Great Days Out Spring

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I a k o v K a i n n / S h u t t e r s t o c k c o m Great Days Out 2023 & Great British Staycation
2023&2024NOWONSALE G
Why not join the hundreds of groups that travel with us ever y year and discover all the benefits of Daish’s Holidays for yourself. Groups Groups F R E E places for groups over 20 people A choice of 12 fantastic hotels spread across 10 locations Great value half board breaks including nightly enter tainment Fleet of 26 luxur y coaches to provide comfor table travel Dedicated groups team to suppor t you from booking to ar rival Over 40 years of award winning customer ser vice All our hotels are accredited as COVID safe under the Visit Britain good to go scheme facebook com/daishsholidaysforgroups @daishs4groups Call 01202 638 841 or visit Get in touch with us Today! Isle of W ight Bour nemouth Newquay Weymouth Blackpool Llandudno Torquay Eastbour ne Lake District Scarborough

Great Days Out & Great British Staycation

Welcome to the Great Days Out Supplement ! Britain, despite its small size, boasts an impressive array of attractions that leave a lasting impact on visitors Whether you live in Eng land, Scotland, or Wales, there is something for e ver yone to enjoy Eng land boasts historic houses, castles, museums, and e ven theme parks for the thrill-seekers

Scotland is renowned for its stunning mountains, lochs, and g olf courses, not to mention the world-famous whisky

Wales, on the other hand, offers some o the best heritag e railways in Britain and is known for its warm hospitalit y. is supplement features a vast selectio

of must-visit attractions to cater to all interests. Spend qualit y time with family, friends, or like-minded individuals and make unforg ettable memories. With more venues than e ver offering tailored packag es for g roup and coach travellers, now is the perfect time to book

Experience g reat times and create e verlasting memories with these Great Days Out

Front cover pictures top left to bottom right: fokke baarssen shutterstock,Lukasz Pajor shutterstock,Olha Rohulya shutterstock,Undivided shutterstock,Steve Heap shutterstock

Page 3 pictures top Helen Hotson shutterstock, left f11photo shutterstock,right Richard Bowden shutterstock

Th s s a c ontro le d circ ulat on publication a nd fre ely a a i able to qual f yin g a pplicants Care s taken to ensure that th e information c onta ine d within the maga zine is ac curate However the publisher ca nnot ac cept i ability for errors or omiss ions no mat ter h ow they a rise Rea ders are adv sed to ge t fac ts an d statemen ts confirme d by suppl ers wh en ma king en qu ries Th e op nions of the a uth or are not n ec essar ly th ose as the pub ishe r All r ghts a re reserved No reproduction of any pa rt of this ma gaz in e ma y be carried out without the c on sent of the publish er be n g obta ined in the f rst insta nce Beau Business Media Group Ltd Publish ing House Windrush Ash Lane Birmingham B48 7TS Tel : 0121 445 6961 e-mail : beaubusinessmedia@gmail com Manag ing Director : Nig el Whittaker Sales: Brett Kir by Tel : 0121 445 6961 Production : Laura Coll ins Contributor s: Julie Cal laghan D esign : Alexina Wh ittaker Front Cover Pictures Left to Rig ht: Welcome and Contents Roya l Conne ctions Ea st of Eng land Ea st Midlands Heart of Eng land London North E ast North West South E a st South West Yorkshire Wa les Great British Staycation Contents 36891 01 41 61 82 02 42 83 03 5 -

a n w o o l c o c k s h u t t e r s t o c k


Royal Connections

2023 the year of the coronation of King Charles 111, here we look at some venues and attractions with connections to British Royalt y both ancient and modern.

and at that point unconfirmed discover y of King Richard III

e incredible transformation of the former Alderman Newton’s Grammar School, located rig ht next to the spot where the king ’ s remains were found, was completed in record time and the King Richard III V isitor Centre opened its doors to the public on 26 July 2014 ey have received over 40 Awards since opening in 2014.

of their V isitor Ser vices team

Free entr y for tour leader and coach driver

Free familiarisation visit for group leaders on confirmation of booking

e Royal Yacht Britannia was home to Her Majest y Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family for over 40 years, sailing one million miles around the world on nearly a thousand official visits

Berthed in Edinburg h’s historic Port of Leith, Britannia is a fascinating visitor attraction featured in TripAdvisor ’ s Top UK Attractions and has been rated Best UK Attraction ( Which mag azine readers)

V isitors can tour all five hig hly accessible decks of this magnificent Royal Yacht with a captivating handset tour, available in over 30 lang uag es as well as British Sign Lang uag e tablet.

e tour offers a rare g limpse into the public and private lives of the British Royal Family Follow in the footsteps of Royalt y to see where Prince Charles and Princess Diana honeymooned and where Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra and presidents Reag an, Mandela and Gorbachev were entertained Hig hlig hts of the

tour include the State Apartments, the Eng ine Room and Queen Elizabeth II ’ s favourite, the Sun Loung e Head down to the lower decks to see where 220 Royal Yachtsmen lived and worked Discover a tour hig hlig ht, the g leaming Eng ine Room.

Enjoy stunning waterfront views from the Royal Deck Tea Room to sample delicious cakes, scones, soups and sandwiches, made in the Royal Galley

Join us for a fantastic day out in 2023 as they celebrate 70 years since the launch of Britannia !

To boo k your group vi sit, go online : www roya lyachtbritannia co uk/ visit/g roup -visit/

King Richard III V isitor Centre

Following the discover y of remains in the car park in Aug ust 2012, Leicester Cit y Council purchased an old school building adjacent to the site with the aim of creating a centre that would tell the stor y of the remarkable search for –

Leicester ’ s King Richard III V isitor Centre is a great place for groups to visit

If you are planning to visit in a group size of 15 or more they offer the following advantag es : Preferential admission rate of £7.25 per person

Dedicated group booking office Personal welcome by a member

With major refurbishment work taking place in Leicester Cathedral until Autumn 2023, it is not possible to visit the tomb of King Richard III. However the team can arrang e for an exclusive FREE talk about the king ’ s reinterment and his tomb from Leicester Cathedral g uides – please ask them for more information

ey can also arrang e for your group to visit the medieval Guildhall, which is just a minute’s walk from the V isitor Centre.

ww w, kriii com

Great Days Out 6
P r e - b o o k o n l i n e a t r o y a l y a c h t b r i t a n n i a . c o . u k BESTUK ATTRACTION (WhichMagazinereaders) Free Audio Tour Available in Over 30 Languages Group Rates Explore 5 Decks Gift Shop Highly Accessible

E ast O f Engl and

Home of the Broads a network of waterways ideal for messing about on the water and thousands of miles of walking routes winding across the stunning countr yside and by beautiful coastline.

Elton Hall

Winner of the 2021 Historic Houses Judg es ’ Choice Garden of the Year Award, Elton Hall has been home to the Proby family since 1660. Ever y room is packed with magnificent treasures ese include important works by Old Masters to remarkable 19th centur y works by Millais and Alma-Tadema . In addition, visitors can enjoy works by world-renowned British artists such as Reynolds, Constable and Gainsboroug h.

