Guide to e Island of Ireland

for UK Groups

For many British travellers, Ireland is a paradox - both familiar and foreign, simultaneously close yet distant. It’s an isle that teases us with its melancholic beaut y, its lilting cadence, and a people who carr y the weight of their histor y with pride and irreverence in equal measure.
We are enticed by Ireland , not because it's a mere stone's throw away om our shores, but because it offers us an escape om the banalit y of our own lives, a glimpse into a world where the ethereal melds with the ordinar y. e Irish landscape is a theatrical master piece, where Mother Nature has skilfully painted a canvas of verdant hills, dramatic cliffs, and pristine lakes, all interspersed with charming towns and cities that hold a dee p-rooted sense of histor y and identit y.
As you traverse the Irish countr yside, you will encounter an undeniable enchantment that pervades ever y corner, om the ancient stone circles that pe pper the landscape to the wild Atlantic waves crashing against the rug ged coastlines. And let us not forget the people - the soul of this captivating land e Irish, a mélange of poets, rebels, and stor ytellers, possess an innate gi for spinning a yarn that can bring both laughter and tears, all while nursing a per fectly poured pint of Guinness.
It's the essence of Ireland - its music, folklore, and incomparable warmththat draws you in, inviting you to
become part of a stor y that has been told and retold for centuries. e land of saints and scholars, le prechauns and laughter, Ireland is a place where the past and present dance together in a delightful jig , where the magic of the old worl still lingers in the air, and where th promise of the new world beckons with open arms.
So, dear reader, pack your bags and ready your heart for the bewitching charm of the Emerald Isle. It's time to embark on a journe y that defies the conventions of travel writing and transcends the boundaries of the ordinar y. e allure of Ireland is not to be found in its cobbled streets or picturesque villages, but in the spirit of its people and the echoes of its past.
In the words of the incomparable Yeats, " ere are no strangers here ; only iends you haven't yet met " Whether you are north or south of the border, Ireland extends an invitation to experience its unique and compelling culture, landscape, and histor y - a treasure trove of discoveries just waiting to be uncovered. So don your green sleeves, dear traveller, and set sail for the adventure of a lifetime. e enchanting Emerald Isle awaits.
Production: Laura Collins
Design: Alexina Whittaker
Ulster, a land of captivating beaut y and rich histor y. Explore majestic castles, breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and immerse yourself in warm Irish hospitalit y. Unforg ettable experiences
Discover the enchanting allure of Connaug ht. From rug g ed coastlines to mystical mountains, this Irish province offers unrivalled landscapes, ancient traditions, and a warm, g enuine Irish welcome
Experience the dynamic spirit of Leinster. With its bustling cities, historic landmarks, and scenic countr yside, this Irish province captivates visitors with its vibrant culture and endless exploration
Dublin, Ireland's vibrant capital, captivates tourists with its rich histor y, lively pubs, architecture, and warm Irish hospitalit y.
Munster, a tapestr y of natural wonders and cultural treasures. Explore picturesque landscapes, indulg e in rich heritag e, and savour world-class cuisine
Ulster, one of the four provinces of Ireland, is a delig htful mix of histor y, culture, and natural beaut y. Comprising nine counties, this captivating reg ion offers e ver y thing from aweinspiring landscapes and ancient monuments to lively cities that attract visitors from across the g lobe. In this lig ht-hearted article, we'll take you on a whimsical car journe y throug h each count y in the province, showcasing top attractions, activities, and lesser-known facts that make Ulster an unforg ettable destination.
Let ' s kick off our journe y in the coastal g em of Antrim, where you'll find the worldfamous Giant's Causeway.
Leg end has it that the Irish g iant Finn Mac Cool built this natural wonder as a bridg e to reach his Scottish rival, Benandonner. See the 40,000 interlocking basalt columns for yourself by booking a g uided tour at www., where g roup discounts are available.
As you meander along the stunning coastline, take a deep breath and test your courag e at the Carrick-aRede Rope Bridg e, suspended 30 metres above
the sea Aer ward, head to Belfast, where you can learn about the cit y ' s Titanic past www.titanicbelf and g et lost in its thriving arts scene at the Metropolitan Arts Centre
Little-known fact: Antrim is home to the oldest licensed distiller y in the world , Bushmills Distiller y. Established in 1608, you can take a guided tour and sample some whiske y, but remember not to drink and drive
From Belfast, drive southwest to Armag h, a cit y with such relig ious fer vour that it's oen called the " ecclesiastical capital" of Ireland Here, you'll find not one, but t wo mag nificent cathedrals dedicated to St. Patrick . V isit the Roman Catholic St Patrick's Cathedral www. and the Church of Ireland's St. Patrick's Cathedral to admire their soaring spires and beautiful architecture. Just a short drive from the cit y centre, Navan Fort awaits your exploration Unearth ancient tales of king s and heroes at the nearby Navan Centre and Fort
L ittle-known fact : Armag h is famous for its astronomical research. Why not shoot for the stars and visit the Armag h Obser vator y and Planetarium
Next, head east to Count y Down, where the majestic Mourne Mountains reig n supreme ese peaks were so enchanting the y inspired C.S. Lewis's mag ical world of Narnia . You can almost imag ine meeting Mr. Tumnus as you drive along the scenic Mourne Coastal Route.
In Downpatrick, the reputed burial site of St. Patrick, visit the Saint Patrick Centre www. to delve into the life and leg ac y of Ireland's patron saint. While in the area , don't miss the picturesque ruins of Inch Abbe y and Dundrum Castle. L ittle-known fact : Down is home to Northern Ireland's only aquarium, Exploris in the charming coastal town of Portaferr y. Dive into a world of marine life and unleash your inner mermaid or merman!the ancient De venish Island Monastic Site to soak in the serene atmosphere.
