Compliancy programs, Safety & Security, Transportation, C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at:

www.c-tpat-certified.com www.crossborderservices.org

Dawn Truell Cross Border Services 905-973-9136 dawntruell@gmail.com www.crossborderservices.org www.c-tpat-certified.com.


Note from Dave!

If you see suspicious activity, per-

sons asking you for a ride across the border in your vehicle, a loose lipped driver talking about smuggling loads of weapons or drugs, do us all a big favour and contact authorities. Try to get as much information as possible without becoming involved and shut these bad guys down. They are bad for our business. CALL BORDER WATCH~











By; Ellen Voie CAE, President/CEO Women in Trucking

The Women In Trucking Association represents all women employed in the trucking industry. We represent the women who design the trucks, build the trucks, buy the trucks, fix the trucks and drive the trucks. If you are one of the five percent of female drivers or one of the fourteen percent of female managers in the trucking industry, we are here for you. The overall purpose of the organization is to increase the percentage of women working in the trucking industry to utilize unrealized potential. As former US DOT Secretary ray LaHood said, “After all – regardless of gender – everyone uses our transportation systems, and those systems will serve us more effectively when they are planned, designed, engineered and built by the professionals who represent all of us.” So, why are women under-represented within the management group of a typical trucking company? Remember the days of Smith (or Jones or Miller) and Sons Trucking? Many fathers brought their sons into the family business to carry on the tradition. Today, you can find many daughters who have taken over their parents’ companies, but there are still not enough women in the executive suite. Although women comprise nearly half of the labor force and earn more degrees than their male peers, women in the top ranks in transportation careers are in the minority. Why should YOU want this to change? Pepperdine University found a correlation between high-level female executives and business success. Harvard Business Review reported that firms with the best records for promoting women outperform industry medians with overall profits 34 percent higher. Catalyst Research found that companies with the highest representation of women leaders financially outperform, on average, companies with the lowest. It makes good, financial sense to have more women in leadership roles within your organization. What are some of the reasons this hasn’t been accomplished so far? There are many things we can point to in order to understand WHY women aren’t more visible in top-level roles. First, there are biological reasons! According to research conducted by Kay & Shipman in The Atlantic, women are driven by estrogen (men by testosterone) and


estrogen encourages bonding and connection and discourages conflict and risk taking. Women activate the amygdalae (the brain’s fear center) more easily than men and testosterone encourages a focus on winning and demonstrating power. Women who were given testosterone were less able to collaborate. What does this mean in regard to career progression? Taking risks is associated with working outside your comfort zone and pushing beyond your normal duties. As Halla Tomasdottir, an Icelandic Fund Manager stated, “White male values are about risk-taking, short-term gain and a focus on the individual, female values tend toward risk– awareness, the long term and team goals.” That is what makes women more valuable in the boardroom but less valued by their male peers who view assertiveness and boldness as leadership traits more often exhibited by men. Yale Psychologist, Victoria Brescoll found that male executives who spoke more often than their peers were rated ten percent higher in competence. However, when female executives spoke more than their peers, both men and women gave them a fourteen percent lower rating in competence. Apparently we find assertiveness to be more acceptable for men and less positive for women. In fact, an article titled, Gender, Job Authority, and Depression, in the December 2014 Journal of Health and Social Behavior stated that women with job authority have more education, higher incomes, more prestigious occupations and higher levels of job satisfaction…. and worse mental health than lower status women. When women display assertiveness and confidence they are judged negatively for being unfeminine. This contributes to chronic stress. In order to secure a place for women in leadership roles within the trucking industry, we need to better understand the values women bring to the boardroom. More importantly, we need to view those values as being important for company growth and stability. After all, shouldn’t we follow Former Secretary LaHood’s advice and make sure the trucking industry management team represents those who rely on this industry to ensure their consumer needs are met? Women In Trucking Association, Inc. is a nonprofit association established to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry. Membership is not limited to women, as 16 percent of its members are men who support the mission.