Each g eneration of the Proby

family have collected books and the Hall has three libraries containing a collection of over 10,000 books From the Prayer Book g iven to Henr y VIII with inscriptions by him and his three children, to early twentieth centur y hand printed books

Elton Hall sits in 200 acres of parkland e shape of the present g arden was laid out in 1913, but by the 1980’s a larg e proportion had fallen into disrepair Since then, there has been continuous restoration and improvement e flower g arden has replaced the rose

Elton Hall is a much-loved family home and garden and an ideal destination for group visits in central England.

Now taking bookings for group visits in summer 2023 and 2024

g arden, along with a new sunken g arden, a shrub g arden and Wilderness area . e Gothic Revival orang er y was built to celebrate the Millenium and the arbour was completed to mark the Jubilee celebrations. In addition, a small arboretum has been created between the two entrance drives.

www eltonhall com

Kent well Ha ll and Gardens

A timeless Manor House set in acres of stunning , familyfriendly g ardens and parkland, in the beautiful Suffolk villag e

of Long Melford

e House : structurally Tudor and successor to the Kentwell Hall mentioned in Domesday Book in 1085. With later impressive Gothick and classical alterations, mixed with the owners ' improvements since 1971 some more ideosyncratic than others Fine early armorial and other stained g lass, portraits of Tudor notables and historic tapestries make this lived in family home of interest to all

To bo ok visit : www kent well co uk

The House

• The Proby family home since 1660 set in landscaped parkland bordering the River Nene.

• State rooms packed with treasuresmagnificent furniture, porcelain and fine paintings from mid-15th century Old Masters to remarkable 19th century works.

• One of the largest Libraries in private ownership, including Henry VIII s prayer book

• Member of Historic Houses

The Gardens

• Historic Houses Judges’ Choice Garden of the Year Award 2021 and RHS Partner Garden

• Outstanding formal gardens first laid out in the 1730s and lovingly restored over the past 40 years.

• Mature topiary, a Gothic Orangery, a flower garden with herbaceous borders and a dramatic central fountain, a sunken garden, shrub garden and box walk.

Mulberry CafØ at Bosworth’s Garden Centre

Set within the Estate s old walled garden and offering morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea. Many of the plants grown in the Elton Hall gardens are stocked in their plant area. Free parking for coaches.

For further information, please contact Events Office, Elton Hall, Peterborough PE8 6SH 07949 495422 / 01832 280468


Fine mellow redbrick moated Tudor House with Tudor & Gothick interiors Saved from longtime neglect by current owners * Extensive Gardens • Rare Breed Animals • Yew Castle •
Sculpted Tree • Ice House
• Extensive Topiary• Camera Obscura
Daily in School Half Terms & Hols. Regular themed costumed & other Events on select selected weekends Kentwell Hall • Long Melford • Suffolk • • 8
Brick paved Maze • Greedy Carp in the
House & Gardens Open regularly April - October +
Great Days Out

E ast Midl ands

D enby Po tter y V illage

Spend qualit y time at the home of Denby, with its great selection of shops, places to eat and wealth of family friendly activities. Whether you have a few hours or want to enjoy a full day out, make the most of your visit by choosing from the new Denby Experience Packag es, where you can learn a little more about the Denby you love, g et immersed in their fascinating histor y and even g et creative yourself

Open all year round, Denby

Potter y V illag e is next to the working Denby Potter y, set in a cobbled court yard with award winning Home, Garden, Cooker y and Gi shops

ere are also 'only at Denby' exclusive barg ains on trial lines arriving daily direct from the factor y.

Reg ular events are held throug hout the year, and there are special activities for kids during the school holidays

denbypotter y-vi llag e

Take an award-winning £15 flig ht in D erbyshire !

Just a few miles from Chatsworth, Bakewell and Dovedale, overlooking the popular tourist town of Matlock Bath you’ll find the Heig hts of Abraham, an award-winning hilltop estate that has been welcoming groups to experience their mix of overground and underground attractions for over 200 years.

Officially recognised as Derbyshire’s oldest tourist attraction, visitors first beg an climbing the hill to explore a

savag e g arden of delig hts in 1787, but in 2023 you can fly across the picturesque Der went valley in fully enclosed cable cars to explore the 60-acre historic estate and cavern network .

Allow at least three hours for your visit, which includes fascinating exhibitions and g uided tours throug h an illuminated cavern network that was once mined for lead. A costume display which was added just last year

ww w.heig htso fabra

A destination full of eastern promise, and of course fabulous gardens and stately homes
a King
in a car park. Great Days Out 9 GRO U P S & COAC H T O U R S W E L CO M E Bring your group to the home of Denby Pottery to spend quality time at our welcoming Pottery Village Whether you have a few hours or are planning to enjoy a full day, we can help organise your itinerary to make the most of our fully accessible visitor centre, with its great selection of shops, places to eat and wealth of family-friendly experiences to enjoy. E AT Bourne’s Coffee Shop & Bistro has tasty home cooked breakfasts, lunch, snacks and drinks, or grab a lighter bite at the Café. Group catering is available to pre-book. E X P E R I E N C E D E N B Y Make the most of your guests’ visit by pre-booking a Denby Experience Choose from The Denby Pottery Tour, visit the Denby Craft Studio, Museum or Discovery Each experience comes with a complimentary hot drink & slice of cake. S H O P Denby in every pattern, gifts and homeware with savings of up to 60% off RRP Visit The Garden Stall, stock up on delicious fresh Derbyshire foods in our specialist Farm Shop and much more. Home delivery available on some items DENB Y P OTTER Y V ILLAGE Derb y R oad , D enby, D erbyshir e D E 5 8 NX Ope n E v e r y D a y M o n t o S a t 9 am - 5 p m / S u n 1 0am–4pm T O B OOK email o ur We l c o m e D esk o n t ours.recepti o n @ d e call : 0 177 3 74 0 7 9 9 e v e r y d a y b etwee n 1 0a m – 4 pm CLOSE D E ASTE R S UNDAY A N D C HRIS TMAS DAY CO A C H D R I V E R S B o o k i n a d va n c e to s e c u re yo u r p refe r re d d ate a n d a c t i v i t i e s F R E E COAC H PA R K I NG Coac h D ri v e r I ncenti v e Programm e & R efreshments Vo ucher F O R OU R LAT E ST N E WS A N D I N F O R M AT I ON A B OU T U P CO M I N G E V E N T S V I S I T d e n b y p o t t e r y v i l l a g e c o m
not forgetting

Heart of Engl and

e might y midlands home of the industrial revolution, and some might say (we do) the genius himself Mr William Shakespeare, see what else is on offer.

R oya l Sha kespeare Company

Take your group to Stratfordupon-Avon for outstanding theatre, g uided building tours and the best food in town – all under one roof.

Making a group booking with them could not be easier eir dedicated Groups Team is on hand Monday-Friday (midday6pm) to help tailor your booking to be a one-of-a-kind visit ever y time.