Next, venture underg round
to the Marble Arch Caves www. a fascinating subterranean world of rivers, waterfalls, and limestone formations Above ground, histor y buffs can explore Enniskillen Castle in the count y town of Enniskillen
Little-known fact:
Fermanagh is home to the world's oldest known examples of ' landscape art' at the Magho Cliffs in Lough Navar Forest. The cliffs offer a bird's-e ye view of the surrounding countr yside – just tr y not to ruffle any feathers!
Journe y northeast from Fermanag h to Tyrone, a count y where histor y and natural beaut y collide. Unravel the mysteries of the enig matic Beag hmore Stone Circles
www.discovernor thernirela StoneCircles- Cookstown-P2900 / and ponder the lives of the Bronze Ag e inhabitants who once called this place home. e Ulster American Folk Park in Omag h is another must-visit, offering a g limpse into the stor y of Irish emig ration to
the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries. Who knows, you mig ht e ven find a long -lost relative
Little-known fact: Tyrone is home to the largest gold mine in the UK and Ireland , the Cavanacaw Gold Mine. Although it's not open to the public, it's still a golden nugget of information!
Londonderr y :
Continue northwards to Londonderr y, also known as Derr y, a cit y bursting with culture and histor y Stroll along the 17th-centur y walls, among the best-preser ved in Europe, and visit the iconic Guildhall www.derr guildhall
For more breathtaking coastal scener y, drive along the Causeway Coastal Route to explore Downhill
Demesne and Mussenden
www.nationaltr downhill- demesne-andmussenden-temple , where the views are sure to sweep you off your feet.
Little-known fact: Derr y is the only completely walled cit y in Ireland , and one of the finest examples of a walled cit y in Europe. Talk about a well-guarded secret!
Cross into the Republic of Ireland and head west to Count y Doneg al, where rug g ed beaut y and stunning landscapes await Drive along the Wild Atlantic Way www.wildatlantic for some of the most breathtaking coastal scener y in Ireland – just don't forg et to keep your e yes on the
road ! V isit Glenveag h National Park www. to explore its enchanting g ardens, castle, and mountainous terrain. e awe-inspiring Slie ve Leag ue Cliffs, among the hig hest sea cliffs in Europe, are also a must-see in Doneg al
Little-known fact: Donegal is home to Ireland's most northerly point, Malin Head , which featured as a filming location in Star Wars: Episode VIII – The L ast Jedi. May the Force be with you!
From Doneg al, drive southeast to Monag han, a count y known for its picturesque drumlin landscapes and charming small towns. Celebrate one of Ireland's most beloved poets at the Patrick Kavanag h Centre www. in Inniskeen, and let his words whisk you away to another time and place Delve into the fascinating histor y of the count y at Monag han Count y Museum, where you'll find a variet y of exhibits showcasing the reg ion's rich heritag e.
Little-known fact: Monaghan is home to one of Ireland's most wellpreserved examples of a Victorian-era canal, the Ulster Canal. Although it is currently not navigable, it's a testament to the engineering prowess of days gone by.
Finally, conclude your journe y in Cavan, a count y
steeped in histor y and blessed with stunning natural beaut y. Discover the ancient landscape of Cavan Burren Park a prehistoric site featuring meg alithic tombs, g lacial erratics, and limestone pavements V isit the Marble Arch Caves Global Geopark www. to unearth the secrets of the underground world and learn about the fascinating g eolog y of the reg ion.
Little-known fact: Cavan is home to the source of the R iver Shannon, Ireland's longest river. Located at the Shannon Pot, local legends say it's the resting place of the wise old woman Sionann, who drowned while attempting to gain knowledge from a magical pool.
Our whimsical journe y throug h Ulster has come to an end, but the memories and experiences you ' ve collected along the way will surely last a lifetime. From breathtaking landscapes and ancient monuments to rich histor y and vibrant culture, Ulster has proven to be an enchanting destination that's not to be missed. As you pack your bag s and reminisce about your adventures, remember the lesser-known facts, the laug hter, and the warmth of the Irish spirit that welcomed you to each count y
Until next time, slán go fóill !
Why not g ive your g roup the royal treatment with an
exclusive, private castle tour
Tailored to your g roup ’ s specific interests, their expert g uides can cover any thing from art to conser vation, LG BTQ+ stories to the castle’s royal connections
Your g roup could explore the chang ing attitudes to sexualit y and g ender identit y using stories of the castle’s past and the rich collection of objects and painting s on display. Alternatively,
discover how the castle team conser ve and preser ve historic furniture, painting s, silver ware and clocks for display in the mag nificent State Rooms.
Fanc y a walk in the fresh air ?
Discover the orig ins of the 100-acre g ardens with their Garden Histor y Walk .
L isten to stories of how the g ardens have e volved since the first planting s in the eig hteenth centur y and hear about those who have lived, worked, walked and enjoyed the g ardens for the last 250 years With it being a special year for the Royal Family, perhaps the Royal Tree Trail would peak your client’s interest ? Be introduced to the 62 commemorative trees and the 20 different members of the Royal family who have planted them during their many visits to Hillsboroug h
Please contact groupsandtraveltrade@ for more information on the castle and garden tour options available.
Belf ast was Titanic’s home. Still is.