For more information visit;

www.womenintrucking.org or call 888-464-9482 Ellen Voie CAE, President/CEO


The Motel 6 in Headingley MB Canada the Official Hotel of Canadian Trucking Magazine in and around Winnipeg MB! The reason simple, Truck Friendly, Pet Friendly, Clean, New, Pool, Hot Tub, plenty of parking and great people. Ask for your Trucking Discount and tell them CTM sent you.


Diesel Spec Inc. is the leader in truck diesel engine ECM tuning technology. With over 30,000 medium and heavy-duty diesel truck tuning performed, Diesel Spec has built its reputation with countless satisfied customers all over the world. If you are looking to improve fuel economy and/or increase the power of your current engine, we are confident that our expertise can help you achieve these goals. We offer a 30 Day satisfaction money back guarantee on all our tuning. Diesel Spec has over 300 dealer locations in North America. We are growing with dealers now in Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, France, Austria, Chili and even South Africa. We can serve you, no matter wherever you may be, all around the world. Diesel Spec specializes in fuel efficiency and performance tuning for owner/operators and fleets alike. Our high performance tuning designed for drag racing and off road competition may require EGR valve delete, DPF delete ( Diesel Particular Filter ) and/or Urea deletion kits. These changes would make for a winning upgrade. We offer tuning for:

Cummins, Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, Mercedes, International Maxxforce, Volvo, Paccar, Mack and most agriculture engines.

Established in 1987 and with over 27 years of experience in heavy duty diesel engine, Diesel Spec Inc. is the best choice for all your heavy duty truck engine and performance needs. Diesel Spec continue to be innovative, each day, to keep our customers satisfied by offering them the best quality service possible and the latest technologies. We are specialized in the following engines : Cummins Caterpillar Detroit Diesel Paccar International Navistar Mercedes Volvo Mack John Deere

See more in the Expanded Web Edition of Canadian Trucking Magazine



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In the Great Canadian North here in Canada and many places worldwide, temperatures will reach extremes. W h a t e v e r the weather, we are the solutions providers that can heat it up or cool it down. Polar Mobility Research Ltd. founded in 1981 to provide Research and Development assistance for Canadian and US Military Mobile Equipment Operations in the High Cold Canadian Arctic. Since 1985, Polar has been providing our Heating, AirConditioning and Air-filtration solutions worldwide to Heavy Construction, Oil field, Forestry,

Military and Mining clients. We provide solutions as Polar specializes in Custom Design, Engineering and the Manufacture of unique and special purpose Air Conditioning, Heating, & Clean Air Ventilating System solutions for rugged and Extreme Environments! At 40C above or -40C below Polar keeps the wheels of the industry moving in all kinds of weather conditions – extremely hot or extremely cold – while reducing expensive down-time and operating costs. Whether your focus is operator comfort or equipment functionality, we can handle it!


Polar Believes...

...that small to medium business drives the Canadian Economy. ...in helping and taking care of people.

...that the products and services that we offer help to protect the Environment, Health and Safety of People and Equip ment and Increase Profits. Check us out online for more:

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This page is dedicated to amateur, Pros and Fans of High Horse are welcome to send us your pictures, with some details about o


epower Competition Diesel Engines for Trucks and Tractors.U owners and engine if possible , and we will share it. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PAGE!





Christian Fournier President for the

excellent cover and centerfold for the 84th Edition of

Canadian Trucking Magazine

and Super Models Catherine M,

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Want an awesome Calander with thes Go to the DIESEL SPEC Web Site











By Marc Palud Xp3 Canada NEW Self Validation Program for Xp3's Ultra-Premium Fuel Upgrader

X p 3

Have you ever heard of a Mafia Offer?