In addition to their year-round calendar of performances, your group can also enjoy a delicious seasonal meal in the Rooop Restaurant whilst taking in the stunning views of Shakespeare’s hometown.

eatre Tours

Discover the stories and mag ic of the Royal Shakespeare Company You can explore the building on one of their onehour tours, including British Sign Lang uag e interpreted tours, and find out all about the working s of the theatre, and eng ag ing stories of its unique histor y Join the R SC ’ s experienced team of tour g uides on a journey throug h the building ’ s public and behind-the-scenes areas, sharing the mag ic of the Royal Shakespeare Company

Eating and Drinking

e R SC have a rang e of places to eat and drink, whether you ’ re looking for a morning coffee, lunch, aernoon tea or a sitdown dinner ey cook all food fresh in their kitchens, from the finest locally-sourced

seasonal ingredients eir critically acclaimed Rooop

Restaurant is situated on the top floor of the Royal Shakespeare eatre, offering stunning views of the River Avon and surrounding countr yside. Open for pre-theatre dining , the Rooop Restaurant ser ves a modern British menu in a unique space

Tel :01789 331111

www.rsc.o rg .uk /your visit/g roups

BB C Gardeners World L ive

Start planning the ultimate group day out, with something for ever yone at BB C Gardeners’ World L ive at the NEC, Birming ham 15-18 June 2023

As a finalist in the Best Event for Groups categ or y at this year ’ s Group Leisure & Travel Awards, you know you and your group are in for a fantastic day out.

Look for ward to plent y of plant shopping and nurseries, toetapping live entertainment, and a plethora of ideas to take home from show-stopping g ardens What’s more, don’t miss the chance to g et expert advice and tips from your favourite Gardeners’ World presenters at live talks and theatre sessions, with a line-up that includes Mont y Don, Carol Klein, Adam Frost, Frances Tophill, plus Alan Titchmarsh and more.

Plus, tickets also include entr y to the BB C Good Food Show Summer for all the foodies in your group - so that’s two great BB C events with just one ticket

With dedicated coach parking ,

an accessible venue, plent y of restaurants to choose from, Resorts World on the doorstep, and g arden and food inspiration g alore, this is not to be missed !

Enjoy great saving s for groups, starting from just £18 50*, and with a no oblig ation reser vation period until May.

Group org anisers g et a free ticket with ever y 10 booked.

Find out more at www bbcgardenersworld live co m/ groups/ to start planning your great day out!

Ironbridg e Valley of Inventi on

Set within the heart of a UNESCO World Heritag e Site, Ironbridg e Valley of Invention is situated five miles from Telford Town Centre in Shropshire.

Stretching along the River

Severn, their award-winning museums are within six square miles of the Ironbridg e Gorg e, widely reg arded as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution

With plent y of places to explore you will keep all your group happy, including e Blist Hill V ictorian Town, e Jackfield

A unique heritage attraction –Winterbourne House and Garden

“ e visit exceeded our expectations. Everybody enjoyed it –lovely garden to visit even for those less mobile.”

Experience an Edwardian historic house and garden nestled in a leafy corner of Birmingham.

With your group you can enjoy a tour of the garden by one of our experienced horticulturists, or simply wander round at your leisure. Visit our Edwardian tearoom for a light lunch or make the most of our group catering options.With much to see, including a working printing press, Winterbourne House and Garden is worth the trip.

Winterbourne House and Garden, 58 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2RT. Tel : 0121 414 3003

“A unique heritage attraction”

10 Great Days Out

Enjoy delicious food and drink with the best view in Strat ford-upon- Avon, go behind-the -scenes on a guided tour, hire a costume for a special occasion, or treat yourself to something from our shop


Discover the magic of the RSC on a guided tour around our buildings Go behind-the -scenes with our fantastic tour guides, and see what makes the theatre such a special place to be.


Pick up a unique gif t from our shop. With a huge range of books, clothing, stationer y and even jeweller y, there’s something for ever yone.



We have a huge range of costumes and accessories available to hire, and something to suit ever y budget.

Enjoy delicious refreshments from our Riverside Cafe, or book the Roof top Restaurant for pre -theatre dining, Sunday lunch and af ternoon tea FIND OUT MORE 01789 331111

There’s something for ever yone at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.
rsc .org .uk

Tile Museum, e Coalport

China Museum and of course

e Iron Bridg e and Toll House

Discover the award-winning attractions in the Ironbridg e Gorg e World Heritag e Site - a really perfect place for groups !

V isit as a group and save !

Discounted admission rates for groups of 15+

Free entr y for the group org aniser and coach driver

Free coach parking and complimentar y refreshment voucher for each driver

Free familiarisation visit for 2 adults when you book a group visit Catering options to suit ever y taste and budg et Guided tours with their experts


ey look for ward to

welcoming your group to Ironbridg e. You can complete an online booking form and they will be in touch within a few days to confirm your booking or to discuss your visit further If you would like more information, they are always happy to answer any of your questions and to discuss your visit in detail, please contact the group visits team at gro .uk or 01952 435 900 www ironbridge org uk

Nati onal Memorial Arboretum

With over 400 memorials to see and 150 acres to explore, the Arboretum has something to offer groups of all interests and backgrounds Militar y and civilian memorials, peaceful woodlands, colourful g ardens, riverside walks and fascinating wildlife are all waiting to be discovered

Tel : 01283 245 100, ema il groups@thenma o rg uk ww w thenma o rg uk

For more information and to book: 01952 435 900 or

12 Great Days Out
S AT IRONBRIDGE Enjoy exclusive group bene ts including: • discounted admission for groups of 15+ • free familiarisation visit for organiser • bespoke group menus • free coach parking • free admission for group leader • complimentary visit planning service
The Iron Bridge Jack eld Tile Museum
s h u t t e r s t o c k N i c o l a P u l h a m
Blists Hill Victorian Town
*£18 50 ticket s for over 65s in a group of 24+ Group organisers get a free ticket w th every 10 booked £3 95 transaction fee per e-ticket order £4 95 per posta order Details correct at time of print The Gardeners World logo is a trademark of the BBC © BBC The Good Food trade mark s used under licence from Immediate Media Company London Lim ted Organised by Immediate Live (trading name of River Street Events Ltd) No payment ob igat on until 05 May 2023 15 - 1 8 Jun e 2 0 2 3 | NEC B ir mi ngh am Inspiration Expert advice Shopping Tasting Entertainment Greatgroups rates Gro u p t i cke t s f ro m £ 1 8 . 5 0 plus F R E E o rga ni s e r t i cke t s * B o ok now at g ro u p s @ s e e t i cke t s .com bb cga rde ne r s world l ive .com | bb cgo o d fo o d & Shows sponsored by: Ludlow Farmshop Local produce, treats and a gift shop Ludlow Kitchen On-site cafe with indoor & outdoor dining - dog friendly too! The Clive Arms Accommodation & on-site restaurant Ludlow Pantr y Food and drinks for those on the goperfect for a picnic lunch Ice cream cabin Picnic & play area Plant Centre & Artists’ Gallery Foodie events & in-store tastings Shropshire countryside walks nearby Large free car park. Coach parking available Open ever y day. Two miles from Ludlow on the A49 Brom eld, Shropshire, SY8 2JR 01584 856000 www ludlowfarmshop co uk

e World’s greatest cit y (although we would say that, perhaps we ’ re a little bias) needs little introduction, other than to say, whatever t ype of great day out your looking for, if you can ’ t find it here it doesn’t exist.

great place to visit g o and explore the g lorious house and beautiful g arden.