Titanic Belfast, the world’s most authentic Titanic visitor experience, is located on the spot where the famous ship was desig ned and launched.
is iconic six-floor building features e Titanic Experience which combines immersive new technolog y with an orig inal maritime heritag e
collection and the authentic Titanic stor y to deliver an enriched and emotive experience Since opening in 2012, Titanic Belfast has firmly established itself on the national and international stag e, having welcomed over 7 million visitors and is a must-see for
anyone with an interest in the Titanic stor y. e selfg uided Titanic Experience tells the stor y of R MS Titanic, from her conception in Belfast in the early 1900s, throug h her construction and launch, to her famous maiden voyag e and trag ic end Having just undertaken
a £4.5 million refresh in 2023, the world-class visitor attraction has introduced a new theme –the pursuit of dreams, and boasts a stunning new artefact collection and an illuminated 7 6m long scale model of R MS Titanic which is suspended
from the ceiling and fully rotates in sync with state-ofthe-art projections for a truly immersive experience
V isitors can see more, hear more and feel more as new lig ht is shed on Titanic’s stor y and the hopes and dreams of those connected to her, and feel the emotion as e Ship of Dreams comes to life for a spectacular and unforg ettable experience
Pre-booked groups of 15 people or more can benefit from discounted admission, fast-track entr y, a g roup welcome and more ! www.titanicbelf groupbookings or contact the dedicated Groups Team on groups@titanicbelf
Discover the world-famous story through the eyes of those whose hard work and ambition built her at the Titanic Experience
For more information contact
Pack your bag s, g rab your sense of adventure, and join us on a journe y throug h the beautiful province of Connacht in Ireland With its rich histor y, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, Connacht is a treasure trove waiting to be explored From the wild Atlantic coastline to the serene inland countr yside, we'll take you on a tour of the top attractions and hidden g ems in each of the five counties in Connacht : Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon, and Slig o Keep an e ye out for g roup discounts and fascinating , little-known facts as we embark on this enchanting journe y.
Galway is a bustling cit y known for its vibrant arts scene, medie val architecture, and stunning coastlines Start your adventure by exploring the bustling streets of Galway Cit y, where you'll find a lively atmosphere and a charming mix of old and new Don't miss the famous Eyre Square, the Spanish Arch, and the colourful Galway Market
Take a trip to the Connemara reg ion, where you can immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of the Wild Atlantic Way V isit the picturesque fishing villag e of Roundstone and admire the breathtaking views of the Twelve Bens mountain rang e. For g roup discounts, check out the g uided tours at Connemara National Park where you can explore the diverse flora and fauna amidst the park's unique landscapes
Little-known fact: Galway is home to the world's oldest oyster festival, the Galway International O yster, and Seafood Festival
www.galwayoyster held annually since 1954.
Count y Leitrim: A Tranquil Haven of Lakes and Water ways
Leitrim is a charming count y, known for its picturesque landscapes, tranquil lakes, and meandering water ways. Beg in your journe y at Glencar Waterfall, a hidden g em tucked away in a serene, wooded area e waterfall ser ved as an inspiration for the famous Irish poet W.B. Yeats in his poem ' e Stolen Child.'
Next, take a leisurely boat trip along the Shannon-Erne Water way, which connects the River Shannon to the River Erne. For g roup booking s and discounts, visit the website of the Leitrim-based boat hire company Carrickcra
Little-known fact: The smallest church in Ireland , the Costello Memorial Chapel, can be found in the town of Carrick-on-Shannon. It measures only 16 feet by 12 feet and was built as a memorial to the builder's wife in 1879.
Count y Mayo: A Land of Legends and Spectacular Landscapes
Mayo is a count y steeped in histor y, leg ends, and breath taking landscapes Beg in your visit at the National Museum of Ireland – Countr y L ife y-Life in Turloug h Park . Here, you'll find fascinating exhibits on traditional Irish rural life and culture Group discounts
are available for pre-booked g roups of 10 or more people. Next, make your way to the enchanting Croag h Patrick, Ireland's holy mountain is pilg rimag e site is said to be where Saint Patrick fasted for 40 days and nig hts. Finally, explore the rug g ed coastline and pristine beaches at Achill Island, where you can indulg e in water sports or simply soak in the stunning scener y
Little-known fact: Mayo is home to the world's oldest known field system, the Céide Fields, dating back over 5,000 years.
Count y Roscommon : A Time Capsule of Irish Histor y
Roscommon is a count y brimming with histor y, heritag e, and natural beaut y. Start your exploration at the impressive Roscommon Castle, a 13th-centur y fortress steeped in histor y.
e castle's ruins offer a
g limpse into Ireland's medie val past. Next, pay a visit to Strokestown Park House a beautifully restored Georg ian mansion that houses the Irish National Famine Museum Group discounts are available for parties of 20 or more.
For a serene retreat, head to Loug h Ke y Forest Park, a haven of woodlands, picturesque trails, and mesmerising views over Loug h Ke y. e park also offers g roup discounts for activities such as Boda Borg , a unique team challeng e experience.
Little-known fact: Roscommon is the only Irish count y with a lake for ever y day of the year, boasting a total of 365 lakes!
Count y Sligo:
A Poet ' s Paradise and Ancient Secrets
Slig o, oen referred to as ' Yeats Countr y, ' is a count y rich in literar y heritag e and ancient histor y Beg in your journe y at the Slig o Count y Museum where you'll find exhibits dedicated to the life and works of W B Yeats, as well as fascinating displays on Slig o ' s histor y and archaeolog y. Groups of 10 or more can avail of discounted entr y rates
Discover Slig o ' s ancient secrets at the Carrowmore Meg alithic Cemeter y, one of the oldest and most extensive meg alithic sites in Ireland. Here, you'll find over 30 meg alithic tombs and stone circles, some dating back as far as 3700 B C Finally, immerse yourself in Slig o ' s natural beaut y at Mullag hmore Head, a haven for surfers, beach lovers, and nature enthusiasts Enjoy the spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean and the iconic Ben Bulben
Mountain, a stunning backdrop that has inspired poets and artists for centuries
Little-known fact: The largest collection of megalithic art in Western Europe can be found at the Knocknarea Mountain's summit, where the legendar y Queen Maeve of Connacht is believed to be buried .