It's an offer you can't refuse ;-). Well Xp Canada has come up with their own Mafia Offer, giving you an opportunity to self-validate how Xp3 will perform on your specific equipment, in your own operating environment at NO RISK to you! Their Mafia Offer is; "We guarantee that your operating cost per KM with Xp3 treated fuel will be less than non-treated fuel”. Qualifying fleet choose 3 pieces of equipment, run 10 tanks of untreated fuel documenting litres consumed and kilometers travelled, submit the data to Xp3 Canada. Xp3 Canada then determines how much Xp3 product you will need for the second phase of the test. Xp3 Canada delivers and invoices the right amount of Xp3 product to run your next 10 tanks with the Xp3 treatment. If the Xp3 treated fuel portion of the test does not show a lower cost per kilometer travelled,


then you simply rip up the invoice and not pay anything. That's how confident we are in Xp3's performance that once you see firsthand how Xp3 functions on your own equipment and can prove to yourself, you will see that the positive return on investment more than pays for itself, over and above all of the other benefits your fleet equipment will gain by using Xp3 treated fuel. Note: This Mafia Offer is only available to fleets operating more than 20 vehicles or pieces of equipment.

ADVERTORIAL • Gain better performance and longer engine life with Xp3. • Enjoy additional kilometers with less fuel consumption with Xp3. • Experience easier starting, better idling and less pollution with Xp3. • Pull your load like a boss with extra torque and horsepower with Xp3. • and protect yourself against cold weather gelling and icing with Xp3.

Xp3 takes care of all your fuel related problems and counters the negative effects of today's bio-based fuels and seasonally blended fuels. Discover for yourself why Xp3 currently treats and upgrades over 4 billion litres of fuel every year around the world. Keep your engine running cleaner, smoother, better and longer with Xp3. For a FREE technical guide on the Xp3 Fuel Upgrader, go to: data.Xp3.ca


MyDenny’s App Adds Value for Frequent Diners

It's all about you. Your preferences, your tastes, your cravings. It's your Denny's, so why not have it all? Make Denny's yours with MyDenny's, the only app that earns you perks with every bite you take. Denny’s Restaurants has been a staple of Canadian dining for the last 45 years, providing classic diner fare, an inviting atmosphere, and great value for all their guests. With 59 locations across the country, many located along major transit routes, Denny’s is a dining staple for drivers, providing a bit of comfort and familiarity when away from home. Denny’s has always placed a high importance on being a good value, but with their recently relaunched Loyalty Program they have found a way to make dining an even better deal, especially for their loyal customers. With a simple download from Google Play or the App store, the free MyDenny’s mobile app allows guests to earn points for every purchase at participating stores. Every purchase also earns a stamp on their digital loyalty card. Once the card has been filled in, members earn a special $5 reward coupon and a new card is started automatically. One of the big questions about the app, has been how hard is it to get enough points to get the rewards? Well the answer is it’s easy, and there are lots of added incentives to sign up! New members automatically get 50 points for registering and there are opportunities to earn bonus points by completing polls on the app and entering promo codes that are posted on social media or emailed to their members. It doesn’t take long to earn enough points to redeem for rewards such discounts on purchases or free food and beverages. Every week Denny’s is giving away one thousand points to a new member, so there is an added incentive to sign up. With over 45,000 members and growing quickly, the app is proving to be highly successful for both Denny’s and their customers. One of the cool new upgrades to the app is the ability to scan a QR code on the bottom of each receipt, making it quick and easy to add the points to your account. Members can also use the app to send invitations to meet up with friends and share points back and forth with other members. For the non-smartphone users, there is a desktop version of the loyalty program available at www.mydennys.ca providing all the perks, promotions, and contests available through the app. If you are a Blackberry user, you can use the mobile web version on your phone’s Internet browser, also at mydennys.ca.



Bottom ~ Matt Crafton driver of the #88 FVP/Menards Toyota leads the field at the start for the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Rhino Linings 350 at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on October 3, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada.



Want more NASCAR Action !