Opening Times

House & Shop : Sunday –Wednesday, 11am – 4pm. Final entr y one hour before closing . Garden & Garden Café : Sunday – ursday : 10am – 4pm Garden Free Entr y.

A g uided tour is one of the most eng ag ing ways to appreciate Horace Walpole’s Gothic masterpiece

L ondon Stadium To urs

Jubile e Markets Sho pping Trips

Covent Garden’s historic indoor Jubilee Market has plent y to offer Groups for a fabulous shopping trip You can book a 45-minute walking tour of Covent Garden Market and include a refreshments packag e too ere is local coach drop off, public toilets are within a short walking distance and the whole of the market, and the tour are on the flat. Groups (15+) can pre book, Tea , coffee and biscuit

Eng lish breakfast rolls, Traditional Eng lish fish and chips, a 2 course Italian lunch or a Cream tea Included in your shopping trip are Jubilee Market discount wristbands for use on all the traders’ stalls

e last ursday of each month there are free lunchtime concerts in the Jubilee Market square. It could be anything from a Cockney sing a long , or music from London’s musicals You will have lots of free time to enjoy your shopping experience, rela x , take a tour or explore the

local area e Jubilee Antique

Market is on a Monday, the General Market is Tuesday to Friday, and there’s a bustling weekend Arts and Cras Market

www. k

Strawberr y Hill Ho use & Garden

Strawberr y Hill House & Garden has been open to visitors for over 250 years. A

To bo ok a private g u ided to ur for 15 or more p ersons, or fo r further info rmation, plea se contact their tours team on +44 (0)20 8744 1241 (extension number 206) or ema il tours@strawberr yhil lhouse org uk

ey offer a rang e of bespoke tours covering a variet y of subjects and themes on Horace Walpole and his ‘little g othic castle’, to explore what’s on offer please visit

www strawberr yhillho use or g uk

Take a g uided tour of the iconic London Stadium. Your 60-minute experience will include visits to the West Ham United FC dressing room, players’ tunnel and pitchside areas, panoramic views and much more

A private Guided Tour with your own official g uide is tour allows you a behind-the-scenes look inside the stadium in your own private group You will also g et to visit areas not seen on the public tour is packag e includes a personalised photo per booking group and a FREE hot or so drink on arrival per person is tour is only available for groups of between 210 people.

Match day Tour Take a look behind the scenes only hours before kick off

Two -hour Hammers Leg ends Tours featuring a 30-minute Q&A session and signed personalised photo are led reg ularly by West Ham United stars of days g one by.

V isit for www london-sta dium co m upcoming Leg ends Tours

Great Days Out
14 P h o t o g r a g h : w w w k i l i a n o s u l i v a n c o m

Explore Horace Walpole’s beautifully restored 18th centur y Gothic castle and garden.

Guided Tours of this award-winning house run all year, Monday - Friday A visit can be tailored to your needs and includes complimentary admission for your guide.

tours@strawberr yhillhouse org uk 020 8744 1241

268 Waldegrave Road, Twickenham, TW1 4ST strawberr yhillhouse org uk


Experience Our Fully Guided Stadium Tour

Go behind the scenes at London Stadium

Historic London 2012

Olympic venue

Home to West Ham United and UK Athletics

See the changing room,indoor running track, players’ tunnel, pitch side and much more

Enjoy beautiful parklands in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

Ideal for individuals and groups |

@londonstadium | #londonstadiumtours

Covent Garden’s historic indoor Jubilee Market has plenty to o er groups for a fabulous shopping trip

You can also book our 45-minute guided walking tour of Covent Garden and include a refreshments package

S H O P P I N G G U I D E D TO U R S G R O U P D I S CO U N TS E V E N TS S N AC K B A R R E STAU R A N T i n fo @ j u b i l e e m a r ke t .co. u k www. j u b i l e e m a r ke t .co. u k @ j u b i l e e m a r ke t @ j u b i l e e m a r ke t @ j u b i l e e m a r ke t 75

North E ast

e North E ast has spawned brilliant people, inventions and innovations, you would be well advised to go and investigate, you ’ ll be amazed at the plethora of things to do and see.

bridg es to boot Stare in wonder at one of the larg est water features of its kind - e Grand Cascade - with captivating half hourly water displays.

Father Christmas !

A g arden with a conscience

Bamburg h

e King o f Ca stles

And it truly is ! Perched atop a rocky outcrop at the heart of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beaut y Bamburg h Castle reigns supreme over the surrounding landscape and seascape With outstanding views landward to the Cheviot Hills and seaward to the Farne Islands and L indisfarne it offers a feast for the eyes to behold. As for Eng lishness, there’s been something here from the time of the Ang lo -Sa xons, it was from here that Christianit y spread throug hout the North of Eng land, it’s because of here that L indisfarne is now known as the Holy Island It was the first castle in Eng land to be besieg ed by canon fire, it was home to the world’s first Coastg uard station and the development of the first ever lifeboat. Finally boug ht in 1864 for £8000 it was restored as the quintessential Eng lish castle by one of Eng land’s greatest inventors and philanthropists, 1st Lord Armstrong Now groups can explore the State

Rooms, discovering thousands of items in a collection containing furniture, porcelain, works of art, arms and armour

A separate museum tells the stor y of 1st Lord Armstrong and contains fascinating Aviation artefacts displays

e café provides a welcome rest stop for all and there’s ample parking for coaches

For more details see the website www. bamburghca

Alnwick Gardens

Once a forg otten, derelict plot, e Alnwick Garden is now one of the world’s most ambitious contemporar y g ardens. It has a wonderful combination of themed g arden spaces, quirky features and play areas.

One such area is e Poison Garden, where specialist g uides take visitors on a journey of discover y, elaborating on the dang erous and sinister side of plants. Feast your eyes on Europe’s larg est wooden Treehouse, comprising of a firstclass restaurant, café and wobbly

emed g ardens such as e Rose Garden, with over 300 David Austin rose bushes resulting in thousands of blooms and perg olas that are adorned with honeysuckle and clematis, and e Ornamental Garden, with one of the larg es collections of European plants in the UK , designed as a series of small ‘ rooms ’ , beautifully framed by hedg es, trees and shrubs

As you would expect, e Garden evolves throug h the seasons. Spring , sees e Garden come to life, and no more so than e Cherr y Orchard, with the larg est collection of Tai haku cherr y blossom trees outside of Japan ; summer provides an aesthetic majest y of colour and fragrance, throug hout the site ; autumn introduces a transition from warm to cold weather with g old and rust coloured leaves ; and winter is accompanied by their Christmas Market, a Skating Rink, Festive Lunches, Aernoon Teas, and the ‘ real’

e Alnwick Garden is not simply a visitor attraction, it is a communit y focused charit y with a vision to offer inspiration and enrichment to people in all stag es of their lives.

groups@alnwi ck garden co m

Binchester R oman Fort

Binchester Roman Fort g ives you an insig ht into what life was like for the Romans in Count y Durham Explore the exceptionally well-preser ved remains of not just one but two bath-houses One lies inside the fort and has one of the most intact hypocaust (underfloor) heating systems in the whole of Britain e protective structure over this bath-house was replaced in 2018 by a more sturdy successor which features improved interpretation and decoration e other bathhouse lies outside the fort and is even better preser ved with walls still standing to a heig ht of more than two metres (six feet) above Roman floor level.