From the bustling cit y of Galway to the tranquil haven of Leitrim, the rug g ed landscapes of Mayo to the historical depths of Roscommon, and finally, the poetic beaut y of Slig o, the province of Connacht offers a wealth of experiences and attractions for e ver y g roup So, g ather your friends and family, take advantag e of the g roup discounts, and embark on a journe y throug h this enchanting Irish province, rich in histor y, culture, and natural wonders.
Knock Shrine in Co. Mayo is one of the most unique places on the island of Ireland. with a rich and fascinating histor y.
For over 140 years, people have been welcomed to Knock Shrine from all four corners of the world. The Shrine o ers a peaceful, contemplative space in which to pray and reflect. Whether you are coming to Knock as a seasoned pilgrim or a stranger to this place, you will find a unique and prayerful place with a completely unique and fascinating history.
The Museum at Knock Shrine is the perfect place to begin your day. Here, visitors can gain an insight into the fascinating stor y of Knock within the wider context of our rich Christian heritage. The extensive collection includes a replica thatched cottage and a replica of Knock village as it was in 1879 in incredible detail. Knock Museum is open daily and o ering free admission to all throughout 2022.
The wonder of Creation can be glimpsed through the talent of an artist. This is apparent in the wide and varied collection of artwork at Knock Shrine. Working in a range of specialties, from glasswork to
sculpture and art, the spirit is lifted by beautiful pieces created by human hands. The most recent installation is a representation of The L ast Supper inspired by the Celtic tradition which can be seen in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the Basilica.
The Apparition mosaic at Knock Basilica is a truly magnificent representation of the evening of the 21st of August 1879 The vivid richness of over 1.5 million individual pieces of coloured glass combines in unison to give us a sense of the wonder and awe that the people of the village must have felt as they gazed at the heavenly vision before them. The mosaic is based on an artistic representation of the Apparition by renowned Irish illustrator, PJ Lynch and was crafted by Travisanutto Mosaics in Italy
As you enter the grounds, you will notice the vastness of the space, stunning gardens and many meandering pathways to explore. Listen to the gentle rustle of leaves, birdsong, breathe in the fresh air and let yourself relax in the beautiful
setting. The grounds are dotted with many interesting sculptures, historic monuments, statues, and ecclesiastic artworks.
The Bookshop in the grounds of the Shrine is a wonderful place to while away the time. Here you will find an extensive range of spiritual books and resources as well as the latest contemporary titles. Books can be requested online with international delivery available.
The Apparition Chapel at the heart of the Shrine, o ers a quiet, peaceful space for prayer and contemplation. You can also attend Mass which takes place daily at Knock Shrine. Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation are also available daily in the Chapel of Reconciliation.
Bring your group to Knock Shrine and enjoy a day immersed in the peace and tranquility of this sacred place.
Groups are welcome at Knock Museum where they can avail of a self-guided Audio Tour of the Museum and Shrine grounds. Private Mass can also be arranged for groups. Booking essential.
Begin an enlightening exploration across the counties of Leinster.
A g em among Ireland's quartet of provinces, experiencing the distinctive attractions, cultural facets, and historical narratives the y present. Witness historical fortresses, verdant parks, unspoiled seascapes, and quaint hamlets that are intrinsic to Leinster's charm. So, g et your favourite brew ready and accompany us on this captivating voyag e throug h these enchanting territories, re vealing lesserknown trivia .
Our first stop is Count y Carlow, a quaint count y known for its picturesque landscapes and impressive historical sites e Brownshill Dolmen brownshill- dolmen stands as a testament to the count y ' s ancient past, with its 100tonne capstone making it the larg est dolmen in Europe. Don't miss the Altamont Gardens where g roup discounts are available for parties of ten or more ese enchanting g ardens boast vibrant floral displays and charming woodland walks, perfect for a leisurely stroll.
Interesting fact: Carlow is home to the oldest working bridge in Europe, the
Barrow Bridge, which dates back to 1569.
Count y Kildare is a paradise for horse enthusiasts, boasting the Irish National Stud and Gardens Here, you can enjoy discounted rates for g roups of 20 or more Kildare is also home to the stunning Castletown House Ireland's larg est and earliest Palladianst yle house Embark on a g uided tour and mar vel at the opulent interiors and fascinating histor y
Interesting fact: The Curragh, a flat open plain in Kildare, is the oldest and most extensive tract of seminatural g rassland in Europe.
Steeped in histor y, Count y Kilkenny offers an array of medie val landmarks Kilkenny Castle is a must-see, offering g roup discounts for parties of 20 or more e count y also boasts St. Canice's Cathedral, which houses an intrig uing collection of ancient tombstones and a round tower offering panoramic views.
Interesting fact: Kilkenny is nicknamed " The Marble Cit y " due to the black
limestone, resembling marble, that was once extensively quarried in the region.
Unearth the rich histor y of Count y Laois with a visit to the Rock of Dunamase rockofdunamase a striking fortress boasting spectacular views. For horticulture enthusiasts, Emo Court www.emocour offers eleg ant g ardens and a g rand Neoclassical mansion Groups of 12 or more can enjoy discounted rates.
Interesting fact: L aois is home to Ireland's only known example of a "moated site," an ancient settlement enclosed by a water-filled ditch.
Count y Long ford is a haven for nature lovers, offering scenic beaut y and tranquil water ways. V isit the Corlea Trackway V isitor Centre corleatrackway to explore a preser ved Iron Ag e bog road For g roup discounts, consider a cruise on the Royal Canal www.royalcanalcr and mar vel at the peaceful landscapes and abundant wildlife.