Canadian Trucking Magazine has it, on the Expanded Web Edition now enjoyed by over 120,000 readers a month and up to date events on the Canadian Trucking Magazine Face Book Page ~ LIKE US ! Dave at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway with Playboy’s famous Claire Sinclair Playmate of the Year 2011 & Miss October 2010 & @ the Stratosphere Hotel & Casino Las Vegas Thursday thru Monday not to mention handing out winning trophies @ LVMS.


Claire Sinclair Playmate of the Year 2011 & Miss Octobe Thursday thru Monday, you Bet Dave and crew will drop ber and at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway!

er 2010 & @ the Stratosphere Hotel & Casino Las Vegas p by and say Hi when at SEMA the first week of Novem-

Matt Crafton driver of the #88 FVP/Menards Toyota leads Truck Series Rhino Linings 350 at the Las Vegas Motor S

s the field at the start for the NASCAR Camping World Speedway on October 3, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada.


There is something new this year to listen to, and it is smoking hot! Chrome & Steel Radio built for Trucking just like Canadian Trucking Magazine! Chrome And Steel Radio, bring you entertainment, news & information for trucking companies, Owner operators, truck drivers & logistics professionals working in the North American trucking industry... a weekly news and information online show, filled with, special guests & commentary.


Fun packed hours of entertainment in an continual loop, 24 hours a day every day, everywhere. Guests like your Celebrity Publisher Dave MacKenzie from Canadian Trucking Magazine, Lisa Kelly from Ice Road Truckers and special new IRT super star Mike “Bad Apple� Simmons. You get inside views and most of all a chuckle here and there. Hours on the road, warehouse, anywhere killed by tuning in and being informed and entertained. Magazine sponsor Canadian Trucking Magazine, Corporate sponsor Diesel Spec! Via SmartPhone #TuneIn... Download the App https://tunein.com/get-tunein/ to your smartphone and search for ''CHROME AND STEEL RADIO'' Via Computer: http://tunein.com/radio/Chrome-And-SteelRadio-s248718/ or www.chromeandsteelradio.com



Hear more about Trucking For a Cure on Chrome & Steel Radio Via SmartPhone IPad IPhone Androi TuneIn... Download the App https://tunein.com/get-tunein/ to your smartphone and search for ''CHROME AND STEEL RADIO Via Computer: http://tunein.com/radio/Chrome-And-Steel-Radio-s or www.chromeandsteelradio.com – Player

O'' s248718/

It seems like yesterday but 40 years ago Jack Shields and his 3 sons (Clarence, Jim & John) started their first restaurant an A&W, in a small northern town called Fort McMurray. At that time there were less then 5,000 people living in that community. From there they expanded to include the Fort’s first Smitty’s Pancake House & Diary Queen franchises, the Garden Cafe, Willies and Oriellys & the Stags Head Inn. As Fort McMuuray continued to grow so did the Shields family business. In 1986 after the introduction of the Liberal National Energy Program the family lost all their business and were forced to start all over again. Some 25 years ago Jack and Clarence started all over again by operating a restaurant located the Nisku Truck Stop. From there they continued to grow acquiring the Airways Country Inn and numerous other business interests. Brother Jim and his wife Jody ventured off to start a successful greenhouse operation, while John continued on with an award winning career in radio. Blackjacks Roadhouse and Games Room is a brand new building been created to host Clarence’s latest vision, this outstanding and beautiful building features amazing truss work and a 2nd floor grand stage over- looking our room. They boast the best buffet in the area, as well as a great Canadian & Chinese cuisine menu. Our games room is furnished with 25 V.L.T.s, 5 Minute Keno, Sports Select. Watch and play all the sports from our comfortable lounge. Trucker Friendly Please come by anytime and enjoy our menu and great service. Open 24 hours a day featuring specials daily. Spend some time wandering around looking at one of the largest collection of oilfield, trucking and car racing memorabilia dating back some 100 + years.


BLACKJACKS always look forward to the opportunity to be of service.




















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