Find out why taking a bath in Roman times was about more than just g etting clean Walk in the footsteps of Roman soldiers within the remains of the commanding officer's housesee if you can find the 'Beast of Binchester' among the ruins

ww w.durham.g

Great Days Out 16

North West

e vibrant cities of Manchester and Liver pool are included in this most varied of regions, not to mention e Lakes, breathtaking scener y, cr ystal clear lakes,picture post card villages, what are you waiting for?

No visit to the cit y of Liverpo ol i s complete without a visit to Anfield Stad ium, home o f L iverpo ol Fo otball Club

If you ’ re visiting as part of a group, they offer discounted group rates plus one group leader and coach driver space free of charg e. You’ll g et the ser vices of a dedicated Groups Manag er who’ll help plan your visit and provide a bespoke packag e to suit your groups individual needs ere’s also free coach parking nearby

D uring e LFC Stadium Tour, visitors will :

Enjoy epic views of the Anfield pitch and cit y landscape from the top level of the Main Stand V isit the state-of-the-art Home Team dressing room. Practice their inter view technique in the Press Room Pass under the is Is Anfield sign.

Take a spine-ting led walk down the Players' Tunnel Get the chance for a photo in Klopp's seat in the Dug out. Enjoy more photo opportunities of the pitch and Main Stand from e Kop.

Tickets include entr y to the Club's interactive museum e L iverpool FC Stor y, with nearly 130 years of Club histor y plus all the silver ware including all six European trophies

You’ll also see the Club’s latest exhibition, e Boom Room : e Epic Stor y of Jürg en Klopp's Dream Team is unique display pays homag e to the players and all who

contributed to the success of the 2019/20 season It showcases memorabilia and the personalities of world class footballing talent, it g ives a unique exploration into the DNA of this historic team. A must see for all L iverpool FC fans

•Free coach parking at Stanley Park Car Park

•Coach drop o ff po int Walton Breck ro ad

•For group enquiri es plea se email groupto urs@li verpo or call 0151 906 1817

Windermere La ke Cruises

V isitors will mar vel as they g lide by stunning winter landscapes in the heart of the Lake District while sipping a “winter warmer ” in the heated cabin of a Windermere launch ose warmers include coffee, brandy or even a hot chocolate with a hint of rum! Windermere Lake Cruises is a three-time finalist at the British Coach Tourism Awards and has won top honours twice in recent years.

Attractive incentives for all prebooked groups and their coach drivers are in-place at the Boatman’s Café in Bowness where a variet y of Windermere cruises depart

For passeng ers, these include 10% discount vouchers for the café and g i shop, along with new menus, table ser vice and toilet facilities.

For drivers and group g uides, the attraction offers free parking , group rates, a voucher for refreshments and the opportunit y to purchase local

g is at a reduced rate to re-sell to passeng ers

In efforts to make visits by larg e groups as easy as possible for org anisers, Windermere Lake Cruises has its ‘ Transport Trio’ offer which includes a fascinating visit to its sisterattraction Lakeland Motor Museum and incorporates a steam train journey with Lakeside and Haverthwaite Steam R ailway.

ere are over 30 hand-picked itineraries for groups involving partnerships with local attractions so you can find the perfect group packag e to meet your interests, budg et and

timing s

Attractions Windermere Lake Cruises partners with include e Lakes Aquarium, e World Of Beatrix Potter Attraction and e National Trust’s Hill Top venue. Group visits to Windermere offer a unique experience to create lasting memories and encourag e return visits

V isit Windermere Lake Cruises website and download the Groups Brochure for full details

ww w.windermerelake roups

Great Days Out 18

S outh E ast

e South E ast is an ideal destination for a day trip, short break or holiday. Stretching om Kent in the east, to Dorset in the west, and up to Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire in the north, South E ast England wraps around London offering easy access to the capital with its great transport links.

D isco ver D over, Deal and Sandwi ch

With unforg ettable landscapes, rich heritag e and fantastic hospitalit y, all within easy reach of London and mainland Europe, White Cliffs Countr y is home to the characterful towns of Deal, Dover and Sandwich, prett y villag es and more than 20 miles of spectacular coastline Bring your groups to explore their seaside walks, breathtaking views, world-class attractions, quirky museums, cosy pubs, top -notch restaurants and lovely places to stay e iconic White Cliffs and historic seaside Dover are world-famous. e lovely maritime town of Deal is unspoilt with amazing histor y, quaint houses and pubs. e beautiful town of Sandwich is one of the most well-preser ved medieval towns in Britain and home of the humble sandwich! 2023 is Eng land’s Year of the Coast and the perfect time to discover their amazing walking , sailing , c ycling , g olf and sig htseeing , as well as exhilarating RIB rides, wakeboarding and wildlife watching . Nationally and internationally significant, they have over 100 visitor attractions, 57 conser vation areas, 48 ancient monuments, 30 walking routes, 9 c ycle trails and hundreds of beautiful open spaces.

is is just a snapshot of wonderful White Cliffs Countr y eir team can provide you with advice and support and develop bespoke itineraries to match the interests

and needs of your group.

Find out more : Do ver V isitor Information Centre T 01304 201066 E vic@dover go v uk www whitecli ffscountr y org uk

Bluebell R ailway

2023 bring s an exciting year ahead at the Bluebell, with at least one new locomotive in ser vice, the completion of various refurbishments and restorations of rolling stock, and building s, not to mention the return of the Branch L ine Gala aer a couple of years ey look for ward to welcoming the Flying Scotsman, in its centenar y year where it will be spending time at the railway, and operating on a variet y of ser vices

As ever, popular events such as their beer festival, and festive celebrations will be making a welcome return as will the ever popular dining trains Group visits will as always be

available, and they have a member of their team who will liaise with tour operators to ensure the visit is tailor-made to suit the clients.

www bluebell-railway co m

Canterbur y Cathedral

Canterbur y Cathedral Offers Group Catering Options for Any Budg et Less than an hour from London by train, UNESCO World Heritag e Site Canterbur y Cathedral is the jewel in Kent’s crown Always popular with groups, Canterbur y Cathedral has a rang e of refreshments available to enhance any visit Options rang ing from buffet sandwich lunches, cream teas or tea and cake are on offer for group sizes between 15-40 and will be ser ved to your group in a private room in the Cathedral’s new V isitor Centre which offers amazing views of the Cathedral and Precinct Gardens.

ose wishing to cater for a larg er group or provide a more bespoke offering can enjoy ever ything from three-course lunches, full aernoon teas and a rang e of bespoke options including drinks receptions, ser ved at Canterbur y Cathedral’s on site hotel and conference centre, Cathedral Lodg e

With new exhibitions, a rang e of themed g uided tours for groups and group refreshmentoptions, there has never been a better time for groups to enjoy a great day out1400 years in the making

For more information or to discuss group catering please visit

ww w canterbur y- cathedral o rg

Bombay Sapphire

Discover the exquisite world of Bombay Sapphire and visit the world’s most sustainable g in distiller y, nestled in the beautiful Hampshire countr yside

Uncover the secrets of Bombay Sapphire g in with their tours, tasting s and cocktail masterclasses

To bo ok

ema ilbombaysapphire com /d istiller y

Leeds Castle

Immerse yourself in the world of Leeds Castle's seven historic queens, as you are taken you on an untold journey throug h Medieval and Tudor times

Great Days Out


Steamingthrough Sussex

it’ s morre than just a train ride

Travel back in time across the stunning Sussex High Weald, area of outstanding natural beauty on one of Britain’s oldest heritage railway lines.