Interesting fact: Long ford , Ireland , hosts the Corlea Trackway, a preserved Iron
Age bog road , remarkably intact since 148 B.C., displaying impressive ancient engineering prowess.
As the smallest count y in Ireland, Louth is bursting with charm and character. Explore the ancient ruins of Mellifont Abbe y mellifontabbey or visit the Proleek Dolmen oleek- dolmen a remarkable 5,000-year-old meg alithic portal tomb. For g roup discounts, head to Carling ford Adventure Centre
www.carlingfordadventure. com offering a variet y of thrilling outdoor activities.
Interesting fact: Louth is known as the " Wee Count y " due to its small size, but it boasts the highest number of castles per square mile in Ireland .
Count y Meath is steeped in histor y, offering a wealth of ancient monuments and fascinating sites. e
UNESCO World Heritag e Site of Brú na Bóinne br unaboinne is a must-visit, featuring the Neolithic passag e tombs of Newg rang e,
Knowth, and Dowth. For g roup discounts, visit the stunning Trim Castle, Ireland's larg est Ang lo -Norman castle
Interesting fact: Meath is known as the " Royal Count y " because it was once the seat of the High Kings of Ireland .
Count y Off aly
Discover the unique beaut y of Count y Offaly with a visit to the Slie ve Bloom Mountains, offering picturesque trails for walking and c ycling Explore the historic ruins of Clonmacnoise an ancient monastic site founded in the 6th centur y For g roup discounts, venture to Birr Castle, a stunning estate featuring beautiful g ardens and an impressive telescope.
Interesting fact: Offaly is home to the oldest primrose in the world , dating back to the Ice Age, and can be found in the Slieve Bloom Mountains.
Count y Westmeath
Embrace the beaut y of Count y Westmeath with a visit to the picturesque villag e of Glasson, known as the " V illag e of the Roses. " Explore the enchanting Belvedere House and Gardens and enjoy g roup discounts for parties of 20 or more. Don't miss the ancient Hill of Uisneach, a site steeped in Irish my tholog y and folklore
Interesting fact: Westmeath, Ireland , is home to Athlone Castle, an impressive 13th-centur y fortification that played a crucial role in the Siege of Athlone in 1691.
Count y Wex ford
Count y Wexford boasts a beautiful coastline, dotted with picturesque seaside towns and stunning beaches V isit the Irish National Heritag e Park to delve into 9,000 years of Irish histor y or explore the haunting beaut y of the Hook L ig hthouse, the oldest operational lig hthouse in the world Group discounts are available for both attractions. Interesting fact: Wex ford is known as the
" Sunny Southeast" due to its favorable climate and boasts some of the best beaches in Ireland , including Curracloe Beach, where the D-Day scenes from the film " Saving Private Ryan" were shot.
Count y Wicklow
We arrive at Count y Wicklow, known as the "Garden of Ireland" for its stunning landscapes and lush g reener y V isit the mag nificent Powerscourt Estate www.powerscour, offering g roup discounts for parties of 10 or more, and wander throug h the stunning g ardens and opulent house Don't miss Glendaloug h, a monastic site nestled in the heart of the Wicklow Mountains National Park, boasting beautiful walking trails and captivating histor y
Interesting fact: Wicklow is home to the largest continuous upland area in Ireland , known as the Wicklow Mountains, which features a stunningly diverse landscape of peaks, valle ys, and glacial lakes.
Spotlight on
Newbridge Silver ware
is iconic brand of Ireland, has thrived for nearly nine decades and is poised to celebrate its centenar y in 2034 Renowned for its exceptional jeweller y, homeware, and g i ware, the company has become synonymous with qualit y crasmanship. Located in Count y Kildare, Newbridg e Silver ware has earned a reputation that extends throug hout the countr y, with countless homes proudly displaying their cherished Newbridg e pieces.
As you arrive at the spacious coach park, prepare to be captivated by the rich histor y of crasmanship, expertise, and desig n. While jeweller y may be the main attraction, don't underestimate the breadth of Newbridg e ' s offering s eir creations cater to the cutting edg e of modern living Althoug h Newbridg e Silver ware shops can be found across Ireland, this visit provides an authentic experience that truly embodies the brand
Venturing upstairs, visitors are g reeted by the Museum of St yle Icons (MOSI), an
Located just an hour from Dublin and easily accessed via the M7, luxury open-air shopping destination Kildare Village is an unmissable destination for coach groups. Home to more than 100 boutiques of the world’s most desirable brands, guests can enjoy a relaxing day of open-air shopping with remarkable savings, exceptional hospitality and a superb selection of restaurants and cafés. Set in the beating heart of horse-racing countr y, the Village is perfectly situated for routes to important tourist destinations in the region including Cork, Limerick and Galway.
We’re delighted to o er coach tour operators the following services at Kildare Village:
• Complimentary coach parking
• VIP Passes, which entitle your guests to an additional 10% saving on the Village price
• Additional incentives for regular coach bookings*
If you’re interested in organising coach tours to Kildare Village, we’d love to hear from you. Find out more at or contact us on +353 45 520 501 or email
exhibition hall adorned with mannequins and memorabilia showcasing the g lamour of Holly wood Adorned with authentic Newbridg e jewels, the museum boasts an impressive collection of fashion and artifacts once belong ing to renowned st yle icons, including Audre y Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Grace, Princess Diana , the Beatles, and many others
Aer immersing yourself in this world of eleg ance, you and your g roup can indulg e in a delig htful culinar y experience at the awardwinning Carleton restaurant
Newbridg e Silver ware offers a captivating journe y that g oes be yond mere bling
With its rich heritag e, commitment to crasmanship, and the allure of the Museum of St yle Icons, a visit to Newbridg e is an opportunit y to appreciate Ireland's finest offering s. www.
Har vested from their land, seasoned by their histor y, Smithwick’s has been brewed in Ireland since 1710.
e y invite you on a journe y throug h the histor y of the iconic Irish red ale where you will be immersed in the incredible stor y of Smithwick’s.
e passion of the g uides is what makes this experience like no other, combining over 300 years of Smithwick’s histor y with the extraordinar y brewing innovations that make it the brand you see today Your visit will finish in the intimate surrounding s of the Smithwick’s Experience bar. Unequivocally Irish in its setting , you will be treated to a pint of Smithwick’s Red Ale and will understand why it has become Ireland’s most popular ale ! www.
Beyond the Trees Avondale
Is an exciting new world class visitor destination located in Count y Wicklow in Ireland's Ancient East V isitors can enjoy immersive experiences for all g enerations to enjoy and is accessible to all ag es.e long est Treetop Walk in Ireland & the UK , at 1 4km bring s visitors on an adventure throug h and above the trees, their journe y culminating at the impressive V iewing Tower Here the mag nificent architectural tower standing 38m above the forest will re veal panoramic 360-deg ree views over the Wicklow Mountains, the Avonmore River, and the Vale of Avoca . To complete this innovative experience, both adults and children have the option to continue the adventure and whizz their way back down the tower via the g ig antic 90m spiral slide. Both self-g uided and g uided tour options are available for advance booking s. “At Home with the Parnell's', features a newly imag ined g uided tour of the
historic 18th centur y Avondale House that celebrates the heritag e of the Parnell family It encompasses the life and times of Charles Stewart Parnell, and the formidable women in his family including his mother, Delia , and his sisters, Fanny & Anna , who were co -founders of the Ladies Land Leag ue in 1881. Guided tours are available to book in advance
V isitors arrive to a warm welcome at the new state-ofthe-art V isitors Centre, with ease of access to the Seed Café where the creative food offering s will be craed throug h the seasons by the dedicated culinar y team from hig h qualit y, local Wicklow ing redients. e view from the Seed Café extends out onto the picturesque Walled Garden, including an adventurous children’s playg round conveniently located beside the outdoor dining terrace. From here, visitors can enjoy
Explore the Treetop Walk, a unique experience above the canopy of the trees culminating at the spectacular 38m high Viewing Tower with panoramic 360-degree views of the beautiful Wicklow mountains
Book a guided tour of the historic Avondale House, ‘At Home with the Parnells’
Take a step back in time into the much-loved home of Charles Stewar t Parnell and his family, discover how Avondale Forest Park became the home of Irish forestr y.
a complimentar y self-g uided visit to the Coillte Pavilion where the y will learn all about the e volution of forestr y in Ireland along with Coillte's work throug hout the past, the present and the plans for the future V isitors will also explore the themes of forestr y for climate, for nature, for wood and for people and how the sector can contribute to our sustainable future and climate action. From the Walled Gardens there is access to the Treetop Walk,
the stimulating sensor y g arden and an abundance of forest walking trails
V isit the website for more information www.
Dublin is a capital attraction
With Phoenix Park, Temple Bar, the Castle, the Spire and Christ Church Cathedral there’s so much to see in Dublin it may leave your head in a spin. Althoug h the most likely head spinning
sensation is to be at the Gravit y Bar in the Guinness Storehouse www.
Walkable from the centre, it’s one of Dublin’s most iconic attractions, where visitors can sample the historic black stout and learn about the traditional brewing process Enjoy a sample while enjoying fantastic panoramas above Dublin’s rooops.
Whether it be a walk down broad O’Connell Street or shopping in Graon Street stores or Moore Street
markets, there are plent y of thing s to see. e annual Royal Dublin Show is a scrum, but so is a Six Nations international at the Aviva Stadium or a professional fixture at the RDS Arena in the southern suburb of Ballsbridg e ere’s the National Galler y of Ireland on Merrion Square which, like all the cit y centre attractions, can be reached by the tram ser vice or a pleasant stroll
From the impressive g lass frontag e of the Dublin Conference Centre, the quaysides of the lower L iffe y lead to the bohemian Temple Bar district ; the spiritual Trinit y Colleg e Universit y quadrant for a look at the Book of Kells ; or cross the Ha’penny Bridg e to peruse the shops and meet up ag ain under the cloud piercing Spire, a needle of steel that defines the ver y centre of Dublin’s fair cit y.
Just west of the centre, Kilmainham is home to the modern Hilton Hotel, overlooking the less comfortable Kilmainham Gaol, scene of the executions of the rebel leaders in 1916 and a place of pilg rimag e for the Irish people. e rather more reg al building s and g rounds of the National Galler y of Modern Art are a sanctuar y of contemporar y works, and, to the north, lies the vast welcoming expanse of Phoenix Park Dublin Z oo is just one major attraction within its ten-mile perimeter e park also hosts presidential residences, a mediae val castle - which now forms part of the park’s visitor centre - and a herd of fallow deer.
In 1979, over one million
people attended mass, celebrated by Pope John Paul II, the big g est assembly in the histor y of the Irish nation e current pontiff, Pope Francis, drew similar crowds when he visited 2019.