What’s there to do?

• Live steam trains up to 150 years old

• 4 Beautiful stations in various period decor

• SteamWorks! Interactive learning zone

• A full range of dining trains

• is ee vets tt te e

• Licensed bar & restaurant ‘Bessemer Arms’

• Free parking on-site & mainline rail access

• Museum and various shops

What’s on at Bluebell in 2023

• f e f ii tis ii fte es e ii is

• e ste ii i veis

• ie ee eee

• i ts t ete isit

• teits t festive tis

e e e e e s t i v e v e t

Gied, educated, cultured and intellig ent conversationalists, these women were born and raised to marr y Eng lish Monarchs

Queens with Means is a cinematic experience which g ives back the voices of their seven historic queens, including Katherine of Arag on, as they reveal their true stories, in their own voices.

As the queens hold court in the Gatehouse, the latest video -

mapping technolog y and unique lig hting , sound and visual effects have been used to create a compelling and empathic journey, as the queens step out of the shadows of histor y

e experience will last approximately 7 minutes, where g uests will then be invited to delve into the histor y of the Castle, before they experience Lady Baillie’s 1930s countr y house retreat

www le eds-castle com

Leeds Castle in Kent offers something for groups to experience ever y day Discover themed events, falconr y displays, themed tours of the Castle for groups to pre-book.

01622 765400

Spotlight on ... Ox fordshire

Oxfordshire is a must-visit destination in England , with plenty of activities to offer

Explore the historic city of Oxford , visit the stunning Blenheim Palace, or take a walk in the picturesque Cotswolds. Don't forget to indulge in some local cuisine and cra beer too!

Bo dleian Li braries

A trip to Oxford is incomplete without a visit to the world famous Bodleian L ibraries. e

Bodleian L ibrar y dates back to 1488, with the librar y, as it stands today, opening in 1602 by Sir omas Bodley. In its reading rooms g enerations of famous scholars have studied throug h the ag es, among st them monarchs, Nobel Prize winners, British Prime Ministers and writers including Oscar Wilde, C.S. Lewis and J.R .R . Tolkien.

Explore the histor y of the librar y with the experienced tour g uides on the g uided tours.

Additionally, join the only official Universit y of Oxford Walking Tour with professional and qualified g uides.

To bo ok call +44(0) 1865 287400, ema il tours@bodleian.ox. ac.u k

Blenheim Palace and Waterp err y Gardens are t wo of the mo st beautiful and historic sites in Oxfordshire, UK

Blenheim Palace is a stunning baroque countr y house located in Woodstock Built in the early 18th centur y, it was the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill and is now a UNESCO World Heritag e Site

e palace boasts 2,000 acres of landscaped g ardens, a lake, and a maze V isitors can explore the State Rooms, the Churchill Exhibition, and take a g uided tour of the palace

Waterperr y Gardens, located nearby, is a horticultural haven

e g ardens feature an ornamental g arden, herbaceous border, and a rose g arden It is a popular spot for g arden enthusiasts, with courses and workshops offered in horticulture, g arden design, and floristr y.

Both Blenheim Palace and Waterperr y Gardens are open year-round and offer a variet y of events and activities From outdoor concerts and festivals to workshops and exhibitions, there is always something to see and do

For more information on Blenheim Palace, visit their website at w ww blenheimpa lace co m.

To learn more about Waterperr y Gardens and their events and workshops, visit their website at w ww.waterperr .

Great Days Out 22
s h u t t e r s t o c k J u i a S T
Discover the Home of Bombay Sapphire in Hampshire Laverstoke Mill | Whitchurch | Hampshire | RG28 7NR Book your experience today: @ b o m b a y d i s t i l l e r y @ h o m e o f b o m b a y @ h o m e o f b o m b a y E m a i l g r o u p s @ b o m b a y s a p p h i r e c o m Oxford’s must-see destination Discover 5oo years of history To book call +44 (0)1865 287400 or email tours@bodleian ox ac uk To nd out more go to T O U R S | E X H I B I T I O N S | C A F É | S H O P S

S outh West

Stately homes, glorious gardens, heritage railways, animal attractions, fabulous beaches the south west is an area that could provide 365 great days out

With adventure play zones, alpaca trekking experience, shops, café’s and restaurants it is the destination of choice for visitors to Cornwall and Plymouth alike Countr yside, beaches and an extraordinar y rebuilt Tudor house all sit in 865 acres of the most spectacular Grade 1 listed landscape

or visit the family collection, painting s, tapestries, furniture, sculptures and a fascinating exhibitions in the House. Mount Edg cumbe is the perfect day out in all weathers

Mount Edg cumbe is a place of ancient barrows, mystical woodland, beautiful formal

g ardens, listed monuments, battle sites, forts, chapels and holy wells dotted along a remote coastline above secret beaches and smug g lers’ coves

You can enjoy disk g olf, Seg way adventure in the great outdoors ; explore creativit y at the blacksmiths and weaving workshop with retail therapy all available in the Barrow Centre

A place of beauty and tranquillity

The monks welcome you to their home and hope you find, peace and tranquillit y here. Groups welcome, to book Groups: 01364 645532 or Accommodation: 01364 645630 and quote GDOG23

Great Days Out 24
Mount Edgecombe
Check our website for latest o ers and events B u c k f a s t A b b e y s a r e g s t e r e d C h a r t y N o 2 3 2 4 9 7 Abbey Church • Working Monaster y • Exhibition • Gardens • Shops • Restaurant • Hotel & Conference Centre Well behaved dogs on shor t leads welcome B u c k f a s t Ab b ey, B u c k f a s t l e i g h , D evo n TQ 1 1 0 E E • www. b u c k f a s t. o rg. u k FREE ENTRY F R E E PA R K I N G •

So why not join the smug g lers, pirates, V iking s, Armada’s, visiting Royalt y, painters, explorers and writers who have enjoyed this place and come along to visit Mount Edg cumbe this year ?