Tr y to fit in St Patrick’s Cathedral ; and the National Galler y – complete with Caravag g io’s “ e Taking of Christ” For rela xation, tr y a walk along the Grand Canal
popular with Dubliners and not well known to tourists. If time is short, the Red Luas (tram line) parallels the canal bet ween Suir Road and Blackhorse stops
Heading south from the cit y, bring s you into some iconically Irish scener yrolling hills and swathes of g reen. Nestled among them, in the foothills of the Wicklow mountains, around fieen miles south of Dublin cit y centre, lie the g ardens of Powerscourt Estate at the end of a mile-long beech boule vard
e Palladian st yle mansion, having seen trag edy when it was le as a mere shell aer the fire in 1974, now lends itself to many other uses It is now home to the renowned Avoca Terrace Café, Tara’s Palace a dolls’ house built to one-t welh scale, e Avoca Cra Shops and an audio visual histor y of the Estate e mag nificent 47-acre g ardens boast some of the g randest views in Ireland www.powerscour
If you want another excuse to take a trip on Dublin’s DART train ser vices, head for Gre ystones is is on the line that runs south from Dublin and takes in some amazing coastal scener y enroute Hig hlig hts include the
stretch bet ween Dalke y and Killine y and bet ween Bray and Gre ystones as the train hug s the cliffs If your visit is from mid-July to early Aug ust be sure to stop off at Bray to catch their Summerfest Based on the beach there are many g reat e vents including fun fairs, food markets an airshow and open air concert which are well worth a break in your g roup itinerar y
On O’Connell Street, the G P O Museum (G P O Witness Histor y V isitor Centre), stamps its mark on the turbulent birth of a nation Almost e ver yone will have a notion of the pivotal 1916 Easter Uprising , and the central part played by this ver y building . e historical connections embodied by the bulletmarked Georg ian columns, tell a stor y of their own.
e V isitor Centre has received e Micheletti Award at the European Museum Academy Awards.
is prestig ious award is the European prize for innovative museums in the world of contemporar y histor y, industr y and science. V isitors can explore the stor y e G P O Museum is an immersive, interactive and eng ag ing experience telling the stor y of the 1916 Easter Rising and Modern Irish Histor y Histor y is broug ht to life throug h electronic touch screens, video, audio visual booths, sound and authentic artefacts.
e G P O building , orig inally dating back to 1818, was the communications hub of Ireland and headquarters of
the men and women who took part in the 1916 Easter Rising e Easter Rising set in motion an unstoppable chain of e vents which would ultimately lead to the creation of the Irish Republic
e Centre is open daily, with a few closures for public holidays.
Tells the stor y of one of Ireland’s most loved brands, Guinness. V isitors from Ireland and abroad discover what g oes into making each pint, learn about the incredible brand histor y stretching over 260 years, its iconic advertising , as well as a tasting like no other e experience unfolds across se ven floors, including the hig hlig ht for many visitorsthe famous Gravit y Bar, where visitors can enjoy unparalleled panoramic 360⁰ views of Dublin cit y e Guinness Storehouse was voted Europe ’ s Leading Beer Tour visitor Attraction 2022 at the World Travel Awards
e Guinness Storehouse is located in heart of Dublin’s L iberties, an area renowned for its brewing and distilling histor y e Guinness Storehouse restaurants on the 5th floor have something for e ver yone with four dining locations From a coffee and a snack intheir Cooperag e Café, to a dinner in the 1837 Brasserie, or something more casual in Brewer ’ s Dining Hall or Arthur ’ s Bar
More on www.,
Roe & Co distiller y is the home of cocktail exploration in modern Irish whiske y Nestled in the heart of the L iberties, new energ y surg es throug h the former Guinness Power Station where fun and flavour exploration come to life throug h the immersive experiences and the awardwinning Power House Bar e y invite you to learn about their whiske y from one of their expert Brand Ambassadors as the y g uide you throug h the active distiller y en, discover the endless possibilities of whiske y throug h one of their unique and memorable experiences
Whether you ’ re a whiske y novice or connoisseur, the y would love to share their passion for whiske y with you.
Munster province, we unear th each count y ' s prime sights, cultural richness, and vivid historical legac y.
Munster, embraces six captivating counties : Clare, Cork, Kerr y, L imerick, Tipperar y, and Waterford. Ever y count y offers unparalleled experiences, awe-inspiring sceneries, and a cong enial ambiance.
Whether you ' re an aficionado of histor y, a de votee of nature, or merely in search of
entertainment, Munster caters to all tastes
Beg in your adventure in Count y Clare, a land of rug g ed coastline and the world-famous Cliffs of Moher. ese breathtaking cliffs stretch for 14 km along the Atlantic coast and rise over 700 feet above sea le vel. Make sure to visit the Cliffs of Moher V isitor Centre to learn about the cliffs '
fascinating histor y, and don't forg et to snap a photo with the beautiful O'Brien's Tower in the backg round.
For those interested in histor y, Clare also houses the well-preser ved Bunratt y Castle and Folk Park www.bunratt Step back in time and experience life in the 19th-centur y Irish villag e, complete with an impressive collection of period furnishing s and artefacts
Discover the Secret Wonders of Doolin Cave and Visitor Centre: A Journey through Time, Ear th, and Ar t
Picture this : a spectacular cave cradling a 350-millionyear-old fossil, a serene farmland nature trail blooming with wildflowers, and the charm of handcraed potter y. All this, and more, can be found at the Doolin Cave and V isitor Centre
is enthralling haven was first discovered in 1952 by the intrepid Craven Potholing Club from the UK Aer extensive exploration, the Browne family - John and Helenopened its enchanting underg round to curious visitors in 2006 is familyrun wonder also unveiled a state-of-the-art visitor centre in 2010, only to amplif y its allure with a captivating farmland nature trail in 2012.