For further information about group booking s or the events and exhibitions taking place this year at the park, please visit their website at www mountedgcumbe gov uk or follow them on Facebook and Instagram


passeng er-carr ying trains on a mile long route throug h the grounds, over bridg es, throug h steep -sided cutting s and a long , dark tunnel ! ere are also larg e outside play areas, a mini-g olf course, a wildway walk with stunning views and an interactive exhibition

Ticket entr y includes access to the award-winning g ardens, the new model railway exhibition, PECO model shop and a train ride. Extra rides can be purchased on the day and this year, the attraction is also offering membership for

Benedictine Monks Located on the picturesque banks of the River Dart on the edg e of Dartmoor National Park, the Abbey is a haven of peace and tranquillit y

Renowned for its stunning Abbey Church with its dramatic Lantern Ceiling , and its extensive grounds and g ardens, visitors can also enjoy recitals of choral and org an music by internationally renowned choirs and org anists ; as well as the delicious lunches and cream teas offered in e Grang e Restaurant Even larg er groups can enjoy

newly refurbished Schiller Hall ( part of St Cuthbert’s Conference Centre) is an inspirational space for hosting and is capable of catering for up to 120 deleg ates

For long er stays, visitors can explore the surrounding countr yside from the comfort of the attractive and comfortable 33-bedroom on-site Hotel –

Northg ate House

Accommodation in Grang ehurst House, a fi y-bed group accommodation block, is also available, offering an ideal base for groups taking part in activit y holidays, such as

Pecorama is one of Devon ’ s leading tourist attractions – set hig h on the hillside above the picturesque fishing villag e of Beer. V isitors can expect a great day out for all the family, enjoying award-winning g ardens, stunning sea views, home-made food and a selection of refreshments from food and drink outlets en, take a ride on arg uably Britain’s finest 7.25 inch railway, where a fleet of steam locomotives pull

fantastic value, as well as booking s for children’s birthday parties, and larg er groups www.pecorama

Buckf ast Abbey

Free to enter, the historic monaster y of Buckfast Abbey, founded in 1018 and rebuilt stone-by-stone on its medieval foundations between 1906 and 1937, is home to a working communit y of Roman Catholic

finding individual contemplation and quiet when strolling throug h the Abbey ’ s grounds. Buckfast Abbey can arrang e bespoke tailormade tours, booking is essential

e Abbey also has three shops which offer an extensive rang e of items produced by monasteries all over the world, from g is, cards and books, to food and drink . For events and meeting s, the

Easily accessible from Exeter, Plymouth, and many other surrounding areas, Buckfast Abbey is conveniently located just off the A38 Devon Expressway. Open between 10am – 4:30pm and there is ample free parking for coaches and cars


Great Days Out 26
canoeing , rambling and fishing .








For £19.95 ge t e ntr y to Pecorama a n d have a deliciou s Devon C rea m Tea on ou r beautifull y restored O rion Pullman c arria ge f rom t he 1950s

For £2 4.95 ge t e ntr y to Pecorama a n d have a decaden t H ig h Tea of f reshl y made s andwiche s an d c ake s on ou r O rion Pullma n c arriage or for £29. 95 you c a n have t he a bove w it h a g las s of s parkling!

For g rou p booking s p lease c all : 01297 21542 email: i nfo@pe k



Celebrate the North York shire Mo ors R a ilway's 50th Anniversar y with a scenic journey through the North York Mo ors Nati onal Park

It's time to start planning for 2023 and explore the beautiful North York Moors National Park on board the North Yorkshire Moors R ailway, one of the UK ' s most popular heritag e railways. is year, the NYMR celebrates its 50th

out on this unforg ettable journey and the opportunit y to celebrate the NYMR's 50th Anniversar y

nymr co uk/groups

Dales Countr yside Museum

Dales Countr yside Museum, Hawes, shares the stories of the people and landscape of the Yorkshire Dales.

ey ’ re free for kids, tickets last

Hawes, Wensleydale and the wider Yorkshire Dales a special one www da lescountr ysidemuseum org uk

Bolto n Castle Launch

R evitali se d Herb Gardens for 2023

Bolton Castle open their revitalised and refreshed medieval herb g ardens from 18 March Held uniquely in the same family’ s ownership for over 600 years, Bolton Castle, near Leyburn in Wensleydale, includes a walled vineyard and

and ‘Mag ic & Myth’ with over 100 different t ypes of plants that mig ht well have orig inally been grown at Bolton Castle in medieval times.

Set at the foot of the southfacing castle walls, herbs and plants were grown for ver y specific uses, both culinar y and medicinal An A to Z of the plants is now featured on the Bolton Castle website providing visitors and g arden and histor y lovers with Elizabeth’s research which has come up with some fascinating results. Know your vulnerar y from your culinar y ! Check out the website

Anniversar y, so don't miss out on this special occasion!

e NYMR offers a hig hqualit y, safe and authentic railway experience, with discounts on standard fares for groups of 20 or more, including reser ved seating . e 24-mile route offers stunning scener y and iconic locations, such as heather moorlands, ancient market towns and steam-era stations, such as Goathland Station which was used in the film, Harr y Potter and the Philosopher ’ s Stone.

Trains run daily from 27 March to 5 November 2023 Group booking s can be made by calling 01751 477700 or by emailing grouptravel@nymr co uk for preferential rates Don't miss

all week and with an Annual Pass you can come and enjoy making memories tog ether all year round Take time out having fun exploring their family friendly g alleries, kids Creation Station on the carriag es, chang ing exhibitions and outdoor trail. Learn something new at one of their events or experience days Rela x and recharg e with great coffee and cake at the Firebox café and then browse their Distinctly Dales shop to find a little piece of the Dales to take home.

ey are a National Park Museum and V isitor Centre, so their welcoming staff will g o over and above to help you find out all you need to know to make your visit to the Museum,

Mar y Garden, D yer ’ s Garden, Rose Garden and maze

Gardener Elizabeth Carter, has spent the last five years thoroug hly researching medieval plants, drawing on information from hundreds of websites, books and manuscripts and then completely re-planting the Herb Garden Set out as a ‘physic g arden’, there are also borders dedicated to ‘Poisons & Plag ue ’

Bolton Castle Gardens access to Elizabeth’s extraordinar y enc yclopedia of planting s at Bolton Castle

Bolton Ca stle and gardens is op en for the full summer sea son from 18 March 2023 For ticket prices and the 2023 e vents ’ pro gramme, please visit ww w boltoncastle co uk

Great Days Out 28
P h o t o g r a p h : J o h n H u n t
An area thats greatest treasure is the sheer variet y of glorious landscapes, historic places and picture per fect villages and towns.
2023 DailyServices27Mar -5Nov! B o o k N ow T: 01751 47770 0 E : grou p t rave l @ k/groups EXPERIENC E 24 M ILE S O F YOR K S HIRE’ S A MAZIN G S CENERY The Nort h Yorkshire Moors R ailway is one of t he world’s greatest heritage experiences wit h thrills and f amily fun at it s heart . Let your group climb on board a steam or heritage diesel train on one of t he most historic lines in t he U K. EXPERIENCE 24 MILES OF REDUCED RATE FARES FOR GROUPS OF 20+ DALES COUNTRYSIDE MUSEUM Dales Countryside Museum, Station Yard, Hawes, North Yorkshire DL8 3NT 01969 666210 0 of 10+ people bene it f The Dales Countryside Museum, housed in Hawes’ former Victorian railway station, is a hidden gem at the heart of the YorkshireDales. The Museum is coach, pushchair and wheelchair friendly. Assistance dogs are welcomed. Groups of 10+ people bene it from a discount on entry and the Museum is free for children. The Museum includes National Park Centre and Tourist Information. Opening times Open daily 10am to 5pm February to October, 10am to 4pm November and December. Closed Christmas Eve to Boxing Day and throughout January. Last entry is an hour before closing time. Relax in five tranquil acres Enjoy stunning and colourful floral displays Discover our heritage apple collections Eat at The Vine House Café Plant Centre and Gift Shop follow us on: D E Q www helmsleywalledgarden org uk


Wales for Groups - Cymru ar grwpiau, Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham, Snowdon mountains and the Brecon Beacons.Heritage R ailways and more castles than you can shake a stick at, it’s all here, time for a visit.