Let ' s dive deeper into the cave first. Spearheaded by expert local g uides, this is a journe y into the heart of an ancient world Your safet y is their priorit y, and the y
maintain a friendly and rela xed atmosphere that truly enhances the visitor experience e crown jewel of this journe y is the Great Stalactite, a world-class natural wonder that hang s from the cave ' s roof, delig hting and astounding with its size and ag e
Next, step into the harmony of the 1km farmland nature trail. is looped walk can be explored at your own pace or with a g uide Filled with biodiversit y, wildflowers, and e ven rare breeds, this trail is educational and fun - a breath of fresh countr y air
No visit to Doolin Cave would be complete without a
stop at the on-site Caireann Browne Potter y shop. Here, you can appreciate unique pieces craed from ancient g lacial clay ese handthrown pots are the perfect souvenir from your visit, taking a piece of histor y home with you
Hung r y aer your adventure ? e Doolin Cave Café is ready to ser ve you delicious, locally-sourced food, upholding their philosophy of traceabilit y and integ rit y. e y prioritize org anic, free-rang e, and local products
Don’t miss local attractions like the Burren and Cliffs of Moher g eo -park, the Cliffs of
Moher V isitors Centre, and the Aran Islands. For more details, visit, www cliffsofmoher ie, www doolinferr y com, and
Practical advice : Allow 1-2 hours for your visit e cave tour takes around 45-50 minutes, while the nature trail requires about 30 minutes.
e site is open year-round, from 10am-6pm daily. Last tour begins at 5 pm.
Explore the enchanting Doolin Cave and Visitor Centre - a perfect blend of history, nature, and art, and a journey that will stay with you long aer you leave.
Interesting fact: County Clare is home to the Burren, a unique limestone landscape that supports an array of flora and fauna, including Arctic, Alpine, and Mediterranean species.
Next, venture to County Cork, the largest county in Ireland, and home to an assortment of attractions. Visit the bustling city of Cork, where you can explore the English Market - an indoor food market that has been serving local produce since 1788.
A trip to Cork wouldn't be complete without a visit to the historic Blarney Castle . Kiss the famous Blarney Stone to receive the "gi of eloquence" and explore the beautiful castle grounds.
Interesting fact: The town of Cobh in County Cork was the last port of call for the Titanic before its tragic voyage in 1912.
e Jameson Experience en-IE/visit-us/jamesonexperience-midleton in Midleton offers group discounts on their whiskey tours, which includes a guided tour, a tasting experience, and a chance to
learn about the rich history of Jameson Irish Whiskey.
Make your way to County Kerry, known for its stunning scenery and the iconic Ring of Kerry www.
is 179-km circular route offers panoramic views of the Atlantic coastline, vibrant villages, and ancient monuments.
Visit the picturesque town of Killarney, where you'll find the magnificent Muckross House and Gardens
Explore the elegant Victorian mansion and stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens.
Interesting fact: Skellig Michael, a UNESCO World Heritage Site located off the coast of County Kerry, was a filming location for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Continue your journey to County Limerick, a county steeped in history and culture. Visit the medieval King John's Castle in Limerick City, where interactive exhibitions tell the story of the city's rich past.
For an outdoor adventure, head to the picturesque Lough Gur is serene lake is surrounded by archaeological sites, such as the Grange Stone Circle and the Giant's Grave wedge tomb. Discover the area's 6,000-year-old history while taking in the stunning landscape.
Interesting fact: County Limerick is home to Adare, considered one of Ireland's prettiest villages, with its thatched-roof cottages and charming streets.
e Foynes Flying Boat and Maritime Museum www. offers group discounts for their fascinating tour that showcases the history of flying boats and the first transatlantic flight.
Next, explore County Tipperary, known for its captivating history and striking landscapes. A mustvisit attraction is the Rock of Cashel, a spectacular group of medieval buildings atop a limestone outcrop. Here, you'll find the ruins of a Romanesque chapel, a Gothic cathedral, and a 15thcentury castle. For nature enthusiasts, head to the Glen of Aherlow, a breathtaking valley offering spectacular views of the Galtee Mountains. Enjoy scenic walking trails, cycling routes, and opportunities for birdwatching.
Interesting fact: County Tipperary is the birthplace of Ireland's traditional music, with its town of Carrick-onSuir hosting the annual Clancy Brothers Music and Arts Festival County Waterford
Conclude your journey in County Waterford, Ireland's oldest city, founded by the Vikings in the 9th century. Visit the Waterford Viking Triangle www.
to explore the city's rich Viking heritage, including Reginald's Tower, the oldest civic building in Ireland.
Waterford is also renowned for its exquisite crystal. Don't miss the chance to visit the House of Waterford Crystal www., where you can witness master crasmen at work and even purchase a sparkling souvenir.
Interesting fact: Waterford is home to the Comeragh Mountains, where you can find the "Magic Road," a unique spot where cars appear to roll uphill when parked in neutral.
The Waterford & Suir Valley Railway offers group discounts for their heritage train journey, which takes you along the picturesque banks of the River Suir and provides a glimpse into the area's fascinating history.
Munster's six counties offer a diverse range of attractions, natural beauty, and historical treasures. Whether you're exploring ancient castles, enjoying local cuisine, or immersing yourself in traditional Irish culture, a journey through Munster promises to be an unforgettable adventure. So gather your friends, family, or tour group, and embark on a light-hearted exploration of the enchanting province of Munster.
For further information
Visit our free museum housing a memorable collection of couture design, artefacts and fashion items that once belonged to some of the greatest style icons of modern times including Audrey Hepburn, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe & many others. Immerse yourself in Hollywood glamour Free admission
Take a guided tour of the working factor y floor and meet the people behind the traditional craft practiced at Newbridge Silverware since 1934 Learn about the time honoured processes and truelife stories at the heart of one of Ireland’s most well-known and treasured brands
Browse through the complete range of much loved Irish designed products in our stylish showroom. Here you will find all of the collections on offer from our jeweller y and giftware to homeware and tableware Tax free shopping for eligible customers from outside of the EU
A crusty homemade doorstop sandwich with a bowl of chunky soup, or a treat of artisan coffee and our in-house baked cake? This award winning café features freshly prepared local food with vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options. Enjoy breakfast, lunch or a sumptuous afternoon tea in a relaxed, stylish and friendly ambience