L lanca iach Fawr Manor

L lancaiach Fawr Manor is a L iving Histor y Museum

V isitors step back in time, and enter the Manor restored and furnished as it was in 1645 when local alleg iances chang ed from King to Parliament e 17th centur y ser vants are always thrilled to show off their fine house and have a g ood g ossip Histor y is broug ht to life, ordinar y people who lived in extraordinar y times explain and talk about the folklore and superstition, which ruled their lives Daytime and evening tours can be arrang ed for groups (minimum of 20) and a wide rang e of catering options are also available including hot and cold buffets, aernoon tea , car ver y, historic menu, or 2

5 course meals. For menu prices and options, please call their catering manag er ey would be delig hted to tailor your group visit ( historical or paranormal ) to your needs, based upon travel times and group size. e coach driver is entitled to free admission to the Manor and a meal. ere is ample coach parking onsite and they are just minutes away from the main A470

To make a boo king or for more information plea se call

reception on 01443 412248

e R oya l Mint

e Royal Mint has been the home of UK Coin production for over 1100 years.

With some of the most talented coin designers and crasmanship in the world, they pride themselves on creating beautiful and unique coins

Your visit always starts with a behind the scenes tour of their circulating coin facilit y where you can witness coins being struck for up to 60 countries worldwide as well as the UK Back for 2023 is the popular Urban markets Join them on the last Saturday of each month and enjoy over 30 stalls selling locally produced items, from fresh delicious sweet treats to handmade cras and great g i ideas

ey have some fantastic events throug hout the year to commemorate special occasions Be sure to keep an eye out for these either online or ask their trade team for information. However they understand how important it is for you to create bespoke and unique trips so if there is anything in particular you would like ? Maybe a deluxe aernoon tea for your group or an evening tour with dinner then please just contact the team ey can even arrang e

exclusive talks and presentation from the museum team, really adding the wow factor to your visit

ey would love to welcome you and your g uests eir

dedicated team are there to look aer you and can be contacted on Gro ups@roya Group R ates start from just £10pp and you can book now for 2024.

Great Days Out 30
• Ca • Bwyty • Siop Anrhegion • Arddangosfa a Gerddi • Café • Restaurant • Gift Shop • Exhibition and Gardens Histor y brought to life Hanes wedi’i atg yfodi • w w w . l l a n c a i a c h f a w r . c o . u k / c y • • w w w . l l a n c a i a c h f a w r . c o . u k • 1 7 5 5 3

Cyfarthfa P k

Just off the A470 at Merthyr

@VisitCyfarthfa #DiscoverCyfarthfa

@VistCyfar thfa #DiscoverCyfar thfa


Look out for our new walks, talks and workshops! Visit:

Look out for our new walks, talks and workshops!

R hondda Cynon Taf

If you ’ re looking for unique places to visit with groups, look no further than Rhondda Cynon Taf in South Wales.

Nestled between the Brecon Beacons and Cardiff, Rhondda Cynon Taf is home to some of

the most entertaining venues in the UK ey have histor y, heritag e, culture and more than a touch of adventure all within the ver y scenic mountains and valleys V isit A Welsh Coal Mining Experience at Rhondda Heritag e Park and listen as the ex-coal miner tour g uides take you underground and tell tales

of mining life from an era when coal from the Rhondda powered the world. In addition to the tour, there are fascinating interactive exhibitions and the café is a perfect place to stop for refreshments

A Welsh Coal Mining Experience is also part of the unique Coin, Coal and Cheers packag e for group travel operators ree of South Wales’ leading attractions have joined forces to create Coin,

Coal and Cheers which includes tours at A Welsh Coal Mining Experience, the Royal Mint Experience and Hensol Castle Distiller y

For information on this particular packag e, please ca ll 01443 682036

For further informati on o n A Welsh Co al Mining Exp erience at Rhondda Heritage Park, please visit www.rhonddaherita gepark .c om

Great Days Out 32
Enjoy a tour and market for just £10pp. Available 10am till 2pm 2023 Markets at the Mint Last Saturday of ever y month! T H E O R I G I N A L M A K E R ® Discover more at royal m i i nt- e xperience/group-visits/ | 0333 241 2223 Award winning attraction Behind the scenes tour Over 1100 years of history in our exhibition e only o cial Royal Mint gift shop On site cafe serving delicious snacks, meals and cakes
The Black Gold Experience Underground Guided Tour Take the tour and listen to fascinating tales of mining life. DRAM! Enjoy the thrill of riding a runaway coal dram with our virtual experience DRAM! Mwynhewch y cyffro o reidio mewn dram glo sydd wedi rhedeg gyda'n profiad rhithwir
Bracchi Our on site café offers meals, cakes, coffees and is perfect for a group travel pit stop! Caffe Bracchi Mae ein caffi ar y safle yn cynnig prydau, teisennod a diodydd ac mae'n lle perffaith i ymlacio gyda gweddill y grŵp. Lleoliad gwobrwyol sy'n addas i deuluoedd sy'n gartref i: Taith Dan Ddaear yr Aur Du Ewch ar y daith a gwrando ar atgofion diddorol glöwr EWCH I VISIT The award winning family venue which is home to: AM DDIM / FREE TREHAFOD 01443 682036 Holwch ni am y daith gyffrous 'Arian, Glo ac Iechyd Da' (Coin, Coal and Cheers) sydd gyda ni gyda Phrofiad y Bathdy Brenhinol a Distyllfa Castell Hensol Ask us about the exciting Coin, Coal and Cheers package that we have with the Royal Mint Experience and Hensol Castle Distillery.
2023&2024NOWONSALE G R E
O R Why not join the hundreds of groups that travel with us ever y year and discover all the benefits of Daish’s Holidays for yourself. Groups Groups F R E E places for groups over 20 people A choice of 12 fantastic hotels spread across 10 locations Great value half board breaks including nightly enter tainment Fleet of 26 luxur y coaches to provide comfor table travel Dedicated groups team to suppor t you from booking to ar rival Over 40 years of award winning customer ser vice All our hotels are accredited as COVID safe under the Visit Britain good to go scheme @daishs4groups Call 01202 638 841 or visit Get in touch with us Today! Isle of W ight Bour nemouth Newquay Weymouth Blackpool Llandudno Torquay Eastbour ne Lake District Scarborough

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.